What Does Jesus Say About Other Religions

25 Important Bible Verses About Other Religions

You often hear people ask, “How can we know which religion is correct?” The fact that Jesus claims to be the only way means that all other faiths are erroneous, according to the Gospel of John. Accepting Him as your Savior is the only way to enter Heaven. Other religious texts, such as the Quran, which claims that the Bible cannot be corrupted and has never been corrupted, are in direct conflict with one another. Some faiths have a plethora of gods, however Christianity only has one God. We need to narrow down the list, and Christianity will be the last one left standing when we are through.

False religions are springing up seemingly out of nowhere, such as Mormonism, which began less than 200 years ago and has spread worldwide.

Either Christianity is true or they are true, and there is no in between.

Prophets are not deceivers, and Jesus stated that He is the only route to salvation.

  • Only God’s goodness is sufficient.
  • Jesus had to be God, because He explicitly said that He was God.
  • If man is inherently bad, how can he be rescued via good deeds?
  • The death of Jesus would have been unnecessary if we are saved via our good actions.
  • 40 distinct authors wrote 66 works over the course of 15 centuries.
  • Throughout the Bible, you can see that Jesus’ and other prophets’ prophesies came to pass and were fulfilled.
  • It is not always the case that the predictions of other faiths are accurate.

Jesus made claims and demonstrated his authority by performing incredible miracles.

It is an accurate description of the human heart.

The Bible has an excessive amount of intellect, and it provides solutions to questions that science cannot solve.

The Bible is the most often attacked book, yet God’s Word will not be rejected, and His Words have come to pass and will continue to come to pass in this generation.

All faiths, with the exception of Christianity, are false, plain and simple.

For example, God says, “thou shall not kill,” while fanatical Muslims wish to kill people. John 16:2 (KJV) “They’ll kick you out of the synagogues,” they say. Indeed, the hour is approaching when anyone murders you will believe that he is doing a divine duty.” Quotes

  • We realize that the divide between biblical Christianity and the religions of the world is unbridgeable when we use the Scriptures to guide us in our comparisons.” One is obliged to conclude that there are truly just two types of religious beliefs in the world: biblical Christianity and all other faiths.” “There are individuals who despise Christianity and claim that their despise is an all-embracing love for all religions,” says T.A. McMahon. G.K. Chesterton was a British author who lived from 1885 to 1905.

Take precautions. The first chapter of John (4:1) Don’t trust everything you hear from folks who claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit, my friends. Instead, put them through their paces. Check to see whether the spirit they are possessed by is from God, for there are many false prophets in this world. 2. Proverbs 14:12 There is a way before each person that appears to be the correct one, yet it ultimately leads to death if taken. 3. The book of Ephesians 6:11 Prepare yourself by donning all of the protection provided by God in order to stand steadfast against all of the devil’s schemes.

  1. Jesus, who claimed to be God, died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead three times.
  2. God is not a God who is easily perplexed.
  3. Psalm 22:16–18 (KJV) Dogs surround me, and a horde of baddies surrounds me, piercing my hands and feet in the process.
  4. They split up my garments amongst themselves and draw lots to choose which outfit will be theirs.
  5. 6.
  6. As is the case in all of the saints’ churches.
  7. In light of this, the Lord himself will send you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, whom she will name Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14 The prophesy about Jesus riding a donkey came true when he arrived.

In John 12:14-15, Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written: “Do not be frightened, Daughter Zion; look, your king is coming, mounted on a donkey’s colt.” “Do not be terrified, Daughter Zion,” Jesus said.

Purgatory is taught in Catholicism, whereas reincarnation is taught in Hinduism.

The book of Hebrews 9:27 Men will die just once, but after that will come the judgment, as it is written in the Bible.

The Word was with God in the beginning, and the Word was God in the beginning.

John 1:14 (New International Version) When Jesus came into the world, (and we seen his glory, such as that which belonged exclusively to him,) we knew that he was full of grace and truth, as only the Father could give it.

1 Timothy 3:16 (New International Version) We acknowledge that the mystery of holiness is truly magnificent: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed in throughout the globe, and exalted to the right hand of the Father in glorification.

  • 13.
  • Galatians 2:21 – “I do not disregard God’s grace, for if righteousness could be obtained by the law, Christ died in vain!” If Jesus is not God, then God must be a liar in order for him to exist.
  • The book of Isaiah 43:11 I, alone, am the LORD, and there is no other savior other from me.
  • There is no one else who can take credit for my accomplishments, and no sculpted idols who can share my acclaim.
  • Blasphemy!
  • Isaiah 44:6 (the Bible) The Lord declares: “I am the first and the last; there is no deity apart from me.” He is also known as the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts.
  • Deuteronomy 4:35 (Deuteronomy 4:35) It was demonstrated to you in order for you to understand that the LORD is God and that there is no one else other from him.

