Who Did Jesus Forgive

What did Jesus teach about forgiveness?

In the eyes of Jesus, forgiveness is of utmost significance. It’s the other half of the love coin, as they say. Love comes first, followed by the upper side, which is heads. It is Jesus’ desire for us to love one another as much as he has loved us, and he has revealed that the way in which others will recognize us as his followers is by the love that we have for one another (Jn 15:12,15; 13:35). However, our love is not without flaws. When we sin, we harm our relationships with God and our neighbors, according to the outcome of the coin flip: tails.

With forgiveness, the coin may be turned back to its original position and love can be restored.

If you forgive people their faults, your heavenly Father will forgive you.

In response to Peter’s question about how many times we should forgive, Jesus said, “Seventy-seven times” (Mt 18:22), a figure that should be interpreted metaphorically rather than literally, as a representation of the never-ending way in which we should forgive.

  • Jesus shared the story of the unforgiving servant during his meeting with Peter (Mt 18:23-35).
  • It was Jesus’ kindness and mercy that led to the forgiveness of those who had wronged others in the first place.
  • More powerful, however, is the manner in which Jesus forgave individuals who had directly offended against him.
  • Having been scourged and nailed by the Roman soldiers, Jesus pleaded to his Father in heaven, “Father, forgive them” (Lk 23:34).
  • Peter had flatly refused him.
  • “Peace be with you,” Jesus exclaimed not once, but three times as he entered the Upper Room, despite the fact that they were deserving of a stern reprimand (Jn 20:19,21,26).

When Peter approached Jesus, he was promised, “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.” According to Matthew 16:19, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you lose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” After the resurrection, Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” “Those whose misdeeds you forgive are also pardoned” (Jn 20:22,23).

Bartholomew Catholic Church in Wayzata, Minnesota.

He is now a homilist, Bible study leader, retreat director, pilgrimage guide, and author of various publications, and he continues to share his faith with others. Rev. Michael A. Van Sloun was ordained in 2008. With permission, this image has been used.

Why did Jesus say “Father, forgive them” on the cross?

QuestionAnswer Those words of Jesus are recorded in Luke 23:34: “Father, forgive them, for they do not understand what they are doing.” While hanging on the cross, Jesus glanced down at the sight below him, which must have been agonizing to Him. It is said that the Roman soldiers were gambling for His garments (John 19:23–24); that criminals on either side of Him on the cross were reviling Him (Matthew 27:44); that the religious authorities were ridiculing Him (Matthew 27:41–43); and that the mob was blaspheming Him (Matthew 27:41–43).

  1. Jesus prayed for them while surrounded by this most worthless group of people.
  2. He pleaded with the Father to pardon the robbers who mocked Him while they hung on the cross.
  3. When Jesus was confronted by the furious multitude that had ridiculed Him and advocated for His execution in Mark 15:29–30, He prayed for forgiveness.
  4. It does imply that Jesus was prepared to forgive them—in fact, forgiveness was the very reason He was crucified in the first place.
  5. Jesus interceded on behalf of sinners from the cross.

Father, forgive them,” Jesus pleaded, putting into effect the teaching He had taught in the Sermon on the Mount: “You have heard that it was stated, ‘Love your friend and hate your adversary.'” (Matthew 5:43-48) Yet Jesus urged his followers to “love their enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:43–44).

  • In addition to Jesus’ readiness to forgive His tormentors, the fact that they were completely unaware of what they were doing helps to explain His willingness to forgive them (Luke 23:34).
  • The troops had no ill will toward Him on a personal level.
  • This was the standard procedure for dealing with condemned prisoners, and they thought He had earned it wholeheartedly.
  • The crowd was completely oblivious to who they were attempting to destroy.
  • The prayer of Jesus to the Father “Father, forgive them” revealed His infinite mercy; He still loved them and would forgive them if only they would humble themselves and repent (Matthew 18:14; 2 Peter 3:9).
  • (See Mark 15:39.) One of the twothievescrucified with Jesus put his trust in Christ, who promised him eternal life (Luke 23:39–43), and he was executed.
  • Three thousand persons in Jerusalem were rescued in one day a little over a month later, when the church was officially established (Acts 2:41).
  • Jesus paid the punishment for the crimes that we commit in our ignorance, as well as for the sins that we do on purpose, by his death and resurrection.

When we are reborn, we, too, become a response to Jesus’ plea, “Father, forgive them,” because we have been forgiven. Questions about Luke (return to top of page) On the crucifixion, why did Jesus say, “Father, forgive them?” (Father, forgive them?)

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Jesus forgave Peter and he will forgive us

In the Gospels, Peter is a beautiful guy to follow. When Jesus began washing the feet of his disciples, Peter objected, saying, “No! “You will never, ever wash my feet again!” Afterwards, Jesus told them, “Unless I wash you, you have no share in me.” To which Peter responds: “Then I pray that you heal not just my feet, but also my hands and my brain!” With Peter, there is no such thing as a middle ground. He’s a one-and-done kind of person. During his oath of devotion to Jesus, Peter states, “I will die for you.” Jesus is arrested and Peter stands in the courtyard for the unlawful midnight trial, which takes place after.

  • As Jesus had prophesied, a rooster crows, and Peter looks across the courtyard at Jesus, who has not yet made eye contact with him.
  • What a horrific experience it must have been for Peter after Jesus died.
  • Grieving while harboring remorse is considerably more difficult.
  • An angel had appeared to her and informed her that Jesus had risen from the grave.
  • In that location, you will see him just as he instructed you.” (Matthew 16:7) Think about what is going through Peter’s head at the moment.
  • Is it possible that Jesus is still alive?
  • He will say something to me about my three denials of his request.” Peter and John are on their way to the tomb.

