What Does The Resurrection Of Jesus Teach Us

What the Resurrection of Jesus Teaches Us

Rev. Margaret Minnicks is a Bible teacher who has been ordained. She publishes a lot of articles that are Bible lessons in disguise. Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, is celebrated every year on the Sunday after the forty days of Lent. It is the Sunday after Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Because of the day on which Jesus was raised from the dead, we may be certain that He is the Son of God, whose mission it was to save people from their sins. That required Him to die on the cross and then rise again from the dead three days later in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Scriptures.

Christianity is the only religion in which the leader died and was resurrected from the dead, and where the leader’s spirit continues to live in the hearts of believers.

On the other hand, there are many teachings that are left unsaid from time to time.

Lesson 1. The Reality of the Resurrection

People must first believe that the resurrection took place in order to be able to learn the teachings it has to provide. All four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) record that Jesus was killed on the cross, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day, just as He had promised to His followers. The apostles’ sermons were centered on the idea of the resurrection. Following the resurrection of Jesus, the apostles, according to Acts 4:33, “were bearing testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus with great strength.” For example, on the Day of Pentecost, Peter presented the first gospel sermon, which was primarily concerned with the resurrection (Acts 2:23-24).

In 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Paul said unequivocally that “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures.

Lesson 2: Salvation

Although Jesus’ death on the cross was significant, our salvation is based on our belief that Jesus died and that God raised Him from the dead on the third day, which we believe to be the case. Romans 10:9that says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” In other words, you cannot just believe only the crucifixion. It is also necessary for you to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.

Saving faith is found in a personal relationship with a living Jesus who did not remain in the grave but was raised from the dead, according to the Bible.

Lesson 3: Assurance

People who believe in the resurrection have an easier time comprehending it. The confidence that, because Jesus was risen from the dead, they will also be resurrected from the dead is another comfort for them. Christ has truly been risen from the dead, according to 1 Corinthians 15:20, “but he has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” That implies there is a guarantee that death will no longer have a sting and that the grave will no longer have the upper hand.

According to 1 Corinthians 14:55-57, Jesus’ death and resurrection took care of this issue for us. For this reason, Christians should not be afraid of death since they will be raised from the dead in the same way that Jesus was raised from the dead.

Lesson 4: Scriptures Were Fulfilled

Everything about Jesus’ life had been foretold and documented in the Scriptures, notably in the Old Testament, and it was no surprise to anybody. His birth was predicted by the great prophet Isaiah. Some of the other prophets made predictions regarding the arrival of the Messiah as well. Jesus even foretold His own death and resurrection, which He fulfilled. Jesus predicted that He would die and be risen from the grave in three days. He was correct. A number of instances, Jesus informed His followers exactly what will take place.

When Jesus was executed on the cross, the Scriptures were brought to completion.

The words “Eli Eli lama sabachthani?” (My God, my God, why have you deserted me?) were said by Jesus as he was hanging on the cross.

It was common practice to break the legs of victims who were dying on the cross in order to hasten their death.

Lesson 5: Validation of Jesus

The fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins should be sufficient proof, but there is more. Specifically, Paul notes in Romans 1:4 that “Jesus was proved to be the Son of God with authority by his resurrection from the dead.” In other words, Jesus’ agony on the crucifixion demonstrated that he was a completely human being. When He said, “I third,” it was a clear demonstration of this (John 19:28). The fact that Jesus was raised from the dead confirms that he was God. Jesus was entirely human and totally heavenly at the same time.

Lesson 6: Powerful Evidence

The change of Jesus’ followers is perhaps one of the most compelling evidences of the resurrection of the body of Christ. Similarly to Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, the fearlessness of His follower was elevated to an even greater degree.

  • Doubting After touching Jesus’ nail prints in His hands and the hole in His side, Thomas became convinced that Jesus had been raised from the dead
  • Within 50 days of His crucifixion, Jesus’ disciples had been miraculously transformed from men of little faith into men who turned the world upside down, according to the Acts of the Apostles
  • And Jesus’ own brother, James, did not believe in Him while He was still alive. James was elevated to the position of Church head in Jerusalem. In the Bible, he is commemorated through a general epistle that bears his name. On the Day of Pentecost, Peter, who had denied Jesus three times during His death, confidently declared Him as the Messiah. The same is true for the general epistle of Jude, which was also authored by Jesus’ brother
  • The apostle Paul also appeared before the Sanhedrin Council, which had sentenced Jesus to death in the previous chapter (Acts 4:1-12)
  • Stephen was stoned to death and became the first martyr for his faith in Jesus (Acts 7:51-60)
  • Saul of Tarsus persecuted Christians for their belief in Jesus before meeting him on the Damascus Road, and he became completely convinced of Jesus’ resurrection (Acts 9:1-10). (Acts 9:1-9). He devoted the remainder of his life to proclaiming the gospel and teaching others about Jesus Christ and his teaching ministry. He contributed to the New Testament with the writing of 13 books. As a result of His resurrection, Mary Magdalene saw Jesus in the garden
  • Jesus walked with two disciples on Emmaus Road after He rose from the dead
  • Jesus appeared before more than 500 people after His resurrection before His ascension
  • And Jesus ate in the upper room with His disciples after He rose from the dead. He also had a meal with His disciples on the seashore after teaching them how to catch fish at another point in time.

