Who Stabbed Jesus

When Was Jesus Stabbed by the Roman Soldier (John 19:34)?

It is possible that a thorough investigation of Jesus Christ’s arrest, trial, and execution may raise a slew of concerns, particularly about the chronology of events. An unavoidable question surrounds the Roman soldier who “pierced His side with a spear,” as the story goes (John 19:34). Was this something that happened before or after His death? A simple reading of the gospel stories would appear to provide a decisive solution to this question. The occurrence is not included in the three synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), but it is mentioned in John’s gospel after Jesus “gave up His spirit” (19:30).

Even though there is no verse in question, the argument is based on it.

But it’s the context in which these remarks appear that makes them controversial: immediately before Jesus “yielded up His spirit” (verse 50).

They’re both great!

  1. Spiros Zodhiates, in The Complete Word Study New Testament, provides the following explanation: The Aorist Tense is used to describe basic, undefined actions or situations.
  2. .
  3. For the purposes of this definition, reality refers solely to the actuality of an event or action, not to the moment at which it transpired.
  4. Granted, this is right the vast majority of the time, however in John 19:34 it is incorrect.
  5. A earlier incident described by the apostle John in John 19:34 serves as evidence that Jesus had fulfilled the prophesies of Psalm 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10, according to the New Testament.
  6. What gives us confidence that this is correct?
  7. The spear stab, which served as a coup de grace, accounted for His scream of anguish as well as his swift death in a straightforward manner.
  8. Dead corpses do not bleed when they die.
  9. Jesus was stabbed several times before he died.

Cassius, The Man Who Stabbed Jesus And Got Healed From The Splatter Of His Blood

Cassius, the Man Who Stabbed Jesus, is a historical figure. One of the soldiers stabbed his side with a lance, and blood and water quickly gushed out of the wound. – The Gospel of John 19:34. An unknown guy was assigned the responsibility of ascertaining if Jesus was actually dead just a few seconds after his death by beheading. He drew his spear and drove it straight into the side of Christ’s body. This man, who was responsible for ensuring that the Romans did not break Christ’s leg, was restored of his sight by the blood and water of Christ, and he converted to Christianity and was later declared a Saint.

  1. His name initially appears in the apocryphalGospelofNicodemus, which is a work of fiction.
  2. This deed is considered to have resulted in the creation of the final of Christ’s Five Holy Wounds.
  3. Throughout the centuries, Longinus’ mythology expanded, to the point that he was alleged to have converted to Christianity after the Crucifixion.
  4. In the canonical Gospels, there is no mention of this soldier by his given name; instead, the name Longinus appears in the Acts of Pilate, which is an appendix to the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus.

According to an early tradition preserved in the 4th-century pseudepigraphal “Letter of Herod to Pilate,” Longinus suffered as a result of his piercing of Jesus’ side and was condemned to a cave where every night, until dawn, a lion came and mauled him until his body healed back to normal, a cycle that would repeat until the end of time.

  1. The Apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus is credited with introducing the concept to the Western world.
  2. This lettering first appears in the year 586 on an illumination of the Crucifixion next to the figure of the soldier holding a spear, and it is written in horizontal Greek letters, LOGINOS, in the Syriac gospel manuscript illuminated by a certain Rabulas in the Laurentian Library in Florence.
  3. Known as the “Holy Lance” and more lately as the “Spear of Destiny” (particularly in occult circles), the spear used in the battle was treasured in Jerusalem by the sixth century, yet neither the centurion nor the name “Longinus” were mentioned in any of the surviving accounts of the battle.
  4. Prior to the eleventh century, there is no mention of blindness or other forms of vision impairment.
  5. According to the Golden Legend, he had seen heavenly signals before converting, and his vision issues may have been caused by disease or old age, rather than by conversion.
  6. His eyes were cured as a result of some of Jesus’ blood falling on them.
  7. To suggest that Cassius was blind, in my judgment, is to go much over the pale.
  8. However, there might have been signs of impending blindness, such as periodic eye discomfort, that were alleviated when the blood of Christ was splattered across his face.

In 1304 at Mantua, the body of Longinus was recovered, along with the Holy Sponge, which had been stained with Christ’s blood, and it was revealed that Longinus had assisted in cleaning Christ’s body when it was taken down from the cross, thereby expanding Longinus’ role and giving it further significance.

  • After being separated and subsequently distributed to several locations, including Prague and other cities, the body was transported to the Basilica of Sant’Agostino in Rome, according to legend.
  • The body of Longinus was also allegedly discovered in Sardinia, according to legend; Greek sources, on the other hand, claim that he died at Gabala, Cappadocia.
  • A few drops of blood dropped upon the dim-sighted eyes of the Roman centurion as a result of the fifth wound he had received.
  • One of the rare miracles that occurred even during Christ’s last hours on the cross.
  • Longinus In Catholic doctrine, Longinus is revered as a martyr in the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Armenian Apostolic Church, with the Roman Catholic Church being the most venerated.
  • On the 16th of October, the Eastern Orthodox Church honours him.
  • The statue of Saint Longinus, which was sculpted by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, is one of four that may be seen in the niches beneath the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Italy.
  • The Moriones Festival, which takes place during Holy Week on the island of Marinduque in the Philippines, is dedicated to Longinus and his legendary exploits.
  • (With thanks to Wikipedia.) Temi loluwa produced and provided the content for this page.
  • Written information and photos featured on this website have been contributed by the blogger/author and appear as submitted by the blogger/author, with no editing or revisions made by Opera News.
  • In addition, Opera News does not support or condone the use of our platform for the purposes of supporting or endorsing hate speech, human rights violations, and/or defamatory comments.

