Who Gave Birth To Jesus

Mary and Joseph Go to Bethlehem and Jesus Is Born

1, 2. Describe Mary’s journey and explain why she found it difficult at several points along the way. In an awkwardly twisted position, MARY sat atop the little beast of burden. She’d been biking for several hours. Just ahead, Joseph continued to walk steadily forward, pointing the way along the road toward the distant town of Bethlehem. Mary was awakened once more by the stirring of life inside her. 2 Mary was far into her pregnancy at this point, and the Bible depicts her as “heavy with child” at this point in the narrative.

Is it possible that anything had dragged Mary away from her hometown of Nazareth?

3 This whole ordeal began months earlier when this young Jewish woman was given a task that was unlike any other in all of human history.

(See also Luke 1:35) As the moment for giving birth drew closer, the need of embarking on this trip became apparent.

Let’s have a look at what she did to maintain her spiritual strength.

The Trip to Bethlehem

four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (a) What was the reason for Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem? (a) Which of the following prophecies was fulfilled as a result of Caesar’s decree? 4 Joseph and Mary were not the only ones who were on the move at that time. People were required to travel to their place of origin in order to comply with a recent decree issued by Caesar Augustus requiring that a register be carried out in the country. What was Joseph’s response? This is how the story goes: “Of course, Joseph also traveled up from Galilee and out of the city of Nazareth into Judea and to David’s city, which is known as Bethlehem, since he was a member of David’s house and family.” — Luke 2:14-23.

  • The Messiah would be born at Bethlehem, according to a prophesy that was written down some seven centuries ago.
  • The prophesy, on the other hand, said that it would be “Bethlehem Ephrathah” that would give birth to the Messiah.
  • In that Bethlehem, Joseph was summoned, since it was the ancestral house of King David’s family, which included both Joseph and his wife, and it was the Bethlehem to which Joseph had been summoned.
  • Mary’s actions were influenced in what way by the fact that she was Joseph’s wife?
  • After all, she would be under a lot of stress on the journey.
  • Furthermore, the term “went up from Galilee” is suitable since Bethlehem was positioned at a height altitude of over 2,500 feet (760 m), which required a strenuous ascent at the end of a journey that had lasted many days.
  • She may require many periods of rest.

Without a question, she needed to summon the necessary fortitude in order to go on this journey.

Despite this, Luke states that Joseph went “to become enrolled with Mary” (to register with Mary).

(Luke 2:4; Luke 2:5) The fact that Mary was Joseph’s wife made a significant impact in her judgments.

As a result, she responded to this possible test of her faith with straightforward obedience.

(b) How does Mary’s example serve as a light for those who are faithful?

Did she have any knowledge of the prophesy that Bethlehem would be the birthplace of the Savior?

We cannot discount out the possibility, because the truth was apparently well known among religious leaders and even the broader public at the time of the incident.

2:1-7; John 7:40-42) When it came to the Scriptures, Mary was far from being a naive young lady of her time.

Both men and women who have a modest and submissive heart are highly regarded by Jehovah. In our day and age, when submitting appears to be among the most neglected of virtues, Mary’s example serves as a light for those who are committed to God.

The Birth of Christ

nine, ten (a) What do you think Mary and Joseph were thinking about as they were making their way towards Bethlehem? (a) Why did Joseph and Mary choose to stay in the location that they did? 9 When Mary first saw the town of Bethlehem, she had to have breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. It’s possible that Mary and Joseph were thinking about the history of this small community as they ascended the slopes, passing past olive orchards, which were among the last crops to be gathered at the time of their journey.

  • 10 Mary and Joseph discovered that the hamlet was quite crowded.
  • They had no choice but to spend the night in a barn since they had no other option.
  • Her contractions had started right here, of all places.
  • (a) In what ways did Jesus fulfill the role of “firstborn”?
  • A little more than 4,000 years previously, Jehovah had forewarned that it would be the common lot of women to experience anguish during childbirth as a result of hereditary sin.
  • v.
  • v.



According to Luke’s narrative, the scene is obscured by a subtle curtain of seclusion, which states simply: “She gave birth to her son, the firstborn.” (Luke 2:7).

Yes, Mary’s “firstborn” had arrived – the first of at least seven children who would come to be known as her family.

But he was also Jehovah’s own “firstborn of all creation,” the only-begotten Son of God, who was not only the firstborn of all creation, but also the firstborn of all time!

