Where Did Jesus Heal The Blind Man

Blind man of Bethsaida – Wikipedia

TheBlind Man of Bethsaidais the topic of one of Jesus’ miracles, which is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. It is only found in Mark 8:22-26, and that is where it is located. The precise location of Bethsaida in this passage is a matter of controversy among academics, although it is most likelyBethsaida Julias, on the north side of Lake Galilee, which is where the story takes place. If the gospel of Mark is correct, when Jesus traveled to Bethsaida in Galilee he was approached by a blind man who implored him to heal him.

“I saw folks wandering around like trees,” the man explained.

“Do not go into the town,” Jesus said, “and do not inform anybody in the town,” either.

Theologian Bede says that “by this miracle, Christ tells us how enormous is man’s spiritual blindness, which can only be overcome by degrees, and by consecutive stages, as he approaches the light of Divine understanding.” The feeding of the multitude at Bethsaida is the only other miracle recorded in the New Testament as having taken place there.

Following the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 11:21, the city was condemned for its lack of faith in him in spite of “the wonderful wonders done in you.”

See also

  • New Testament biography of Jesus
  • Ministry of Jesus
  • Parables of Jesus
  • The blind man Bartimaeus
  • And other topics.


Healing the man born blind is one of the miracles performed by Jesus in the Gospels, during which it is said that Jesus restored sight to a man atSiloam. Despite the fact that the man who was healed was not identified in the gospel, church tradition has given him the name Celidonius. According to the Gospel of John, the incident is described in the ninth chapter.

Biblical account

Jesus Christ performs a miracle on a blind man. courtesy of Carl Bloch As recorded in the Gospel of John 9:1–12, Jesus came face to face with a man who had been blind from birth. “Rabbi, who sinned more, this guy or his parents, because he was born blind?” one of his followers questioned him. Jesus responded by saying that neither this man nor his parents had sinned. However, this occurred in order for the works of God to be shown through him. We must do the tasks assigned to us by the one who sent me as long as it is daylight.

While I am on this planet, I am the source of all illumination.

“Go wash at the Pool of Siloam,” he instructed the blind man, adding that the term “Siloam” means “Sent” in the Bible tale.

When they saw him, folks who had previously known him as a blind beggar inquired as to whether or not this was the same man.

The rest of the chapter is devoted to the Pharisees’ examination into the miracle that had occurred. Jesus takes use of the situation to impart a figurative message, stating that he came into the world “in order that the blind may see.”


There have been comparisons drawn between Jesus’ act of curing the blind man with a paste consisting of mud and spittle and the Genesis creation account, in which God creates man from the dust of the ground and his own breath (Genesis 2:7). Additionally, the narrative bears a reference to the Old Testament account ofNaaman, the leper, who was instructed by Elisha to heal himself by bathing himself in theJordan River (2 Kings 5:10). Because of the misunderstanding over whether or not the cured man and the beggar are the same person, it has been suggested that both conclusions are valid.

A common word in the Gospel of John is the phraseeg eimi, which means “I am.” The cured man’s use of this phrase, “I am,” appears to replicate Jesus’ use of the statement, and signifies that the man has discovered his own identity as a result of his contact with the divine.


It is believed that the man’s name was Celidonius, according to Christian legend.

See also

  • New Testament accounts of Jesus’ life
  • His ministry
  • His parables
  • And his death and resurrection The Gospel of John has seven indications.


  1. “John 9:1–12,” according to the Bible. Bible Gateway is a website dedicated to providing access to the Bible. Retrieved2018-04-18
  2. s^ Jonathan Bishop is a professor of English at the University of California, Los Angeles (1982). “Encounters in the New Testament,” as the title suggests. Kenneth R. R. Gros Louis is a writer who lives in Gros Louis, Missouri (ed.). Literary Interpretations of Biblical Narratives, Volume 2 is a collection of literary interpretations of biblical stories. p. 287 in Nashville: Abingdon Press
  3. Duke, Paul (1985). Irony may be seen in the Fourth Gospel. Atlanta, GA: John Knox Press, p. 119
  4. J. Warren Holleran is the author of this work (1993). “Seeing the Light: A Narrative Reading of John 9” is the title of this article. ETL.69: 5–26, 354–82 (at 361)
  5. Bishop 1982, p. 288
  6. ETL.69: 5–26, 354–82 (at 361)

Jesus Heals the Blind Man – Story of Bartimaeus

Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who begged Jesus for pity and healing on the road to Emmaus. It is evident in the way Bartimaeus addresses Jesus as the Son of God that his faith has been strengthened. While the rest of the audience is yelling at the blind guy to be quiet, Bartimaeus has only become louder! When Jesus instructs his followers to bring the blind man over to him, a miracle occurs as a result of the blind man’s faith.