There is a good reason why Christianity is the most despised religion on the planet.

And you will be despised by everyone because you bear my name.

Reminders 21.

However, we belong to God, and people who know God pay attention to what we have to say.

As a result, we can tell if someone possesses the Spirit of truth or the Spirit of falsehood.

Galatians 1:6-9 (Galatians 1:6-9).

A different path has been chosen by you, one that claims to be the Good News while being anything but.

Any person or entity, including ourselves or even an angel from heaven, who preaches a different sort of Good News than the one we proclaimed to you, may God’s curse be placed on them.

Revelation 22:18-19 is the 23rd verse.

Dates and timings of completion 2 Timothy 4:3-4 is the 24th verse.


Now, the Spirit plainly warns that in the latter days, some will turn away from the truth, paying attention to seductive spirits and devilish doctrines.

1 Peter 3:15 (New International Version) But in your hearts, revere Christ the Lord as sacred, always being prepared to provide an explanation for the hope that you have in Christ; nevertheless, do it with kindness and respect for those who question you.

Jesus’ Surprising Interactions With Other Religions

Image courtesy of suc / pixabay.com Ding-dong. My daughter cries as I walk towards the front door. “Dad! “Please do not open that door!” When I turn around, I see my daughter looking out the window. “Why not?” says the author. I enquire. “It’s those jerks all over again. It’s like, “Why do they have to bother us with the ties and the bikes?” If you think back to the last time you interacted with someone from a different faith, it may have been the Jehovah’s Witness who came to your door, the Muslim mother who was watching her children play at the park, or the New Age practitioner who attempted to sell you healing crystals.

  • Were you able to achieve your objective, or did you fall short?
  • Did you have a specific purpose in mind while you were having the conversation with me?
  • I can recall several occasions in my life when I mustered the bravery to speak with someone from a different religion with the hope of assisting them in seeing the reality of the situation.
  • The fact that Jesus did not leave such a sour taste in people’s mouths is largely due to the fact that he treated members of other religions in a totally different way than we do.

Jesus interacted with Romans, who came from a polytheistic background; with Syrians and Canaanites, who had traditionally worshipped idols such as Baal and Ashtoreth; and with Samaritans, whose religion was similar to Jews in that they followed the Torah and believed in a coming Messiah, but who worshipped differently and who revered Mount Gerizim as their holiest site.

The method taken by Jesus in all of these conversations is strikingly different from the approach taken by him in his dealings with the Pharisees or his own followers.

So, how did he go about approaching them?

Here’s a quick rundown of how Jesus interacted with people of different religious backgrounds: What JesusDID:– healed the sick; delivered the demonically oppressed; instructed people to tell others about what God had done for them; praised people for their great faith; praised people as examples of what God desires; and announced that they would be invited to a feast in heaven with the prophets who came before them.

Only when he was pressed did Jesus declare himself to be the Messiah and King (John 4).

Following are some of the things Jesus DID NOTDO:– follow his own Jewish culture’s prejudicial norms– condemn or rebuke– warn of judgment or hell– argue theology, debate, quote Scripture, ask if people wanted to know the Gospel, or ask people to change anything are all acceptable methods of communication.

  1. Jesus did not attempt to persuade anybody to adopt a new belief system, modify their conduct, or join his organization.
  2. In a study done by the Pew Research Center in January 2017, the results reveal how Americans today feel about various religious organizations.
  3. Members of the younger generation (ages 18-29) have a more positive attitude toward Buddhists (+66), Hindus (+64), Catholics (+64), and Jews (+62) than they do toward evangelical Christians (+59).
  4. 2.
  5. According to the findings of the study, Americans have a strong affinity for those who are similar to themselves.
  6. Many others, however, who do not identify as evangelicals – whether they are members of the younger generation, members of the Democratic Party, or members of another religious organization – do not share these positive emotions towards evangelicals.
  7. We need to find a way to modify this bad impression.
  8. The agenda-based conversation and argumentative tactics that have failed to fulfill our aims of persuading people to change, nor have they represented the heart of our Savior, need to be abandoned.
  9. We shouldn’t do these things in order to gain the approval of people from different backgrounds, or even in order to convert them; rather, we should do them because we profess to be followers of Jesus.

As a result of Jim Baton’s two decades of living in a Muslim country, his works have transformed people’s ideas about Muslims and the way God would have us interact to them in love. His most recent work, A Violent Light, was published in December 2016 and has received positive reviews.

What does the Bible say about.how to treat other religions?

Pixabay.com image courtesy of suc Ding-dong. My daughter cries as I walk towards the door. “Dad! Close that door! Do not open it! When I turn around, I see my daughter peering out the window from behind the curtain. “What’s the harm?” says the author. What do you think? Once again, it’s them jerks.” It’s like, “Why do they have to bother us?” with the ties and motorcycles. Consider the last time you interacted with someone who practiced a different religion—whether it was the Jehovah’s Witness who came to your door, the Muslim mother who was watching her children play at the park, or the New Ager who attempted to sell you healing crystals to you.

