Who Did Jesus Forgive In The Bible

Why did Jesus say “Father, forgive them” on the cross?

QuestionAnswer Those words of Jesus are recorded in Luke 23:34: “Father, forgive them, for they do not understand what they are doing.” While hanging on the cross, Jesus glanced down at the sight below him, which must have been agonizing to Him. It is said that the Roman soldiers were gambling for His garments (John 19:23–24); that criminals on either side of Him on the cross were reviling Him (Matthew 27:44); that the religious authorities were ridiculing Him (Matthew 27:41–43); and that the mob was blaspheming Him (Matthew 27:41–43).

Jesus prayed for them while surrounded by this most worthless group of people.

He pleaded with the Father to pardon the robbers who mocked Him while they hung on the cross.

When Jesus was confronted by the furious multitude that had ridiculed Him and advocated for His execution in Mark 15:29–30, He prayed for forgiveness.

It does imply that Jesus was prepared to forgive them—in fact, forgiveness was the very reason He was crucified in the first place.

Jesus interceded on behalf of sinners from the cross.

Father, forgive them,” Jesus pleaded, putting into effect the teaching He had taught in the Sermon on the Mount: “You have heard that it was stated, ‘Love your friend and hate your adversary.'” (Matthew 5:43-48) Yet Jesus urged his followers to “love their enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:43–44).

  1. In addition to Jesus’ readiness to forgive His tormentors, the fact that they were completely unaware of what they were doing helps to explain His willingness to forgive them (Luke 23:34).
  2. The troops had no ill will toward Him on a personal level.
  3. This was the standard procedure for dealing with condemned prisoners, and they thought He had earned it wholeheartedly.
  4. The crowd was completely oblivious to who they were attempting to destroy.
  5. The prayer of Jesus to the Father “Father, forgive them” revealed His infinite mercy; He still loved them and would forgive them if only they would humble themselves and repent (Matthew 18:14; 2 Peter 3:9).
  6. (See Mark 15:39.) One of the twothievescrucified with Jesus put his trust in Christ, who promised him eternal life (Luke 23:39–43), and he was executed.
  7. Three thousand persons in Jerusalem were rescued in one day a little over a month later, when the church was officially established (Acts 2:41).
  8. Jesus paid the punishment for the crimes that we commit in our ignorance, as well as for the sins that we do on purpose, by his death and resurrection.

When we are reborn, we, too, become a response to Jesus’ plea, “Father, forgive them,” because we have been forgiven. Questions about Luke (return to top of page) On the crucifixion, why did Jesus say, “Father, forgive them?” (Father, forgive them?)

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QuestionAnswer Those words of Jesus are written in Luke 23:34: “Father, forgive them, for they do not understand what they are doing.” It’s safe to assume that Jesus was distressed when He looked down from the cross onto the sight. It is recorded that the Roman soldiers were gambling for His garments (John 19:23–24); that criminals on either side of Him on the cross were reviling Him (Matthew 27:44); that religious leaders were ridiculing Him (Matthew 27:41–43); and that the people were blaspheming Him (Matthew 27:41–43).

  • Jesus prayed for them while he was surrounded by this most worthless group.
  • Christ’s main concern, even during His pain, remained for the forgiveness of those who regarded themselves among His adversaries.
  • During His prayer, He begged the Father to pardon the Roman soldiers who had insulted, spit on, and beat Him, as well as ripped off His beard and lashed Him, as well as placed a crown of thorns on His head and nailed Him to a crucifixion.
  • We must remember that Jesus’ petition, “Father, forgive them,” does not imply that everyone was forgiven automatically, without the need for repentance or faith.
  • It is God’s forgiving heart that is demonstrated by the words “Father, forgive them”.
  • Jesus interceded on behalf of sinners from the Cross.

“Father, forgive them,” Jesus pleaded, since He was putting into reality the teaching He had taught in the Sermon on the Mount: “You have heard that it was stated, ‘Love your friend and hate your enemy.’ ” Yet Jesus urged his followers to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:43–44).

  • In addition to Jesus’ readiness to forgive His tormentors, the fact that they were completely unaware of what they were doing helps to explain His willingness to forgive (Luke 23:34).
  • Personally, none of the warriors had any animosity toward Him.
  • This was the standard procedure for dealing with condemned prisoners, and they considered He had earned it.
  • The crowd was completely oblivious to those they were attempting to bring down with them.
  • The petition of Jesus to the Father “Father, forgive them” reflected His unlimited kindness; He still loved them and would forgive them if only they would humble themselves and repent (Matthew 18:14; 2 Peter 3:9).
  • 15:39) is a biblical reference.
  • In a public statement, a member of the Sanhedrin identified himself with Jesus (John 19:39).
  • Jesus died on the cross in order to grant forgiveness to anybody who would ever put their faith and trust in Him (Matthew 20:28).

“Father, forgive them,” Jesus said, and when we are reborn, we become a response to His request. Questions about Luke (return to top of page). On the crucifixion, why did Jesus exclaim, “Father, forgive them?”