We will investigate the matter and respond as soon as possible. More information may be found here.

Who Really Killed Jesus?

‘Cassius, the Man Who Stabbed Jesus’ is a fictional character created by author David Mitchell. Blood and water gushed out of the wound as one of the soldiers lanced him in the side with a lance. 19:34, according to the Bible. An unknown individual was assigned the responsibility of ascertaining if Jesus was actually dead just a few seconds after his death. With his lance in hand, he struck Christ in the side with his arrow. This man, who was responsible for ensuring that the Romans did not break Christ’s leg, was restored of his sight by the blood and water of Christ, and he converted to Christianity and was later declared a saint.

In the apocryphalGospelofNicodemus, he is first mentioned by name.

One of the Five Holy Wounds of Christ is considered to have been created by this deed.

Longinus’ mythology expanded through time to the point that he was supposed to have converted to Christianity after the Crucifixion, and he is now traditionally regarded as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and numerous other Christian communions, among other things.

  1. In his early years, Longinus was far from being a saint.
  2. However, as Sabine Baring-Gould observed: “Later stories transformed him into a Christian convert.” “In 715, the Greeks learned about Longinus through the patriarch Germanus, who introduced him to the world.
  3. The Acts and martyrdom of this saint are not supported by any reputable sources.” A possible Latinization of the Greek lonche, which was the term for lance in John 19:34 and which was used to refer to this weapon.
  4. Known as the “Holy Lance,” and more lately as the “Spear of Destiny” (particularly in occult circles), the spear used in the battle was treasured in Jerusalem by the sixth century, yet neither the centurion nor the name “Longinus” were mentioned in any of the surviving accounts of the battle.
  5. “Blind,” “dim-sighted,” or “weak-sighted” are all possible translations of Petrus Comestor’s words, which may be found in the legend’s first mention of an eye condition.
  6. His eye condition is cured by the contact of Jesus’ blood.
  7. He was cured when some of Jesus’ blood was spilled on him.
  8. It is, in my opinion, extremely exaggerated to claim that Cassius was visually impaired.
  9. However, there might have been signs of impending blindness, such as occasional eye discomfort, that were alleviated when the blood of Christ was splattered on his face and shoulders.

In 1304 at Mantua, the body of Longinus was recovered, along with the Holy Sponge, which had been stained with Christ’s blood, and it was revealed that Longinus had assisted in cleaning Christ’s body when it was taken down from the cross, thereby expanding Longinus’ role and giving it greater significance.

  • After being separated and subsequently distributed to several locations, including Prague and other cities, the body was transported to the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Rome, according to legend.
  • The body of Longinus was also allegedly discovered in Sardinia, according to legend; Greek sources, on the other hand, claim that he died as a martyr in Gabala in Cappadocia.
  • A few drops of blood spilled upon the dim-sighted eyes of the Roman centurion as a result of the fifth wound he sustained.
  • In many ways, the miracle of the crucifixion is tied to Christ’s piercing of his side.
  • The marvels of Christ will be brought to you in their final hour.

His feast day is celebrated on October 16th according to the Roman Martyrology, which mentions him in the following terms, without any indication that he was a martyr: “At Jerusalem, the commemoration of Saint Longinus, who is venerated as the soldier who opened the side of the crucified Lord with a lance.” According to the Roman Rite, the pre-1969 feast day occurs on March 15th.

  1. His feast day is celebrated on October 22nd in the Armenian Apostolic Church.
  2. Longinus, sculpted by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, is one of four statues found in the niches beneath the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City.
  3. The Moriones Festival, which takes place during Holy Week on the island of Marinduque in the Philippines, is dedicated to Longinus and his mythology.
  4. Thanks to Wikipedia for this information: Temi loluwa generated the content and provided it.
  5. Each blogger/author is solely responsible for the written material and photos posted on the site.

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Roman responsibility

There’s no denying that Jesus died in a manner that was uniquely Roman in nature. While Rome did not develop the act of crucifixion, they did make it more efficient and effective. Under the supervision of the Romans, what began as a way of humiliating offenders by nailing them to a tree or a stake became a far more effective method of punishment. Jews did not (and were not permitted to) crucify anybody under any circumstances. Rather of beheaded, they were stoned, which was a more ancient method of execution.

Not only were the Romans accountable for Jesus’ crucifixion, but they were also responsible for much of the suffering and humiliation that surrounded His execution.

  • There is no doubt that Jesus died in a manner that was distinctively Roman. Even while Rome did not develop the act of crucifixion, they did make it as effective as possible. It was under the leadership of the Romans that what began out as a method of shaming offenders by nailing them to a tree or a stake became far more effective. Jewish people were never crucified (and were never allowed to do so). It was the more ancient method of stoning that was used for their executions. Immediately following Jesus’ trial by the Sanhedrin, the Jews hand Him over to Pilate with the charge that He “opposes the payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be the Messiah, or a king (Luke 23:2). It was not only the Romans who crucified Jesus, but they were also responsible for much of the anguish and humiliation that followed His death on the cross. The Romans were the ones who did the following things:

It is impossible to acquit the Romans of their role in Jesus’ crucifixion. They must be held accountable.