12.How did Mary lay the infant, and how did the truth differ from the nativity plays, paintings, and scenarios that have been shown in the media?

(Luke 2:7).

Take into consideration, however, the facts of the situation.

Remember that the family was staying in a stable, which was not known for having clean air or cleanliness at the time, or even now.

The majority of parents want nothing but the best for their children.

What ways did Mary and Joseph make the most of what they had?

(b) How can wise parents nurture priorities that are comparable to those of Joseph and Mary in the modern world?

Take, for example, the fact that Mary herself looked after the child, wrapping him tightly in fabric bands and placing him gently in the manger to sleep, assuring that he would be warm and safe.

She and Joseph were also aware that the most essential thing they could do for this kid would be to provide him with spiritual guidance and support.

(See Deuteronomy 6:6-8 for further information.) As they raise their children in this spiritually impoverished environment, sensible parents create priorities that are comparable to those of their forefathers.

A Visit Brings Encouragement

14 and 15 are the digits of the number 14. (a) What was it about the infant that made the shepherds so excited? (a) What action did the shepherds take in response to what they had witnessed in the stable? 14 A disturbance erupted out of nowhere, disrupting the tranquil environment. Shepherds raced into the stable, anxious to see the family and, in especially, the youngster who had been left behind. These men were giddy with excitement, and their smiles were beaming from their faces. Their flocks had been herded into the valley from the mountains where they had been camped for the night.

  1. An angel had come to them on the mountainside during their night vigil while they were on the watch.
  2. They would discover the kid lying in a manger, swaddled in cotton bands, and they would take him home.
  3. — Luke 2:8–14, emphasis added.
  4. A newborn child, laying there exactly as the angel had described, must have filled them with delight.
  5. As the adage goes, “They made the saying known.
  6. Jehovah, on the other hand, evidently regarded these persons as valuable.
  7. Shepherds who were modest and obedient were plainly favored by Jehovah.

How did Mary demonstrate that she was genuinely attentive, while also expressing what was at the heart of her faith?

And she went even further: “Mary began to store all of these sayings, making inferences in her heart as she did so.” (See also Luke 2:19) This young lady exhibited genuine thoughtfulness.

Her God, Jehovah, want for her to be aware of and recognize the identity and significance of her son.

She tucked the words away in her heart, knowing that she would come back to them again and again in the months and years to come to consider them.

​— Take a look at Hebrews 11:1.

So, how can we follow in Mary’s footsteps when it comes to spiritual truths and principles?

Jehovah has crammed the pages of his Word with essential spiritual truths that can’t be found anywhere else.

As a means of accomplishing this, we should routinely read the Bible—not only as a piece of fiction, but as the divinely inspired Word of God.

If we ponder on what we read in the Bible, considering ways in which we may implement Jehovah’s wisdom more thoroughly, we will provide our faith with the nutrients it requires to flourish and expand.

More Sayings to Preserve

When it came to following the Mosaic Law in Jesus’ early years, what did Mary and Joseph do? The donation that Joseph and Mary made at the temple revealed a lot about their financial status, didn’t it? 18 On the eighth day of the baby’s life, Mary and Joseph had him circumcised, as required by the Mosaic Law, and named him Jesus, as ordered. (See also Luke 1:31) And on the 40th day, they transported him from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, a distance of six miles (approximately ten kilometers), where they delivered the purifying sacrifices that the Law permitted for poorer people — two turtledoves (turtlebird offerings) or two pigeon offerings (pigeon offerings).

  1. However, they received a tremendous amount of support while they were there.
  2. (a) What was Anna’s initial emotion when she first saw Jesus?
  3. In the days leading up to his death, he had been promised that he would see the Messiah, and Jehovah’s holy spirit revealed to him that little Jesus was the long-awaited Savior.
  4. He claimed that she would have the sensation of having a long sword run through her.
  5. Following Simeon’s death, a prophetess by the name of Anna witnessed the birth of Jesus and began preaching about him to everyone who held out hope for the rescue of Jerusalem.
  6. At the Temple of Jehovah in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph received a great deal of encouragement.
  7. What evidence did the disciples have that taking Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem was a wise decision?
  8. As a result, they set their kid on a lifelong path of faithful attendance at the temple of Jehovah.
  9. Mary undoubtedly left the temple that day more steadfast in her faith, her heart overflowing with spiritual sayings to ponder and share with others around her.
  10. How can we ensure that our faith continues to develop in strength, just as Mary’s has?
  11. Parents of Jehovah’s Witnesses are expected to bring their children to Christian meetings on a regular basis.

