When Did Mary Mother Of Jesus Die

When did Mary die? How did Mary die?

QuestionAnswer The last time Mary, the mother of Jesus, is mentioned in the Bible is when the Holy Spirit descended upon her (along with many others) on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4). Following that, we don’t get to hear anything else about Mary in the Bible. The Bible says that Mary most likely spent her final years in John’s home (John 19:27), where she died. We don’t know exactly where John used to live. He might have had a residence in either Jerusalem or Ephesus. Several scholars have suggested that, because it is likely that John oversaw many of the churches in Asia Minor, Mary followed him to Ephesus, where she became a member of the Ephesian church, which Timothy served as pastor (1 Timothy 1:3).

The year AD 43 and AD 48 are mentioned in two different traditions, but we have no way of confirming either date.

According to one legend, Mary never lived in Ephesus, but rather in a small stone house built over a spring on a hill on the road outside of Jerusalem, where she spent her days.

According to legend, Mary erected memorial stones marking the various stations of the cross behind her home to commemorate her life.

She died there and was buried with the Holy Grail, which she had brought with her from France.

Catherine Emmerich, a Catholic mystic who lived in the early 1800s, claimed to have had a vision in which she saw Mary’s final minutes.

Catherine’s vision depicts the apostles’ presence at Mary’s deathbed, Peter’s administration of the Mass and extreme unction to Mary, Mary’s death (which occurred at the same hour as Jesus’ death), her spirit’s ascension into heaven (accompanied by many souls released from purgatory), her burial, and her body’s assumption the next night.

At the end of the day, we have to accept the fact that we do not know anything about Mary’s later life or her death.

Mary’s story is subordinate to the story of Christ, despite the fact that it is more than incidental to it.

What caused Mary’s death?

5 things to know about Mary, the mother of Jesus

It is definitely true that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the most revered saint in the Christian faith. Despite this, we know very little about her. There is nothing in the New Testament that mentions her birth, death, physical appearance, or age. Aside from the stories of Jesus’ birth that are exclusively included in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, she is expressly referenced at just three other events in the life of her son, all of which take place after his birth. At a wedding when Jesus transforms water into wine, she makes an unsuccessful attempt to visit her son while he is teaching, and she witnesses his execution with her son.

As a matter of fact, Mary is named more frequently in the Qur’an than she is in the New Testament. So, here are five facts we do know about her that are worth sharing. More information may be found at: Despite their differences, Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all followers of the same deity.

1. She was an accidental virgin

In the Gospel of Matthew, we are told for the first time that Mary was pregnant before she and Joseph had sexual relations. According to reports, she was “with child from the Holy Spirit.” Matthew used a prophesy from the Old Testament to demonstrate this point, stating that a “virgin will conceive and have a son, and the name of the child will be Emmanuel.” Matthew was referring to the Old Testament in its Greek translation. As a result, the original Hebrew term “almah” had been translated as “parthenos” in the Greek Old Testament, and from there into the Latin Bible as “virgo” and finally into English as “virgin.” Instead of just “young lady,” the Greek word “parthenos” refers to “a virgin intacta,” which indicates literally “a virgin who has not been defiled.” Briefly stated, Mary was referred to be a virgin due to a translation error in which the word “young lady” was rendered as “virgin.” Education of the Virgin by Guido Reni is a painting by Guido Reni.

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

2. She was a perpetual virgin

During and after the birth of Jesus, according to early Christian faith, Mary continued to be a virgin. This was likely only appropriate for someone who was referred to as “the mother of God” or “the God-bearer.” According to Saint Ambrose of Milan (c.339-97 CE), the doctrine of Mary’s perpetual virginity was ardently defended: “Blessed Mary is the gate, through which it is written that the Lord hath entered in by it; therefore, the gate shall be shut after birth; for, as a virgin, she both conceived and gave birth.” Several centuries later, the Lateran Synod of 649 CE, a council convened in Rome by the Western Church, made it an article of faith that Jesus was conceived “without seed” and that Mary “incorruptibly carried, her virginity being unaffected even after his birth.” All of this is happening despite the fact that the Gospels state that Jesus had siblings and sisters (Mark 3.32, Matthew 12.46, Luke 8.19).