Lesson 7: The Christian Witness

It is the resurrection of Jesus that serves as a testimony for Christians all across the world. While Jesus was physically present on the world, He was only available to those who were physically there with Him. It was necessary for Him to die and be risen from the grave in order for Him to be present in the hearts of all Christians. Each and every person who believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ may state unequivocally, “He has risen from the dead.”

What Does the Resurrection of Jesus Mean for Us?

For Christians, it is crucial that they believe that the Lord JesusChrist has risen from the grave. It is not enough to just acknowledge that He died for our sins; we must also believe in His resurrection in order to be granted eternal life. However, even though Christ paid our debt, His sacrifice on the cross would be for naught if He did not have control over death. By defeating evil and death, the Lord made it possible for us to come to salvation. The resurrection of Jesus demonstrated that He was capable of removing sin and its consequence.

  1. And death is the unavoidable conclusion to a wicked existence.
  2. “Man’s existence is brief and helpless,” wrote Bertrand Russell, a prominent atheistic philosopher, in his tragic assessment of such pessimism.
  3. Career, family, and good acts might provide temporary pleasure, but they cannot compare to the lasting delight that comes from knowing we are right with the Lord and doing what is right in His eyes.
  4. Either we believe Christ rose from the grave and ascended to the throne of God, or we do not believe it.

Paul, on the other hand, guarantees us that we shall be saved if we embrace the truth. (Extracted from “The Resurrection: Does It Matter?” by In Touch Ministries, which was published with permission.)

What Is the Story of Jesus’ Resurrection, and Is it a Myth?

How can we be certain that Jesus truly rose from the grave – that this one-of-a-kind occurrence was not the result of a queer preference on the part of the Christian, but rather the result of faith built on undeniable facts – and that we can put this to rest once and for all? It is our responsibility as Christians to be prepared to demonstrate that Christ’s resurrection was a genuine, historical event that took place in space and time – that it was real, historical, and not mythical in nature (cf.2 Peter 1:16).

  1. Christ’s resurrection is not just significant, but it is also the very core of the gospel message (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
  2. As a matter of fact, the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is so compelling that no one who examines it with an open mind and a desire to know the truth will be able to do so without being convinced of its veracity.
  3. Christ appeared to a large number of other people as well, delivering “many compelling proofs” of His resurrection, according to the Bible (Acts 1:3).
  4. If someone still has questions regarding the reliability of the biblical evidence, he or she need to look no farther than Dr.
  5. Noteworthy is Greenleaf’s suggestion that any cross-examination of the eyewitness statements recorded in Scripture would result in “an undoubting conviction of their honesty, ability, and truth” after analyzing the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What Does Jesus’ Resurrection Mean for Us?

1. The Possibility of a Future Resurrection First and foremost, it ensures our eventual resurrection. Because Jesus died and resurrected from the dead, we shall also be raised to life like He was. “But now Christ has been raised from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep,” the Bible states in 1 Corinthians 15:20. The term “firstfruits” refers to a sample, a foretaste, or a sneak peek at something. Jesus is the firstfruits of the harvest. Because Jesus has died and risen from the dead, we may be certain that our resurrected bodies will be similar to His resurrection body in some sense.

  1. However, if they were exactly like His, it would imply that we would be instantly identified as being from the same place.
  2. The Court’s Decision in the Future Second, the resurrection of Jesus serves as a reminder of the coming judgment.
  3. The society, and indeed the entire globe, in which we live is one in which justice is frequently twisted and abandoned.
  4. 3.
  5. Without a doubt, the Bible does not teach that we shall be sinless while still inhabiting the physical body that we currently inhabit.
  6. Christ has the ability to transform us into completely new persons.

That is something we must believe. “The old things have gone away, and everything has become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). God has the ability to give you the strength you need to live this Christian life. (This information was given by Greg Laurie of Harvest Ministries)

Why Doesn’t Everyone Believe in Jesus’ Resurrection?

According to the transcript of the video above, Gary Habermas analyzes the evidence for the resurrection and the reasons why more people do not believe: What I mean is that I believe we have this notion that if you show me something that is the greatest solution, I’m simply going to say to myself, “Dude, you’re right,” and then I’m going to believe it, don’t you? I’m getting on the bandwagon because you shown your willingness to do so. All right, let me to simply show you a moment that is so far from the truth at this point.

