What The Koran Says About Jesus

What does the Quran teach about Jesus?

There are several accounts regarding the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (known as ‘Isain Arabic’) included within the Quran. His miraculous birth, his teachings, the miracles he accomplished with God’s permission, and his life as a revered prophet of God are all recounted in detail in the Quran. Aside from that, the Quran continually reminds us that Jesus was a human prophet sent by God, not a part of the divine being himself. The following are some straight passages from the Quran on the life and teachings of Jesus, taken from the Arabic text.

He Was Righteous

A large number of tales regarding the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (known as ‘Isain Arabic’) are contained throughout the Quran. His miraculous birth, his teachings, the miracles he accomplished with God’s permission, and his life as a revered prophet of God are all recounted in the Holy Quran. Aside from that, the Quran continually reminds us that Jesus was a human prophet sent by God, not a part of the Divine Being Himself. In the next section, you will find several straight passages from the Quran that speak about Jesus and his life and teachings.

He Was a Prophet

“Christ, the son of Mary, was nothing more than a messenger, and there had been many messengers before him who had gone before him. His mother was a woman who stood up for what was right. They were both required to consume their (daily) meals. Watch how God makes His signals apparent to people, and then watch how they get deceived away from the truth in many ways!” (5:75). “‘I am, in fact, a servant of God,’ he declared. He has given me revelation and elevated me to the status of prophet; He has blessed me wherever I go; and He has imposed on me the practice of prayer and charitable giving for the rest of my life.

Therefore, peace be upon me on the day of my birth, on the day of my death, and the day on which I shall be restored to life (again)!’ Jesus, the son of Mary, was a person like this.

It is unworthy of (God’s) grandeur for Him to have a son, and thus He does not have one.

It takes only one word from Him to determine a matter: “Be,” and the matter is determined.” (19:30-35).

He Was a Humble Servant of God

“And lo and behold! When God pronounces these words: ‘Oh Jesus, the son of Mary!’ What if you told folks they should worship me and my mother as gods, so defying the will of God? ‘Glory to Thee!’ he will exclaim. I could never say anything I didn’t have the authority to speak (to say). If I had said something like that, you would have known right away. Even if I am unaware of what is going on in Your heart, you know what is going on in mine. Because You are fully aware of all that is concealed.

And, while I was living among them, I was a witness to their actions. Since the time that You have taken me up, You have been the Watcher over them, and You are the witness to everything.'” (5:116-117).

His Teachings

“Jesus explained why he had come with Clear Signs by saying, “Now I have come to you with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some of the (issues) on which you disagree.” As a result, revere God and follow my instructions. As God is my Lord as well as your Lord, I implore you to worship Him in this manner – this is the Straight Path.’ Sects, on the other hand, fell out amongst themselves and disagreed. So, woe to those who have done wrong, as they will suffer the consequences of a Grievous Day!” (43:63-65)

Muslims love Jesus, too: 6 things you didn’t know about Jesus in Islam

We all know that Christmas is a religious holiday that honors the birth of Jesus and is a significant religious event for Christians all over the world. However, many people are unaware that Jesus is also revered in Islam, despite the fact that the majority of Muslims do not observe Christmas as a religious festival. The holiday is celebrated by certain Muslims across the world (including some in the United States). For the occasion, here are six interesting facts about the position of Jesus — and his mother, Mary — in Islam that you might not have known before:

  1. Jesus, Mary, and the angel Gabriel are all prominent characters in the Qur’an (as are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and a slew of other Bible characters)
  2. Muslims believe that Jesus (referred to as “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God who was born to a virgin
  3. And Muslims believe that Jesus (referred to as “Isa” in Arabic) was a prophet of God who was born to a virgin (Mary). He will also come to Earth before the Day of Judgment in order to restore justice and vanquish al-Masihad-Dajjal, or “the false messiah,” who is also known as the Antichrist, according to these believers. Many Christians will recognize a lot of this as being familiar territory. Warning: spoilers ahead: Muslims are well aware that “al-Masihad-Dajjal” is the Arabic name for the Antichrist, which has caused some, uh, unexpected problems for Netflix recently.
  4. Mary (known in Arabic as “Maryam”) has an entire chapter in the Qur’an dedicated to her — the only chapter in the Qur’an dedicated to a female figure. To be more specific, Mary is the sole woman to be named by name in the whole Qur’an. “Other female figures are recognized simply by their relationship to others, such as the wife of Adam and the mother of Moses, or by their title, such as the Queen of Sheba,” according to the Study Quran. More times in the Qur’an than in the whole New Testament of the Bible, Mary is named
  5. Just as they do with all previous prophets, including Mohammed, faithful Muslims say “peace be upon him” after every time they mention Jesus by name
  6. Muslims believe that Jesus performed miracles, including: There are numerous of Jesus’ miracles mentioned in the Qur’an. These include restoring sight to the blind, curing lepers, reviving the dead, and breathing life into clay birds
  7. Among others. It is also the tale of Jesus’ first miracle, when he spoke as a child in the crib and announced himself to be a prophet of God, according to the Qur’an, which is recounted in the book of Genesis. The plot is as follows:

And keep in mind Mary’s story in the Book, when she separated from her family and moved to an eastern location. And she kept her identity hidden from them. Then We sent Our Spirit to her, and it took on the appearance of a flawless man in order to serve her. “I seek shelter from thee in the Compassionate, if you are reverent!” she said in response. “I am only a messenger from thy Lord, sent to bestow upon thee a spotless boy,” he explained. “How am I going to have a son when no guy has ever touched me, and I have never been unchaste?” she wondered.