Peter, in keeping with his persona, pushes past John, who is staring in, and dives directly into the water.

Peter’s thoughts are flying through his head.

Hopefully, this signifies that the corpse has not been taken by grave thieves and is still in place.

“Tell the disciples and Peter about this.” What was it about Peter that drew his attention?

After denying Jesus three times, Peter was granted another opportunity, despite the fact that he had betrayed Jesus!

The angel does not mention any other names, but his is the only one he mentions.

Peter was going to be shown pity and forgiveness by Jesus as a result of this.

He extends the same courtesy to you and me. Peter traveled to Galilee to meet with Jesus, just as the angel had instructed him to do. Will you not go on a search for Jesus as well? He’s on the lookout for you. Philip Schroeder serves as the pastor of First Baptist Church in Bulverde, Texas.

What Did Jesus Do to Show He Forgave Judas?

Images courtesy of Johannes Simon/Getty Images Photographs courtesy of Getty Images/Entertainment Judas Iscariot, the disciple of Jesus who betrayed him, has long been regarded as the most heinous of all villains in Christian tradition. Although Jesus himself forgave his betrayer, shouldn’t all Christians follow in his footsteps? The evidence in the Bible and other writings on whether or not Jesus extended such forgiveness is ambiguous at best. What are Christians supposed to believe about Judas?

1The Story of Judas Iscariot

Photo courtesy of Matt Cardy courtesy of Getty Images News. Each of the four gospels tells essentially the same tale of Judas. The Gospel of John offers some further information. That book describes how Judas opposed to Jesus allowing a woman to anoint his head with ointment earlier in the story. Judas inquires as to why the ointment was not sold and the proceeds sent to the needy. When John mentions Judas, he makes it clear that he doesn’t genuinely care for the poor. He was the treasurer of Jesus’ organization, and he had a scheme to pilfer the money from the organization.

John continues by saying that Jesus was well aware that Judas would betray him.

2An Alternative Version of the Judas Story

The Gnostic Gospels are later versions of the events contained in the New Testament that are written in a different style. When Jesus and Judas conspire to betray each other in the Gnostic Gospel of Judas, it is known as the “Betrayal of Judas.” In a private conversation, Judas informs Judas of the “mysteries of the kingdom.” It is feasible for you to achieve your goal.” Advising Judas that he can get entry into paradise is equivalent to forgiving him. It has been stated, however, that those words have been mistranscribed.

Judas is referred to as a “devil” in the text.

3Evidence That Judas is Not Worthy of Forgiveness

Judas is apart from the other disciples right from the start of the story. According to John 6:71 and 72, Jesus refers to him as a “demon.” No specifics about his life are given in the gospels, but his given name, Iscariot, denotes that he is from the town of Carioth in Judah, making him the sole non-Galilean among Jesus’ followers. Another theory is that the name “Iscariot” refers to him as a member of the sicarii, a group of assassins who used knives as their weapons. Judas is only mentioned a few times in the gospels without implying that he will be the betrayer.

(Read more about Judas Iscariot in What Christians Want to Know: Judas Iscariot.)

4Possibilities that Judas Was Forgiven Anyway

Despite the fact that Judas is portrayed as a villain throughout the Gospels, as the enormity of his conduct dawns on him, he is overcome with shame. He tries to return the money he received for turning Jesus in, but when that fails, he commits himself by hanging himself. Jesus never expresses his forgiveness to Judas, although he does kiss Judas on the cheek when he foretells the treachery. It is possible that the most compelling proof that Jesus forgives Judas is that, as he is dying on the cross, Jesus forgives everyone (Luke 23:24), speaking the famous words “Forgive them, because they do not know what they do.” In no way does Christ imply that his forgiveness does not include the disciple who betrayed him.

He has written for magazines such as “The New York Times Magazine,” “Wired,” and Salon, where he has covered topics such as technology, the arts, sports, music, politics, and more. Vankin is also the author of three nonfiction books and a number of graphic novels, among other publications.

Peter Learned Forgiveness From Jesus

1.What may have been the worst moment of Peter’s life? PETER would never forget that terrible moment when their eyes met. Did he see in Jesus’ gaze some hint of disappointment or reproach? We cannot venture so far; the inspired record says only that “the Lord turned and looked upon Peter.” (Luke 22:61) But in that one glance, Peter saw the depth of his own failure. He realized that he had just done the very thing that Jesus had foretold, the one thing that Peter had insisted he would never do​—he had disowned his beloved Master.

2.Peter needed to learn what lesson, and how may we benefit from his story?

Because Peter was a man of great faith, he still had an opportunity to recover from his mistakes and to learn one of Jesus’ greatest lessons.

Each of us needs to learn the same lesson, so let us follow Peter on this difficult journey.

A Man With Much to Learn

3, 4, and 5 are the digits of the number three. (a) What was the inquiry that Peter posed to Jesus, and what do you think Peter’s response was? In what ways did Jesus demonstrate that Peter was inspired by the spirit that prevailed during those days? 3 The following question was posed to Jesus by Peter in his hometown of Capernaum about six months earlier: “Lord, how many times is my brother going to offend against me and am I going to forgive him?” “Can you do it up to seven times?” Peter was most likely under the impression that he was being generous.