Jesus Forgives an Immoral Woman

LUKE 7:36-50 LUKE 7:36-50

  • LUKE 7:36-50 is a passage from the Bible.

People react differently to what Jesus says and does depending on their state of mind. When you visit a house in Galilee, it becomes evident why. The invitation to a supper comes from a Pharisee called Simon, who may have invited Jesus to get a closer look at the one who is performing such wonderful deeds. Jesus accepts the offer, perhaps because he sees it as a chance to serve to those in attendance, much as he has done on past occasions when invited to eat with tax collectors and other sinners.

  1. On Palestine’s sandy roads, sandal-clad feet grow hot and unclean, thus it is common to wash a guest’s feet with cool water as a gesture of welcome.
  2. He also does not get a traditional welcome kiss, as is customary.
  3. This is also not done in the name of Jesus.
  4. The dinner begins with the guests resting at their respective seats at the table.
  5. She is “well-known across the city as a sinner.” (See also Luke 7:37) Despite the fact that all flawed beings are sinners, this woman appears to be leading an immoral life, maybe as a prostitute.
  6. (Matthew 11:28; Matthew 11:29) She has apparently been touched by Jesus’ teachings and conduct, as seen by her desire to meet with him.
  7. When she looks down at his feet, tears flow from her eyes, which she brushes away with her hair.

While watching, Simon thinks to himself: “If this man were truly a prophet, he would know who and what kind of woman it is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.” “If this man were truly a prophet, he would know who and what kind of woman it is that is touching him, that she is a sinner,” Simon says.

  • The following is what Jesus says to Simon after sensing his thoughts: “Simon, I have something to speak to you.” “Teacher, put it out there!” he responds.
  • When they realized they had nothing to pay him back with, he forgave them both without hesitation.
  • — Luke 7:40-43 (KJV).
  • In response to this, he turns to Simon and asks him: “Do you see this woman?” When I arrived at your home, you did not provide me with any water for my feet.
  • You didn’t give me a kiss, but this woman didn’t stop softly caressing my feet from the moment I walked through the door.
  • As a result, he says, “I assure you, her crimes, numerous as they may be, are forgiven since she loved much.” Those who are forgiven little, on the other hand, love little.” — Luke 7:44-47 (KJV).

Instead, he is demonstrating compassionate empathy for those who commit significant crimes but then show that they are sorry and seek forgiveness from Christ. That woman’s relief when Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you; depart in peace,” is palpable. — Luke 7:48 and 50.

What did Jesus teach about forgiveness?

In the eyes of Jesus, forgiveness is of utmost significance. It’s the other half of the love coin, as they say. Love comes first, followed by the upper side, which is heads. It is Jesus’ desire for us to love one another as much as he has loved us, and he has revealed that the way in which others will recognize us as his followers is by the love that we have for one another (Jn 15:12,15; 13:35). However, our love is not without flaws. When we sin, we harm our relationships with God and our neighbors, according to the outcome of the coin flip: tails.

  1. With forgiveness, the coin may be turned back to its original position and love can be restored.
  2. If you forgive people their faults, your heavenly Father will forgive you.
  3. In response to Peter’s question about how many times we should forgive, Jesus said, “Seventy-seven times” (Mt 18:22), a figure that should be interpreted metaphorically rather than literally, as a representation of the never-ending way in which we should forgive.
  4. Jesus shared the story of the unforgiving servant during his meeting with Peter (Mt 18:23-35).
  5. It was Jesus’ kindness and mercy that led to the forgiveness of those who had wronged others in the first place.
  6. More powerful, however, is the manner in which Jesus forgave individuals who had directly offended against him.
  7. Having been scourged and nailed by the Roman soldiers, Jesus pleaded to his Father in heaven, “Father, forgive them” (Lk 23:34).
  8. Peter had flatly refused him.
  9. “Peace be with you,” Jesus exclaimed not once, but three times as he entered the Upper Room, despite the fact that they were deserving of a stern reprimand (Jn 20:19,21,26).

When Peter approached Jesus, he was promised, “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.” According to Matthew 16:19, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you lose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” After the resurrection, Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” “Those whose misdeeds you forgive are also pardoned” (Jn 20:22,23).

Bartholomew Catholic Church in Wayzata, Minnesota.

He is now a homilist, Bible study leader, retreat director, pilgrimage guide, and author of various publications, and he continues to share his faith with others. Rev. Michael A. Van Sloun was ordained in 2008. With permission, this image has been used.

Parables and Stories of Forgiveness in the Bible

Are there any times when you hear something in church that suddenly makes so much sense to you that you can’t seem to get it out of your brain? Interestingly, this happened to me in connection with a verse that I had never understood before; however, once I did, I felt moved to act on it, which prompted me to look into biblical stories of forgiveness. Above all, show ardent affection for one another, for “love can cover a multitude of sins,” as the saying goes. (1 Peter 4:8 New King James Version) This is the verse that I’ve never been able to comprehend.

