When Did Jesus Rise From The Dead

When did Jesus rise from the dead?

As recorded in the Gospels, Jesus was claimed to have risen from the grave “on the third day” or “three days later.” Although it appears to be a contradiction in words, the fact that there are numerous alternatives as to when Jesus resurrected from the dead may give the impression that there are multiple possibilities. Furthermore, the fact that Jesus died on a Friday makes these sentences even more perplexing, since a Sunday resurrection might be called into question as a result of the difference between the two days.

The difficulty with this type of current thinking is that it makes the assumption that the Gospel writers intended to constantly write with accuracy on this subject.

According to Witherington, there is an example from the Old Testament in which “‘after three days’ signifies exactly the same thing as ‘on the third day.'” As a result, even if these sentences in modern English appear to be in conflict with one another, “these writings were not created to fit our present rigorous requirements when it comes to time.” Furthermore, “days” in Jewish counting were not the 24-hour periods from midnight to midnight that we are accustomed to; rather, they were commonly defined as beginning at sunset on one day and ending at dusk on the next day.

Reverting back to the original question, when did Jesus Christ resurrect from the dead?

  1. The following is Jimmy Akin’s reconstruction of the timing of Jesus’ death and resurrection, which is based on the Gospels and Jewish traditions.
  2. As a result, Jesus was indeed “resurrected on the third day” (Matthew 20:19).
  3. I am well aware that you are looking for Jesus the Crucified.
  4. It’s hardly surprising that the Church has always adhered to this schedule, with the Easter Vigil service on Saturday night already commemorating Jesus’ triumphant return.
  5. It is not essential when Jesus rose from the dead; what is significant is that he did rise from the grave and opened the gates of Heaven for us, along with the promise of a future resurrection at the conclusion of this world.

More information may be found at: After his resurrection, how many times did Jesus appear to his followers? Where did Mary go after the Resurrection? Continue reading this article

On What Day Did Jesus Rise?

The May/June 2016 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review is available online. Biblical Perspectives is a weekly column. Employees at The Biblical Archaeological SocietyNovember 16, 20217 Comments106505 page views What day did Jesus resurrect from the dead? Is it better to wait three days or to wait until the third day? During his Biblical Views column, “It’s About Time—Easter Time,” which appeared in the May/June 2016 edition of Biblical Archaeology Review, Ben Witherington III explores this subject in further depth.


“It’s About Time—Easter Time”

Anachronism is a hazard that arises when reading ancient books like the Bible in the twenty-first century. By this I mean that we risk introducing damaging current notions and expectations into our readings. This challenge becomes much more serious when dealing with old manuscripts, which have significant historical significance and are thus difficult to interpret. What day did Jesus resurrect from the dead? Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome visited Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning to anoint his corpse (Mark 16:1–2), as shown in Henry Osawa Tanner’s painting “The Three Marys” (1910).

  1. To provide an example, we are a people who are fascinated with time — and with accuracy when it comes to time — to the millisecond level.
  2. When it came to the passage of time, they did not stress over accuracy.
  3. Jesus promised that he would rise from the dead “after three days,” according to certain sources.
  4. In fact, the time reference should be avoided entirely.

In Mark 8:31, on the other hand, Jesus declares, “The Son of Man will rise from the dead after three days.” In John 2:19, he refers to the same event as taking place “in three days,” and the Gospel authors tell us that Jesus used the term “on the third day” on a number of occasions (see, e.g., Matthew 16:21; 17:23; 20:19; Luke 24:46).

  • While it is feasible that both forecasts will be incorrect, is it really possible that both will be correct?
  • Furthermore, the term “after three days” in the New Testament might simply indicate “after a time” or “after a few days” without any obvious specificity other than to hint that multiple days, in this case portions of three days, would be engaged in the event.
  • “Come to me again after three days,” says the Bible’s Second Chronicles 10:5, 12.
  • According to my interpretation, the term “after three days” is a more generic or imprecise way of expressing, but “on the third day” is a little more particular (albeit it still doesn’t tell us when it is on the third day).