  1. “Not up to seven times,” Jesus clarified, “but up to seventy-seven times,” he said.
  2. 4 Were you under the impression that Jesus was urging that Peter maintain track of the transgressor’s actions?
  3. (1 Cor.
  4. Divine forgiveness, on the other hand, is vast and kind.
  5. 5.When may we expect to have the most insight into forgiveness?
  6. But did Jesus’ teachings actually sink in to his soul?
  7. So let us go back to the circumstances that led up to Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross.

A Growing Need for Forgiveness

When Jesus attempted to educate the apostles about humility, how did Peter respond? How did Jesus treat Peter? 6It was a historic evening – it was the last night of Jesus’ earthly existence. Jesus still had a lot to teach his apostles, such as the need of humility, for example. Jesus set an example by humbly washing their feet, a task that would ordinarily be allocated to the most insignificant of employees. At first, Peter expressed skepticism about Jesus’ deeds. After that, he declined the service.

  • Jesus did not lose his cool, but instead calmly explained the significance and purpose of what he was doing to the disciples.
  • — (a) In what ways did Peter put Jesus’ patience to the test even further?
  • 7 Immediately following, Peter put Jesus’ patience to the test again.
  • Despite this, Jesus corrected them gently and even congratulated them for what they had done right; they had demonstrated commitment by remaining loyal to their Master throughout the years.
  • Peter responded by saying that he would remain at Jesus’ side even if it meant death.
  • It was at this point that Peter not only opposed Jesus, but also claimed that he would prove more faithful than any of the other apostles!
  • 26:31-35; Mark 14:27-31; Luke 22:24-28; John 13:36-38Was Jesus on the verge of losing his patience with Peter?
See also:  Map Of Where Jesus Was Born

He was well aware that Peter would disappoint him, but He still said: “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and you, when you have returned, encourage your brethren.” (See also Luke 22:32) As a result, Jesus voiced his trust in Peter’s spiritual recovery and his return to loyal service in the kingdom.

  1. nine, ten (a) What kind of correction did Peter require in the Garden of Gethsemane?
  2. 9 Later, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter required more than one round of corrective instruction.
  3. Jesus was in a state of mental anguish and in desperate need of assistance, yet Peter and the others fell asleep on him repeatedly.
  4. 10 Soon after, a horde of people gathered, carrying torches and armed with swords, clubs, and other weapons.
  5. Although he should have known better, Peter took a risk and attacked Malchus, a slave of the High Priest, slashing one of his ears off with his sword.
  6. (Matt.

His situation may serve as a reminder to us all that we all sin on a regular basis. (See James 3:2 for more information.) Each and every one of us is in need of divine forgiveness on a daily basis. Peter, on the other hand, was not finished with the night yet. The worst was yet to come.

Peter’s Worst Failure

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (a) How did Peter demonstrate a degree of bravery following Jesus’ arrest? (a) In what ways did Peter’s example fall short of the ideals he had pledged himself to uphold? 11 With the throng, Jesus said that if they were hunting for him, they should let his apostles go free. Peter stood there helplessly as the crowd shackled Jesus’ hands and feet. Then Peter and his fellow apostles departed, as did the rest of the congregation. 12 Peter and John made a pit stop on their way to Jerusalem, maybe at the residence of the previous High Priest Annas, where Jesus had been taken for questioning for the first time.

  • 26:58; John 18:12, 13; Romans 12:2) Peter was not a coward in the least.
  • They were armed, and Peter had already injured one of them when they arrived.
  • The Bible says in Mark 14:31.
  • 13 Many people today, like Peter, desire to follow Christ “at a safe distance” – in such a way that no one else will be aware of their presence.
  • —Read 1 Peter 2:21 in its entirety.
  • 14 One of Jerusalem’s most majestic palaces was just outside the gate, and Peter’s careful feet finally took him there.
  • Such dwellings were often constructed around a courtyard, with a gate at the entrance.

John, who knew the high priest and had already entered the building, came in and persuaded the doorkeeper to let Peter in.

A few slaves and servants were sitting around a fire in the courtyard, keeping warm during the freezing night hours as the false witnesses against Jesus marched in and out of the trial that was taking place inside.

Explain how the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophesy regarding three denials came to pass.

She was aware of his presence.

Peter was taken by surprise and said he didn’t know who Jesus was, let alone understand what the girl was talking about.


16 Peter was still urgently attempting to avoid being seen a little time after that.

One of them had a connection to Malchus, the slave whom Peter had injured earlier.

Peter felt compelled to persuade them that they were in the wrong.

That was Peter’s third denial in as many days.

In John 18:26 and 27, as well as in Mark 14:71 and 72.

(a) How did Peter respond when it dawned on him that he had utterly betrayed his Master’s confidence?

17 Jesus had just stepped out onto a balcony with a view of the courtyard below.

As the realization dawned on Peter, he realized how severely he had failed his Master.

He made his way through the streets of the city, his path illuminated by the waning full moon.

The scenes flashed before his eyes like a flashback.

He burst into tears and sobbed bitterly. — Mark 14:72; Luke 22:61, 62. — Mark 14:72, 62. 18 Following such a failure, it is all too simple for a person to conclude that his or her sin is too awful for forgiveness to be granted. Peter himself may have pondered the same thing. Was this the case?

Was Peter Beyond Forgiveness?

What we don’t know is how Peter must have felt about his failure, and how do we know that he did not succumb to despair. The intensity of Peter’s anguish as the morning dawned and the events of the day unfolded is difficult to comprehend. What a humiliating lesson he must have learned when Jesus died later that day after hours of agonizing torture! To think of how he had contributed to his Master’s suffering on what turned out to be the last day of His life as a man must have made Peter’s stomach churn.