They return stronger, happier, and full of positive things to share with their friends and colleagues. What a delight it has been to finally meet them! As we do so, we will discover that our faith, like Mary’s, will continue to grow stronger and stronger.

Was There a Midwife at the Manger? Here’s What the History of Childbirth Says About the First Christmas

It will be common to see images of Jesus’ birth in the manger as the Christmas season approaches. These images will include images of Mary and Joseph bending over the child and the three wise men, an angel, and the animals all gazing on. However, further investigation revealed that there was most likely another person there in the background. A midwife is a woman who cares for other people. There is little information concerning Jesus’ actual birth in the Bible; Luke just states that Mary gave birth to him, while Matthew provides even less information.

  • This ancient translation provides far more detail regarding Mary’s delivery, including the presence of two midwives, one of whom plays a crucial role in attesting to Mary’s virginity, than the modern version.
  • Other scholars refer to earlier chapters of the Bible, such as Exodus, in which midwives are mentioned as being a vital component of the health-care system and the culture of the Hebrew people.
  • Labor would have taken between 12 and 36 hours for a first-time mother, and it was a potentially perilous venture.
  • If there had been enough time, Joseph would almost certainly have asked for a midwife, and a midwife would almost certainly have come, despite the fact that the couple was strangers in Bethlehem and might not have been able to pay.
  • More recently, Queen Elizabeth II was aided by midwives in the comfortable surroundings of Buckingham Palace; Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, was also aided by midwives.
  • However, there is evidence to suggest that the midwife has played an essential societal function from ancient times as well.
  • Women themselves were frequently unable to read or write, making it impossible for them to recount their own tale.
  • Socrates’ mother worked as a midwife at the time of his birth, and he wrote on midwifery practices at the time.

Roman paintings carved into the walls of ancient birthing chambers are likewise a glimpse into the past.

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We’ve sent you a confirmation email to the address you provided as a precautionary measure. To confirm your subscription and begin getting our newsletters, please click on the link provided. You should receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder. A local lady who was called upon to assist with delivery would have been found in every community throughout the European Middle Ages. Typically, she was grown, had her own children, and possessed wisdom and calmness.

  1. She was present at both the birth and the deathbed of her child.
  2. They were well-versed in female anatomy and physiology, herbal remedies, and the birthing process — all of which were topics from which males were traditionally banned.
  3. Then, in the seventeenth century, the public perception of midwives began to shift once more.
  4. And because many of them could read and write, they were able to read and study whatever scientific material was available at the time, which was little.
  5. There were no schools or licenses available this time around.
  6. Throughout Europe, immigrant midwives passed on their knowledge and abilities from one woman to another.
  7. In contrast to midwifery laws in Europe, which are national in scope, midwifery regulations in the United States are either regional or non-existent.
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They were not in a position of authority; they earned a modest income; and they did not consider themselves to be experts in their fields.

An experimental birthing medicine known as Twilight Sleep was introduced at this time; although it promised women a “painless” birth, it could only be administered in hospitals at the time.

Some women considered that giving birth at home was a relic of the past, and physicians advised them to give birth in hospitals instead.

However, around the same time period, Mary Breckinridge, a British-trained nurse-midwife, was instrumental in bringing modern midwifery to the United States in 1925.

Her pupils were nurses who had had formal training.

Who could possibly disagree with that?

They desired to have a greater voice in the events that occurred to them.

Since then, midwifery has slowly but steadily made its way back into the mainstream in the United States.

It should come as no surprise that there are around 27 million midwives in the world.

Even though we frequently fail to include them when we relate the story of how prominent individuals came into the world, they were unavoidably present.

Women nowadays can find midwives in any town who will assist them in their labor choices, whether they want to give birth in a hospital, a birth center, their homes, or, who knows, maybe even in a stable.as long as it’s clean and warm.

She is a member of the American College of Midwives.

She is the author of the Hope River Midwife series of novels, which has been published in several languages. The most current book in the series, Once a Midwife, is now available through William Morrow Publishing. Please contact us at [email protected].

Why Did God Choose Mary to Give Birth to Jesus?

Crosswalk.com is a website that provides information on crossing streets. Author who contributes to the work God picked Mary to do what many consider to be the most significant work in human history: bringing the Messiah into the world through the virgin birth. Her life would take a sudden turn away from planning her wedding and toward preparing for the Messiah who would be born in her womb. The tale of Mary is intertwined with God’s purpose to send His Son to earth to be the Savior of the world (1 John 4:14).