Antonio Veneziano painted a tempera on panel picture of the Virgin and Child in 1380.

3. She was immaculately conceived

Since the time of Saint Ambrose, it has been widely acknowledged in Western theology that Mary never committed a sin. Was her sinlessness in this life, however, due to the fact that she was born without “original sin”? As a matter of fact, according to Western theology, each and every human being was born with original sin, which is considered to be the “genetic” result of the transgression of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Due to an increasing cult of devotion to the Virgin Mary during the medieval period, there were fine-grained theological disagreements on the subject.

It wasn’t until 1854 that the Catholic Church was able to fix the situation.

As Pope Pius IX proclaimed, the dogma which teaches that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception. was maintained free from every taint of original sin, is a truth revealed by God and consequently one in which all the faithful should accept firmly and consistently.

4. She ascended into heaven

The early decades of the Christian tradition were deafeningly silent on the subject of Mary’s death. However, by the seventh and eighth centuries, the belief in the physical ascension of Mary into heaven had gained a solid foothold in both the Western and Eastern churches, and was widely accepted. More information may be found at: What may paradise be like, according to today’s essay? The Eastern Orthodox Greek Church adhered to the tradition of Mary’s death and burial. In accordance with this, Mary died in a natural way, and her soul was thereafter accepted by Christ.

She was then carried physically into the presence of God.

In 1950, the belief in Mary’s ascension into heaven was officially recognized as Catholic teaching.

The Assumption of the Virgin, painted by Luca Giordano in 1698, is a masterpiece.

5. She is a sky goddess

When Mary was physically exalted into heaven, no bodily relics were left behind for us to venerate. Despite the presence of breast milk, tears, hair and nail clippings, the majority of her relics were of a “second order” nature, including clothing, jewelry, veils, and shoes. In the lack of her skeletal remains, her worshippers had to make do with visions — in Lourdes, Guadalupe, Fatima, Medjugorje, and other pilgrimage destinations. Her pilgrimage sites, like those of the other saints, were places where she might be summoned in order to beseech God to grant the requests of her followers.

In popular devotion, she was depicted as a sky deity who constantly wore blue clothing.

She was the goddess of the moon and the star of the sea, and she was worshipped as such.

Did the Virgin Mary die?

“data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ data-large-file=” ssl=1″>Catholic Faith Network” data-large-file=” ssl=1″ data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ data-large-file=” ssl=1″ picture courtesy of the Catholic Faith Network

Questions of Faith

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is believed to have been taken into heaven at the conclusion of her life, both physically and spiritually, according to Catholic belief. She was lifted up by God to partake in his heavenly splendor, having been preserved completely free of all traces of original sin. This concept was dogmatically declared by Pope Pius XII in 1950, yet there is still some debate as to whether she died before or after her ascension of the papacy. Specifically, the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus said that Mary was “assumed body and soul into the grandeur of heaven once the end of her earthly existence was completed.” Notably, there is no mention of her death, therefore it is still up in the air whether or not she was aware of her own mortality.

It appears plausible to assume that Mary died in order to better correspond to her son’s wishes.


While we don’t know how she died because the New Testament doesn’t mention anything about it, the Pope says that the notion that she died out of love for her son is the most appropriate explanation for her death. It is customary in the Eastern Orthodox Church to refer to Mary’s “dormition” or “sleep,” which signifies that she died in the fullness of grace and without pain before being taken up to heaven. There are numerous apocryphal accounts of her death, such as the collection of stories known as Transitus Mariae (200AD), which claims that Mary died in Jerusalem surrounded by the apostles, and that, depending on which version you read, her body was buried and then vanished, or that it simply vanished.

