Why Is Jesus From The Tribe Of Judah

Why Is Jesus The Lion Of Judah? – Cities Church

Apocalyptic events, such as the end of history and Christ’s second coming, are described in the Bible’s last book, Revelation. “Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome,” we read in Revelation 5:5, referring to Jesus: ” Jesus is referred to be the Lion of Judah. And today, when we reach the conclusion of the Joseph tale (as well as the climax of the entire book of Genesis) in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, we will be able to discover why this is the case. What does it mean to be “the Lion of the tribe of Judah”?

According to what we’ve learned over the last several weeks, Judah and Joseph were brothers who were sons of Jacob, along with eight other siblings.

However, Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son, and he was born to Jacob’s favorite wife, Rachel.

In fact, they were so envious of him that they sold him into slavery and gave Jacob the idea that Joseph was no longer alive.

  1. He worked at the home of a guy named Potiphar, and he proved to be so capable that Potiphar appointed him as the head of his household.
  2. However, even in prison, God’s favor was upon him, and he was soon elevated to the position of prison superintendent.
  3. Genesis 37–50 is mostly concerned with Joseph.
  4. This incident has enormous ramifications for the history of God’s people, as well as for the ultimate king of God’s people.


So, let’s take a look at this narrative, which may be known to many, but let’s look at it from a new perspective: from the perspective of Judah.

1) Remember Judah’s glaring flaws.

It wasn’t only that Judah was one of the ten brothers who lusted after and plotted against Joseph; in fact, it was Judah who urged that they sell Joseph into slavery (for profit): Genesis 37:26–27 (NASB) In response to his brothers’ question, Judah responded, “What is the point of killing our brother and concealing his blood?” So let us sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay any hand on him, for he is our brother and our own flesh.’ And his brothers paid attention to what he was saying.” Judah does speak out in order to save Joseph from being slain, but for what reason?

  • In order to make money.
  • “Come on, let’s get him sold.” And Judah is victorious in the end.
  • Judah’s moral decline is chronicled in Chapter 38, particularly in connection to his niece Tamar, and culminates in his admittance of his wickedness and deceit at the close of the chapter (38:26).
  • Genesis 38 serves as a reminder that we must pay close attention to the tribe of Judah.
  • There are at least two possible explanations for this.

As a result, the beginnings of Joseph and Judah’s lives are diametrically opposed. However, there is another purpose for this: it serves to prepare us for what we will witness in Judah in chapters 43–44. So, first and foremost, keep in mind Judah’s obvious shortcomings.

2)Mark Judah’s pledge of safety.

Jacob sends his sons to Egypt to look for food amid a famine, according to Genesis 42. Joseph recognizes them and sends them home with food, but Simeon is held until they return with Benjamin, Joseph’s full brother, and then Simeon is returned to Joseph (the only other son of Rachel). Jacob, who has already lost one of his favorite sons, is adamant that Benjamin not be allowed to go. But Judah takes the initiative, and now there is a conflict between him and Reuben, with Judah taking the good side this time.

  • That’s a bad concept, to be honest!
  • The answer is “no,” answers Jacob, “I will not put my confidence in you with my son.” In Genesis 43:8–9, Judah, on the other hand, adopts a different strategy.
  • You will be able to obtain him from my hand.
  • Judah’s character is commendable.
  • “Let your curse be on me, my son,” virtuous Rebecca assures her son Jacob in Genesis 27:13, “Let your curse be on me, my son.” Jacob accepts and gives Judah the responsibility of looking after Benjamin.
  • However, they are apprehended from behind by an Egyptian who claims that someone has stolen Joseph’s silver cup.
  • Why does Joseph give Benjamin five times the portions, and why does Joseph conceal a silver cup in Benjamin’s knapsack, are two crucial topics to consider.

The two questions point in the same direction as one another: Joseph is getting ready to administer an exam.

And is given preferential treatment in Egypt.

Moreover, given the fact that such silver cups were used to see into the future (Genesis 44:5), would the brothers suspect that Benjamin was attempting to emulate Joseph’s “dreamer” status?

Will they forsake Benjamin in the same way that they abandoned Joseph more than two decades ago?

The brothers return to Joseph, and Judah takes the stage to deliver the longest speech in the whole book of Genesis, as well as the book’s climax.

Because of this, no one accompanied Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers.” (45:1) This is one of the most dramatic and emotionally charged scenes in all of Scripture.

And the brothers are afraid of each other.

Take a look at 45:4–9: “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in Egypt.

Because the famine has been in the country for the past two years, and there are still five years left in which there will be no plowing or harvesting to look forward to.

So it was God, not you, who directed me to this location.

Go up to my father and tell him, ‘Thus says your son Joseph, God has elevated me to the position of master of all Egypt.'” Joseph has a remarkable ability to be God-centered.