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In the course of the conversation you inform him that he is going on a blind date, and that “after this is finished, you will tell me she is the finest thing you’ve ever met,” and that “you have never met someone who would make a better wife.” After spending some time with her, the guy could say something like, “She is a wonderful woman; I truly believe that.

  • However, you are under the impression that I am interested in marriage, which is not the case.
  • Who knows, it might never happen.
  • You make more money as a result.
  • Why don’t you just go ahead and grab this one.
  • It’s possible that I’m nervous.
  • Those are things I understand.
  • Yes, but I’m more at ease in this position right now.

Whatever the reason, I don’t want to leave my house.

Sometimes we select Jesus because we wish to avoid the torment of Hell.

Although these are not the most compelling reasons to follow Christ, they are provided in the Bible nonetheless.

Many individuals, on the other hand, are enraged towards God for various reasons.

Consider the implications of it.

Another difficulty is that I don’t want to concede that you could be correct.

Somebody telling me what I can and cannot do is not something I want to hear.

“Well, this guy is looking for a relationship that feels a little bit like an old shoe,” we explain.

Sometimes we desire those familiar things far more than we desire other evident things, and as a result, we refuse to believe for a variety of reasons. I don’t think it’s a problem that some people believe in something and others don’t that some people believe in anything.

Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Significant?

The following is a transcript of Gary Habermas’ discussion on the evidence for the resurrection and why more people do not accept it: ” What I mean is that I believe we have this notion that if you show me something that is the greatest solution, I’m simply going to say to myself, “Dude, you’re right,” and then I’m going to believe it, doesn’t it? As a result of what you shown, I’m getting on the bandwagon. To be honest, I’ll just show you a scene here that is completely fictitious. Consider the following scenario: you are planning to introduce your wife’s sister or your wife’s closest friend to your best friend who is unmarried.

  1. However, you’re under the impression that I’m interested in marriage, which I’m not at all.
  2. Who knows, it might not happen.
  3. Increased earnings are realized.
  4. Why don’t you just go ahead and grab this?
  5. Could it be that I’m jittery?
  6. That is something I am aware of and can accept.
  7. Yes, but I’m more at ease in this position at this point in time.

Regardless of the circumstances, I don’t want to leave my house.

We want to get to Heaven as quickly as possible.

The answer is yes, we wish to live for all time.

Approximately 19 percent of atheists expressed their displeasure with God in a recent study.

Furthermore, I’m not willing to acknowledge that you could be correct on another point.

Somebody telling me what I can and cannot do is not something I want to deal with.

“Well, this guy wants a relationship that feels a little bit like a worn-out shoe,” we explain further.

Occasionally, we desire those comfy things far more than we desire other evident things, and as a result, we are less likely to believe. The fact that some individuals believe in something and others do not does not bother me in any way.

10 Things You Should Know about the Resurrection

’10 Things You Should Know’ is a series of articles published by the National Geographic Society.

1. The resurrection is the core of the Christian message and should never be neglected or assumed.

When we hear the gospel proclaimed today, the emphasis is often placed on the cross of Christ. The resurrection is frequently overlooked, assumed, or just briefly referenced in religious texts. The sermon recounted in the book of Acts, on the other hand, placed a strong emphasis on the resurrection of Jesus and rarely acknowledged his death. The apostles were concerned with the resurrection, and they placed a greater emphasis on it than they did on the cross. Unfortunately, it appears that the church only gets thrilled about the resurrection once a year, during Easter time.

The early church began to gather on the first day of the week in order to commemorate Jesus’ victory over death, which was the primary motivation for doing so.

2. Belief in Jesus’s physical resurrection is the defining doctrine of Christianity.

To think that every Christian faith, from the Orthodox to the Catholic, from the Pentecostal to the Reformed Baptist, all believe in the same simple fact, that the tomb was empty, is very astonishing. There is really nothing else on which we can all agree! Only a small number of liberals believe in Jesus’ actual resurrection. Surely, as a result, they have forfeited their ability to refer to themselves as Christians at all. A Christian, according to the description I provided in my book, Raised With Christ, is someone who believes in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ and conducts their life in light of the implications of that event.

3. The resurrection demonstrated to the whole universe the deity of Jesus and God’s love for him.

By his resurrection from the dead, Jesus was “proclaimed to be the Son of God in authority and according to the Spirit of holiness,” according to the Bible (Romans 1:4). When Jesus rose from the dead, it was the first time that his full identity was shown to all who would look: “God elevated him at his right side as Leader and Savior, to provide repentance. and forgiveness of sins” (Acts 5:30-31).

