What Kind Of Wood Was Jesus Cross Made Of

What kind of wood was the Cross of Christ made of?

Perhaps not many people dwell on the issue today, but at various times in the history of Christianity, people have sought to explain where the cross of Christ originated. Some of the legends that have sprung up are imaginative, and often carry spiritual meaning related to salvation history. In 1910, James Charles Wall, a British ecclesiologist, collected some of these legends in his bookRelics Of The Passion. “When the world rang with the news that the Holy Cross had been discovered, and everyone was asking for details, according to the working of each individual mind, there arose these questions among others,” he wrote.

Where did it grow?

Seth, one of Adam and Eve’s sons, sought relief for Adam when he was sick.

Upon Adam’s death, Seth planted the branch over his grave, and the tree grew.

  1. “The crossbar was made of cypress, the piece to rest the feet upon was of palm, and the inscription was written on a piece of olive,” Wall relates.
  2. Michael the Archangel, who refused Seth the oil from the tree, gave him three seeds from the Tree of Knowledge (the one from which Adam and Eve illicitly ate) to be placed beneath the tongue of Adam when he was buried.
  3. “From the three seeds sprang a trinity of trees of three separate woods, cedar, cypress, and pine, although united in one trunk,” Wall writes.
  4. It was transplanted by David to the borders of a pool near Jerusalem, and beneath its branches he composed his psalms.” Solomon had it cut down to form a column in his Temple, but being too short, it was rejected and cast over a stream to serve as a bridge.
  5. The king ordered that it should be removed and buried.
  6. After the condemnation of Christ, it was found floating on the surface of the pool and the Jews took it for the main beam of the Cross.

“ An old legend makes out that the Cross was made of ‘Palm of Victory,’ ‘Cedar of Incorruption,’ and ‘Olive for Royal and Priestly Unction.’ And in a Latin verse we are told:The foot of the Cross is Cedar, The Palm holds back the hands, The tall Cypress holds the body, The Olive in joy is inscribed.

“To the west of Jerusalem is a fair church where the tree of the Cross grew,” Sir John Mandeville said around 1360.

It is because there is the earth that nourished the root, that bore the tree, that yielded the timber, that made the Cross.

Under the high altar you are shown a hole in the ground where the stump of the tree stood.” Wall identifies this as the Greek Orthodox monastery of the Holy Cross, a mile or two west of Jerusalem. It was founded not long after the discovery of the cross by St. Helena.

From What Kind of Wood Was Jesus’ Cross Made?

In the absence of a specific scriptural or authorized historical record, it is impossible to determine what kind of wood Jesus’ cross was built of. However, according to the legends of the Eastern Orthodox church, the cross is claimed to have been built of three species of wood, mostly cedar, pine, and cypress, with the majority of the wood coming from the Mediterranean region. There is no reliable record that specifies what materials were used to construct the cross, making it difficult to determine its origins.

  1. The assertion is based on a variety of tales that state that fragments of the cross made out of cedar, pine, and cypress wood were discovered after Christ’s burial.
  2. The cross is an essential symbol in Christianity because it represents the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross in order to redeem all of mankind from destruction.
  3. Almost all Christian groups recognize the cross as the primary emblem of Christianity, and this acceptance is universal.

What’s ‘true’ about Jesus’ cross?

  • Could bits of a tree survive millennia? The genuine cross phenomenon began with Ruler Constantine, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. Is it possible that these are shards of fraud that speak to our want to believe

The genuine cross phenomenon dates back to Emperor Constantine, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity; Could bits of a tree survive millennia in the presence of water? Is it possible that these are bits of fraud that speak to our want to believe? And suddenly there was quiet. It was discovered afterwards that the box that had housed purportedly holy things had been inexplicably empty, which caused the latest relic of the cross on which Jesus died to become stuck in the middle of the process.

