What Happened To Jesus

What Happened to Jesus? – After His Resurrection

In the aftermath of Jesus’ resurrection from the grave, what happened to his physical body of flesh? How did he lose his human identity as someone who was “lower than the angels”? Who knows what happened to the throne David bequeathed to him. The central message of the gospel is that “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures; he was buried; and he rose again on the third day, as seen by” (see 1Corinthians 15:1-8). Question mark hangs over the character and authority of Christ when he was seen to rise from the dead; there are also issues concerning Christ’s elevation to the throne of God and his accession to the throne of the universe.

1What Happened to His Body of Flesh?

Some believe that Christ’s resurrected body was not a fleshly body in the traditional sense. They point to the fact that Jesus stepped through closed doors to support their claim (John 20:26). However, on that particular occasion, Jesus revealed the wounds in his flesh to Thomas. “‘Reach your finger here, and have a look at my hands,’ Jesus instructed Thomas. Reach out your hand and place it against my side. ‘Do not be unbelievers, but rather believers.” ‘My Lord and my God,’ Thomas said in response.” (See also John 20:27-28.) If Jesus’ resurrected body was no longer composed of flesh, it would be unable to display the genuine fleshly wounds.

When Jesus revived Lazarus from the dead, “The person who had died emerged from the room, graveclothes about his ankles.

He was not inhabiting a ghostly or spiritual body at the time.

It is, in fact, I myself!

Because a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you can see I do not have them” (Luke 24:39).

What happened to Christ’s fleshly body?

Some believe that Christ’s resurrected body was not a physical body made of flesh and blood. Because Jesus went through closed doors, they argue, it must be true (John 20:26). The wounds in Jesus’ body, however, were only revealed to Thomas on that day. “‘Put your finger here, and look at my hands,’ Jesus instructed Thomas. Reach out your hand and place it against my side. – ‘Do not be doubtful, but rather believe.’ ‘My Lord and my God,’ Thomas said.” 20:27-28; John 20:29-31; It would be impossible to see the true fleshly wounds on Jesus’ resurrected body if his body had no longer been flesh.

In the case of Lazarus, Jesus resurrected him from the dead “With graveclothes about his waist, the man who had died emerged.

The resurrection of Jesus took place in his fleshly body, which had been wrapped in his graveclothes, similar to the resurrection of Lazarus.

When Jesus appeared to his followers, he said, “It is I who is showing myself to you,” “Please take a closer look at my hands and feet. The answer is yes, it is I. See what happens if you touch me. Due to the fact that a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you can see” (Luke 24:39).

2What Happened to His Human Status?

Some people think that when Jesus was glorified and elevated, he ceased to be a mere human being. This, on the other hand, is not supported by the scriptures. Despite being elevated to the highest position, he is still referred to as a “man.” “There is only one God, and there is only one mediator between God and people, and his name is Jesus Christ” (1Timothy 2:5). “The first man was a creature of the ground, composed of dust. The second individual is the Lord from up high” (1Corinthians 15:47).

(1Corinthians 15:45).

Lower than the angels

“We see Jesus, who was temporarily put lower than the angels in order for him to be able to experience death on the cross. The only way he could serve as an effective High Priest was to be like his brothers and sisters in all aspects of their lives.” (Hebrews 2:9; Hebrews 2:17). Since Jesus has been exalted and glorified, his position is no longer inferior to that of the angels, but rather superior to them. His position is that of a king, yet he is still a man.

Now highly exalted over all

“He humbled himself and became submissive unto death, even the death on the cross, after being discovered in human form. As a result, God has elevated him above all others and given him the name that is above all names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee should bow.” (Philippians 2:8-10; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). That statement elevates Jesus to the level of the angels and grants him the authority of the Almighty. The name “Jehovah” appears above all other names, rather than “Jesus.” He is both the man Jesus and the God Jehovah at the same time.

In other words, when “the Word became flesh and lived among us,” he didn’t stop being the Word (John 1:1,14).

He is still known by his human given name, “Jesus.” In addition, he is known by the heavenly and elevated name “Jehovah.”