Jewish responsibility

There is no doubt that the Jewish rulers were the source of practically all of Jesus’ hostility. They viewed Him as a direct challenge to the Law and to their power in general. The final nail in the coffin appears to have been the cleaning of the temple. It seems that this conduct, along with the raucous greeting Jesus got when He rode into Jerusalem, had inflamed the religious officials’ feelings. It was even necessary for the Sanhedrin to provide false witnesses at Christ’s trial for blasphemy in order to assure a guilty verdict: “We heard him declare, ‘I will destroy this temple built with human hands and in three days will construct another, not fashioned with human hands.'” Even still, their testimonies did not corroborate one another.

  • Was this testimony that these folks are presenting against you true and accurate?” But Jesus stayed deafeningly silent and didn’t say anything.
  • “I am,” Jesus stated emphatically.
  • The high priest ripped his clothing to shreds.
  • “You’ve heard the blasphemy, haven’t you?
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Although Paul is himself a Jew, his epistle to the Thessalonian church appears to place the blame squarely on the Jews’ shoulders, as follows: “In order to become imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus, you, brothers and sisters, became: You suffered at the hands of your own people in the same way that those churches suffered at the hands of the Jews who slaughtered the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out of their lands.

They are displeasing to God and unfriendly to everyone around them “14–15; I Thessalonians 2:14–15; Peter, on the other hand, assigns equal responsibility in his speech at Pentecost.

It was God’s purposeful design and foresight that brought you into contact with this man; you, with the assistance of evil men, executed him by nailing him to the cross “(See Acts 2:22–23.)

Our responsibility

The fact is that it makes no difference who ordered Jesus’ execution. Each of us has some responsibility for His death. Jesus was crucified in order to atone for all of our sins. “Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not just for our sins, but also for the sins of the whole world,” the disciple John writes in his first Epistle (1 John 2:2). As a result of Christ’s death, we are both the cause of and the beneficiaries of it. Because Jesus was crucified as a result of the sin of everyone who has ever lived, it is pointless to point fingers at any one individual as being personally culpable.

Fortunately, the gospel tale did not come to a close on a depressing note with the crucifixion.

It doesn’t matter who killed Jesus; what counts is that death has been overcome once and for all through the cross.

Who Killed Jesus?

In 1965, as part of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church issued the much-anticipated proclamation Nostra Aetate, which took a fresh look at the subject of Jewish blame for the execution of Jesus Christ. That modern-day Jews could not be held responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion, and that not all Jews who were alive at the time of Jesus’ execution were guilty of the crime, according to the arguments in the paper. In the history of Christian views toward Jews, this was a significant step forward, as Christian anti-Semitism has long been predicated on the assumption that Jews were responsible for Jesus’ crucifixion.

When Jesus was crucified, they thought that the Church would come out and claim that the Jews had had no role in his execution.

Jews Lacked A Motive for Killing Jesus

Indeed, most historians believe that it would have been more rational to place the responsibility for Jesus’ execution on the Romans. Crucifixion was a common form of punishment among the Romans, not among the Jews. At the time of Jesus’ execution, the Romans were enforcing a harsh and ruthless occupation on the Land of Israel, and the Jews had been rebellious at times throughout the occupation. The Romans would have had good cause to desire to silence Jesus, who had been dubbed “King of the Jews” by some of his disciples and was well-known as a Jewish upstart miracle worker at the time of his death.

The many factions of the Jewish society at the period — including the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and others — had numerous differences with one another, but none of the organizations orchestrated the death of the leaders of the other purportedly heretical sects.

READ: The History of the Land of Israel Under Roman Control Nonetheless, the notion that Jews murdered Jesus can be found in Christian foundational literature dating back to the early days of the Jesus movement, and it is unlikely that it will be readily abandoned simply because of historians’ arguments.

The New Testament Account

The notion that Jews assassinated Jesus is parodied in this 1896 cartoon, which substitutes Uncle Sam for the historical figure. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons) “The Jews who killed the Lord, Jesus,” Paul writes in his writings, which are considered by historians to be the earliest works of the New Testament (written 10 to 20 years after Jesus’ death), and he addresses them very briefly: “the Jews who slaughtered the Lord, Jesus” (I Thessalonians 2:14-15). While the idea that the Jews bear primary responsibility for Jesus’ death is not central to Paul’s understanding of Jesus’ life and death, the idea that the Jews bear primary responsibility for Jesus’ death is more prominent in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, each of which presents a slightly different account of Jesus’ life.

Eventually, the high priest comes to the conclusion that Jesus is guilty of blasphemy and petitions the Jewish council for guidance on how to punish him.

Matthew’s account of Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross (referred to by Christians as “Jesus’ “passion”) has served as the inspiration for numerous books, plays, and musical compositions over the years, and it is a prominent part of Christian liturgy, particularly during the celebration of Easter.

It is said that Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler of Judea, was fundamentally sympathetic to Jesus, but that he was unable to overcome the pressure from the Jews, who demanded that Jesus be put to death.

When Pilate arrives, the gathering members of the Jewish community tell him, “His blood be on us and on our children,” which is the most contentious verse in all of the passion accounts (Matthew 27:25).

Church Fathers and Thereafter

An etching from 1845 portraying King Herod and Pontius Pilate exchanging handshakes. (Photo by F.A. Ludy courtesy of Wellcome Images/Wikimedia Commons) With even more clarity and power, this allegation emerges in the works of the Church Fathers, who are considered to be the most authoritative Christian theologians who lived after the New Testament period. After explaining to his Jewish interlocutor why the Jews had experienced exile and the destruction of their Temple, Justin Martyr (mid-second century) concludes that these “tribulations were justly placed on you since you have assassinated the Just One” (Jesus Christ) (Dialogue with Trypho, chapter 16).