  1. To love one another and, in doing so, to forgive one another of all trespasses committed against you.
  2. Yes, I have.
  3. It slowly eats away at you until it completely consumes your peace and happiness.
  4. Not only is this the foundation of our Christian faith, but it’s also the most obvious.
  5. It felt like someone had smacked me in the face.
  6. I am not referring to outward acts of kindness; rather, I am referring to genuine forgiveness and compassion for everyone that comes from our hearts.

Stories of Forgiveness in the Bible

When I think of Biblical stories of forgiveness, the first one that comes to me is the story of Joseph and his brothers, which is found in the book of Genesis. Jacob had a total of 12 sons, one of them was Joseph. Can you fathom the level of competitiveness amongst twelve brothers? In any case, Joseph is his father’s favorite son, and Jacob makes no attempt to hide this fact. Furthermore, God provides Joseph nightmares about his siblings and his father kneeling down to him, which makes the situation much worse.

  • Jealous of their brother, Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery and lie to their father about his death, saying he was slain by a wild animal.
  • However, God is with him, and all he does turns out well.
  • When God grants Pharoah a dream, we are finally able to comprehend the meaning of all of his struggles.
  • God reveals to Joseph the significance of the dream, and Joseph is elevated to a position of great authority.
  • God had sent Pharoah the dream in order to warn him of a devastating famine that would occur in seven years’ time if nothing was done.
  • Despite the fact that God does not give them a warning, Jacob and Joseph’s brothers and their families are obliged to journey to Egypt in order to acquire food from their supply when famine threatens the land.
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After a sequence of events transpire, Joseph exposes his true identity to his brothers.

They had sold him into slavery, and now, hundreds of years later, he is a powerful monarch in the magnificent nation of Egypt, thanks to their actions.

“I’m Joseph,” Joseph said to his brothers, “does my father still live?” they inquired.

In response, Joseph requested his brothers to “please come close to me.” As a result, they got close.

But now, don’t be sad or furious with yourselves because you sold me here; God sent me before you to save lives, and you shouldn’t be either.

And God sent me before you in order to leave a legacy for you on the planet and to save your lives by a tremendous deliverance.

(Genesis 45:3-8; 46:3-8) I am quite astounded by Joseph’s demeanor and outlook. What a magnificent example of forgiveness that God has provided us with in this narrative!

Bible Parables about Forgiveness

In the Bible, parables are used to tell stories about forgiveness, which we find to be very moving. These are valuable teaching tools, both for our own hearts and for the hearts of our children.

The Prodigal Son

One of the most well-known biblical parables about forgiveness is the story of the Prodigal Son. It may be found in the book of Luke 15. A man had two sons, the youngest of whom requested his father to give him his inheritance as soon as possible. As a result, he did. The son quickly abandoned his father and relocated to a foreign nation. He squandered his entire wealth on foolishness and bad behavior. After his money had been exhausted, there was a famine in the land, and the son found himself in desperate need.

  1. He comes to his senses and decides to return to his hometown.
  2. However, even though he was still a long distance away, his father recognized him and felt compassion for him, running up to him and falling on his neck, kissing him.
  3. Let us feast and celebrate because my son was dead and then resurrected; he was lost and then found.’ And bring the fatted calf here and slaughter it, and let us eat and celebrate.
  4. (Luke 15:20-24; Matthew 15:20-24) No questions were asked, no fingers were pointed, and no reminders were given to his son about his transgression.
  5. Forgiveness is a magnificent act of humility and love, and it should be celebrated.

Parable of Two Debtors

After a moving introduction that tells the tale of a lady and her outpouring of love for Jesus, the parable of the two debtors starts. When a lady labeled as a sinner arrived and sobbed at Jesus’ feet while he was eating at the home of a Pharisee called Simon, Jesus was taken aback. When she finishes anointing his feet with oil, she kisses them while cleaning his feet with her hair and rubbing them together. Have you ever witnessed such humility before? Every time I read of her unbridled love, it brings tears to my eyes.

He thinks to himself that if Jesus was a prophet, he would be able to tell what type of lady this is by looking at her.

The story goes that there was a creditor who had two debtors.

And when they realized they had nothing with which to repay him, he forgave them both unconditionally.

And He told him, “You have made an accurate assessment.” His attention was then directed at her, with the following words addressed to Simon: “Do you see this woman?” You did not provide Me with any water for My feet when I arrived at your home, but she has bathed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair from her head.

You did not anoint my head with oil, but this lady has anointed my feet with a fragrant oil that you did not apply.

“However, those who are forgiven little, are also loved little.” He then told her, “Your sins have been forgiven.” Afterwards, people who were present at the meal with Him started to wonder aloud, “Who is this, that He should even pardon sins?” 50 When He finished speaking, He told the woman, “Your faith has saved you.

“May you depart in peace.” (4:43-50) (Luke 7:43-50) Is it necessary for you to go through forgiveness inside yourself? Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for encouragement, and feel free to use these worksheets to assist you in this vital area. To view the picture, please click here.