No, the Mother is not more important than the Son, who died for us.” As theologians and historians continue to argue what exactly happened at the end of Mary’s physical existence, it may be wiser to err on the side of humility and acknowledge that we just don’t know what happened.

Her reputation among the martyrs and her holy body, through which light dawned on the globe among blessings, indicate that she was either executed or put to death – as the scripture states, ‘And a sword shall pierce through her soul.’ Alternatively, she may still be alive since God is capable of doing anything he desires.

Did Virgin Mary Die Before Assumption?

Although the idea of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven at the conclusion of her earthly life is not difficult to understand, one question is a frequent subject of controversy: Did Marydie do anything before she was accepted into Heaven, body and soul?

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The Traditional Answer

From the earliest Christian traditions surrounding the Assumption, the response to the issue of whether the Blessed Virgin died in the same way that all men do has always been affirmative. Originally known as “the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos,” the feast of the Assumption was originally observed in the Christian East in the sixth century (the Mother of God). The traditions surrounding the Dormition continue to be based on a fourth-century manuscript known as “The Account of St. John the Theologian of the Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God,” which is followed by both Catholics and Orthodox Christians today.

The “Falling Asleep” of the Holy Mother of God

In that text, written in the voice of Saint John the Evangelist (to whom Christ had assigned the care of His mother while on the Cross), the Archangel Gabriel appears to Mary while she prays at the Holy Sepulchre, and she receives instructions from him (the tomb in which Christ had been laid onGood Friday, and from which He rose onEaster Sunday). The Archangel Gabriel informed the Blessed Virgin that her earthly existence had come to an end, and she made the decision to return to Bethlehem to be with her Savior.

Together, they transported her bed (again, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit) to her house in Jerusalem, where Christ appeared to her the following Sunday and instructed her not to be afraid.

She sprang up and kissed each of the apostles on the cheek with her own hand, and they all gave praise to God; then the Lord reached out His undefiled hands and accepted her pure and faultless soul.

The apostles carried Mary’s body on a couch to the Garden of Gethsemane, where they laid her remains in a new tomb, which they named after her: In the midst of this, an intoxicating fragrance of sweet savour poured forth from the sacred sepulchre of our Lady, the mother of God; and for three days, the voices of unseen angels could be heard praising Christ our God, who had been born of our Lady.

It is believed that Mary died before her body was taken up into Heaven, according to “The Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God,” which is the earliest existing written record chronicling the end of her life.

The Same Tradition, East and West

Some details of the Assumption are different in the earliest Latin versions of the story, which were written a couple of centuries later. However, they all agree that Mary died and that Christ received her soul; that the apostles entombed her body; and that Mary’s body was taken up into Heaven from the tomb. Whatever the case, it is important to note that none of these writings has the authority of Scripture; what is important is that they tell us what Christians in both the East and the West felt had happened to Mary at the end of her life.

(All of the documents agree that her body remained incorrupt from the time of her death and the time of her Assumption.)

Pius Xii on the Death and Assumption of Mary

However, whereas Eastern Christians have preserved the early traditions surrounding the Assumption, Western Christians have largely lost contact with these traditions. The expression “falling asleep” is used to characterize Mary’s Assumption in the Eastern tradition, leading some to believe that she was taken into Heaven before she died. InMunificentissimus Deus, his declaration of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII cites ancient liturgical texts from both East and West, as well as the writings of Church Fathers, all of which indicate that the Blessed Virgin had died before her body was taken up into Heaven.

Mary’s Death Is Not a Matter of Faith

The doctrine, as articulated by Pope Pius XII, does not definitively answer whether the Virgin Mary died on the cross. That the Immaculate Mother of God, the eternally Virgin Mary, had fulfilled the course of her earthly existence and had been assumed body and soul into heavenly glory is what Catholics must believe is what they must believe. The phrase “having fulfilled the course of her earthly existence” is unclear; it leaves up the possibility that Mary did not die prior to her Assumption of the Virgin Mary.