  • A historical King Solomon addresses the Jews in “The Mystery of Adam,” a religious drama from the 12th century that prophesies that they would eventually slay the son of God, as depicted in the play.
  • This statement is subject to verification.
  • The masters of the law will be the ones who do this.
  • They’ll descend from a tremendous height, and may they be comforted in their bereaved state of affairs.

In recent times, passion plays — large-scale outdoor theater events that dramatize the end of Jesus’ life and frequently feature hundreds of actors — have continued to spread this notion, as have other forms of religious expression.

In the Talmud

It’s worth noting that the notion that the Jews assassinated Jesus may be found in Jewish religious literature as well. Against the evidence of theBabylonian Talmud, on folio 43a of tractateSanhedrin, aberaita (a doctrine dating back to before the year 200 C.E.) says that Jesus was executed by a Jewish tribunal for the crimes of sorcery and insurrection. For this reason, there is a blank area near the bottom of that folio in normal Talmuds from Eastern Europe — or in American Talmuds that simply copied from them — since the possibly offending text has been omitted.

  1. This section has been restored in a number of recent Talmudic versions.) When the Talmud claims that the incident occurred on the eve of Passover, it follows the timeline given in the gospel of John, which is supported by historical evidence.
  2. Responsibility for the killing of Jesus is also given to the Jews in Jewish folk literature, such as the popular scurrilous Jewish biography of Jesus,Toledot Yeshu (which may be as old as the fourth century), and in Christian folk fiction.
  3. From the first through the nineteenth century, the degree of hostility between Jews and Christians was such that both parties believed the accusation that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.
  4. People who believe the tales of the New Testament (or of the Talmud) to be credible historical sources should not be shocked if this belief prevails.

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Why Did the Roman Soldier Stab Jesus with His Spear?

What Was the Reason for the Roman Soldier’s Spear Stab in Jesus’ Back? As we find ourselves in the midst of “Holy Week,” it seemed appropriate to devote our attention once more to the event of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection. In the past, I’ve answered a variety of Easter-related inquiries, ranging from a medical report on the crucifixion victims to the everlasting fate of Judas for betraying Jesus. The topic for this year is a question from Rich that I’ve never heard before, never alone seen addressed: “Why did the Roman soldier attack Jesus with a spear since the Bible plainly declares that he was aware that Jesus had already died?” The narrative of Jesus being stabbed on the crucifixion by a Roman soldier is mentioned exclusively in the Gospel of John 19.31-34: “Jesus was stabbed by a Roman soldier on the cross.” In any case, it was now the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath.” Because the Jews did not want the bodies to be left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they petitioned Pilate to have the legs severed and the bodies removed from the crosses.

  1. Because of this, the soldiers arrived and began to break the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, followed by the legs of the second.
  2. One of the soldiers instead stabbed Jesus in the side with a spear, prompting an unexpected outpouring of blood and water.” Why would you stab a dead man?
  3. The coma theory proposed that Jesus had not actually died, but had instead been resurrected while sleeping in the tomb for three days.
  4. However, it appears that John’s story of Jesus being stabbed on the cross is the first attempt to corroborate Jesus’ death to have been made.
  5. According to medical historians, the average death of a person who has been crucified lasts around 36 hours.
  6. Many died as a result of tetanus received during their time nailed on the cross, and the spasms that accompanied the illness accelerated their demise.
  7. However, Jesus’ death was completed in less than six hours, and he did it without breaking his legs.

And it was precisely because of this exception that those who questioned the truth of Jesus’ death arose.

Let us keep in mind that Roman troops were not trained medical professionals.

When the soldier who had heard Jesus “breathe his last” (Mark 15.37; Luke 23.46) reported it to his superiors, who were ready to break Jesus’ legs, the spear stab was very certainly carried out just to ensure that the information was correct, according to tradition.

In any case, when the “blood and water” began to come out and the bleeding ceased, it was apparent that the death sentence had been carried out successfully.

What John didn’t comprehend was that he had not only verified Jesus’ death, but he had also disclosed the “why” of Jesus’ early death in the process.

The death of Jesus, according to Dr.

When Gruner first published his tale, it was met with opposition by evangelists of the day.

Stroud of London released his own report based on numerous post mortem examinations that claimed Jesus had not died directly from the crucifixion, but rather had died from a “laceration or rupture of the heart.” This report corroborated Gruner’s assertions, and it was published in the same year that Gruner’s report was published.

As a matter of fact, some believe that this is the sole authentic evidence of Jesus’ untimely death on the cross.

And, as I prepare myself for Easter, it seems appropriate to remember that Jesus died not because he was weak, but because his heart had been crushed by the cross.

Who was responsible for Christ’s death? Who killed Jesus?

QuestionAnswer The solution to this question has a number of different sides. In the first place, there is little question that the religious leaders of Israel were directly or indirectly responsible for Jesus’ killing. “The chief priests and the elders of the people convened in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they devised a plan to secretly capture Jesus and murder him,” according to Matthew 26:3–4. The Jewish authorities asked that Jesus be put to death from the Romans (Matthew 27:22–25).