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Here’s another fable about forgiving others. Even though the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant might elicit feelings of righteous fury, it is important to remember that Jesus is addressing to each of us individually. As long as you have been forgiven of your sins and accepted into God’s kingdom, we have no right to hold another person responsible for their own. To put it another way, the kingdom of heaven is analogous to the situation of a monarch who wants to settle accounts with his servants.

  1. His owner, however, ordered that he be sold, along with his wife and children and all else he owned, in order to make good on his obligation to pay his debt.
  2. 29As a result, his fellow servant knelt at his feet and pleaded with him, saying, “Have patient with me, and I will pay you all.” In the end, he did not refuse, but instead went and imprisoned him until he could pay the bill.
  3. Later, after having summoned him to the meeting room, his lord addressed him as “you naughty servant!” I pardoned you for all of your debt because you asked me to do so.
  4. 35 “As a result, My heavenly Father will do the same to you if each of you does not forgive his brother his transgressions from the depths of his heart.” (18:23-35) (Matthew 18:23-35) Is there a pit in your gut after reading that last verse?
  5. Are you looking for a fictional narrative on forgiveness?

What is Forgiveness in Christianity?

So, what exactly is forgiveness in the Christian tradition? According to Merriam-Webster, forgiveness is defined as follows: To quit harboring animosity against (an offender) is defined as PARDON forgive one’s adversaries 2a: to relinquish one’s resentment or claim to restitution, to forgive an offense Forgive a debt in order to relieve oneself of the need to pay it. To forgive, to cease harboring hatred towards, or to offer relief from is to pardon. As Christians, we have been absolved of our obligation to the devil for our sins.

  • Through repentance, we may obtain forgiveness and make things right with God in our lives.
  • Because He delights in kindness, He does not hold on to his rage indefinitely.
  • All of our sins will be hurled into the depths of the sea by you.
  • When sin entered the earth, we became estranged from our Creator.

In his nature as a holy and upright person, he is impossible to exist in the midst of sin. He immediately informs us of his intention to send a redeemer to restore us to a state of fellowship with Himself. Here comes His only son, Jesus Christ.

What Does Jesus Teach about Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a critical idea, and Jesus speaks about it several times in the Bible. In addition to the stories of forgiveness included within the parables described above, consider reading more of what Jesus has to say about forgiveness. “Additionally, if your brother sins against you, go to him and tell him his wrong in private, between you and him.” In the event that he hears you, you have gotten your brother.” (Matthew 18:15; Luke 18:15) Afterwards, Peter approached Him and said, “Lord, how many times shall my brother offend against me and I forgive him?” “Can you do it up to seven times?” Then Jesus responded to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven,” which means seventy times seven times.

  1. (Matthew 18:21-22; Luke 18:21-22) Whenever you are praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive them so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your sins.” “However, if you do not forgive, neither will your heavenly Father forgive your transgressions,” Jesus says.
  2. If your brother commits a transgression against you, admonish him; if he repents, accept his forgiveness.
  3. Our heavenly Father, may Your name be praised forever and ever.
  4. On earth as it is in heaven, may your will be done.
  5. Let us ask you to forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors.
  6. Because the kingdom, the power, and the glory belong to You forever and ever.
  7. (Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 6:9-13) Check out the books “20 Bible Verses on Forgiveness and Healing” by Rock Solid Faith and “Freedom in Forgiveness” by My One Comfort for more Bible verses about forgiveness.

Summing Up Stories of Forgiveness

We can see how vital forgiveness is throughout the Bible, from verses to tales to parables to definitions to the teachings of Jesus, and we can see this throughout the Bible. Perhaps one of these forgiveness passages or forgiveness tales has triggered a “ah-ha” moment for you, similar to the one I had lately. Would you mind sharing your opinions about forgiveness in the comments section below? What scriptures or tales regarding forgiveness have a special meaning for you? Do you have a personal story to share about the healing impact of forgiving others?

5 Myths About Forgiveness In The Bible

The Bible contains a great deal of information regarding forgiveness. When compared to the Old Testament, which is primarily concerned with God’s forgiveness of people or groups, the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are concerned with how humans may and should forgive one another. Those precepts, on the other hand, are a hazardous guidance for human connections in the twenty-first century. The concept “forgiveness” is mentioned multiple times throughout Jesus’ teachings, but the phrase is never defined, allowing contemporary listeners to fill in the blanks.

  1. Does it refer to an activity, such as reconciliation or amnesty, or is it something a person does?
  2. Is forgiveness something that a person has to experience?
  3. When translated as “forgive” in the New Testament, the Greek term aphimi might signify a broad variety of things such as remitting debts, leaving (something or someone) alone, permitting (an action), leaving, sending away, deserting or abandoning, and even divorcing.
  4. We can gain some insight into what “pardon” would have meant to listeners in Jesus’ first-century environment by considering the broad spectrum of connotations of this word.
  5. Listed below are five commonly held “myths” concerning forgiveness that have crept into Christian doctrine and practice over time.
  6. The distinction between what Jesus taught about forgiveness and what we have assumed and inferred puts a sharp point on how Christians should define and practice forgiveness in the modern world.
  7. Jesus taught the concept of unrestricted forgiveness.

