What Was Jesus Mission

What Was Jesus’ Mission?

Among superheroes and secret agents, special missions are a typical occurrence in film. Most audiences are familiar with the standard hero rescuing the world or spy defeating a villain assignment. However, there is a new twist: A person described in Scripture whose mission was epically greater than any plot in any modern superhero movie has gained popularity in recent years, despite the fact that comic book heroes such as the Avengers, Superman, and the X-Men have gained popularity as individuals on larger-than-life missions in recent years.

Reading the Bible and becoming sidetracked by other events in Jesus’ life, such as His wonderful life as a great Teacher or his explanation of Kingdom principles in the Sermon on the Mount, might lead readers to conclude that these events were the emphasis of His mission rather than the other events.

What Was Jesus’ Mission?

God’s plan to save humanity started thousands of years ago, with the arrival of the first humans on the planet. In spite of the fact that Adam and Eve were faultless in God’s eyes, they decided to violate God’s specific instructions not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:16-17). As a result of their refusal to diligently obey these directions, Adam and Eve consumed the fruit from the tree, bringing darkness and death into the world (Genesis 3:6; 17-19;Romans 5:12).

God, on the other hand, did not abandon them in their plight, but instead gave them reason to hope.

A coming Messiah was predicted in this promise of salvation, which is known as the protoevangelium (early gospel).

The Name of the Hero

The name “Jesus,” which is derived from the Hebrew names Yeshua or Joshua, is a theologically laden moniker. Names had a great deal of complexity and significance in biblical times, which may be easily ignored by contemporary readers. According to the book of 1 Samuel, the daughter-in-law of Eli the Priest gave birth to a boy shortly after learning of her husband’s and father-in-deaths, law’s as well as the disappearance of the Ark of the Covenant from the Tabernacle of the Lord’s house (1 Samuel 4:19-20).

As can be seen in this example, biblical names have a great deal of significance and meaning.

Jesus’ Birth Narratives

The gospels of Matthew and Luke give a detailed account of Jesus’ birth and the events that occurred immediately after His birth. As evidenced by His given name, Jesus had already been prophesied as the Messiah, or Savior, of His people (Matthew 1:21). Jesus’ salvific mission is demonstrated not only by the angel Gabriel’s prophecy, but also by Simeon’s prayer of thanksgiving and Anna’s emotion upon seeing the Christ child in the temple. Simeon’s prayer pointed to the salvation that would be brought about through Jesus.

According to Simeon, Jesus would be a “light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel,” as well as a “light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory to your people Israel” (Luke 2:32). It is a reference to the scripture in Isaiah 49:6.

Jesus’ Statements in the Gospels

While on earth, Jesus prophesied about his death and resurrection throughout His ministry (Matthew 16:21; 17:22-23;Mark 8:31;Luke 9:22). During these times, the disciples were unable to comprehend what Jesus was alluding to, but Jesus’ repeated reference of these occurrences served to stress the significance of these events. His attention was focused on completing the work that the Father had assigned to Him (John 6:28), which was to lay down His life for others and rise from the dead in accordance with the promise of the Scriptures (Luke 24: 25-27, 46-48).

If you have confidence in Jesus and feel a change of heart, Christ’s brief statement is: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to rescue the lost” (Matthew 19:10).

In accordance with Simeon’s prophesy of

His Mission Accomplished

His death and resurrection served as the culmination of His mission, which was to offer salvation to all who believe (John 3:16-17). All individuals owed a horrible amount of sin, and only Jesus, who is God in human form, could provide the appropriate sacrifice to discharge that obligation (1 Peter 2:24). Despite this, He was without sin, and He bore the punishment for all of mankind’s sins by dying on the cross in their place (2 Corinthians 5:21). Having triumphed over death by His resurrection, Jesus now freely offers new life in eternal relationship with Him to anyone who places their faith in Him (Romans 6:23).

What was Jesus’ mission? Why did Jesus come?

QuestionAnswer Throughout Jesus’ life, He demonstrates that He was a man on a mission at various points. He had a goal, and he worked hard to see it through to completion. From an early age, Jesus realized that He “must be about Father’s business.” He was only a child (Luke 2:49, KJV). The final days of His earthly existence saw Jesus “resolutely set out for Jerusalem,” where He was well aware that he would be executed (Luke 9:51). It may be argued that the central aim of Christ’s earthly ministry was to carry out God’s plan of salvation for those who were lost.

Jesus answered by stating that His goal was to save the world.