  1. To state that something has the odor of the “real cross” might suggest that it is either a matter of divine certainty or a blatant forgery.
  2. Is it possible for tree pieces to live for millennia?
  3. Emperor Constantine, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, is credited with initiating the real cross phenomenon.
  4. 246-330 CE), with the task of locating Jesus’ relics in the Holy Land.
  5. Following Israel’s defeat, the Roman Emperor Hadrian constructed a pagan temple over Jesus’ tomb at Calvary, which was considered a grievous insult to the nascent faith.
  6. During their excavation, her team discovered three distinct crosses – a revelation that is obviously related to the Gospels, which teach us that Jesus was crucified with two other prisoners.
  7. 340-410), Helena arranged for a dying local lady to be brought to the spot in order to determine which cross belonged to Jesus.
  8. Then she came into contact with the third – and she recovered.

When Helena carved it up, she left part of it in Jerusalem and transported the rest across the Mediterranean to Europe, where it multiplied to the point that Protestant reformer John Calvin observed: “If all of the pieces that could be found were gathered together, they would fill a large shipload of cargo space.

  • How could we possibly know what the genuine cross was constructed of, or what it looked like, since neither the Gospels, nor the Romans, cared to tell us what it looked like?
  • A registry of all known components of the real cross was created by French architect Charles Rohault de Fleury in 1870.
  • He estimated that even if all of these pieces of the crucifixion were put together, they would only equal to a third of the cross on which Jesus died, according to his calculations.
  • Also studied under a microscopical microscope were four cross particles, which were part of 10 fragments of the actual cross that were accompanied by documentation confirmations from Byzantine emperors.
  • However, it was determined that they were all constructed of olive wood by scientists.
  • A confusing reality for archaeologists is the scarcity of leftover wood from the huge record of Roman crucifixion that has been discovered.
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Israel Hershkovitz, an anatomy and archaeology professor at Tel Aviv University who spoke at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, said that the heel bone of the crucified man was discovered in a Jewish burial tomb in a northern suburb of Jerusalem, close to Golgotha – the hill where the Romans crucified people.

  • In addition to having a fine set of teeth and lacking in bulky muscle, he was most likely born from a wealthy family, as most crucifixion victims were much too modest to end up in tombs – with the exception of Jesus, who was placed in a tomb by the wealthy Joseph of Arimathea.
  • Yehohanan was nailed on the cross with a 4.5-inch nail still embedded in his right heel bone, and a piece of a board was still attached to the nail’s head when he was executed.
  • “The nail was too short (to penetrate through) two heel bones, thus it was inevitable that each foot was hammered individually to the cross,” says the author.
  • Even more crucially, they would be unsuitable for the task at hand due to the structural characteristics of the tree itself (see below).
  • Olive trees do not grow tall and straight, but instead branch everywhere.” The olive tree is the tree that is least suited for this situation.

eBay has numerous options if you wish to possess a piece of the cross on which Jesus died – some of which have original wax seals to preserve its “purity,” while others come with certificates attesting to the pieces’ genuineness and authenticity.

The continuous emphasis on the authenticity of real cross fragments, argues Mark Goodacre, a professor in the Department of Religion at Duke University, has been detrimental to understanding the meaning of the cross, he claims. “The thing about the cross is that you always have to remember that it’s about the person who is nailed to it; the wood itself is only a tool of torment at the end of the day,” says the author. Michael McKinley and David Gibson are the co-authors of “Finding Jesus: Faith.


Was Jesus’ cross made out of dogwood? What is the legend of the dogwood tree?

According to a poem by an unknown author concerning the link between the dogwood tree and the cross on which Jesus was crucified, the mythology of the dogwood tree is based on the following: The dogwood blossomed to a magnificent size and a beautiful colour during Jesus’ lifetime. Its branches were intertwined, making it a strong and stable structure. Its timbers were selected for use in the construction of the cross of Christ. As a result of their dissatisfaction with this usage of their wood, Christ made a promise that is still valid today: “The dogwood will never again grow to be large enough to be utilized in this manner.