Was there anything particularly distinctive or remarkable about this young lady?

Why Did God Choose Mary?

Many interesting information about Mary may be gleaned from the message delivered by the angel, as well as from her response to the messenger. However, by studying Old Testament prophecies, as well as the history and circumstances surrounding Mary’s life at the time, we can gain a better understanding of why God chose Mary. God orchestrated every detail — the people, the places, and the times — in order to bring about His plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. He still required a willing vessel, a surrendered servant, to complete His mission.

She came from a good family and was from Nazareth.

She was a virgin, and she was a young woman with a good reputation.

What Were the Angel’s Words Concerning Mary?

In God’s presence, Gabriel, one of the holy angels, was entrusted with the responsibility of delivering crucial messages on God’s behalf. Initially, Mary was “greatly worried” when Gabriel appeared to her; nevertheless, the angel then delivered a joyful surprise with her. According to Luke 1:26-33, the angel Gabriel informed Mary that she would become pregnant and give birth to a son. The baby’s name would be Jesus, which comes from the Hebrew root meaning “the Lord is Salvation,” and would signify “Savior.” According to Gabriel, this child, the Son of God, would reign in an eternal kingdom with the Father.

  • “How would this work, given that I am a virgin?” Mary inquired.
  • 34).
  • According to Jewish tradition at the time, young girls might enter into a marriage contract as early as the age of twelve.
  • Gabriel sent excellent news concerning Mary’s barren cousin, Elizabeth, in order to further assist Mary in comprehending the impending miracle.

She was in her sixth month of pregnancy, and she was carrying a boy “in her old age” (Luke 1:5-25, 36). The angel encouraged Mary to put her faith in God’s revelation concerning her own son, telling her that “no word from God would ever be false.” Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/rudall30

How Did Mary Respond to the Angel?

Even though she was most likely unaware of how this extraordinary conception would take place, Mary’s hymn of praise demonstrates that she was aware of Messianic prophesies and promises (Luke 1:54-55); and Gabriel informed her that she would be carrying the Messiah in her womb. Saying “yes” to this opportunity would be a significant decision. Despite the fact that her response was brief, it was profound: “I am the Lord’s servant. “I pray that your promise to me will be realized.” Karen Swallow Prior said in “‘Let It Be’: Mary’s Radical Declaration of Assent” that the angel presented “an opportunity to Mary to give a very contemporary turn to a very pre-modern event: vocal consent,” and that the angel offered “a radical declaration of consent.” Because women were not treated fairly in ancient Middle Eastern civilizations, this verbal permission was “very unusual,” according to Prior.

As a result of her reaction, Mary recognized God’s authority.

What Was Mary’s Lineage, and Why Is That Important?

In contrast to Joseph’s genealogy, which is found in Matthew 1:1-16 and demonstrates Jesus’ relationship to the regal Davidic throne, Mary’s genealogy is found inLuke 3:23-38. Despite the fact that her name does not appear there, it was customary for genealogists to exclude women’s names. Mary was the daughter of Heli, who was a direct descendant of Judah, and Joseph was described as the “son” of Heli as a result of his marriage to Mary, which was recorded in the Bible. (Joseph’s original father’s given name was Jacob.) Mary belonged to the tribe of Judah, which was the line of the Messiah.

Other passages of Scripture also indicate that Jesus belonged to the tribe of Judah (Hebrews 7:14;Revelation 5:5).

Mary’s mother may have been a Levite, but her father was a member of the tribe of Judah, not the tribe of Levi.

Why Did It Matter that Mary Came from Nazareth?

Why would a nondescript place like Nazareth make a difference in Mary’s decision to follow her calling? Being from Nazareth was considered a source of contempt. Because the Romans maintained a garrison in Nazareth, the Jews regarded the city as impure. After Jesus’ birthplace was first ridiculed by Nathanael, the disciple retorted: “Nazareth! Can anything good ever come from there?” When the Messiah is mocked, humiliated, despised, and rejected, as described in Psalm 22:6-7 and Isaiah 53:3, it is possible that He was doing so in part because He was labeled as a “Nazarene.” On the Galilean plain, there was a prosperous and magnificent trade city called Sepphoris, which had an influx of Greek culture and was renowned as “The pearl of the Galilee.” Gabriel, on the other hand, was dispatched to Mary’s birthplace of Nazareth, where he was delivered to a peasant lady living in squalor.