  1. (John 11:53).
  2. It was a Roman form of execution approved and carried out by the Romans under the authority of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death on the cross.
  3. The people of Israel were also participants in Jesus’ execution, as was the Roman Empire.
  4. Crucify him!” “Crucify him!” the crowd chanted as He faced trial before Pilate (Luke 23:21).
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When Peter told the men of Israel in Acts 2:22–23, he was confirming their suspicions: “You, with the assistance of evil men, put him to death by nailing him on the cross.” As it turned out, the murder of Jesus was part of an elaborate conspiratorial scheme that involved the Roman Empire, Herod’s Jewish leaders, and the Jewish people themselves, a diverse group of people who had never worked together before or since, but who came together this one time to plot and carry out an unthinkable act: the assassination of the only begotten Son of God.

  1. At the end of the day, and maybe quite astonishingly, it was God Himself who executed Jesus.
  2. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross insured the redemption of untold millions of people and offered the sole means by which God could forgive sin without compromising His holiness and flawless righteousness, which was otherwise impossible.
  3. As opposed to being a win for Satan, or a needless tragedy, as some have indicated, it was the most gracious act of God’s grace and mercy, the greatest manifestation of the Father’s love for sinners.
  4. As the Bible says, “God caused him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that through him, we may become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
  5. He died in order to pay the price for our sins (Romans 5:8; 6:23).

He did it this way to serve as a constant reminder to himself and everyone else that it was our faults that condemned Jesus to death on the cross. Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) Who was to blame for the killing of Jesus Christ? Who was responsible for Jesus’ death?

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What happened to Longinus the centurion who stabbed the side of Christ? — Steemit

The commander of a hundred, a Greek from the Kabadokian area, was killed. Longinus was one of the troops that followed Tiberius Caesar when he was king of Judea and Pontius Pilate was selected as the new king of the realm, during the reign of Tiberius Caesar. It was Longinus who, when the time came for our Lord to save the creation, would be one of the soldiers who would take leadership from the Lord of Glory. Incredulous and bemused, he remained firmly planted at the foot of the cross, gazing and wondering with eyes wide open.

  1. According to certain Christian traditions, he was on a mission at the foot of the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ on the hill of Golgotha.
  2. Blood and water poured out, and he was able to heal from the Longinus eye condition that had been bothering him for so long.
  3. Longinus played a significant role in assisting in the establishment and maintenance of the health of Christ’s resurrection.
  4. St.
  5. When the Jews realized that the Roman soldier Abi was going to be a participant in their plan and in their money, they resorted to their typical trick: stifling the centurion’s narrative as coldly as possible.
  6. Upon learning of the plan against him, he immediately requested baptism for himself and several of his warriors, and they all traveled to Cappadocia, where they spent their days in prayer, worship and fasting.
  7. For a while, St.
  8. However, the Jews did not forget him and their hypocrisy prompted Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea under Emperor Tiberius Caesar, to command his troops to carry out the following orders: He did, in fact, earn the martyr’s crown of honor.

What Happened to the Soldiers Who Killed Jesus?

It is impossible for those who have never been in war to comprehend what troops go through in the course of their duties. It is tough to live with the reality of death all of the time, and to recognize that you are an agent of death—even if it is for a good cause. Soldiers’ lives are rarely simple, and they are often dangerous. Not now, and not two thousand years ago, nor will it ever be. However, even warriors who have been hardened by the heat of combat and the trials of military duty can be restored to hope and serenity through God’s saving grace.

  • Crucification was an execution procedure in which offenders were attached to a cross of wood and then left to perish in their own blood.
  • The Life of a Centurion Our eldest son has been serving in the army for a number of years now.
  • It is a way of life characterized by discipline, organization, and collaboration.
  • A Centurion was a Roman officer who was in command of a squad of 100 soldiers.
  • Just as in the modern military, Centurions were promoted as they progressed through ranks and assumed greater responsibilities.
  • The promotion of a soldier to the rank of Centurion was almost always based on his or her ability and good conduct.
  • Away from the battlefield, Centurions maintained order in the ranks, provided security and protection, directed police operations in occupied areas, and oversaw executions.

They were professional soldiers tasked with upholding the law of Rome in the occupied territory of Israel.

In addition to their bravery and intelligence, centurions were renowned for their loyalty and devotion to the Roman cause.

The Centurion at the Cross is a Roman centurion who stands at the foot of the cross.

A loud cry came from Jesus around three o’clock in the afternoon, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema Sabachthani?” (Lord, have mercy on us).

And when Jesus cried out in a loud voice for the third time, he surrendered his spirit.

The earth trembled, the rocks split, and the tombs burst into flames.


It was terrifying for the Centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus when they witnessed the earthquake and everything that had transpired.

“There was no doubt that he was the Son of God!” What a powerful statement!

This was the decision of a seasoned veteran who had been witnessing men die horrendous deaths for many years before making this choice.

Although the Centurion disagrees with the authorities that Jesus deserved death, he does agree with them that Jesus is indeed God, according to his own statement.

We must keep in mind that this soldier had most likely witnessed a number of crucifixions.

What exactly did he see?

This is what the Centurion observed So, exactly what did the Centurion see was a mystery. What was it that caused him to disagree with the rulers and instead honor the man who had been executed by firing squad?