3What Happened to His Throne?

“After being discovered in the form of a man, he humbled himself and became submissive unto death, even death on a cross. As a result, God has elevated him above all others and given him the name that is above all names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee will bow.” (1 Thessalonians 2:8–10) That remark elevates Jesus to the level of the angels and confers upon him the power of the Almighty Creator. Not “Jesus,” but rather “Jehovah” is the name that appears above every other name.

Note: The word Jehovah, which is God’s particular name, can alternatively be spelled “Yaweh” or “YHWH” or “LORD,” depending on the language used.

He, on the other hand, did not cease to be human when he was elevated and honored. The name “Jesus” is still used to refer to him. The heavenly and elevated name “Jehovah” is also bestowed upon him.

Christ is subject to His Father

This does not imply that Jesus has degraded or supplanted his Father, but rather that he shares the Father’s glory and the Father’s throne with the Father. He is seated at his Father’s right hand, a position of ultimate honor, but also one of respect to the will of God. Christ’s submission to his Father will continue to exist in perpetuity—even after the end of the world. In the same way that “the Son himself will be subject to him who placed all things under him” (1Corinthians 15:27-28). As a result, we can see that Christ now shares the greatest name and the highest throne with his Father, but that he constantly maintains his subordination to his Father.

  • Amen.
  • He was exalted above the angels, but he never lost sight of his human nature.
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What Happened to the Christ’s Body?

According to the oldest records, “when they went in, they did not locate the corpse of the Lord Jesus” when they entered the building (Luke 24:3). And the adversaries of Jesus corroborated this by stating that the disciples had taken the corpse from the tomb of Jesus (Matthew 28:13). It was not possible to locate Jesus’s lifeless corpse. There are four plausible explanations for this phenomenon. 1. His adversaries took possession of his body. If they had (and they never claimed to have done so), they almost certainly would have produced the body in order to prevent the widespread spread of the Christian faith in the exact city where the crucifixion took place, if they had.

  • 2.
  • This was a rumor that circulated early on (Matthew 28:11-15).
  • Could they have gotten past the tomb’s guardians without being noticed?
  • Was it worth it to them to put their lives on the line and take a pounding for something they knew was a scam?
  • After a few encounters with his disciples, during which he persuaded them that he had resurrected from the grave, Jesus vanished from history.
  • He was clearly no longer alive.
  • Despite the efforts of one guy from within, who had been pierced in the side by a spear and had spent the previous six hours chained to a cross, the stone would not move.

Jesus was resurrected from the dead by the power of God.

It is true that everything the disciples said occurred.

Is this a reasonable request?

Of course, we don’t want to be taken in by a scam.

The fact that our commitments are heavily influenced by our desires at this stage must be recognized — whether our preferences be for the condition of circumstances that would result from the resurrection’s truth, or for the state of affairs that would result from its falsity.

Could it be that this openness is not a result of bias against the resurrection, but rather a result of freedom from prejudice in favor of it?

The following is an excerpt from John Piper’s book, “Eight Reasons Why I Believe That Jesus Rose from the Dead.” Desiring God. Permission to use the website was obtained. Photograph courtesy of Getty/Motimeiri

Jesus Died – And Then What Happened (Published 1988)

The New York Times Archives is credited with this image. See the article in its original context from April 3, 1988, Section 4, Page 1 of the New York Times Magazine. Purchase Reprints It is only available to home delivery and digital customers who have access to the TimesMachine. Concerning the Archive This is a scanned version of a story from The Times’s print archive, which was published before the publication of the newspaper’s online edition in 1996. The Times does not modify, edit, or update these stories in order to preserve the integrity of the original publication.

In other words, if Christ has not been risen, then our preaching has been in vain, and your faith has been in vain as well.

See also:  Who Helped Jesus Carry His Cross

Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians are likely to be heard in the thoughts of clergy members as they prepare their Easter sermons, no matter where they are in the world.

At the time of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he was worried about divisions that had already erupted about the significance of the Resurrection.