There would be nothing in Nazareth that would elevate Jesus beyond his modest roots; nonetheless, it would be through these humble beginnings that He would be able to empathize with those whom He came to redeem (Luke 19:10).

What Part Did Joseph Play in God’s Choice?

One of the reasons God picked Mary was because of her husband, Joseph! Their participation was critical in ensuring that they arrived at the correct location at the appropriate time. Despite the fact that many young virgins were likely descended from King David’s line, it seems unlikely that many of them would be in the small town of Bethlehem at the precise moment when Messiah would appear. When Caesar Augustus declared that “a census should be conducted of the whole Roman world,” everyone in the Roman realm was forced to return to their ancestors’ places of origin.

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Bethlehem had become congested as a result of the census.

Jesus may have been born in northern Bethlehem, in the Migdol Eder, a watchtower with a place beneath it that was utilized during the lambing season, according to one account.

It doesn’t matter where Mary was when she arrived in Bethlehem; Joseph was helpful in bringing her there.

Why Was It Crucial that Mary Be a Virgin?

The fact that Mary was virgin was one of the most important considerations in God’s decision to choose her. The prophesy of Isaiah 7:14 was fulfilled in this way. Matthew further pointed out that the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy served as confirmation of the Lord’s true nature. Mary and Joseph were engaged to be married, but they did not have any sexual contact until after the birth of Jesus. In light of the fact that Jesus did not have an earthly biological father, the sin nature would not be passed down from Joseph.

Knowing that Mary’s pregnancy would bring public shame onto the family, Joseph pondered a discreet divorce; however, an angel persuaded him not to be afraid of marrying her, explaining that the conception was “from the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:19-23).

Was Mary Particularly Special?

The message from Gabriel, without a doubt, altered young Mary. Her joyful expectation of marriage had been supplanted by thoughts of parenthood. Her life would never be the same again, nor would it be easy or peaceful. She would come to realize how expensive her surrender to God’s calling would be as time went on. Mary was referred to be “very favored” by Gabriel. This phrase is derived from a Greek term that means “a great deal of grace.” Rather of being selected by God because she was better or more religious than others, Mary was “graced” by him with a special opportunity.

  • “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior,” she expressed her gratitude (Luke 1:28).
  • In her Magnificat, Mary exalted God and His Word from beginning to end.
  • ‘Mary was favored by God for a mission that would eventually allow everyone of us to be favored,’ stated Dr.
  • God sent the ultimate Christmas present not only to Mary, but to all of us, according to the prophet, “and it was Mary who brought the parcel to us.” Mary was dutiful and morally clean, and she served as a role model for strong faith in God and others.

These characteristics, Jeremiah observed, “are frequently disregarded or even belittled by society, yet they prepared Mary for God’s ministry.” Photograph courtesy of Getty Images

What Do We Know about Mary as a Mother to Jesus?

In the cradle and on the cross, Mary was the only human being who was there with Jesus at His birth and death on earth—she was the only one who witnessed His birth and death. Jesus developed and matured as a result of his earthly parents’ guidance (Luke 2:52). According to the Bible, following the birth of her firstborn, Mary had four more boys and several girls (Mark 6:3), indicating that she was not a perpetual virgin. She most certainly assisted all of her children in becoming good Jews as well.

When Jesus left behind in the Temple at the age of 12, his worried parents went on a search for him, and Mary discovered the nature of her son’s connection with God.

The day of Cana’s wedding, Mary first challenged her son, but then placed her trust in what He had instructed her to do.

When Jesus reminded everyone in the audience, he said, “Those who do the will of God are [His] brother, sister, and mother.” Mary, as a sinner, was unable to act as a mediator in the case of others’ sins, despite the fact that she may have prayed for her family and others throughout her time on earth.

At the cross, Mary experienced the agony of the ” sword ” that Simeon had said would pierce her soul, but she was also soothed by Jesus’ request that John look after her needs.

According to the Bible, there is no record of when or where Mary died.

As Jesus stated in Luke 11:27-28, Mary is not to be revered; yet, Christ-followers continue to remember her as a lady of remarkable faith and courage.

How Does Mary Encourage Us in Our Own Lives?

This story demonstrates how God can use the most unassuming and unassuming of people to fulfill His objectives, and we may learn from Mary’s example of believing God while following His commands. We may, however, take inspiration from her sense of curiosity. As God’s plan developed, Mary cherished each and every one of these things, pondering them in her mind (Luke 2:19, 51). As we value the knowledge of God and His activity in our lives, we may refresh our feeling of awe and appreciation for all that He has done and is doing, and anticipate how He will fulfill His promises to us as we treasure the knowledge of God and His activity in our lives.