  1. ‘It is simple for Me,’ thy Lord declares.” We did this so that he may serve as a sign to the world and as a kindness from Us.
  2. As a result, she conceived him and retreated with him to a remote location.
  3. “Would that I had died before this and had been a thing of the past, completely forgotten!” she said.
  4. A rivulet hath been created beneath thy feet by thy Lord.
  5. So eat and drink, and keep thy eyes open and cool.
  6. Then they shouted, “Mary, Mary, Mary!
  7. O Aaron’s sister, how I adore you!
  8. “How are we to communicate with someone who is still an infant in the cradle?” they wondered.
  9. He has given me the Book and elevated me to the status of prophet.
  10. And He has not turned me into a bossy, horrible creature.
  11. Muslim believers venerate Jesus as a prophet despite the fact that they do not think Jesus is the son of God, which is a key gap between Muslim and Christian views on him.

Merry Christmas to you! Muslims in the Indonesian city of Manado participate in the Christmas Santa Parade by donning Santa hats and mingling with Christian participants. Photograph courtesy of Ronny Adolof Buol/Pacific Press/LightRocket/Getty Images

A Comprehensive Listing of References to Jesus (‘Isa) in the Qur’an

Islam is the only major world religion that affirms the existence of the person of Jesus Christ among the main world faiths. The Qur’an contains several references to Jesus. Jesus Christ, on the other hand, is the most divisive figure in Islamic history. Jesus is mentioned in around ninety verses of the Qur’an, which are divided into fifteen surahs. Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, was sinless, performed miracles, and was superior to other prophets, which is supported by Islamic teachings.

Through the denial of Jesus’ divinity, his crucifixion, and resurrection, it undermines the basic narrative of Christian faith.

2:136 We believe in Allah and the revelations given to us, as well as to Abraham, Isma’il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, as well as the revelations provided to Moses and Jesus, as well as the revelations given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no distinction between one prophet and another.

In honor of Jesus, the son of Mary (Signs) were clearly communicated, and he was fortified by the Holy Spirit.

Allah gives thee joyful news of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, and he will be honored in this world and the Hereafter, as well as in the company of those who are closest to Allah (in the Hereafter).

As well as being a member of the virtuous,” says the prophet.

“I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah’s permission; and I heal the blind and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by Allah’s permission; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses.” And Allah makes him a messenger to the Children of Israel, with the following It’s certain that there is a Sign for you if you did believe.” 3:50 (I’ve come to you in order to witness to the Law that was in front of me.) And in order to make legal for you a portion of what was formerly prohibited by your Lord, I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord.

As a result, fear Allah and follow my instructions.

“O Jesus!” Allah exclaimed.


4:157 “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, Messenger of Allah,” they boasted; but they did not kill him nor crucify him, as was made to appear to them; and those who disagree are full of doubts, possessing no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture as a basis for proceeding, for they are certain that they did not kill him.

  • 4:171 People of the Book, oh my brethren!
  • Allah’s prophet, Christ Jesus the son of Mary, was (nothing more than) His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit emanating from Allah; thus, believe in Allah and His messengers.
  • All things in the sky and on earth are under His control.
  • 5:17 Those who claim that Allah is Christ the son of Mary are committing blasphemy, to say the least.
  • 5:72 Those who proclaim, “Allah is Christ the son of Mary,” are blasphemers.
  • “I bow my head to Allah, my Lord, and your Lord.” Whoever associates with other gods in addition to Allah will be denied access to the paradise, and the Fire will be his permanent residence.
  • His mother was a woman who stood up for what was right.

5:78 By the mouth of David and Jesus the son of Mary, curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who refused to believe in the truth: because they disobeyed and persevered in their excesses.

Please remember My kindness for thee and thy mother.

In order for you to communicate with the people when they were children and when they were adults, I empowered thee with the holy spirit.

With My permission, thou fashionest out of clay, as it were, the image of a bird, which thou breathes into and which transformeth into a bird, and with My permission, thou healest those born blind as well as those who are sick with leprosy, as well as those who are deaf.

See also:  Why Did Jesus Get Baptized

And lo and behold!

“Can thy Lord send down to us a meal furnished (with delectables) from heaven?” says the speaker.

5:114Jesus, the son of Mary, exclaimed: “O Allah, our Lord!

Also, provide for our nourishment, for Thee is our most excellent Sustainer (in terms of our requirements).” 5:116Allah will exclaim: “O Jesus, son of Mary, come!” “Didst thou say to them, ‘worship me and my mother as gods in defiance of Allah’?” I asked.