Known as St. Mary or the Virgin Mary, she has been honored in the Christian church since the apostolic age and has been a popular topic in Western art, music, and literature from the beginning of the Christian era. She is the mother of Jesus. Mary is well-known through scriptural allusions, which, nevertheless, are insufficient to create a comprehensive biography of her life and times. Through the names that have been given to Mary throughout the history of Christiancommunities—guarantee of the Incarnation, virgin mother, secondEve, mother of God, eternally virgin and immaculate, and assumed intoheaven—we may trace the evolution of the concept of Mary.

Her humility and adherence to God’s word, as recorded in the New Testament, have elevated her to the status of a model for Christians of all eras.

The other name for the artwork refers to the fact that it was once housed at a monastery of the Poor Clares order in Poligny, Burgundy, France. AlkaliSoaps provided the photography. The Rogers Fund was established by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City in 1933. (33.23)

Biblical references

The story of the Annunciation, which reports that she was living in Nazarethand was betrothed to Joseph(Luke 1:26 ff.), is the first and last time that Mary is mentioned in the Bible, and the last time she is mentioned (Acts of the Apostles 1:14), she is included in the company of those who devoted themselves to prayer after Jesus’ ascension into heaven (Acts of the Apostles 1:14). According to the Gospels, she occurs in the following incidents: Among the events recorded are the Annunciation, the visit with Elizabeth, her kinswoman and the mother of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus (Luke 1:39 ff.), the birth of Jesus and his presentation in the Temple (Luke 2:1 ff.), the visit to Jerusalem by the Magi and the flight to Egypt (Matthew 2:1 ff.), the marriage at Cana in Galilee, although her name is not mentioned (Mark 2:1 ff) (John 19:26 ff.).

No matter how closely one considers these incidents to be accurate historical descriptions, they do not add up to a cohesive portrayal of Mary.

However, since the beginning of Christian history, the concepts that these images represent have served as a starting point for discussion and devotion on the Virgin Mary.

As a result, a historical study of that evolution also serves as an introduction to the current condition of Christian theology regarding Mary to a significant degree.

Dogmatic titles

The phrase “born of woman” in Galatians 4:4, which was written before any of the Gospels, is perhaps the oldest mention to Mary in Christian literature. As analogies in the Bible such as Job 14:1 and Matthew 11:11 reveal, the term is a Hebraic manner of referring about a person’s fundamental humanity. The phrase “born of woman” was intended to assert that Jesus was a genuine man, in opposition to the attempt—later seen in various systems of gnosticism, an early 2nd-century dualistic religion—to deny that he had lived a fully human life; in fact, some gnostics believe that he passed through the body of Mary in the same way that light passes through a window.

As a result, the term designated Mary as the indication or promise that the Son of God had indeed been born in the form of a human being.

Some academics have even asserted that the key connotation of the term “born of the Virgin Mary” in theApostles’ Creed was the church’s insistence on Jesus’ genuine manhood, which they believe was the primary meaning of the phrase.

Any other obligations that have been entrusted to her in devotion and indogma take precedence over her mothering responsibilities.

In most cases, those who support the virgin birth contend that the possibility of real humanity was made possible when the Virgin Mary accepted her commission as a guarantee of the Incarnation (Luke 1:38): “Let it be with me according to your word.” Although the titleco-redemptrix has come to denote a more active role by Mary in the redemption of humankind, the precise nature of this participation is still a source of debate among Catholic theologians.

This is the origin of the titleco-redemptrix, which indicates some participation with Christ in the redemption of humankind and has been assigned to Mary in Roman Catholic theology.

Joseph, Mary, and the infant Jesus are shown in a stained glass window.

Both accounts make a point of asserting that Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary without the intervention of any human being (Matthew 1:18 f.; Luke 1:34 f.), but the numerous textual variants in Matthew 1:16, some of which contain the words “Joseph begat Jesus,” have led some scholars to question whether such an assertion was part of Matthew’s original account.

