What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus

What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?

Christians frequently speak of their desire to follow Jesus, but what exactly does that entail? Look at how the disciples might have responded to Christ’s invitation and what it means for us today.

What following Jesus meant for the disciples

Someone being invited to follow a rabbi was considered a tremendous honor at the time. This invitation was an offer of endless access to the rabbi—a chance to become a permanent student—and it was accepted with enthusiasm. In addition to having complete access to the instructor and being able to ask probing questions, students also lived with the rabbi, learning directly how the Scriptures should be acted out in their daily lives. Making the pledge to submit to the rabbi’s authority was a prerequisite for becoming a disciple, but it also meant that every day was filled with new chances to learn more about God and the Jewish faith.

They slept in the same rooms as their rabbis.

And, for the most part, they shared the same passions and values as their rabbi.

Following Jesus meant sharing his zeal for proclaiming the good news, which they saw as an important part of following him.

What it means to follow Jesus today

It wasn’t long before the disciples realized that they weren’t merely following a rabbi, but that Jesus was in fact the prophesied Messiah. The Lord had come to educate them about himself, and they would go on to aid in the establishment of his kingdom if they cooperated. If we wish to follow Jesus as well, we must acknowledge that he is much more than a wonderful teacher.

Declare Jesus as Lord

In order for us to follow Jesus, we must first recognize him for who he truly is. Messiah. Lord. God’s only begotten Son. He is the Saviour of the world, according to the Bible. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,” Paul adds (Romans 10:9). Following Jesus begins with a firm belief in his claims about who he is and what he has done. By confessing Jesus to be Lord and being baptized in his name, we take the first steps toward following Jesus on his path of obedience.

Obey his teachings

While Christians today are unable to physically follow Jesus in the same way as the disciples were, the New Testament makes it plain that following him means obeying his teachings in their lives. This is how Jesus stated it: “If you adhere to my teaching, you are truly my disciples.” Then you will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32 NIV). Paul’s letters to the early church also underscore the need of Christians following Jesus’ teachings and putting them into practice in their daily lives, just as Jesus’ followers did.

The Holy Spirit is still at work equipping the church to follow Jesus, just as it was in the early church (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

Find your place in the body of Christ

(1 Corinthians 12) In his first letter to the church at Corinth, Paul addresses it as “the body of Christ,” stating that each individual has been uniquely given to play a position in the church, and that the body cannot operate as it was meant unless each member fulfills his or her part. Paul uses this metaphor to convey the notion of Christ as a head who directs his body (the church) to carry out his will in the world. By making the decision to follow Jesus, we become a member of Christ’s body.

  1. “If the entire body were an eye, where would the sensation of hearing be located?” says the author.
  2. In reality, God has positioned the components of the body in the exact positions that he desired for each and every one of them.
  3. As things are, there are several components, but only one body.
  4. In the process of discovering our individual roles within the body of Christ, the church is being constructed and equipped.

Start your unique journey as a disciple

As Paul pointed out, we each have a unique duty to perform in the body of Christ. Every person’s connection with Jesus is unique in its appearance. It is possible that your path as a disciple will differ from that of your neighbor, and that is perfectly OK. We’ve designed 16 different discipleship guides, one for each of the Myers-Briggs personality types, to help you better understand how your temperament effects your life as a follower of Christ. Each book takes a close look at your individual temperament and how it influences your growth in Christ and ability to make disciples.

What does it mean to truly follow Christ?

QuestionAnswer It appears several times in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that Jesus commands his followers to “follow me” (e.g., Matthew 8:22; 9:9, Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27; John 1:43). It appears that Jesus was addressing the twelve men who would become His disciples in a number of instances (Matthew 10:3–4). He was also speaking to anyone who was interested in what He had to offer at other times (John 3:16; Mark 8:34). Matthew 10:34–39 is a passage in which Jesus explains exactly what it takes to be His follower.

