What Does Jesus Say About Government

What the Bible really says about government

A recent incident with Attorney General Jeff Sessions citing the Bible to support his policy of separating migrant children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border elicited widespread outrage on the internet. President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy was defended by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “I would point you to the Apostle Paul and his plain and sensible instruction in Romans 13, to respect the rules of the government because God has ordered them for the sake of order,” Sessions said.

Consistent and fair implementation of the law is a good and moral thing in and of itself, and it protects the vulnerable while also protecting those who follow the law.” Part of the paragraph in question, which is found in Chapter 13 of the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Romans, is as follows: “Every individual should submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority apart from God, and the authorities that do exist were established by God himself.

As a result, everyone who opposes authority is opposing what God has assigned, and those who oppose will be subject to judgment.” According to some individuals, especially secularists who are unfamiliar with the Bible, this verse implies that Christians should just obey any government, no matter how heinous their actions are.

They’re both completely wrong.

The Bible is a difficult text to understand and comprehend.

It is unknown what the Bible says, but it is also unclear what Plato says in his Dialogues, what Shakespeare says in his plays, and what the United States Constitution says.

As a result, the Bible appears to suggest that Jesus was a human being like anyone else at times, and at other times, that he was divine; at times, it appears to suggest that there is only one God, and at other times, it appears to suggest that there is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit at various times.

  • “Both,” says Christianity in response.
  • Some people were allergic to what they saw to be its message (“Bow to the State!”).
  • Romans 13 makes sense in the context of the rest of the Bible, as does everything else in this world.
  • After all, it was Rome that assassinated Jesus.
  • So much for praising the government.
  • Paul’s purpose in writing Romans 13 is to express primarily two points: First and first, just because the Roman Empire, and indeed most governments, were terrible, does not imply that all governance, in general, is equally horrible in concept.

The first point, such as Jesus’ famous line about giving back to Caesar, is important, and not just because progressives who would like to strike it out because of its historical association with all sorts of government wrongdoing should remember that it is also the justification for all of the government programs they support and support strongly.

  • Once again, you must understand the background of the Roman Empire: Rome’s rule was not only absolute, but it was also literally divine in nature.
  • As a result, Romans 13 puts the government back in its proper place: Yes, God desires that governments exist because else we would be plunged into disorder, but governments are not divine in nature.
  • In addition, the second argument — to oppose without breaking the law — is significant because it indicates that Paul was pioneering something that had never been done before: nonviolent opposition to an oppressive government.
  • Following in the footsteps of Jesus, Paul and the other early leaders of the Church established a manner of dealing with public power that would serve as a model for future successful nonviolent resistance movements, such as Gandhi’s and Martin Luther King Jr.’s.
  • Yes and no, to be honest.
  • This is crucial because far too many Christians quote the Bible’s numerous texts enjoining “friendliness to strangers” as if they were Biblical justification for maintaining an open-door policy.

What’s more, Romans 13 teaches that civil officials have a responsibility to faithfully administer the law, and as attorney general, Sessions’ job description does not include putting into effect what he believes to be good policy, but rather putting into effect what is actually written into the law.

  • Migrant families are being separated for reasons that go beyond the application of the law.
  • Because, after all, there is no explicit legislation that mandates the separation of children from their families.
  • Sessions does not appear to have taken it into consideration, much to Trump’s occasional displeasure.
  • In order to justify his conduct on the basis of the Bible, he should defend them on their own merits rather than hiding behind Romans 13.

For more than two decades, America’s immigration policy has been characterized by having one set of written laws and another set of unwritten laws, making a mockery of the rule of law and contributing significantly to the delegitimization of the political process, which has aided the rise of populist demagogues such as Donald Trump.

As a result, there is a lesson here for both conservatives and progressives: just as conservatives must grapple with the plainly clear Biblical verses about sympathy for the stranger, progressives must grapple with the plainly clear Biblical verses about the necessity of sound government and the rule of law.

What Does the Bible Say about the Role of Government?

If you’re a political junkie, you’ll find this week to be a very interesting time to observe the arguments in and around Congress. Democrats and Republicans are at loggerheads with one other (and with other members of their respective parties) over a planned law that, among other things, contains an issue over immigration policy. Each member of Congress has a particular set of spending priorities, which are determined by his or her political philosophy, the geographic area in which they live, and, in many cases, their concerns about re-election.