Although it is not mentioned by the Apostle Paul, TheGospel According to Markbegins with Jesus as an adult, and TheGospel According to John, which begins with his prehistorical existence, makes no mention of the virgin birth, unless the variant of John 1:13 that reads “.who was born” rather than “.who were born” is used to support the virgin birth.

The disputes about Mary’s virginity have dominated postbiblical Christian writing, with the majority of the literature devoted to her being written after her death.

When it comes to understanding Jesus Christ and his life and work in the New Testament, one of the most common interpretations is the drawing of parallels between him andAdam: “because as all died in Adam, so all will be brought alive in Christ” (1 Corinthians15:22).

Whatever your opinion on whether or not the tale of The Annunciation in the first chapter of The Gospel is true, According to Luke, this was originally intended to illustrate a comparable comparison between Eve and Mary, but it quickly became a focus of Christian thought.

Irenaeusexplained the parallel between Eve, who had disobeyed the word of God while she was a virgin, and Mary, who had obeyed it while she was also a virgin: for Adam had to be restored in Christ, that mortality be absorbed in immortality, and Eve in Mary, that a virgin, becoming the advocate of a virgin, should undo and destroy virginal disobedience by virginal obedience.

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Irenae Irenaeus did not discuss the matter; he appears to have taken the comparison for granted, which may imply that it was not his own creation but rather a product of tradition, for which he held a high level of regard.

The earliest widely publicized theological debate about Mary concerned the validity of bestowing on her the title of Theotokos, which literally translates as “God-bearer” or “mother of God,” on her.

Perhaps, as the 19th-century English theologian John Henry Cardinal Newman hypothesized, the Council of Nicaea’s determination in 325 that Christ was not merely the highest of creatures but belonged on the divine side of the line between Creator and creature was even responsible for the rapid growth of devotion and speculation attached to Mary as the highest of creatures in the centuries that followed.

  • Towards the end of the 4th century, the Theotokos had established herself in a number of different sectors of the church with great success.
  • Nestorius’ arguments, along with other parts of his doctrine, were rejected by the Council of Ephesus in 431.
  • When it reads “born of the Virgin Mary,” the Apostles’ Creed appears to be teaching at the very least thevirginitas in partu.
  • With the rise of theasceticideal activity in the church, this concept of Mary as a model of the ever-virgin was given more credence.
  • Old Testament texts used in favor of the doctrine by Church Fathers (such as Ezekiel 44:2 and Song of Solomon 4:12) were probably only convincing to those who already believed in it.
  • The great theologian and bishop of northern Africa, St.
  • 44.1 x 32 centimeters Baltimore’s Walters Art Museum is a must-see.
  • I do not intend to raise a single question on the subject of sin, out of reverence for the Lord and my fellow man.

In the end, it was Augustine’s distinction between original sin (which is the sin that all people are born with) and actual sin (which is the sin that people commit during their lives), which was firmly established in Western theology, that compelled a further clarification of what it meant to be sinless in Mary’s case.

  1. Was she, however, exempt from the penalty of original sin?
  2. As the most important medievaltheologian in Western history has taught, her conception was tainted, as was the conception of all humans, but that God suppressed and ultimately extinguished original sin in her before she was born, a position that is representative of the position taken by St.
  3. The idea of theImmaculate Conception, which was developed by Duns Scotus, a 13th-century British Scholastic theologian, and subsequently declared as Roman Catholic dogma by Pope Pius IX in 1854, was in opposition to this stance.
  4. Luke, at the Benedictine monastery of Santa Mara de Montserrat, Catalonia, Spain.
  5. DREAMSTIME.COM is a project of Martinmates.
  6. When the Proclamation of the Immaculate Conception was issued, petitions began to arrive at the Vatican requesting a definition of the Assumption of the Virgin into Heaven, which was believed by Roman Catholics and celebrated on the Feast of the Assumption.
  7. However, despite the fact that over eight million people signed such petitions over the course of the following century, Rome remained hesitant because it found it impossible to articulate the teaching in light of Scripture and early witnesses of Christian tradition.
  8. Such reasons from silence, on the other hand, were insufficient to establish a dogma, and, on the plus side, even the oldest doctrinal and liturgical witness in favour of the notion had emerged rather late in historical development.