” I was sent by God.” “He elevated me to the position of father to Pharaoh.” In the eyes of God, I am the ruler of all Egypt.

“You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good,” says the excellent summation phrase (which, in my opinion, is the finest one-verse summary of Genesis) in the final chapter: “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20).

The fact that God had a purpose in it does not in any way imply that the brothers’ conduct were not bad.

“” Indeed yet, even in the face of evil — and, in many cases, it appears, especially in the face of evil, as we have seen throughout the book of Genesis — God is in command.

The brothers are consoled by Joseph’s assurance that he sees what God was working for good even though they intended ill, and that, as a result of his God-centeredness, he is capable of really forgiving them for their bad intents and wrongdoing against him.

Rather than demonstrating envy, Judah’s assurance of safety and willingness to bear Benjamin’s responsibility exhibits love, and it reveals to Joseph that he, along with his brothers, has matured.

When given the opportunity to replace Benjamin with someone else, Judah steps up to propose himself as a suitable replacement. This brings us to the subject of his legacy. So keep in mind Judah’s obvious shortcomings while also noting his assurance of safety.

3) Marvel at Judah’s stunning legacy.

The kingship in Israel will belong to Judah, according to Genesis 49, when Jacob comes to the end of his life and blesses his twelve sons: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him;and to him shall be the obedience of all the peoples.” (49:10) In the same way that Judah became a promise of protection for his younger brother Benjamin, the king of Israel should serve as a pledge of safety for his brothers and sisters across the world.

Similar to how Judah came to offer himself in order to free his brother rather than enslave him, God intends for his leaders to accept the cost and inconvenience, as well as the loss of personal comfort and private joy, in order to experience the greater joy that comes from meeting the needs of others.

  • Rather than being selfish, it is better to make sacrifices for others.
  • This is the heritage of Judah: not exploitation of others, but self-sacrifice for the sake of others.
  • Instead of using power to harm others, use it to benefit them.
  • Of course, the tradition of Judah extends not just to men, but also to female descendants.

The Lord has placed two Judahs before us this morning: the old Judah of chapter 38, whose words cannot be believed, whose morality has been compromised, and who uses his influence to harm others; and the new Judah of chapter 39, whose words can be trusted but whose morality has been compromised.

The Lord is asking each of us (in our homes, communities, and places of employment) to become what Judah became (no matter how sad your history has been): men who give sacrificially of themselves for the sake of others.

There are few visions in the Bible that are more pitiful than the Judah of Genesis 38.

Brothers, God created you for this, and you will feel so alive, as a man, when you push over your lethargy, your fear, and your selfishness, and live to defend others rather than to protect yourself. To put your life on the line in order to serve as a guarantee of safety for others.

Your Pledge of Safety

Nevertheless, the legacy of Judah is much more than a call for us to serve as guarantors of others’ safety. Due to our own Pledge of Safety for ourselves, we may have hope despite our obvious defects, as well as go forward to sacrifice ourselves for the welfare of others. Only one monarch, and only one individual, can be considered the ideal embodiment of Judah’s legacy: “Behold, the Lion of Judah has slain the foes of the house of Israel” (Revelation 5:5). Picture Jesus himself going to his Father and declaring concerning you, “I shall be a promise of his safety,” when we come to the Table.

  • I’ll be the one to take the fall for him.
  • One of the things that permits us to be the kinds of people who serve as promises of safety for others is that we have Jesus as our Pledge of Safety, first and foremost.
  • He is going to keep you in his grip.
  • He will take you back to his Father’s house.

Why did our Lord Jesus arise from the tribe of Judah?

Question:Why was the tribe of Judah chosen over the other tribes to be the bloodline of Jesus on earth? Response:The book of Hebrews actually makes a point of the fact that our Lord’s new high-priesthood is descended from the tribe of Judah, signaling a shift from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, since, of course, according to the Mosaic Law, all previous priests descended from the tribe of Levi (see especially Heb. chap.7-8). One of the most crucial factors in the choosing of the tribe of Judah for our Lord’s genealogy is the fact that David was a member of that tribe.

also Rev.5:5where “from the tribe of Judah” is immediately reinforced by “theroot of David”).

2Sam.7:12-16; Is.9:6-7; Jer.23:5-6).

Jn.1:14; 3:18; 1Jn.4:9), and Judah is the tribe of the first-born – by assignment (Rom.8 Because, despite the fact that Reuben was legally Jacob’s first-born son, he forfeited the double-portion rights of inheritance that would otherwise have come to him as a result of his actions – and he surrendered them to Judah (cf.