When it comes to time, these books were not written in a way that would suit our present high expectations.

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With an All-Access pass, you may access more than 9,000 articles from the Biblical Archaeology Society’s extensive collection, as well as much more. We must recognize that most of the time references in the New Testament are not precise, and we must give the ancient author the freedom to be general when he wants to be general and more specific when he wants to be more specific. This is one of the keys to understanding how the New Testament interprets time references. When you find both types of references to the time span between Jesus’ death and resurrection in the same book by the same author, and in some cases even within close proximity to each other, it is reasonable to conclude that these texts were not written in accordance with our modern exacting expectations when it comes to time references.

  • I believe it is past time for us to accord these ancient authors the respect they deserve and to read them with a knowledge of the standards they followed when writing ancient history or ancient biography, rather than imposing our later genre norms on them, as we have done in the past.
  • This article has been updated.
  • Ben Witherington III is the Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky and a member of the doctoral faculty of St.
  • He received his bachelor’s degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky.


Read Ben Witherington III, Reading and Learning the Bible, for assistance in understanding how to read the Bible in light of its original settings (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2014).

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Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead? Evidence of The Resurrection

Brittany Yesudasan is a model and actress. Many people all across the world participate in some form in the Easter celebration. The majority of people in the United States celebrate Easter with colored-egg hunts and Easter bunnies. Christians mark the day with jubilant worship services and a reminder that “He has risen from the dead.” Have you ever heard someone say something like this? Christians gather on Easter Sunday to remind one another that Jesus resurrected from the grave for several reasons.

The idea that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the tomb three days later is a fundamental part of the Christian faith.

The miracle of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead has been examined and argued for hundreds of years and continues to this day.

Fortunately, if you are prepared to hunt for it, there is a wealth of material available to you that may assist you in learning more about the subject.

Why Is It Important That Jesus Rose From the Dead?

You might have a lot of beliefs about Jesus while being skeptical about His resurrection. The fact that Jesus was crucified and died is acknowledged by many religions, but they do not accept that He rose from the dead. Jesus did indeed rise from the grave, and the fact that he did so is essential to the Christian belief. According to one group of Christians, Paul, an early Christian leader and author of most of the New Testament, stated, “If Christ has not been risen, our message is futile, and your faith is worthless” (1 Corinthians 15:14, New International Version).

On the contrary, he is asserting that the resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian religion — and that it is so vital that there is no Christian faith at all if it is not observed.

To Fulfill the Old Testament Prophecy

Today, you have the advantage of being able to read the whole Bible, including both the portion written before the time of Jesus, known as the Old Testament, and the portion written after, known as the New Testament, in one sitting. The 66 books that make up the Old and New Testaments are all part of a single tale that is continuous throughout. It is impossible to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament. A Messiah (a Savior) was on the way, and God promised His people throughout the Old Testament that He would come to transform the way they lived.

  1. God revealed to the Israelites the particular signs and characteristics that would distinguish the one who would be sent by Himself.
  2. He desires for you to be able to identify what He is doing at all times.
  3. There were many, yet He saw to it that they were all met.
  4. Even though the Messiah would experience death, His body would not deteriorate because He would rise from the dead again.

As a reminder of His death, all he had were the markings on his hands and feet, as well as the wound in his side. Christians believe that Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is vital because He was required to rise from the grave in order to fulfill the predictions of the Old Testament.

To Confirm Jesus’ Own Words

A number of Old Testament texts were repeated by Jesus to His closest disciples, pointing to the events that would take place during the week leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection, according to the Gospels, which are the four books that record the account of Jesus’ life. He spoke with them using parables, which are tales or brief sayings that demonstrate a truth about God and His character. This enabled them to make connections between events after they had occurred, allowing them to comprehend what had occurred.

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However, many of them were unable to comprehend what He was saying.

Being crucified did not fit into this notion.

And that was even after Jesus stated the obvious:From that point on, Jesus began explaining to His disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the chief priests and teachers of the law, and that He must be crucified on the third day and raised to life on the fourth day, as well as many other things.