What exactly should the federal government be spending its money on?

For advice on this subject, we may turn to the Bible, which is written specifically for Christians.

Today, we’ll look at what the Bible has to say about what the government should be doing.

Punishing Evil, Promoting Good

As stated in Romans 13:4, the government is tasked with punishing those who do wrong. A “minister of God, an avenger who brings vengeance on the one who acts wickedness,” as the phrase goes. When it comes to revenge, the Bible says that believers should “never.pay back evil for evil,” and they should “never take their own retribution.” It’s not that God is directing us to forget or disregard injustice; quite the contrary. God will exact retribution at some point in the future, and the government is one of his instruments for doing so.

  1. To fulfill this duty, the government must penalize bad behavior while while protecting those engaged in legitimate pursuits.
  2. When the government directly offers anything to its residents, such as healthcare, food stamps, or low-interest student loans, the government is said to be playing a “positive” role.
  3. This acknowledgement might be in the form of particular recognition for people who are performing in exemplary ways, or it could simply be an official or informal commendation for being a good citizen.
  4. Furthermore, 1 Peter 2:13-14 states, “Submit yourself for the sake of the Lord to every human institution,” including kings and authorities, as well as governors appointed by the Lord to punish evildoers and reward those who do good works.

It should be noted once more that this explanation of the government’s function places a strong emphasis on the rule of law and the punishment of evil. In addition, the government should offer credit to those who do the right thing rather than doing the right thing itself.

Giving to Caesar What Is Caesar’s

Jesus rejected the political road as a means of establishing his future kingdom, and we should do the same. His “kingdom is not of this world,” he said emphatically. Caesar’s role in this world was accepted as well, and he commanded his disciples to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s,” while maintaining his belief in God’s supreme power over the cosmos (Matt. 22:20-22). Tim Keller speaks on the function of government in this verse in his sermon “Arguing about Politics,” which may be seen here: There has never been a theory of limited government that predates this one in the history of mankind.

That is, you may give Caesar some of what he wants, which is his money, but you cannot give Caesar what he ultimately wants, which is to entirely embrace his system of compulsion, his system of injustice, his system of exclusion.but we are unable to provide him with what he ultimately wants.

Another text to consider is 1 Timothy 2:1-2, which reads: I implore you to make prayers.for kings and all those in positions of power, so that they may live a peaceful and quiet life, full of piety and dignity, as I have done.

A Biblical Case for Limited Government, a study report published by the International Federation of Women’s Education (IFWE), states that this verse asks for prayers to “maintain stable social order in which individuals can live contentedly and quietly without fear of damage.” The texts quoted above are significant because they reveal the New Testament’s stance on secular government.

  1. The majority of people today, on the other hand, live in communities that are more like to the heathen countries described in Amos 1 and 2 than to Israel.
  2. He points out that When thesenations and rulers violate people’s negative rights, the prophet chastises them, for example, for forcing a populace to flee, torturing and murdering pregnant women, theft, forced servitude, and murder.
  3. Typical of prophets and their knowledge of the obligations of heathen kings and countries, this passage is a good example.
  4. Note from the editor: Learn more about what the Bible teaches about the role of government inFreedom from Religion and Ethics.
  5. Increase the number of individuals who understand and practice the biblical and economic ideas that are essential to a functioning society!

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What does the Bible say about government?

QuestionAnswer The Bible expresses itself quite clearly about the relationship between believers and the government of the day. We are expected to follow the rules of the government, and the government is expected to treat us justly and equitably. In the event that the government fails to fulfill its responsibilities, we must continue to fulfill ours. Finally, when the government asks us to do anything that is directly in opposition to God’s Word, we are to defy the government with full trust and confidence in the Lord’s ability to shield us from the consequences.