4. Without the resurrection, there would have been no church at all.

They were disoriented, helpless, and fearful after Jesus’ arrest and death, and they were right. Peter betrayed Jesus, and the rest of the disciples fled. Without the resurrection of Jesus, it is difficult to imagine how this rag-tag group of individuals could have spread the message of Jesus in such a way that it blossomed into the biggest religious movement that has ever existed on the face of the earth. Would the disciples have sacrificed everything, and in some cases even their lives, if they hadn’t had steadfast trust in Jesus’ resurrection?

People actually perish on a regular basis because of lies that they themselves sincerely believe to be real.

To believe that all of the disciples would die for something they were well aware was a purposeful deceit, on the other hand, is impossible to accept. The resurrection myths did not originate with the church; rather, the church emerged from the accounts of the resurrection.

5. Our neglect of Jesus’s resurrection may be one of the reasons our gospel preaching is so powerless.

Spurgeon reviewed the preaching of his day and concluded that the reason for its lack of force was a lack of focus on the resurrection of the body of Christ. In order to stress the message of the resurrection, Spurgeon made the decision to do so, and as a consequence, he witnessed thousands of conversions. Should we be shocked if we don’t experience comparable effects if we choose to disregard the teaching of the resurrection? Every time Paul talked of the gospel, he was constantly referring to the declaration of the joyful victory of the resurrected Christ.

6. The resurrection purchased our justification.

When most Christians are asked about justification, they immediately point to the cross, where Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. However, if justification is merely the absence of guilt, we are left with a clean slate and must spend the rest of our lives wondering about whether or not we will make the same mistake again. As Paul teaches us: “He was offered up for our transgressions and risen for our justification” (Romans 6:23). (Romans 4:25). This implies that when Jesus rose from the dead, he was pronounced to be righteous—not just because he was free of sin, but also because he was the embodiment of purity.

And as a result, the Christian is now considered righteous.

Throughout his life, Jesus served as a replacement for our obedience, as a substitute for our punishment in his death, and as a substitute for our rebirth in his resurrection.

7. The resurrection gives us the joy of knowing that Christ is with us today!

He has assured us that he will be with us until the end of time, if not longer. Everything changes as a result of this. A hero who is dead and buried is of no assistance to us. However, the fact that Christ has risen from the dead offers us enormous hope! Because the tomb has been empty and Jesus has ascended to the throne, we may be certain that we will be triumphant no matter what happens in the world today. “I will raise up my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” Jesus declared in Matthew 16:18.

8. The resurrection gives us hope that goes beyond the grave.

We live in a world that is shattered. Every Christian will, at some time in their lives, experience the agony of losing a beloved family member or friend. When Paul instructed us not to “grieve as others do who have no hope” (1 Thess 4:13), he did not intend for us to be devoid of feelings of sorrow.

However, since Jesus overcame death, we have faith that we, too, shall rise from the dead and thereby meet both Jesus and our believing loved ones once more in the hereafter. When we are confronted with death, our entire world is turned upside down.

9. The resurrection unites every Christian with the life-giving force that raised Jesus from the dead.

It is via the resurrection that “the last Adam was transformed into a life-giving spirit” (Romans 5:12). (1 Cor 15:45). “The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead resides in you,” Paul reminds us in Romans 8:9. (Romans 8:11). It is possible to be transformed, equipped, and empowered by God’s incredible might: “What is the unfathomable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his tremendous might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead?” (Ephesians 1:19-20).

10. Because of the resurrection, we can know that Jesus is personally coming back to judge and rule the world.

The fact that Jesus will return is a major source of delight for the Christian community. However, people who are living apart from him should be extremely concerned about this. Because of the resurrection, we may be certain that this same Jesus will appear again in the future: God looked the other way during the periods of ignorance, but now he orders all people everywhere to repent, for he has established a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness through a man whom he has selected, and he has given confidence to all by rising him from the dead.

Warnock, a medical doctor by profession, is also the author of a popular Christian blog, which may be found at adrianwarnock.com.

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Four Lessons From the Resurrection – Attempts at Honesty

Easter Sunday 2011, the day on which we remember the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, has come around again. For the purpose of distinguishing myself from others who believe that the resurrection tale is nothing more than a metaphor for regeneration and hope, I use the term “bodily.” We are told in 1 Corinthians 15:14 that “our message is in vain, and your faith is in vain” if Jesus Christ does not rise from the dead. This is a statement made by the Apostle Paul. Jesus’ resurrection, as the Apostle Paul points out in Romans 1:4, serves as an unequivocal revelation that Jesus is really the Son of God.

If you take away the possibility of a resurrection, we will have nothing to believe in.

What impact may a historical event that occurred over 2000 years ago have on me?

Does it truly make a difference?

