Where Did Jesus Go To Pray

Jesus Sets Out Alone to Pray

That same morning, he awakened early and walked outside to an isolated spot, where he prayed for quite some time before the sun came up. (Matthew 1:35) This line, written so early in Jesus’ public career, serves as the first of many examples of intimate private prayer that he would demonstrate throughout his life (the parallel version is Luke 4:42). He leaves the house early in the morning, before anybody else is awake to notice him, to travel to a remote location where he may have contemplative contact with his Father.

When Jesus leaves the group for solitary prayer, the Gospels, particularly those of St.

Luke, make a point of noting it: After the miracle of the loaves and fishes — Mark 6:46: And when he had said goodbye to them, he went up to the mountain to pray.

Luke 9:18 describes the events leading up to Peter’s confession of faith that Jesus is the Christ.

Immediately before teaching the Our Father, Jesus was praying in a certain location, and after he stopped praying, one of his disciples approached him and asked, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his followers.” Matthew 26:36-45, Mark 14:32-41, and Luke 22:39-46 describe Jesus’ last hours in the Garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion.

  • You must not be like them.” True to my word, I can assure you that they have earned their recompense.
  • (Matthew 6:5-6; Mark 6:5) This type of prayer of communication with God gives vital spiritual sustenance for those who are undertaking the Christian walk.
  • Consider the possibility that, when Jesus walked out to pray alone, he discreetly invited you to accompany him to his hidden location.
  • What would be the focus of his attention?
  • What do you think his posture would be?
  • After then, imagine yourself having a dialogue with Jesus about your personal prayer life when he’s through speaking.
  • After that, inquire as to what he would expect from you.
  • Was there anything else he may have wanted from you in this area of your life?

(Matthew 6:5-13). Finish this meditation by reciting the Our Father with Jesus, which will bring it to a close. This article is an extract from “Praying the Gospels with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ: Jesus Launches His Ministry,” a book written by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ. Wau.org/books has a collection of books.

2 Pillars Church — Why Did Jesus Go Up On The Mountain To Pray?

It is difficult to cover all of the ground that has to be covered in a single sermon on a given text. The implications of this are that for every sermon you hear, there is a slew of observations, insights, linkages, and applications that were not included. Preachers have a number of significant (and tough!) responsibilities, one of which is making judgments about what to bring into the pulpit on Sunday and what to keep out. The sermon delivered on Sunday was no exception. Mark 6:46—45 is a scripture that I barely touched on briefly in my presentation.

46 When he had said his goodbyes to them, he climbed up on top of the mountain and prayed.

Jesus Praying in Mark

There are just three instances of Jesus praying in the entire gospel of Mark (Mark 1:35, 6:46, and 14:32–39), and each of those instances is brief. In each of these events, Jesus experienced a watershed moment in His mission, whether it was a crisis or a critical choice, as explained by writer James R. Edwards: Each prayer takes place at night and in a solitary location, each finds Jesus’ disciples estranged from him and unable to comprehend his mission, and in each, Jesus must make a life-altering decision or confront a catastrophe.

(197) When I preached on Sunday, I used the passage from John 6:15, which, at least in part, explains the predicament Jesus was facing: Knowing that they were preparing to come and seize him by force in order to declare him king, Jesus retired to the mountain by himself once more.

Jesus, on the other hand, came as a suffering servant-King who would save His people from their sin.

I believe the complete tale is told in the book of Acts.

The Disciples’ Hard Hearts

Jesus’ own followers were the most major source of criticism following the feeding of the five thousand (Mark 6:30–44), rather than the large multitudes that had gathered. The verses 51–52 inform us that: 51 And as he got into the boat with them, the wind stopped blowing. And they were completely taken aback, 52 because they did not comprehend the significance of the loaves, but their hearts had become hardened. The disciples were perplexed by Jesus’ explanation of the loaves. They were present when the miracle feeding took place.

They finished their meal and were satisfied.

Despite this, their hearts remained hardened.

If the hardness of the Pharisees grieved Jesus, imagine how much more Jesus must have been grieved by the hardness of His own disciples’ hearts!

A Time to Speak and a Time to Pray

The way Jesus responded to His disciples’ hardheartedness, disbelief, and lack of understanding is instructive for us to learn from as well. Was Jesus able to achieve anything in the face of such opposition? He walked up to the top of the mountain in order to pray. So frequently, our own answer to this type of criticism is to talk and act even louder and more aggressively. Our thinking goes something like this: “If I offer additional information, provide another argument, recommend another book, or restate the essential aspects that they could have missed,” we reason, “then perhaps they will comprehend and respond to Jesus in faith.” While faith can be gained via hearing (Romans 10:17), stony hearts are not easily won over by mere words.