  1. We must keep in mind that God created the authorities who rule over us in the same way that He created us.
  2. God has placed in place the authorities that are now in place.
  3. “Submit yourself for the sake of the Lord to every authority established among men: whether to the king, who is the highest authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do evil and to laud those who do good,” Peter wrote (1 Peter 2:13-14).
  4. The instructions to government “masters” are equally clear and numerous (Ephesians 6:5-8; Colossians 3:22-25; 1 Timothy 6:1-2; 1 Peter 2:18-20; Titus 2:9-11).
  5. They gathered around Jesus, who replied, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord power over them and that their high officials exert dominion over them.'” That is not the case with you.
  6. The purpose of a government or authority is to serve the people who are ruled.
  7. Even if that occurs, we must continue to live in conformity to the law.
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Both Jesus and Paul utilized the subject of taxation to illustrate their points.

When Jesus was questioned about this predicament, he seized a coin and said, “Whose portrait is this?” And who is the author of the inscription?’ They responded with ‘Caesar’s.’ ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s,’ he remarked to them at that point.

Because Paul lectured them on the subject, it appears that the Christians in Rome were still asking the same issue at that time.

When it comes to our relationship with the government, Daniel is a character from the Old Testament whom we should emulate.

Daniel rose through the ranks of this pagan and unbelieving regime to the greatest levels of power.

When Daniel urged that the wise men not be beheaded for failing to interpret the king’s dream, he demonstrated his loyalty to the monarch as a genuine servant.

The three companions of Daniel, who refused to bow down to the idol constructed by King Nebuchadnezzar while Daniel was in the royal court were put to death in the furnace while Daniel was present (Daniel 3:12-15).

Their response was not to defend themselves, but to tell the king that their God would save them, and that even if He did not, they would still refuse to worship or serve any of Nebuchadnezzar’s deities (Daniel 3:16-18).

This time, Daniel found himself in a similar situation when the governors and satraps conned the king into signing a decree that stated, “.that whomever begs any god or man for thirty days save you, O king, will be tossed into the den of lions” (Daniel 6:7).

“Now that Daniel had learned that the writing had been signed, he returned home.

Daniel was entirely devoted to any ruler who was placed in authority over him until that ruler instructed Daniel to defy the will of the Lord.

When faced with a decision between the world and God at that point, Daniel chose the latter. As should each and every one of us. Return to the page with the most recent Bible questions. Is there anything in the Bible that speaks to government?

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What does the Bible say about government?

Sometimes our identities become entangled with an election—with something that is about to happen, or has already happened, in the world of politics. In contrast, if we recognize that above all else, who we are is defined by our identity in Christ, we can be certain that no matter whose side we take in the political fights that are currently raging, our identities in him remain constant. Above all else, I’m not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent in the traditional sense. Above all things, I am not a member of any race, whether it white, black, Asian, or Hispanic.

Above all, who I am is defined by my identity in Christ.

That is virtually unheard of in many parts of the world; instead, a change in leadership can result in bloodshed, conflict, or worse in certain cases.

Important passages about governing authorities

As followers of Christ, we understand that our future security is based on God’s sovereignty rather than on the rule of men. This notion comes straight from the pages of Scripture, and it holds true regardless of political orientation. God is in control, according to Scripture, and we may put our confidence in him. On top of that, we are instructed to pray for, submit to, and obey our ruling authorities, according to the Scriptures. In Romans 13:1-7, the apostle Paul states that “every individual is to be subject to the ruling authority.” Because there is no authority other than that of God, and those that do exist were established by Him.

  • Because rulers are not a source of terror for good conduct, but rather for bad behavior.
  • Do what is right, and you will receive praise from those who are right; after all, it is a minister of God to you for your benefit.
  • As a result, it is vital to be under submission, not only for the purpose of wrath, but also for the sake of one’s conscience.
  • Give to everyone what is due them: tax to those who owe it, custom to those who owe it, terror to those who deserve it, and respect to those who deserve it.
  • In this passage, Paul refers to governing authority as ministers of God, who have been appointed by God for our benefit.
  • Here’s what Peter had to say about it: For the sake of the Lord, submit yourself to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in power or to governors as those appointed by him for the punishment of evildoers and the acclaim of those who do what is right.
  • Act as free men, and do not use your freedom to cover up wicked deeds, but rather use it to serve God as his bondslaves.

Respect all individuals, cherish the brotherhood, revere God, and revere the ruler. Scripture teaches that we are to pray for, respect, and submit to governmental authorities, while also engaging in the political process in a way that allows us to influence people for Christ.