  • I did not come to bring peace, but rather a sword to the table.
  • Whoever does not pick up their cross and follow me is not worthy of being called a disciple of Christ.
  • However, Jesus never softened the truth, and the fact is that following Him necessitates making painful decisions in order to survive.
  • A large number of those who had followed Jesus turned away as his teaching moved from the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3–11) to the imminent crucifixion (John 6:66).
  • Every single one of them turned their backs on Him (Matthew 26:56; Mark 14:50).
  • For the sake of not endangering his own life, Peter denied three times that he ever knew Jesus (Matthew 26:69–75).
  • Everyone has a belief system, whether it is based on friends, popular culture, family, selfish interests, or God.

God has said that we are not to worship any other gods save Him (Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 5:7; Mark 12:30).

“Whoever wishes to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross everyday and follow me,” Jesus said in Luke 9:23.

As the disciples proved, no one can follow Christ just on the basis of his or her own drive or determination.

Rather than achieving success, their self-effort resulted in hubris and a distorting of the entire purpose of God’s Law (Luke 11:39; Matthew 23:24).

“The Spirit brings life; the flesh is worthless,” he declared emphatically (John 6:63).

The disciples had been with Jesus for three years, learning from Him, watching His miracles, and even participating in them.

They were in need of a Helper.

Even more specifically, He informed them that He was departing in order for the Holy Spirit to be sent in their stead (John 16:7).

As Jesus advised His followers, they were not to begin testifying on their behalf of Him until they had been “clothed with authority from on high” (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4).

Following Jesus is making an effort to be like Him.

To fully follow Christ means to put Him in charge of your life.

Throughout life, every decision and dream is filtered through God’s Word with the objective of bringing Him glory in all things (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Because of His grace, we desire to do everything we can to please Him.

He explains the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 2:14), bestows spiritual talents on us (1 Corinthians 12:4-11), soothes us (John 14:16), and directs our paths (1 Corinthians 2:15).

(John 14:26). To follow Christ means to put into practice the truths we learn from His Word and to live as though Jesus were physically present with us. Questions concerning the Christian Life (return to top of page) What does it mean to be a true disciple of Christ?

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What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

Everyone has a particular interest in something or someone. Some people choose to walk in the footsteps of their ancestors. Some people live by a philosophy of life, such as the Golden Rule, which states: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” Others, on the other hand, rely on their own intuition, drawing on a diverse range of philosophical, religious, and social resources. They follow their instincts and do what seems good to them. What are your thoughts? What or who do you follow on social media?

  1. What is their background?
  2. What about Jesus, do you think?
  3. But, even if you do, how would you know for certain?
  4. To claim friendship with him while walking in darkness is to deceive and to fail to carry out the reality of the gospel.
  5. (1) 1 John 5-7; (2) Whether or whether we are Jesus’ disciples may be determined by how we live out His truth and walk in the light as He walks in the light.
  6. As well, it implies that we are in close contact with God and with one another.
  7. A startling remark is made in front of the entire audience: “I am the light of the world.” Following me will never be in the dark, but will always have the light of life in their hearts.

Because they refused to believe that He was the Son of God and the light of the world, He was sent into exile.

The other Jews, on the other hand, who were listening to Jesus did not accept that He was who He said He was.

Then you will come to understand the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (See also John 8:31-32) If we adhere to His teaching — if we remain in God’s Word, then we are truly His disciples, according to Jesus, who says this in the preceding chapter.

See also:  When Jesus Said

A formula that I followed before becoming a Christian was the light of my life: If I work incredibly hard and try to satisfy everyone around me, I’ll be a successful person.

I had become a prisoner of my own fear and wickedness.

Small by small, I came to trust Jesus’ teachings and to accept the fact that God accepts me just as I am.

I also didn’t have to indulge in sin any longer.

So you’re probably asking.

What steps do I need to take to genuinely follow Jesus and begin walking in the light?

During our time spent reading or listening to God’s Word, we might pray that He will reveal Himself and communicate to us in a relationship-based and intimate manner.

As we learn more about what His light has to say about relationships, employment, sex, and our priorities, we should act on what we have discovered.

What did He do to accomplish this?

He would get up early in the morning before the sun came up to be alone because he want to speak with His Father.

He wished to please the Father and was determined to carry out the Father’s instructions.

Alternatively, you may browse our Small Group Study Resources or our Weekday Radio Archive, where you can listen to all of our programs that have aired throughout the year to find out more information about the subject matter.