Bible Text of Christ Healing the Blind Man

And they arrived to Jericho, according to Mark 10:46-52. A blind beggar who happened to be the son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside as Jesus was about to leave Jericho with his disciples and a large throng, and Jesus happened to see him. And when he realized it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to scream out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” And he continued to scream until he could no longer speak. And many people reprimanded him, ordering him to keep his mouth shut. And with more desperation, he screamed out, “Son of David, have pity on me!” And Jesus came to a complete halt and said, “Call him.” And they summoned the blind guy, addressing him as “Mr “Don’t lose hope.

  1. After that, Jesus inquired of him, “What would you like me to do for you?” And the blind man approached him and asked, “Rabbi, please allow me to regain my sight.” “Go your way,” Jesus instructed him, noting that his faith had restored him to health.
  2. The Bible says that when he got closer to Jericho, he noticed a blind man sitting on the roadside begging.
  3. His pursuers informed him that “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” he screamed out in desperation.
  4. And with more desperation, he screamed out, “Son of David, have pity on me!” And Jesus came to a complete halt and ordered him to be brought to him.

Then Jesus said to him, “Recover your sight; your faith has restored you to health.” After that, he recovered his sight and proceeded to follow him, giving thanks to God. And when the people saw it, they all praised God for what they had done.

Bible Commentary about Bartimaeus

According to Mark 10:46-52, Bartimeus is the name given to a blind beggar whose eyes were opened by Jesus Christ when He was traveling from Jericho to Jerusalem on His final journey. Luke 18:35-43 provides a nearly identical tale, with the exception that the occurrence occurred “when he drew near to Jericho” and that the identity of the blind man is not mentioned. Another instance is recorded in Matthew 20:29-34, when two blind men are restored to sight “as they moved out from Jericho.” Although it is not completely inconceivable that two or even three incidents are recorded, the consistency of the three tales makes this exceedingly doubtful in light of the other two reports.

  1. The major episode is well-documented, and the miracle cannot be dismissed on the basis of historical evidence alone.
  2. It is only the most mechanical understanding of inspiration that would demand that they be brought into harmony with one another.
  3. Bartimeus had heard about Jesus and his miracles, and upon discovering that he was traveling by, he believed that he would be able to restore his sight from his blindness.
  4. The kind invitations Christ extends to us to come to him offer us reason to be hopeful that if we come to him, we will get what we have come for.
  5. He asked for the opportunity to have his eyes opened.
  6. His eyes were opened as a result.
  7. In places where the gospel is proclaimed or where written truth is spread, Jesus is passing by, and this is a chance to witness to him.
  8. Those who have spiritual vision can recognize the beauty in Christ that will compel them to follow him wherever he leads them.

Commentary on the Book of Matthew Find articles, videos, and audio sermons about this extraordinary tale of faith and healing in the section below. You may also read the entire Bible narrative of Jesus curing the blind Bartimaeus. Photograph courtesy of wikimediacommons

Bible Gateway passage: John 9 – New International Version

9As he walked, he came upon a guy who had been blind from birth. 2His disciples came to him and asked, “Rabbi, A)”>(A)who sinned, B)”>(B)this man, C)”>(C)or his parents, D)”>(D)that he was born blind?” He replied, “Who sinned, B)”>(B)this man, C)”>(C)or his parents, D)”>(D)that he was born blind?” 3Christ stated that neither the guy nor his parents had committed any fault, but that this occurred so that the works of God may be exhibited in him. E)”>(E) 4As long as the day is bright, F) “>(F)we must carry out the instructions of the one who sent me.

  • 5As long as I am on this planet, I am the light of the universe.” G)”>(G) 6After stating this, he spat on the ground H) “On the ground, I mixed saliva with little water and applied it to the man’s eyes like a mask.
  • As a result, the man went out and washed before returning home.
  • Those who disagreed remarked, “No, he just looks like him.” “I am the man,” he declared, despite opposition.
  • ‘The man they call Jesus created some mud and put it on my eyes,’ he said in response.
  • So I went and cleansed my hands, and suddenly I was able to see.
  • “Can you tell us where this individual is?” they inquired.