“Never, Lord!” he said emphatically.

(Matthew 16:21-22, New International Version) As Jesus explained what was going to take place to his followers, he also promised them that He would be resurrected to life again.

By His Life, We Live

Many people do not believe that the fact that Jesus is still alive has any substantial influence on their religious beliefs. Perhaps you believe that Christianity is governed by a complex set of laws and that good actions win one’s ticket into Heaven. Some faiths, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, function on this or a similar principle. Nevertheless, according to the Bible, when you become a disciple of Jesus, you enter into a relationship with him. This relationship is not dependent on your actions, but rather on what Jesus accomplished.

  1. All humans are deserving of God’s wrath as a result of this.
  2. Despite the fact that He was sinless, He died on the cross in place of you and me.
  3. Not only did He have to die for you, but He also had to vanquish death in order to save you from yourself.
  4. Because He is alive, His disciples will continue to live even after they have died physically.
  5. Furthermore, Christ is the Son of God who came to earth in the shape of a man.

Humans are unable to return to life once they have died. In the event that He had stayed dead, it would have called into question the claim that He was the Son of God. By appearing alive and healthy, He validates what He has revealed about Himself as the Son of God in the past.

Is There Evidence That Jesus Rose From the Dead?

You may read the Gospels for yourself if you so desire. The Gospels are more than just a collection of stories. They are true, verifiable tales of real-life events that have impacted history and the Christian religion as we know it. The way they conduct themselves has a direct influence on your life. Many arguments exist to think that the events described in the Gospels regarding Jesus rising from the grave are accurate.

Jesus Really Died

The claims of Christians that Jesus died and resurrected from the grave have been explored by a number of people over the course of history. Various theories have been advanced regarding Jesus’ resurrection, but one thing that virtually everyone agrees on is that Jesus was a genuine person who lived and was executed by the Romans in the manner described in the New Testament. However, in order for Jesus to rise from the grave, he would have had to have died in the first place. There is significant suggestion that Jesus was never truly dead in the traditional sense.

  • But, without a doubt, Jesus died.
  • One of the Roman soldiers poked a spear into Jesus’ side as they prepared to lower him from the crucifixion, according to tradition.
  • When such a combination occurs, it implies cardiac failure, which should be sufficient evidence for anybody to conclude that Jesus was indeed dead – totally aside from the fact that He was impaled!
  • If they were found to have failed in their duty to execute someone, they would be held accountable – and they would very certainly lose their lives as a result.
  • Furthermore, all stories agree that Jesus was really buried in a tomb after his death.
  • He would not have been buried if his own disciples did not likewise accept without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was, in fact, no longer alive.

It’s Not a Later Legend

Some have hypothesized that the tale of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was a fiction that evolved later on — long after the real event of His death — and that it was fabricated to support a religious belief. If this were to be accurate, it would be a compelling cause to cast doubt on the narrative. No one would have been able to substantiate the events that took place decades ago. However, the tales of Jesus that were written down occurred within a few decades of his crucifixion, and the stories contained within those accounts had been passed about for years before they were recorded.

All of this occurred when those who were present at the time of the events were still alive and able to confirm or deny the narrative.

The Tomb Was Empty

The empty tomb is one of the most perplexing aspects of the tale for people who aren’t sure what to make of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It is also one of the most difficult to comprehend. There are a lot of questions raised by this. Is it possible that they didn’t truly bury Jesus’ body at all? The grave where He is claimed to have been buried belonged to a famous Jewish leader, according to legend. His burial site would not have been hidden or difficult to find. Perhaps a more inconspicuous place would have been more appropriate if the disciples were attempting to concoct a narrative about an empty tomb.