  • We know this because he is immediately reunited with his spiritual brothers, which we discover very shortly after.
  • 20.Can we draw any conclusions from Peter’s conduct at one of his most eloquent moments?
  • When a servant of God gets knocked down, it is not the depth of his fall that is important, but rather the power of his will to get back up and make things right again.
  • It is attractive, but perhaps hazardous, to isolate oneself when one is suffering from melancholy or regret.
  • — Hebrews 10:24 and 25.
  • Peter and John dashed to the tomb, where Jesus had been laid to rest and the door had been locked shut behind them.
  • When he discovered that the tomb’s entrance was open, he hesitated.

Despite the fact that he was out of breath, he walked right in.

— John 20:3-9 (NIV).

22 Do you think Peter believed that Jesus had been raised from the dead?

(Luke 23:55–24:11) But by the end of that day, all traces of sadness and doubt in Peter’s heart had melted away.

He appeared to all his apostles.

The apostles said that day: “For a fact the Lord was raised up and he appeared to Simon!” (Luke 24:34) Similarly, the apostle Paul later wrote about that remarkable day when Jesus “appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.” (1 Cor.

Jesus appeared to him that day​—evidently when Peter was alone.

23.Why do Christians today who fall into sin need to remember Peter’s case?

They remain between Jesus and Peter.

More than anything in the world, Peter wanted forgiveness.

Who can doubt that Jesus extended it, and in abundance at that? Christians today who fall into sin need to remember Peter’s case. Never should we assume that we are beyond the reach of divine forgiveness. Jesus perfectly reflects his Father, who “will forgive in a large way.” ​— Isa. 55:7.

Further Proof of Forgiveness

twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth, twenty-eighth, twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth, twenty-fifth, twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth, twenty-fifteenth, twenty-fifth, twenty-fifth, twenty-fifth, twenty-fifth, twenty-fifth A description of Peter’s night fishing trip on the Sea of Galilee is provided in part a. (a) What was Peter’s reaction when Jesus performed a miracle the next morning? 24 Jesus instructed his apostles to travel to Galilee, where they would be reunited with him.

  • He was accompanied by a group of people.
  • Every sound he heard, every wave that lapped at his boat, every feeling he had with the coarse nets in his hands must have seemed comfortingly familiar to him.
  • — Matthew 26:32; John 21:30-31:00 Peter jumped from the boat and swam ashore to get some food.
  • They complied, and the result was a fantastic catch of 153 fish!
  • He jumped off the boat and swam ashore to get his bearings.
  • He concentrated his attention on Peter.
  • Numbers 26, 27, and 28.

(a) What evidence did Jesus present to demonstrate his complete forgiveness of Peter?

In the same way that Peter had denied his Lord three times, Jesus now gives him the opportunity to publicly declare his love for him three times in front of his peers.

(See also Luke 22:32 and John 21:15-17.) 27 The fact that Peter was still valuable to him and his Father was thus reaffirmed by Jesus.

What a tremendous demonstration of Jesus’ complete and total forgiveness!

28.Can you tell me how Peter came to live up to his name?

His brothers were strengthened as a result of his actions, as Jesus had instructed on the eve of His death.

The man named Simon eventually began to live up to the name that Jesus had given him —Peter, or Rock— by establishing himself as a solid, strong, and dependable force for good in the church.

Those letters also demonstrate that Peter never forgot the lesson of forgiveness that he had acquired from Jesus during his time with him.

29.How can we replicate Peter’s faith and the kindness of his Master in our own lives?

Do we seek God’s forgiveness for our countless mistakes on a regular basis?

Is it possible for us to embrace that forgiveness and believe in its ability to cleanse ourselves? And do we grant forgiveness to people who are in our immediate vicinity? This way, we shall emulate Peter’s faith as well as the kindness of his Master.

Jesus Forgives an Immoral Woman

LUKE 7:36-50 LUKE 7:36-50


People react differently to what Jesus says and does depending on their state of mind. When you visit a house in Galilee, it becomes evident why. The invitation to a supper comes from a Pharisee called Simon, who may have invited Jesus to get a closer look at the one who is performing such wonderful deeds. Jesus accepts the offer, perhaps because he sees it as a chance to serve to those in attendance, much as he has done on past occasions when invited to eat with tax collectors and other sinners.

  • On Palestine’s sandy roads, sandal-clad feet grow hot and unclean, thus it is common to wash a guest’s feet with cool water as a gesture of welcome.
  • He also does not get a traditional welcome kiss, as is customary.
  • This is also not done in the name of Jesus.
  • The dinner begins with the guests resting at their respective seats at the table.
  • She is “well-known across the city as a sinner.” (See also Luke 7:37) Despite the fact that all flawed beings are sinners, this woman appears to be leading an immoral life, maybe as a prostitute.
  • (Matthew 11:28; Matthew 11:29) She has apparently been touched by Jesus’ teachings and conduct, as seen by her desire to meet with him.
  • When she looks down at his feet, tears flow from her eyes, which she brushes away with her hair.

While watching, Simon thinks to himself: “If this man were truly a prophet, he would know who and what kind of woman it is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.” “If this man were truly a prophet, he would know who and what kind of woman it is that is touching him, that she is a sinner,” Simon says.