According to Ezekiel 11:19, God Himself provides a new heart as a gift to all who believe in Him under the New Covenant.

Agony in the Garden – Wikipedia

During the time between Jesus’ Farewell Discourse at the conclusion of the Last Supper and his arrest, theAgony in the Garden of Gethsemanewas a period in his life that is recorded in the four canonical gospels as taking place in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Gospel narratives

As recorded in all four of the canonical Gospels, Jesus went for a walk to pray immediately following the Last Supper. In terms of narrative specifics, each Gospel provides a somewhat different version of the story. This area of prayer is referred to as Gethsemane in the gospels of Matthew and Mark. Jesus was joined by three Apostles: Peter, John, and James, whom he instructed to remain awake and pray throughout the night. He made a move “A stone’s throw away” from them, he experienced immense grief and pain, prompting him to pray: “My Father, please let this cup pass me by if at all possible.” Allow things to unfold as You, rather than I, would want.” Then, a little time later, Jesus said, “If this cup cannot be passed by without being drunk, Your will be done!” “It is your will that I do” (Matthew 26:42; in Latin Vulgate:fiat voluntas tua).

He repeated this prayer three times, pausing between each prayer to check on the three apostles, who were all sound sleeping.

An angel from on high appeared to him to give him strength.

Finally, towards the conclusion of the tale, Jesus acknowledges that the time has come for him to be abandoned by his friends.


Agony in the Garden is the firstSorrowful Mystery of the Rosary and the first Station of the Scriptural Way of the Cross in Roman Catholic tradition, and it is also known as “The Garden of Gethsemane” (second station in the Philippine version). There are certain prayers and devotions that are offered in the Catholic faith as acts of penance for the pain and suffering experienced by Jesus during His Agony and Passion. There is no plea for a living or deceased beneficiary in these Acts of Reparation to Jesus Christ, but rather an attempt to “fix the sins” against Jesus that have been committed.

Acts of Reparation to Jesus Christ, according to Pope Pius XI, are a moral obligation for Catholics and are described as “some type of recompense to be made for the hurt” caused by Jesus’ sufferings in his encyclicalMiserentissimus Redemptoron reparations.

In accordance with Catholic belief, Jesus’ shedding of blood was actual rather than symbolic.

Holy Hour

The Gospel of Matthew 26:40 serves as the foundation for the Holy Hourdevotion for Eucharistic adoration in the Catholic tradition. “Then He replied to them, ‘My spirit is extremely sad even to death; remain here with Me and watch with Me,'” according to the Gospel of Matthew.” (See Matthew 26:38 for further information.) When He arrived at the disciples’ house, He saw them sleeping and questioned Peter, in Matthew 26:40, “Could you not stay with Me for an hour?” When SaintMargaret Mary Alacoquestated that she had a vision of Jesus in which she was commanded to spend an hour every Thursday night contemplating Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, it marked the beginning of the Holy Hour devotional practice.

Artistic depictions

On the Mount of Olives, we find Jesus. Art portrayals of the Agony in the Garden are many and varied, and include the following examples:

  • Agony in the Garden is a painting by Giovanni Bellini, an Italian Renaissance painter who lived from 1459 to 1465
  • It depicts a woman in agony in a garden. Painted by romantic poet and artistWilliam Blake in the early 1800s and preserved at the Tate Britain in London, Agony in the Garden is a picture by romantic poet and artistWilliam Blake in the early 1800s. Correggio’s Agony in the Garden, a painting by the Italian artist Correggio that dates back to 1524 and is presently housed in Apsley House in London
  • Painted by the Italian painter Andrea Mantegna between 1458 and 1460, Agony in the Garden may be seen at the National Gallery of London. Painted by Andrea Mantegna between 1457 and 1459 and now housed in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, Agony in the Garden depicted a woman in agony in a garden. Agony in the Garden, a painting by Gerard David from the 1510s that was formerly assigned to Adriaen Isenbrandt and is currently housed in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg
  • Christ on the Mount of Olives– a painting by Baroque painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, c. 1605
  • Christ on the Mount of Olives– a painting by Paul Gauguin, 1889
  • Christ on the Mount of Olives– a painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, c. 1605
  • Christ on the Mount of Olives– a painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, c In the classical music world, “Christ on the Mount of Olives” is an oratorio by Ludwig van Beethoven
  • In rock opera, “Gethsemane (I Only Want to Say)” is a song by the rock band Aerosmith. When Jesus performs this song in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar, written by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, He confronts God about His impending fate, eventually accepting it at the conclusion of the song. Following the crucifixion, an orchestral reprise in the manner of “John Nineteen: Forty-One” may be heard.
See also:  Where Does The Bible Say Jesus Is God

Medical conjectures

An interpretation of hematidrosis has been advanced in the scientific literature, according to which the great mental anguish that Jesus suffered to the point that his sweat turned to blood is described only byLuke the Evangelist because he was trained in medicine. This interpretation is based on a medical interpretative hypothesis of hematidrosis.