Why we can be encouraged by Scripture’s teaching on government

The same answer I hear over and again from Jesus’ disciples when I explain this commandment is: “But Pastor, Paul, and Peter had no idea what our country was going to be like today!” I want us to keep a few things in mind before we succumb to that logic and dismiss God’s written word as being out of date.

  1. The apostles Paul and Peter penned these verses with the help of the Holy Spirit of God, who inspired them. He exists outside of the confines of time and can see into the future with the same clarity that he sees into the past. To claim that something in the Bible is irrelevant to us now because God may not have fully comprehended how things would develop in the future is to disrespect God’s eternality and omniscience
  2. The government in place at the time was far worse than ours today
  3. And The government that Paul and Peter were writing about in their writings is like to a cupcake compared to our own. Slavery was permitted and supported by their administration. In reality, there were 10 million slaves in the Roman empire, accounting for almost one-third of the total population of the Roman Empire. And it’s for this reason that Peter wrote “Act like free men” at the end of his letter. Many of the persons to whom he was writing were not free
  4. During Peter and Paul’s time, government authority was concentrated in the hands of absolute rulers, who were sometimes just one person. Let’s not forget about this: Paul and Peter were writing to people who were living under the reign of monarchs who saw themselves as gods in their own right. In certain cases, they required that the people under their control venerate them as if they were gods. Not only that, but the leaders of Paul and Peter’s administration permitted the extortion of their constituents through the use of taxes. In accordance with Roman law, tax collectors were permitted to prey on residents by demanding up to six times the amount of tax owing to the government—for their own personal gain
  5. The government of Paul and Peter’s day targeted minorities, and did so zealously. The most severe forms of persecution were directed at a group of people known as Christians. It was not commonplace for the authorities to encase them in wax, after which they were put on a stake and burned at night to provide illumination for the emperor’s gardens. Some were crucified, while others were put to wild creatures as a form of punishment. So, before we read these passages and conclude that “God simply didn’t realize how horrible things were going to get for us,” I invite you to consider the context in which these statements were originally presented. Some of the people who heard these verses had to sneak their way into the church service in order to hear them because they were afraid of being killed by their government because of their religious beliefs.

Distinguishing the best way for us to follow Jesus in these troubled times can be challenging. It was long ago that God foretold that we would be living in a sinful world where the enemy would be on the lookout for opportunities to tempt us. Knowing that who we are in Christ is who we are in ourselves, on the other hand, provides us with a solid foundation on which we may stand quietly, happily, cheerfully, and with confidence in our identity. We are certain that God is in control, and we can put our confidence in him, regardless of who is in power for the time being.

What Did Jesus Teach about Politics?

Part of the What Did Jesus Teach? series, this essay explores the teachings of Jesus.

Think about Your Brothers and Sisters

When I consider the question of how the teachings of Jesus fit into our current political climate, I realize that readers are likely to begin thinking about issues such as abortion, immigration, racism, social justice, and any number of other current issues as soon as they finish reading the chapter on the teachings of Jesus. That is a commendable inclination. If we are serious about Christ’s lordship in our lives, we should endeavor to apply that lordship to our engagement in politics as well.

When it comes to acting in a responsible and loving manner in the context of both their vertical connection with God and their horizontal relationships with other image bearers, they should surely be thinking about it.

Simply stating things in this manner encourages us to begin thinking clearly.

How We View Government

The first point has to do with our perceptions of the federal government. One particular occurrence in Christ’s life prompts us to take a more close look at the issue. When Jesus was confronted with a hostile audience in Mark 12:13-17, he was ready to trip him up with a question that would expose him to derision. Would he be willing to pay taxes to Caesar in his capacity as a teacher of everything that is “true”? He asked for a coin and took a moment to consider what was imprinted on it. “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s,” he said after seeing the image of Caesar.

The message of Jesus, on the other hand, might be accomplished simply by directing followers to “render unto Caesar.” He takes it a step further.

It has a legitimate task and a responsibility that it should carry out.

The concept and actuality of a Caesar are both big and mighty, but as soon as we place God in the same category as this earthly ruler, Caesar’s height is immediately and profoundly reduced.