The Pharisees Investigate the Healing

13They took the guy who had been blind and brought him before the Pharisees. Now, it happened to be a Sabbath day on the day that Jesus had created the mud and opened the man’s eyes. M)”>(M) In order to find out how he had obtained his sight, the Pharisees also questioned him. N) The letter N is used to indicate that the letter N is used “‘He put muck in my eyes,’ the man said, “and I cleaned them, and now I can see.’ ‘This man is not from God,’ argued some of the Pharisees, “since he does not observe the Sabbath.” O)”>(O) Others, on the other hand, questioned, “How can a sinner do such signs?” P) The letter P is an abbreviation for the letter P “As a result, they were split.

  • Q) What is the definition of a neologism?
  • “Does this look like your son?” they inquired.
  • Inquire with him.
  • V)”>(V) 23This was the reason why his parents responded, “He is of legal age; question him.” “> The following is an example of a formalized formalized formalized (W) 24A second time, they called the guy who had been blinded by the light.
  • “We are well aware that this individual is a sinner.” Y) “> The following is an example of a formalized formalized formalized (Y) 25He responded, “I have no idea whether he is a sinner or not.” One thing I am certain of.
  • What is it about it that you want to hear it again?
  • AA)”>(AA) 29We know that God talked to Moses, but we have no idea who this individual is or where he came from.
  • You have no idea where he is coming from, but he has opened my eyes.
  • He pays attention to the virtuous person who carries out his instructions.

(AD) If this guy were not a prophet from God, “>(AD)he was unable to accomplish anything.” 34They responded by saying, “You were born into a sinful environment; AE)” “>(AE)you have the audacity to lecture us! ” And they ejected him from the building. AF)”>(AF)

Spiritual Blindness

35When Jesus learned that they had thrown him out, he went to find him and said, “Do you believe AG)”>(AG) in the Son of Man?” (Do you believe AG)”>(AG) ” AH)”>(AH)36 ” AH)” “Can you tell me who he is, sir?” the guy inquired. “Tell me so that I may put my faith in him.” ” AI)”> ” AI)”> ” AI)”> (AI) 37Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one who is speaking to you. ” ” AJ)”>(AJ)38Then the man responded, “Lord, I believe,” and he fell to his knees before him in devotion. AK)”>(AK) 39 According to Jesus, “For judgment AL)”>(AL)I have come into this world, AM)”>(AM)so that the blind will be able to see, and those who see will become blind.” The Pharisees who were with him overheard him say this and inquired, “What did he say?” Is it possible that we are also deaf?

See also:  Why Do You Believe In Jesus

Matthew 9:27–30; Mark 8:22–25; John 9:1–7

27e And as Jesus walked away from the place, two blind men trailed behind him, shouting, “Have pity on us, f Son of David.” 28 When he entered the home, the blind men approached him and said, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” Theysaidtohim,“Yes,Lord.” 29g Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith, it has been done for you.” 30 After then, the eyes were opened. ThenJesus issued a harsh warning, saying, “See that no one learns about it.”

Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida

22 After that, they went to Bethsaida. Andsomepeoplebroughttohimablindmanandbeggedhimtotouchhim. Having taken the blind man’s hand and walked him out of the hamlet, he questioned him, “Do you see anything?” after sprinkling spit in his eyes and placing his hand on his shoulder. 24 Andhelookedupandsaid,“Iseepeople,buttheylookliketrees,walking.” 25 ThenJesus Greekhe” href=” f1-“>1 placed his hands on his eyes once again; and when he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he could see properly again.

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

9 As he passed past, he realized that he had been blind from birth. b Andhisdisciplesaskedhim, c “Rabbi,d who sinned,e thismanorf his parents, that he was born blind?” c 3 Jesus responded, “It was not that this guy or his parents had sinned, but rather that the works of God could be shown in him.” 4 We must complete the duties of him whose ntmei is due while it is daytime; nightfall is approaching and no one can work. j Iamthelightoftheworld, as long as I am a part of the world.” 6 After saying these things,k he spat on the ground and created mud with the saliva.l Then he anointed the man’s eyes with the mud7 and told him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (whichmeansSent).


JOHN 9:66 (JOHN 9:66) After saying these words, He spat on the ground and used the saliva to make clay, which he then placed to the blind man’s eyes using a cotton ball. What exactly was in the “clay” (John 9:6) that Jesus applied on the blind man’s eyes was never revealed. The “saliva” of Jesus and the dirt from “the earth” (John 9:6). What was He thinking when He placed dirt in the blind man’s eyes? His eyes might be created from dirt if any of their components were missing (e.g., the cornea, the optic nerve, etc.).