The answer is yes, it does make a difference, and I’m writing this piece to remind myself and my readers of some of the ways that the resurrection should transform our thoughts and attitudes toward life and death. Four applications that I would want to discuss further in this post are as follows:

  1. There is no such thing as a time to despair. It is possible to overcome sin. There is an option for renewal. The cemetery is not our final destination
  2. It is only a stopover.
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Despair is never an option

I am thankful to Tony Campolo for bringing attention to a sermon by African American pastor S. M. Lockridge, titled “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming,” which was broadcast on CNN. No matter how grim things appeared on that first Good Friday, the events of the following Sunday made a world of difference in the disciples’ view on that day. In the resurrection, God proves to me that no matter how horrible things appear to be right now, God has the ability to change me and/or my circumstances. God remains in command, and as long as I keep my gaze fixed on him, I can be confident that he will orchestrate the events in accordance with his plan.

We shall not be separated from God’s love through death or life, nor through angels or rulers, nor through things present or things to come, nor through powers, nor through height or depth, nor through anything else in all of creation.

Sin can be overcome

Paul’s account of what Jesus achieved on the cross is contained in 2 Corinthians 5:21, which is considered to be one of the greatest brief summaries available. Jesus took our sin upon himself and offered us his righteousness in exchange. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead demonstrates that he possesses the ability to perform this. We are told in 1 Corinthians 15:17 that “if Christ has not been resurrected, your faith is useless, and you are still in your sins” if Christ has not been raised.

Finally, sin will be defeated when Jesus comes, but until then, sin is being defeated in the lives of those who trust in him.

I should never imagine that there is any sin that the cross and resurrection cannot conquer.

Renewal is available

“All shall be brought alive in Christ,” according to 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. “All shall be made alive in Christ.” If we place our faith in Christ, not only may our sins be forgiven, but we can also be refreshed in our thinking and our conduct. The resurrection illustrates God’s ability to bring forth transformation. I have the ability to become the person that God has created me to be because of my faith in Christ. This is something I should keep in mind at all times, and I should seek God’s regeneration with tenacity and perseverance.

The grave is not our final destination

As recorded in John 14:1-3, Jesus informs his followers that he is going to prepare a place for them and that “I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may also be.” “I will come again and will take you to myself,” Jesus promises. This holds true for all religious believers. The resurrection demonstrates that Jesus possesses the ability to live up to his claim of divinity. He will come and take us to himself, and we shall live with him for the rest of our lives.

I should constantly live with the understanding that this life is not the end of the road and that whatever difficulties I face now will be forgotten in the grandeur that awaits me in the hereafter. What are some of the lessons you’ve learned?

What Does Christ’s Resurrection Teach Us?

“I am the resurrected one and the living one, says Jesus. He who believes in Me will survive, even if he is killed in the process ” (John 11:25). The apostle Paul informs us that “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,” as he puts it (1 Corinthians 15:50). The resurrection from the dead (Philippians 3:21) brought Christ into eternal life in a glorified spirit body that shared the same divine nature as the Father. Christ’s resurrection appearances, on the other hand, took on a fascinating diversity of shapes and forms.

Mary of Magdala was the first person to see Jesus following His resurrection, and she was the first to speak with Him.

The fact that she felt Christ’s corpse had been stolen caused her to become frightened and despondent instantly.

Mary Magdalene’s remarkable experience

Mary informed Peter and John, who immediately raced to the tomb to see what had happened. However, the only item they discovered were the burial wrappings of Jesus Christ. When God resurrected Jesus to spirit life, it appears that He went straight through them as if they were not even there to witness it. John 20:14 is the chapter in which we start up the story: “She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and she was completely unaware that it was Jesus.” Mary Magdalene was taken aback when she realized she was looking at someone she recognized.

  1. The next thing that happened was a shocking recognition.
  2. She turned to face Him and said, “Rabboni!” (which translates as “Teacher”) ” (John 20:16).
  3. This precise moment of awareness is likely unrivaled in all of human history.
  4. The tidal surge of emotion that washed over her must have been unbearably powerful.
  5. Everyone has had the sensation of running into someone they know well but haven’t seen in a long time and being surprised by their presence.
  6. But think if it had been a loved one whose horrible death we had just been grieving over!
  7. What a privilege!
  8. Perhaps it was because she placed her faith in and devotion to Jesus in a way that only a handful other human beings had ever done.

She was also consistently and visibly appreciative for what Christ had done for her. Her life must have been filled with agony and suffering before she experienced such miraculous recovery.

Christ’s resurrection body

His resurrection body could pass through solid walls with ease, and he was able to manifest himself quickly and then vanish at command (Luke 24:31;Mark 16:12). As a result, some believe Christ’s resurrected body to be the same physical body as the one that had died, correlating these powers with His miraculous walking on water while still a human being. Although we can’t see Jesus anymore, the Bible promises us that He was once again a spirit, just as He had been before in heaven with the Father (John 17:5), and so was no longer constrained by the limits of physical human people.