I could never say anything I didn’t have the authority to speak (to say).

“Thou knowst what is going on in my mind.” 6:85 And then there’s Zakariya and John, and then there’s Jesus and Elias: they’re all among the righteous.

9:31 They consider their priests and anchorites to be their lords, in defiance of Allah, and they regard Christ the son of Mary as their Lord, despite the fact that they were commanded to worship only One Allah: there is no god but He.

Then he said, “I am just a messenger from thy Lord, (to proclaim) to thee the gift of a holy son.” 19:19″No,” he replied.

As he stated in verse 19:21, “Thy Lord says, ‘that is simple for Me: and (We desire) to appoint him as a Sign vnto mankind and a Mercy from Us,'” and “It has been ordained that he be appointed as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us.” 19:22 As a result, she conceived him and relocated with him to an isolated location.

Those present exclaimed, “O Mary, what a wonderful thing thou hast brought!” 19:30 In his words, “I am really a servant of Allah: He has revealed to me and elevated me to the status of prophet.” 19:31 “And He has blessed me wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me the practice of prayer and charity for as long as I live.” 19:32 “(He) has taught me to be compassionate to my mother, rather than overbearing or depressed.” 19:33 “Consequently, peace be upon me from the day I was born until the day I die, and from the day I shall be restored to life (again)!” 19:34 Jesus the son of Mary was (was) in this way: (it is) a declaration of truth, over which people (in vain) argue with one another.

19:88 “(Allah) Most Gracious has given birth to a son!” they proclaim.

As a result, the fact that He should have a son is incompatible with the majesty of Allah Most Gracious.

And We used the son of Mary and his mother as a sign: We provided them with refuge on high ground, which provided them with rest and security, as well as being endowed with springs.

42:13He has established for you the same religion that He enjoined on Noah—the religion that We have given to thee by inspiration—as well as the religion that We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: This means that you should maintain your religious steadfastness and refrain from divisiveness; for those who worship other gods than Allah, the (road) to which you are calling them will be difficult to travel.

Almighty Allah chooses for Himself those whom He desires, and He directs toward Himself those who seek His guidance (to Him).

In addition, (Jesus) will serve as an indication of when the Hour (of Judgment) will arrive; hence have no uncertainty about the (Hour), but follow Me: this is the Straight Path.

61:6 And keep in mind what Jesus, the son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel, listen up!” “I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me and bringing Good News of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” “I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me and bringing Good News of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” However, when he presented them with the Clear Signs, they exclaimed, “This is clearly magic!” 61:14 O ye who have faith!

Be ye Allah’s aides and companions: “Who will be my helpers in (the work of) Allah?” Jesus the son of Mary asked his Disciples.

then a part of the Children of Israel believed and a portion did not; but We granted authority to those who believed in the face of their adversaries, and they were the ones who triumphed over their adversaries. Ravi, N. S. R. K. N. S. R. K. Ravi Originally published on March 30, 2016.

What do Muslims think of Jesus?

“Can you tell me who people think I am?” Jesus posed this question to his disciples. How his followers understood his life and mission is seen in their responses, which range from John the Baptist to Elijah or one of the prophets. Today, asking Muslim communities all across the world the same question—who do you believe Christ to be?—is just as illuminating as it was then. The Quran references Jesus, also known as Isa, 25 times, but each time in a distinct way. The Quran teaches that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary (19:20–21) and that he is “highly esteemed in this world and the next” (3:45–47) as a result of his birth.

  • Asruh min Allah(“God’s Spirit”),mushia bi’l baraka(“the Messiah—someone blessed by God”),kalimah min Allah(“God’s Word”), andrasul (God’s Prophet-Messenger) are all terms used in the Quran to refer to him.
  • The miracles done by Jesus, such as curing the sick and reviving the dead, are described in detail in the Quran, but these miracles are not attributed to his divinity.
  • Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet who was given a particular message—injil, also known as the gospel—that he was tasked with spreading to all of humanity.
  • As a result, Jesus plays an important and distinctive role in the Muslim religion.
  • According to the Quran, Jesus was taken up into heaven (3:169) before his death was officially announced.
  • According to Muslims, Jesus’ adversaries will never be victorious against him because he is God’s chosen servant.
  • According to Islamic traditions, Jesus will return on the Day of Judgment, when he will demolish thead-dajjal, also known as the anti-Christ or impostor.
  • Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, a Muslim philosopher who lived in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, urged Muslims to worship in the manner of Jesus.
  • In his Islamic Christology, Mahmoud Ayoub, a contemporary Islamic theologian, discusses how Jesus embodies the fullness of mankind by being completely lit by God’s light (tajalli).
  • Our unifying beliefs, however, include the virgin birth of Christ to Mary, profound reverence for the mystery of God’s existence, a deep affection for Jesus, and a readiness to learn from his life as we pursue happiness with God.