  1. How far did you get in terms of reaching your goal?
  2. Is there anything specific you wanted to achieve from this interaction?
  3. I can recall several occasions in my life when I mustered the bravery to speak with someone from a different faith with the hope of assisting them in seeing the reality of their own religion.
  4. In contrast to other religions, Jesus did not leave a terrible taste in people’s mouths, which is likely because he handled members of other religions in a totally different manner than we do.

Among the peoples with whom Jesus interacted were the Romans, who came from a polytheistic background; the Syrians and Canaanites, who had traditionally worshipped idols such as Baal and Ashtoreth; and the Samaritans, whose religion was similar to that of Jews in that they followed the Torah and believed in a coming Messiah, but who had differences in how they worshipped and who looked to Mount Gerizim as their holiest site.

See also:  Why Do Catholics Have Jesus On The Cross

It is still practiced today by the Samaritans.) Jesus’ interactions with specific foreigners are recorded in the Gospels, such as the Roman Centurion with a sick servant (Luke 7), the Roman governor Pilate (John 18-19), the Canaanite woman with a sick daughter (Matthew 15), the Samaritan leper grateful for his healing (Luke 17), the sinful Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), the allegorical Good Samaritan (Luke 10) and many unnamed sick (Matthew 48; Mark 37).

The method taken by Jesus in all of these conversations is strikingly different from the approach taken by him in his dealings with the Pharisees or with his followers.

As a result, how did he go about it?

Here’s a quick rundown of how Jesus interacted with people of different religious beliefs: What JesusDID:– healed the sick; delivered the demonically oppressed; instructed people to tell others about what God had done for them; praised people for their great faith; praised people as examples of what God desires; and announced that they would be invited to a feast in heaven with the prophets who came before them.

Jesus revealed himself as Messiah and King only after being questioned (John 4).

What Jesus DIDN’TDO:– adopt the discriminatory standards of his own Jewish culture– criticize or rebuke– warn of judgment or hell– dispute theology, debate, reference Scripture, inquire whether people wanted to know the Gospel, or ask individuals to change anything are all acceptable methods of communicating the Gospel.

  • Jesus made no attempt to persuade anybody to adopt a new belief system, modify their conduct, or join his organization.
  • The Pew Research Center conducted a study in January 2017 to gain insight into how Americans now feel about various religious organizations in the country.
  • Members of the younger generation (ages 18-29) have a higher positive attitude toward Buddhists (+66), Hindus and Catholics (+64), and Jews (+62) than they do toward Evangelical Christians (+59).
  • Instead of ranking higher than Atheists (+59), evangelical Christians score closer to Muslims (+58).

Despite the fact that Republicans have the strongest feelings toward evangelical Christians (+71), Democrats rank Evangelical Christians near the bottom of the list, alongside Mormons (+53 and 52, respectively), far behind Jews (+66), Catholics and Buddhists (+64), Hindus (+61), Atheists (+57), and even Muslims (+56), according to the Pew Research Center.

  • According to the findings of the study, Americans have a strong affinity for those who are similar to them.
  • While many people out there, whether they are from the younger age, members of the Democratic Party, or members of another religious organization, may not identify as evangelicals, their sentiments toward evangelicals are not very positive.
  • What steps can we take to reverse this bad opinion of our organization?
  • The agenda-based conversation and argumentative techniques that have failed to fulfill our aims of persuading people to change, nor have they represented the heart of our Savior, must be left in the past.
  • We shouldn’t do these things in order to gain the approval of individuals from different backgrounds, or even in order to convert them; rather, we should do them because we profess to be followers of Jesus.

During Jim Baton’s two decades of living in a Muslim country, he wrote a series of novels that are changing people’s perspectives about Muslims and how God would have us interact to them in love. It was published in December 2016 that his most recent work, A Violent Light, came out.


Sorted in alphabetical order by book title 1 They are of the world, thus they talk of the world, and the world listens to what they say. (Continue reading.) I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father save through me, says Jesus in John 14:6. No one comes into the Father except through me. 1 Corinthians 8:5-6-For though there be some who are called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords), despite the fact that there are many gods and many lords (Read More.) Galatians 1:6-10-I am amazed at how quickly you have turned away from the one who called you into the grace of Christ and toward another gospel: (Continue reading.) In John 13:34-35, Jesus says, “I offer you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” This is a new commandment because I have loved you before.

(Continue reading.) According to John 3:16-18, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only born Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Whoever believes in him will not perish, but will have everlasting life.

(Continue reading.) John 15:16-Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you; and that whatever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

If you believe a poem or issue does not belong here, please let us know.