  • This is the original source material: In Genesis 2:7, the LORD God created man out of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man was transformed into a living being (Genesis 2:7).
  • He could have used only His saliva, if he had wanted: After that, He traveled to Bethsaida, where they brought a blind man before Him and pleaded with Him to touch him.
  • After spitting in his eyes and placing His hands on him, He inquired as to whether or not he had seen anything.
  • And he was recovered, and he was able to see everyone well (Mark 8:22-25).
  • His own touch: And as Jesus left that place, two blind men followed Him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” as they walked.
  • “Do you think that I am capable of doing this?” Jesus inquired of them.
  • When He finished, He touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith, so be it unto you.” And their eyes were opened as a result.

What other means could Jesus have used to heal him, do you think?

In the meantime, as He was departing Jericho with His followers and a big throng, the blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was begging on the side of the road nearby.

So many people told him that he should keep his mouth shut, but he only continued shouting out, “Son of David, have compassion on me” even louder.

Afterwards, they called the blind guy and told him to “be of good cheer.” Get to your feet!

“What do you want Me to do for you?” Jesus inquired after he received Jesus’ response.

Why did the blind man refer to Jesus as ” Rabboni” in the passage above?

They all came from the same root word.

“Rabbi,” which literally means “My Master,” was used to convey higher respect, followed by ” Rabban,” which literally means “Our Master.” The highest level of respect was expressed by addressing them as “Rabboni,” which literally translates as “My Great Master.”

The Mighty Miracles Of Jesus: Healing Bartimaeus Of Blindness

As part of His mission, Jesus accomplished more than 40 miracles, which included healing ill people, transforming natural components of nature, and even resurrecting people from the dead, among other things. Generally speaking, a miracle is defined as an occurrence that occurs outside of the realm of normalcy. Each month, we will take a deeper look at one of His miracles in order to gain a better understanding of the depth of His affection for us. Understanding Jesus’ miracles has the potential to transform your life, and it all begins with trusting in Him via confidence in Him.

  • It is uncommon for the Gospel authors to identify the persons who have been healed by Christ, but we can see here that the name of the blind man, Bartimaeus, has been disclosed among the numerous miraculous healings performed by Christ.
  • Bartimaeus’ miraculous cure and conversion to Christianity, according to biblical historians, was so astounding that it had a significant influence on the individuals who observed and heard about it.
  • It’s possible that his contribution was so great that it obliged him to be acknowledged.
  • He was impoverished, and begging served as his primary source of money.
  • The stories he’d been hearing about Jesus, His teachings, and His ability to heal the blind had been nothing but positive.
  • Many people advised him to be silent, but he screamed out even louder, “Son of David, take compassion on me!” What if you’re stuck on an island and see an approaching ship?
  • Bartimaeus shouted out to Jesus in the same spirit of desperation as he did to catch his attention.

He is adamant that Jesus is the Messiah who has been prophesized.

“Receive your sight; your faith has cured you,” Jesus said to him, and Bartimaeus immediately received his sight and ran after Jesus.

Isn’t it better to be like this blind man?

We may have taken the incorrect turns and are unable to find our way back to where we started.

However, when we are confronted with the reality of our choices, we are reminded of our desire to learn God’s way and to carry out His will.

In this circumstance, Bartimaeus found himself in the same predicament as himself. In this miracle, God is reminding us that our faith will remove our blindness and allow us to completely participate in the light of Christ.

Why Does Jesus Heal the Blind Man in Two Stages in Mark 8?

A reader of Mark’s Gospel may legitimately wonder, “Why did Jesus heal the blind man in two phases in Mark 8:22–26?” (Mark 8:22–26) We’ve seen before in the Gospel that Jesus can heal people from a distance just by speaking to them (7:29). So what’s the deal with the extended healing here? Let us begin by identifying one thing that we can categorically state that the text is not teaching. The two-step healing process does not indicate that Jesus “failed” in his first attempt at healing or that he is in any way insufficient.

Alternatively, the solution to our query is abundantly evident on a more fundamental level.

As the early church founder Papias asserted, Mark meticulously recorded the apostolic preaching of Peter in his gospel.

However, when we consider the historical event itself, we must ask ourselves why Jesus healed in this manner.

Human Faith and Divine Power

According to Mark 6:5–6, Jesus was only able to perform a few miracles in his birthplace due to the lack of trust on the part of the people. Another place where Jesus explicitly qualifies replies to pleas with the caveat, “According to your faith, be it done to you” (Matt. 9:29; cf. Mark 10:52; 11:22–24), is in the parable of the talents. Although Jesus can accomplish miracles in situations where there is insufficient or non-existent faith (e.g., Mark 5:41–42; 9:23–24), the majority of miracles he performs during his earthly career match to the petitioner’s level of faith (s).

