What Was The First Miracle Jesus Performed

The Mighty Miracles Of Jesus: Turning Water Into Wine

Kelly Wise Valdes contributed to this article. While on earth, Jesus accomplished over 40 miracles, including healing the sick, manipulating the natural elements of nature, and even raising people from the dead, among other things. Generally speaking, a miracle is defined as an occurrence that occurs outside of the realm of normalcy. Each month, we will take a deeper look at one of His miracles in order to gain a better understanding of the depth of His affection for us. Understanding Jesus’ miracles has the potential to transform your life, and it all begins with trusting in Him via confidence in Him.

This miracle, which was Jesus’ first public miracle, is frequently cited as one of the most remarkable miracles in the history of Christianity.

Jesus was invited to a wedding in Cana, along with His mother Mary and some of His followers, just before He began His public ministry.

Six enormous stone water jars, the sort used for ritual washing, were discovered by Jesus, each carrying between 20 and 30 gallons of water.

  1. With a drink from the jug, the host was surprised to find out that the water had been converted into wine.
  2. It was via this miracle performed at the wedding in Cana of Galilee that Jesus made His supernatural skills known to the world for the very first time.
  3. It is possible that we will not receive all we desire, but God’s power may fulfill your needs and empower you to pursue a more intimate connection with Him.
  4. In the Bible account, the wedding guests never had the opportunity to meet the ‘Winemaker’ because they were too preoccupied with the wine.
  5. Perhaps you have your sights set on a new high-end automobile or a larger home.

The goal of Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine was further described in John 2:11: “The objective of Jesus’ miracle of changing water into wine was to demonstrate his divinity.” “This was the first of Jesus’ signs, which he performed at Cana in Galilee, and it revealed His glory.” “And His disciples placed their faith in Him.” God does not want us to rely solely on miracles, signs, and events to guide our lives.

Him wishing for us to believe in Him and to use our beliefs to persuade others to believe in Him is a noble goal.

The objective of His plan is to demonstrate His love for us, not to allow us to consume our fill of wine, money, or other tangible possessions from this world as we see fit. God wants us to listen to Him and put our confidence in Him, and He rewards us by showering His blessings on us.

Jesus’ First Miracle

THE BOOK OF JOHN 2:1-12 Now that Nathanael has become one of Jesus’ first disciples, it has been three days since he first met him. Several of Jesus’ early disciples, including Peter and John, go north to the province of Galilee, which is where they were born and raised. Their last destination is the town of Cana, which happens to be Nathanael’s hometown. Cana is a town in the hills north of Nazareth, where Jesus grew up and where the wedding feast took place. They’ve been invited to a wedding feast in Cana, and they’re excited.

  1. The fact that Mary is a friend of the family of the couple getting married suggests that she was involved in assisting to care for the large number of guests.
  2. — The book of John 2:3.
  3. “Woman, why is that of concern to me and to you?” Jesus responds, using an expression that shows his disapproval of the situation.
  4. Mary makes the sensible decision to place the problem in the hands of her son, telling those who are ministering to her: “Do whatever he tells you.” — John 2:5 (New International Version).
  5. Instructing his servants, Jesus says, “Fill up the jars with water.” Then Jesus adds, “Now take some out of your pocket and give it to the director of the banquet.” — 2 John 7:7, 8.
  6. “Everyone else puts out the best wine first, and when people are inebriated, they put out the poorer wine,” he continues, addressing the bridegroom.
  7. This is the very first miracle that Jesus performs on the earth.
  8. At some point after that, Jesus’ family, including his mother and half-brothers, travels to the city of Capernaum, which is located on the northwest bank of the Sea of Galilee.

3 things we can learn from Jesus’ first miracle

Whenever Jesus is there, miracles occur without fail. Pixabay During the course of His earthly mission, the Lord Jesus performed several miracles, the first of which is recorded in John 2:1-12. This historical event teaches us a great deal, and if we apply these lessons to our own lives, we will reap tremendous benefits from them. We may draw a few important lessons from Jesus’ first miracle, which occurred at a wedding in Cana of Galilee, when water was turned into wine. Let’s speak about them and see if we can put them to use in our everyday lives.