  • It is for this reason that Judah inherits the “ruler’s scepter” (Gen.49:10; cf.
  • While we are not informed explicitly why Simeon and Levi, Judah’s older brothers, were barred from taking Reuben’s position, we can assume that it had something to do with the occurrence described in Genesis chapter 34 (see below) (compare especiallyGen.34:30 with Gen.49:5-7).
  • Even though David was the youngest of Jesse’s seven sons, his passion for God and loyalty to the Lord distinguished him above all of his brothers, and as a result, he was elevated over all of his brothers, thereby becoming the first-born (for God looks on theheart: 1Sam.16:7).
  • Because it is only by wearing our crosses on a daily basis that we are able to mimic Him who is the Firstborn of all creation, our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the Firstborn of all creation.
  • Please refer to the following links as well: The Circumstances Surrounding the Birth of Jesus Christ It is important to consider the many aspects of Christ’s life (see BB 4A: Christology).
  • Is there a reason why Jesus chose John over James to look after His mother Mary?
  • In Him who humbled Himself to the point of death on the cross, as a result of which He has been exalted to the highest place and given the Name that is above every name, Jesus our Lord, we have faith.

He has been exalted to the highest place and given the Name that is above every name, Jesus our Lord. Bob L. Ichthys’s Residence

Jesus, from the tribe of Judah

Bible studies that are beneficial Chapter 7 of the Book of Hebrews Commentary

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Hebrews 7:13-14

Jacob (also known as Israel) had a total of 12 sons. Each son’s family grew larger and larger, eventually forming a large group of people known as atribe. As a result, those families became known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel. It was important to each tribe for a different reason than the others. For example, the tribe of Judah was the source of Israel’s kings. And its priests were descended from the Levite tribe. The tribe of Judah was the one who Jesus belonged to. We can see this in his family records (see Matthew 1:16 and Luke 3:23-38), as well as in his own words.

  1. In the Old Testament (the 39 books of the Bible that are older than the New Testament), we can find it in Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 11:1.
  2. Those verses may not be easy to comprehend at first.
  3. Priests in Israel, on the other hand, had to come from the tribe of Levi.
  4. God demonstrated to the people that he had chosen that tribe to be his servant (Numbers chapter 17).
  5. As a result, no one from the tribe of Judah could ever serve as a priest, with the exception of Jesus Christ.
  6. According to the laws that Moses established, he could not serve as a priest.
  7. As a result, Christ had to be a priest according to a different set of rules.

Melchizedek was a priest, despite the fact that he did not come from the tribe of Levi.

God appointed Christ to be our chief priest in accordance with the same rule as before.

Melchizedek is only significant to us because it is through him that God has taught us about Jesus.

Thank you.

Keith Simons was born in the year 2014.

Biblical family tree

Preachers have claimed that Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins, and I believe them. And if that’s the case, how could Jesus be from the tribe of Judah while John was from the tribe of Levi?” The answer to this seemingly simple question provides us with some fascinating insights into the Bible and the family of Jesus, despite the fact that the question itself appears to be rather innocuous. We can be tempted to forget that Jesus was fully human, and that He grew up surrounded by family, including brothers and sisters (probably at least seven!

  • This is especially true because of the deification of Jesus and the understanding that He was God manifested in the flesh.
  • Jesus did not grow up in a vacuum; he was surrounded by people.
  • The objective of the books of the Bible, despite the fact that they were written in and from a historical setting, is theological.
  • (See, for example, 2 Timothy 3:15-17) As a result, many things that may have been mentioned to pique the reader’s interest were omitted out since they were deemed insignificant.
  • One of these glimmers of information does, in fact, teach us that Jesus and John the Baptist were connected, despite the fact that they came from separate tribes.
  • Joseph was descended from King David through David’s son Solomon, who was himself descended from King David.
  • This double pedigree definitely established Jesus as a member of the tribe of Judah, since he was descended from both his biological mother and his adopted father.
  • The priests of Israel were all from the tribe of Levi, and they were all descended from Aaron, Moses’ brother, and were all descendants of Aaron.

According to Luke 1, however, when God spoke to Mary about the impending birth of Jesus, He provided her with a sign by telling her, “And behold, your cousin Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age.” (Luke 1:36; English Standard Version) We are informed that Mary was connected to Elizabeth, however we are not given any details about the nature of the relationship.

  1. In this case, the Greek term employed is vague, and it simply refers to a related of a certain degree or another.
  2. The Jews traced their family lines via their fathers rather than their mothers, and Jewish women were allowed to marry outside their tribe as long as their tribal inheritances were not damaged by their unions.
  3. For example, Mary’s mother may have been Elizabeth’s sister or Elizabeth’s aunt, depending on the circumstances.
  4. Although the relationship between the two families may have been more remote, Luke 1 does demonstrate a certain degree of acquaintance between the two families.
  5. The discussion between Jesus and John in Matthew 3:13-15, in which John recognizes Jesus as his moral superior, appears to indicate that they were acquainted with one another.
  6. This is a basic lesson: God did not send Jesus into the world without first providing Him with a whole family; and a dedicated, pious family at that.
  7. Luke 1:28).
  8. Matthew 1:19).
  9. If God believed that a good family was necessary for His son, how much more important do we believe it is for us to attempt to provide the same for our own children?
  10. To learn more about how the church of Christ might meet your needs, please visit us at 234 Chapel Drive in Gallipolis, Ohio, where we will be studying and worshiping.