  • (1 Corinthians 15:45).
  • So, how can we account for the wide range of humanlike post-resurrection appearances that are recounted in the Scriptures?
  • “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father,” Christ remarked later in his discussion with Mary Magdalene, as recorded in John 20:17.
  • As is obvious from the context, Jesus arrived in this place in the form and shape of a regular human being.
  • “He showed them His hands and the side of His body.
  • However, Thomas was not present at the time, and he was not willing to believe the word of the other witnesses.
  • “‘Then extend your finger here and gaze at My hands; and reach your hand here and insert it into My side,’ He instructed Thomas.
  • Thomas now had no question in his mind that Jesus Christ was the Son of God!
  • Keep in mind that the Word became Jesus Christ (John 1:14).

Appearing in physical form

Later, Christ appeared to them for a second time. Jesus appeared to the disciples in the Sea of Tiberias following these events, and it was via this medium that He revealed Himself to them (John 21:1). When He did this on this specific occasion (John 21:9), He prepared breakfast for them and then instructed Peter three times to “feed My sheep” (John 21:17). Despite the fact that this chapter does not explicitly state whether Jesus ate breakfast with them, other Gospel narratives indicate that He did so following His resurrection.

  • It was taken by Him and eaten in their presence” (Luke 24:42-43).
  • Even after the resurrection of the faithful, He will continue to dine and drink with His newly born family at the grand marriage supper, which will take place after His return (Matthew 26:29).
  • However, it should be noted that in the Old Testament, long before the Word became human and dwelt among us as Jesus, He, “the Lord,” appeared to Abraham in bodily form and shared a meal with him, as recorded in Genesis 18.
  • As a result of these accounts, it is clear that God may present Himself in a real, visible manner.
  • During the meal with His disciples after He had risen from the dead, He had stood squarely in the middle of them, causing them to become terrified because they “believed they had seen a ghost” (Luke 24:37).
  • Handle Me and see what you find, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones like you see in me.
  • Many believe that this demonstrates that Christ’s rising body was a bodily body once more.

When we explore the reasons behind Jesus’ followers’ fear, we can readily overcome the seeming contradiction that exists.

The following explanation is provided in a letter ascribed to the early church leader Ignatius of Antioch, written about A.D.

Christ, on the other hand, demonstrated that He was not a demon by appearing in flesh and blood.

The apostles were to be eyewitnesses to Jesus’ resurrection and to provide evidence of his messiahship, both of which they did.

In terms of God’s character, we cannot just dismiss all of these passages as meaningless and unimportant.

We have no right to restrict God or what He is capable of. The Holy Scriptures, once again, provide us with a clear understanding of His nature and being, rather than archaic philosophical notions.

Signficance of Jesus’ Resurrection: Evidence, Destinies, & Salvation

To watch this as a video Bible study presentation, please visit this link. To listen to this study as a free audio MP3 message, please visit this link. Introduction:

The resurrection was one of the most commonly mentioned themes in the preaching of the apostles.

It was proclaimed as a crucial piece of evidence in support of Jesus’ claims. However, it was also utilized to teach a variety of other essential concepts. When it comes to the preaching of inspired leaders in the first century, it stands to reason that the resurrection should be just as essential in our teaching now as it was then.

The purpose of this study is to consider the significance of Jesus’ resurrection.

During this session, we will look at how gospel preachers in the New Testament exploited Jesus’ resurrection to further their message. That should provide us with some insight into how we might employ it in our preaching today. In addition to teaching about the resurrection, gospel preaching also conveys important lessons concerning the following subjects:

I. The Nature of Jesus

Paul writes in Romans 1:4 that Jesus’ resurrection from the dead demonstrated that he was the Son of God with authority. Jesus’ resurrection was preached to both Jews and Gentiles as a fundamental indication of who he was and what he had accomplished. Similarly compelling proof is required today to reinforce the confidence of believers as well as to respond to the challenges posed by atheists, humanists, and evolutionists. Consider just a handful of the numerous instances in which the resurrection has been utilized to support Jesus’ statements.

Luke 24:44-46

Jesus declared that His resurrection fulfilled prophecy and demonstrated that He was the Messiah foretold by the Old Testament prophecies. The primary objective of Jesus’ miracles was to provide proof that His teachings came from God and that His claims were correct. When a man claimed to have received a direct word from God, people required a means to assess whether or not this claim was legitimate. Fortunately, there was a way to do so. People would realize that God was truly acting through that guy if he were to accomplish actions that are impossible according to natural law, and they would believe what he was teaching.

It demonstrates that Jesus’ statements and teachings are correct.

