What Did The Wise Men Follow To Find Jesus

What Did The Wise Men Follow?

Every year around Christmas time, millions of people all around the world read the story of Jesus’ birth as well as the story of the three kings of Babylon. When it came to finding Jesus, what path did they take? Continue reading for more information about the Star of Bethlehem. Matthew 2:1-9: Matthew 2:1-9: Matthew 2:1-9: Matthew 2:1-9: Matthew 2:1-9: “Where is He who has been born Ruler of the Jews?” the wise men asked when they arrived in Jerusalem following Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem of Judea during the reign of Herod, the king of the Jews.

Was it a planet, or something else?

The’star in the East’ has been sought after by scientists and astronomers who have explored old manuscripts and run computer programs in their pursuit of it.

A Comet Overhead?

The sky does occasionally become filled with bright comets, some of which have been reported as “hanging above” certain towns or regions. The Star of Bethlehem remained over Bethlehem, according to Matthew’s account. In the year 12 BC, Halley’s comet was visible in the region. It was most likely luminous enough to be classified as a star based on its brightness. The birth of Jesus is estimated to have occurred between 5 and 7 B.C. The distinction between a comet and a star, on the other hand, is certainly something Matthew would have recognized.

Furthermore, comets were frequently seen as omens of doom.

A Gathering of Planets?

Planetary conjunctions or gatherings, according to astronomers, are what caused the Star of Bethlehem to be seen in the night sky. A conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is described in ancient manuscripts dating back to 6 B.C. A phenomenon known as near approach occurs when planets orbit the sun at various speeds and distances, giving the impression that they are approaching each other. This was the point of view held by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). Multiple planets, on the other hand, do not appear to be a single light source, as indicated in Scripture.

An alignment of the planets would not have been out of the norm at the time.

A Heliacal Rising

Planetary conjunctions or gatherings, according to astronomers, are what caused the Star of Bethlehem to shine brightly in the sky at night. A conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is described in ancient manuscripts dating back to 6 B.C.E. A phenomenon known as close approach occurs when planets circle the sun at differing speeds and distances from one another. This was the viewpoint of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). In contrast to what the Bible describes as a single light source, numerous planets do not appear to look like a single light source.

In any event, the star Matthew depicted drew the attention of the three kings of the earth. In the past, a planet alignment would not have appeared unusual. They were therefore guided to Bethlehem by everything they saw.

A Supernova?

What if they happened to see a Supernova? These appear in the sky as “new stars,” and they can be as brilliant as or brighter than even the brightest stars in the night sky, such as Venus or Jupiter. According to the Biblical account, this may have been considered as a positive omen. Five thousand years ago, Chinese and Korean astronomers saw the arrival of a nova, which would put them roughly in the appropriate time range. This Nova, on the other hand, was not observed by astronomers in other parts of the world, indicating that it was not exceptionally brilliant.

  1. It’s possible that a supernova occurred in the Andromeda galaxy or the Magellanic Clouds, but there is no evidence of such an event in the astronomical record.
  2. There are no known physical objects that can explain it, no clear historical record, and only an untestable supernatural appearance in the religions that claim to understand it.
  3. “.on earth peace, good will toward mankind,” the Christmas star announced.
  4. Craig Chester is the author of this work.

What did the wise men follow to find Jesus?

Asked in the following category: General The most recent update was on April 17, 2020. The Star of Bethlehem, or Christmas Star, appears solely in the birth account of the Gospel of Matthew when ” wise menfrom the East” (Magi) are encouraged by the star to go to Jerusalem. The star directs them to Jesus’ house in the town, where they worship him and present him with presents, respectively. When the Wise Men discovered Jesus and Mary, they would have been living in a typical dwelling, most likely in Bethlehem or Jerusalem, because Jesus would have been between the ages of one and two when they were discovered.

  • One can also wonder, who led the Wise Men to Jesus in the first place.
  • During Christmastime, the devout sing about the “Star of Wonder,” which directed the wise men to a manger in the little town of Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.
  • In light of this, what did the three wise men bring Jesus?
  • Is it possible that the Three Kings followed the North Star?

Because of this ” star in the east,” they proceeded to Jerusalem and informed King Herod of the prophesy predicting the birth of a new ruler over the people of Israel, which he accepted.

Who Were the “Three Wise Men”? Did They Follow the “Star” of Bethlehem?

Although popular Christmas custom refers to three wise men or three kings as visiting Jesus after his birth, the Bible does not use such names to describe the travelers who came to see him after his birth. Jesus Christ (Matthew 2:1) Instead, the Greek wordma’goi was used by the Gospel writer Matthew to describe the people who came to see Jesus. Experts in astrology and other occult disciplines are most usually referred to by the term. They are referred to as “astrologers” or “magi” in some Bible translations.