During this time, earthly kingdoms will fall and sculptures will deteriorate. Their true significance lies in the fact that they mirror (often in a negative way) God’s higher reign. In the words of Jesus, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God.”

Political Thought

Hunter Baker, an award-winning lecturer, has developed this guide to the main concerns inherent in politics, which will assist students in gaining a firm knowledge of fundamental political ideas. However, there is a legitimate zone of action that belongs to the government, and it is not coextensive with the larger area that is governed by God. There should never be a misunderstanding between the government and the authority that underpins all authorities. As soon as governments go above and beyond tolerating immorality and begin to glorify it, they begin to cut away at the foundations of their own thrones.

See also:  Where Was Jesus Born In A Stable

Jesus’s Kingship

My second statement regarding what Jesus teaches is a logical extension of my first point. Throughout Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus makes a decisive declaration of his reign. He will sit on a majestic throne, not as some local chieftain governing over a tribe, or even as a great ruler of many regions, but rather as the King over all the nations, with their people assembled before him in adoration and submission. We hold dear our democracies and our rights to elect governments whose power is based on our approval or disapproval.

  • But it is important to remember that Jesus is more than just a friend or a brother.
  • Make no doubt about it.
  • Not only is he a king, but he is also the one and only genuine King.
  • I believe that one of the most important lessons to be learned from Israel’s wretched monarchy (which God forewarned the people against) is that there is only one man genuinely worthy of ruling.
  • God is the source of all legitimate power.
  • Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, we should be considerably more alert to the actuality of Jesus Christ’s kingship.
  • However, we would be wiser if we recognized that his rule resembles that of the heaven depicted by C.

Lewis in his novel The Great Divorce (The Great Divorce, 1939).

It is exhilaratingly, dangerously, thrillingly, and devastatingly authentic.

For the most of my life, I have been interested in politics.

However, the more I grow older, the more it becomes evident to me that the most important thing I have to say about politics is that Jesus Christ is Lord and King.

Hunter Baker is the author of Political Thought: A Student’s Guide (Political Thought: A Student’s Guide).

from Baylor University and a JD from the University of Houston.

As an associate editor for the Journal of Markets and Morality, Baker is also a contributing editor for Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, among other publications. Aside from that, he serves as a research fellow for the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

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Bible Verses about Government

1. Everyone should submit to the ruling authorities, for there is no authority other than that which God has established. God has placed in place the authorities that are now in place. 1 As a result, anybody who challenges authority is challenging what God has established, and those who do so will bring punishment upon themselves. 2. 3Because rulers are not afraid of people who do what is right, but they are terrified of those who do what is wrong. Do you wish to be free of the fear of those in positions of power in your life?

4Because the person in power is God’s servant working for your benefit.

They are God’s servants, messengers of wrath sent to punish those who have wronged the community.

6This is also the reason why you pay taxes, because the authorities are God’s servants who devote their entire time to the administration of justice.

What Does the Bible Have to Say about the Government?

Especially in this day and age of polarized political views and apparently constant fighting about what constitutes “good government” or “godly leaders,” it might be difficult to comprehend God’s perspective on government. It might be even more difficult for us to comprehend how to behave or think as Christians in some situations and situations. Government, on the other hand, is not a novel method of organizing people, and God has a number of things to say about it throughout the Bible. What does the Bible teach about the role of the government in society?

Credit for the image: Getty Images/Muni Yogeshwaran

What Does the Bible Say about the Government?

Initially, it is beneficial to recognize that God is the ultimate authority. God is preeminent because he is the creator of the universe, the one who created each and every individual on the planet, and the one who has an ultimate plan. He is the one who makes the decisions and plots our course. He is the source of our laws and orders. It is merely our responsibility to follow Him. When mankind disobeyed God and was expelled from the Garden of Eden, a barrier was built between us and the Almighty.

  • Many of them went down a dark path.
  • Nevertheless, there were always individuals, specific leaders, who God placed in position to shepherd the people.
  • As a result of God’s communication with Moses, the Israelites were led out of Egypt and into the Promised Land by Moses (Exodus 13).
  • God established Himself as the ultimate authority in the Ten Commandments that He revealed to Moses (Exodus 20:1-3), but He also instructed us to revere and follow our father and mother so that we “may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12).
  • If we performed this, we would get blessings.
  • This was the natural structure of government for the people of that region.
  • Samuel was upset by this since he knew God’s people were different from the other countries; God’s role as king should have been sufficient.