  • “Now both Jesus and His followers were invited to the wedding,” we read in John 2:2.
  • Because He had been accepted into the lives of those who would benefit from it, He was able to perform His very first miracle: the marriage of a couple who had just been engaged.
  • We will have to invite Him to our event.
  • 2)He was informed of the situation.
  • When they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus told Him, “They have no wine.” This is found in the book of John, chapter 2, verse 3.
  • How many times have we as Christians felt as though God had failed to provide us with what we needed or wished for us to have?
  • Or did we simply assume that He would provide us with everything we required without even asking Him?
  • And everything you ask in My name, I will accomplish so that the Father’s glory may be revealed through the Son’s sacrifice.
  • Nearing the end of John’s tale, he informs us that what Jesus accomplished with ordinary water outperformed the wines that the bridegroom himself had prepared.
  • You’ve managed to hold on to the fine wine till now!” (See 2:10 in the New Testament.) The hostess of the banquet was delighted by the unexpected turn of events.
  • The fact is, we all know that Jesus transformed water into wine.

The Lord can and will assist us in accomplishing better than we could possible achieve on our own in a variety of endeavors, whether it is seeking to live a holy life, serving Him in ministry, providing service to others, or just caring for our own families.

Jesus’ First Miracle Timeline

Beginning at the end of October in the year 26 A.D., Jesus returns to Bethabara for a brief period of time. He has returned to the location of his baptism after surviving every difficulty and temptation that the adversary could throw at him over the course of forty days. There will be a number of events that take place before Christ performs his first documented miracle at a wedding party in Cana, though. The Baptist, while preaching at Bethabara, sees Jesus approaching and declares, “Behold the Lamb of God, Who wipes away the sin of the world!” (See also John 1:29).

  • A conversation between the two disciples and Jesus continues throughout the day while they remain with him.
  • Peter and Jesus then meet for the first time in Scripture, marking the beginning of their relationship (verse 42).
  • A wedding ceremony and reception at Cana, along with at least five of Christ’s disciples, are shortly to be attended by the Savior and his disciples (John 2:1 – 2).
  • Cana’s Feast of the Holy Family Hieronymus Bosch was a German painter who lived in the 16th century.
  • His mother, Mary, informs him about the predicament and gently encourages him to take action to rectify it.
  • Jesus, on the other hand, instructs his attendants to fill six big stone pitchers (which were traditionally used for Jewish purifying reasons) with water.
  • After then, Jesus instructs some of his slaves to pull some of the liquid from the containers and deliver it to the “master of the feast,” who is the one in charge of monitoring the celebrations (John 2:8).

The celebration master, who is unaware that Jesus has accomplished a miracle (John 2:9), cries to the bridegroom, “Jesus has done a miracle!” “Every man serves the best wine first, and only after the guests have drunk to their hearts’ content does he serve the second-best wine.

There is no difficulty in understanding the premise laid out by the feast master.

After consuming some high-quality alcoholic drinks, the visitors are then presented with wine that is inferior (but is less expensive and more numerous), at a time when they are less likely to notice (or care) about the difference!

Whatever quantity of high-quality wine was available was swiftly depleted by the large number of people who attended the party (Jesus brought at least five of his followers, and the Lord’s four half-brothers and two half-sisters were almost certainly present as well, among other things).

He was clearly sober enough to recognize the difference between high-quality and low-quality booze, and he did so swiftly!

The host not only had the financial ability to hire servants (John 2:5, 9) but he also resided in a house large enough to accommodate all of the visitors while also providing adequate storage room for six huge stone pots.

The actual amount of money used to “display His splendor” varies depending on who you ask (John 2:11).

Despite the fact that this appears to be a significant sum, it was necessary due to the high number of individuals that attended the celebrations.

Contrary to what some critics assume, the first public miracle of Jesus did not involve the provision of large amounts of wine, but rather the encouragement of intoxication.

After performing his first miracle in Cana, Jesus proceeds to Capernaum with his family and followers, where he would spend the rest of his life.

In early 27 A.D., he will travel to Jerusalem to observe the first Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread of his ministry, which will take place in the city of David (John 2:13).

The Appointed Times of Jesus the Messiah (References) Commentary on the Bible’s Knowledge Harmony of the Gospels in Modern English New Manners and Customs in the Church of England

Where did Jesus’ first miracle really take place?