Celsus, a Roman critic of Christianity who lived toward the end of the second century, declared that the appearances of Jesus after his death, as recounted in the four Gospels, were dreams, tall tales, or hallucinations – the products of fancy, ambition, or wishful thinking – rather than real events.

  • On one thing, however, nearly all academics are in agreement.
  • It is the term that academicians use over and over again: “Something occurred.” But what precisely is it?
  • Robert H.
  • “I take the Resurrection quite literally,” Dr.
  • The Reverend F.
  • Schuller’s view of the Resurrection as an actual bodily event.
  • While Unitarianism relies on a diverse variety of religious and humanist ideas, Dr.

According to the Rev.

Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.

The results were overwhelmingly positive.

Perry, on the other hand, has a somewhat different viewpoint on the Resurrection, having taught classes on it for many years.

In the first place, the church’s claim that Jesus resurrected from the grave appears to run counter to the scientific worldview of today.

For the most part, the first dividing line distinguishes those whose comprehension of natural science leads them to believe that there is no prospect of divine involvement in the course of human history.

Even believers, however, are presented with the dilemma of discrepancies from time to time.

Who went to the grave, and what did they find there was a mystery.

When and where are they taking place?

What were the responses of his fans to this news?

Examples include the Gospel of Mark, which is usually regarded as the earliest Gospel to be written.

The ladies depart, scared to tell anybody what they’ve done.

In the book of Matthew, two women walk to the well-guarded tomb of Jesus at the crack of dawn and appear to witness the stone being moved away from the entrance by an angel, according to the text.

Several women visit the unsecured and open tomb described in John’s Gospel; one of them meets no angel at first and alerts Peter and John, who then check the tomb.

He only appears in Galilee as a result of an additional ending.

So, are these discrepancies to be regarded as just incidental, as some interpreters contend?

All that remains for those who believe in the literal reality of Scripture is a challenge of reconciling the seeming discrepancies in the text.

Harold Hoehner, a New Testament professor at Dallas Theological Seminary who styles himself as a biblical “inerrantist,” claims that the Gospels are more persuasive because of their discrepancies with one another.

A interview with Grant Osborne, a professor of theology at Trinity Seminary in Deerfield, Ill., concerning his book “The Resurrection Narratives,” is peppered with allusions to deconstructionism and the concept of “reader-response theory.” Dr.

Given that each Gospel writer chooses to stress different parts of the Christian message, information that is included in one narrative may be skipped over or exaggerated in another.

Osborne, on the other hand, feels that the texts are devoid of substantial discrepancies in the end.

They are having a considerably more difficult time identifying the historical core among the modifications and embellishments that have developed over time and have been included into the Resurrection accounts.

Therefore, scholars are most interested in the passages that refer to the empty tomb and the appearances of Jesus; these are the passages that occupy these scholars.

According to some historians, the variations between these tales are significant enough to suggest that the legends about the empty tomb were inserted later.

For Marxsen, the miraculous Easter event is not the Resurrection of Jesus himself, but the Resurrection of faith in “the cause of Jesus.” He believes that the precise cause of this religion is beyond historical research and thus doesn’t matter.

Despite the fact that these academics speak about the continuation of Jesus’ life and Jesus’ victory over death, they are reluctant to state that these things were accomplished because a body was raised from the tomb.

Marxsen contends that insisting on the value of such historical and tangible evidence is to belittle Christian religion as a “business endeavor.” These points of view are met with vehement hostility.

Moreover, they acknowledge that it is impossible to think of an ascended body unless it is in some mysterious or, as St.

Truth According to the Bible These writers, on the other hand, maintain that both the empty tomb and the appearance accounts are the result of objective, external occurrences, and that the Gospel authors did not refer to an empty tomb and the Resurrection when they were truly referring to faith.