More information about Other Religions can be found by searching the King James Version (KJV).

Popular Topics for Bible Verses

Tim Truzy is a preacher in a Christian church, and he has also participated in religious activities in other faith traditions. Christians have a moral obligation to be sympathetic and caring toward one another. Images courtesy of Lori Truzy/Bluemango Images, used with permission.

Compassion and Love go Together

Most faiths place a strong emphasis on extolling the virtue of kindness. Mercy and compassion are, in fact, synonymous terms. Compassion, on the other hand, is a characteristic that comes from an awareness of pain and a wish to put an end to it. Not pity, but the ability to notice when someone is experiencing difficulties, as well as a desire to help them alleviate their suffering, is what compassion is all about. To put it another way, compassion does not imply that you are better than someone else.

Compassion is an essential component of love.

Compassion and mercy are mentioned almost three hundred times in the King James Version of the Bible, which is a significant number.

The following are nine Bible passages on mercy that are taken from the King James Version.

Finally, some suggestions on how to act with kindness in your daily life are offered. There are several scriptures in the Bible that speak about compassion and love. Images courtesy of Lori Truzy/Bluemango Images, used with permission.

Nine Bible Verses About Love and Compassion

  • In almost all religions, extolling the virtue of kindness is essential. Mercy and compassion are, in fact, synonyms in the Christian tradition. Awareness of pain and a desire to bring it to an end, on the other hand, are the characteristics that characterize compassionate people. Not pity, but the ability to notice when someone is experiencing difficulties, as well as a desire to help them alleviate their suffering, is what compassion is all about! To put it simply, compassion does not imply that you are better than someone else. It is necessary to recognize that we are all human and that everyone requires assistance from time to time in order to demonstrate this distinctive trait. Loving someone requires a great deal of compassion on their part. As a result, religious scriptures such as the Bible provide instruction on how to treat others with mercy and consideration. Compassion and mercy are mentioned about three hundred times in the King James Version of the Bible, which is a significant amount. Because I am an ordained Christian pastor, I am frequently called upon to assist others in comprehending the notion of compassion and applying it in a loving way. The following are nine Bible passages on mercy that are taken from theKing James Version of the Holy Bible. In addition, I discuss what compassion means in various religions. Finally, some suggestions about how to live your life with kindness are offered. There are several scriptures in the Bible that speak about compassion and loving-kindness. Used with permission from Lori Truzy/Bluemango Images.
  • The Bible says in Lamentations 3:32, “But even though he create pain, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his mercies.” According to the Bible’s Mark 6:34: “And when Jesus came out of the house, there were many people there, and he was moved with compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd: and he started to teach them many things.” In Philippians 2:3, the apostle Paul writes, “Let nothing be done from jealousy or self-seeking, but let each of you see others as greater than yourself.” The Lord of Hosts says in Zechariah 7:9-10, “Execute true judgment, and show kindness and compassions to every man toward his brother
  • And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, nor the destitute
  • And let none of you think ill against his brother in your hearts.”


Having insight is essential for generating compassion, such as when supporting an older person who may be having difficulty standing by holding a chair for them. Lori Truzy is a woman who works in the fashion industry.

What Do Other Religions Say about Compassion?

A fundamental component of compassion is understanding, which may be demonstrated by supporting an older person who may be having difficulty standing by holding a chair for them. Lori Truzy is a writer and editor who lives in the United Kingdom.

The Importance of Compassion and Love in the Christian Faith

In essence, most religions place a high importance on compassion, just as Christians do. Christ’s love and understanding for His followers are evident throughout the New Testament of the Bible. For example, in Matthew 4:22-23, Jesus heals the ill, demonstrating his ability to heal. In the same text, we discover that He served a large number of people with only a few fish and loaves of bread at his disposal. A number of people were cured of blindness and leprosy as a result of Jesus Christ’s intervention.

  1. Despite the fact that we do not possess the powers of Jesus Christ, we do possess the potential to love and be charitable.
  2. Giving your time to someone in the form of a loving act is perhaps the most effective approach to demonstrate compassion.
  3. After all, most faiths teach us that God is compassionate, and we desire to demonstrate actions and attitudes that are agreeable to Him.
  4. With time and repetition, the ability to live mercifully will become second nature to us.
  5. Allow compassion and love to serve as vaccinations against the moral ailments that our world is now suffering from.
  6. Compassion may be demonstrated by providing meals or assisting with household duties.