Direction: The Mission of Jesus Christ According to Luke 4:18-19

Prev|Next Fall 2012, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 293–299 Prev|Next Ministry Compass God’s mission begins in the depths of his heart (Escobar). God sent his only begotten Son to this world to save us from our sins. God and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to this world. Jesus sent his apostles, as well as us. Where? Welcome to this world. The Holy Spirit is the principal actor in fulfilling the mission. In order for churches to fulfill their ministry, purposes, and mission in the world, the teaching ministry of Christian educational institutions must assist them in doing so.

This salvation and good news was and is directed toward every area of need, poverty, and problem of humanity. Man is born into a world where he is estranged from God. He lives with a great number of problems and misfortunes, urgently needing the good news of

Problem: Poverty

“to bring good news to the needy,” according to Luke 4:18 (a). There is a lot of spiritual and moral poverty in the world. Economic poverty is certainly a very serious issue, particularly in developing nations such as Paraguay, but it is also prevalent in many other countries. What exactly did Jesus do to help the poor?

  • “to bring good news to the needy,” says Luke 4:18 (a). The spiritual and moral conditions are really deplorable. A very serious concern, particularly in a developing nation like Paraguay, but also in a number of other countries, is that of economic insecurity. I’m curious in what Jesus done for the less fortunate.
See also:  What Did Jesus Actually Say In The Bible

The impoverished are not always in need of assistance. On the contrary, they are frequently abounding in religious belief. Then, my dear brothers, consider this: Hasn’t God selected those who appear to be poor in the eyes of the world, but who are wealthy in faith, to be the heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him? (See also James 2:5).

  • I know numerous people who are in desperate need of money, but who are also filled with faith and making progress in their lives. They do not believe they have been abandoned by God, but rather that they have been lavished with love. From my perspective, a person who follows Jesus and places their confidence in him is not impoverished. He or she may be in need of tangible goods, as Jesus and Paul were
  • Yet, the promise is that God would provide for their requirements. Do we know what it means to be content and do we preach it?

Problem: Captivity

“He has dispatched me to proclaim liberation to the imprisoned,” says Luke 4:18(b). We don’t find any mention of Jesus releasing someone from prison in the Gospels. (We do read in Acts about several people who were miraculously released from prison.) He did not even grant John the Baptist his release when he was imprisoned, despite the fact that he could have done so given his position of authority. So, who were the inmates whom he freed? They are devil’s prisoners. Many persons who had been possessed by demons were set free by Jesus.

  • Numerous people continue to be held captive by the devil and his demons, even in this day and age. In our nation, there are many people who have resorted to spiritism, witchcraft, and mind-reading, and who have become enslaved by evil spirits in some manner or another. What do we educate the students at our Christian colleges and universities about how these individuals might be set free from their shackles?

Those who are enslaved by sin and vice Jesus responded, ‘Very honestly, I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.’ (See also John 8:34.)

  • Prostitutes, adulterers, and tax collectors were not the only ones who were considered sinners. Jesus realized that the Jews had believed themselves to be free, but that they were completely imprisoned by sin. We recognize that many people believe they are free today, but we also realize that they are imprisoned by sins such as addiction, hatred, violence, hypocrisy, jealousy, greed, and a host of other vices.

Prisoners of their own wealth

  • Although wealth hindered the rich young ruler from following Jesus, it is also a significant barrier that prevents many people from following the Lord faithfully today. Our goal is not just oriented at the poor, but also toward the wealthy. They must be liberated from their attachment to money.

Tradition and legalism have imprisoned them.

  • It was impossible for the religious leaders of Jesus’ day to receive the grace of Jesus Christ because they were bound by their own customs and regulations. Many people nowadays feel that by adhering to religious traditions, they may ensure their salvation. They are prisoners to tradition, despite the fact that they believe they are free.

Even in our Christian institutions, there are a great number of prisoners. They need to be set free as soon as possible. Do we declare to them the freedom that comes through Christ? Do we declare ourselves free from the shackles of certain traditions?

  • In other words, if the Son sets you free, you will truly be free. (See also John 8:36). “Glorious liberation, lovely freedom, no longer in bonds of sin I repine,” as the song puts it.

Problem: Physical Suffering

“Restoration of sight for the blind,” according to Luke 4:18 (c). Jesus was concerned about the physical suffering of his followers. Rather than acting as God, we believe in a God who has the ability to heal others.