Petersburg, has cherubs accompanying Mary. Images of Fine Art/Images of Cultural Heritage

Did mother Mary die or did she ascend to Heaven alive?

Mary’s Assumption is celebrated on August 15th. The Feast of the Assumption of Mary It is believed that the Assumption of Mary is the physical ascension of Mary’s body into heaven at the conclusion of her earthly existence, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Churches, and others. The date for this celebration has been established for August 15, and the day falls on one of the main feast days. On this day, it is customary for people to attend a service or mass in order to express their respects for the event.

  • History This day is dedicated to the memory of Mary’s death and ascension into heaven.
  • These may be traced back to Gnostic circles and a sect known as the Kollyridians, among other sources (this group was very devoted to the teachings of the life of Mary).
  • It was about the fifth century when Christians over the world began to unofficially commemorate this day.
  • In the Bible (particularly in the Old Testament), there is reference of Mary’s assumption in the book of Genesis, as well as additional evidence later in the New Testament in the verses of Corinthians 15:54 and 15:55.
  • Teachings of the Catholic Church Within Catholic thinking, there is substantial debate about whether Mary genuinely died before her ascension to the throne of Christ.
  • It is claimed that Mary was bestowed with this assumption as a gift in recognition of her role as the heavenly Mother of Jesus.
  • The Catholic Church is split on this subject, although only slightly.

Consequently, the issue remains as to whether she died or ascended to Heaven when her life was declared to be finished.

However, they think that Mary died and her soul was taken up into heaven without any form of corporeal ascension or assumption on the part of Mary.

Check My Universe, and the Use of Social Media in Education Teachings of the Protestant Church The Anglican Church has long since dismissed the likelihood that this event took place and has refused to commemorate or place confidence in it in any way.

There are only sporadic connections between these churches and any observance of Mary’s assumption that is even vaguely linked to it.

To recapitulate, the Assumption of Mary is not taught or believed by the vast majority of modern Protestants.

On the contrary, Lutheran churches commemorate the Assumption of Mary by observing a less significant event on the same day as Mary, Mother of our Lord, but continuing to refrain from teaching or preaching on the subject.Revelation 12:1 ‘And there arose in heaven an ominous sign: a lady dressed in sunlight, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars,’ says the Bible.

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D id the Virgin Mary die? There are many Catholics that dispute that the Immaculate Mary died. They say that when Pope Pius XII dogmatically affirmed the Assumption of Mary, he left the matter open. They cite the following fromMunificentissimus Deus:by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary,having completed the course of her earthly life,was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.

They say the text is vague.

As with the study of Sacred Scripture, the solution resides incontext.

Pope Pius XII – Did Mary Die?

After readingMunificentissimus Deus, it becomes clear that the Holy Father taught that our Immaculate Lady died on earth before being physically taken into the presence of God. This notion is expressed several times in the text ofMunificentissimus Deus. Some quotations fromMunificentissimus Deus are as follows: His Holiness, in accordance with Pope Adrian I, On this day, according to Pope Pius XII: “Venerable to us, O Lord, is the feast of Mary, your holy Mother, who, while she experienced temporal death, was unable to be restrained by the bands of death and gave birth to your Son our Lord incarnate from herself.” According to the Byzantine liturgy, “Just as he preserved your virginity throughout delivery, so he preserved your corpse incorrupt in the grave and glorified it by his divine act of transporting it from the tomb.” “As the most glorious Mother of Christ, our Savior and God, the giver of life and immortality, has been endowed with life by him, she has received an eternal incorruptibility of the body together with him, who has raised her up from the tomb and has taken her up to himself in a way that is only known to him,” the Holy Father writes, quoting Saint Modestus.