But the people persevered, and God obliged them by providing them with everything they sought. After Saul, David, and Solomon, there were many more kings until Israel was defeated, then resurrected and defeated once again. Featured image courtesy of Getty Images/Enterline Design Services LLC.

What Is the Biblical Role of Government?

Overall, the biblical duty of government is to serve as a guide, a leader, and a source of authority over its subjects. However, while God is our ultimate king, our earthly kings—whether in the form of rulers or in repressive regimes such as the Babylonian Empire or the Roman Empire—are to be the final authority on the planet. Just as God expects us to respect our dad and mothers, he also expects us to respect our government, and to recognize and respect their earthly authority over us. God is the supreme ruler, but when it comes to worldly matters such as taxes, wars, laws, and so on, we are to follow the orders of these earthly authorities.

There is a chain of command in place.

What Are Some Bible Verses about Government and Leaders?

Throughout the Bible, we may discover references to government and leaders in the form of Bible passages. There are a number of texts in the Old Testament that express this sentiment, including the following: “For the Lord has given authority over the nations, and he governs over them.” (See Psalm 22:28.) “Constitute judges and officials for each of your tribes in each town that the Lord your God is giving you; these individuals shall fairly adjudicate the affairs of the people.” Do not tamper with the course of justice or exhibit favoritism.

  1. Do not take a bribe because a bribe blinds the sight of the wise and distorts the words of the uninitiated.
  2. Proverbs 21:1 says, “There is no end to wisdom.” “Let us give thanks to God for all eternity; his wisdom and strength are unsurpassed.
  3. “Many are the plans that a person has in his or her heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that is ultimately successful” (Proverbs 19:21).
  4. As well as being known as “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Everlasting Father,” and “Prince of Peace,” ” (Isaiah 9:6).

These and several additional texts and lessons from the New Testament are directed at government and political leaders as well: The Bible says, “Let everyone be submissive to the ruling authorities, for there is no authority other than that which God has established.” God has established the authorities that are now in place” (Romans 13:1).

Because it is God’s desire that by doing good, you will be able to silence the stupid ramblings of dumb people, it is your responsibility.

People should treat each other with dignity, love their religious families, fear God, and respect the emperor” (1 Peter 2:13-17).

“Remind the people that they must submit to rulers and authority, that they must be submissive, and that they must be prepared to do what is right.” (See Titus 3:16) Getty Images/J.S. Winborne is credited with this image.

How Should a Christian View Politics?

Given that Jesus is our role model and teacher, we must consider what he had to say about politics and governance during his lifetime. And Jesus stated a number of things that were critical of the government as well. His greatest commandment is to “love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind,” as stated in Matthew 22:37, and that “all power in heaven and on earth has been handed to me” (Matthew 28:18). (Matthew 28:18). All of them admit that God, as the Son of God and a member of the holy Triune God, has the ultimate authority.

  • When people inquired as to whether they were required to pay the imperial tax to Caesar, the then-king of the nation, Jesus demonstrated the coin that was being used as currency.
  • “Don’t you understand I have the authority either to liberate you or to have you crucified?” Pilate demanded of Jesus after he had been arrested and refused to answer the Roman governing authority when Pilate interrogated Him.
  • “You would have no power over me unless it were given to you from on high,” Jesus said (John 19:11).
  • Although material possessions are significant, they are just transient since our earthly life are only a brief state.
  • After all, God decreed it to be thus on this planet.
  • We must keep in mind the most crucial truth: that we are God’s children.
  • We must not allow anything or anybody to stand between us and our Lord.

What Does the Bible Say about Obeying the Government?

To that end, Jesus and those speaking in His name affirm that the government should be obeyed when it comes to matters that the government is entrusted with doing. As the apostle Paul put it in Romans 13, “Whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has created, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.” This is a reference to individuals who defy authority. Because rulers are not afraid of people who do what is good, but rather of those who do what is wrong.