  • In reaction to His horrifying treatment by Roman troops and His own countrymen, Jesus reacted as follows:

In reaction to His horrifying treatment by Roman troops and by His own countrymen, Jesus reacted as follows:

  • The multitude and soldiers, especially the Centurion, are enraged by Jesus’ mercantilism. “Father, forgive them!” Jesus pleaded with the Father. The Bible says (LUKE 23:34). In Matthew 27:35-36, when they sat down to gamble for His meager goods and watch Him die, Jesus begged for their forgiveness rather than for His own escape. That is incredible
  • The Creator’s death was followed by the creation’s response. A witness stated that they “saw the earthquake and all of the events that were taking place” (Matt. 27:54). They seen the sun go dark, they felt the force of the earth move beneath their feet, and they witnessed these miraculous happenings come to an abrupt halt as Jesus made a piercing cry and died.

This Centurion was naturally taken aback by the events that transpired in the days leading up to Christ’s death. He and his guys were “terrified” since they had never seen anything like it before. The Centurion and his company of battle-hardened warriors had been accustomed to dealing with dread, but they were suddenly confronted with panic. They had good reason to be afraid, for the events that were unfolding were out of the usual in almost every respect.

  • There will be no ordinary execution. The soldiers were sure that this was no ordinary execution because of the darkness, the earthquake, and the shout of Christ from the cross. They were scared and realized they were seeing the death of God as a result of the occurrences. What a dawning realization! They had put God’s Son to death, and it was their fault.
  • There is no ordinary power. These individuals did not get their conclusions because of some ‘explanation.’ The only thing that brought them to this conclusion was witnessing the power of God in Jesus’ replies as well as in nature (the earthquake and the black sky)
  • This isn’t your typical confession. The Centurion’s confession teaches us something very important: Jesus’ death reveals Him to us as our Saviour and God in the most explicit way.

According to Matthew Henry, we should respond in the same way as the Centurion did: “Let us, with an eye of faith, look upon Christ and Him crucified, and be that tremendous love with which He loved us.” Why? The reason is because what we see on the cross, as the Centurion did, is the perfect Son of God dying a horrific death on our behalf. We deserve the death He died because we reject and neglect our Creator (which is what’sin’ is). He died because we deserve it. The crucifixion represented Jesus accepting all of God’s wrath against us for the way we had lived, in order for Him to reconcile us with God.

  1. What Comes Next?
  2. They overheard stuff that we can only speculate about.
  3. In spite of the fact that we have never seen Jesus in his bodily form, we may view Him through the pages of God’s Word, gaining strong reason for believing that He is God’s Son.
  4. This implies that when we read the narratives of Christ’s life and death in the Bible (also known as the “Word of Christ”), we will discover compelling reasons to place our faith in Him.
  5. His just indignation and judgment are due to us because of the way we live, neglecting our Creator and living without Him.
  6. However, on the cross, Jesus, the perfect Son of God, took on all of God’s wrath on our behalf, so releasing us from all of God’s judgment.
  7. Jesus’ death on the cross secured the salvation of everyone who believes in him.
  8. The cross represents God’s ability to rescue anybody who puts their confidence in Him.

At the foot of the cross, the earth is always flat and level. There, poor and rich, old and young, good and evil, generals and centurions, all find level ground on which to bow before the Christ who died for them—and for us—as well as for all people. He is, without a doubt, the Son of God!

BBC – Religions – Christianity: Who killed Jesus?

It is believed that no trial or death in history has had such a dramatic effect as Jesus’ trial and execution in Roman-occupied Jerusalem two thousand years ago. But, more importantly, was it an execution or a judicial murder, and who was to blame? Beginning with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, the tale opens with the Galilean rebelJesus, who is consciously fulfilling a prophesy in the Hebrew Bible about his advent as Messiah. He’s surrounded by a throng of admirers. Following that, Jesus enters the Temple, the center of Jewish Judaism, and assaults money-changers, accusing them of defiling a sacred space.

Jesus is captured in the Garden of Gethsemane and brought before Caiaphas before being judged by the Roman Governor.


Caiaphas was in an advantageous position. Caiaphas was a master political manipulator and one of the most powerful men in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ death. As High Priest of the Temple, he’d already lived 18 years (the average High Priest only lasts 4), and he’d formed a solid alliance with the Roman forces in control of the temple complex. Caiaphas was well-connected to everyone who mattered. At the time, he was the de-facto king of the whole Jewish community around the world, and he intended to maintain it that way.

This is the basis for the death penalty.

What were Caiaphas’ motives?

Caiaphas’ power was threatened by Jesus. Caiaphas could not afford to allow any upstart preacher to get away with challenging his authority, especially at such a sensitive time of year as Passover was approaching. This was the most important Jewish holiday, and academics estimate that over two and a half million Jews would have gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the occasion. Caiaphas did not want to be seen as a fool.

Jesus threatened Caiaphas’ relationship with Rome

Caiaphas’ power foundation was the Sanhedrin, the ultimate Jewish council that ruled over both civil and religious law in the time of Jesus. It was comprised of 71 members, the majority of whom were chief priests, and Caiaphas presided over its proceedings. There were enormous benefits for the effort, since contemporary archaeologists have revealed that Caiaphas and his companions lived luxurious lives in homes that were vast and elaborately adorned. However, the Sanhedrin was only able to rule because the Romans granted them permission, and the only way to keep the Romans pleased was to maintain order in society.

In other words, if Jesus was causing difficulty, it was causing trouble for both Caiaphas and Pilate – and trouble for Pilate was still trouble for Caiaphas, as well.

Jesus was unquestionably a danger; the general public admired him, and it is possible that they paid more attention to him than they did to the priests; and the general public listened attentively to his criticism of what he perceived to be wrong with the religious system.