We also encourage you to contact us through our website, chapelhillchurchofchrist.org.McAnulty, if you have any queries. The genealogy of the Bible Jonathan McAnulty is the preacher of the Chapel Hill Church of Christ in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Tribe of Judah – Wikipedia

This page is about the tribe of the Hebrews. See Tribe of Judah (musical group) for further information (band).

Tribe of Judah

Map of the twelve tribes of Israel, before the move of Dan to the North. (The text is partially in German.)
Geographical range West Asia
Major sites Hebron,Bethlehem
Preceded by New Kingdom of Egypt
Followed by Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy)

This article is about the tribe of the Hebrews in the Middle East. ‘Tribe of Judah’ is a musical group that was formed in the late 1960s (band).

Biblical account

Most scholars agree that the tribe of Judah, its conquests, and the importance of Jerusalem as the center of worship for the godYahwehfigure prominently in theDeuteronomistic history, which encompasses the books ofDeuteronomythroughII Kings, which was reduced to written form, though subject to exilic and post-exilic alterations and emendations, during the reign of the Judahist reformerJosiahfrom 6 As recorded in the Book of Joshua, after a partial conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes (the Jebusites still controlledJerusalem), Joshua divided the territory among the twelve tribes of Israelites.

  • As recounted in Joshua 15, Judah’s divinely appointed part includes the majority of the southern section of Israel’s land, including the Negev, theWilderness of Zin, and Jerusalem.
  • Other academics argue that extra-biblical allusions to Israel and Canaan provide evidence for the conquest’s possible historicity, while others disagree.
  • The tribe of Judah was identified as that tribe in the first chapter of the Book of Judges.
  • As was the case with Joshua, the majority of biblical experts do not think that the book of Judges includes historically accurate information.
  • According to Samuel’s narrative, following Saul’s death, all of Israel’s tribes, with the exception of Judah, stayed faithful to the House of Saul, while Judah selected David to be its king.
  • The Book of Kings chronicles the growth and unrivaled splendour of theUnited Monarchy under King Solomon, as told by the Bible.
  • A majority of scholars believe that the “united monarchy” never existed at all.
  • Upon the succession of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, to the throne of Israel in around 930 BCE, the ten northern tribes, led by Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim, broke away from the House of David to form the Northern Kingdom in Samaria.
  • These tribes came together to establish the Kingdom of Judah, which lasted until Judah was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BCE and the people was expelled from the country.

In spite of this, the unique religious duties assigned for the Levites and Kohanimwere kept, and Jerusalem was established as the exclusive site of prayer and sacrifice for the returning exiles, both northern and southerners alike, upon their return.

Territory and main cities

The tribe of Judah, its conquests, and the importance of Jerusalem as the center of the worship of the godYahweh are all prominent themes in the Deuteronomistic history, which encompasses the books ofDeuteronomythroughII Kings, and which most scholars agree was reduced to written form, though subject to exilic and post-exilic alterations and emendations, during the reign of the Judahist reformerJosiahfrom6 In accordance with the narrative in theBook of Joshua, after a partial conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes (the Jebusites still controlledJerusalem), Joshua divided the territory among the twelve tribes.

  • As detailed in Joshua 15, Judah’s divinely appointed part includes the majority of the southern section of Israel’s land, including the Negev, theWilderness of Zin, and the city of Jerusalem.
  • Additional evidence for the likely historicity of the conquest is provided by extra-biblical allusions to Israel and Canaan, according to several academics.
  • The tribe of Judah was identified as that tribe, according to the Book of Judges’ first chapter.
  • Most academics, as is the case with Joshua, do not believe that the book of Judges includes historically accurate information.
  • Accord to Samuel’s account, following Saul’s death, all of Israel’s tribes, with the exception of Judah, stayed faithful to the House of Saul, whilst Judah selected David to be their king.
  • Under King Solomon, the United Monarchy grew in size and splendour, and the Book of Kings depicts this growth and unsurpassed glory in detail.
  • A minority believes that the “united monarchy” did exist at all.
  • In around 930 BCE, upon the ascension of Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, the ten northern tribes, led by Jeroboam of the Tribe of Ephraim, broke away from the House of David and established the Northern Kingdom in Samaria.
  • The tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained loyal to the House of David throughout the period.
  • Remaining tribal loyalties were abandoned by the Jews after they returned from Babylonian exile, most likely due to the difficulties of reestablishing former tribe land holdings.

In spite of this, the unique religious functions prescribed for the Levites and Kohanimwere kept, and Jerusalem was established as the exclusive site of prayer and sacrifice for the returning exiles, both northern and southerners alike, when they returned.