Written By

Chip Ingram is the CEO and teaching pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship organization with over a million members worldwide. With over thirty years of pastoral experience, Chip has a unique capacity to communicate truth while also challenging individuals to live out their faith. Author of several works, including The Real God, Culture Shock, and The Real Heaven, he is well-known for his work. His wife, Theresa, and he have four adult children and twelve grandkids, and they currently reside in the state of California.

What it Really Means to Follow Jesus

We have a very different understanding of what it means to follow Jesus now than we had two thousand years ago, particularly in the western world. Many of us visit church just sometimes for a motivational pep talk, read the Bible even less frequently, and volunteer at a local soup kitchen once or twice a year if we’re feeling really charitable. A long cry from the commitment that Christians shown in the early church, who saw their faith as a way of life rather than just a religious obligation.

However, we no longer live in such times; our world now is completely different from that of such humble beginnings.

The fact that the definition hasn’t changed, and that following Jesus now looks the same as it did then, may come as a surprise.

Where does the Bible Talk about Following Jesus?

There are several scriptures in the Bible that define what it means to be a follower of Jesus in all of its fullness. But one passage summarizes it well: “And drawing the throng to him with his followers, he said to them, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.’ ” In other words, whomever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever wishes to risk his life for my sake and the gospel’s sake will save it.” Mark 8:34-35 (KJV) (ESV) During his sermon before a large assembly, Jesus discussed the price of following him.

  1. As a matter of fact, he stated in the following passages that people who are embarrassed of him and his teachings will be rejected by God on the other side of life.
  2. Fordeny is derived from the root word fordeny, which meaning “apart” or “away.” It is necessary to put one’s own interests and desires aside in order to follow Jesus.
  3. Because your body will advise you to prioritize yourself and pursue your own interests first and foremost.
  4. He asks us to live a life in which we set ourselves aside in order to seek God and serve others (Matthew 22:36-40).
  5. Once again, Jesus served as a paradigm of self-sacrifice for the redemption of others.
  6. According to verse 35, doing so is equivalent to saving one’s life.

Alternatively, as Matthew Henry puts it, “we must be terrified of losing our souls.”

5 Bible Verses on Following Jesus

Some further Bible scriptures that demonstrate what it means to follow Jesus are included below. ‘For to this you have been called, just as Christ also suffered for you, giving you an example to follow, so that you may imitate his steps,’ says 1 Peter 2:21. 1 John 2:3-4, 1 John 2:3, ” And if we follow his commands, we will know that we have come to know him. ” “Anyone who claims to know him but does not follow his commandments is a liar, and the truth does not reside in him. ” Paul writes in Ephesians 5:1-2, ” As God’s cherished offspring, therefore, be imitators of God.” Moreover, walk in love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

There are numerous words and thoughts that are similar in these passages.

“Keep his commands,” “Be holy,” and other such phrases imply that a disciple of Jesus would strive to live a holy and good life.

When we say ” Seek first “, everything follows after him, and our attention is fixed on God.

What Did it Mean for Jesus’ Disciples to Follow Him?

The two brothers, Simon (who is known as Peter) and Andrew his brother, were fishing in the Sea of Galilee when he happened upon them while wandering along the shoreline. They followed him, and he told them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishermen.” He was gone in an instant, and they abandoned their nets to chase him. Continuing on, he noticed two additional brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, who was mending their nets, and he shouted to them to come up beside him.

  1. ” Matt.
  2. As soon as Jesus issued the simple command to follow, all four men quickly left their jobs, possessions, and social circles to follow him.
  3. Following Jesus in this manner provides as a tremendous example of what it looks like to do so.
  4. Because, as we read in Matthew 6:33, all else is derived from it.
  5. In the same way that the disciples followed Jesus everywhere he went, we are to follow in their footsteps.
  6. “I want you to follow me with all your heart and to carry out your mission of bringing others to me,” Jesus effectively declared to the disciples.

You reaffirm your commitment to making his primary goal your own. And that is to be a fisher of men—to steer others in the direction of Christ. It is only by loving Christ that you will be able to love others and assist them in establishing a relationship with Him.

What Is the Cost of Following Jesus Today?