“First and foremost, let us sing,” stated Charles Spurgeon in “Mary’s Magnificat.” First and foremost, let us sing in the manner of Mary.

They are the parents of two married sons and three grandchildren.

She is the creator and director of Heart Choices Today, as well as the publisher of Upgrade with Dawn and a contributor to Crosswalk.com and Christianity.com, among other publications. Dawn and her husband are also involved in ministry with Pacesetter Global Outreach, which they travel with.

Birth of Jesus – Bible Story

This is a condensed version of the Biblical narrative of Jesus’ birth. To further comprehend the significance of this world-changing event in the Bible, you may read more in-depth Bible verses from theScripturebelow and watch the articles and movies that accompany them. In the year 2000, a young lady from the village of Nazareth named Mary was visited by an angel named Gabriel, who spoke to her in a dream. The angel Gabriel informed the Jewish lady that she would become the mother of a boy named Jesus, who would later be revealed to be the Son of God.

  • When Mary’s story was conveyed to Joseph, he was saddened and perplexed since he did not trust her.
  • When the Roman emperor ordered a census of all people to be taken in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph were forced to leave their home in Nazareth and come to Bethlehem.
  • The inns were completely booked.
  • Mary and Joseph sat down on the hay in a barn with animals resting around them and began to pray.
  • The manger, which served as a feeding bowl for the animals, was most likely the sole area for the sleeping infant to lay.
  • The happy news of the birth of the Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ, was delivered to them by an angel.
  • After some time had passed, three wise men, sometimes known as magi, were able to recognize the dazzling star in the sky that had appeared above the location where Jesus was born.
  • During the wise men’s journey, Herod the king of Judah met with them and instructed them to return and inform him of the location of the infant king so that he might go and adore him as well.
  • They bowed their heads in reverence and presented the Savior with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  • Celebrate the birth of Christ by printing off your FREE copy of Beautiful Christmas Bible Verses printable to read and share with your family and friends this holiday season.

Continue reading below for the whole Scripture scriptures that relate to the stories of Jesus’ birth in the Bible books of Luke and Matthew: As part of our bigger Christmas and Advent resource library, which focuses on the events leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ, this piece is included.

What really is Christmas?

The history of the 25th of December Advent is defined as the period between the months of December and January. The Symbolism of the Christmas Tradition Bible Verses for the Holidays The Bible’s Narrative Image courtesy of istock

Do We Know How Old Mary Was When She Had Jesus?

Advent calendars, manger scenes, and paintings of Mary represent her as a youthful lady in her twenties when she gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ, despite the fact that she was much older. Despite the fact that these representations are aesthetically pleasing, they are not biblically accurate. When she gave birth to Jesus, Mary would not have been in her twenties, according to tradition.

How Old Was Mary?

The Bible does not explicitly state how old Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus, so we can only guess. We do know that Mary was a young virgin when she became pregnant with Jesus. “This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about,” according to the Gospel of Matthew: “His mother Mary was promised to be married to Joseph, but before they got together, she was discovered to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:18). We are not told the age of Mary in this section of Scripture, but we are informed that she was a virgin and that she had agreed to be married to Joseph.

  1. Mary would have been between the ages of 12 and 16 when she became pregnant with Jesus, according to scholars (Ibid.).
  2. It is estimated that Mary was around 14 years old when the angel Gabriel informed her of the birth of the Lord in her womb, according to tradition (Ibid.).
  3. While the Bible does not specify how old Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus, we may safely assume that she was a young lady at the time of his birth.
  4. Many people, including the Catholic faith, have exalted Mary to a level of importance that she does not deserve.
  5. Mary was not innocent, since she understood her own need for the Savior to redeem her from her sins and turn to him for salvation (Luke 1:46-49).
  6. Mary is not God, and she does not act as a go-between for us and the Father, as some believe.
  7. A similar statement is made about Jesus as our mediator in Hebrews, who says that he has the ability to rescue entirely those who come to God through him because he “always lives to intercede for them” (Hebrews 4:15).
  8. God’s plan to redeem mankind included Mary, who played a vital role; nonetheless, she was only a servant of the Lord, not the Lord himself.
  9. There is a lot we can learn about life from Mary’s experiences as a young girl.