In Matthew 18:22, Jesus instructs church members to forgive one another “seventy times seven times,” a figure that symbolizes the infinity of forgiveness and compassion.

Further, Jesus cautions his followers in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke that there is a sin that will not be forgiven: “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 12:31-32; Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10).

The exact meaning of the phrase “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” is unclear, but it is obvious that there is a sin that God would not pardon under any circumstances.


It is possible that one of the most well-known stories about Jesus is from the Gospel of John, in which Jesus confronts a mob that is ready to stone a woman who has been caught in the act of adultery.

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Once it becomes clear that no one would harm the lady, Jesus replies to her, “Neither do I condemn you.” You may go in your manner, but do not offend again from this point forward” (8:11).

It should be noted, however, that the Greek word aphimi, which is most usually translated as “forgive,” does not exist in this narrative.

Furthermore, Jewish tradition holds that only the victim has the ability to forgive an abuser.

His failure to condemn her serves more as a lesson to the audience about the dangers of judging others than it does as a statement of forgiveness.

From the crucifixion, Jesus expresses forgiveness to his assailants.

During the crucifixion process, Jesus screams out, “Father, pardon them, for they have no idea what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

Closer inspection, however, shows that Jesus is not actually forgiving his enemies; rather, he is hoping that God would do it on his behalf.

Another example is that early in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus tells his disciples to “pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:38).


Just a few verses after instructing his people to pray for their adversaries, Jesus instructs them to “If anybody hits you on the cheek, offer the other also” (Luke 6:29; the identical teaching appears in Matthew 5:39).

Turning one’s face when slapped, on the other hand, was not considered a sign of surrender in Jesus’ day.

In this context, turning the other cheek would have been construed as a kind of revolt.

It is nowhere in the teachings of Jesus that turning the other cheek is considered a form of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the key to liberation.

The closest resemblance is found immediately following the narrative in which Jesus depicts an unforgiving servant who is sentenced to jail and torturing.

If one wants to escape an afterlife of torment and cruelty, it is in the best interests of the one who is forgiving to forgive.

Again, it is possible that the phrase “Forgiveness sets you free” is correct.

Forgiveness was a verb at the time of Jesus, and his teachings acted as health-checks for the community, both on earth and in the world to come, by allowing people to act on their feelings.

There is nothing in the Bible that suggests that forgiveness is beneficial to the physical or mental health of the person who is forgiving. It is archaic to propose anything other at this time.

Bible Q&A: How Can Jesus Forgive the Unrepentant?

Question:If God does not forgive us until we repent, then why would Jesus say, “Forgive them, Father, because they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34) to those who plainly had no intention of repenting on the cross? Isn’t it true that God does not forgive us unless we repent? Answer:Good day, Radio Listeners. If it’s okay with you, we’ll go over each of your questions one at a time.

Jesus’ Forgiveness

A good place to start is by looking at additional examples of Jesus forgiving individuals that may be found in the New Testament. For the sake of brevity, let’s look at some more examples from Luke’s Gospel.

  • After witnessing their faith, Jesus said, “Man, your sins are forgiven you” (Luke 5:20)
  • “I tell you, her sins are forgiven her—for she loved much.” “On the other hand, he who is forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven,” which is recorded in Luke 7:47-48.

It is important to note that in both circumstances, Jesus recognizes proof of a person’s trust in him and subsequently forgives them. In the first instance, four friends cut a hole in the roof to bring their crippled buddy to Jesus, and he recognizes this as proof of their confidence in him. In the second instance, four friends cut a hole in the roof to bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus. In the second instance, the situation is the same. When the lady expresses lavish affection for Jesus, he considers it to be proof of her confidence in him.

As a result, if the scenario at the crucifixion were another instance of Jesus forgiving people, we would anticipate the same pattern, or at the very least something very close to it:

  • “Your sins are forgiven,” Jesus says to a specific individual (or group of people) based on their actions, which demonstrates his (or her) confidence in him. Second, he turns to face that person and exclaims, “Your sins are forgiven.”

According to Luke’s Gospel, this is the pattern.

Jesus’ Prayer

However, the reality of what happened at the cross is rather different:

  • Throughout the Gospels, Jesus never refers to the behavior of those in his immediate vicinity as evidence of their faith. The people’s behavior, on the other hand, is inconsistent with confidence in him — the rulers sneered at him (Luke 23:25), and the soldiers made fun of him (Luke 23:26), while the people stood by passively (Luke 23:25)
  • Jesus never looks at someone in particular and tells them that they have been forgiven
  • Instead, he says it to everyone. As an alternative, he prays to God the Father, pleading with him to extend pity and grace to them.

In other words, what we have in Luke 23 is not an example of Jesus (or God) forgiving those who are unwilling to repent on their own own. He is praying for them, and that is all he is doing. At the moment, it appears as though Jesus is forgiving people at the cross. Indeed, we see the words “forgive them” pouring out of the lips of Jesus on several occasions. The good news is that Jesus states, “Your sins are forgiven” in both of our instances from Luke. To put it another way, “All of your faults have been forgiven.” Because of faith, we are brought closer to Christ, and he forgives us of all of our sins, not just parts of them.