  1. The following is what Jesus says to Simon after sensing his thoughts: “Simon, I have something to speak to you.” “Teacher, put it out there!” he responds.
  2. When they realized they had nothing to pay him back with, he forgave them both without hesitation.
  3. — Luke 7:40-43 (KJV).
  4. In response to this, he turns to Simon and asks him: “Do you see this woman?” When I arrived at your home, you did not provide me with any water for my feet.
  5. You didn’t give me a kiss, but this woman didn’t stop softly caressing my feet from the moment I walked through the door.
  6. As a result, he says, “I assure you, her crimes, numerous as they may be, are forgiven since she loved much.” Those who are forgiven little, on the other hand, love little.” — Luke 7:44-47 (KJV).

Instead, he is demonstrating compassionate empathy for those who commit significant crimes but then show that they are sorry and seek forgiveness from Christ. That woman’s relief when Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you; depart in peace,” is palpable. — Luke 7:48 and 50.

Why Did Jesus Say, ‘Father, Forgive Them’?

“Father, forgive them, for they are unaware of what they are doing,” states the ESV version of Luke 23:34. According to the Gospel of Luke, these were the first of our Lord’s last words said while hanging on the cross. An odd answer to the situation at hand, as Jesus, an innocent man (1 Peter 2:22), was condemned to death by hanging on a Roman cross for his crimes. It was a mode of death that historians can only describe as “the most humiliating, horrible, and awful way to die,” according to their findings.

  1. With the arrival of these words of sympathy and pity in the ears of Jesus’ own executioners – Roman soldiers below who were unfazed by the surrounding bodies, which had been gravely scarred and exposed — the impact of this passage is heightened.
  2. His own kinsmen, who had just completed thrashing Him, taunting Him, and spitting in His face before giving Him over to the Roman guard, were the ones who had beaten Him.
  3. “Crucify Him!” they insisted, despite the evidence.
  4. He goes on to remark that their insistence was due to their ignorance (Acts 3:17).
See also:  Who Was Jesus Nt Wright

Why Did Jesus Say, ‘Father, Forgive Them’?

After learning more about the procedure of ancient Roman crucifixion, it is astonishing to imagine that the world’s Greatest Defender was never discovered to be defending his own innocence or even retaliating against His worthy accusers with a vengeance. It was instead found that the One who had come to save, having been abandoned by God at this very time (Mark 15:34), was interceding for the souls who had placed Him there, imploring with them not to be abandoned as well. But why is this so? Only by looking at the surrounding context of Scripture can we discern that there are several reasons why Jesus would recite a pleading prayer of forgiveness in the manner in which he did.

It’s Who He Is

Jesus, who was born of God and clothed in human form, was without the sin nature that plagued mankind (Luke 1:35). He could not and did not live within the bonds of resentment, bitterness, hatred, or even self-centeredness as a result of His truly holy nature, which existed within the confines of His own humanity. This was a side effect of His truly holy nature, which existed within the confines of His own humanity. His prayer was the prayer of a free man, someone who isn’t dominated by a sin-filled and emotionally charged reaction that comes to him without his knowledge.

As a result, it was only appropriate that we should have a high priest who was spotless, blameless, and unblemished, who was isolated from sinners and raised above the skies (Hebrews 7:26).

It’s What He Does

Jesus, who is sinless and free from the consequences of sin, is eternally an advocate for sinners (1 John 2:1), constantly present to intercede on their behalf (Hebrews 7:25). And, as the one and only mediator between God and humanity, it is only natural that Jesus should do precisely that, by praying for those who have transgressed against God (1 Timothy 2:5). I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me,” says the apostle Paul (John 6:38).

It’s Why He Came

Jesus came as a man with a mission, one of which was to remove the justification of ignorance from society (Acts 17:30). He also came knowing that He would suffer (Acts 3:18) and that He would have to die for those who were still sinners (see John 3:16-17). (Romans 5:8). What is the explanation behind this? Because it was only His blood that could satisfy the requirements for receiving God’s everlasting forgiveness and reconciliation (1 John 4:9-10). This was the type of forgiveness that Jesus was praying for from the cross – the forgiveness of all who believe in him.

Not only for those who stood before Him on that particular day, but for the entire world (1 John 2:2).

It’s What God’s People Were Waiting For

This prayer, in which Jesus interceded for His transgressors, was a fulfillment of an Old Testament prophesy that had been promised by the prophet Isaiah hundreds of years before. This prayer, particularly from the cross, would have served as a confirmation of His identity to people who had been looking forward to the coming of their beloved messiah, as predicted by the prophets of God. We do this because, while he poured out his soul to death and was classed among the transgressors, he bore the sin of many and intercedes on their behalf (Isaiah 53:12).

It’s What He Taught

The prayer of Jesus is an example of our Lord putting into practice what He preached. No lesson was imparted to anybody by Him that He was not also prepared to put into practice himself. Some of Christ’s teachings that we see reflected in His prayer include the importance of loving your adversaries and praying for those who have abused you, among other things (Luke 6:27-28). In addition, we should always pray for that one (Luke 18:1). These are themes that we find repeated throughout the New Testament, and they are plainly demonstrated when Christ prayed in the face of His foes, as well as the presence of death itself.

It’s the Church’s Example to Follow

In Ephesians 5:1, Paul exhorts the members of the Church of Ephesus to follow in the footsteps of God. While Peter’s appeal to Christians is to be holy in all that they do, “just as he who called us is holy,” the phrase “just as he who called us is holy” might be confusing (1 Peter 1:15). Christians, of course, do not live this out on their own, but rather by the power of regeneration, sanctification, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. It is this kind of fruit that can be observed immediately in the early church’s history.