Cana is well-known as the site of Jesus’ first miracle, the transformation of water into wine at a bridal feast, which took place there (John 2, 1-11). A close relative of Jesus’ mother, according to some interpreters, may have been married at the time of Jesus’ baptism. When they ran out of wine, Mary resorted to her Son in order to avert any possible shame on their part. According to the Gospel, Jesus responded by asking his mother, “What does that matter to you and me?” “I have not yet reached my zenith.” Then, when Mary persevered, Jesus miraculously transformed six jars of water (equal to more than 550 liters of water or nearly 730 bottles) into good wine.

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When Jesus returned to Cana for the second time, he was greeted by a frightened official from the palace of Herod Antipas.

In response to the official’s question, Jesus said, “Go; your kid will live.” Unlike Kefer-Kenna (also known as Kefr Kana and Kfar-Cana), which has traditionally been held to be the site of the miracle of the wine (at least since 1641, when the Franciscans established themselves there based on the testimonies of early pilgrims, including St.

In the same way that biblical locations are frequently misidentified, five different locations have claimed to be the biblical Cana: the village of Qana in Lebanon, 18 miles north of Tyre; Kfar-Cana in Israel, 7 kilometers northeast of Nazareth; Khirbet Kana in Israel, also a popular pilgrimage site since the 12th century; Karm er-Rasm in Israel, the site allegedly identified by Josephus, according to Israeli archaeologist Yardenna Alexandr Only two of these sites, Kfar-Cana and Khirbet Kana, appear to have been receiving pilgrims for more than a millennium, according to historical records.

  • However, even though the Franciscans just came in Kfar-Cana in the 17th century, when they were constructing their church, they discovered not only the ruins of an old basilica, but also the ruins of several homes that have been dated back to the 1st century.
  • There, two big stone jars have been preserved, which, according to legend, were two of the original water pots used in Jesus’ first public miracle on the mount of Olives.
  • In addition, carvings from the 6th century have been discovered in Khirbet Kana, indicating that the city of Cana may have been located there.
  • This graffiti demonstrates that the site was already a pilgrimage destination in the 6th century (but please, if you visit, refrain from following in the footsteps of Piacenza’s footsteps).

When in the Holy Land, though, make a point of visiting both sites. They aren’t all that far off in terms of geographical distance.

Why did Jesus choose the wedding at Cana for His first miracle?

QuestionAnswer When Jesus performed His first miracle (John 2:1–11), no one can say for certain why He selected a wedding at Cana to do so. We can speculate, on the other hand, and we have certain Old Testament predictions to guide us in putting together some possible scenarios. In Cana, it appears that Jesus’ family had a strong link to the events that took place. Mary, Jesus’ mother, is concerned about a lack of wine in the bridal feast (John 2:3), which shows that she was engaged in the planning and organizing of the wedding.

  1. Is it possible that Jesus’ wedding was attended by a relative or a family friend?
  2. Such a relationship would explain Jesus’ appearance at the wedding, but not His decision to perform His first miracle during the reception, which would have been more surprising.
  3. It was critical to maintain family honor during those times.
  4. To run out of either signaled a careless or financially disadvantaged host.
  5. Mary sought assistance from her heavenly Son out of a sense of personal obligation.
  6. The beginning of Jesus’ earthly mission was marked by His baptism by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:16–17; Mark 1:9–12; Luke 1:9–12).
  7. Despite the fact that He had never performed a miracle in front of an audience, it was time for Him to reveal who He truly was.

The host was taken aback by the quality of the wine.

The fact that Jesus created wine might have prophetic significance.

Israel, according to Amos, “will establish vineyards and taste the wine produced by them” (Amos 9:14).

A second point to note is that the miracle occurred during a wedding reception.

It is also indicative of Christ’s mission because the love and pleasure inherent in a wedding ceremony are present.

Furthermore, it is possible that Jesus picked this particular family scenario to execute this miracle because it is something that people from all cultures can connect to.

Perhaps there is another another lesson He wishes us to take away from the experience.

He wants to accomplish something supernatural in our ordinary lives as well, and he wants to do it through us. Questions about John (return to top of page) For what reason did Jesus chose the wedding at Cana as the site of His very first miracle?