“What they do,” he says, and he is particularly requesting forgiveness from God the Father.

Putting him on a cross.

God’s wrath should rightfully descend on them as a result of what they are doing.

“Don’t let it fall on them,” Jesus pleads with God, pleading with him to pour out the wrath on him. Allow it to fall on my shoulders.” He is putting himself in a position of isolation under the judgment of God. He is preparing himself to be the lightning rod for God’s wrath and vengeance.

Faith and Forgiveness

In other words, what we have in Luke 23 is not an example of Jesus (or God) forgiving those who are unwilling to repent on their own initiative. Praying for them is what he’s now doing. Jesus seemed to be forgiving individuals at the cross, at least from what we can see right now. Indeed, we find the words “forgive them” coming out of the lips of Jesus at one point. The good news is that Jesus states, “Your sins are forgiven,” in both of our instances from Luke. “All of your sins have been forgiven,” in other words.

  1. Although Jesus asks God to forgive all of the sins of the people who are standing nearby, he is not asking God to forgive all of his own.
  2. What exactly are they up to these days?
  3. As a result of their actions, God’s judgment should be justly meted out on them.
  4. “Don’t let it fall on them,” Jesus pleads with God, who then pours out the judgment on him.
  5. He is preparing himself to be the lightning rod for God’s wrath on the world around him.

Why Did Jesus Say, ‘Father, Forgive Them’?

“Father, forgive them, for they are unaware of what they are doing,” states the ESV version of Luke 23:34. According to the Gospel of Luke, these were the first of our Lord’s last words said while hanging on the cross. An odd answer to the situation at hand, as Jesus, an innocent man (1 Peter 2:22), was condemned to death by hanging on a Roman cross for his crimes. It was a mode of death that historians can only describe as “the most humiliating, horrible, and awful way to die,” according to their findings.

With the arrival of these words of sympathy and pity in the ears of Jesus’ own executioners – Roman soldiers below who were unfazed by the surrounding bodies, which had been gravely scarred and exposed — the impact of this passage is heightened.

His own kinsmen, who had just completed thrashing Him, taunting Him, and spitting in His face before giving Him over to the Roman guard, were the ones who had beaten Him.

“Crucify Him!” they insisted, despite the evidence.

He goes on to remark that their insistence was due to their ignorance (Acts 3:17). As a result, it seems probable that when Jesus remarked, “They know not what they do,” He was referring to them as well.

Why Did Jesus Say, ‘Father, Forgive Them’?

After learning more about the procedure of ancient Roman crucifixion, it is astonishing to imagine that the world’s Greatest Defender was never discovered to be defending his own innocence or even retaliating against His worthy accusers with a vengeance. It was instead found that the One who had come to save, having been abandoned by God at this very time (Mark 15:34), was interceding for the souls who had placed Him there, imploring with them not to be abandoned as well. But why is this so? Only by looking at the surrounding context of Scripture can we discern that there are several reasons why Jesus would recite a pleading prayer of forgiveness in the manner in which he did.

It’s Who He Is

Jesus, who was born of God and clothed in human form, was without the sin nature that plagued mankind (Luke 1:35). He could not and did not live within the bonds of resentment, bitterness, hatred, or even self-centeredness as a result of His truly holy nature, which existed within the confines of His own humanity. This was a side effect of His truly holy nature, which existed within the confines of His own humanity. His prayer was the prayer of a free man, someone who isn’t dominated by a sin-filled and emotionally charged reaction that comes to him without his knowledge.

As a result, it was only appropriate that we should have a high priest who was spotless, blameless, and unblemished, who was isolated from sinners and raised above the skies (Hebrews 7:26).

It’s What He Does

Jesus, who is sinless and free from the consequences of sin, is eternally an advocate for sinners (1 John 2:1), constantly present to intercede on their behalf (Hebrews 7:25). And, as the one and only mediator between God and humanity, it is only natural that Jesus should do precisely that, by praying for those who have transgressed against God (1 Timothy 2:5). I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me,” says the apostle Paul (John 6:38).

It’s Why He Came

Jesus came as a man with a mission, one of which was to remove the justification of ignorance from society (Acts 17:30). He also came knowing that He would suffer (Acts 3:18) and that He would have to die for those who were still sinners (see John 3:16-17). (Romans 5:8). What is the reason behind this? Because it was only His blood that could satisfy the requirements for receiving God’s everlasting forgiveness and reconciliation (1 John 4:9-10). This was the type of forgiveness that Jesus was praying for from the cross – the forgiveness of all who believe in him.

Not only for those who stood before Him on that particular day, but for the entire world (1 John 2:2).

It’s What God’s People Were Waiting For

This prayer, in which Jesus interceded for His transgressors, was a fulfillment of an Old Testament prophesy that had been promised by the prophet Isaiah hundreds of years before. This prayer, particularly from the cross, would have served as a confirmation of His identity to people who had been looking forward to the coming of their beloved messiah, as predicted by the prophets of God.