  • The narrative of Jesus’ resurrection is said to have spread quickly among his disciples when it occurred, according to historical records.
  • In addition, Roman soldiers were stationed outside the tomb, and the entry was barred from the outside.
  • The fact that Romans and high-ranking Jewish authorities accused Jesus’ followers of taking the body was the most compelling evidence in support of the empty tomb.
  • They might have just stated that the corpse did not appear at the tomb, and if the body did not leave the tomb, they could have simply stated that the tomb they were guarding had been left undisturbed.
  • “Take a look around for yourself.” However, rather than contesting the fact that the tomb was empty, they accused others of stealing the deceased’s body.

People Saw Him Alive

Women were among the first to see Jesus’ resurrection, according to the Bible, who was raised from the dead. Interestingly, the fact that followers of Jesus assert that the earliest witnesses to the live Jesus were women provides evidence that the tale is correct. The testimony of a woman was not highly regarded in Jewish society at the time in question. For example, if the disciples had concocted the entire story in order to put out a realistic and persuasive case, they would very certainly have stated that someone, most likely a notable individual, was the first to see Jesus.

If not for the fact that they were the first witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection, people who say he rose from the dead would resort to witnesses who were unlikely to be believed.

According to the Bible, there were once more than 500 witnesses there at the same moment.

Hallucinations, on the other hand, occur on an individual basis.

There has never been a documented instance of a collective hallucination in history. It is reasonable to think that if so many individuals at the time were in agreement about what they observed, it is reasonable to infer that they were speaking the truth.

His Followers Stuck to Their Story

Because of Jesus’ arrest and subsequent death, his followers were caught completely off guard. They spent the day following His death alone, dispersed, befuddled, and in mourning. They had been vanquished. These guys would go on to be outspoken supporters of the Christian message in their respective communities. Jesus had 12 close followers, who are referred to as His “disciples” in popular culture. One of these men, Judas, had betrayed Jesus and then committed suicide as a result of his actions.

  1. Ten of them were finally executed for testifying that Jesus alive, while the eleventh was deported and imprisoned.
  2. They continued even when they faced the decision of abandoning their message and admitting it was a deception or giving up their lives.
  3. The only explanation for such a shift of attitude is that they thought with conviction that they had observed Jesus alive and well following His crucifixion and that the fact that He was alive was worth dying for.
  4. Why would so many men die for something that they knew is not true?

Have Faith and Seek Truth

The importance of asking the question “Did Jesus actually resurrect from the dead?” cannot be overstated. God does not require His children to believe blindly in order to please Him. Despite the fact that there are some things that we as humans can never fully comprehend, God provides us with answers when we seek them from Him. When you question anything, it is not improper to do so since the Truth will never fail you when you question it. You may have trust in what the Bible teaches because it is true.

Because the more we study about what God’s Word has to say and the more we strive to grasp it, the clearer the answers will become.

Continue to investigate on your spiritual path.

Learn more about what distinguishes faith in Christ from other faiths.

What Does Cru Believe?

Cru is a Christian group that strives to ensure that all people are allowed to have open and honest discussions about their faith and about Jesus Christ. Cru believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that it is accurate and without mistake. In addition, Cru may be sure in the Bible’s historical accuracy because it contains information and events that have been historically proven. Despite the fact that it was authored by many different persons over a lengthy period of time, the Bible does not contain any contradictions.

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He lived a flawless life and was sentenced to death on a cross as a punishment.

Not only does Cru believe this to be accurate because it is recorded in God’s Word, the Bible, but also because it is an event that has been corroborated by other historical records and has withstood the test of time.

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Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

Derek Hiebert contributed to this article. 1 year ago today

Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

As a matter of tradition, Christians have commemorated the resurrection of Jesus Christ on a Sunday, three days following the commemoration of his crucifixion on Good Friday. This three-day chronology is based on a number of allusions in the New Testament to the Old Testament. Many times, Jesus foretold it, and the apostles included it in their delivery of the gospel message as well (see footnote references). However, why did Jesus’ resurrection take place three days after his death is a mystery.

Is the third day only a coincidental, insignificant element put on to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection?