Compassionate Deeds We can Do

  • Speaking with lonely individuals is a wonderful method to demonstrate compassion. I routinely visit nursing facilities, where I engage in a wide range of conversations with the residents about a variety of issues. We share a lot of laughs and tales
  • Using the simple phrase “thank you” may go a long way toward improving someone else’s day. We have no way of knowing what another individual is going through. An expression of consideration in manners may make the difference between someone feeling unimportant and someone having an excellent day
  • Hug someone. Hugging has a favorable effect on the people who receive it. In the same way, shake someone’s hand. Allow them to know that they are valued in this world
  • Assisting with household tasks may also be beneficial to another individual. It’s possible that accomplishing these duties – such as walking the dog, grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, and cleaning – will provide the tranquility that someone requires.
  • Another approach of displaying love and compassion is to listen attentively and courteously to the problems of another person or group of people. While you are listening, refrain from making judgemental remarks or acting in a condescending manner. Such conduct detracts from genuine sympathy and may be interpreted as disrespectful by others. Consider volunteering to read the mail or the newspaper to senior citizens or others who have vision impairments. Other actions that you may perform to assist someone who is suffering from a chronic disease or a handicap include taking out the garbage, washing dishes, and any number of other tasks. Volunteering in animal shelters demonstrates a compassionate nature as well. You may also consider volunteering at your local homeless shelter.
  • Bringing food to folks who are unable to purchase for themselves is a generous gesture. When people are in need of aid, they may not know who to turn to for support. If you are aware that there is a need for food, contribute what you have available. Provide assistance when a client may require house repairs. You could be able to assist with a broken board, a squeaky staircase, or even just changing a light bulb. Some people need assistance with gardening or lawn care. Provide assistance to a single parent with children. Such parents have a plethora of responsibilities. Be understanding by assisting parents in picking up their children from school, assisting them with homework, or in any other way they may desire. If you have access to a vehicle, you might offer to drive folks to and from appointments. Cab price and transport fare might be too costly. Giving someone a ride might be a gesture of goodwill.
See also:  Jesus What A Beautiful Name


Giving food to folks who are unable to purchase for themselves is a generous gesture. Individuals who want assistance may be unsure of whom to contact. Share what you have if you are aware that someone is in need of food. If someone needs help with house repairs, you can help them out. Whether it’s reinstalling a loose board or repairing stairs, or even just changing a light bulb, you might be able to help. Contribute to the care of others’ gardens or lawns. Assist a single parent with children in need of financial assistance.

Consider assisting parents in whatever way they desire, such as picking up children from school or assisting with homework.

Getting about in a cab or on the bus may be very pricey. Provide a boost for them in order to be nice to them.

Should Christians Be Tolerant of Other Religions and Beliefs?

Should Christians be tolerant of people of other faiths and religious beliefs? Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Jack Wellman is a writer who lives in New York City. Christians are called to be salt and light in this world, but does this imply that we should be accepting of people of different faiths and beliefs? Certainly not.

The Definition of Tolerance

Tolerance of other religions and beliefs should be a Christian value. On September 2, 2014, the United States of America Jack Wellman is a writer who lives in New York City with his wife and three children. Christians are called to be salt and light in this world, but does this imply that we should be accepting to people of different religions and beliefs? Certainly not.

Only One Way

When it comes to believing that there is only one real way to gain everlasting life, Christians are sometimes characterized as narrow-minded and bigoted. But is this “one way” notion a product of our own imagination or is it the product of God’s? Jesus stated, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” and this is what he meant. “There is no other way to the Father but through me” (John 14:6). His words never stated that He is “one of many ways,” “one of many truths,” or “one of many routes to everlasting life,” but rather that He is “the way, truth, and life,” and that there is no other road to eternal life.

If people disagree with us on this point, it is essentially because they disagree with Jesus himself.


In order for this to be true, the inverse must also be true: “Whoever does not call on the name of the Lord will not be saved.” For men, women, and children, there is only one name that has been given by which they might be saved, and that name is the name of Jesus Christ (Acts4:12).

It is unlikely that you would believe that your guide is narrow-minded or biased just because he knows the only route over the mountainside that you would be following a limited path on a mountainside and following a guide His experience has led him to believe that there is no other path than the one he is now taking.

Accepting a different way of thinking or your own conviction might result in death.

Is there Objective Truth?

In a number of conversations, I’ve heard the following statement: “That may be true for you, but it is not true for me.” The truth is that what you think is true for you; nevertheless, the truth is not true for me.” Is there such a thing as objective truth? According to one individual, there are no absolutes. This is my query to him: “How am I meant to believe you if you are claiming that there are no absolutes?” “Are you certain that’s what you mean?” What’s to stop us from pulling into a gas station and simply filling our gas tanks with water instead of gasoline.

Do you think I’m being narrow-minded when I tell the person “Hey, that’s water, not gas?” A person who holds the opinion that there are no absolutes or objective truths might argue that if they believe it is appropriate for them to put water in their gas tank instead of gas, who am I to tell them what is true for them?

That is a complete and utter blunder, not to mention a completely nonsensical assertion.