  • Despite the fact that interpreters such as Mr.
  • Those who do not believe are also concerned about whether the message is being made relevant for those who do believe.
  • Perry explains.
  • Church is also concerned that the abstract arguments for and against the Resurrection will not ultimately meet the needs of his congregation, which he describes as follows: As an alternative, he has frequently talked about the significance of the Resurrection for Peter.
  • Church, is a symbol of our own human frailty.
  • Dr.
  • Perry will unavoidably begin with the empty tomb as his starting point.
  • According to Mr.
  • He said that the ladies were seeking for Christ among the dead, and that contemporary Christians do the same when they believe the Resurrection to be a thing of the past.

A dead Jesus causes no offense, but the Resurrection shows that there is a live Jesus who confronts Christians today, according to him. According to Mr. Perry, “the good news is that Jesus is not in the tomb, since it is in the past.” We are looking forward to him arriving in Galilee before us.’

What happened to the family of Jesus after his death and resurrection?

“What happened to Jesus’ family after his death and resurrection?” you might wonder. Ensign, September 1975, pp. 36–37 Professor Gerald N. Lund of the Department of Seminaries and Institutes is a curriculum specialist. However, while the answer to this question is yes, it is crucial to remember that the authors of the New Testament did not seek to provide a complete picture of Jesus’ personal or familial life. Ultimately, they wanted to show Jesus as the Christ while also communicating the significance of that reality to the rest of humanity.

  • We do know that Jesus had four brothers and at least three sisters, if not more, according to tradition.
  • “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?” they said, astonished, and “isn’t his mother’s name Mary?” they inquired.
  • Aren’t they all here with us?” Italics are mine.) (Matt.
  • Although there is little information available about Joseph’s subsequent life, most scholars believe that he died somewhere during the 18 years that elapsed between the family’s return to Jerusalem when Jesus was 12 (see Luke 2:41–50) and the beginning of Christ’s canonical ministry.
  • (See, for example, John 19:25–27.) The brothers of Jesus—or, to be more precise, the half-brothers of Jesus—are given extra attention, as a result of this.
  • However, it appears that they were converted shortly afterward, because Luke records that the Church gathered in “prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren” immediately after Christ’s ascension into heaven.
  • (See 1 Corinthians 15:7 for further information.) More is known about James than about any of the other brothers of Jesus, including Peter and John.

For example, he plays a key part in the historic Jerusalem Council, which addressed the topic of circumcision for Gentiles and was presided over by the pope.

(See Acts 15:19–20 for further information.) It’s worth noting at this point that some people mistakenly believe that the James of Acts 15 was James, the son of Zebedee, who served in the early church’s presidency with Peter and John.

(See Acts 12:1–2 for further information.) This occurred in the year A.D.44, five or six years before the Jerusalem Council was convened.

1:19) and is included among the “pillars” of the church, along with Peter and John.

In addition, the fact that during the Jerusalem Council, James announced what was to be the official policy of the church would lend further credence to that hypothesis.

The epistle of James was written by James, Jesus’ brother, and is known as the Book of James.

(See James 1:5–6 for further information.) Interestingly, James does not refer to himself in that epistle as the Lord’s brother, but rather as his servant, which is a significant distinction.

Despite the fact that he did not identify himself as an apostle, the fact that his letter would be recognized and acknowledged as authoritative implies that he, too, may have been a disciple of Jesus.

The only reference to Mary after the crucifixion is found in Acts 1:14, which refers to her meeting with the Church immediately after the ascension of her Son.

Ancient legends, which are not always trustworthy, tell us that Mary was affiliated with the church in Jerusalem for many years before accompanying John to Ephesus, where she died a few months later.

Luke is upfront about the fact that he is writing his gospel on material he has acquired from eyewitnesses to the events of Jesus’ life.

(See Acts 24:26–27 for further information.) Caesarea was just approximately 50 miles northwest of Jerusalem, making it a convenient stopover.

Some distinguishing elements of Luke’s gospel lend credence to the notion that Mary was one of Luke’s primary sources.

The visits of the angel Gabriel, as well as the subsequent visit of the wise men, are recorded in Matthew, but it is to Luke that we turn to learn of the manger and the shepherds, the packed inn, and the swaddling garments that we are directed.