The Third Day Matters

Timing is extremely important for Jesus and his apostles because it has significant theological ramifications. When it comes to biblical story, the three-day timeframe is important because it represents the one-of-a-kind day on which God creates new life and activates his covenant with mankind. How did the writers of the New Testament get at this conclusion? After all, the Hebrew Scriptures have a constant “third day” design pattern, which Jesus and the New Testament authors are using as a model.

The Third Day Pattern in the Hebrew Bible

The passages Jonah 1:17 and Hosea 6:1-2 in the Hebrew Scriptures are among the clearest illustrations of third-day resurrection in the whole Bible. Jesus used Jonah’s three days in the belly of the huge fish as a metaphor for his own three days in the belly of the great fish. The prophet Hosea predicted that God’s reviving operation for Israel would take place on the third day. While these are important passages to study, the pattern of resurrection on the third day is established far earlier in the tale of Jesus.

The creation narrative in Genesis 1 and Abraham’s test in Genesis 22 both begin to develop a pattern of new life emerging on the third day.

The First “Resurrection”

What is the location of the initial glimpse into the three-day significance? The first page of the Bible. The creation story in Genesis 1 is written in the style of a poetry, with repeated declarations and parallelism between events. Within the rhythm of these repeats, two events in the creation tale stand out as particularly noteworthy, each occurring at a three-day interval and occurring at different points in the narrative. During the first “third day,” God creates dry ground and enables flora to emerge from the soil, including plants that produce seeds as well as trees that give fruit for human use (1:11-13).

The second “third day” event occurs on the sixth day of creation, when God produces animals and human beings for the first time (1:24).

Humans were produced from the dust of the earth, according to what we learn later in the book (2:7).

Take note of the parallels between humans and trees: both are newly generated from the ground (2:7, 9), both carry seeds and produce fruit (1:11, 28; 3:15), and both are made in this manner on the third day of creation.

A Pattern Emerges

There are three major characteristics of the “third day” events in Genesis 1 that serve as a template for subsequent events:

  1. God brings new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  2. 26-27
  3. 2:7)
  4. God establishes his covenant with the creatures he has newly created, in this case humans (1:28-29)
  5. God creates new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  6. 26 In Eden, which we understand to be a lofty site from which a river runs out (2:10-14), the event takes place.

It is impossible to emphasize the significance of this picture and pattern, since it serves as a precedent for future resurrections to come.

Abraham’s Test on the Third Day

Is there any other place where this pattern can be found? Abraham is put to the test by God in yet another “third day” occurrence, which is one of the most interesting events in all of Scripture (Genesis 22:1-19). When God commands Abraham to present his only son Isaac as a burned offering on a mountain, the Bible states that Abraham spotted the location from a distance on the third day and proceeded to complete the test (22:4). God wants Abraham to learn to put his confidence in him when it comes to the covenant and the blessing of offspring in this scenario.

The connection to the “third day” concept is established in this passage by a strikingly dramatic act of atonement on the part of God, in which he substitutes a ram for Isaac (22:13-14).

We learn that this deed is part of a bigger covenant endeavor to increase Abraham’s descendants and, through them, bless the nations, which we will discuss later (22:17-18). On the third day, we notice the same trend as we did on the first:

  1. God working to bring fresh life, in this case to Isaac by his life being spared and to Abraham with the return of his son (22:11-14). (Genesis 22:17-18) God confirms his bond with Abraham, using language and ideas identical with Genesis 1:28
  2. (22:2, 14) This event takes place on the summit of a mountain.

Israel’s Third Day at Sinai

At a critical moment in the Bible’s narrative, we discover still another occurrence taking place on the third day. With his people just delivered from decades of tyranny in Egypt, Yahweh is on the verge of entering into another covenant with Israel, this time on a mountaintop (Exodus 19:2-3). God makes it clear that he will descend to Mount Sinai in the presence of all of the people on the “third day” mentioned above. This time is a test for Israel, just as it was for Abraham. Their preparations for entering into covenant with God are to be completed by the “third day,” when they will be ready (Exodus 19:9-16).