As previously stated, Mary would have been between the ages of 15 and 16 when she gave birth to Jesus, making her the most plausible candidate for the role of mother. In other words, Mary would have been a teenager at the time of her death.

Is Her Age Important to Know?

Because she was pregnant with the Son of God, Mary had a strong sense of faith and maturity despite her young age. Teenagers these days are fascinated with social media, fashion, and celebrities, among other things. Mary was completely devoted to the Lord and dedicated her life to serving Him. Despite the fact that Mary was a virgin at the time of Jesus’ conception, the Holy Spirit supplied the means for Jesus to be conceived (Luke 1:29-38). Mary’s pregnancy would have elicited suspicious looks and scorn from the other residents of the town, despite the fact that she had not been unfaithful to Joseph.

  1. She didn’t dispute Gabriel or try to get away from God’s plan for her life; instead, she followed it.
  2. “I pray that your promise to me will be realized” (Luke 1:38).
  3. The prospect of such a situation must have been terrifying for Mary, yet she decided to be courageous and bold, and to put her confidence in the Lord.
  4. As soon as Joseph learned of Mary’s pregnancy, he would have been filled with thoughts of betrayal, agony, and misery, which would have overwhelmed his heart.
  5. It would have been impossible for you to accept that your engaged wife was pregnant as a result of God’s providential intervention.
  6. The child she will bear will be named Jesus because he will rescue his people from their sins, and you will be the one to give him that name” (Matthew 1:20-21).
  7. Even before the angel revealed to Joseph in a dream that Mary had not been unfaithful to him, he had made the decision to divorce her on his own.
  8. Mary’s life would not have been spared by Joseph’s decision to divorce her in private, but it would have been saved by his decision to do it.
  9. Joseph demonstrated tremendous love, generosity, and faith via his deeds.

We do not know how old Joseph would have been at the time of Jesus’ birth; nonetheless, Jewish norms at the period required Jewish males to get married in their mid- or late-teens; yet, it is possible that they married when they were older than their late-teen years for a variety of reasons (Ibid.).

Why Does This Matter?

However, while the ages of Mary and Joseph are important components of the Christmas tale, the most important aspect of the Christmas story is the birth of Jesus into the world. God’s presence among the people was symbolized by Jesus’ birth, and He had come to redeem humanity from our sins. This Christmas season, may we all rejoice and celebrate the magnificent birth of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the same way as Mary and Joseph did on the night of Jesus’s conception. Further reading may be found at: When God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus, he had a good reason.

  • What Is the Importance of Mary’s Song During the Holiday Season?
  • iStock/Getty Images Plus/Denis-Art are the photographers that captured this image.
  • Having completed both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s degree in Christian Ministry, she has a strong academic background in theology to her credit.
  • In her spare time, she enjoys seeing new places and experiencing new things.
See also:  Where Was Mary The Mother Of Jesus Born

How old was Mary when she gave birth to Jesus?

What age was Mary when she became pregnant with Jesus?

The Bible Answer

The Bible does not specify how old Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus, just that she was a young woman. The age of Mary at the time of Jesus’ birth is not known, nor are there any historical texts that indicate her age. Despite this, we may draw some plausible inferences about Jewish practices based on what they were like back in those days and at that time.

Mary Was Most Likely Between The Ages 12-16 Years Old According To Scholars

Most scholars and historians agree that Mary was between the ages of 12 and 16 years old when she gave birth to Jesus, despite the fact that many contemporary images of her bearing Jesus portray her as an attractive young lady in her early 20s. Although this appears to be a very young age to us now, under Jewish norms at the time, it was normal for ladies to get betrothed (engaged) to a man at a very young age, often as young as 12. While the Bible does not specify Mary’s age, it does state that she was a virgin who was engaged to be married to a man called Joseph at the time of her conception.

It goes without saying that knowing how old Mary was isn’t anywhere near as significant as knowing the person to whom she gave birth!

Did Mary have any children other than Jesus? If so, how can she be the eternal virgin?

Mary had four other sons, named Joseph, James, Jude, and Simon, in addition to Joseph. Because of Jesus’ virgin birth, Joseph was not the biological father of the child, making these two brothers half brothers of Jesus. The last three individuals mentioned should not be confused with those who were disciples of Jesus who went by the same name as the last three individuals mentioned. Here are some passages in the Bible where the other sons of Mary by Joseph are mentioned by their father, Joseph (Matt.