  1. While blood stains the petals, which have been marked in brown, the blossom’s core is crowned with thorns.
  2. This tree, which will be loved and preserved, will serve as a constant reminder to everyone of My anguish.” The dogwood is a genus of plants that includes shrubs, evergreens, and flowering trees.
  3. Dogwoods are most often found in China, Japan, and the United States, although they may also be found in Eurasia, but not in their original habitat.
  4. In the Bible, it is not specified what sort of wood was used to construct the cross.
  5. Although it’s improbable that the cross was truly fashioned from a dogwood tree, we don’t know for certain.
  6. What transpired in the final hours before Jesus’ death is unknown.
  7. Is Isaiah 53’s ‘Suffering Servant’ a prophesy regarding Jesus’ death and resurrection?
  8. Return to the previous page: The Truth About Everything Else

The Origin of the Wood of the Cross

When the word spread across the world that the Holy Cross had been discovered, and everyone clamoured for more information, the following inquiries occurred, according to the workings of each particular mind: What kind of wood was used in its construction? What kind of soil did it grow in? In what location did that plant first sprout, destined to become the instrument of agony and primitive deathbed of the Son of God and the Son of Man, as well as the means of the world’s redemption, when it reached maturity?

The cursed tree, of course! The tree of blessing! Not only were these questions posed, but each and every one of them was answered as well! Many traditions arose as a result of the remarkable discovery of St. Helena, many of which had never been considered before that eventful day.

Seth Takes a Branch from the Tree of Knowledge

When Adam became ill, he sent his son Seth to the gates of the Garden of Eden, where he begged God for a few drops of the oil of mercy distilled from the Tree of Life, which he received and used to anoint his head. This legend has spread throughout the world, and it is partially related in the apocryphalGospel of Nicodemus(not later than the third century) and in the Golden Legend. Seth had no trouble finding his way to the destination since no grass had grown over the footsteps of Adam and Eve since their departure from the Garden of Eden.

Michael came to him and said, “I am sent unto thee by the Lord; I have been assigned to govern over human bodies.” Because thou cannot by any means obtain the oil of mercy with which to anoint thy father Adam for the headache until the last day and times, namely, until five thousand and five hundred years have passed, I tell thee, Seth, do not pray to God in tears and entreat Him for the oil of mercy with which to anoint thy father Adam for the headache.” Michael, on the other hand, gave him a limb of this tree, which Seth then placed on Adam’s grave after he passed away.

The tree grew and blossomed throughout the years, eventually reaching a ripe old age.

“For,” she said, “it is on this tree that the Savior of the world should be hanged, and it is from that time that the Kingdom of the Jews should come to an end.” When Solomon learned of this, he ordered that the tree be cut down and buried in a specific location in Jerusalem, near where the pool of Bethzatha had been dug.

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Towards the time of the Savior’s Passion, the wood sank to the surface of a pool, and the upright section of the Cross was fashioned from that piece of lumber.

Planting the Seeds for the Wood of the Cross

According to another popular version of the same legend, the archangel Michael, who had refused Seth the oil of mercy, now gives Seth three seeds from the Tree of Knowledge to be placed beneath the tongue of Adam’s body when he is buried, promising him that from those seeds will grow a tree that will bear fruit, through which Adam will be saved and live again. From the three seeds sprang a trinity of trees composed of three distinct woods: cedar, cypress, and pine, all of which were connected in a single stem yet had distinct trunks.

It was moved by David to the edge of a pool near Jerusalem, where he wrote his psalms under the shade of its branches, according to tradition.

It was the queen of Sheba who refused to cross over the tree on her visit to Solomon, claiming that it would one day result in the downfall of the Hebrews.

During this process, which took place near the pool of Bethesda, the qualities of the wood were quickly conveyed to the waters. Following Christ’s sentencing, it was discovered floating on the surface of a pool, and the Jews claimed it as the primary beam of the Cross, which they built.

Theories about the Wood of the Cross

In general agreement, the Cross was made of three or more woods; either the various parts were made, each from one of the three woods in that trinity springing from one root, or, in an idea that was not consistently followed, the three woods were amalgamated, forming a single trunk, out of which the upright beam was fashioned, thus containing in one beam the characteristics of the three plants. And, once again, this bizarre development was formed by three seeds, each of which contained three distinct qualities, despite the fact that they were all from the same tree.

So basic was the confidence in the legend that even Mandeville (fourteenth century) must have had in it, despite the fact that it was by then considerably distorted, that he could mention in his travels a tree that was then laying as a bridge over the Kedron “of which the Cross was constructed.” In their writings, the Venerable Bede (c.