  • A prayer for miracles and healing was raised up by the earliest Christian church, which was answered by God. How many of us cry out to God for healing? God is the same God he was yesterday, today, and forever
  • God is the same God he is today, tomorrow, and forever. Sometimes he cures instantaneously, sometimes it is a process, sometimes he utilizes medicine, sometimes he merely relieves the agony
  • But we may call out to him and place our faith in him.

Problem: Oppression

Many people are oppressed, worried, weighted down, and mourning as a result of the actions of Jesus in Luke 4:18 (d). Those who are socially oppressed

  • Jesus exhibited compassion for those who were considered outcasts (such as lepers)
  • Does our organization have a purpose to reach those who are considered misfits by society?
See also:  How Old Was Jesus When The Magi Arrived

Having been oppressed by sin and a terrible way of existence

  • During Jesus’ visit to the woman from Samaria, he restored her life. The prodigal son returned to his father’s warm and loving house
  • He was welcomed back.

As a result of traumatic life events, I feel oppressed.

  • Are we giving hope and encouragement to those who are wounded and shattered by the anguish and wounds of the past—childhood abuse, marital infidelity, and financial injury—and if not, when will we begin to do so?

Fear and stress have enslaved me.

  • “Do not be concerned,” Jesus instructed his disciples (Matt. 6:31). People who live in fear and anxiety do not have the opportunity to have a joyful and full life. Despite this, many Christians are oppressed by the current evil, living in fear of what is to come, fear of what others will say, anxiety about the current economic situation, worry for their children, and so on
  • And

Do we live and preach the freedom that Christ has given us?

  • Were our neighbors, classmates, and Christian brothers and sisters able to identify us as free individuals? Jesus was entirely free, and only he is capable of providing genuine freedom to others.


The good news is that the year of the Lord’s favor has arrived (Luke 4:19) It is our belief that the moment has come for God to display his favor in a very significant way in Paraguay and South America. In order to be effective, the teaching ministry of Christian educational institutions must be aligned with the church’s overall goal. Furthermore, it should aid the church in the accomplishment of its ministry, objectives, and mission in the world at large. The language of Christian institutions should be the same as that of the church.

In order to be effective in our ministry, we, like Jesus, require anointing with the Holy Spirit; otherwise, our ministry would be restricted to only human interaction.

Elfriede Janz de Verón is an Instructor in New Testament at the Instituto Bíblico Asunción, in Asunción, Paraguay. She has a PhD in Education. This meditation was delivered at the ICOMB Higher Education Consultation in Winnipeg in June 2011.


Jesus’ mission—What was it?

Jesus’ primary job on earth was to carry out God’s plan to “seek and rescue the lost,” which was to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). Despite his youthful age (Luke 2:49), He was fully conscious of His mission, and he set out on a deliberate path to achieve it. Throughout His life, Christ was aware that God’s plan for Him included dying on the crucifixion as a sacrifice for the sins of those who placed their faith in Him, and rising from the dead as a victor over sin and death. As a result, at the conclusion of His life, Jesus made a determined journey to Jerusalem, where He would be crucified (Luke 9:51).

In fact, he was frequently chastised for his spending habits.

The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the greatest human being to ever be born on our planet, and he serves as our ultimate example for us. He is the Lord of lords, the Creator, and our Savior, and He came to Earth in order for us to be reunited with God once more.

Born in humble circumstances

Jesus was born to the virgin Mary in a little town in a far-flung corner of the earth, where he was raised by the apostles. All of our aspirations and ambitions were realized because of that humble beginning. Yet, despite the fact that He was the Son of God, endowed with unlimited knowledge and power, He was mortal and prone to hunger and suffering. Jesus Christ was well acquainted with the difficulties and tragedies of this life. He knows and understands each and every one of us completely. Even as a child, Jesus was imparting the knowledge of God’s word.

When Jesus first began His ministry, he fasted in the wilderness for 40 days before going into Jerusalem.

Jesus rose from the grave

Following His death, Jesus resurrected from the tomb and appeared to His friends and disciples three days after His death. Because Jesus has been raised from the dead, we shall also be raised from the dead one day. When Jesus arose from the tomb on that first Easter morning, he was able to break the bonds of death. Because of His death and resurrection, we are able to face the problems of our everyday lives with confidence in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The knowledge that there are no lost causes, no dead ends, and that none of us are beyond His perfect love and limitless capacity to save is a comforting thought.