If this is the case, Mark makes no such suggestion.

“Come out of the man, you filthy spirit!” Jesus is said to have been speaking to the demonic “Legion” man as he approaches him, according to the gospel accounts.

Only after a long period of time do the wicked spirits go (5:13).

No ancient faith-healer or contemporary eye surgery can compare to the clarity and richness of the physical repair that Jesus gives to those who believe in him.

What is the reason for Mark’s reporting of the incident in this manner? He could’ve simply shortened the story’s progression. However, by recounting the narrative more slowly, the gradual unfolding of events reveals just how formidable an opponent Jesus is up against (a legion of opponents capable of drowning 2,000 pigs!). The emphasis placed on the might of Jesus’ adversary, on the other hand, serves to magnify even more the power of the Lord’s victory. In the same way, by gradually revealing to his readers the healing of a blind guy, Mark crafts for us a picture of the man’s impairment being reversed in a vivid and dramatic way.

See also:  Jesus When I Was Hungry

No ancient faith-healer or contemporary eye surgery can compare to the clarity and richness of the physical repair that Jesus gives to those who believe in him.

Enacted Parable of Spiritual Blindness

Is it possible that the narrative is attempting to convey something more than that? Are the two-step miracles performed by Jesus interpreted by Mark as a metaphor for the disciples’ partial blindness? It has been correctly pointed out that Mark’s Gospel is not merely a collection of stories about Jesus that have been thrown together at random. A number of structural aspects have been offered by the inspired Gospel author to assist his readers in interpreting particular stories. Consider the account of Jesus cursing the fig tree in Matthew 11:12–14 and 20–25, which is divided into two halves, with Jesus’s announcement that the temple will be judged imminently sandwiched in the center (11:15–19).

  1. In the tale that immediately precedes the healing of the blind man, Jesus addresses his followers directly, asking, “Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear?” “Do you have ears do you not hear?” (8:18).
  2. The chapter describing two-stage healing (8:21–26) is also the final literary unit before the widely famous Markan section, which extends from 8:27–10:52 and is the subject of this study.
  3. the Way of the Cross” might be the title of one of these chapters.
  4. Although Jesus performed a two-step healing procedure, this does not suggest that he ‘failed’ at his first try or that he is in any way inferior.
  5. In a way, they are seeing his ministry through the eyes of someone who has extreme nearsightedness.
  6. 53).
  7. If they are true, Mark would be saying that the disciples require a “second touch” from Jesus (in the form of his continuous ministry and teaching among them) in order for them to understand more clearly who he is and why he came.
  8. First and foremost, Jesus urges us to approach him with a disposition of faith, placing our reliance in his power, kindness, and love.
  9. Furthermore, when we read and reflect on the tales of Jesus told in the Gospels, our faith is strengthened as we witness the power, goodness, and love of God manifested in Christ and his disciples.
  10. We must cling to Jesus with all of our strength, continue to look to him for all of our bodily and spiritual needs.

We can expect answers to our prayers to come soon, in phases after a long period of waiting, or they may arrive only in the new heavens and new earth. God’s grace, on the other hand, is adequate (2 Cor. 12:9).

Examining Mark 8:22-26: Jesus Heals a Blind Man in Bethsaida

He travels to Bethsaida, where a blind man is brought before him, begging Jesus to lay his hands on him. He grabbed the blind guy by the hand and brought him out of the town; and after sprinkling spit in his eyes and placing his hands on him, he inquired as to whether or not he was seeing well. 24 And he raised his eyes to the sky and declared, “I see men walking like trees.” 25 After that, he placed his hands on his eyes once again and forced him to look up: and he was restored, and he could see every guy perfectly.

Jesus in Bethsaida

Another guy has been healed, this time of blindness, and we are witnessing it. It is placed in the context of a sequence of chapters in which Jesus provides “insight” to his followers about his upcoming passion, death, and resurrection. This tale is set alongside another giving-of-sight account that comes in chapter 8. It is important for readers to remember that the stories in Mark are not structured in a haphazard manner; rather, they are meticulously designed to serve both narrative and theological reasons.