This article is also accessible in Spanish for those who prefer to read it that way. This story was also published in the September 2016 issue of United States Catholic (Vol. 81, No. 9, page 49). Photograph courtesy of Flickrcc viaFree Pictures 4K

Islam’s apologist: Why I believe what the Koran says about Jesus

“Can you tell me who people think I am?” says the author. When Jesus asked his followers a question, they answered affirmatively. How his followers understood his life and mission is seen in their responses, which range from John the Baptist to Elijah or another of the prophets. The same question, posed now to Muslim communities throughout the world, is as illuminating: “Who do you believe Christ is?” Each time Jesus, or Isa, is mentioned by name in the Quran, it is spoken in a slightly different way.

  • Consequently, he is known as Jesus son of Mary or Isa ibn Maryam.
  • Muslims, on the other hand, acknowledge that Jesus was a servant, a teacher, and a lover of God’s Word, but they do not think that he was divine or that he was the son of God.
  • To the contrary, God’s unending kindness is symbolized by Jesus as a sign to all of people.
  • A confirmation and foretelling of Prophet Muhammad’s arrival were both contained within this revelation.
  • There is no such thing as “original sin” according to Muslims.
  • According to the Quran, Jesus was taken up into heaven (3:169) before his death was officially recorded.
  • As God’s chosen servant, Muslims believe that Jesus’ enemies will never be victorious over him.

On the Day of Judgment, according to Islamic texts, Jesus will return and destroy thead-Dajjal, also known as the Antichrist or imposter.

Jesus has been cited as an important religious model by many Islamic thinkers throughout history and today.

As a result of his superior knowledge of and intimacy with God, the thirteenth-century philosopher Ibn ‘Arabi dubbed him Jesuswilaya (the “seal of the friend of God”).

There are obvious differences between Islamic and Christian perspectives on Jesus.

We might be on the verge of a fruitful dialogue between our religious traditions.

In addition to English, this article is available in Spanish. Originally published in the September 2016 issue of United States Catholic (USC) (Vol. 81, No. 9, page 49). Free Pictures in 4K resolution courtesy of Flickrcc


Ally turned to Islam when she was a teenager (although Muslims prefer to use the term’revert’ rather than ‘convert’ since they think Islam is the ‘natural’ religion, as opposed to Christianity). Things began when an imam paid a visit to his family’s town and urged them to attend a prayer service at the mosque. ‘I paid close attention to all he had to say. I believed he was making logical sense. The more I learnt about Islam, the more everything seemed to make sense to me, and it eventually became a very important part of my daily existence.

‘I was under the impression that my faith had something to give that was superior to what they were luring me towards,’ he adds.

The majority of Muslims have not given any consideration to the intellectual component; instead, they have merely performed the rituals mandated by their religion.


Interestingly enough, it is in the West, rather than the Middle East and Africa, where Ally’s style of intellectually robust Islamic preaching has found the most popularity. Numerous Muslims, who are subjected to the same pressures from atheistic and secularist voices as their Christian counterparts, have become more accepting of his method of conversation and debate. It is clear that he has had an impact on the young men who engage in street evangelism in cities around the United Kingdom, as well as the crowds that gather to watch (and participate in) boisterous arguments at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park.

Jesus is revered by both Muslims and Christians as a historical figure of great significance.

So Islamic apologists regularly recruit critical research that casts doubt on Jesus’ claims to be God, making them unexpected bedfellows with some of the most skeptical and liberal Bible scholars.


The Islamic apologists, on the other hand, are at odds with biblical historians of every stripe in one regard. The Koran, on the other hand, asserts that Jesus did not die by crucifixion, which is critical. It is said in Surah 4:157 that “they neither murdered him nor crucified him, yet it appeared to them as if they had done so.” According to Islam, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is one of the most reliably known facts of the ancient world, which presents a difficulty for the religion. Islamic scholars have always supported the koranic version of events by positing that Jesus was replaced by another person who was fashioned to seem like him.

Many people, including myself, believe that it is not required to hold to the notion that someone else was substituted for Jesus in order to be a Christian.

I believe the word crucifixion as employed in the Koran refers to “killing a person by means of a cross,” as opposed to just “hanging on a cross.” In essence, Ally acknowledges that Jesus was put on the crucifixion, but he does not believe that he died on the cross, and as a result, the koranic and biblical versions are in some ways consistent with one another.

  1. She also mentions Pilate’s surprise that Jesus was presumably dead before nightfall.
  2. Even within Muslims, the idea is not without its detractors, who feel that teaching anything other than the’substitution’ paradigm is equal to heresy and should be avoided at all costs.
  3. Perhaps this is why, in debates with Muslims, many Christian apologists have emphasized the case for Christ’s crucifixion as the most compelling argument.
  4. In the meanwhile, anyone interested in engaging in a debate with the world’s foremost Islamic apologist is recommended to conduct their research in preparation.

Currently residing in Toronto, Canada, Shabir Ally serves as the president of the Islamic InformationDawah Centre International (IIDCI). Read Nabeel Qureshi’s response to the question. The Convert explains why he converted from Islam to follow Jesus.