  1. 1292-1383), both mention the belief that the Cross was made of four types of wood: cypress, cedar, pine, and box.
  2. He claims that the upright was crafted from one wood, the transverse beam from another, the title from still another, and the feet were supported by a projecting step constructed from yet another.
  3. Because the Cross was made of aspen wood, it was reported that the aspen leaf trembled.
  4. Alternatively, it has been suggested that the cedar main beam, the cypress longitudinal beam, the olive inscription on an olive branch, and the palm footrest were all used in the construction of this Cross.
  5. According to an old tradition, the Cross was fashioned of the “Palm of Victory,” the “Cedar of Incorruption,” and the “Olive for Royal and Priestly Unction,” among other materials.
  6. Lipsius (d.
  7. He assumed that the artifacts he had seen were from that particular wood.


Juvenal (d.

All of the extremely ancient relics of the Cross that Curzon had come across were made of the same wood, which had a weird, half-petrified aspect to it, according to him.

So much for the differing viewpoints on the wood of the Holy Cross, which, along with the plethora of conjectures, leaves the matter unresolved in the end.

The shards this writer has seen have a deep burnt-umber hue; the grain, which is a little lighter in color, stands out a little more from the rotting fiber surrounding it, but the substance of them is too far gone to determine what sort of wood they once were.

Several sources claim that King David had it relocated from Lebanon to a location close to Jerusalem.

“That which most deserves to be noted in the convent is the reason for its name and foundation,” writes Henry Maundrell (1665-1701) in his description of a Greek convent that he visited about a half-drive hour’s from Jerusalem: “The reason for the convent’s name and foundation is the reason for its foundation.” Due to the fact that there is a soil that nurtured the root, bore the tree, produced the lumber, and was used to construct the Cross.

“Below the high altar, you will see a pit in the ground where the stump of the tree formerly stood.” It is located about a mile or two west of Jerusalem, in a valley nestled among the hills, and it is this monastery, which is the convent mentioned by these two visitors, that they are referring to.

Helena’s discovery, the foundation has a long and distinguished history.

✠ Note from the editor: This essay is adapted from a chapter in the book Relics from the Crucifixion, which is available through the Sophia Institute Publishing Company. picture courtesy of Daderot / Wikimedia Commons of the Relic of the True Cross at the Museo Diocesano, Genoa (Public Domain).

What is the legend of the dogwood tree? Was the cross Jesus was crucified on made of dogwood?

QuestionAnswer The Bible does not specify what kind of wood was used to construct the cross on which Jesus was crucified. The history of the Romans does not go into detail on how the crosses were constructed or what sort of wood was utilized. According to mythology, the dogwood was used to construct the cross. Given the normal size of a dogwood tree, this is highly unlikely to be the case. The following is the legend of the dogwood tree, which has no acknowledged author: The dogwood blossomed to a magnificent size and a beautiful colour during Jesus’ lifetime.

  1. Its timbers were selected for use in the construction of the cross of Christ.
  2. It will be slender and twisted, with blooms in the shape of a cross for everyone to see.
  3. All who view it will be reminded of Me Crucified on a cross made from a dogwood tree.
  4. Although it is a beautiful poetry, it does not have any scriptural foundation.
  5. Do you know the story of the dogwood tree?
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The Legend of The Dogwood Tree – True or False?

Everyone has been telling me the narrative of how the cross that was used to crucify Jesus was fashioned from a dogwood tree since I was a little child every spring around Easter since I was a child. Until tonight, I never truly questioned the veracity of that narrative. Dogwood blossoms are one of my favorite aspects of the spring season. I enjoy seeing them strewn about in the woods and in people’s front yards. I suppose it’s because we used to have numerous dogwood trees on our property when I was growing up.