As a result of what we’ve seen so far with “third day,” we should have come to assume a specific pattern, which we’ve now witnessed yet another time:

  1. It is God who brings about new life for his people — in this case, new identity for Israel — just as he did at the creation and with Abraham and Isaac (19:4-6)
  2. God enters into covenant with his people, specifically Israel (19:4-6)
  3. God accomplishes all of this on a mountain (19:2)
  4. And God accomplishes all of this on a mountain (19:2).

And that is exactly what we see in the tale! The rest of Israel’s experience in the Hebrew Scriptures, on the other hand, is defined by rebellion and disbelief, as well as a failure to fulfill their half of the agreement. This leads us back to the prophetic texts that refer to the third day, such as Hosea and Jonah, which we discussed before.

Hosea’s Hope, Jonah’s ‘Resurrection’

This is exactly what we see in the tale! The rest of Israel’s experience in the Hebrew Scriptures, on the other hand, is one of disobedience and disbelief, as well as a failure to keep their half of the bargain. This leads us back to the prophetic texts that refer to the third day, such as Hosea and Jonah, which we have already discussed.

Jesus Predicts a Third Day Resurrection

In the Gospels, we find Jesus speaking of a third-day resurrection while he is discussing his death with his followers, which leads us to believe that he would rise from the dead on the third day. In fact, he refers to “three days” a total of 21 times! By now, you’ve undoubtedly figured out that this was not a coincidental choice of words. It is on the third day that Jesus was adamant, since it signifies God’s initiative in the creation of new life and the establishment of a covenant with mankind.

  1. Specifically, God raises fresh life from the earth (tomb), in this case, Jesus. God acts to bring about the new covenant via Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection, which in this case is for the benefit of everyone who believe in him. The act of atonement performed by Jesus takes place on a hill.

With the imagery of new life coming up from the earth in Genesis 1-2 on the third day, combined with the connection to the divine covenant found throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, the imagery of Jesus’ resurrection paints a striking picture of the theological importance of his resurrection. The significance of Jesus’ resurrection is underscored even further on the third day. It is the culmination of God’s mission of new life and covenant, which has been brilliantly represented since the beginning of time, and which will culminate in the future resurrection of Jesus’ disciples and the restoration of the entire universe at the conclusion of time.

So what does this mean for us?

This year, as we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, we are not just carrying on a centuries-old tradition. We are engaged in a profoundly important theology centered on the third day, with all of the implications of God’s redeeming work that it entails, at this time.

The design pattern for the third day serves as a reminder that God has begun the process of reviving individuals to new life and bringing them into his covenant partnership with them. What role are we going to play in it today?

What Skeptical Scholars Admit about the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus

On June 26, 2000, the television network ABC broadcasted a documentary titled The Search for Jesus. Peter Jennings, the network’s most prominent news anchor, conducted interviews with liberal and conservative experts of early Christianity to learn more about what we may learn about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection from historical records. The series came to a close with a powerful speech from New Testament scholar Paula Fredriksen, who is not herself a Christian. In response to questions about Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances, Fredriksen stated, “I know that what they saw was the risen Jesus in their own words.” That’s what they claim, and then all of the historical information we have afterwards confirms their belief that this is exactly what they witnessed.

  • I was not present.
  • But, as a historian, I’m confident that they must have witnessed something significant.
  • Fredriksen is not the only one who believes that these followers must have witnessed something unusual.
  • This is what sparked the birth of the world’s most populous religion.
  • Two thousand years later, the message of Jesus’ death and resurrection is being preached by billions of Christians in almost every country and in nearly every language spoken on the face of the planet Earth.
See also:  What Did Jesus Say

A Bedrock Confession

Following the death and resurrection of Jesus, according to the earliest source we have for the event, a hidden pearl contained inside 1 Corinthians 15, Jesus appeared to a number of individuals and organizations, as well as at least one adversary. According to practically all experts, this creedal tradition goes back to a period of five years after Jesus’ death on the cross. We can trace our lineage back to the early years of the Christian movement in Jerusalem, to the foundational confession of the very first disciples of Jesus, thanks to the use of this source.