To follow Jesus, as we’ve taught, means to:1. Set aside one’s own interests in order to seek God first. 2. Follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. 3. Obey him in all things that are proper. What is the current state of affairs? The road to following him will be difficult, but the payoff on the other side of this life will be tremendous: eternal presence in his presence! Instead of serving your own interests when the world and your body pull you, do the polar opposite and channel your energy towards seeking God first and caring for others.

The focus of your life should be on serving and loving God and others around you.

Steps for Following Jesus If You Never Have

Allow me to speak with you about your lack of a personal relationship with Jesus. I want you to know that you do not have to wait for the right moment to accept Christ as your Savior. It is not necessary for you to clean yourself up before proceeding to follow him. Jesus will take care of the sin; all you have to do is come to him in your current state. To follow Christ is to engage in a straightforward, sincere dialogue with him. A discussion in which you confess your sin, apologize for the sin you have committed, seek for forgiveness, invite Jesus into your life, and make a commitment to follow him is called a confessional dialogue.

  1. Are you going to follow him?
  2. Following him is not guaranteed to be simple, but he does promise you in Scripture again and time again that he will be with you at all times.
  3. Prayer: Jesus, please pray with me.
  4. I recognize that I haven’t always done things correctly, and I apologize for that.
  5. I’m sorry for everything.
  6. Please accept my apologies.
  7. I welcome you into my life and make it a priority to serve you first, allowing everything else to flow naturally from that stance of surrendering to you.
  8. I am asking for your assistance.
  9. I pray in the name of Jesus, and I say amen.

The founder of Truth and Grace Ministries, Truth x Grace Women, and the author of five books, she is well-known in the Christian community. Brittany resides in Castle Rock, Colorado, with her husband, Ryan, and son, Roman, who is her only child. More information may be found at.

What Does It Mean to “Follow Jesus?”

The majority of married individuals are unable to recall the precise day they fell in love. They all, on the other hand, are aware of whether or not they are married. Additionally, our Christian spiritual journey is a methodical procedure. However, it also has a destination — a line that we must cross in order to continue. People will not always be able to tell you the exact day when they first began to believe in God or the exact time they realized Jesus is actually the most exceptional person in all of history.

  • However, becoming a Christian is similar to planning a wedding.
  • Other than that, much like in the context of romance, you’re just dating; there’s nothing solid to form a relationship on.
  • Some individuals consider their believe in God to be a step forward from their previous unbelief.
  • When it comes to spiritual pilgrims, the problem isn’t so much about believing as it is about love; it’s not about cognitive acceptance to facts as it is about dedication to someone.
  • What they would not do is follow him about like a dog.
  • If you’re getting to know him better, you could discover that you have a stronger appreciation for his care, and you might even be feeling tenderness and love toward him.
  • God’s followers are referred to be his bride in order to convey the close bond that exists between him and his people (seeRevelation 19:7).
See also:  How Many Wounds Did Jesus Suffer

For us to go the distance and become his loyal spouse, bonded to him for all time as his bride, he longs.

Please accept my invitation.” I approach the front door and knock.

You are probably aware of it even as you read this: it is the gateway to your life, the beating heart of your heart, and the focal point of your ultimate allegiance.

“Be mine!” he says, hands extended.

It’s really quite simple — as simple as saying “I do” at the altar or accepting as a gift a certificate of adoption.

Open the door.

He will come in and throw a dinner party!

According to that text, what are we supposed to do?

And what does God do?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (John 3:16 – 18).

God already loves us, which he demonstrated by sending his one and only Son, Jesus, into the world.

The choice is yours whether or not to cross the line.

You can do this out loud or silently, or write out your thoughts in the form of a letter.

Trust that he loves you, forgives you and wants you to be his.

Immerse yourself in his teachings; then do what he says — not to gain his approval but because living out his words leads to the best life possible.

If you’re not ready to take this step, that’s okay too.

Read the Bible and ask Christians you know the questions that are holding you back.

When it comes — and we sincerely believe it will — determine now that you won’t delay in answering.

Become his follower.

It will be the best decision you ever make.

The Journey Bible The Journey Bible helps you discover the practical aspects of Christianity and better understand God.