In his use of quotations, Pope Pius XII demonstrated his belief in and intention to demonstrate that the Immaculate Virgin Mary did, in fact, die prior to her glorious Assumption.

What is death?

Death is defined as the severance of the body from the soul (or vice versa). When the soul departs the body, you are said to be dead. According to traditional iconography, Mary’s spirit is depicted separately from her body, like in the Western form above and the Byzantine version below: Dormition Icon dating back to the 1100s The Dormition icon is distinguished by the presence of Christ, who is represented as an infant in white garments, carrying the small soul of Mary in his arms. It’s a “reverse Madonna,” as the saying goes.

The orthodox representation demonstrates that Mary did really die. The Holy Apostles surround Mary, signifying that the Dormition and Assumption were witnessed by apostolic witnesses and are hence part of the deposit of faith in the Church.

But Mary didn’t sin!

It should be noted that Mary did not die as a result of sin, but rather as a result of her desire to be conformed to Christ in all ways – to be thespeculum justitiae, or mirror of justice – in order to be thespeculum justitiae, or mirror of justice. As promised in Ecclesiasticus 24, her death granted her control over Purgatory, as well as the ability to offer more meritorious prayers for those who died at the hour of death. If you would want a thorough defense of the Immaculate Virgin’s death, you might read theGlories of Maryby Saint Alphonsus Ligouri, a doctor of the Church, which is available online.

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Assumption Triduum

From August 1-14, the Eastern Churches observe a mini-Lent in preparation for the Feast of the Assumption. Eastern Christians also recite the Paraklesis Canon in honor of the Mother of God from August 1-13, in addition to fasting throughout this period. There is a story that she died at 3 p.m. on August 13, rose from the dead the next day, and was then taken up into Heaven on August 15. It is still customary in Jerusalem to memorialize her death on August 13, even today. As a result, the period of August 13-15 is known as the Marian Triduum, or “three-day” death and resurrection cycle.

On the evening of August 12, the service commemorating her death will be held in Jerusalem.

Did the Virgin Mary die and, if so, where?

The year 1999 saw me traveling around Israel and the Holy Land, including a stop at the Basilica of the Dormition, where we were informed that the Virgin Mary had died. Years later, I traveled to Ephesus, where I stopped at a little house where we were informed Mary had lived and died. Saint Paul VI paid a visit to the residence in 1967, and Saint John Paul II delivered Mass there in 1979. My concern is this: Why hasn’t the church reached a judgment on the correct location of Mary’s death, given the historical significance of the issue?

  1. Theological conjecture has been a source of amusement for generations, and the church has never given a conclusive response to the topic.
  2. Some theologians believe that, because death is a result of sin, Mary would not have had to die if she had not committed sin.
  3. The topic of where Mary spent her final years on earth has been debated for centuries, but there are two solid historical traditions to consider.
  4. Other evidence, on the other hand, appears to indicate that Mary traveled to a location near Ephesus (modern-day Turkey) and remained there until she was taken up into heaven, under the protection of the apostle John.
  5. The validity of each tradition has never been explicitly determined by the church.
  6. The solution to your inquiry has been lost to the pages of history and is unlikely to be discovered again.
  7. You can reach Father Doyle at [email protected] with any inquiries.

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Where did Mary live after the Resurrection?

Christians believe that Jesus rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, according to the Scriptures. But what happened to his mother after that? While those sentences do not supply us with a specific address, they do present us with a number of hints. At the time of Jesus’ death, it is generally considered that his foster-father Joseph had already died, according to traditional accounts. As a result, Jesus would be the primary family member responsible for caring for his ailing mother. More information may be found at: Is it possible that Jesus and Joseph were true carpenters?

Jesus called out to his mother and the disciple whom he adored who were standing nearby, and he said to his mother, “Woman, see!