How can it be that the miracle of turning water to wine at Cana was the first miracle, when it obviously came after the miraculous catch of fishes in the synoptic gospels? – Evidence for Christianity

I’m often perplexed, and I’m frequently questioned by skeptics, about Jesus’ first miracle and how he chose his apostles, which I find confusing. According to the Synoptics, after being baptism, Jesus went into the desert and was tempted by the devil, was rejected in a synagogue in Nazareth, and then he chose his apostles while they were out fishing. John, on the other hand, has a completely different account! In his sermon, he makes no mention of Jesus being tempted by the devil. He claims that Andrew was the first to meet Jesus, and that Jesus then summoned Peter, Nathaniel, and Philip.

But what about the miracles that Jesus performed before that, such as helping Peter catch a net full of fish, curing many people, and driving out an evil spirit?

Isn’t this a set of contradictions?

Isn’t this a set of contradictions?


If you’ve been following this series, you’ve probably seen a pattern: all of the alleged “contradictions” that people are putting out there are, in fact, nothing of the like. These originate from individuals who are not attempting to comprehend the Bible, but rather are looking for reasons to justify their unbelief. There is a rather simple explanation for this alleged inconsistency. It’s important to remember that when John wrote his gospel, he almost probably had read Mark, Luke, and Matthew, therefore it’s unlikely he would include material that was in conflict with the other gospels!

  • According to John 2, Jesus stated to his mother Mary that the time had not yet arrived for him to be crucified.
  • As a bonus, it provides an explanation for what would otherwise be a mystery in Mark.
  • The solution comes from John, as you might expect.
  • After meeting him months ago and spending some time with him, they were eager to return to see him.
  • The events of John 1 and 2 take place before to Jesus’ journey into the desert, which served as his final preparation before beginning his public ministry.
  • He did this before he began his public ministry, and it appears that he only did it because his mother had requested him to do so.
  • Galilee, Gennesarat, Kinneret, and Lake Tiberias were the locations.

Today, it is not uncommon for towns, rivers, and nations to have numerous names, as is the case with many other things. There are several cities in India, including Bombay and Mumbai, as well as Madras and Chennai. John Oakes is a writer and poet.

Why Did Jesus Turn Water into Wine?

The first miracle performed by Jesus, the changing of water into wine at the wedding of Cana, is replete with symbolic allusions to the main themes of Scripture. What gives us reason to believe otherwise? Jesus is not the sort to do things on the spur of the moment. As a bonus, according to John the Apostle, this miracle is just one of numerous signs (John 2:11), all of which “are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that, by believing, you may have life in his name” (20:31).

  • As evidence of Jesus’ life and activities, we should consider them to be indicators of His divinity and divine plans for the world, rather than as proofs of his divinity and divine intentions for the world.
  • So they signpost us to the day when sin and disease and sorrow and death will be no more, since Jesus will have made all things new (Rev.
  • Most of Jesus’ miracles, such as the feeding of the hungry, the healing of the lame, the exorcism of demons, and the resurrection of Lazarus and Jairus’ daughter, are easy to discern from this perspective.
  • In every manner, this is significant.
The Wine That’s Gone Too Soon

Wine is used as a metaphor of God’s grace and the joy that results as a consequence (cf. Deut. 7:1–13; Jer. 31:5–12; Isa. 25:6–9; Joel 3:18) throughout the Scriptures. Wine, on the other hand, is not required for survival. Its excess is a symbol of God’s overabundant grace, which is reflected in it. That is to say, our Lord is the sort of God who delights in bestowing pleasant things on those who do not deserve them, such as “wine to gladden the heart of man,” which is completely unnecessary (Ps.

  • Nonetheless, the most serious difficulty that comes with life under the sun is the ephemeral pleasure that we derive from our idolatrous attempts to enjoy God’s blessings “separate from him” (Eccl.
  • This attitude to life is a fruitless endeavor that will ultimately result in discontent.
  • 1:21–25), which is impossible.
  • It is a gathering that has run out of things to laugh about (John 2:3).
The New Wine of the New Covenant

Let us welcome Jesus, the Lord of the Feast, the Master of Ceremonies, as well as both the Vine and the Vintner. Notice how He does not follow the ways of this world, diluting God’s blessings as if they were in short supply, as if grace were in short supply. No, our Lord is the one who creates the greatest wine (John 2:10). Take a look at the fortified wine of grace, which is offered to anybody who thirsts, regardless of their financial situation (Isa. 55:1–2). Marvel at Jesus’ supply, as evidenced by the conversion of six full containers containing “twenty to thirty gallons apiece” into a single tank of water (John 2:6).