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What It Means to Follow Christ

Editor’s note: This essay is an excerpt from David Platt’s Radical Small-Group Study, which can be found here. It would be impossible to accuse Jesus of being a good public relations professional. It is impossible to imagine anyone other than Jesus making it a point to disperse crowds with difficult and unpopular teachings when it would have been so simple to mobilize an army. Except for Jesus, who would chose to repeatedly criticize the power structure of His day rather than attempting to establish relationships with prominent people in high places?

That, however, is exactly what Jesus did.

It’s possible that with all of our educational accomplishments, the amount of Bible studies and books available to us, and the plethora of churches in many areas of the world, we’ve forgotten that following Jesus isn’t like picking whatever flavor of syrup to put in your cup of coffee.

It is a call to complete and total abandonment.

Leave It

Take a moment to picture the situation with me. It’s a beautiful day to be out on the lake. Two brothers are out fishing, and they’re getting a lot of fish. He and his crew are already anticipating a successful day, and they are looking forward to tallying up the ultimate catch at the end of the day. They can hear someone chatting to them from the beach, which is only a short distance away. They squint to protect their eyes from the light and tilt their heads to hear what is being spoken. They are able to make out the two words that would impact the rest of their lives: “Follow Me,” which they recognize immediately.

  1. There were profound ramifications for the lives of the disciples in these two statements.
  2. Fishing was their primary source of income and the only thing they had ever known.
  3. That is exactly what Jesus was urging them to turn away from.
  4. When He instructed them to quit their nets, He was instructing them to abandon their goods as well as their livelihood.
  5. Jesus was ultimately challenging them to give up on their own interests.
  6. Take a moment to imagine ourselves in the shoes of these zealous disciples of Jesus in the first century AD.

What if you were the one who had to get out of the boat first? What if you were the prospective disciple who was instructed to put down your nets and go away? What if it was your father who called and asked where you were going?

The Idea of Following Jesus

This is the point at which we should take a step back and assess if we are beginning to redefine Christianity. To follow Jesus, we must be willing to give up everything we have. However, gradually and discreetly, we have reduced the act of following Jesus to the concept of following Jesus. This is accomplished in a variety of ways. We find reasons to justify Jesus’ demanding teachings: “Of course, Jesus wasn’t advising you to desert your family in the literal sense of the word. And, of course, He wasn’t actually implying that we should abandon everything to follow Him.” However, while it is true that Jesus did not and does not demand everyone to leave their father and their employment in order to follow Him, He does expect complete obedience and dedication on the part of the follower.

  • We want to follow a Jesus who doesn’t ask anything of us in exchange for his love.
  • In our haste, we’ve succumbed to the perilous temptation of taking the Jesus of the Bible and twisting Him into a version of Jesus that is more comfortable for us.
  • In the meanwhile, as we continue to study the teachings of Christ together, I wonder if I may assist you in pushing through the fog of self-justification by asking a simple question: What if He was truly serious about this?
  • He formerly served as the pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, where he had previously served.
  • Counter Culture is his most recent book.
  • Furthermore, David is the founding member and director of the Radical ministry, which is tasked with sharing disciple-making tools so that every Christian can be actively involved in making Christ known to the ends of the globe.

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

Following Jesus is what it means to be a Christian. So, what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? In 1978, Michael H. Hart, an astrophysicist and historian, produced a book titled The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, which was met with considerable controversy. 1 It should come as no surprise that JesusChrist on his list. Hart, on the other hand, created considerable consternation among Christian readers by placing Jesus in third place, behind Muhammad and Sir Isaac Newton.

So, what does it mean to “follow Jesus” in the modern sense?

An Invitation

Jesus was regularly confronted with people who had doubts about their spiritual lives. They were interested in learning how to enjoy life to the fullest. They wished to establish a connection with God. They desired to love others more completely and truly than they had previously. They were interested in learning more about death and everlasting life. These people wished to get God’s pardon for their mistakes and transgressions. This group was interested in learning about how to pray, how to worship, and how to interpret the words of Scripture.

  • For individuals who heard him speak directly to them throughout biblical times, his words were frequently exceedingly literal.
  • However, such accounts were kept in the Bible by the early church, giving the impression that those words of invitation were given to individuals throughout the years.
  • A lot may be learned from the magnificent life Jesus lived—a life that was defined by an intense love for God and a compassionate heart for others.
  • It is possible to nurture the practices of prayer and worship.
  • Jesus promises to take on that role in our life if we accept his offer.