  • Then do what is right, and you will receive praise for it.
  • However, if you make a mistake, be fearful, since rulers do not wield the sword without a purpose.
  • So it is imperative that you surrender your citizenship, not just because of the possibility of penalty, but also out of concern for your own morals (Romans 13:2-5).
  • They refused to stop preaching in the name of Christ, for example, when they were commanded to do so in Acts 5.

And, as Paul reminds us in Philippians 3:20, “Our citizenship is in the heavens.” As well as a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who we joyfully anticipate.” There is no doubt about it: God comes first.

A Prayer for Our Government

Let us keep in mind that government is a tool that God has set in place to assist us. It is His will that is paramount, and as the Bible states in Romans 8:28, “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his plan.” As a result, here is a prayer for our federal government: You, Almighty God, are the actual master of the universe. Allow us to comprehend that, just as in a family, the father and mother are to rule over their children and be respected, we must also respect our government’s authority.

  • Let us refrain from doing anything that would be detrimental to Your goal.
  • But let us keep in mind that our time on this planet is finite and fleeting.
  • The Kingdom of God, on the other hand, is eternal, and it is there that we have our actual citizenship.
  • Whatever your concerns about whether or not to follow or honor government authorities, or your concerns about politics and the possible influence they may have on God’s people, know that God is in complete command of the situation.
  • Belief in God, obey Him to the best of your abilities, but remember that you are a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/lawcain She is also an award-winning Christian author, journalist, editor, blogger, and writing coach.
  • She also serves as the editor of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate, which is the denomination’s oldest publication.
  • She also does a weeklyYouTubedevotional on her channel.
  • She’s also written a free eBook, A God-Centered Life: 10 Faith-Based Practices for When You’re Anxious, Grumpy, or Stressed, which you can get here.
See also:  What Did Jesus Eat At The Last Supper

10 Things to Know about What the Bible Teaches on God and Human Government

The following is an excerpt from J. Budziszewski’s Evangelicals in the Public Square: Four Formative Voices on Political Thought and Action (Evangelicals in the Public Square: Four Formative Voices on Political Thought and Action) (Baker Academic, 2006).

1. God is the true sovereign.

Psalm 22:28 (KJV) For the kingdom belongs to theLORD, and he is the one who governs over all of the nations.

God ordained all human government for the good of man.

Romans 13:1–4, verses 3–4 Allow everyone to be subject to the laws and regulations of the state. For there is no authority other than that of God, and those that do exist were established by God. Because rulers are not a threat to good behavior, but rather to evil. Would you be completely unafraid of those in positions of authority? Do what is right, and you will gain his approval, for he is God’s servant working for your benefit.

In the event that something goes wrong, be terrified, since he does not wield the blade in vain. Because he is God’s servant and an avenging angel, he is responsible for carrying out God’s wrath against the offender.

. whom God made in his image.

Genesis 1:27 is a verse that describes the creation of the world. As a result, God made man in his own image, in the image of God, and he created both males and females in his image.

2. Although God originally chose only one nation, he desires ultimately to draw all nations into the light of his Word.

Isaiah 49:6 (KJV) You are too insignificant to be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the remnants of Israel; I will make you a light for the nations, so that my salvation may spread to the farthest reaches of the world.” 10:12 (Romans 10:12) Because there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; because the same Lord is Lord of all, pouring his treasures on all who call upon him, there is no division between them.

Revelation 21:23–24 is a passage of scripture. And the city does not require the light of the sun or the moon to illuminate it, for the glory of God illuminates it, and the Lamb is its lamp.

3. God disciplines the nations according to their deeds.

Jeremiah 18:7–10 (Jeremiah 18:7–10) If I ever announce about a nation or a kingdom that I will pull it up, tear it down, and destroy it, and if that nation, about which I have spoken, repents of its iniquity, I will refrain from bringing about the calamity that I had planned for it. Moreover, if I announce concerning a country or a kingdom that I will construct and plant it, and if that nation or kingdom practices wrong in my eyes, refusing to listen to my voice, then I will relinquish the good that I had meant to perform to that nation or kingdom.

They have no boundaries when it comes to wicked activities; they do not assess the cause of the fatherless with fairness in order to see that it prospers, and they do not protect the rights of the poor.

declares the Lord, “and shall I not avenge myself on a country like this?” says the Lord.