  • It is just a few chapters later that Stephen’s narrative concludes, as he utters his last, yet familiar, words from beneath the crushing weight of rocks: “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (Acts 7:59-60).
  • It looks like a road that has previously been traveled has been made simpler to follow.
  • No one, beloved, was more aware of the happiness that had been prepared for Him than He who had come from heaven.
  • First and foremost, because of who He is and what He has come to do, but also because His Church has been called and equipped to do the same thing.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. I have made known to you all I have heard from my Father.” The fact is that you did not pick me; rather, I chose and appointed you, so that you may go and bear fruit and that your fruit might endure” (John 15:12-16).

Jesus’ Ministry Opened and Closed with Prayed

Praying had marked the beginning of his public ministry (Luke 3:21), and here we find him concluding it with prayer. He has, without a doubt, set an example for us! Due to the nails inflicted on his hands and feet, He would no longer have the ability minister to the sick; He would no longer be able to transport himself on missions of mercy because his feet were nailed to the cruel tree; He would no longer be able to instruct the apostles because they had abandoned Him and fled. So, what does He do to keep himself occupied?

  1. What an important lesson for us to learn.
  2. If Christ prayed for his murderers, certainly we have reason to be encouraged to pray for the absolute worst of sinners right now!
  3. If continuing to pray for that guy, that lady, or that wayward kid of yours seems like an unnecessary waste of time, consider this: Does their situation appear to be becoming more bleak with each passing day?
  4. That person for whom you have prayed for so long may have fallen prey to one of the Satanic cults of the day, or he may have become an outspoken atheist, in other words, a clear adversary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  5. Christ prayed for those who opposed him.
  6. Another viewpoint on Christ’s prayer for us is worth mentioning.
  7. This prayer of Christ on the cross for his enemies was greeted with a clear and unequivocal response.

This conclusion is based on Acts 3:17, where the apostle Peter states, “And now, brethren, I know that you behaved in ignorance, as did likewise your rulers,” which I believe to be correct.

Instead of Peter’s oratory skills, the Savior’s prayer was the driving force behind the event.

Pink’s The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross, 1.

Further reading may be found at: Exactly what is the significance of Jesus’ final words said on the cross?

Who Is to Blame for the Death of Jesus?

iStock/Getty Images Plus is credited with this image.

With the aid of God’s continuous grace, she now enjoys assisting others in better understanding their Bibles while also serving as a champion for biblical church integrity.

As a mother of three and a wife of 13 years, she posts less frequently than she would like, but she does offer Scriptural insights, encouraging truth, resources, and musings more frequently at Beloved Warrior, where she also shares a variety of thoughts.

20 Bible Verses about Forgiveness

Because of this, forgiveness has become a key subject of psychological study since the 1980s. The therapeutic value of being a person who forgives quickly was revealed by studies in the following decades. According to research, those who forgive more frequently exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Relationships that are stronger
  • Emotional wellness
  • A slower response to rage
  • And clearer consciences

For hundreds of years, the Bible has emphasized the significance of forgiveness and the necessity of repentance. It informs us that God is overflowing with kindness toward us and urges us to emulate His example in our interactions with others. Because of our love for one another, Jesus says us, the rest of the world will recognize us as His disciples (John13:35). And love demands the act of forgiving. The following are 20 Bible verses on forgiveness that reflect God’s loving kindness and our need to provide one another mercy and grace in our relationships.

1. Do not bear a grudge (Leviticus 19:18)

“Refrain from seeking vengeance or harboring ill will against anybody among your people; instead, love your neighbor as yourself. I, the Lord, am the one who speaks.” Jesus is credited for distilling the entire Old Testament law into two directives:

  1. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37)
  2. “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39)
  3. “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37)
  4. “Love your

These weren’t revolutionary ideas. As you read through the Old Testament, you will notice God reiterating these concepts over and time again. Throughout this text from Leviticus, God warns against harboring animosity and seeking retaliation against people who are a part of God’s covenant community.

2. Moses prays for forgiveness (Numbers 14:19–23)

“I implore you to forgive the guilt of these people in line with your great love, just as you have forgiven their sins from the time they left Egypt until now.” The Lord responded by saying, “As you requested, I have shown my gratitude to them. Although I live, and while the glory of the Lord permeates all of creation, not one of those who witnessed my glory and the signs I performed in Egypt and the wilderness but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times will ever see the land that I promised on oath to their forefathers will ever be able to claim it as their own.

  • Unfortunately, this is not the case.
  • Moses finds himself in the position of interceding on behalf of his people on a regular basis.
  • God forgives Israel once more, but He also warns Moses that if Israel continues to disobey Him, there will be repercussions for their actions.
  • Remembering that forgiveness does not always absolve the forgiven of the consequences of their actions may be of great use when dealing with difficult situations.

3. God doesn’t give us what we deserve (Psalm 103:10–12)

He does not treat us as our faults merit, nor does He recompense us in proportion to our wrongdoings. The reason for this is that God’s love for those who reverence him is as enormous as the heights of the sky above the earth; he has withdrawn our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. Our Lord Jesus Christ advises us to love our adversaries in order to be like our heavenly Father in heaven. The author reminds us that God “raises his sun on the wicked and on the righteous, and showers rain on the upright and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45).

He does not reply to us in the manner in which we deserve, but He does so in order to display His love for us.

He delivers us from the consequences of our sins.