See also

  • Christ in the Garden, a poem by Felicia Hemans that appeared in the 1826 issue of The Amulet yearly


  1. Wiersbe, Warren W. (Wiersbe, Warren W.) (1992). Bible Exposition Commentary, Vol. 1: New Testament (Bible Exposition Commentary, Vol. 1: New Testament). Pages 268–269 of Chariot Victor Publishing’s book. “Knowing everything that was going to happen to Him,” says Matthew 26:46
  2. Mark 14:41
  3. Cf. John 18:4: “Knowing everything that was going to happen to Him,” says Slater (1911). “Reparation,” in Herbermann, Charles (ed. ), Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 12, New York: Robert Appleton Company
  4. Delany, Francis Xavier, “Reparation,” in Herbermann, Charles (ed. ), Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 12, New York: Robert Appleton Company
  5. (1911). “Raccolta.” In Herbermann, Charles (ed. ), Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 12, New York: Robert Appleton Company
  6. Christopher, Joseph P. “Raccolta.” In Herbermann, Charles (ed. ), Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 12, New York: Robert Appleton Company
  7. (2003). The Raccolta is a collection of items. abBall, Ann (2003).Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices. St. Athanasius Press, ISBN 978-0-9706526-6-9
  8. AbBall, Ann (2003).Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices. St. Athanasius Press, ISBN 978-0-9706526-6-9
  9. AbBall, Ann (2003).Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices. abStravinskas, Peter (1998). “Miserentissimus Redemptor.” In Herbermann, Charles (ed.).Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company
  10. AbPope Pius XI (8 May 1928). “Miserentissimus Redemptor.” In Herbermann, Charles (ed.).Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company
  11. AbStravinskas, Peter (1998). The Catholic Encyclopedia published by Our Sunday Visitor. Huntingdon, Indiana: OSV Press, p. 498. ISBN 978-0-87973-669-9
  12. Wakefield, Gordon S. Huntingdon, Indiana: OSV Press, p. 498. ISBN 978-0-87973-669-9
  13. (1983). The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Spirituality is a reference work on Christian spirituality. Kentucky’s Westminster John Knox Press published a book with the ISBN 978-0-664-22170-6 on page 347. Sister Mary Bernard is represented by a doll (1910). “St. Margaret Mary Alacoque,” says the narrator. According to Charles Herbermann (ed.). Vol. 9 of the Catholic Encyclopedia. Robert Appleton Company, New York, New York
  14. Edwards, William D., Gabel, Wesley J., and Hosmer, Floyd E. (2001). (March 21, 1986). “On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ” is the title of this article (PDF). JAMA, vol. 255, no. 11, pp. 1455–1463. CiteSeerX 10.1001/jama.1986.03370110077025.PMID3512867
  15. CiteSeerX 10.1001/jama.1986.03370110077025

Jesus’ Solitude and Silence

Numerous Bible students fail to see the significance of Jesus’ seclusion and silence. The example of Jesus’ relationship with God should be followed by every pastor, ministry leader, and caregiver – in fact, by every follower of Jesus, period! I don’t want to lose out on this opportunity! Because of this, I went back and performed a Bible study on Jesus’ seclusion and quiet in the Gospel of Mark. Jesus withdrew from people, everyday life activities, and the duties of his ministry on a consistent basis in order to spend time alone with the Father and pray.

  1. It was Jesus’ continuing, deep relationship with his Abba that provided the inspiration for his compassion, knowledge, and strength, which we see reflected on every page of the Gospels.
  2. It was in this manner that he began his ministry.
  3. It was his way of dealing with difficult emotions such as sadness.
  4. It was the method through which Jesus instructed his students.
  5. It’s how Christ prepared himself for his death on the cross, according to the Bible.

Even Mark Can Be Unhurried with Jesus

Is it possible that we have overlooked the significance of Jesus’ seclusion and stillness with the Father? How could we possibly believe that we may live and love properly if we do not follow in Jesus’ footsteps? Mark isn’t bothered by it at all! Many Bible experts believe that Mark’s gospel was written in a hurried manner. As a matter of fact, his favorite term is “immediately” (or “at once,” as he puts it 39 times) (NASB). He is overjoyed at the prospect of telling us about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

He publishes the Gospel of Jesus considerably more quickly than any of the other Gospel writers before him.