(See also John 19:26-27.) The majority of biblical experts agree that the “beloved disciple” was St.


Because it is documented in the book of Acts, it appears that John looked for her while she was in Jerusalem at the time. Once they reached Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is a short distance away from the city and only one sabbath day’s journey away, they went up to the upper room, where they were staying: Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James. All of these people, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, as well as his brothers and sisters, joined together in prayer.

The “Way of the Cross” was where Mary spent the remainder of her life, according to legend, walking it every day and repeating the steps taken by her son.

More information may be found at: Find out more about the grotto in Turkey where Saint Peter said Mass.

A second site in Jerusalem, known as the Church of the Dormition, is maintained by Benedictine monks and is dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus.


On the other hand, there is a story that John the Evangelist was born in the city of Ephesus, which is supported by historical evidence. Numerous people think that because John resided in this location, the Virgin Mary also dwelt there with him and that her ascension to heaven occurred there as well. Some private visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in the nineteenth century, which identified Ephesus as the location of the Virgin Mary’s home, served to further cement this conclusion. More information may be found at: In the ancient city of Ephesus, there are five Christian sites worth seeing.

Make sure to go through the slideshow below to learn about some of the earliest depictions of the Virgin Mary.

What Happened To Mary, The Mother Of Jesus, After The Crucifixion?

Is there any information on what happened to Mary Christ’s mother following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?

Mary at the Cross

As recorded by Matthew, Mary was physically present at the death of her Son, Jesus. “There were also many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to him, among whom were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zebedee,” Matthew writes (Matt 27:55-56). Can we possibly comprehend Mary’s agony as she stood by and watched Jesus suffer for six hours on the cross? Only God and her could have known how she must have felt at the time.

John takes care of Mary

The Apostle John reports that they were “standing beside the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene,” which is the last text in Scripture that mentions Mary, and there are no other passages that reference Mary after this. When Jesus noticed his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing close, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son!’ He then exclaimed to the disciple, ‘Woman, see, your son!’ Then he turned to the disciple and said, ‘Look, here’s your mother!

For starters, Jesus no longer refers to Mary as His mother, but rather as “woman,” which is a term of respect that also distinguishes that Mary is no longer recognized as Jesus’ mother, but rather as Mary’s Savior, as opposed to the other way around (as He is for all of us).

There’s a possibility that Jesus had been providing for her and is now asking John to do the same for him.

As a result, the disciple moved her to his own house from that point on.” (John 19:27) As a result, John would now treat Mary as if she were his own mother, as he would his own mother.

After the Cross

In Acts 1:13-14 we read that the disciples “went up to the upper room, where they were staying, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James,” that they “with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers,” and that they “were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary (Acts 1:14).

That Mary, Jesus’ mother, had joined the disciples and became a member of the early church is demonstrated by this passage.

There are a few Catholic Church historians who believe that Jesus appeared first to Mary and then to the other disciples, but this does not appear to be consistent with Scripture because there were two women who came to the tomb and discovered that the stone had been rolled away, according to the Bible.

The conclusion is that we simply do not know what happened to Mary following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

So that’s pretty much the limit of what we know about Mary after she died on the cross. Beyond these facts, it is not advisable to conjecture or theorize since we may be completely incorrect, and leaving matters to human speculation is a perilous foundation upon which to place one’s faith.


Regardless of what happened to Mary, it is far less significant than what will happen to you if you have never placed your confidence in Christ. If a person has been born again, they will one day reach the kingdom and will be able to ask Mary for herself. However, until that time comes, we can only concentrate on what we do know, which is the fact that Jesus died on the cross for sinners, which includes each and every one of us.Thankfully, the foot of the cross is level ground.Mary had no advantages over anyone because each and every one of us who puts their faith in Christ and believes in Him will have eternal life.

Mary, Mary mother of Jesus, What happened to Mary the mother of Jesus, What happened to Mary the mother of Jesus, What happened to Mary the mother of Jesus

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