It is so unlike from the rest of his work that one researcher referred to these poems as “translate Greek,” a phrase that would perfectly fit the notion that this knowledge was provided by Mary.

Nonetheless, the evidence we do have clearly implies that the Savior’s family played active and significant roles in the creation and history of the Church of Jesus Christ during its early development and history.

What Happened after the Cross and before the Resurrection?

This is a thought-provoking and significant question. Those associated with the so-called “Faith Movement” have a version of this that is wholly incompatible with biblical teaching. “Do you believe that the punishment for our sin was to die on the cross?” Frederick K.C. Price, a key instructor in the “Faith Movement,” has asked. If it were the case, the two robbers would have been forced to pay your debt. No, the penalty was to be sent into Hell itself, where they would spend the rest of their lives alienated from God.

  1. 2).
  2. This is not in accordance with what the Bible says.
  3. The work Jesus had to accomplish after the crucifixion and before the Resurrection was critical and must not be overlooked.
  4. In the same way, He who descended is also the One who climbed far above all the heavens, in order that He may fill all things.” (See also Ephesians 4:8–10).
  5. The fact that Jesus used a real person name indicates that this was not a parable.
  6. The narrative tells about a place named Hades, which served as both a haven and a source of misery for the characters.
  7. If the individual was a believer, he was taken to Abraham’s bosom, where he found consolation and rest (Hebrews 11:13).
  8. Immediately after His death, Jesus descended into Hades, into Abraham’s bosom, the realm of consolation, where He announced liberation to all who had died in faith.
  9. No matter how long it takes, the unbeliever will be thrown into Hell, where he or she will be punished until the Great White Throne Judgment depicted in Revelation 20:13–15 takes place.

Afterwards, Death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. This is the second death in the series. In addition, anybody who was not found to be recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the Lake of Fire.”

What Happened After Jesus Died? – Resources

We know from Jesus’ response to the thief that when someone dies, they are instantly brought into the presence of the Father. “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise,” says Jesus in Luke 23:42. “Truly I tell to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” This remark also informs us that Jesus died and was resurrected by His Father. Beyond that, we know virtually nothing about Jesus’ whereabouts over those three days. It’s important not to read too much into a parable or narrative, as this might lead to confusion.

  1. When reading Jonah 2:2, some versions say “from the depths of Sheol,” another translation reads “from the depths of hell,” and still another says “from the tomb,” according to the Bible.
  2. Later in the book of Jonah, in verse 6, we are told that his “life was pulled up from the pit.” Some interpreters believe that this is an allusion to the place called Hell.
  3. According to the Hebrew mindset, sheol is not a realm of punishment but rather of death, where the soul awaits resurrection and judgment.
  4. He is using imagery to describe how he felt exactly the same as if his body had been buried in the soil (grave) and he had been imprisoned there for all time.
  5. If someone wishes to think that He went to hell, the passages might provide evidence for that belief.
  6. Examine the passages in question.
  7. “‘He ascended,’ what does it imply unless it means that He likewise sank into the lower regions of the earth,'” says Ephesians 4:8-10.
  8. However, once again, the most straightforward interpretation of this phrase is that Jesus ascended into the heavens after first having dropped into the ground beneath him, into the grave.
  9. The Bible states in I Timothy 3:16 that Jesus “was seen by angels.” After His resurrection, He was indeed seen by angels, as is plainly indicated in all three synoptic gospels immediately following His death (Matthew 28:6; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:6).
  10. There is absolutely no basis for making such an assumption.
See also:  How Long Was Jesus In Hell

In order to bring us to God, Christ had to die in our place in order to be raised from the dead in the spirit, after having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit; through which He also went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison, who had once been disobedient, while the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight people were brought safely through the water.” “In which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison,” they say, referring to the verses in question.