The Gospel of Mark records Jesus’ hasty arrival in Jerusalem, which was where his crucifixion awaited him.

Mark encourages us to come along with him and to be unhurried with Jesus in this way.

Assume that your style of living with Jesus is unhurried–you’d sense calm, be able to hear God’s voice more clearly, and be able to experience more of God’s love and wisdom in your relationships and professional life, wouldn’t you?

Bible Verses on Jesus’ Solitude and Silence

Here is a list of Bible passages from the book of Mark that emphasize Jesus’ seclusion and silence in chronological order. A few lines from the other Gospels have been used.) Unless otherwise specified, all scriptures are from the NIV84.) In a moment’s notice, the Spirit dispatched him into the desert, where he remained for forty days, being tempted by Satan. The angels were with him like he was with the wild animals,” the author writes. “Jesus was walking near the Sea of Galilee,” says Mark 1:12 “.

  1. He walked out to a secluded area, where he prayed,” the Bible says.
  2. ” Jesus, on the other hand, frequently retreated to lonely locations and prayed.” (Luke 5:15-16; see also Mark 1:45) (Luke 5:15-16) Then Jesus walked out alongside the lake for a second time.
  3. “Jesus went up to a mountainside to pray, and he stayed there all night praying to God,” Mark 3:7 says.
  4. He was surrounded by so many throng that he was forced to get into a boat and sit in it while the rest of the people stood on the shore.
  5. Jesus withdrew by boat to an undisclosed location after learning of the situation.
  6. The author “entered a residence and did not want anyone to know he was there; yet, he was unable to keep his presence a secret.” (Matthew 7:24) In a private prayer session, when his disciples were present, Jesus inquired of them, ‘Who do the masses believe I am?'” says the Bible.
  7. And he walked up to the top of the mountain and took a seat there.” “Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him and brought them up a high mountain, where they were all alone,” says Matthew 15:29 in the English Standard Version.

“One day, Jesus was praying in a particular location.

He returned across the Jordan to the spot where John had been baptizing at the outset, and he stayed there for the rest of his life.

(Matthew 10:32.) Following the singing of the song, they proceeded to the Mount of Olives.

(Matthew 22:39) “They arrived at a site called Gethsemane, where Jesus instructed his followers to “sit here while I pray.” (Matthew 14:32) “They nailed him to the cross.

‘Father, into your hands I submit my spirit,’ Jesus cried out in a loud voice.” (See also Mark 15:25, 33, and Luke 23:46.) In Jesus’ Easy Yoke, you may live your best life.

In order to put Jesus’ promise into action, we must learn how to practice solitude and quiet effectively. “Abide in me as I abide in the Father, and you too will bear great fruit,” Jesus says (my paraphrase from John 15:1-17).

Where Jesus Went to Pray: The Eremos Grotto

The Holy Land holds a special place in my heart. I’ve been back eight times in the previous fourteen years, and each time I leave, I get a little more homesick for the place. I’d like to take you to the Eremos Grotto, which is one of my favorite secret spots in Galilee. It is located at the foot of the mythical Mount of Beatitudes, just a few feet from from the road that goes by the Church of Peter’s Primacy. Despite the fact that ninety-nine percent of pilgrims who travel to Israel do not visit or even know about it, it used to be one of the most regularly visited holy places in the early years of Christianity.

In reality, the Greek word “eremos” denotes “deserted or lonely region.” This phrase from Mark’s Gospel, which is likely referring to this site, is one of my favorites: “in the morning, a long while before daybreak, he awoke and walked out to a lonely spot, and there he prayed.” And Simon and others who were with him pursued him, eventually locating him and telling him, “Everyone is looking for you.”” (See Mark 1:35-37.) Consider your position as one of Jesus’ followers, roused by the Lord’s movements in the wee hours of the morning and witnessing Christ slip away from the rest of the disciples to communicate with his Father.

When you think that God the Son, who enjoys continuous connection and communion with his Father and the Spirit, has nevertheless set out particular times for prayer in his hectic schedule, it’s mind-boggling to comprehend (the earlier verses indicate he had been healing and ministering all day).

It appears that some of his disciples did just that, eventually pleading with the Lord, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1-4).

The Grotto Within

In the Sermon on the Mount (which was delivered on the mountain above the Eremos Grotto), Jesus urged us to construct a place of prayer for ourselves and for others (Matthew 6:6). Tamieon is a Greek word that means “chamber” or “closet,” and it is the term that is most commonly rendered as such. It is frequently used to refer to a chamber that is used to store riches or treasures. It was akin to the ornate Torah closets that have been discovered in first-century synagogues, such as Magdala, in terms of decoration.