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God has truly prepared a table for us, and the cup that has been placed on it overflowing with blessings (cf.


According to most scholars, John’s mentioning of this particular detail is intended to emphasize the redemptive-historical transition from the recurring ceremonial requirements of the old covenant (Exodus 30:17–21) to the once-for-all washing of baptism in the new covenant (Romans 6:3–5; Titus 3:5–6).

Mark 2:22).

As a result, Jesus’ miracle included the miraculous production of wine from rock, demonstrating Christ to be the genuine and superior Moses, whereas Moses just produced water from rock during his miracle (Ex.

17:6; Num. 20:8). Isn’t this pattern consistent with what we’ve previously heard from John about the situation? But although the water of the law was delivered through Moses, the wine of grace was provided through the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:17).

The Joy That Never Ends

Notice when Jesus performs His first miraculous sign: “On the third day, there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee” (On the third day, there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee) (John 2:1). That the miracle occurs during a wedding, one of God’s favorite metaphors for the bond He has established with His people, is no coincidence. Nonetheless, are we justified in interpreting John’s remark of the third day as having any significance? A thorough reading of the entire Bible reveals that neither metaphor nor numerology are required to understand the importance of this particular element.

On the third day, Abraham sees the spot where the Lord supplies (Gen.

19), the third day, the Lord restores His fallen people (Hos.


According to these considerations, John’s deliberate mention of the time and place of Jesus’ first miracle may indicate that Christ’s first miracle served as a prelude to the third day of the resurrection (Luke 24:46), and thus as a guarantee of that day when the ultimate wedding of Christ to His bride is consummated with His return (Revelation 21:1–5).

(Revelation 19:9).



Where is the first miracle of Jesus recorded in Matthew?

The first miracle of Jesus recorded in the book of Matthew is found in chapter eight of the book of Matthew. Water is transformed into wine during the Marriage at Cana, also known as the Wedding at Cana, and it is the first miracle credited to Jesus in the Gospel of John. According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus, his mother, and his followers are invited to a wedding; however, as the wine runs out, Jesus shows his majesty by changing water into wine. In addition to the examples above, how many of Jesus’ miracles are documented in the Bible?

Many Christians and Muslims really believe that miracles are real historical occurrences that had place.

That being said, there are numerous miracles that Jesus is widely credited with performing during his earthly ministry, including: turning water into wine, feeding thousands, ending the life of a fig tree, healing the sick, raising the dead, producing money from a fish by proxy, expelling demons, calming a storm, and walking on water.

In which book of the Bible does Jesus make his first appearance? Bethlehem

Jesus Turns Water into Wine – Bible Story

According to the New Testament’s Gospel of John, the first miracle performed by Jesus occurred at a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the story is told there. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was attending a wedding at which there was no more wine to be drank. It was she who came to Jesus and begged him for assistance. He orders the disciples to fill six jars with water and deliver them to the director of the feast. In his first taste of the wine, the wedding director is taken aback by the high level of quality that has been provided to him.

The Wedding in Cana

The location of this narrative is really important. During the time of the Old Testament, wedding feasts served as a metaphor of God’s union with His bride, Israel. A sizable Gentile population existed in Galilee when Jesus began His ministry there; this was a symbol of the gospel’s spread over the entire world at that time. Inferring from the fact that this wedding took place “on the third day” is the resurrection, demonstrating that the marriage between God and His church will be realized in Christ’s Resurrection.

The seven indicators are as follows:

  1. Making water into wine (John 2:1-11)
  2. Curing the nobleman’s son (John 4:46-54)
  3. Healing the paralyzed (John 5:1-15)
  4. And many other miracles. A few examples include: feeding the five thousand (John 6:1-14), walking on water (John 6:15-21), opening the eyes of a blind man (John 9:1-41), and raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38-44).

Bible Meaning of Jesus Turning Water into Wine

When there is a marriage, it is quite desired for Christ to take ownership of and bless it. Those who wish to have Christ present at their wedding must first invite him via prayer, and then he will arrive. While living in this world, we sometimes find ourselves in difficult situations, even when we consider ourselves to be at our best. At a wedding reception, there was a scarcity of food. Those who have come to care about the things of this world must prepare themselves for difficulties and expect disappointment.