Jesus threatened the Temple’s income

Jesus was also posing a danger to a valuable source of revenue for the Temple’s priests. When it came to simple concerns like cleansing and the remission of sins, the Temple equipment brought in tremendous sums of money. Archaeologists have unearthed 150 mikvehs in the area surrounding the Temple of Solomon. Mikvehs are ceremonial baths that Jews take to cleanse themselves before participating in any religious activity. People who were ritually unclean could not enter the Temple, and practically everyone who arrived in Jerusalem for Passover was regarded to be ritually unclean.

  1. The mikvehs were under the supervision of the priests, who charged people to use them.
  2. Jesus felt the whole thing was a load of nonsense.
  3. The Temple’s apparatchiks have received some bad news.
  4. If this gets out of hand, it might spark a riot in the Temple.
  5. Jesus stormed into the Temple and accused the moneychangers and dealers of sacrificial doves of extortion and of turning the Temple into a den of thieves, according to the Gospel of Matthew.
  6. And God, as every Jew was well aware, has the authority to do so – he had shown this many times before.
  7. He needed to do something to demonstrate that he was still in charge, and he needed to do it soon; Jesus was on a roll, and no one could predict what he would do next.
See also:  How Do I Follow Jesus

What Caiaphas did

You don’t get to be High Priest unless you’re capable of making difficult decisions and seeing them through to completion. A gathering of the chief priests was summoned by Caiaphas as it became clear that Jesus had to be stopped. According to Matthew’s Gospel, Caiaphas informed them that Jesus would have to be slain. This was something that the priests were not entirely certain about. If Jesus were to be executed, there may be rioting. Caiaphas, on the other hand, received his judgment and put it into effect immediately.

We may disapprove of certain of Caiaphas’ self-interested motivations, such as maintaining his wealth and power base, but this does not amount to a crime of any kind in our eyes.

Jesus was raising a commotion in the city of Jerusalem. The man was a well-known rebel, and he was risking public order at a time when enormous and turbulent crowds were thronging the streets of New York. The decision to arrest him was totally justified.

The rigged trial

Caiaphas had stepped over into the wrong side of the law at this point. He arranged the trial in his favor. Caiaphas took on the positions of chief judge and prosecuting attorney, which are often incompatible. Scholars are familiar with the laws that applied to Jewish trials during that time period, and the trial of Jesus defied several of those norms, including the following:

  • It took place at night since Jewish trials were required to take place during the day. A feast day had been observed, which was not permitted. Despite the fact that it took place at Caiaphas’ house, it should have taken place in the council chamber.

Caiaphas’ trial did not go according to plan. To establish that Jesus had threatened to demolish the Temple, which would have been treason and an offense against God, he would have to produce evidence. The witnesses, on the other hand, couldn’t agree on what Jesus had said. As a result, the accusation was dismissed. Caiaphas made the decision to see if he could trick Jesus into saying something he shouldn’t have. He confronted Jesus with a direct question: “Are you the Son of God, the Son of the Most High, the Son of the Most Holy?

  • It’s sufficient.
  • The other members of the Court are in agreement.
  • There was only one problem: the court lacked the authority to carry out executions.
  • Actually, there are two issues: first, blasphemy against the God of the Jews was not considered a crime under Roman law, and second, unless Caiaphas can come up with anything better, it may not be enough to persuade the Romans to execute Jesus unless he can come up with something better.

Caiaphas’s fate

Caiaphas was dismissed from office shortly after Jesus’ death and retired to his farm in Galilee, where he lived in peace.

The case against Pontius Pilate

What was Pilate’s reasoning for executing Jesus when he thought him to be guiltless? Pilate was the Governor of Judea, which was a province of the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus’ death. He had 6,000 crack troops with him and another 30,000 on standby in neighboring Syria, according to reports. When it came to keeping Rome happy, Pilate had total authority, including the power of life and death, as long as he kept the peace with the people. The argument against Pilate is that he judged Jesus not guilty, but ordered his execution in order to maintain public order and maintain the peace.

The two Pilates

We don’t know what Pilate was like in his personal life. The Bible portrays him as a weak but innocent guy who did not want to put a man to death who he felt was innocent, but who caved in to political pressure because he was weak. Some historians, however, are of the opposite opinion. Philo, who was writing at the time, described Pilate as cold-blooded, harsh, and merciless. He was presumably a typical Roman with a contempt for any other civilization, believing that the Jews were not nearly as civilized as the Romans were.

Pilate was well-known for executing people without a trial, therefore it would not be surprising if he was the one responsible for the death of Jesus on the cross.

What were Pilate’s motives?

Pilate was determined to maintain the status quo. His ability to administer the province smoothly and effectively was critical to his future advancement in the Roman Empire. He had 6,000 soldiers on standby to preserve the peace in a metropolis with a population of 2.5 million Jews, which he commanded. The religious leaders, whose cooperation he required in order to live a peaceful life, urged him to put Jesus to death, and there was an angry throng clamoring for Jesus’ blood. It was conceivable that releasing Jesus would have sparked a riot, and Pilate may have lost control of the city and probably the entire province.


No matter how little he cared for the people of Judea, Pilate was unable to avoid attending the most important event of the year, the Passover. The message of Passover was one that was guaranteed to cause consternation among those who were attempting to maintain control over the Jewish people, for it commemorated the moment when God transported the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Holy Land, allowing them to shake off foreign occupation. Consequently, it is no coincidence that practically all of the riots that we learn about in the first century took place around the festival of Pesach.