  • In Hebrew, the Negev (south) is the southern section of the land, which was especially ideal forpasture production. Agrarian activities were carried out in the Shephelah (Hebrew:lowland), a coastal area located between the highlands and the Mediterranean Sea that was exploited for grain production. Thewilderness– the desolate territory directly adjacent to theDead Sea and belowsea level
  • It was untamed and hardly inhabitable, to the point that creatures and humans who had been deemed unwanted elsewhere, such as bears, leopards, and outlaws, chose to make it their home in the wilderness. As noted in 1 Samuel 24:1, this region was further separated into three portions – thewilderness of En Gedi(1 Samuel 24:1), thewilderness of Judah(Judges 1:16), and thewilderness of Maon(1 Samuel 23:24). This high plateau, located between the Shephelah and the wilderness, has rocky slopes but exceptionally productive soil, and it is known as the hill country. Historically, this region was known for its grain, olives, grapes, and other fruits, and as a result, it produced oil and wine.
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According to theTorah, the tribe was composed of descendants of Judah, the fourth son of Jacoband of Leah and the fourth son of Jacoband of Leah. In the opinion of some biblical historians, this is an anetiological myth that was developed in retrospect to explain the tribe’s name and relate it to the other tribes in the Israelite confederation. With Leah as its matriarch, biblical historians think that the tribe was considered by the text’s authors to be a member of the ancient Israelite confederation, which is supported by the biblical text.

Traditionally, this has been explained as a result of the southern kingdom being too far away to be involved in the battle; however, Israel Finkelstein and colleagues propose an alternative explanation, claiming that the southern kingdom was simply a minor rural backwater at the time the poem was written.


Many of the Jewish leaders and prophets of the Hebrew Bible claimed to be descended from the tribe of Judah, according to the Bible. To give an example, the biblical prophets Isaiah, Amos, Habakkuk, Joel, Micah, Obadiah, Zechariah, and Zephaniah were all descended from the tribe of Ephraim. The genealogies presented in the New Testament in Matthew 1:1–6 and Luke 3:23–34 depict Jesus as a descendant of David, Matthew throughSolomon and Luke throughNathan, respectively.


In its capacity as a constituent kingdom within Israel, Judah avoided annihilation by the Assyrians and instead was subjected to the Babylonian captivity; when this exile ended, all distinctions between the tribes were abolished in favor of a single, indivisible identity. Because Simeon and Benjamin had been very much the junior partners in the Kingdom of Judah, it was Judah that gave its name to the identity—that of the Jews—that had been given to them by the other tribes of Israel. After the destruction of Jerusalem, the region of Babylonia (modern-day Iraq) would become the focal point of Jewish existence for the next thousand years.

Following the Bar Kokhba revolution in CE 135 and for several decades afterward, a large number of Jews relocated to Babylon.

In Ethiopia’s traditions, which were recorded and elaborated in a 13th-century treatise known as the ” Kebre Negest “, it is claimed that the country’s ancestors are descended from a retinue of Israelites who returned with theQueen of Sheba from her visit to King Solomon in Jerusalem, by whom she had conceived the Solomonic dynasty’s founder, Menelik I.