We do this because, while he poured out his soul to death and was classed among the transgressors, he bore the sin of many and intercedes on their behalf (Isaiah 53:12).

It’s What He Taught

The prayer of Jesus is an example of our Lord putting into practice what He preached. No lesson was imparted to anybody by Him that He was not also prepared to put into practice himself. Some of Christ’s teachings that we see reflected in His prayer include the importance of loving your adversaries and praying for those who have abused you, among other things (Luke 6:27-28). In addition, we should always pray for that one (Luke 18:1). These are themes that we find repeated throughout the New Testament, and they are plainly demonstrated when Christ prayed in the face of His foes, as well as the presence of death itself.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Divorce

It’s the Church’s Example to Follow

In Ephesians 5:1, Paul exhorts the members of the Church of Ephesus to follow in the footsteps of God. While Peter’s appeal to Christians is to be holy in all that they do, “just as he who called us is holy,” the phrase “just as he who called us is holy” might be confusing (1 Peter 1:15). Christians, of course, do not live this out on their own, but rather by the power of regeneration, sanctification, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. It is this kind of fruit that can be observed immediately in the early church’s history.

  • It is just a few chapters later that Stephen’s narrative concludes, as he utters his last, yet familiar, words from beneath the crushing weight of rocks: “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (Acts 7:59-60).
  • It looks like a road that has previously been traveled has been made simpler to follow.
  • No one, beloved, was more aware of the happiness that had been prepared for Him than He who had come from heaven.
  • First and foremost, because of who He is and what He has come to do, but also because His Church has been called and equipped to do the same thing.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. I have made known to you all I have heard from my Father.” The fact is that you did not pick me; rather, I chose and appointed you, so that you may go and bear fruit and that your fruit might endure” (John 15:12-16).

Jesus’ Ministry Opened and Closed with Prayed

Praying had marked the beginning of his public ministry (Luke 3:21), and here we find him concluding it with prayer. He has, without a doubt, set an example for us! Due to the nails inflicted on his hands and feet, He would no longer have the ability minister to the sick; He would no longer be able to transport himself on missions of mercy because his feet were nailed to the cruel tree; He would no longer be able to instruct the apostles because they had abandoned Him and fled. So, what does He do to keep himself occupied?

  • What an important lesson for us to learn.
  • If Christ prayed for his murderers, certainly we have reason to be encouraged to pray for the absolute worst of sinners right now!
  • If continuing to pray for that guy, that lady, or that wayward kid of yours seems like an unnecessary waste of time, consider this: Does their situation appear to be becoming more bleak with each passing day?
  • That person for whom you have prayed for so long may have fallen prey to one of the Satanic cults of the day, or he may have become an outspoken atheist, in other words, a clear adversary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Christ prayed for those who opposed him.
  • Another viewpoint on Christ’s prayer for us is worth mentioning.
  • This prayer of Christ on the cross for his enemies was greeted with a clear and unequivocal response.

This conclusion is based on Acts 3:17, where the apostle Peter states, “And now, brethren, I know that you behaved in ignorance, as did likewise your rulers,” which I believe to be correct.

Instead of Peter’s oratory skills, the Savior’s prayer was the driving force behind the event.

Pink’s The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross, 1.

Further reading may be found at: Exactly what is the significance of Jesus’ final words said on the cross?

Who Is to Blame for the Death of Jesus?

iStock/Getty Images Plus is credited with this image.

With the aid of God’s continuous grace, she now enjoys assisting others in better understanding their Bibles while also serving as a champion for biblical church integrity.

As a mother of three and a wife of 13 years, she posts less frequently than she would like, but she does offer Scriptural insights, encouraging truth, resources, and musings more frequently at Beloved Warrior, where she also shares a variety of thoughts.

What Did Jesus Do to Show He Forgave Judas?

Praying had marked the beginning of his public ministry (Luke 3:21), and here we find him concluding it with prayers. He has, without a doubt, set a precedent for us. His hands would no longer be able to minister to the sick because they were nailed to the cross; his feet would no longer be able to carry him on errands of mercy because they were nailed to the cruel tree; and he would no longer be able to instruct the apostles because they had deserted Him and fled the country. So, what does He do to keep himself occupied in this situation?

  • What a valuable lesson for us to take away!
  • If Christ prayed for his murderers, certainly we have reason to be encouraged to pray for the absolute worst of sinners right now.
  • If continuing to pray for that guy, that lady, or that wayward kid of yours seems like an unnecessary waste of time, think again.
  • Is it possible that they have passed the point of no return in the eyes of the Almighty God?
  • Keep the cross in mind then.
  • Learn not to see anyone as being beyond the grasp of prayer as a result of this.
  • It was a clear and unequivocal response to Christ’s cross-intercession on behalf of his enemies.