  • After then, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, the vast majority of them are still alive, but some have passed away, according to the records.
  • There is no other inventory of Resurrection appearances like this anywhere else in the New Testament, or even in all of ancient literature, to compare.
  • As well as this, we discover that Jesus appeared to three groups of people: the Twelve (excluding Judas), more than 500 early followers, and the entire assembly of apostles.
  • When Paul indicates that the majority of them are still alive, he takes a risk with his reputation and puts it on the line.
  • The fact that reliable eyewitness testimony to the risen Jesus was easily accessible in the decades following his resurrection might be seen as evidence of this.
  • K.
  • Mary Magdalene also fits on the list of important eyewitnesses because she, like the other eyewitnesses, was easily accessible to be questioned about her encounter with the resurrected Jesus after his resurrection.

Ehrman in his book How Jesus Became God, that Mary Magdalene “enjoys such prominence in all of the Gospel Resurrection accounts, despite the fact that she is almost missing anywhere else in the Gospels.” In the whole New Testament, she is mentioned just once in connection with Jesus during his public ministry (Luke 8:1–3), yet despite this, she is always the first to report that Jesus has been risen from the dead.

What is the reason behind this?

It was bestowed to Mary Magdalene the distinction of being not only the first person in history to view the resurrected Jesus, but also the first person in history to announce, “I have seen the Lord!” (See also John 20:18.) Whatever it was that these eyewitnesses witnessed changed their lives to the point that they were prepared to suffer and die as a result.

On his excursions around the Roman Empire, he was beaten, imprisoned, stoned, hungry, and lost at sea, and he was always in risk of being attacked by every kind of evil.

For example, Peter was nailed on a cross. James had been stoned. Paul was executed by beheading. Whatever it was that they witnessed was worth risking their lives for. They sealed their testimony with the blood of their victims.

The Magic Wand of ‘Mass Hysteria’

Some historians have hypothesized that the eyewitnesses to the Resurrection were just hallucinating in order to explain away these appearances of the Resurrection. Dale Allison, a New Testament scholar, has written a great book, Resurrecting Jesus, in which he analyzes the scientific research and literature on hallucinations that have been published. He finds that in documented occurrences, there are four things that do not occur, as follows: (or rarely happen). For starters, hallucinations are seldom witnessed by many individuals or groups over a prolonged period of time, according to research.

Third, no evidence has ever been shown to support the claim that a deceased person has been revived.

(It’s also worth noting that hallucinations are not often associated with the founding of global movements or the establishment of world religions.) Nonetheless, in the case of Jesus’ resurrection appearances, every single one of these extremely unusual or seemingly impossible situations has come to occur in the same instance.

Even if one person has a hallucination, twelve people at the same time?

“These are valid concerns, and waving the magical wand of’mass hysteria’ will not make them go away.” “Mass hysteria is not a panacea for all problems.”

Cautious Agnosticism

In the face of such a compelling historical record, the only alternative option offered by credible experts is some form of “I don’t know.” “That Jesus’ followers (and later Paul) had Resurrection experiences is, in my opinion, a fact,” argues noted New Testament scholar E. P. Sanders in The Historical Figure of Jesus. “That Jesus’ followers (and later Paul) had Resurrection experiences is, in my opinion, a fact.” “I have no idea what the reality was that gave rise to the experiences.” Jordan Peterson, a well-known professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, is also included in this group of individuals.

Upon being questioned explicitly if Jesus had truly arose from the grave, Peterson said, “I’d need to think about it for approximately three more years before I’d even attempt a response beyond what I’ve already said.” The cautious-point agnostic’s of view is one that ought to be heard.

Nonetheless, if someone with an open mind and heart, such as Peterson, pursues the evidence wherever it goes, I am confident that he will find himself at Jesus’ feet, saying with Thomas, “My Lord and my God!” (See also John 20:28.)