See also

  1. Netanyahu, Israeli Minister of Finance Finkelstein (2002). The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Sacred Texts is a book about the discovery of the Bible. Pages. 369–373, ISBN 9780743223386
  2. Kenneth A. Kitchen, On the Reliability of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003), (ISBN0-8028-4960-1)
  3. “Apart from the rejection of the Albrightian ‘conquest’ model, the general consensus among OT scholars is that the Book of Joshua has no value in the historical reconstruction. ” They consider the book to be an ideological retrojection from a later era—either as early as the reign of Josiah or as late as the Hasmonean period,” according to the author. K. Lawson Younger, Jr. is an American businessman and philanthropist (1 October 2004). Recent Biblical Scholarship on the History of Early Israel. David W. Baker and Bill T. Arnold’s book (eds.). A Survey of Contemporary Approaches to Old Testament Studies. The Face of Old Testament Studies: A Survey of Contemporary Approaches. “It behooves us to ask, in spite of the fact that the overwhelming consensus of modern scholarship is that Joshua is a pious fiction composed by the deuteronomistic school, how does and how has the Jewish community dealt with these foundational narratives, saturated as they are with acts of violence against others?” says Baker Academic on page 200. ISBN 978-0-8010-2871-7. “Joshua, Judaism, and Genocide,” by Carl S. Ehrlich, published in 1999. p. 117 in Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Volume 1: Biblical, Rabbinical, and Medieval Studies, published by Brill under the ISBN 90-04-11554-4
  4. The evidence relating Joshua’s invasion of the country of Canaan, for example, has undergone a significant reevaluation in recent decades. The archaeological record has revealed that the main story of Joshua, that of a swift and complete conquest (e.g., Josh. 11.23: ‘Thus Joshua conquered the entire country, just as the L ORDhad promised Moses’), is contradicted, though there are indications of some destruction and conquest at the appropriate time. Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler are two of the most talented musicians in the world (17 October 2014). It is p. 951, ISBN 978-0-19-939387-9, in The Jewish Study Bible: Second Edition, published by Oxford University Press. “Israel in Hieroglyphen.”Biblischen Notizen.106: 21–27.”
  5. Görg, Görg. “Israel in Hieroglyphen.”Biblischen Notizen.106: 21–27.” Anthony Frendo is a name that comes to mind (2002). “Two Long-Lost Phoenician Inscriptions and the Emergence of Ancient Israel,” a paper published in the journal Phoenicia. Palestine Exploration Quarterly.134: 37–43.doi: 10.1179/peq.2002.134.1.37.S2CID161065442
  6. Judges 1:1–2
  7. Judges 1:1–2 However, it is now commonly accepted that the so-called ‘patriarchal/ancestral period’ is a later “literary” construction, rather than a period in the actual history of the ancient world. “The same can be said for the ‘exodus’ and the ‘wilderness period,’ as well as for the ‘time of the Judges,’ which is becoming increasingly popular.” Paula M. McNutt’s full name is Paula M. McNutt (1 January 1999). A Reconstruction of the Society of Ancient Israel, published by Westminster John Knox Press (p. 42, ISBN 978-0-664-22265-9)
  8. “The biblical text does not provide any information on the history of the highlands during the early Iron I period,” says the author. According to Nelson (1981), “the conquest and part of the period of the judges narratives should be seen, first and foremost, as a Deuteronomist construct that used myths, tales, and etiological traditions in order to convey the theology and territorial ideology of the late monarchic author(s)” (e.g., Van Seters 1990
  9. Finkelstein and Silberman 2001, 72–79
  10. Römer 2007: 83–90). Israel Finkelstein is a journalist and author who lives in New York City (2013). The Archaeology and History of Northern Israel: The Forgotten Kingdom is a book on the archaeology and history of northern Israel (PDF). Society of Biblical Literature, p. 24 (ISBN 978-1-58983-912-0)
  11. P. 24 (ISBN 978-1-58983-912-0)
  12. To summarize, the so-called ‘time of the judges’ was most likely concocted by a person or group of people known as the deuteronomistic historians. Judges, by J. Clinton McCann, published by Westminster John Knox Press in 2002, p. 5.ISBN 978-0-8042-3107-7
  13. The existence of the united monarchy has been called into question by some scholars, despite the fact that most scholars accept its historicity (albeit not in the scale and form described in the Bible
  14. See Dever 1996
  15. Na’aman 1996
  16. Fritz 1996, and bibliography there)
  17. However, the existence of the monarchy has been called into question by others (see Whitelam 1996b
  18. See also Grabbe 1997, and bibliography there). Some significant changes appear to have occurred during the time, according to the scenario outlined below. Avraham Faust is a fictional character created by author Avraham Faust (1 April 2016). Expansion and resistance are all part of Israel’s ethnogenesis: settlement, interaction, and expansion. Book published by Routledge, ISBN 978-1-134-94215-2, page 172
  19. “In this regard, most scholars nowadays agree on a’minimalist’ point of view, which can be summarized as follows: It does not appear to be reasonable any longer to assert that the unified monarchy governed over the majority of Palestine and Syrian territory.” Gunnar Lebmann’s full name is Gunnar Lebmann (2003). Andrew G. Vaughn and Ann E. Killebrew are co-authors of the book (eds.). A Biblical and Archaeological Overview of Jerusalem During the First Temple Period. In: Society of Biblical Literature, p. 156, ISBN 978-1-58983-066-0
  20. “There appears to be widespread agreement that the authority and extent of the kingdom of Solomon, if such a monarchy ever existed, have been greatly inflated.” Philip R. Davies is a writer and editor based in the United Kingdom (18 December 2014). “How did we come to know about Amos?” In Diana Vikander Edelman and Ehud Ben Zvi are two of the most well-known actors in the world (eds.). Construction of Prophecy and Prophets in Yehud: The Production of Prophecy in Yehud Book published by Routledge, ISBN 978-1-317-49031-9, page 71
  21. According to Dietrich, who follows the evolution of the Bible’s stories about kings from their earliest roots (now imbedded in 1–2 Samuel) through the biblical books themselves, some of the stories are dated close to the period of the events they depict. As a result of his approach to the text, a succession of ideologies may be identified, offering evidence for the evolution of Israelite ideals rather than reasons for rejecting the stories as fiction.” Walter Dietrich is a German author (2007). Beginning in the Tenth Century B.C.E., the early monarchy of Israel was established. Joachim Vette has provided the translation. Brill Publishing Company, Leiden, the Netherlands
  22. Israel Finkelstein is the author of this article (2002). A New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Sacred Texts. SimonSchuster. pp. 261–265.ISBN9780743223386
  23. AbJewish Encyclopedia
  24. Finkelstein, Israel. “The Bible Unearthed” (2002). The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Sacred Texts is a book about the discovery of the Bible. Publisher: Simon Schuster
  25. ISBN: 9780743223386
  26. Matthew 1:1–6, Luke 3:23–31
  27. Ab[“4000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – 5000 – (Source: Mordechai Vermebrand and Betzalel S. Ruth, “The People of Israel — the history of 4000 years – from the days of the Forefathers to the Peace Treaty,” 1981, page 95
  28. Revelation 5:5
  29. Amos 9:7: ” “
  30. Amos 9:7: ” To me, O children of Israel, are you not as if you were offspring of the Ethiopians? declares the LORD. After all, haven’t I raised Israel up from the land of Egypt? in addition to those from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir? “