Salvation is from God

If we recognize that it is not our obligation to save those who are lost and outside of the saving religion, we should be more accepting of the views of others who hold different ideas than our own. Unless the Holy Spirit shows up in a person’s life and reveals his or her need for the Savior, we will be unable to persuade them by arguing that their belief or religion is incorrect. There has never been an argument to get someone into paradise that I am aware of. No one can be saved since it is not our job.it is their reaction to His abilities, even though it is our obligation to inform them of this.

“These things God has revealed to us via the Spirit,” says the Bible clearly.

The point that Paul is saying here is that we cannot persuade individuals that they are in the wrong about anything.

Tolerance and Tolerating

Even if we believe that other people’s views are incorrect, we must accept them as true. We would have been in the same state of doubt in Christ if it had not been for the revelation of these things by the Holy Spirit. The fact that we believe does not make us any more superior to those who do not. We will only be in a better position on the Day of Judgment because Jesus took on our sins so that when the Father looks at us, He would see Jesus’ own righteousness rather than our own depravity (2 Cor5:21).

For those who follow Muhammad’s way, Confucius’ way, Buddha’s way, Mormonism’s way, or Jehovah’s Witnesses’ way, we must recognize that we are only separated from one another by the mercy of God and do not have the same beliefs.

Understanding these truths allows us to accept others; in fact, it should inspire us to pray for them in order that their blindness may be erased and they may be able to see the magnificent light that is Jesus Christ’s salvation.


We may embrace individuals for who they are, but we must also learn to tolerate the opinions of those who do not share our values. This does not imply that we agree with their beliefs since we understand that there is only one way to be saved (Acts 16:30-31) but it does imply that we should love people regardless of their beliefs about God and Christianity. And such were some of you”(2 Cor 6:11a), but thanks be to God, “you were cleansed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by our God’s Spirit”(2 Cor 6:11b) (2 Cor 6:11b, c).

The fact that we must proclaim the gospel does not diminish our responsibilities, but we must recognize that it takes the Word of God, spoken by a person of God, along with the Spirit of God, to create children of God and to bring God’s glory into the world.

Another Reading on Patheos to Check Out:What Did Jesus Really Look Like: A Look at the Bible Facts

Currently, Jack Wellman serves as pastor of the Mulvane Brethren church in Mulvane, Kansas. Jack also serves as the Senior Writer for What Christians Want To Know, a website whose aim is to equip, encourage, and excite Christians, as well as to answer concerns regarding the believer’s daily walk with God and his or her relationship with the Bible. For more information, you can follow Jack on Google Plus or read his bookBlind Chance or Intelligent Design, which is available on Amazon.