Convincing Horatio

The remarkable character of Jesus’ resurrection reminds me of a moment from Shakespeare’sHamlet, which is one of my favorite scenes in all of literature. The play starts with the “wondrous weird” apparition of Hamlet’s deceased father to Bernardo and Marcellus, and then to Hamlet’s friend Horatio, which are described as “wondrous odd” in nature. As the skeptic of the group, Horatio is challenged by Hamlet to reconsider his skepticism about supernatural events in the following exchange: But this is amazing weird!

  1. In any case, as a stranger, please accept my greetings.
  2. When Shakespeare communicates via Hamlet, he is advising us to be prepared for the unthinkable.
  3. It is, without a doubt, marvelous and weird that the ghost of Hamlet’s father is coming to people, but do not dismiss it just on the basis of this fact.
  4. Everything in our magnificent planet (and beyond) is happening at a faster rate than you can possibly fathom.
  5. The ancient world, as well as present times, should be viewed with an open mind when miraculous claims are made.

The most crucial question to ask about any miracle claim is, “What proof do you have to back up your claim?” After all, even from the most critical researchers’ perspective, we have seen that the weight of the historical evidence attests that a large number of persons and groups thought they had seen the rising Jesus.

  • What makes you think they’re lying?
  • Moreover, we may go beyond the first century to discover how believing in the Resurrection lay the groundwork for all of Western civilization, inspiring some of the world’s greatest works of art and literature as well as works of music, film, philosophy, morals, and ethics.
  • And if all of that isn’t enough, let our Horatios look around at the billions of people all across the globe who are willing to attest to how the living Christ has altered their lives right before their eyes.
  • They have discovered in Christ all of the treasures of wisdom and understanding that can be found.
  • They are looking for it in you.
  • Before Easter goes away into the shuffle of regular life, ask your neighbor: What (or who) did all those witnesses witness and how did they perceive it?
  • This is indeed a wondrous strangeness!
  • Justin Bass is a professor of New Testament at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary in Amman, Jordan, where he lives with his wife and children.

[This article is also accessible in the following languages: Espanol and Portuguese.]

When did Jesus die and rise?

Updated at 6:37 p.m. on April 12, 2017. The congregation of Faith Lutheran Church in Eldorado extends greetings. When did Jesus die and rise from the dead? Yes, I am aware that it is Good Friday and Easter Sunday. But which month, which date, and which year are we talking about? According to Dr. Steve Ware’s book “When Was Jesus Really Born?” the answer provided in this article is correct. In 2013, the Center for Public Health (CPH) announced that it will be holding a conference on “Climate Change and the Environment” (CPH).

Christian calendars are still based on the Jewish calendar, which is a lunisolar calendar, and the spring equinox, which is why Christians celebrate Easter every year.

The Christian church has always wished to commemorate the Lord’s resurrection on the day it occurred, and this has been a long-held goal.

(Numbers 28:16-17 explains that the Lord’s Passover is celebrated on the fourteenth day of the first month (Nisan), and a feast is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the same month.

During the months of March and April, Nisan will be the month on our calendars (Gregorian).

However, we require the year of the Passover, during which Christ died and resurrected from the dead.

Pilate, the Roman ruler of Judea from AD 26 to AD 36, summoned Jesus to come before him.

However, we can learn more about the Romans from their history.

However, in AD 31, Tiberius, the Caesar of Rome, reversed this trend.

Pilate didn’t have to alienate the governing Jewish body over the presence of an itinerant rabbi if he wanted to preserve his post.

Pentecost is marked by St.

The date of Christ’s death, according to Dr.

As recorded in ancient Babylonian and Chinese astronomical chronicles, that day corresponds to 3 April AD 33 on the Julian calendar and 1 April AD 33 on the Gregorian calendar, respectively, which correspond to the Passover date of 14 Nisan in that year.

Ware’s study, Easter falls on the 5th of April in the year AD 33.

Without a doubt, this is not the case.

Jesus indeed died, and the tomb truly was found to be empty. The spirit instills faith in me, and history supports that conviction. Happy Easter, and best wishes for the season. Pastor Otten is a man of God.

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