External links

  • Tribe of Judah (Jewish Encyclopedia)
  • Adrichem’s Map of the Tribe of Judah (Adrichem, 1590)
  • Tribe of Judah (Jewish Encyclopedia). The National Library of Israel’s Eran Laor Cartographic Collection has a map of the tribe of Judah drawn by Fuller in 1650. The Eran Laor Cartographic Collection is housed in the Israel National Library.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah: Symbol & Meaning – Video & Lesson Transcript

Tommi Waters is a singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, California. For the past six years, TK Waters has worked as an adjunct professor of religion at Western Kentucky University. A master’s degree in religious studies from Western Kentucky University and a bachelor’s degree in English literature and religious studies from the same institution are among their qualifications. Take a look at my bio Sasha Blakeley is a model and actress. Sasha Blakeley holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from McGill University, as well as a TEFL certification from the British Council.

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Take a look at my bio In addition, the tribe of Judah chose the lion as their symbol because it was their ancestors who established the Israelite monarchy.

The most recent update was on January 11, 2022.

Tribe of Judah

When it comes to Judah, the lion is the major emblem, but how did this association come about? The tribe of Judah is one of Israel’s twelve tribes, and its capital city is Jerusalem. It is said in the Hebrew Bible that the twelve tribes were established by Jacob’s twelve sons, who were subsequently known as Israel. Jacob and his first wife, Leah, had four sons, the youngest of whom was Judah. When the ancient kingdom of Israel was created about the 11th century BCE, the tribe of Judah rose to prominence as the tribe of the monarchy, or rulership under a single royal head, and therefore became one of the most significant tribes in the world.

Around the 10th century BCE, the undivided monarchy was divided into two parts: northern Israel and southern Judah.

Even the terms “Judaism” and “Jew,” which are used to define the religion of the Israelites, are derived from the name of the faith.

Map of the Ancient Near East with Israel in blue and Judah in orange, and the red dot in Judah marking Jerusalem.

Jacob’s Blessing

If you have ever read or seen a story such asHarry PotterorGame of Thrones, you are probably aware that the lion is frequently used to represent strong families. In the case of the tribe of Judah, the same may be said. Because the lion is regarded to be the king of the animals, lions are commonly used as leadership symbols. On his deathbed, Jacob praises Judah, describing him as a “lion’s whelp,” or cub, in the Book of Genesis, thousands of years before the establishment of the Israelite kingdom.

Genesis 49 has a blessing that Jacob offers to Judah that is symbolic of this symbolism.

His reference to the rulership that Judah would have is seen in his statement that the “scepter shall not depart from him.’ Jacob ultimately brings this metaphor to a close by drawing a representation of what the lion, or Judah, looks like.

The lion is also decked out in a purple robe that has been bathed in “grape juice,” according to the legend. Because the color purple is associated with royalty, Jacob’s choice of this picture serves to further underline the concept that Judah’s descendants will rule over the world.

Lion Symbol in History

The lion sign came to symbolise the blessing, grandeur, and even divine protection of the Jews as a result of its association with the tribe of Juda. The fact that the lion sign continued to be employed long after the fall of Jerusalem, the capital of Judah’s country, in 586 BCE should come as no surprise. The lion was included in the symbol for the capital city of Jerusalem in 1949, a year after the foundation of the modern state of Israel, as a nod to the city’s historical significance, and it has remained so since.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah: Deeper Dives

This course introduced you to the lion as a religious symbol in three different religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Rastafarianism. Check out the activities listed below to find out more information.


This course provided you with a wealth of historical information about three different religious traditions. Although this is an excellent overview, there is much more to learn! Concentrate on only one of the three religious systems described in this lesson and look into how they use the lion as a symbol in their practices. Organize your research into an annotated chronology of the history of that faith, both in a broad sense and with special reference to the lion of Judah.