  1. Christ’s response to his mother was completely devoid of contempt.
  2. His hour arrives when we are completely at a loss about what to do.
  3. Anyone hoping for Christ’s favor must be prepared to follow his commands with complete devotion.
  4. Similarly, the beginning of Moses’ miracles was the turning of water into blood (Exodus 7:20), whereas the beginning of Christ’s miracles was the turning of water into wine (Matthew 3:15); this may serve as a reminder to us about the contrast between the law of Moses and the gospel of Christ.
  5. And all of Christ’s works are put to good use.
  6. As a result, bring it out right away and put it to good use.
  7. Christ’s works are commendable even to people who do not recognize Christ as their author.
  8. Although Christ permits the proper use of wine, he does not waive his own caution, which is to ensure that our souls are never overloaded with gluttony and intoxication at any moment during the course of our lives (Luke 21:34).
  9. (Image courtesy of Matthew Henry Commentary) Read the Scriptures below, which contain testimonies from the Gospels of Jesus changing water into wine (John 2:14).

The articles, videos, and audio resources listed below the Bible passages will assist you in your Bible study of this miracle performed by Jesus. Image: Bartolome Esteban Murillo’s The Marriage Feast at Cana (1672), by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

Jesus’ First Miracle

For a variety of reasons, the obvious miracle reported in John 2: 1-11 is extremely significant. Jesus’ first miracle was the transformation of water into wine, which occurred on the night of his baptism (Jn. 2: 11). This first miracle prepared Jesus’ followers for the monumental task they were about to undertake. As a consequence of the miracle, we are told that “.his followers placed their faith in him” (vs. 11). Furthermore, the miracle demonstrates how authentic Bible miracles differ from the “false wonders” of the First Century and today, and how they may be easily differentiated from one another (cp.

  • 2: 9).
  • Please think on the miracle for a moment, and then we will comment on it.” On the third day, a wedding took place at Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was in attendance: 2: And Jesus, as well as his followers, were invited to the wedding reception.
  • 4: Jesus responds to her by saying, “Woman, what do I have to do with thee?” Mine has not yet come to pass.
  • There were six stone waterpots placed there, each carrying two or three firkins, in the manner of cleansing the Jews, as described in verse 6.
  • And they stuffed them to the brim with goodies.
  • And they take it in stride.
  • 11: In Cana of Galilee, Jesus performed the first of his miracles and displayed his glory, and his followers placed their faith in him.” Comments on the first verse.

According to certain scholars, the following breakdown should be used: Jn.

1: 35); and day three (Jn.

Day one (Jn.

1: 35); and day three (Jn.


So the “third day” of John 2: 1 would correspond to the same day as John 1: 43 in the Bible.

1: 28).

2: 1) is the same as the “day after” (cf.

1: 43), Jesus was most likely at Cana, near Jericho, at the time of his death.

The author (who is almost certainly John) goes on to say that Jesus’ mother was present.

Mary was most likely a wedding helper at the time.

For reasons that will become clear later, John makes a point of mentioning Mary’s presence.

In Jesus’ day, receiving an invitation to a wedding was a highly important business.

61 ff., by Wight).

In this regard, Jesus was in contrast to John the Baptist (Matt.

God himself had ordained marriage, and it would only be fitting if Jesus were to attend the ceremony (Gen.

The third verse is taken into consideration.

Some people imagine the situation to be one of gluttony and inebriation.

It must be noted, however, that Jesus and his followers had been invited to the party (vs.

People in charge assessed the amount of food and drink needed based on the number of people who had RSVP’d.


The lessons of the fourth verse.

Jesus, on the other hand, was spotless and, as a result, was the perfect son (Heb.

2: 51, 52).


Mary must not just think of him as her son, as she might otherwise (notice Jesus did not say, “mother”).

As a result, the phrase “my hour has not yet arrived” often used.

Mary appeared to feel that a situation was about to unfold that would provide her son, Jesus, with the opportunity to demonstrate some of his heavenly powers to those around him.

Jesus is the author of salvation “into all those who obey him,” as the Bible states (Heb.

In this section, we’ll look at verse 6.

These pots were most likely employed in Jewish purifying rituals, as evidenced by their presence (cp.