He employs a magnificent image to convey the idea of eliminating our offense from us as far away from the east as the west. In a lyrical fashion, it expresses God’s desire to create an endless distance between our wrongdoing and ourselves when we forgive.

4. Cleansing us from our sins (Isaiah 1:18)

In the words of the Lord, “Come now, let us resolve the problem.” The Bible says, “Though your crimes are red as crimson, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Isaiah 1:18). The prophet Isaiah begins the book of Isaiah by describing God’s judgements against Israel, which serves as the book’s introduction. Rather than being merely punitive, God desires that His people make a conscious decision to live in a different way. Isaiah gives the following instructions to God’s people in the first chapter: “Make yourself clean by washing and scrubbing.

Learn to do what is right and to seek justice.

Take up the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and make your case heard ” (Isaiah 1:16-17).

See also:  What Did Jesus Teach

He pledges to restore them to the whiteness of wool if they would repent of their actions and turn to Him in faith.

5. Remembering their sin no more (Isaiah 43:25)

“I, even I, am he who blots out your trespasses, for my own reason, and does not remember your offenses any longer,” says the author. Throughout the Bible, God identifies Himself as the One who takes away our sins. He tells us that He does it for His own sake, which means that He is motivated by mercy in the depths of His nature, which motivates Him to be patient and forgiving toward us.

6. Turning from sin and seeking forgiveness (Isaiah 55:7)

Allow the wicked to turn from their ways and the unjust to turn from their thoughts. Allow them to turn to the Lord, and he will have pity on them, as well as to our God, who will freely pardon them. God has a deep desire to extend mercy, and He is always encouraging people to repent of their sinful behaviors and thoughts. Individuals should be cautious about expecting God to forgive them for behavior that they have no intention of changing.

7. Looking forward to Christ’s forgiveness (Jeremiah 31:34)

“They will no longer teach their neighbor, nor will they say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares God. “Because I will forgive their wickedness and will no longer remember their sins,” says the Lord. As a result of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Jeremiah speaks of a time when God’s covenant people will have God’s law written on their hearts. When that time comes, God’s people will know Him intimately and walk in His forgiveness.

8. The Lord is merciful and forgiving (Daniel 9:9)

Despite the fact that we have rebelled against the Lord our God, he is kind and forgiving. Daniel was a prophet who lived in Babylonian exile at the time of his death. When this book was written, Israel was undergoing a period of terrible judgment. Despite the fact that Daniel is one of the few biblical figures who does not exhibit many defects, he nonetheless views himself to be a participant in Israel’s sin and rebellion against the Lord.

And, despite the fact that they are on the receiving end of God’s wrath, Daniel exhibits his confidence in God’s mercy and forgiveness by doing so.

9. God delights to show mercy (Micah 7:18–19)

A God such as you, who forgives iniquity and the transgression of the remnant of his heritage, but where is he to find such a God? You do not remain enraged indefinitely, but rather take pleasure in showing kindness. You will take mercy on us once again; you will trample our crimes underfoot and cast all of our transgressions into the depths of the sea, as you have done before. Micah, in a rhetorical question, inquires as to if there are any other gods than Yahweh. The answer is, without a doubt, no.

The value of Micah’s comments is sometimes overlooked.

The people of Israel worshiped a God who, in contrast to the other deities of the region, took pleasure in displaying forgiveness to others.

10. Forgive us our debts (Matthew 6:9–13)

As a result, here is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, may your name be sanctified, may your kingdom come, and may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Please provide us with our daily bread today. Let us ask you to forgive us our debts, just as we have forgiven our creditors. And save us from falling prey to temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one instead.” The prayer that Jesus taught the disciples includes the topic of forgiveness as a central subject. Not only does He instruct them to pray for mercy, but He also encourages them to seek forgiveness in accordance with the forgiveness they grant to others.

This is a common approach in which Jesus speaks about forgiveness.

Furthermore, in the parable of the unmerciful servant, in which a servant is forgiven a big debt, but refuses to forgive a much lesser amount owed to him by a peer, he elaborates on this message.

11. Forgiven as we forgive (Matthew 6:14–15)

Because if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you when you transgress against him. However, if you do not forgive others for their crimes, your Father will not forgive you for your sins as well. The Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9–13) is a lengthy prayer in which Jesus covers a lot of topics. He speaks to the following:

  • Worship
  • A want to see God’s kingdom revealed
  • Daily necessities
  • Forgiveness
  • Temptation
  • Preservation
  • And other issues.

When Jesus is finished with the prayer, the sole subject on which he elaborates is forgiveness. Jesus desires for us to understand the connection between getting forgiveness and providing forgiveness. God has forgiven more than we will ever be able to forgive, but there is something more at work here as well. We are asked to live in such a manner that God’s desire for harmony is demonstrated in our lives, as the kingdom of God is about reconciliation. Paul expresses it in the following way: The source of all of this is God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the entire world to himself through Christ, and that God was not holding individuals accountable for their sins.

There can be no reconciliation if there is no kindness shown.

The invitation to reconciliation with God does not end there; we are also invited to participate in the ministry of reconciliation. Not only must we allow people to be at peace with God, but we must also allow them to be at peace with one another.

12. Forgive, and you will be forgiven (Luke 6:37)

“Never pass judgment, and you will never be judged. You will not be condemned if you do not criticize others. If you forgive, you will also be forgiven.” The first few of comments made by Jesus are unfavorable. You don’t want to be compared to others? Then don’t pass judgment. Do you want to avoid being condemned? Don’t pass judgment. His last comment, on the other hand, is different. It helps to put a positive spin on things. God, on the other hand, is known for His kindness, in contrast to Satan, who is the accuser.