  1. 9:5; Gal.
  2. The Catholic doctrine of Mary’s eternal virginity is not supported by the Scriptures, according to the Bible.
  3. According to the Bible, Joseph was only allowed to keep her as a virgin until after the birth of Jesus (see Matt.
  4. 1:18And it was in this manner that Jesus Christ was born.
  5. He intended to divorce her in private because Joseph, her future husband, was a righteous man who did not want to bring shame on himself or her family.
  6. 1:22All of this occurred in order to bring about the fulfillment of what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: 1:23 “Look!
  7. He married his wife,1:25but they did not have any sexual relations with each other until she gave birth to a son, whom he named Jesus, after him.

The other words in bold italics are there because they are a quote from the book of Isaiah (7:14). The following topics are related: Catholicism, Incarnation, Character Analysis

How old was Mary when she gave birth to Jesus?

Gramps, My curiosity was piqued as to how old Mary was at the time of Jesus’ birth. I am aware that she was a young woman, but my father and I would like to know if she was identified by her age anywhere in the book. Teleah


Greetings, Teleah. When she gave birth to Jesus, Mary was most likely between the ages of 12 and 14 years. Despite the fact that our scriptures are quiet on Mary’s age, other sources provide accounts of her upbringing and betrothal to Joseph. Sadly, one of them, The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (also known as The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary), is no longer in existence. A Latin translation (attributed to Jerome, 347-420 AD) of a Hebrew text is what we have in our possession (attributed to Matthew).

  • Although other versions claim that Mary was 14, this text specifies that she was engaged to Joseph while she was in “her fourteenth year,” which sets her at 13 years old (compare Joseph Smith’s First Vision, which occurs in his ” fifteenth year,” when he is 14 years old).
  • Despite the fact that the earliest manuscript dates to the 3rd century, textual research has determined that it originated in the mid- to late-2nd century AD (for contrast, the canonical infancy gospels of Luke and Matthew date to 80-130 AD and 80-100 AD, respectively).
  • As with Pseudo-Matthew, it situates her in the temple, which is consecrated to the Lord, and has her dwelling there in the manner of Samuel.
  • 15:19-30), and they have ordered her marriage.
  • Such marriage proposals were most often made while a lady was in her early adolescence (seeJesus Christ and the World of the New Testament, by Holzapfel, Huntsman and Wayment, p.
  • 108).
  • A tent or a small canopy had been set up at the bride’s house for the occasion, and the couple exchanged vows in front of friends and family members.

To make it official, the bridegroom presented his betrothed with a piece of money, or the value of it, in front of witnesses, along with the words, ‘Lo, thou art betrothed unto me,’ or by a formal writing in which similar words and the maiden’s name were given, and this was presented to her in the same manner.” Page 99 of The Life and Words of Christ, Volume 1, page 99.

  1. If it were violated, it would be considered adultery, and the band could not be disbanded until via a formal divorce, as would be the case after marriage” (The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, vol.
  2. We can appreciate Joseph’s surprise when he realizes that his almost-wife is pregnant!
  3. As previously indicated, the apocryphal narratives discussed above deal with the consequences from the scandal that occurs when an engaged couple is unexpectedly discovered to be pregnant before the marriage has been formally confirmed.
  4. Both Joseph and Mary were determined to be blameless after taking part in the divinely authorized ceremonial testing (Numbers 5:11-31) provided by God (Protovangelion16).
  5. Joseph then went on to formally accept Mary as his young wife (either before or after Christ’s nativity, depending on whether you pick Matthew 1:24-25 or Luke 2:5 as your source of information).
  6. 3, page 245), the betrothal term for maidens did not often last more than a year, indicating that Mary was probably no more than 15 at this stage in her life.
  7. “On the evening of the real wedding, the bride was escorted from her father’s home to the home of her husband.

First, there were the merry sounds of music; then there were those who distributed wine and oil among the people, as well as nuts among the children; then there was the bride, surrounded by her companinos and led by ‘the friends of the bridegroom’; and finally there were ‘the children of the bridechamber.’ When she arrived at her new house, she was shown to her husband’s room.

Then a formal legal document, known as theKethubah, was signed, which laid forth the terms of the agreement.

As a result, the feast continues — it may last more than one day —.

After a long time, ‘the bridegroom’s companions’ brought the wedding couple to theChederand theChuppah, or the bridal chamber and bed” (vol. 3, page 245). Joseph and Mary just went to sleep, according to Matthew’s narrative, at the conclusion of these festivities, having been fatigued yet delighted.


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