Likewise, modern synagogues are equipped with Torah closets, which are similar to the tabernacle in a Catholic church, where the scrolls are housed and revered as signs of God’s presence and voice.

A prayer nook or closet filled with “valuables” such as crosses, icons, devotional items or literature may be the perfect addition to our home.

Here’s some encouraging news.

The Eremos Grotto within you may be reached when you are sitting on a flight, in line at the bank, or waiting at a red light.

The Still Small Voice

According to the Catechism, “Jesus frequently withdraws to pray in solitary. A tangible representation of his prayer in private is shown via his words and deeds” (CCC 2602). Jesus teaches to us that we cannot expect to speak with authority, alter lives, offer healing to another, or gain triumph over sin in our own lives until we first lay a solid foundation of hidden prayer in our lives that is rich and robust. So let us carve out a cave of prayer in our homes and hearts to spend time with the Lord, where we may pour out our hearts to him and, like Elijah in his cave, listen for that “still tiny voice” that the Lord is speaking to us (1 Kings 19:11-13).

See also:  Jesus Selected Twelve Men To Be His Disciples. What Was Their Main Role

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Thomas Smith is the co-author of three books: Wisdom: God’s Vision for Life, Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come, and The Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy. He is also the author of several articles. He is a worldwide presenter for The Great Adventure Bible Timeline, which he created and produced. Thomas is a sought-after parish mission and conference speaker who brings a depth of expertise and insight into the Word of God to audiences around the United States. He has spoken on EWTN and Catholic radio several times and is a regular guest on EWTN.

Francis School of Theology in Denver, and he formerly served as the Director of the Denver Catholic Biblical School and the Denver Catechetical School, among other positions.

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It is a vulnerable moment just after the Last Supper, when Jesus has revealed to His closest friends on earth what is about to happen to Him — the painful betrayal He will suffer from one of them, as well as His impending arrest, torture, and crucifixion — and how they should prepare for what is to come. Jesus withdraws with His inner circle, the three disciples closest to Him, and seeks sanctuary in a secret area, filled with agony and intense fear at the prospect of what He would shortly face.

And then, with unwavering determination, He goes about doing what He believes is necessary to save all of humanity.

Where Is the Garden of Gethsemane?

While the exact location of the Garden of Gethsemane is difficult to determine, the Bible states that it is located on the Mount of Olives, which is a historic site with significant significance throughout the Bible. We learn that the Mount of Olives was a “Sabbath day’s walk” from the city in Acts 1:12, according to the Bible. According to Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary, the Mount of Olives was given this name because it was covered with olive trees at the time. Because it was situated around 200 feet above sea level, it was one of a handful of mountain ridges east of Jerusalem that provided an excellent perspective of the city.

The Mount of Olives is a significant location because it was there that King Solomon built a “high place” for the worship of foreign gods, which caused the Lord to become extremely enraged with him (1 Kings 7-11).

The prophet Zechariah predicted that “a day of the Lord” would come when the Lord will stand on the Mount of Olives, ready for war, and reign as king over the entire planet, and he was correct (Zechariah 14:1-9).

The garden was a site of great significance, where not only did a monumental event in the life and death of our Lord Jesus Christ take place, but it was also a place where we might learn important lessons about what it means to be a believer in Christ.

What Is the Garden of Gethsemane?

A significant location in Jesus’ life, the Garden of Gethsemane is mentioned in all four Gospels as a place where He retreated into deep prayer and a time of agony before His arrest and crucifixion, and it is also mentioned as a location near where He ascended to heaven in the Book of Acts, among other things. In Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Gethsemane is translated from the Greek as “an oil press,” which makes sense given the context. It is said to be located at the base of the Mount of Olives, beyond the Kidron Valley, and to be accessible only by foot.

The oil press, a mechanical device of some type used to crush olives and extract their oil for cooking and other purposes, was also most likely included in the excavation.

Jesus brought His three closest followers — Peter, James, and John — with Him to a spot named Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36) so that He may pray, according to the Gospel of Matthew.

The Bible has a similar story in Mark 14:32, where the Gospel account also mentions that Jesus took Peter, James, and John with Him “to a location called Gethsemane,” where He prayed in intense agony, overwhelmed by what was going to take place.

What Happened in the Garden of Gethsemane at the Mount of Olives?