  • It was a fascinating story.
  • As a result of my investigation, I discovered multiple publications that disproved the tale.
  • “No, the dogwood does not naturally occur in or around Israel,” they said.
  • According to the website, the dogwood tree is not even mentioned once in the Bible, let alone once in the Bible.
  • Its branches were intertwined, making it a strong and stable structure.
  • As a result of their dissatisfaction with this usage of their wood, Christ made a promise that is still valid today: “The dogwood will never again grow to be large enough to be utilized in this manner.
  • With flowers that are visible to everybody, such as the cross.
  • All who view it will be reminded of Me Crucified on a cross made from a dogwood tree.

Have you ever heard of the dogwood tree or read about it in the Bible? I haven’t done so.

True Cross

It is believed to be the wood from the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, a genuine Christian relic. The True Cross, according to legend, was discovered by St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, on her visit to the Holy Land in 326. The True Cross is first mentioned in history in the mid-4th century, according to the most reliable sources. When it came to the Crucifixion, the stories were embellished with mythical elements relating to the history of the cross before it was used for the Crucifixion.

When John Calvin pointed out that all of the extant fragments would fill a large ship if they were all put together, some Roman Catholic theologians regarded this as an invalid objection, claiming that the blood of Christ had given the True Cross a kind of material indestructibility, allowing it to be divided indefinitely without being diminished.

Reliquaries meant to hold the fragments increased as well, and some of these valuable artefacts have survived until the present day.

The Feast of the Finding of the Cross was observed on May 3 in the Roman Catholic Church until it was officially removed from the church calendar by Pope John XXIII in 1960.

In Biblical history, what kind of wood was the cross made of?

What sort of wood was used to construct the cross during Biblical times?

The Cross:

The Christian faith is centered on the figure of Jesus Christ, who was crucified on a cross by the Romans and so died as a result of their actions. That item, the Holy Cross, is the major emblem of Christianity today, and it represents the sins of humanity, which Christ had to carry and die in order to save us.

Answer and Explanation:

There is no indication in the Bible as to what sort of wood was used in the construction of the cross on which Christ was crucified. Biblical, on the other hand, has developed over time. See the complete response below for more information.

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The Gospels: The Life of Christ from Chapter 8/Lesson 1 of the New Testament The portrayal of Christ’s life in the Gospels had a significant impact on history. Learn about the marvels of the New Testament, the Son of God and His miracles, the conspiracy against Jesus Christ, His crucifixion and resurrection, and His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

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A part of the stone casket that supposedly contained a piece of wood, which may have been a relic from Jesus’ crucifixion, has been discovered. (Image courtesy of Anadolu Agency, which was taken from YouTube.) In Turkey, archaeologists excavating the ruins of an old church think they have discovered what they believe to be a relic of the cross of Jesus. The relic was discovered within a stone box that had been recovered from the remains of Balatlar Church, a seventh-century structure located on the beaches of the Black Sea in Sinop, Turkey, and discovered by chance.

It’s a bit of a cross, actually “Gülgün Körolu, the main archaeologist, said to the Hurriyet Daily News about the discovery.

“This stone box holds a lot of significance for us.

According to NBC News, the chest has been sent to a laboratory for additional examination.

However, some opponents question whether or not the relics are genuine, pointing to a large number of churches all over the world that claim to have a little relic of the wooden cross on display.

The ossuary, which is sometimes referred to as the “Jonah Ossuary” because one carving appears to depict a fish swallowing a man (similar to Jonah, the biblical figure who was swallowed by a whale), was initially hailed as the world’s oldest known Christian artifact.

The findings of later investigations by classical and biblical academics, on the other hand, indicated that many of the alleged Christian symbols were either random markings or ornamental carvings that had been interpreted incorrectly.

After that, there’s the so-called Gospel of Jesus’ Wife, which is said to have been written in the fourth century and to be the earliest known instance of Jesus referring to his wife.

Since 2009, Körolu’s crew has been working on the Balatlar Church construction site.

On the walls of the church, which was built in the year 660, are paintings representing Jesus, Mary, and the Apostles, among other scenes.

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Marc Lallanilla has worked as a scientific writer and health editor for About.com, as well as a producer for ABCNews.com, among other places.

He lives in Los Angeles. In addition to holding a Master’s degree in environmental planning from the University of California at Berkeley, Marc also holds an undergraduate degree in political science from the University of Texas at Austin.

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