Christ and the other religions

Commission for Interreligious DialogueCHRIST AND THE OTHER RELIGIONS Michael FitzgeraldIn his Apostolic Letter for the preparation of the Jubilee of the Year 2000, Pope John Paul II has stated that “The two thousand years which have passed since the birth of Christ. represent an extraordinarily great Jubilee, not only for Christians but indirectly for the whole of humanity, given the prominent role played by Christianity during these two millennia” (TMA15).The Holy Father, underlining «the ecumenical and universal character of the Sacred Jubilee» (TMA55), envisages the possibility of a meeting of all Christians, organised in a spirit «of grateful openness to those religions whose representatives might wish to acknowledge the joy shared by all the disciples of Christ (ibid). Since the celebration of the Jubilee is to take place simultaneously in the Holy Land, in Rome and in the local Churches throughout the world» (ibid), it would seem that this openness to people of other religions should also be shown at the local level.What restrictions may be expected from people of other religions? Will they be willing to join Christians in celebrating the birthday of Jesus? What do they think of Jesus Christ? The purpose of this short article is to take a rapid look at how the followers of some religious traditions might answer this last question.The Jewish TraditionWith regard to the Jewish tradition it is important not to overlook the Jewishness of Jesus. There is not only the fact of his birth, but also his love for the Scriptures and for the Temple as evidenced in his preaching and his ministry in general. It should be remembered too that the first Christians were in fact Judeo-Christians, though very soon Gentiles entered the Church.In the first two centuries there does not appear to be much opposition on the part of the Jews to Jesus as a human person. From the 3rd century onwards, as the Christian faith in the divinity of Christ became more clearly expressed, and the distance between Judaism and Christianity grew, Jews tended to ignore Jesus. After the year 1000, when persecution of Jews increased, and Jesus was perceived to be the source of all their woes, Jews adopted a more critical stance. Yet some Jewish sages, writing between the 12th and 14th centuries, could speak of Jesus as a “saint”, as one who “served to prepare the whole world for the veneration of God in the communion of hearts”.The Enlightenment brought a change. Jesus is regarded as a religious and ethical master, a reformer, a man of faith. He is regarded by some as a “messianic” person, but obviously Jews do not accept him as the Messiah awaited by Israel. The new climate established by the DeclarationNostra Aetateof the Second Vatican Council has allowed both Jews and Christians to take a new look at Jesus.IslamThe Qur’ an contains several passages on Jesus and Mary. The virginal birth, the role of Jesus as a prophet, his mission to confirm the Torah, but to abrogate some of its prohibitions, the calling of “helpers” in his mission, – these are all features of the Quranic portrait of Jesus.There are thus similarities with the Christian understanding of Jesus, but there are essential differences. The divinity of Christ is denied, as is also the reality of the Crucifixion. At the end of his life an attempt is made to kill Jesus, but he is delivered and raised up to heaven. There are a number of references to Jesus in the hadith, the Traditions attributed to Muhammad. These show reverence for Jesus and recognise his importance, but they emphasize that he ranks after Muhammad.Muslim mystics write of Jesus as a spiritual teacher, one who emphasized fear and love of God, patience in time of trial, abandonment to God, asceticism and poverty, humility and love. For Ibn ‘Arabi (d. 1240) Jesus is “the seal of holiness”.There may be a temptation to seize some of the expressions used in the Qur’ an with regard to Jesus (“Word”, “Spirit from God”), and see them as pointers to belief in the divinity of Christ. The whole Quranic context, with its strong denial that Jesus is God, would invalidate such a procedure. When speaking about Jesus with Muslims, it would seem preferable to take as a starting point his message and from here, work back to the person and mystery of Christ.HinduismHindus, who have heard about Jesus Christ from Christian missionaries, have reacted in various ways. Some have come to admire Jesus, but without any feeling of commitment to him. Others have come to know and love Jesus and have committed themselves to him, but within the context of Hinduism. Still others have responded to the person of Christ by seeking baptism and incorporation into the Church.Mahatma Gandhi is an example of one who greatly admired the teaching of Jesus but who, as he himself said, was not interested in the historical person of the teacher. He was particularly struck by the Sermon on the Mount. For him Jesus, through his message, became an ethical symbol.Many Hindus have no difficulty in accepting Jesus as divine. What they find difficult is the Christian understanding that the Incarnation of God in Jesus is unique. Jesus is often seen as the supreme example of self-realization, the goal of the Hindi dharma. He is taken to be a symbol of human progress. For some he becomes more of an ideal than a historical person. According to Hindu traditions, history always provides an imperfect knowledge of reality. In such a context, to identify the mystery of Jesus Christ with historical fact is seen as reducing God to imperfection.BuddhismSince Buddha deliberately avoided talking about the existence or non-existence of God, it is obvious that Buddhists will have difficulty when faced with the Christian belief in Jesus as the Son of God, true God and true man. Yet some Buddhists have paid serious attention to Jesus Christ. A contemporary Japanese scholar, Masao Abe, has reflected on the self-emptying of Christ as referred to by Paul (Phil2: 5-8). He compares this kenosis with the concept of sunyata (emptiness) in Buddhism. Christ is here an example of denial of the self (ego). So it can be said that «Every day, here and now, we die as the old person, and resurrect as the new person with Christ».Other Buddhists see Jesus as the liberator, because he teaches people the correct view of life, helping them out of darkness and blindness. Jesus does not impose liberation, but offers it, through faith in him. For the Dalai Lama it is the compassion of Jesus that is most striking. He sees the importance of the Gospel teaching on love of neighbour, kindness, forgiveness.Buddhists naturally tend to interpret Jesus according to their own system of thought. They may be attracted by his teachings and by his example. They may be willing to recognise Jesus as a bodhisatva, one who renounces himself out of compassion for others. Yet there will still remain a fundamental difference, for they accept Jesus as a wise Teacher, but not as a divine Person.African Traditional ReligionIn African Traditional Religions the Ancestors play an important role. Having fulfilled their days, and having observed the traditions, social customs and family duties, the deceased come to be considered as protectors and intermediaries between God and human beings. They are manifestations of a source from which life flows. This life is received from God and has its foundation in His power.Faith in the Ancestors can be a support for faith in Jesus. The God of Jesus Christ is the God of life. Jesus, who shares in this life in a very special way, presents himself as one who gives life and gives it in abundance (cfJn10,10). From this point of view Jesus can be considered as an Ancestor, indeed the Ancestorpar excellence.Another concern of Africans, whether traditional or modern, is sickness and the search for healing. Sickness is not just physical, it also concerns relations. Health lies in maintaining perfect harmony in the natural social and cosmic orders, both visible and invisible. When this harmony is disturbed, remedies will have to be sought.Now Jesus is presented in the Gospels as one who went about healing. He is both a liberator and a healer. Through his healing action he shows himself to be in touch with human suffering. In healing he calls for commitment. He said to the paralytic: «I order you: get up, pick up your stretcher, and go off home» (Mk2,11). This is an invitation to overcome a fatalistic attitude to sickness and suffering.ConclusionThis very rapid look at different religious traditions will have shown that there are many different approaches to Jesus. As Christians we are rooted in our belief in Jesus as Son of God, Lord and Saviour, and in our love for him. It is this faith and love which allows us to go out to others. We may feel that, though they do not fully share our belief in Christ and our commitment to Him, they are able to walk part of the way with us. This may encourage us to invite them to be associated in some ways with our celebrations for the 2000th anniversary of the Birth of Christ.
See also:  What Did Jesus Say About The Old Testament