  1. According to legend, Jesus descended into Hell and preached to the souls of the damned.
  2. There is no indication in the Bible that a lost soul who has died receives a second opportunity at redemption.
  3. However, there is another reading of this verse that is more logical.
  4. The term “brought alive” is a passive verb, which means that someone other than Jesus was responsible for bringing Jesus back to life.
  5. In either case, the Spirit had to have played a role.
  6. As a result, the same Spirit who raised Jesus as a testament “in order that He may bring us to God” also spoke to those souls who are now in jail in Noah’s day; and they are in prison because they did not listen to the preaching when it was being given to them at the time.

It is said in Luke 16:26 that lost spirits are withdrawn and restrained, and this is supported by the Bible: Furthermore, a wide gap has been established between us and you, in order that anyone who seek to pass over from here into you will not be able to do so, and that none who wish to cross over from there will be able to do so.” Jesus did not go to hell for those three days, according to the Bible, which is not mentioned anywhere else.

In actuality, virtually little is said about what transpired during the event.

When He left the presence of the Father, the Spirit revived His body three days later (in the same way that our bodies will be raised—the first-born from the grave, as stated in Col.

1:18; see also John 11:25). The difference is that God did not allow Jesus’ corpse to rot because of his sacrifice (exactly the promise found in Psalm 16:10 above.) John Piper has provided an excellent response to this question:

Did Jesus Spend Saturday in Hell?

Written by John Piper “He was crucified, died, and was buried,” according to the Apostles’ Creed. He was sent into the depths of hell. Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave on the third day.” This sentence can be interpreted in a variety of ways. I merely want to contemplate the conventional interpretation that Christ went to the land of the dead in order to preach the gospel to Old Testament saints in order to set them free to enjoy the fullness of the experience of eternity. This is the viewpoint expressed in the Catholic Catechism, as well as by many Protestants.

The majority of the argument is based on two verses in 1 Peter.

(1 Peter 3:18-20) (6) For this reason, the gospel was preached even to the dead, so that, even though they were judged in the body, as humans are, they may live in the spirit, as God does.” 1 Peter 4:4-6 (New International Version) In reference to 1 Peter 3:19, I interpret these words to signify that Christ, via the voice of Noah, went and spoke to that generation, whose spirits are now “in jail,” that is, in hell, according to my interpretation.

  1. So, Peter does not claim that Christ preached to them while they were imprisoned, as some have suggested.
  2. In light of what Peter said earlier about the spirit of Christ speaking through the prophets of old, I believe this is the more natural interpretation of the verse that is being promoted.
  3. (10:10–11; 1 Peter 1:10–11) In reference to 1 Peter 4:6, I interpret the phrase “preached to the dead” to refer to individuals who have died after having heard the gospel preached to them.
  4. According to J.
  5. D.
  6. As a result, I believe that there is no textual basis in the New Testament for the assertion that Christ spent the time between Good Friday and Easter teaching to people who were imprisoned in hell or the underworld.

For these and other reasons, I believe it is preferable to remove the phrase “he fell into hell” from the Apostles Creed rather than interpreting it in a way that is more acceptable, as Calvin did. (This post was first published on theDesiring God Blog.) Image courtesy ofDiego PHonUnsplash

What Happened to Jesus’ ‘Brothers’?

Sign up for Christianity Today and you’ll gain instant access to back issues of Christian History! A number of “brothers and sisters” are referenced in the Gospels, but only James and Jude are mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament—James as the leader of the early church in Jerusalem, and Jude in the brief epistle that bears his name. See “Mary” for a potential meaning of “brothers and sisters.” According to the Gospel of John, Jesus’ family was first doubtful of his mission: “Even his brothers did not believe in him,” the Gospel reads.

At the Jerusalem Council, James, the eldest of Jesus’ brothers, made the decision that Gentile Christians did not have to follow traditional Jewish rules.

Some believe he led an austere lifestyle, and it has been stated that he spent so much time in prayer that his knees “were like those of a camel.” According to Jewish historian Josephus, James was stoned to death by Jewish religious authorities.

It is unknown if this James or someone else was the author of the epistle that bears his name.