According to the Gospels, Jesus instructed His followers to “sit here while I pray” (Mark 14:32). Because “my spirit is filled with anguish to the brink of death,” he admitted his sorrow and asked them to keep an eye out for him (14:34). Then, after walking a short distance away from them, he knelt on His knees and cried out to His Father, God. Then he told me that he could do anything for me because he was my Abba, Father.” Please accept this cup from me. Yet it is not what I will, but what You will, that counts.” (14:36).

  1. “He fell to the ground with His face to the ground,” Matthew’s Gospel tells us, as He prayed with all of His might (Matthew 26:39).
  2. The Gospels describe Jesus rebuking them for their frailty and failure to maintain vigil at this time of great need, a time when He prayed with such intensity that the Gospel of Luke described His sweat as “drops of blood dropping to the ground” (22:44).
  3. He appeared ready to confront the path His Father had mapped out for Him.
  4. “Enough!
  5. Look at what has happened: the Son of Man has been handed into the hands of sinners.
  6. Let’s get this party started!
  7. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, and the Son of God was apprehended and imprisoned as a result (Mark 14:43-46).

Nevertheless, during His all-night anguish of sadness and prayer, Jesus realized what had to be done.

“Jesus responded by saying, ‘No more of this!’ In addition, He touched the man’s ear, healing him” (Luke 22:51).

When this happened, as Jesus had warned, “all of His disciples left Him and fled” (Matthew 26:56).

This time, however, it is during His ministry (Acts 1:12).

“It is not for you to know the times or dates that the Father has fixed by His own authority,” Jesus said.

In the immediate aftermath of His words, He was lifted up and hidden by a cloud in front of their very eyes” (Acts 1:6-9).

They also informed them that Jesus would return in the manner in which they had last seen Him go. The disciples then returned from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem, prepared to carry out the tasks that Jesus had assigned to them there (1:10-12).

Why Is the Garden of Gethsemane Important?

Although the garden was an important location, especially to Jesus because it was a place where He sought much-needed comfort and solace with His Father during a time of pain and sadness, as well as the location where He was betrayed and arrested, it also served as a setting for important instruction on key concepts that are still relevant today. In the first place, we are presented Jesus as the real “Word (that) became flesh” (John 1:14), the incarnate Son of the Lord God, born of a virgin, and referred to as Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Isaiah 7:14).

  • He was in the Garden of Gethsemane where He experienced sadness and tremendous pain as a result of the suffering He would have to undergo.
  • Jesus’ reaction may be taken as annoyance, disdain, or scolding when His closest companions, whom He’d pleaded with to stay awake and maintain watch, were unable to complete even the simplest of tasks for Him.
  • Then Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Couldn’t you men keep watch with Me for an hour?” (Matthew 26:40 b).
  • (Matthew 36:27-29).
  • Jesus did more than just have a sacred supper with His closest companions when they gathered with Him for their final major meeting before His arrest and execution.
  • His revelations included the fact that one of them would betray Him, and that all of the disciples would scatter, with even Peter confessing three times before the rooster crows the following morning (Matthew 26:34).

Lastly, As part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shared wisdom on topics such as turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:38-39), loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us (5:44), giving to the needy (6:1-4), serving God rather than money or other temporary things of this world (6:19-24), and many other topics.

  1. Jesus told him, ‘Put your weapon back where it belongs,’ for those who draw the sword will perish by the sword.’ Do you believe that I will be unable to summon my heavenly Father and have Him immediately place more than twelve legions of angels at my disposal?
  2. Jesus was implying that the will of the Father would be carried out regardless of the circumstances, and that there was no use in resisting or incurring extra bloodshed.
  3. Despite the fact that they did not comply with His instructions, His requests of them — as well as His modeling of the proper way to behave in times of grief and agony – reveal what we as Christians ought to do now.
  4. Many Christians believe that contemplating the Garden of Gethsemane and its significance to Jesus, whether they travel to the exact spot or merely read about it, is an important step in better comprehending the deeds, the message, and the intent of Christ.
  5. Her novel, The Memory Garden, was nominated for the 2018 American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis Award, which she received for her work as a Christian novelist.
  6. Jessica Brodie’s fiction may be found at jessicabrodie.com, as well as her religious blog.

She also does a weeklyYouTubedevotional on her channel. You may also find her on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. She’s also written a free eBook, A God-Centered Life: 10 Faith-Based Practices for When You’re Anxious, Grumpy, or Stressed, which you can get here.