  • Is it possible that Jesus led the blind man out of Bethsaida before curing him of his blindness?
  • Ordering the guy to be silent is usual procedure for Jesus by this time, regardless of how meaningless the man’s request is, but telling him not to return to the town where he was brought out of is strange nonetheless.
  • Although the precise position of the city is unknown, researchers think that it was most likely located on the northeastern corner of the Sea of Galilee, near where the Jordan river empties into the waterway.
  • It was called Bethsaida-Julias somewhere before the year 2 BCE in honor of a daughter of Caesar-Augustus, who was born there.
  • Some apologists assert that the villagers of Bethsaida did not believe in Jesus, and as a result, he punished them.
  • It is recorded in both Matthew (11:21-22) and Luke (10:13-14) that Jesus condemned Bethsaida for refusing to receive him—not exactly the actions of a loving deity, is it?
  • It’s not as if a large number of people were disciples of Jesus before he began healing sicknesses, driving out demons, and reviving the dead.
  • At the most, one could say that Jesus was not interested in persuading this specific group—but it doesn’t exactly provide a positive picture of Jesus, does it?
  • When he was younger, he could say a single word and make the dead walk or the deaf hear and talk.
  • So, if Jesus had no shortage of healing abilities in the past, what exactly occurred here?
  • In the beginning, his vision is similar to that of the apostles and others who saw Jesus: faintly and confused, unable to understand his genuine essence and character.

However, once further grace from God has worked on him, he is able to see clearly again—just as grace from God may bring about full spiritual “sight” if we allow it to happen.

Concluding Thoughts

Although this is a fair way to interpret the text, and it is a good argument to make—assuming, of course, that you do not take the narrative literally as well as you should and disregard any claims that it is historically accurate in every aspect — It is possible that this narrative is a legend or myth intended to educate about how spiritual “seeing” is formed in a Christian culture, and I am prepared to accept that perspective, but I am not sure that all Christians would be willing to accept that stance.

Matthew 20:29-34 says Jesus healed two blind men as He left Jericho. Mark 10:46-52 and Luke 18:35-43 say He healed one man as He entered Jericho. Is this a contradiction?

QuestionAnswer Although there appear to be contradictions between the three verses, they all allude to the same occurrence. As Jesus was leaving Jericho, two men were healed, according to the story in Matthew. Only one blind man is healed in both Mark and Luke, although Luke reports that it occurred while Jesus was entering Jericho, and Mark reports that it occurred as He was leaving Jericho. A number of reasonable reasons may be offered for the apparent differences. Instead of concluding that there is a conflict and that the Bible is incorrect, let’s take a closer look at them.

As they call out to Jesus, referring to Him as “Son of David,” they are rebuked by those who are standing nearby and told to be quiet, but they continue to shout out to Jesus (Matthew 20:30, Mark 10:48, and Luke 18:38), and in all three accounts, they are rebuked and told to be quiet but continue to shout out to Jesus (Matthew 20:31; Mark 10:48; Luke 18:39).

  1. The beggars immediately get their sight and begin to follow Jesus in his footsteps.
  2. In any event, the fact that Mark and Luke only mention one beggar does not imply that Matthew’s story is inaccurate or false.
  3. They merely concentrate on one of the two, Bartimaeus, who was probably the most outspoken of the pair.
  4. The other point of contention is whether Jesus was approaching or exiting Jericho at the time of his death.
  5. While a result, it is possible that Jesus cured the two men as He was leaving the ancient city of Jericho and entering the new city of Jericho at the time of their healing.
  6. We should respond to Jesus in the same way that the blind men did, rather than as the Pharisees did, who refused to see what was right in front of their faces.

We should ask Jesus to open our spiritual eyes, identify Him for who He is, and follow Him. Go back to the page with all of the Bible questions. Whether Jesus healed two blind men (Matthew 20:29-34) or only one blind man (Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43) is a matter of interpretation.

Why did Jesus spit for some of His miracles?

QuestionAnswer A deaf guy who could hardly communicate was brought to Jesus by several people in the vicinity of Decapolis. Of course, Jesus cured the man, but he did it in an unusual way: “Jesus inserted his fingers into the guy’s ears.” Then he spit on the man’s tongue and touched it” (Mark 7:33). Later, in the town of Bethsaida, Jesus performed a miracle by healing a blind man. It was once again spitting that brought about the miracle: “He. spat in the man’s eyes and placed his hands on him” (Mark 8:23).