1A virgin birth is a rare occurrence. In Surah 19, which narrates the narrative of Jesus’ birth, the Koran states that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary and that he was the son of Joseph. There is, however, no mention of Joseph or many other components of the biblical birth narrative in this version of the story. Instead, the infant Jesus magically communicates with the adults to whom he is given by speaking from his cradle. 2Jesus is a prophet, not the Son of God, as some believe. The Koran bestows a slew of titles on Jesus, including the title of’messiah,’ among others.

See also:  Why Did The Romans Kill Jesus

However, in Surah 4:171-172, the Koran expressly contradicts the doctrines of the Trinity and the divinity of Christ.

Interestingly, Surah 4:157 of the Koran does not explicitly deny that Jesus was slain via crucifixion, but rather claims that it was simply “made to look” that way.

People in the Quran: The Story of Jesus in the Quran

Samuel Gonzalez contributed to this article. Who you question about Jesus will determine whether you believe that he is the pre-existent son of God, a spiritual teacher who has been illuminated, a Buddha who has returned to earth, a prophet or a mythical reproduction of the man-god paradigm. Inquiring as to who Jesus is to a Jew would be like to asking a Muslim who Hare Krishna is to them in Islam. He is portrayed in various ways by different communities. Some depict him as a white or black man, while others paint his face on the side of an American military tank while preaching about the values of republican conservatism.

One of the most fascinating aspects about a historical person such as Jesus is how changeable he is.

To put it another way, when it comes to history, facts are always subject to interpretation, making it impossible to arrive at a definitive set of historical facts.

Apart from what is recorded in the Gospels and the Qur’an, the following is what is known about him:

  1. He was a Jewish teacher and religious preacher who lived in or around Galilee at the time of Jesus’ ministry. He is said to have accomplished miracles of some type
  2. He was baptized (and maybe mentored) by a specific John
  3. And he was baptized (and perhaps mentored) by a particular Peter. A well-known performer, he was renowned for his ability to draw enormous crowds and establish a loyal following. He was a Hebrew dialect speaker who spoke Aramaic
  4. He was slain (or at least looked to be murdered) by the Romans
  5. He was a member of the Jewish community.

Almost everything else is open for discussion. Christ is not the final name of Jesus; rather, it is the title that he bears.

The name Christ is the Greek version of the Hebrew phrase ‘Messiah,’ which means ‘the anointed one,’ and is used to refer to the Messiah. According to Jewish religion, the Messiah is a political liberator who will bring about the restoration of Judaism by the following actions:

  1. Rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem
  2. Facilitating the observance of the 613 laws outlined in the Torah
  3. And other related activities. Bringing God’s people together throughout the land of Israel.

The Christians believe that the Messiah is God; the Jews, on the other hand, believe that their own Messiah has been rejected. Islam takes a medium path, stating that Jesus symbolizes the fulfillment of the messianic predictions recorded in the Hebrew Bible while also asserting that he is not God, so verifying what the Jewish scriptures teach about the coming of the Messiah. The virginal conception of Jesus is confirmed by the Qur’an, which states: “She pondered, “How can I bear a son when no man has ever touched me, nor am I unchaste?” “That’s exactly what will happen!” ‘It is simple for Me,’ your Lord declares.

  1. On the occasion of his birth, the Qur’an is crystal explicit in stating that the archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary in the appearance of a human.
  2. Her response is a monument to her purity of character, as she sought shelter from him in God, achieving complete presence and union with the Almighty in the process: “I sincerely want shelter in the Most Compassionate from you!” she said in her petition.
  3. A spirit from none other than God, in order for him to be able to revive the dead and summon birds from the ashes.
  4. “He is His word, which He has lodged in Mary, and He has sent forth a Spirit from Himself.” (Surah 4:171; Quran 4:171) But what exactly does it mean to say that Jesus was ‘God’s word’?
  5. Instead, Jesus came forth to raise the dead because he was a divine spirit, not a god being in the traditional sense.
  6. In the same way, the proclamation, word, and speech announcing Jesus’ birth were manifested via Gabriel; however, the true power to do so came from God.

The Qur’an expressly lists six of Jesus’ miracles, however it is unclear whether his miracles are confined to just those stated or if he performed a broader range of marvels.

  1. “And he brings the dead back to life.”
  2. “You will breathe into it, and it will transform into a bird by God’s permission.”
  3. “And he will speak to the people while still in his infancy.”
  4. “I will heal the blind and the lepers.”
  5. “I will prophesize what you eat and store in your houses.”
  6. “Jesus, son of Mary, said, ‘O God our Lord, send down upon us a table from heaven, to be for us God replied, ‘I’m sending it down for you,’ and so I did.”

Six miracles are stated without any more explanation in the Qur’an: the resurrection of the dead, bringing to life birds made of clay, speaking with knowledge from a cradle, healing of blind and leprous people and summoning a celestial table to provide food for all people on the planet. It is critical to observe that in all of these instances, there is no distinction between the miracle performed by Jesus and the permission granted by God. If a miracle is only possible because of God’s permission, then the person who performs it can only do so because of the divine power at his or her disposal.