On The Web – Where Jesus Prayed

I’ve made an interesting discovery. The only places that the Bible has recorded of Jesus praying (for an extended period of time) are all outside. When Jesus prayed by himself, he seemed to prefer the outdoors rather than the indoors. The places that the Bible mentions that Jesus prayed at are: the Garden of Gethsemane (which was one of his favorite places to pray), a mountain, the wilderness, and a deserted place. Surely Jesus must’ve also prayed indoors since He was the one to teach about praying inside a closet (Matt 6:6).

  1. But the Bible never mentions Jesus even prayed inside a house, let alone a closet.
  2. Why did Jesus prefer to pray outside?
  3. Another reason could be that it’s easier to be alone being outside and not have any interruptions from other people.
  4. Matthew 14:23 And when He had sent the crowds away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray.
  5. Matthew 26:36Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane.
  6. Mark 1:35 And rising up quite early in the night, He went out and went away into a deserted place, and He was praying there.
  7. Mark 14:32 And they came to a place named Gethsemane.
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Luke 3:21 And it happened in the baptizing of all the people, Jesus also being baptized, and praying, and the heaven was opened.

And great crowds were coming to hear, and to be healed from their infirmities by Him.

Luke 6:12 And it happened in those days that He went out into a mountain to pray, and He was spending the night in prayer to God.

And there was taken up twelve hand baskets full of fragments of that left over to them.

And He asked them, saying, Whom do the crowds say that I am?

Luke 22:39-41And going out, according to His custom, He went to the Mount of Olives.

And when He was at the place, He said to them, Pray that you do not enter into temptation.

And He kneeled down and prayed, John 18:1-2 Having spoken these words, Jesus went out with His disciples over the winter stream Kidron, where there was a garden. He and His disciples entered into it. And Judas who betrayed Him also knew the place. For Jesus oftentimes went there with His disciples.

29 Bible verses about Jesus Praying

Greek 5:7 Verse Page”>Hebrews 5:7 His petitions and supplications were heard by the One who could save Him from death throughout His fleshly days, and His devotion enabled Him to be heard. Verse page”>Luke 3:21 as a reference When all of the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened, and the angels came down to meet Him. Verses in Matthew 14:23″>Matthew 14:23 As soon as He had driven the throng away, He walked up to the mountain alone to pray, and by the time the sun had set, He was the only one left on the mountaintop.

Verse page”>Luke 6:12 is a tool.

ToolsVerse page”>Mark 1:35 in the Bible After waking up in the wee hours of the morning and leaving the home to find a solitary location, Jesus spent the rest of the day praying in that location.

ToolsVerse page”>Luke 5:16 Luke 9:18And it occurred that when He was praying alone, the disciples were with Him, and He confronted them, asking them, “Who do the people claim that I am?” (Luke 9:18, emphasis added.) When they arrived to Gethsemane, Jesus instructed His followers to “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” (Matthew 26:36) “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” Matthew 26:39″>Verse page”>Matthew 26:39 And He walked a little farther than they had gone, and He fell on His face and begged, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, please take this cup away from Me; but not according to my will, but according to Yours.” Matthew 26:42″>Verse page”>Matthew 26:42 It took him another time to go and pray, saying “My Father, since this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done,” which meant “Your will be done.” Matthew 26:44″>Verse page”>Matthew 26:44 And He left them once again, walked away, and prayed a third time, saying the same thing that he had spoken the first time.

Mark 14:32″>Verse page”>Mark 14:32 They arrived at a location known as Gethsemane, where He instructed His followers to “sit here until I have finished praying.” Verse page”>Mark 14:35 in the Bible And He walked a little farther than they had gone, and he sank on the ground and started to pray, hoping that the hour might pass him by if at all possible.

Versions of the Bible page”>Luke 11:1 It so happened that when Jesus was praying in a certain location, one of His disciples approached Him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” Jesus responded by saying, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Matthew 14:19After ordering the crowds to take their seats on the grass, He took the five loaves of bread and the two fish, blessed them by lifting his eyes to the heavens, and breaking the loaves, He distributed them to his disciples, who in turn distributed them to the rest of the crowds, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.

ToolsMatthew 19:13 verse page”>Matthew 19:13 Some youngsters were then brought to Him so that He may lay His hands on them and pray, and the disciples reprimanded them for their actions.

ToolsVerse page”>John 17:9I pray on their behalf; I do not pray on their behalf on behalf of the world, but on their behalf on behalf of those whom You have given Me; for they are Yours; John 17:20 verse page”>John 17:20 verse page “I do not ask on their behalf alone, but also on behalf of those who believe in Me because of their word; Versions of the Bible page”>Luke 22:32 “However, I have prayed for you, that your faith may not be shaken; and you, when you have once again turned, should encourage your brethren,” I said.