A Master

If we want to learn how to do anything well, whether it is a craft or a talent, we can consider becoming an apprentice to a master. We spend a great deal of time with them. We keep an eye on them. We listened to their instructions and accepted their corrections. We aspire to be like them in every aspect of our lives. This method is used by craftsmen, artists, and athletes alike to develop and perfect their talents. “A disciple, or apprentice, is simply someone who has decided to be with another, under appropriate conditions, in order to become capable of doing what that person does or to become what that person is,” wrote the late Dallas Willard, a professor of philosophy at the University of Southern California.

When you wish to live in a way that conforms to the way God made human beings to live, where do you turn for guidance?

When Jesus says, “Follow me,” he is referring to this opportunity.

A Disciple

He went on to explain what it means to be a disciple or apprentice to Jesus: “First and foremost,” he continued, “we should remark that being a disciple, or apprentice, of Jesus is a fairly concrete and evident type of thing.” Making a mystery out of anything is to misinterpret what is going on. There is no legitimate reason for anyone to ever be in any question as to whether or not they are one of his disciples,” says the author. 6If we consider what it means to follow Jesus—to be his apprentice in the process of learning to live life—it becomes very simple.

  1. ThatJesusis who he claims to be and that he is the source of the wisdom and understanding that we are seeking has been established.
  2. 7 Following Jesus begins with confidence or trust in him and his promises, just as it would begin with following any other teacher or leader.
  3. This is not a course that can be completed online.
  4. Prayer, worship, and Bible reading are all ways in which we might become aware of his presence and hear his voice more clearly.
  5. Third, following Jesus entails learning to submit to his authority.
  6. Rather than only seeking guidance from Jesus when we are in distress, we should come to regard him as the source of knowledge from which we aspire to benefit.
  7. The rain fell down, the streams swelled, and the winds blew and battered against the home, yet it did not fall since it was built on a rock foundation and hence did not collapse.

Every person, on the other hand, who hears my words but does not put them into action is like a stupid guy who built his house on sand. Eighth, the rain poured down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and hammered on the home, causing it to crumble with a tremendous bang.

A Directive

Willard frequently points out that the objective of this apprenticeship is not to live the life that Jesus lived. And we will never be as flawless as Jesus was, since he was perfect from the beginning. The goal is to learn to live your real, present life, complete with all of its obligations, relationships, and duties, in the same way that Jesus would if it were his own. 9How can one begin the journey of following Jesus in the twenty-first century? What resources are available? Begin by requesting.Christians frequently ask Jesus to assist them in seeing him more clearly and understanding his actuality.

  • A excellent place to start is by reading the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), which can help you have a better understanding of Jesus and his ways.
  • We have made the decision to follow Jesus.
  • We make a commitment to listening to him, obeying him, and enabling him to influence our lives.
  • However, with time, the pupil comes to mirror the impact of his or her teacher.
See also:  Why Did Jesus Die On The Cross


Your connection with God will be a very personal and continuous journey, just as any other relationship is. Your path to know God is unique to you, and you are under no need to have all the answers right now. However, this may be the day that you take the first step toward a personal relationship with God.

What does it mean to follow Christ?

Truly following Christ necessitates the sacrifice of everything you have. You must devote your entire life and all of your resources to the advancement of Christ’s cause. Matthew 4:18–22; 8:22; 9:9; 10:2–4; Luke 9:23; John 1:143). Jesus invited people to follow Him, and many of them responded by becoming His disciples. When people became interested in what Jesus had to offer them, He issued a call to them to come and follow Him. He said: “Then, gathering the people around him and addressing them through his disciples, he told them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” For whomever wishes to save his or her life will lose it, but whoever wishes to lose his or her life for my or the gospel’s sake will save it.” (See also Mark 8:34–35 and John 3:16.) Not everyone can meet the standards to follow Christ since they are quite demanding.