7: 3, 7, 8).

Scholars are divided on the exact volume of water that each water jar contained.

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According to the amount given, it is most likely to demonstrate the scale of this miracle: “one hundred” (a significant amount) of wine.

During the meal, Jesus instructed the servants to “fill the waterpots with water.” They are doing what Mary instructed them to do, which is to obey Jesus.

The teachings of Jesus are muddled and confused because of man.

Recognize once more the directness with which Jesus’ language and directives are delivered.

The following is another quote from Jesus: “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he who does not believe shall be condemned” (Mk.

Many people in the First Century had little difficulty comprehending (see Acts 2: 36-42).

The “ruler of the feast” was the master or person in charge of ensuring that all of the details of the celebration were carried out correctly and in a timely manner.

In this first miracle, Jesus demonstrated his talents as God’s Son by performing a miracle.

It is possible to categorize the miracles performed by Jesus into many categories.

Because this transformation not only suspends normal processes but also actively works against them, it can only be characterized as miraculous in nature.


In verse 10, the monarch of the feast explains something that was apparently normal practice at the time.

Because the taste receptors are more sensitive and discriminating at the beginning of the meal, the superior juice is offered first.

Everything about Jesus is much greater, and this includes the way of life that Jesus has taught us to live (cp.

5: 8, 9).

Both wines were thought to be intoxicating or fermenting, according to legend.

10), to demonstrate that the first wine was unquestionably fermented.

In verse 10, the Greek word translated as “well inebriated” is methuo, which means “well drunkened.” In this context, I believe methuo only implies that they had consumed a substantial amount of alcohol (which accounts for their running out of alcohol), but he does not address the issue of drunkenness.


Please understand that if the wine Jesus made had been fermented, he would not only have been participating in what some refer to as the temperate and social use of alcohol, but he would also have been involved in providing more liquor to people who had already consumed “too much to drink.” They would have had the sinless Son of God participating and providing for an orgy of drunken people!

They interpret the phrase “came eating and drinking” in the context of Jesus as implying that Jesus was a gluttonous eater and a wine drinker.

John had clearly made the Nazirite’s vow and had lived a hard and largely lonely life for the last many years.

The following is a quotation from Matthew Henry’sComplete Commentary on the Bible that will bring our study of Jesus’ first miracle to a close: “The miracle itself was the transformation of water into wine, with the substance of water taking on a new shape and acquiring all of the characteristics and accidents of wine.

  • As a result, Christ demonstrated himself to be the God of nature, who causes the ground to produce wine (Ps.
  • The extraction of the blood of the grape from the moisture of the ground on an annual basis is no less a work of power, even though it is not a work of marvel like this, because it is done in accordance with the common rule of nature and not by magic.
  • 4:9; 7:20).
  • 2:11).

In order to read a more in-depth analysis of Bible wine, go to “An Exchange on the “Wine” of John 2.”

Why Jesus’ First Miracle at the Wedding in Cana Is Relevant Today

1 John 2:11–14 During his visit to the hamlet of Cana, with his mother, Mary, and the first few followers, Jesus of Nazareth took the opportunity to attend a wedding banquet. Weddings in the Jewish faith were rich in custom and ceremony. One of the customs officers was putting on a lavish feast for the visitors. But something went wrong at this reception since they ran out of wine before the reception began. Considering the customs of the time, such a blunder would have resulted in severe humiliation for the bride and husband.

However, the most dramatic example of this custom may be seen inGenesis19:8, in which Lotoffers his two virgin daughters to a mob of assailants in Sodom, rather than turning over two male visitors in his home, as an illustration of this tradition.

Wedding at Cana – Story Summary

During the wedding ceremony in Cana, as the wine ran out, Mary turned to Jesus and said, “They don’t have any more wine.” “Dear lady, what is the point of involving me?” Jesus responded in the affirmative. “I have not reached the end of my time.” His mother instructed the servants to “do whatever he orders you to do.” (John 2:3-5, New International Version) Six stone jars filled with water, which were used for ceremonial washing, were located nearby. Before eating, Jews washed their hands, cups, and other serving items with water.

  1. The servants were instructed by Jesus to fill the jars with water.
  2. The master was completely ignorant that Jesus had transformed the water in the jars into wine.
  3. He walked over to the bride and groom and praised them on their wedding.
  4. “You have saved the finest for last,” he congratulated them (John 2:10,NIV).
  5. His astonished disciples placed their trust in him.