The other disciples

Following the Gospels, the disciples are only briefly mentioned in the New Testament. We have only legends to go on for more specifics, some of which are questionable. Andrew, Peter’s brother, is said to have preached in Asia Minor, Thrace, and Greece before being crucified on an X-shaped cross, according to a tenth-century story. He was recognized as the founder of the church in Constantinople, and he may have had a connection to the development of written language. Congratulations, you have reached the conclusion of this Article Preview.

See also:  When Jesus Coming Back

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What happened during Jesus’ last hours before His death?

QuestionAnswer The night before Jesus’ death, He washed the feet of His disciples and shared the Passover meal with them. During this time Judas was revealed as the one who would betray His master (John 13:1-30). (John 13:1-30). At the conclusion of the meal, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26–29; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26). After the meal, He took His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane. There, He pulled Peter, John, and James away, told them to pray they wouldn’t fall into temptation, and went off by Himself.

  • Alone, Jesus was grieved and depressed, sorrowful as He approached death.
  • He asked God to take the coming torment from Him, but only if it was the Father’s will (Luke 22:42).
  • But it wasn’t the anticipation of scourging or the horrible hours on the cross that had Jesus so sorrowful.
  • (Matthew 27:46).
  • Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to pray that they would stay loyal to Him, but they fell asleep again.
  • Then one of them, Judas, walked up to Him, greeted Him as a friend, and handed Him to the Roman guards.
  • Jesus’ skin was flayed off, and blood dripped off His head from the long thorns in His crown.
  • Pilate, who knew Jesus was innocent, finally bent to the will of the crowd who were shouting, “Crucify him!” and sent Jesus to the cross (Luke 23:1–25).
  • People who had celebrated Him a week earlier now taunted Him.
  • And He took in His mother’s grief as she looked up at the One the angel had promised would save the world.

When the soldiers came to break His legs (a typical method of hastening the death of the crucified), He was already dead, for He had given up His spirit (John 19:30). (John 19:30). Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) What happened during Jesus’ last hours before His death?

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What really happened to Jesus on the cross?

The cross was conceived by God. Jesus, despite the fact that he submitted to it, did not enjoy it. It was something he feared. His suffering resulted in large drips of blood dropping to the ground in the form of sweat (Luke 22:44). The most agonizing torture ever experienced by any human being in the history of the world occurred when Jesus was nailed to the cross. We will never be able to determine which was more difficult for Jesus: his physical suffering, which included the mental and physical agony he underwent, or his spiritual anguish, which included his death.

Jesus foresaw that he would die via crucifixion and informed his followers of this fact in advance of the event (Matthew 20:18-19).

He spoke about completing the task that the Father had assigned to him (John 4:34).


Despite the fact that Jesus drew large crowds, his disciples were inconsistent in their devotion. A total of five thousand people sought to crown him king (John 6:15), but his teaching caused the entire crowd to abandon him. At that point, just the twelve disciples were at his side (John 6:66-69). John 13:2–27 describes how Judas Iscariot became possessed by Satan and turned against him. Jesus attempted to enlist the assistance of his inner circle on two separate occasions. They, on the other hand, kept falling asleep.

  • After much consideration, Jesus came to the conclusion that not even one of his closest disciples would be present to console him.
  • Continue to sleep.
  • A few moments later, as a result of Judas’ treachery, Jesus was apprehended and arrested by Jewish authorities.
  • In fact, all of Jesus’ disciples “forsook him and fled” from the scene (Matthew 26:56, KJV).
  • Despite this, he was completely loyal to the Father’s desire and purpose.
  • His prayers were focused on the possibility of being spared the agony that had been set for him: “My Father, please take this cup away from me if it is at all possible.” “However, not according to my will, but according to your will” (Matthew 26:39).

The cross was represented by the “cup.” However, the loneliness would become unbearably intense beyond all expectations. As Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” even his Father turned his back on him, and he was abandoned by his friends and family. (Matthew 15:34)


One of the evidences that Jesus was sinless and without flaw was his ability to maintain self-control when speaking. As James writes in 3:2, “Anyone who never makes a mistake in what they say is flawless.” But Jesus was tempted to sin right up until the conclusion of his life. Words were shouted at Jesus with the intention of making him lose his cool. Satan inspired everyone – from Herod to Pilate, from the priests to the Roman soldiers – to use language to deceive Jesus and bring him to justice.