4. God disciplines the rulers of nations.

Daniel 2:20–21 (NASB) ‘Blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever, to whom belongs knowledge and strength,’ Daniel said. ‘He alters the time of year and the seasons; he takes away monarchs and places them in their places; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have insight.’ Jeremiah 25:12 is a biblical verse. Then, when seventy years have passed, I will punish the king of Babylon and that country, the land of the Chaldeans, for their sin, says theLord, by destroying the land and making it an eternal waste, as punishment for their sin.

5. In general, disobedience to human government is disobedience to God; indeed, government deserves not only obedience but honor.

1–2 Corinthians 13:1–7 Allow everyone to be subject to the laws and regulations of the state. Because there is no authority apart from God, and the authorities that do exist were established by God himself. Whoever challenges the authorities is challenging what God has ordained, and those who challenge will face the consequences of their actions.

Pay everyone what they are owed: taxes to those who owe them, revenue to those who owe them, respect to those who owe respect, and honor to those who owe honor.

6. But there are exceptions: Any governmental edict that contradicts the commands of God must be disobeyed.

5:29 (Acts 5:29) “Rather than obeying mankind, we must obey God,” Peter and the apostles said in response. Daniel 3:18 is a biblical passage that teaches that God is a kind and forgiving God. ‘However, if such is not the case, please know that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have erected,’ we say. Exodus 1:17–20, and 21–22 However, the midwives feared God and did not carry out the orders of the pharaoh of Egypt, instead allowing the male children to survive.

And the people multiplied and became extremely powerful.

7. The just purposes of human government include

1 Peter 2:13–14 (New International Version) Be submissive to every human institution for the sake of the Lord, whether it is the emperor as ultimate ruler or to governors who have been sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to laud those who perform good. 1 Timothy 2:1–2 is a biblical passage. The first and most important thing, I believe, is that we all pray for one another. I also encourage people to pray for monarchs and those in positions of authority so that we might live a peaceful and quiet existence, honoring God and being dignified in all aspects of our lives.

8. In pursuance of these purposes, God authorizes human government

3–4 (Romans 13:3–4) Because rulers are not a threat to good behavior, but rather to evil. Would you be completely unafraid of those in positions of authority? After that, do what is right, and you will gain his approval, for he is God’s servant working for your benefit. In the event that something goes wrong, be terrified, since he does not wield the blade in vain. Because he is God’s servant and an avenging angel, he is responsible for carrying out God’s wrath against the offender. 9:6 (Genesis 9:6) Whoever spills the blood of man will have his blood shed by another man, for God created man in his own image.

9. Yet human government cannot fully or permanently redress wrong, because it cannot uproot sin from the human heart; this can be done only by the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ.

Jeremiah 17:9 (Jeremiah 17:9) Who can comprehend the heart, which is deceitful above all else and horribly ill; who can comprehend it? Isaiah 64:6 (KJV) We have all become dirty, and all of our good actions have become like a soiled garment in the eyes of the Lord. We all fade away like a leaf, and our sins, like the wind, carry us away from this world. Paul writes in Romans 3:22–25, ” All who believe in Jesus Christ are justified in the sight of God because of their faith in him. As a result, there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified as a gift by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God presented as a sacrifice through his blood, to be received by faith.

This was done to demonstrate God’s goodness, as he had forgave previous offenses as a result of his divine tolerance.

10. Moreover, the community of redemption is not the state but the church. No matter how much respect is due to the state, the church is never to be identified with it.

18:33–36 (John 18:33–36) So Pilate returned to his headquarters and confronted Jesus, asking him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Pilate’s response was, “Yes.” “Did you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?” Jesus inquired of the disciples. “Do you think I’m a Jew?” Pilate inquired. Me and the chief priests were able to secure your surrender from your own people. “Can you tell me what you’ve done?” Christ’s response was, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom had been of this earth, my servants would have been engaged in battle so that I would not be captured and sold into slavery by the Jews.

Precious time must be spent on yourself and on everyone else in your flock, over whom the Holy Spirit has appointed you as overseers, in order to care for the church of God, which Christ purchased with his own blood.

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