John 20:24-31

Here is an example of one of Jesus’ visits to eyewitnesses to demonstrate that He had risen from the dead. It was through these appearances that many came to believe in Jesus as “Lord and God.” The eyewitnesses recorded what they saw so that we might believe Jesus is God’s Son and be granted eternal life, despite the fact that we cannot physically see Him. When we consider that no other major religion even claims that the founder of their faith resurrected from the dead, we can appreciate the significance of this assertion.

What’s the harm in trying?

This is because it would be extremely difficult to persuade others that it had been completed. However, Jesus not only made the claim, but He also provided firsthand testimony to persuade honest people that it was correct. The resurrection of Jesus is a claim that is unique to the gospel of Jesus.

Acts 2:23,24,29-32,36

As a result of Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the apostles proclaimed (as Peter did here) that the Jews had slain Jesus, but that God had resurrected Him from the dead, and that they were eyewitnesses to His resurrection. David had even predicted this in the Old Testament, and it had come to pass. As a result, we may conclude that Jesus is both the Lord and the Christ. Take note of the incredible fact that this was foretold ahead of time, making it a double miraculous occurrence. The ability to foretell future events and see them come to pass necessitates supernatural abilities in and of themselves.

  • However, not only were Old Testament prophets foretelling the resurrection, but Jesus Himself foretold it during His own lifetime (John 2:18-22; Matthew 16:21).
  • When people make predictions that they would resurrect from the dead at a specific moment, it is extremely difficult to take them seriously because their prophecies are always incorrect.
  • Consider the magnitude of the force necessary to revive someone from the dead.
  • It was foretold by Jesus and the Old Testament prophets that the Christ would resurrect from the grave.
  • What better evidence could anyone ask for than the fact that Jesus is the Son of God?
See also:  Where Did Jesus Calm The Storm

II. The Destiny of Man

Three future occurrences are mentioned in the Bible as being tied to Jesus’ resurrection:

A. The Resurrection of All People

14 – God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His strength, according to 1 Corinthians 6:14. The same God who promised to resurrect Jesus from the dead has also promised to revive us from our graves. If we believe He honored His promise to raise Jesus from the dead via His power, we must also believe He will maintain His promise to raise us from the dead with the same force. Corinthians 15 – Verses 12-14 emphasize that Jesus’ resurrection demonstrates that mankind may be revived by God’s authority.

The first fruit to mature in the orchard or garden provides encouragement that more will follow. As a result of Jesus’ resurrection, we have assurance that there will be a harvest in which we shall all be resurrected.

B. The Judgment of All People

Acts 17:30,31 – The fact that God resurrected Jesus from the dead gives us confidence that He will judge us. We must first rise from the dead in order to be evaluated by the rest of the world. The fact that God has previously risen Jesus from the dead indicates His ability to fulfill His promise to raise and then judge all of mankind. The majority of us would be suspicious if a man approached us and promised to build us a new home. He might, however, demonstrate that he has already provided a lot of individuals new homes, in which case we would be more inclined to trust him.

In order to accept the evidence that Jesus was risen from the dead, we must also trust God’s promise that He will judge us.

C. The Eternal Reward of the Righteous

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 that, if there is no resurrection of the dead, then our sole recompense for righteousness would have to come during our current lifetime. However, if we believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead (v14), we should also believe that, when He returns, the dead will be revived and we shall be with Him for all of eternity. 1 Peter 1:3,4 – In the book of 1 Peter, the apostle Peter says, By the resurrection of Jesus, we are given a live hope of an everlasting inheritance as a result of his death and resurrection.

The resurrection of Jesus demonstrates that God will fulfill His promise to raise and reward us.

III. The Life of a Christian

Beyond educating us about our eternal destiny, Jesus’ resurrection may teach us crucial truths regarding our everyday lives as Christians, including the following:

A. Obedience to God’s Word

Acts 2:36 – The resurrection of Jesus (vv 23-32) demonstrates to us that He is the Lord and the Christ. Luke 6:46 – Your Lord is the one who commands you to do what he says. In 2 Corinthians 5:15, we are reminded that Jesus died for everyone, and that we should no longer live for ourselves, but for Him who died and rose again for us. Jesus acquired the kingdom of God by dying and rising from the dead. He purchased us with the blood of His Son, and as a result, we are His property, and we should allow Him to direct our life.

  1. Despite the fact that I want you to pay for the automobile, I still want to be in charge of it and use it for my own reasons.
  2. Romans 6:4-13 – Baptism represents not only Jesus’ death, but also His resurrection, according to the Scriptures (vv 4,5).
  3. However, we also go through a resurrected existence in order to live a new life, one that is free of sinfulness.
  4. To purge one’s soul of misdeeds.
  5. However, if we recognize the need of removing sin from our lives, we should equally recognize the importance of remaining away from sin when we have done so.
  6. The same way that He was risen from the dead, never to die again, we should be pardoned, never to serve sin again (vv 8-13).