Religious tolerance in the Bible

This is a sponsored link. The term “tolerance” does not appear in the Bible at any point. To be sure, it does not exist in any of the three most widely used English translations: the King James Version, the New King James Version, the American Standard Version, the New International Bible, and the English Standard Version, to name a few. In compared to the numerous examples of religious intolerance that may be found in the Bible, there are relatively few verses that urge tolerance. In the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), we could only uncover one reference to religious peace, and that was a hazy prophecy about religious peace occurring at some unspecified point in the future.

The majority of them are solely concerned with tolerance between Christians.

It frequently calls for the repression of women, adherents of other religions, and sexual minorities, as well as genocide and mass slaughter of “others,” particularly in the Hebrew Scriptures, where it is most prevalent.

Religious Tolerance in the Hebrew Scriptures:

World religions at peace with each other:The prophet Micah prophesied about a coming time when nations will stop making war. The various peoples of the world will live in peace and pursue their different religions, each worshipping their different Gods and Goddesses. Meanwhile, the Jews will continue to follow Jehovah. His prophesy came to pass for the known western world during the Roman Empire where religious were generally tolerated (except for the intermittent persecution of Christians). However, latein the 4th century CE when Christianity became the official religion of theRoman Empire, persecution of non-Christians became the norm.Micah 4:3-5″.they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hat spoken it. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.” (KJV)

Religious Tolerance in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament):

Tolerance of other types of “Christianity”: Jesus’ disciples had rejected a healer who was exorcising demons in Jesus’ name, yet was not one of Jesus direct followers. Jesus criticized his disciples and accepted the healer. Mark and Luke report the incident in parallel passages:

Mark 9:38-40″.we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbade him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is on our part.” (KJV)
Luke 9:49-50″.we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbade him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.”
Jesus refused to curse non-believers:Jesus’ teachings were rejected by the inhabitants of a village in Samaria. His disciples asked that he exterminate the people of the village by issuing a curse. Jesus refused to do it, and simply move onto the next village.Luke 9:52-56: “.they did not receive him.And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

And they went to another village.”

Jesus treats a Samaritan women with respect: Jesus initiated a conversation with a Samaritan woman in Sychar, Samaria.

Also, Jews normally treated Samaritans with contempt.

for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

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Christians treating Jews with respect: The author of Luke and Acts comments that the Jews in Berea were more noble, fair-minded and receptive than the Jews of Thessalonica.Acts 17:10-13″And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.”
Tolerance of Pagans towards Christians:Paul was under house arrest in Rome for two years. The government granted him religious freedom and did not forbid him to preach.Acts 28:30-31″And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him, Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.”
Acceptance of non-Christians into Heaven:An oftenpreached message by conservative Protestants is that the only way to besavedand attainHeaven after death is to repent of one’s sins and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. Onecorollary of this view is that only those persons who hear the Gospel andaccept it will spend eternity in Heaven. HoweverRomans 2:14-16delivers a different and contrastingmessage. Paul writes:”For when the Gentiles, which have not the law,do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law,are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written intheir hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughtsthe mean while accusing or else excusing one another; In the day whenGod shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to mygospel.”Paul is here discussing those individuals who have notheard Jewish and Christian teachings. They were in the majority of the world’spopulation in Paul’s time and remain so today. Paul said that God has giventhem the knowledge of right and wrong. Their response to God’s moralimplantingwill be reviewed on Judgment Day. They may be saved and attain heaven if theyresponded morally while living on Earth.Paul’s teaching on this point contradicts the repent and trust message taughtby conservative Protestants. It also contradicts Matthew 25 which states thatpeople of all religions will be judged solely by their good and bad works.
Toleration of fellow Christians:St. Paul commented on the range of beliefs among Christians. The situation bythe middle of the 1st CenturyCEwas not unlike the variety of beliefs and practices seen among Christian denominations today. He called for intra-faith harmony. Paul urged believers to be tolerant of others who may follow different dietary rules, or hold religious services on a different day. He recommends that believers avoid doing anything that might make a fellow believer stumble in this faith.Romans 14:1-23″Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him.One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.” (NKJ)
Avoid offending followers of other religions: St. Paul commented on the dietary habits of Christians.1 Corinthians 10:31-32″Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, orwhatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:”

OntarioConsultants on Religious Tolerance owned the copyright from 1998 until 2011. The most recent update was on 2011-MAY-16. B.A. Robinson is the author of this piece.

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