  • What was the number of “wise men” in attendance
  • They were the rulers known as the “wise men”
  • The names of the “wise men” were not revealed. When did the “wise men” pay a visit to Jesus Christ? Is it possible that God directed the “wise men” to follow the “star” of Bethlehem?

How many “wise men” were there?

The Bible does not specify how many there are, and traditions differ on the subject. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “Eastern tradition assigns the number of Magi to 12, whereas Western tradition assigns the number to three, most likely in recognition of the three gifts of ‘gold, frankincense, and myrrh’ (Matthew 2:11) that were given to the child.”

Were the “wise men” kings?

Despite the fact that the guests are sometimes represented as kings in Christmas tradition, the Bible never refers to them as such. In the words of the Encyclopedia Britannica, that label was added centuries later as part of the traditions that “embellished the tale,” rather than as a result of the events themselves.

What were the names of the “wise men”?

The identities of the astrologers are not revealed in the Bible. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia states that “attempts to name them (for example, Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar) are based on tales.”

When did the “wise men” visit Jesus?

It’s possible that the astrologers paid a visit to Jesus a few months after his birth. This is demonstrated by the fact that King Herod, who desired to have Jesus slain, ordered the death of boys who were two years old or younger. Based on the information he had gotten from the astrologers, he determined that age range. Matthew 2:16 (KJV). The astrologers did not pay a visit to Jesus on the night of his birth, according to tradition. “When they entered the home, they saw the little infant with Mary, his mother,” the Bible reads.

— Luke 2:16 (KJV).

Did God have the “wise men” follow the “star” of Bethlehem?

Some people believe that God sent the so-called star of Bethlehem to direct the astrologers to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Consider the reasons why this isn’t possible.

  • What looked to be a star led the astrologers first to Jerusalem. As recorded in the Bible, “Astrologers from the East came to Jerusalem, asking: ‘Where has been the one born king of the Jews?'” Because we spotted his star while traveling through the East, and we have come to pay our respects to him.” — Matthew 2:1, 2
  • 1 Peter 5:8
  • It was King Herod, not the “star,” who was the first to guide the astrologers to Bethlehem, according to tradition. When Herod learned of a rival “king of the Jews,” he went on a search for the location where the prophesied Christ would be born. (Matthew 2:3-6
  • Luke 2:35-39) When he learned that the child would be born in Bethlehem, he sent the astrologers to travel to the city and search for the kid before reporting back to him. It was only after that that the astrologers traveled to Bethlehem. Following the king’s instructions, they proceeded on their route, and look! The star they had seen while they were in the East had moved ahead of them until it came to a complete halt above where the tiny kid was. — Matthew 2:9
  • The emergence of the “star” triggered a chain of events that jeopardized Jesus’ life and culminated in the massacre of innocent infants. After leaving Bethlehem, God issued a warning to the astrologers, advising them not to return to Herod. — Matthew 2:12
  • Revelation 22:18

What was Herod’s response? Seeing that he had been outfoxed by the astrologers, Herod became furious and sent out an army to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and all of its surrounding districts, starting at the age of two and continuing until they were killed according to the time that he had carefully calculated from the astrologers, according to the Bible. (Matthew 2:16; Mark 2:16) In the case of Job 34:10, God would not have permitted such an evil act to take place.

Why Did the Wise Men Search for Jesus?

What was the reason for the wise men’s search for Jesus? In the words of Ellen, six, “That’s why they were called wise men!” Thank you so much, Ellen. I’m not sure if any Bible scholar has ever said it better than this. The quest for Jesus is a theme that goes throughout the New Testament. The wise men came to him in order to adore him. King Herod attempted to assassinate him. Crowds gathered to see him crowned after he miraculously fed them. Religious leaders attempted to put him in a bind. Roman troops attempted to apprehend him.

  • Simply put, they realized that because there was a new star, there had to be something unique going on “Elizabeth, a 7-year-old girl, says Yes, the star was odd, but there’s something else that’s more uncommon than the star’s beacon of illumination.
  • Why would non-Jews go such a long distance to honor a Jewish king?
  • The Jews were a marginalized and downtrodden people.
  • Patriarch Abraham received a promise from God that he would be a blessing to “all the families on the face of the earth” (Genesis 12:3).
  • The Gospel begins with a genealogy that demonstrates that Jesus is a descendant of King David (Matthew 1:1-16).
  • At one point during Jesus’ mission, a Roman centurion begged Jesus to heal his servant by pronouncing a single word to him.
  • At the conclusion of the Gospel, Jesus instructs his followers to make disciples of all peoples across the world.