It is likely that this component of Jesus’ teaching was passed down to him either through his mother or through John, who was possibly his mentor and teacher at the time of his birth.

The Qur’an, on the other hand, emphasizes that Jesus’ initial message was theInjil.

However, when the inner testimony of the Qur’an is synthesized with its inherent logic, one can safely conclude that its core message can be found within the precepts of Islamic theology as extrapolated from the Scripture, which are as follows: We then caused Our messengers to follow in their footsteps, and We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow, and We gave him the Gospel, and We implanted the virtues of compassion and kindness in the hearts of those who followed him.

  1. It is written in the Quran (Quran 57:27).
  2. As a Latino revert, I’ve had to defend the integrity of Jesus according to the Qur’anic perspective against orthodox Christian and Catholic views on a number of occasions.
  3. Far from rejecting Jesus, as I am sometimes accused of doing, I have a deep affection for this prophet and see him as an unusually holy character whose life is worthy of imitation.
  4. They were fascinating people.
  5. “How does one meditate like Christ?” A single tear fell from the guru’s cheek as he sobbed, “He lost himself in love.” One of the most fundamental concepts in Islam is dhikr, which is defined as the continual recollection of God or the speaking of God’s name.
  6. Dhikris are to the human spirit what food is to the human body: they are a necessary source of nutrition.
  7. God grants him this request, which demonstrates Jesus’ closeness to his Creator by demonstrating his proximity to his Maker.
  8. It provides us with energy, aids in the healing process, and motivates us to create.
  9. According to popular belief in the West, Muslims adore Jesus even more than those who wish to assign pre-existent, co-eternal divinity to him.
  10. We like and respect him, but we do not consider him to be a deity in any way.

“We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God”- but they did not kill him, nor was he crucified, as it was made to appear to them, and those who disagree are full of doubts, with no knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for they know for a fact that they did not kill him: “Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Might and Wisdom.” (Surah 4:157-158) (Quran 4:157-158) As a result of varying readings of the aforementioned poem throughout history, a great deal of speculation has been sparked.

I will quickly outline four of the most frequent views, each of which is headed by a leading Muslim scholar, in the section below:

  1. After Jesus’ trial, someone was replaced to die in his place — some suggest that the substitution was either Judas Iscariot, Simon of Cyrene, or another one of his followers who volunteered to die in his place
  2. Others believe that the substitute was none of the forerunners. Despite the fact that Jesus was crucified and died, he was just knocked unconscious, put in the tomb, then arose once more, giving the appearance that he had been raised
  3. The body of Jesus was physically crucified, but his spirit did not die, ascending to heaven and descending once more as the essence of his divine element
  4. Jesus was physically crucified and died, and he was physically resurrected from the sepulcher

What do you think? Share your reflections below!

  • Al-Arabi. O. Leaman’s The Bezels of Wisdom is a book about the wisdom of beads. This book is an encyclopedia of the Quran. Legall, D. (2006, Routledge)
  • Routledge, 2006
  • Naqshbandis and Sufism in the Ottoman World: A Sufi Cultural Tradition SUNY Press (New York, 2005)
  • The Noble Quran is a sacred text. Available at the following locations:

What does the Qur’an (Koran) say about Isa (Jesus Christ)?

Muhammad (Mohammed) was born in Arabia more than 1400 years ago, on this day. Muhammad’s father, Abdullah, was a member of the tribe of Qureyshi and died before his son was even born. Muhammad moved to Syria with his uncle on commerce caravans when he was a little boy. Years later, while working for a wealthy widow called Khadijah, he embarked on the same adventure once more. In the end, he married her, and despite the fact that he was 15 years younger than she was, they had a happy marriage together.

The Meccans claimed to be descended from Abraham and his descendants (Ibrahim).

He was well-versed in the teachings of both the Jewish and Christian sacred books, the Bible, which he had read (perhaps in reading it himself, if he was literate, or in learning of it through oral means via storytelling).

The Torah and the Gospels, he believed, had been revealed by Allah (the Injil).

In addition, HE has sent down before this the Torah (Law of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) to serve as a guide for the people, and HE has sent down the Discrimination (the ability to distinguish between good and evil) to serve as a judge between right and wrong.” Surah 3:3-4 of the Qur’an Among those whom Muhammad held in high regard was Abraham (Ibrahim), whom he referred to as a man of integrity and righteousness “A paragon of virtue, Abraham was obedient to ALLAH, ever inclined to HIM, and he was not one of those who set themselves up as equals with ALLAH; he was ever grateful for HIS favors: HE chose him and guided him to the straight path.