True, if we offend again, we can be forgiven again; however, if we rationalize, justify, and excuse our crimes and then refuse to repent and change, we will not be forgiven again. Continued sin prevents us from comprehending the significance of Jesus’ resurrection.

B. Power in Our Lives

Ephesians 1:19,20 – We can have the same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead in our lives as well. We’ve thought about how powerful the force that brought about the resurrection must have been. Consider what it would be like to have that type of influence in your life! Ephesians 6:10-13 – The following is an example of what this power may do in our life. When Jesus was risen from the dead, He achieved His greatest triumph against Satan. Satan’s efforts to draw us into sin may be defeated in the same way if we use the strength that God has provided for us.

That we have huge gifts ahead of us in eternity also demonstrates that we have big responsibilities and that we may have significant power in our lives right now.

IV. Forgiveness of Sin

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, our faith is in vain, and we remain in sin. The fact that He lived means that we are saved since He had to be risen from the dead otherwise we would not be saved!

Romans 4:24,25

Jesus was crucified for our sins and risen from the dead for our salvation. Christ’s resurrection is just as important to our salvation as His death was to His. What good would it do for Him to die if He were not to be resurrected from the dead? If Jesus had not been risen from the dead, Satan would have triumphed. Jesus, on the other hand, achieved the ultimate triumph by rising from the grave.

Romans 5:10

We are reconciled to God via Jesus’ death, and we are rescued through His resurrection. This, according to Calvinists (including some of our brethren), means that Jesus’ blameless life is attributed to us, and that God grants us credit for the excellent works that Jesus performed. They claim that if we sin, God only sees Jesus’ good actions in us and overlooks our transgressions, even if we never repent or beg for forgiveness, as long as we remain faithful to Jesus. As a result, they fellowship with everyone who has been baptized, despite the fact that they teach and practice wrong.

  • A concept of this nature is in direct conflict with several other texts.
  • The resurrection of Jesus is referred to as the “life” by which we are rescued.
  • It is important to note that death came first, and then life.
  • All that this does is validate what we’ve previously learnt from the previous paragraphs.

B. How Can We Receive This Salvation by His Resurrection?

Take note of how the resurrection of Jesus is related to every requirement of forgiveness and eternal life in the Scriptures.

Hearing and believing

We must hear and believe the gospel, which includes the news of the resurrection, in order to be saved (see 1 Corinthians 15:1-4).


Acts 17:30,31 – We are all ordered to repent since we shall all be judged by the same standard. What is the evidence that this is correct? The fact that Jesus was risen from the dead provides proof of this. All men must repent of their sins in order to be prepared for judgment, just as assuredly as Jesus was risen from the death. Have you expressed your regret?

Faith and confession

Romans 10:9,10 – In order to be saved, we must believe in the resurrection and profess Christ as our Lord. Did you know that those who do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus are unable to be saved? Many people who identify as Christians – including renowned denominational preachers – are skeptical or dismissive of Jesus’ resurrection. According to the gospel, in order to be saved, you must believe that God has risen Jesus from the dead. It is not enough to believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for your sins.

Additionally, you must believe that Hea has risen from the grave!

However, keep in mind that His resurrection is what demonstrates He is the Lord (1:4)


1 Peter 3:21 – In the same way that baptism saved Noah, baptism saves us through the resurrection of Jesus. To comprehend that baptism is required in order to be saved by the resurrection of Jesus, you must first accept that the resurrection of Jesus is necessary to our salvation and then understand that baptism is required in order to be saved by the resurrection of Jesus. Colossians 2:12-13 – In baptism, we are dead with Christ and resurrected with Christ, just as we are in Romans 6:3-5. The forgiveness of our sins provides us with fresh life in Him.

This occurs during the baptismal ceremony, not earlier.

Take note of the notion that baptism must be an immersion since we are both buried and resurrected with Him as well.

And keep in mind that we have previously stressed that Jesus’ resurrection reminds us that baptism must be followed by a loyal life in the faith.


Do you think that Jesus was risen from the dead, based on the evidence? If this is the case, you will have to accept the implication that He is the Son of God. You must also believe that, if you obey the gospel and live a loyal life, God will judge you and grant you everlasting life at some point in the future. Individuals who fail to appropriately respond to the gospel reveal that they do not fully comprehend the significance of Jesus’ resurrection. (C) 2007 David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com; copyright protected.

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Jesus’ Second Coming is referred to as the Second Coming of Christ. The Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus What Claims Did Jesus Make on the Cross? The Deity of Jesus: God shown in the FleshEvidences supporting the existence of God, Jesus, and the Bible The Conversion of Saul The Resurrection of Jesus The Bible asserts that it was inspired. It is essential that Bible instruction be provided.

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