Points of Interest from the Story

The actual location of Cana is still a matter of contention among biblical scholars today. The name translates as “reedy place.” The Greek Orthodox Church of St. George, which was erected in 1886 in the Israeli settlement of Kafr Cana, is a historical landmark. There are two stone jars in the church, which locals believe to be two of the jars used in Jesus’ first miracle, which are on display. In a number of Bible translations, including the King James Version and the English Standard Version, Jesus refers to his mother as “woman,” which some have described as harsh.

  • The Gospel of John tells us that Jesus called Nathaniel, who was born in Cana, and that he “saw” Nathaniel seated under a fig tree even before they met each other.
  • Performing this miracle, which demonstrated Jesus’ supernatural authority over natural elements such as water, signaled the beginning of his public ministry.
  • The apostle John referred to Jesus’ miracles as “signs,” which were proof of Jesus’ divinity.
  • In that miracle, the man trusted in Jesus via faith before he saw the consequences, which was exactly the attitude Jesus wanted.
  • Wine was commonly used as a symbol of God’s abundance as well as of spiritual delight.
  • In the same manner, Jesus pours his Spirit into us in abundance, providing us with the finest that God has to offer.
  • It was no accident that the water that Jesus altered came from jars that had been used for ritual washing before his resurrection.

The water represented the Jewish system of purification, and Jesus substituted it with pure wine, which represented his immaculate blood, which would wash away our sins and cleanse us from our transgressions.

Question for Reflection

Running out of wine was by no means a life-or-death issue, and no one was in any bodily discomfort. However, Jesus interceded and performed a miracle to resolve the situation. God is really concerned in every area of your existence. What is important to you is also important to him. Is there something that has been bothering you that you have been hesitant to bring to Jesus’ attention?

Why Was Christ’s First Miracle Turning Water into Wine? Powerful Insights into This Crucial Event

On first glance, Jesus’ first reported miracle may appear to be a tad insignificant. When the Lord appeared at a wedding feast in Cana in Galilee, he transformed filthy water into celebratory wine. Comparing this miracle to His later miracles, which were deeply moving (cleansing leprosy, healing the blind, raising a young woman from the dead), this miracle, which appears to have accomplished nothing more than to astound a few servants and enliven an already lively gathering, appears to be almost beneath Him.

  1. Why, out of all the miracles Jesus might have performed, did He choose this insignificant request as the site of His first public demonstration of His power?
  2. As I think about it further, though, the miracle of turning water into wine strikes me as one of the most appropriate of the “beginning of miracles” (John 2:11) from which Jesus might have taught us about the ultimate goal of His life, mission, and divine authority, if He had done so.
  3. be unclean” (Leviticus 15:11).
  4. The six big water pitchers that, presumably, sat at the entrance to the wedding at Cana were there to allow the guests to wash their hands “in the manner of the purification of the Jews” (John 2:6), ensuring that they were both physically and ritually pure before entering the ceremony.
  5. Despite this, Jesus picked those murky, filthy, bacteria-infested water containers for this miracle and instructed the servants to fill them to the brim with water from the spring.
  6. Moreover, Jesus utilized the miracle of changing water into wine to convey a significant message: He has the ability to change the fundamental essence of things—to shift not just the condition of liquids, but also the state of people’s hearts and minds.
  7. I have the ability to take things into my own hands and change them.

I have the ability to take you and change you from a normal person into a saint in paradise. That is exactly why I am here. That’s all I have the authority to do.” After all that, tell me if it isn’t a fantastic first miracle after all.

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More insightful ideas from Anthony Sweat may be found in Christ in Every Hour (available on Amazon). Even though we are aware that Christ’s Atonement may deliver us from death and sin, we may not always be aware that we can rely on His Atonement for assistance in other areas of our lives. Evangelist and gospel educator Anthony Sweat addresses six of Christ’s heavenly abilities, explaining what they represent, why they’re important, and what they can do for us as we go about our daily lives. Learn more about Christ’s ability to cleanse, heal, restore, identify with, strengthen, and change us, as well as how to rely on the Lord’s grace and power in every hour of your life.

Which aspect of Christ’s Atonement do you require right now?

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