  1. And WE have bestowed blessings on him in this life, and he will undoubtedly be included among the virtuous in the Hereafter.
  2. “As a result, her Lord received her with gracious approval, permitted her to develop in a good manner, and appointed Zachariah to be her guardian.
  3. ‘O Mary, from where hast thou gotten this?’ he said.
  4. Without a doubt, ALLAH grants to whoever HE pleases and without restriction.
  5. As an explanation, he said, “This is the way of Allah; HE does whatever HE pleases.” ‘My Lord, please give me a commandment,’ he pleaded.
  6. I implore you, O Mary, to submit to thy Lord and humble thyself before the one God together with all who adore HIM.’ This is one of the tidings of unseen things that WE have revealed to thee.
  7. “O Mary, ALLAH offers thee happy news of a son by a message from HIM; his name shall be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, who shall be honored in this world and in the next, as well as among those who are permitted nearness to God,” the angels were saying to her.
See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Forgiveness

‘My Lord, how will I be able to produce a son if no man has ever touched me?’ she wondered.

He builds according to his own preferences.

They questioned, ‘How can we communicate with someone who is still an infant in the cradle?’ ‘I am the servant of ALLAH,’ Jesus declared.

And HE has made me obedient to my mother, rather than haughty and graceless; ‘And peace was upon me on the day I was born, and peace will be upon me on the day I die, and peace will be upon me on the day I am raised to life again.’ That was Jesus, the son of Mary, speaking.

He didn’t mean to imply that Jesus was not the promised Messiah.

but he also understood that one can be both a messenger and a Messiah.

What exactly is a Messiah?

a liberator and a deliverer.” God had promised to send one (the Messiah) to settle the cost of sin on behalf of all of humanity, and he had done so.

God’s gift to a fallen and sinful man.

The Great Liberator.

In the Torah, it is predicted that He will come.

The Messiah.

The Messiah!

That, my dear buddy, is the most deep of truths!

Jesus is the one and only Messiah, according to the Bible.

He is the Messiah of all peoples, including Muslims, Jews, and Gentiles.

Many people have been led astray by false Messiahs and have died as a result of their actions.

It is unquestionably true that Jesus is the Messiah, and if they had only accepted that claim, they would have found the peace that they were seeking, as well as the eternal life that God has promised to anyone who will embrace Jesus as Messiah.

Yes, Isah Al Masih is madly in love with you!

your Liberator.

He was crucified and died on the cross, according to historical records.

History, as well as hundreds of eyewitnesses, confirm that He has risen from the grave.

Allah has granted you the ability to choose.

You are unable to maintain objectivity.

Consider the claims of Muhammad, the predictions contained in the Torah, and the life of Jesus as recorded in the Bible for yourself.

Check out the reasons why Paul, the most zealous persecutor of Jesus’ disciples, came to believe so strongly in Jesus as the promised Messiah.

For those who are not already followers of Isah (Jesus), you must make a decision between two options: 1) believe that Jesus is the Messiah, or 2) reject Him as Saviour.

Allah sent Jesus to the earth, born miraculously through Mary (Maryam, Sura 3:45), as Muhammed had promised, to save you and the rest of humanity.

What kind of person would wish to reject such a lovely love. Is it possible to reject Allah’s pardon. and His promises of eternal life? The Bible teaches us how to find out where we shall spend eternity in the presence of God.

Explore what the Scriptures teach

  • What guarantees do I have that I will spend eternity with Allah (God) in Paradise? Answer
  • Learn more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. What was his name? What exactly did he assert? Was he brought back to life from the dead? Let’s get started. Was Jesus really the Messiah
  • Was he really the Son of God? Prophecies regarding Jesus that were fulfilled
  • Was Christ’s body taken from him? Is it true that Jesus died? Were the witnesses experiencing hallucinations? What is it about all of this that is so significant
  • What is the truth about Christ’s resurrection? Did He actually rise from the dead? When it comes to the crucifixion of Isa (Jesus), what does Islam teach? Is the resurrection a fabrication? I mean, what about all of the Biblical inconsistencies? What evidence do we have that the Bible is accurate? Hasn’t Evolution demonstrated that the Bible is incorrect? What makes you think the Bible is infallible if it was authored by imperfect human beings? Divinity – Is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, truly God? Is it true that Christians worship three gods?

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims are searching for the truth. In this visit, you will learn about Hazrat Isa, his dreams and visions, and the holy message of the Al-Kitab, among many other things. Mike Tabish is the author of this piece. Films for Christ has made this possible. Except as noted on the attached “Usage and Copyright”page, which grants ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for putting this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches, and schools—except as noted on the attached “Usage and Copyright”page, which grants ChristianAnswers.Net users generous rights for using this page in their homes, personal witnessing, churches, and schools.

Jesus in the Quran

Cambridge, Massachusetts. Then God will exclaim, “O Jesus, son of Mary, come quickly!” Keep in mind my blessings upon thee, and upon thy mother, when I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, so that you mightest speak to people from the cradle to the grave; and when I taught thee the Book, the Wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel;” and how thou wouldst create out of clay the shape of a bird, by My Leave; and how though wouldst breathe into it, and it would become a bird, by My Leave; and how though The apostles responded affirmatively when I inspired them to believe in Me and in My messenger by proclaiming, “We believe.

“Be a witness that we are submitters,” said the group.

“Does thy Lord have the ability to send down from Heaven a table covered with food?” questioned the speaker, “Reverence God, if you are believers.” ‘We wish to consume it so that our hearts may be at ease, and so that we may be certain in the fact that you have told us the truth and so that we may be among the witnesses to this fact,’ they explained.