  1. Without a doubt, Jesus, the holy Son of God, does not require physical props in order to perform miracles.
  2. However, in three instances, Jesus utilized His spittle to aid in the healing process.
  3. Saliva was regarded a suitable therapy for blindness by some Roman authors and Jewish rabbis in the first century AD.
  4. It would have been reasonable for those who were being healed to take Jesus’ spitting as a sign that they would soon be cured.
  5. Jesus sensed their spiritual need and responded by doing a physical activity in order to raise their expectations and direct their faith toward Him.
  6. If Jesus’ use of mud in John 9 was intended to mimic God’s original creation of man, it is probable that he was referring to “the LORD God fashioned man from the dust of the earth” (Genesis 2:7).
  7. When the man who was healed realized the magnitude of Jesus’ miracle, he expressed his gratitude by saying, “Since the beginning of time, no one has ever opened the eyes of someone who was born blind.” The fact is that if this man were not from God, he could do nothing (John 9:32-33, NKJV).
  8. The specifics of each miracle differ significantly, which is significant.
  9. The Lord employs a wide range of ways, which makes it impossible to have faith in any one technique or mode of operation.
  10. God’s healing power is manifested in various ways.

(See Mark 2:12 for further information.) Questions about Mark (return to top of page) When Jesus performed some of His miracles, why did He spit?

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QuestionAnswer A deaf guy who could hardly communicate was brought to Jesus by several people near Decapolis. Of course, Jesus cured the guy, but he did so in an unusual way: “Jesus inserted his fingers into the man’s ears. Afterwards, he spit on the man’s tongue and pressed his tongue against his” (Mark 7:33). Several days later, in the village of Bethsaida, Jesus healed a man who had been blind for several years. He spit in the man’s eyes and laid his hands on him, as if to signal the beginning of another miracle (Mark 8:23).

  • Without a doubt, Jesus, the holy Son of God, does not require any physical supports in order to perform miracles on the earth.
  • The healing process was expedited in three instances, however, when Jesus spat.
  • Saliva was regarded a suitable remedy for blindness by some Roman authors and Jewish rabbis.
  • It would have been logical for those who were being healed to take Jesus’ spitting as a sign that they would be cured shortly.
  • Jesus sensed their spiritual need and responded by doing a physical activity in order to raise their expectations and direct their faith toward Himself.
  • In John 9, Jesus may have been alluding to God’s first creation of man, which was described as follows: “The LORD God fashioned the man out of the dust of the earth” (Genesis 2:7).
  • As part of His work, Jesus cured a great number of individuals; in fact, there was no ailment or infirmity that He could not cure (Matthew 4:23).
  • No two healings by Jesus were ever the same.
  • Neither a talisman nor an amulet, nor a magic nor a method can bring about healing.
  • It was common for people to exclaim, “This astounded everyone and they worshipped God, exclaiming, ‘We have never seen anything like this!'” when Jesus cured them, whether or not he used spit to do it.

(Matthew 2:12; Luke 2:13) Questions about Mark (return to top of page). In several of His miracles, Jesus spat, but why?

Chapter 39: Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Jesus and His followers were out on a stroll one day. They came into a man who had been blind since birth. The disciples inquired as to whether the guy was blind as a result of his own fault or as a result of the sins of his parents. According to the Savior, neither the guy’s parents nor the man himself had sinned. The guy was blind in order for Jesus to be able to heal him and demonstrate God’s power to others. Clay was created by Jesus out of dirt. In order to see, he put it on the blind man’s eyes.

  • As soon as the man removed the clay from his eyes, he was able to see clearly again!
  • He informed them that Jesus had restored his health.
  • The guy went to the Pharisees and informed them that Jesus had cured him.
  • Others considered Him to be a sinner.
  • Jesus tracked down the individual.
  • The guy inquired as to the identity of the Son of God.
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What We Can Learn From The Healing of a Blind Man At Bethsaida – Mark 8:22-26

And they made their way to Bethsaida. And other people brought him a blind guy who pleaded with him to touch him, and he agreed. When they reached the edge of town, he grabbed the blind man’s hand in his own, leading him out of the hamlet. After spitting in his eyes and laying his hands on him, he questioned him, “Do you see anything?” And he raised his eyes to the sky and declared, “I see humans, yet they appear to be trees strolling.” His sight was restored and he was able to see everything well when Jesus placed His hands on him once again in the process of healing his eyes.

Some of His miraculous deeds are reported for us numerous times in the gospels, each time from a different point of view, allowing us to see them from diverse perspectives.

The gospel of Mark has a description of one of these one-of-a-kind miracles in great detail.

We shall go into this miracle in further depth by looking at each verse in Mark that contains this tale.

The remnants of this settlement, which is no longer inhabited, have been unearthed by archaeologists, who have confirmed that it existed during the time of Christ.

Despite the fact that they may not have realized or believed that Jesus was the Messiah, they would have heard about His incredible miracles and wished to witness them for themselves.

It’s possible that the villagers were bringing the blind guy to Jesus because he was a member of their community and they were concerned about his well-being.