And because unrest in such a circumstance is contagious, Pilate realized that he would have to be harsh in order to put an end to any chaos that arose in the situation.

When Caiaphas brought Jesus before Pilate, it’s likely that he was completely unprepared for the dilemma that was about to confront him.

A trial for treason

Instead of beginning with the conviction for blasphemy, Caiaphas asserted that Jesus was guilty of sedition, which was later overturned. Caiaphas said that Jesus believed himself, or that his supporters believed, or that people believed that he was the King of the Jews. The crime against Rome was a capital offense, and Pilate was obligated to deal with it, whether he wanted to or not. The rumor spread quickly throughout Jerusalem, claiming that Jesus of Nazareth was being tried for his life. Crowds began to form, some of whom were undoubtedly members of a mob organized by the Temple officials; this was exactly what a Roman governor looking for a quiet Passover did not want.

  • Jesus didn’t say much or didn’t say anything at all.
  • There was just no proof to support Jesus’ claims.
  • The ruling infuriated the audience, who erupted in chants calling for Jesus’ execution on the cross.
  • The alternative, on the other hand, was the execution of an innocent man.
  • In ancient times, there were Passover amnesty laws in place, which authorized the Roman governor to free a prisoner during the holiday.
  • They called for Barabbas to be liberated from his prison cell.

In his verdict, Pilate pronounced Jesus to be innocent and sentenced him to death by crucifixion. In front of the throng, he symbolically washed his hands, as if to assure them that he was not responsible for Jesus’ death.

Pilate’s fate

To begin the trial, instead of convicting Jesus of blasphemy, Caiaphas asserted that Jesus had committed sedition. Caiaphas said that Jesus believed in himself, or that his supporters believed, or that people believed that he was the King of the Jews, and that this was the case. The crime against Rome was a grave offense, and Pilate was obligated to deal with it regardless of his feelings toward it. Jesus of Nazareth was being tried for his life, according to the rumor spreading around Jerusalem.

  • During Jesus’ trial, Pilate inquired whether or not he was claiming to be the King of Israel.
  • Jesus was not launching a military coup, according to the reports that Pilate had received from his officers, and Pilate recognized this.
  • This man is innocent, Pilate declared.
  • After all, if Pilate freed Jesus, there would likely be widespread rioting.
  • The emperor Pilate was looking for an escape route (although he didn’t really need one because he was perfectly within his rights to execute individuals on the basis of poor evidence) and attempted a brilliant piece of lateral thinking.
  • Jesus or Barabbas, a condemned murderer, was the decision put forward by Pilate to the people.
  • However, even though Pilate knew there was no way out, he made one more effort to save his own image.
  • Later, in front of the audience, he symbolically washed his hands to demonstrate his innocence in the blood of Jesus.

The case against Jesus

Did Jesus have any idea what he was getting himself into during the events leading up to his execution? Many scholars think that Jesus himself was the one most responsible for the killing of Jesus, more so than anybody else in history. There is a substantial amount of evidence to imply that everything he did was premeditated and that he was fully aware of the repercussions of his decisions.

Jesus’ motive

Jesus had a genuine belief that he was on a mission from God, and everything he did was in the service of that mission’s fulfillment.

Acting out the prophecy of the Messiah

When it comes to the events of Holy Week, it appears that Jesus is purposefully carrying out the prophesy in Hebrew scripture about Israel’s rightful ruler, the anointed one, the Messiah, who would come at long last to be God’s agent to rescue Israel.

Even while his entry in Jerusalem on a donkey was a fulfillment of prophecy, it would not have been sufficient reason to have Jesus crucified on its own.

Attacking the religious establishment

When Jesus arrived to the Temple, he began not just a direct attack on the moneychangers’ business activities, but also a symbolic attack on the structure of the Temple itself. Jesus was well-versed in the religious traditions of his day, and he was well aware of the potential ramifications of his acts. He understood what it meant to declare the Temple’s destruction and to assert that a new kingdom, the Kingdom of God, was developing in its place. Jesus was well aware that the authorities would take action against him in due course, and he was well aware that the penalty would almost certainly be death.

But Jesus continued to put himself in harm’s way, staying in Jerusalem and celebrating the Passover with his disciples despite the threat.

In the midst of their meal, Jesus alluded to the bread they were eating as his broken body, and the crimson wine they were drinking as his spilled blood, as he sat with his disciples.

One of the Gospels records Jesus telling Judas, “Do what you have to do, but don’t take too long doing it.”

Jesus sweats blood

The account of Jesus’ night in Gethsemane provides compelling medical evidence that lends credence to the argument that he understood exactly what he was doing. It was at this place that Jesus was struck with a terrifying sense of uncertainty – was death, after all, what God had planned for him? He pleaded with God to save him from his predicament. It was at that point, according to St. Luke, who was himself a doctor, that Jesus sweated droplets of blood into the path in front of him. Doctors are aware that little blood veins supply the sweat glands that are found throughout our bodies.

The medical word for this condition is haematohydrosis, which means “blood sweat.” If Jesus had known what he was in for, he would have been unable to endure the tension, which would have caused him to break out in hives and sweat blood.

So was Jesus guilty of his own death?

Not in the sense of remorse that the majority of people would comprehend. A soldier who embarks on a mission that is almost guaranteed to result in death is a brave guy, not a coward or a criminal. However, Jesus was not culpable in the same way that Caiaphas and Pilate were. He remained true to his calling, even though it resulted in death.

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