  1. Let the table of Heaven be laid with food, so that we may feast on it — for the beginning among us as well as for the last of us.
  2. When did you tell people, “Take me and my mother as gods separate from God?” they responded with, “Glory be to Thee!
  3. If I had stated it, you would have known exactly what I was talking about.
  4. Truly, it is Thou Who has the finest understanding of the things that are unseen.
  5. And I served as a witness over them for as long as I was there among them.

If Thou punishest them, they are unquestionably Thy servants; nevertheless, if Thou forgivest them, then Thou art unquestionably the Mighty, the Wise.” (5:116-118) The Quran has several verses that may be examined in order to have a better understanding of Jesus’ importance in the Prophet’s and early Islamic worldviews.

See also some of the books he mentions, such as Quranic Christians (1981), written by Jane McAuliffe, a former Dean at Georgetown University who is now President of Bryn Mawr College, and Mahmoud Ayoub’s 1995 essay, “Jesus the Son of God: A Study of the Terms Ibnand Waladin the Qur’an and Tafsir Tradition,” written in 1995.

Another option is to look through the thorough index of the Study Quran, which has more than 50 allusions to Jesus, as well as several more references in the commentary.

It is true that the plethora of such passages is part of the point: when confronted with the mysteries of God and ourselves, guided by our traditions and Scriptures, there is still much room for study, close and complex reading; there is still much room for learning, especially in light of the monumental ignorance that currently afflicts us.

My previous postings, as well as this one, have all been about making a little but meaningful contribution to this monumental undertaking of learning.

As a result, I am encouraged by the numerous comments left on my blogs, particularly from people who pay great attention to what I write.

Due to the fact that my writings are already much too long, I had to chose only one text regarding Jesus to write about, and the passage quoted above from Sura 5 (The Table Spread) appears to be both useful and informative in this regard (even if I still recommend Sura 19, for which I also gave youaudio linksin my past post).

  1. The paragraph is divided into three sections.
  2. So even the people’s rejection to receive Christ, as well as the heavenly protection of Christ that is kept out from their grasp, are all in God’s hands.
  3. In verses 112-115, God sends down a heavenly banquet, probably after a Ramadan fast, to demonstrate to Jesus’ indifferent disciples his successful intercessory power.
  4. For example, in verses 110-111, we learn about the Islamic tradition’s teaching on the Holy Spirit, which is either the Archangel Gabriel or the Spirit that arises from God’s command, known as the “Spirit of the Holy,” depending on the translation.
  5. ); his disciples are “submitters,” true “muslims” (see also 2:129, 3:3-4, 48ff.
  6. Jesus is the only one who has the ability to bring this heavenly food down to earth; Jesus is the only one to whom God will listen, and whose pleas God will respect.
  7. Finally, in regards to the most challenging situation, 116-117: According to the comments, the use of the word “disbelief” in the preceding part may have encouraged the inclusion of this section.

It’s possible that the Prophet got the impression, from Christians he observed, that Mary was also worshipped, and so piety is also restrained here: “Jesus indicates that he bears no responsibility for such exaggerations of his or his mother’s status, but rather than directly deny that he commanded his disciples to treat him and his mother as gods apart from God, he demonstrates an attitude of proper comportment before god by offering a response of perfect humility, saying he God knows Jesus, yet even Jesus does not know his own God to the extent that God does.

In leaving judgment in God’s hands—punishment and forgiveness serve as markers of His justice and mercy, respectively—Jesus, according to the commentary, leaves the door open to God’s patience with those who mistakenly believe that Jesus is God, a state of confusion that, in the Quranic way of thinking, is not the grave sin of idolatry.

I apologize for the brevity with which I addressed these concerns.

It is not a substitute for the necessary personal study—study that, I believe, must come before a return to doctrinal disputes and that, through learning, will leave no space for border-closing bigotry and interreligious violence that emphasizes only differences, replacing divine Mercy with human ze Although the Jesus we discover in Sura 5:110-118 is not the Jesus of the New Testament or the Christian faith, we are not as far away from it as we might have imagined given the text’s strong sense of God, God’s providence, God’s special relationship with Jesus, and Jesus’ own complete fidelity and obedience to the Word of God he came into the world to witness.

We come across the piety of Jesus, a Jesus who is revered in the Quran, along with his mother, who lives outside of the Christian communities of the historical period.

Muslim scholars who follow in the footsteps of Christians and open their hearts to the Gospels will benefit from their efforts, and ignorance will be defeated once more.

Do check out The Study Quran, either from your local library or by asking for it as a gift for Christmas.

For even more interreligious reading, try the Jewish Study Bible or the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha, to name a couple of examples.

My previous posts on the Quran are as follows: one, two, three, and four.

(I believe the words that appear in the image accompanying this post are taken from Sura 5.) I’m open to suggestions and corrections!) Merry Christmas to everyone; may God’s peace be upon all of God’s people; and may the borders of God’s Mercy remain open forever.

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