The ability to forgive quickly displays a thorough awareness of and respect for the price of compassion.

13. If they repent, forgive them (Luke 17:3–4)

“You should chastise your brother or sister when they commit an offense against you, and you should forgive them when they repent. Forgiveness is required even if they transgress against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you with the words ‘I repent.'” The level of forgiveness that Jesus invites us to is difficult to achieve. The Lord doesn’t just urge us to forgive someone who has repented of sinning against us; He requires it—even if it happens numerous times during the day!

We will never be able to exhaust God’s patience and forgiveness for us.

14. Forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34)

He then replied to the Father, “Father, pardon them, for they have no idea what they are doing.” And then they divided up his clothing by drawing names from a hat. As if the crucifixion wasn’t bad enough, Jesus was subjected to humiliation after humiliation after humiliation. Over and above the ridicule and beatings that accompanied the trial, Jesus was subjected to soldiers’ gambling for His garments as well. Jesus didn’t turn a blind eye to the disgrace and anguish they imposed on Him. He pardoned them because He saw that they were in the dark about what they were doing.

This is an excellent reminder as we work on forgiving those around us.

As long as we give individuals the benefit of the doubt, it becomes simpler to overlook their errors.

15. Live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18–21)

“If at all possible, and to the extent that it is within your power, live in harmony with everyone.” Take no vengeance, my dear friends; rather, allow space for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ declares the Lord; so, do not seek revenge. Quite the contrary: “If your adversary is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, provide him with something to drink.” You will heap scorching coals on his head as a result of your actions.” “Do not allow bad to dominate you; instead, use good to defeat evil.” Paul is a down-to-earth individual.

Living at peace with others necessitates the ability to forgive one’s enemies.

This is true for both sustaining peace with our loved ones and achieving harmony with our adversaries, as well. It’s important to remember that evil does not defeat bad; rather, it serves to prolong it. With love, kindness, tenderness, and grace, we are able to defeat evil.

16. In Him we have forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 1:7)

Because of his blood, we have been redeemed and our sins have been forgiven, in accordance with the riches of God’s generosity. In order to earn God’s forgiveness, there is absolutely nothing we can do. God’s abundant grace is the sole reason we have the luxury of salvation. God’s grace is unending. And that is one of the most beautiful aspects of forgiving. It’s a gift that’s been given to those who don’t deserve it. As we follow Jesus’ example and provide forgiveness to those who are undeserving, we bear witness to a God who, through compassion, wins over the judicial system.

17. Be kind and compassionate (Ephesians 4:31–32)

Get rid of any bitterness, hatred, and anger, as well as brawling and slander, as well as any other sort of animosity you may have. Be kind and sympathetic to one another, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you through Jesus Christ. According to Jesus, our love for one another is an indication that we genuinely belong to Him and that we are His children (John 13:35). When we walk with Jesus, we should be transformed into persons who are kind, gentle, and actively dedicated to preserving our tie of love.

18. Forgive as the Lord forgave you (Colossians 3:13)

If any of you harbors a grudge against someone, be patient with one another and forgive one another as soon as possible. Allow yourself to be forgiven as the Lord has forgiven you. In other words, the cross serves as a lens through which we are to see the world. When we truly understand what Jesus was prepared to go through in order to forgive us, it becomes much simpler for us to be gracious toward others. To be forgiven is a difficult task, and few of us will be willing to walk the path that Jesus was compelled to take in order to be reconciled with us.

19. Jesus came to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15–16)

An enduring proverb that ought to be fully embraced is as follows: Christ Jesus came into the world in order to redeem sinners, of which I am the most depraved. But it was precisely for this reason that I was granted mercy, so that Christ Jesus, through me, the worst of sinners, would demonstrate his incredible patience as an example for others who would trust in him and gain eternal life. Everywhere you look throughout Paul’s writings, you can find glimmers of regret for what he had put the people of God through.

In this passage, he informs Timothy that Jesus displayed His infinite patience by forgiving Paul.

More than that, Paul argues that by forgiving His adversary, Jesus was creating a precedent for us to follow in our own lives.

20. If we confess our sins, Jesus will forgive us (1 John 1:9)

His faithfulness and justice will be shown toward us in that if we confess our sins, he will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Confession, according to James, is the first step toward healing (James 5:16). John affirms that this is correct. It is essential that we are upfront and honest about our stumbles, mistakes, and misbehavior if we want to continue our connection with Jesus (and with one another). Good news is that our merciful God faithfully forgives our sins.

His cleansing power goes much beyond that; He cleanses us from the inside out. This not only indicates that our relationship with God has been restored, but it also indicates that our conscience has been cleared. We don’t have to bear the burden of our mistakes and shortcomings on our shoulders.

Canceling each other’s debts

When we refuse to forgive, we are essentially holding individuals in a state of debt. However, unlike a financial debt, no one knows what the terms of repayment will be. A grudge is a way of expressing, “You owe me something, but I’m not sure what it is,” or “You owe me something, but I’m not sure what it is.” The act of forgiving removes the need to pay. When God forgives us, He does not absolve us of our wrongdoing or remove the consequences of our actions. He simply states, “I am no longer going to hold you liable for the debt you have accrued against Me.” He does not elaborate.

As everyone who has ever been debt-free will tell you, there is no finer feeling in the world than being free of financial obligations.

The New International Version of the Bible is used unless otherwise stated in the references.

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