5 Ways We Can Continue the Mission of Jesus

“We are what we think about,” says the author. When one thinks on insignificant or insignificant things, one loses fiber and becomes sluggish in spirit. Soldiers must be physically and mentally tough. Soldiers are pressed for time and cannot do everything. ‘I have no time for anything other than my career,’ a young officer once stated, and to some extent, he was correct. If we want to be true warriors, we must avoid being involved in the concerns of this world. “By its affairs, I mean its conversation, its methods of thinking, and its means of settling matters, as well as its overall aspect and direction.” Candles in the Dark, by Amy Carmichael Two thousand years ago, the Son of God set aside His splendor, descended from the throne of God, and descended into our physical world for a single cause.

See also:  Why Jesus Died


What Was Jesus’ Mission?

Jesus was always quite clear about the nature of His ministry. His public ministry began when He stood up in a Jewish synagogue and declared it to be true during the first few days of His life. It was during this reading that He acknowledged that He was the fulfillment of the prophet’s prophecies (Isaiah 61:1-2). “There is an indwelling of the Holy Spirit upon me, since He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor,” says Paul. I’ve been sent by the Lord to announce freedom to the prisoners and sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, and to proclaim “the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18).

It was when He was walking among the people that He completed His share of the mission by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and revealing the truths of the Scriptures.

1. Recognize God’s Sovereignty over Our Lives

There was nothing random or coincidental about Jesus’ arrival, nor was there anything coincidence about the purpose of his presence. We are told by the apostle Paul that Jesus came into our world “when the fullness of time had come” (Galatians 4:4). God is sovereign, which means that He has complete authority and control over everything that occurs, including when, why, and how it occurs (1 Chronicles 29:11-12). Our existence is not a result of chance; rather, it is a result of God’s own design and purpose for our lives (Acts 17:24-28).

Recognizing God’s authority over our life aids us in understanding and carrying out our task of spreading the gospel across the world.

2. Pray Often, According to the Will of God

How much more do we need to pray if the Son of God himself needs to pray? “Jesus Himself would frequently withdraw to the desert to pray” (Luke 4:18). (Luke 5:16). He prayed in public and in private at the same time. His prayers had such an impression on the disciples that they begged Him to “teach us to pray” afterward (Luke 11:1). In respect to the mission of proclaiming the gospel, Jesus offered particular instructions on how to pray for the mission. His heart was filled with compassion for the people He encountered as He traveled through the many cities and villages on His journey.

He used the metaphor of a harvest to explain to His disciples that the harvest was bountiful and ready (John 4:35), but that there were not enough laborers to complete the task.

3. Obey the Holy Spirit in Serving and Loving Our Neighbors

Jesus’ mission was one of charity and compassion. “Christ died for us while we were still sinners,” the Bible says (Romans 5:8). Jesus delivered a tale that wonderfully explained His mission of kindness and provided us with practical tools to carry out the same purpose for ourselves and others. In the book of Luke, a lawyer approaches Jesus and asks what he may do to obtain eternal life. In essence, Jesus tells him that he must obey the Law of Moses (something we know is impossible in our fallen nature).

4. Tell What Jesus Has Done for Us

Jesus was never ashamed of who He was or what He had accomplished. As a matter of fact, it was His honesty that ultimately led to His crucifixion. The Jewish people, their priests and scribes, as well as the ruling council of Pharisees and Sadducees, were all well aware of the prophecies in the holy scriptures about the arrival of the Messiah. There was no doubt in their minds that the Messiah would come and restore God’s kingdom. However, when Jesus said unequivocally that He was the Son of God, they turned their backs on Him.

Continuing Jesus’ mission requires us to be completely honest with ourselves and with others about who we are and what He has done for us.

5. Invite Others to Believe

According to Jesus, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; he who believes in Me will never die.” “Do you believe what I’m saying?” (See also John 11:25-26.) When Martha was standing in front of the tomb of her brother Lazarus, these words were uttered to her. There was no question in Mary and Martha’s minds that Jesus possessed the authority to avert Lazarus’ death. They’d witnessed Him cure the sick, cast out devils, and change water into wine, among other things.

Jesus challenged their skepticism with a straightforward question: “Do you believe this?” As we continue His mission of reaching the lost, we must also be willing to raise the question, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?”

Jesus’s Mission Statement

Bryan Owen contributed to this article. People die because there is no vision in this place – Proverbs 29:18 That little line from the book of Proverbs captures a huge universe of knowledge in a single sentence. It serves as a reminder of the necessity of having a sense of purpose and direction in our everyday lives. In order to get there, we must express the fundamental principles that serve as the foundation of our identity. And we must make sure that our behaviors are consistent with those ideals.

We must be aware of our own identities.

We must understand what it will take to get there.

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