  • “Aha!
  • “It’s a good thing that I’m not a jerk” (Luke 22:63-64, ESV).
  • The apostle Paul lost his cool years later when he described the high priest as “a whitewashed wall” in the temple (Acts 23:3).
  • King Herod interrogated Jesus “at long” in the hopes of witnessing a miracle, but Jesus “made no response” (Luke 23:9, ESV).Jesus’ response to everything that was said to him and about him – not to mention what they did to him – was complete quiet.
  • “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” Jesus prayed as he gazed up to heaven, addressing the Roman soldiers who actually nailed him to the crucifixion (Luke 23:34, ESV).
  • When Jesus instructed us to pray for our adversaries, he intended for us to pray that they might be blessed instead of cursed.
  • There was yet another type of quiet that Jesus had to bear.
  • Given that Jesus had just a few days earlier brought Lazarus from the dead, it is reasonable to assume that he could have prevented the entire crucifixion.
  • She was barely a few feet away, and she was no doubt bewildered – perhaps even feeling betrayed – by what was taking place, not to mention weeping uncontrollably in the background.

Part of his own suffering stemmed from experiencing her anguish and witnessing her grief without being permitted to soothe her by explaining things.


The crucifixion is often considered as the most horrific kind of suffering ever imagined by human beings in their collective imagination. A terrible display, the most excruciating and humiliating death possible, was meant to be put on by the authorities. Before they even started the crucifixion, the flesh could be peeled away from the body by the lashing. The five to seven-inch long nails were pushed into the wrists in such a way that there was little blood but there was a lot of discomfort. A number of nails were pushed into the ankles in order to prolong the agony.

Gravity was the true executioner: it was the body hanging that brought about the death of the individual.

‘There is a green hill far away,’ says the song, “We may not know, we cannot tellWhat agony he had to bear;But we think it was for us.” We may not know, we cannot tellWhat pains he had to bear;But we believe it was for us.

C F Alexander is an American author and poet (1818-95)


In the words of Isaiah, “The Lord has heaped on him the sin of all of us” (53:6). This occurred on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, between the hours of noon and 3 p.m., and was a genuine occurrence. There was a precise moment when he who knew no sin – who had never sinned even once – was transformed into sin. It is something that God purposefully did to his Son. God punished Jesus as a result of our actions. The Lord imputed to him the sins of the entire human race. Although it may appear surprising, Jesus was taken completely by surprise by this.

He was well aware that enduring crucifixion would be difficult.

When he was agonizing in Gethsemane, with those piercing cries and tears, it was this that he dreaded the most.

We know that he addressed his Father as “God” for the first time, which is the only occasion we know of that he did so.

By placing our sin on Jesus and then executing him for our sin, it was the most holy God expressing his rage against sin before the entire universe.

It wasn’t even close to being fair.

He is the first human person in history to have lived without committing a sin.


Jesus’ sadness and confusion at being abandoned by the Father while on the cross can be explained as follows: For the sake of making us become the righteousness of God, God made someone who had no sin to be sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Yet, despite all, it was a case of perfect justice.

Both Jesus’ blameless life and the sacrifice of his precious blood were required to meet God’s just demands.

Jesus bore the brunt of God’s anger, which allows him to be kind to us.

Was it worse than the bodily suffering he was experiencing?

However, we shall not know until we reach the Celestial Kingdom.

In order to satisfy our obligation to God – both yours and mine.

A colloquial term in the ancient marketplace that denoted “whole payment” was tetelestai, which means “full payment.” “My kingdom is not of this world,” Jesus declared to Pilate in response (John 18:36).

The objective of Jesus’ death was not to bring about flawless circumstances on earth – whether via politics or spiritual gifts – but rather to prepare us for eternal life in paradise.

Remember, too, that the only way to access to paradise is by faith in Jesus’ shed blood. Not as a result of our efforts. Only because of what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross.

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