  1. According to Jesus, “If anybody comes to me and does not despise his own father and mother, wife, and children, as well as brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26).
  2. (See Luke 14:25–33 for further information.) This is a strong piece of words.
  3. Hardly!
  4. It implies that we must place a higher value on Him than we place on anything or anybody else.
  5. “Truly, everyone who seek to live a virtuous life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,” Paul stated (2 Timothy 3:12).
  6. Following Christ may result in us being mocked by people who are closest to us in our daily lives.
  7. Take, for example, the story of Moses recorded in Hebrews 11:24–26: “After growing up, Moses refused to be addressed as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, preferring to be tormented alongside the people of God rather than partaking in the transient joys of sin.

This is the most significant prize.

“Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, and ready for every good work,” says the Bible.

During our journey with Christ, He becomes our major aim and the standard by which we evaluate our lives.

We strive to follow Him by loving God with all of our hearts and loving others as we love ourselves (John 13:34–35).

In following Christ, we recognize that this world is not ultimately our home, and we are prepared to devote everything we have to Him, understanding that genuine life can only be found in Him (Matthew 10:39; John 10:10; 17:15–18; Philippians 3:20–21).

Truth that is related: What can I do to become more like Christ?

What is it about following Jesus Christ that is so difficult? What is the importance of the mandate to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? How does a person love Jesus? What does it mean to love Jesus? Return to:Truth about the Christian Life

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

Peter and Andrew, two brothers, grew up in a coastal community. The only thing they knew was that they were fisherman by profession. Fishing had always been in their blood. It meant a means of subsistence, a vocation, comfort, and familiarity for me. One day, when they were casting their nets into the water, they noticed a guy walking toward them on the shoreline. “Follow me,” said the guy, Jesus, as he called out to them. According to the Bible, these two brothers immediately abandoned their fishing nets and accompanied Jesus.

  1. They had to leave their careers and their families behind.
  2. When he had finished speaking, he invited the multitude to him, as well as his followers, and said, “Whoever wishes to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me.” 8:34 (Matthew 8:34) You have been called by Jesus to follow him.
  3. This is not always the case.
  4. To follow Jesus means to completely give up on things like money, possessions, addictions, and sin in pursuit of his will and purposes.
  5. So, while you may not be required to abandon your job or your parents, you are welcome to gladly follow the life Jesus has called you to when He said to you, “Follow me.
  6. What aspects of your previous life would you be willing to give up when your connection with Christ grows stronger?
  7. Although Jesus didn’t suggest that we should actually carry a cross about with us, he did suggest that being a Christian isn’t always simple or straightforward.
  8. Consider the following questions: Take a look at Luke 11:1-4.
About the Author

Using her skills as a chief storyteller, Chelsea’s role is to create, manage, and oversee the quality and production of transformative content. She is responsible for overseeing the creation of new, compelling digital content across all Worship Center digital platforms in order to help our audience experience Jesus. Southwest Baptist University is where she earned her bachelor’s degree in communication.

Chelsea and her husband Dustin are passionate about sharing the good news of the gospel with as many people as they can, no matter where they are. Chelsea and Dustin, as well as their two children, are delighted to be a part of the Worship Center community.

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

Jesus advised His disciples that they should follow in His footsteps. So, what does this signify for us in the present day? Following Jesus, according to Him, is the only way to achieve eternal life, and He summed His whole plan for the disciples in just two words: “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19). He uttered those two words to Peter, Andrew, James, and John when they were fishing, and to Matthew while he was sitting in the tax office (Luke 5:27); and those two words are what He continues to ask for as He goes around our world today.

Does your day center around Him, starting with seeking Him in the morning, continuing through the day serving Him, and concluding the day with praising Him?

It was as He taught that Jesus clarified that His disciples were those who heard His voice, followed Him as His sheep, and “following” Him (John 10:27).

The Gospels are a chronicle of their time with Him.

Occasionally, this invitation to a life of following must be reaffirmed, as Jesus proved after His resurrection when Peter was returned to ministry after Jesus said, “Follow” Me for the second time (John 21:19).

They listened to Him and followed Him as He taught them how to accomplish what He did.

A important component of Titus 2discipleship was the “learning and acting by example” model; Paul presented an approach to getting every member of Christ’s Church actively involved in the process of learning about and following Jesus Christ on a life-long basis.

The Greek term ismimetes, which is used throughout the Epistles to mean “follow” and “followers” (literally “mimics”).

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