Whatever their motivation, they were certain that Jesus would be able to accomplish a wonderful thing for this guy.

This may have been due to his inability to see, or it could have been due to his lack of trust in Jesus’ ability to really do anything for him in the first place.

Before we proceed, we must recognize the spiritual lesson included within the first verse of this chapter.

There will be times in our lives when we will be spiritually suffering or in need of healing, just as the blind man experienced these situations.

Even while our faith is not always powerful enough to bring us to Christ on our own, we might find ourselves at the feet of Christ, ready to receive His healing touch, with the help of other Christians’ encouragement and faithful pursuit.

Verse 23 is a proverbial slap in the face of adversity.

He questioned the guy, “Do you see anything?” after spitting in his eyes and putting His hands on him.

Jesus did not choose to perform the cure in front of everyone in the crowd, but instead chose to take the man alone with Him outside of the crowded village.

A simple word from him, right there in the midst of the thronging mob, may have brought the guy back to health.

The fact that Jesus was divine in his essence suggests that he was already aware of the man’s lack of trust.

No one is mentioned as following Jesus or as being nearby, but it is crucial to highlight that Jesus sought out this guy with the aim of spending quality time with.

The world in which we live is a whirlwind of activity and distraction.

In this account, we see that Jesus gently guided this guy to a place he would not have gone on his own initiative.

We can’t fight it or make excuses for it.

The second portion of this verse is brief, but it is a significant element of the story; Jesus spat directly into the man’s eyes, which was a first for Jesus.

As an apparently required part of Jesus’ premeditated strategy, (1) transporting them outside of the hamlet, (2) spitting in his eyes, and (3) touching Him were all performed.

The majority of observers think that the warmth of Jesus’ saliva would have relieved the man’s discomfort.

Given his ability to discern this distinction, we may fairly presume that he had previously seen something and was not born blind.

It’s possible that Christ’s saliva was merely another gesture of charity on his part.

The guy had a previous severe ailment, and while we cannot verify this from the text, it would seem reasonable that Jesus’ compassion would have compelled Him to care for the man’s suffering before curing him.

He is frequently faithful to ease the throbbing pangs of our souls as He brings us to a place of restoration and completion.

Towards the conclusion of verse 23, we witness the miracle taking place.

In every other case of Christ’s miraculous power, we observe that His efforts result in the miracle being completed on the first attempt of Christ.

Let us take a closer look at verse 24 to see how it relates to this.

‘I see people strolling about; they seem like trees,’ I think.” All of Jesus’ activities, particularly those surrounding the reports of His miracles, were deliberate and had a specific purpose.

Jesus never makes a blundered step.

Rather, it was necessary for Jesus to perform this miracle in two stages: first, partially with the first touch, and then totally with the second.

The development was necessary in order to increase the faith of the person who was being cured.

Not only was the man carried away to be alone with Christ, but it is possible that his wounds were calmed as well, and the miracle was completed in two phases as a result.

The Lord Jesus Christ was more than a miracle worker; He was also a Savior and Lord, who was healing his sight while also spiritually touching his heart.

According to verse 25, “Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes once again.” When his eyes were opened, his vision was restored, and he was able to see perfectly again, he said, The ultimate saving touch of our Savior is portrayed within the words of this passage.

The blind man, who was most likely already giddy from the fact that he could at least see something after the initial touch, may have concluded that the miracle had come to an end.

All of Jesus’ miracles were performed without regard to a system or approach.

It was His desire to see the man’s faith grow in this particular situation.

He had his sight restored, and he was able to “see everything clearly,” according to the text.

“Jesus sent him home, telling him, ‘Do not go into the village,'” says verse 26.

It’s possible that this was due to the large number of people who had gathered outside the building, eager to witness what would happen.

Jesus wished to prevent the multitudes from mistaking Him for a mere miracle worker and not the actual Messiah, as they had previously done.

He also desired to instruct and train others in order to finally guide them in the direction of God.

He would almost certainly have told his family and maybe others at some point in time during his life.

Nonetheless, at the time of the encounter, Jesus was only requesting obedience by directing the man not to return to his village.

Finally, there is a great deal that we may take away from this supernatural experience.

The desire of the Lord is for us to be taken to places of solitude with Him that we might otherwise avoid.

Sometimes it is only in the wonderful communion with our Savior that we are able to truly experience His healing touch.

Our faith will not be stretched any further than it is capable of withstanding, but He will tend to our wounds as He reveals more of Himself to us.

We are given a sweet account of how Jesus opens the eyes of our hearts so that we can see Him more clearly through the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida, and we can learn a lot from it.

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