I based this conclusion off of Acts 3:17 (KJV), where the apostle Peter declares: “And now, brethren, I know that you acted in haste, as did your authorities as well.” Take notice that Peter used the term ignorance, which correlates to Jesus’ statement that “they know not what they are doing.” The heavenly reason for the 3,000 people who were converted in a single sermon is presented herein.

  • These verses were adapted from the book A.W.
  • The Word of Forgiveness.
  • Is It True That God Forgives Us of Our Mistakes?
  • So, why did Jesus have to go through such a terrible ordeal?
  • / mbol ina Amy Swanson currently resides in Connecticut, where she has lately developed a passion for Bible studies and the creation of fiction stories.

Her blog, Beloved Warrior, is less often than she’d want it to be because she is a mother of three and a wife of thirteen years, but she provides Scriptural insights, encouraging truth, resources, and thoughts more frequently.

1The Story of Judas Iscariot

Photo courtesy of Matt Cardy courtesy of Getty Images News. Each of the four gospels tells essentially the same tale of Judas. The Gospel of John offers some further information. That book describes how Judas opposed to Jesus allowing a woman to anoint his head with ointment earlier in the story. Judas inquires as to why the ointment was not sold and the proceeds sent to the needy. When John mentions Judas, he makes it clear that he doesn’t genuinely care for the poor. He was the treasurer of Jesus’ organization, and he had a scheme to pilfer the money from the organization.

John continues by saying that Jesus was well aware that Judas would betray him.

2An Alternative Version of the Judas Story

The Gnostic Gospels are later versions of the events contained in the New Testament that are written in a different style. When Jesus and Judas conspire to betray each other in the Gnostic Gospel of Judas, it is known as the “Betrayal of Judas.” In a private conversation, Judas informs Judas of the “mysteries of the kingdom.” It is feasible for you to achieve your goal.” Advising Judas that he can get entry into paradise is equivalent to forgiving him. It has been stated, however, that those words have been mistranscribed.

Judas is referred to as a “devil” in the text.

3Evidence That Judas is Not Worthy of Forgiveness

Judas is apart from the other disciples right from the start of the story. According to John 6:71 and 72, Jesus refers to him as a “demon.” No specifics about his life are given in the gospels, but his given name, Iscariot, denotes that he is from the town of Carioth in Judah, making him the sole non-Galilean among Jesus’ followers. Another theory is that the name “Iscariot” refers to him as a member of the sicarii, a group of assassins who used knives as their weapons. Judas is only mentioned a few times in the gospels without implying that he will be the betrayer.

(Read more about Judas Iscariot in What Christians Want to Know: Judas Iscariot.)

4Possibilities that Judas Was Forgiven Anyway

Despite the fact that Judas is portrayed as a villain throughout the Gospels, as the enormity of his conduct dawns on him, he is overcome with shame. He tries to return the money he received for turning Jesus in, but when that fails, he commits himself by hanging himself. Jesus never expresses his forgiveness to Judas, although he does kiss Judas on the cheek when he foretells the treachery. It is possible that the most compelling proof that Jesus forgives Judas is that, as he is dying on the cross, Jesus forgives everyone (Luke 23:24), speaking the famous words “Forgive them, because they do not know what they do.” In no way does Christ imply that his forgiveness does not include the disciple who betrayed him.

He has written for magazines such as “The New York Times Magazine,” “Wired,” and Salon, where he has covered topics such as technology, the arts, sports, music, politics, and more. Vankin is also the author of three nonfiction books and a number of graphic novels, among other publications.

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12 – New International Version

9Jesus climbed into a boat, crossed the water, and arrived in his home town. B)”>(B)2A paralyzed guy C)”>(C)lying on a mat was carried to him by a group of men. Take heart, E)”>(E)son; your sins are forgiven,” Jesus said to the guy when he observed their faith. “Take heart, E)”>(E)son,” Jesus said to the man after seeing their faith. When they heard this, several of the law professors thought to themselves, “This person is blaspheming! ” G)”>(G)4 Knowing what they were thinking, H)”>(H)Jesus said, “Why do you entertain wicked thoughts in your hearts?

6However, I want you to be aware that the Son of Man I)”>(I)has authority to pardon crimes on this planet.” As a result, he told the paralyzed guy, “Get up, grab your mat, and head home.” 7After then, the man got up and left for home.

Read the entire chapter.

Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man A)”>(A)

2A few days later, when Jesus returned to Capernaum, the people were informed that he had returned to his hometown. There was no place for anybody else, not even outside the door, as they gathered in such vast numbers that he had to preach to them from outside the entrance. 3Some men approached him and brought a disabled man to him, who was C)”>(C)carried by four of them. Since they couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, they dug a hole in the roof above Jesus and lowered the mat on which he was lying to allow him to go to Jesus.

Only God has the ability to pardon sins.

Choosing between saying to a paraplegic guy, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ and telling him to get up and grab his mat and walk is a difficult decision.

This astonished everyone, who thanked God and said, G)”>(G) “We have never seen anything like this!” H)”> (H) Read the entire chapter.

All rights are retained around the world. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek. Zondervan has copyright protection till the year 2019.

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