Literary Significance

As previously stated in this lesson, the lion in The Chronicles of Narnia is used to allegorically represent Jesus. Can you think of any other instances in which lions have been exploited in this manner in literature or the media? Do these depictions of lions correspond most closely to the Jewish, Christian, or Rastafarian symbolism that you studied about in this lesson? Which of these depictions of lions do you prefer? Produce a comprehensive list of any media representations that you come across.

If not, what do the lions stand for in this case?

Lions and Religion

In Judaism, the lion is not just a sign of the tribe of Judah, but it is also a symbol of Jesus Christ in Christianity. Consider additional instances in which lions are mentioned in the Bible, such as the account of Daniel in the lions’ den, to name a few. This or other lion-related references should be compared and contrasted with the lion discussed in this lesson. Why do you believe lions appear in these stories on more than one occasion? Write a thorough essay to support your response.

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Who/what is the Lion of the tribe of Judah?

QuestionAnswer The Lion of the tribe of Judah is a biblical emblem that may be found in both Genesis and the Book of Revelation. A lion cub and a lion’s mane are described as Judah’s and the future tribe of Israel by his father, Jacob, in the book of Genesis (Genesis 49:9). This emblem appears once more in the Book of Revelation, when the Lion of the tribe of Judah is said to have conquered and to be worthy of opening the scroll and its seven seals (Revelation 5:5). The only one who is worthy of opening the scroll is Jesus (see John 5:22).

Judah is given the promise by Jacob in Genesis, during the blessing of his children, that his brothers would laud him and that they will bend down before him.

He crouched and laid down like a lion, and who would dare to rouse him?” (Genesis 49:9, to be exact.) “Until he who belongs to it shall arrive, and the allegiance of the nations shall be His,” Jacob says of the scepter and ruler’s staff, which will remain in Judah in the future (Genesis 49:10).

  1. Following Jacob’s blessing, the lion represents the tribe of Judah, which is considered as the kingly tribe in Jewish tradition (King David was of the tribe of Judah).
  2. Lions are the kings of the beasts, and they are the kings of everything.
  3. Isaiah 31:4 says that, “like a lion growls over its prey—a big lion over its prey—and though a whole band of shepherds is summoned together against it, it is not intimidated by their screams.
  4. The Lord is not frightened by His adversaries.
  5. God is enraged with Israel in Hosea because they have become haughty and have forgotten about Him.
  6. You are ruined, Israel, because you have turned against me, because you have turned against your helper.” It is preferable to benefit from the assistance and protection of the Lion rather than to oppose His reign and confront His ferocity.
  7. It is because no one has been declared worthy to open the scroll of God’s judgment, much alone gaze inside it, that John weeps.

Do not be sad!” Take note that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has won the victory.

As recorded in the genealogies of Matthew and Luke, Jesus is descended from the tribe of Judah on both counts.

He is the genuine monarch, and he is the One to whom the long-awaited loyalty of nations must be attributed.

The Lion has prevailed because He has taken on the characteristics of a Lamb (Revelation 5:6–10; see also John 1:29).

His death and resurrection have resulted in the protection of His people as well as the establishment of an eternal kingdom that will revere and adore the Creator of the universe.

Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, will be the one in charge of this kingdom. Go back to the page with all of the Bible questions. Whence comes the Lion of Judah, and what or who is he?

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Genesis 49 – Behold Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah « Covenant Life Church

Jacob’s blessings are seen upon his sons as we near the end of the book of Genesis, as well as the end of Jacob’s life as recorded in the Bible. Rather than just recording history, Moses takes use of this chance to record the words of God speaking through Jacob in order to direct us to the hope of all nations, our future Messiah, who is also known as the lion of Judah. What do you observe when you read Genesis 49:8-12 about this descendant of Judah? He will be lauded by everyone. He will have the appearance of a lion.

He will be known for crushing his adversaries.

He is someone who should be dreaded.

And there will be no one competent or deserving of deposing him from his kingdom.

And he is the one to whom all countries owe allegiance and respect.

All the promises of Scripture will be fulfilled when this Anointed One, Jesus, returns as the lion of the tribe of Judah, the lion of the people of Israel.

He will be the ruler of all peoples.

He will be revered by everyone, and he will be dreaded by all as well.

All of the countries will gather to offer their worship.


How does the knowledge of how these predictions were fulfilled, particularly through the nation of Judah, motivate your heart to praise God?

ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE FOR MEDITATION OPPORTUNITY Hebrews 7:14-16 (Hebrews 7:14-16) For it is undeniable that our Lord was descended from Judah, a tribe about which Moses spoke nothing about priests in the book of Exodus.

Revelation 5:5 (New International Version) You can put down your tears because the Lion who comes from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. THIS IS THE SONG FOR THIS WEEK ll Glory Be To Christby the Kaleidoscope of King’s Kaleidoscope

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