  1. Verse page”>Isaiah 53:12 is a tool.
  2. Hebrews 7:25 is a verse from the Bible.
  3. John 16:26″>Verse page”>John 16:26 You will make your request in My name on that day, and I do not promise you that I will make your request to the Father on your behalf.
  4. Glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You, even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life.” “Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You,” He said.
  5. Continue reading for more information.
  6. As a result, Father, exalt Me with Yourself, and grant me the glory that I shared with You before the world was created.
  7. Now they understand that everything You have given Me is from You; for the words that You gave Me I have given to them.

I am no longer in the world; nevertheless, they are still in the world, and I have come to You to seek refuge.

In the time that I was with them, I was protecting them in Your name, which You have given Me; and I guarded them, and not one of them perished save the son of perdition, in order that the Scriptures may be fulfilled.

I have given them Your word, and the world has despised them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world, and this is because they are not of the world.

In the same way that I am not of the world, they are also not of the world.

In the same way that You sent Me into the world, I have also sent them into the world.

Because of this, I have given them the glory that You have given Me, so that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, so that we can all be completed in one, so that the world may know that You sent Me and that you loved them, just as You have loved Me.

ToolsVerse page”>John 14:16I will pray for you, and the Father will send you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; Using the Verse Page”>John 11:22 Even today, I am confident that whatever you ask of God, God would provide for you.” Verse page”>Rom.

8:34 (tools) Who is it that is being condemned? In other words, Christ Jesus is He who died and was risen, who is now seated at the right side of God, and who also intercedes on our behalf.

Luke 6:12 In those days Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and He spent the night in prayer to God.

(12)He left the house and went to a hillside to pray. -It’s preferable to go into the mountains or the hill-country. The importance placed on Jesus’ prayers is a recurring theme in the writings of St. Luke. I continued to pray to God throughout the night. – At the very least, the original allows for a different interpretation. “Prayer” (proseuche) had evolved to refer to the spot where pious Jews may retreat for their devotions: the chapel or oratory by the river’s edge or on the mountain’s edge where there was a flowing stream for ablutions.

  1. Halicarnassus is the site of another another.
  2. The fact that Josephus mentions that there was one in Tiberias (Life, c.
  3. The precise combination of words used in God’s prayer – literally – is not found anywhere else in the world for prayer as it is presented to God.
  4. Verse 12 is the last verse in the book of Revelation.

That is to say, during the course of his ministry in Galilee, particularly in the densely populated region surrounding the Lake of Genessaret, and following the events recounted in Chapter 5 and the first eleven verses of Chapter 6, Jesus proceeded to choose twelve people from among the group of people who had become particularly attached to him and who would therefore remain with him at all times.

It was his intention to train up these individuals to serve as approved exponents of his message and as future leaders of his Church.

Jerusalem and the hierarchy, backed by the great instructors of the kind of Judaism that had for so long captivated the hearts of the people, had voiced their opposition to the beliefs and teachings of Jesus, albeit in hushed tones at the time.

It was vital to take immediate action in order to establish some kind of structure among the people who had responded so positively to his statements; hence, the formal selection of the twelve individuals who would be closest to him from that point on was made.

Parallel commentary by SimonAndrewJames and Andrew James GreekInἐν(en) PrepositionsStrong’s 1722: in, on, amid, and between.

those ταύταις(tautais) Demonstrative Dative Feminine Plural PronounStrong’s 3778:This is; he, she, it.

went on a date ἐξελθεῖν(exelthein) ActiveStrong’s 1831: Verb – Aorist Infinitive ActiveStrong’s 1831: Come out if you want to go out.

theτὸ(to) Strong’s 3588:the is an accusative neuter singular that refers to the definite article.

mountain ὄρoς(oros) Noun – Accusative Neuter SingularStrong’s 3735: “Accusative Neuter Singular” It’s a mountain or a hill.

for the purpose of praying (proseuxasthai) MiddleStrong’s 4336 is an aorist infinitive that means to pray, pray for, or give prayer.

He stayed the night with us.

To stay awake all night is derived from the Greek word dia, which means “to sit up.” inἐν(en) PrepositionsStrong’s 1722: in, on, amid, and between.

prayer προσευχῇ(proseuchē) a prayer to God in the Dative Feminine SingularStrong’s 4335:From proseuchomai, which means “prayer” in the feminine singular; by extension, an oratory.


Paralela Luke 6:12 Chinese Version of the Bible French translation of Luke 6:12 Bible 6:12 (Luke 6:12) The Bible according to Catholic tradition Gospels of the New Testament: 6:12 (Luke 6:12) It was during these days that he experienced something (Luke Lu Lk)

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