It is demonstrated throughout Matthew’s gospel that redemption comes via the Jews, but that it is not only for Jews.

Affirming Abraham’s righteousness was God’s decision, which occurred before he received the covenant sign of circumcision (circumcision) (Romans 4:9-13).

Upon conquering Jerusalem, the Babylonians brought bright Jewish men into the king’s court, where they were trained to serve as advisors.

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Dania was the most illustrious wise man to have ever graced the halls of Babylonian royalty.

Later, rather than worshipping the ruler of the Medes and Persians, he chose to spend the night with lions.

Even if he had only served as prime minister of one country, he would have been inducted into the Magi Hall of Fame on the first vote.

A prophecy in the book of Daniel says that 483 years would pass from the time when a decree was issued to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and the arrival of “Messiah the Prince” (Daniel 9:25).

Archer Jr., the clock started ticking (Ezra 9:9).

to AD, and we arrive at AD 27, which is an appropriate date for when Jesus began his ministry.

God was worshipped by magi who were guided by the light of a star, and maybe by the light of the book of Daniel, to the temple.

Wise men and women are still on the lookout for him.

To witness actual kids discussing about God, you may download the “Kids Color Me Bible” for free and watch them color their own Bible.

The New King James Version of the Bible is used for all Bible quotes. Furthermore, when you view the new KTAG television advertisements and listen to the radio spots, you will grin, laugh, and be amazed. 2005 CAREY KINSOLVING & ASSOCIATES, INC.

The Christmas Story – All About The Wise Men

The arrival of the Three Wise Men; trips, political intrigue, and not a stable in sight.

The Story in the Bible

“Where is he who is born King of the Jews?” they inquired after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea during Herod the king’s reign. Look, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem to inquire. Because we saw his star in the east and have came to adore him,” says the author. And when King Herod learned of it, he was concerned, as was the entire city of Jerusalem. And after collecting all of the top priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them as to where the Messiah would be born. “In Bethlehem of Judea, for it is stated via the prophet, ‘And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are in no way least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come out a ruler who will shepherd my people, Israel,'” they explained.

  • When they arrived in Bethlehem, he told them to go and look for the tiny boy with diligence, and when they found him to bring me news so that I too might come and adore him.
  • And when they saw the star, they were filled with a tremendous amount of happiness.
  • They then presented him with presents, which included gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which they had opened from their riches.
  • Matthew 2:12 – 12:12

The History behind the Three Kings/Wise Men/Magi in the Christmas Story

Wise Men traveled to find Jesus after His birth, most likely from a territory that is now either Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or Yemen, or from an area that is now southern Turkey and northern Syria, to seek for Him after His birth. Despite the fact that they are commonly referred to as the “Three Kings,” the Bible does not specify how many there were or that they were kings. One possibility is that they were the Kings of Yemen, which would make sense given that the Kings of Yemen were Jews at the period.

  • They were undoubtedly guys of considerable learning.
  • ‘ Magos is derived from the ancient Persian term ‘Magupati,’ which means “magupati’s throne.” A priest of a sect of ancient Persian faiths such as Zoroastrianism was known by this title, which was awarded to him by his peers.
  • In those days, both astronomy and astrology were considered to be part of the same overarching study (and’science,’ as it were), and they went hand in hand with one another.
  • They would have also been extremely wealthy and well-regarded in their own community as well as by individuals from other countries and religions who did not share their beliefs.
  • The origin of the new star in the sky is still a mystery, and there are several possibilities, including comets, supernovae, planets colliding, and even something supernatural!
  • The Magi would have become familiar with the predictions of an unique Jewish Savior (also known as the Messiah) from their time as captives in ancient Babylon some hundred years before the birth of Jesus.

They have been the subject of legends, and they have been given names. They are frequently described in the following ways:

  • Wise Men traveled to find Jesus after His birth, most likely from a territory that is now either Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or Yemen, or from an area that is now southern Turkey and northern Syria, to search for Him after His birth. It is not specified in the Bible how many of them there were, or that they were kings, despite the common name of “Three Kings.” Several theories have been advanced, including the possibility that they were Yemeni kings, which would make sense given that the Yemeni kings at this period were Jews. Although the number three is simply an estimate because they carried three presents with them, it is likely that they had a large number of slaves with them regardless of how many there were. They were, without a doubt, guys of considerable intellect. When you hear the name Magi, you’re probably thinking of the Greek word’magos,’ which is whence we get the word “magic.” Magnus is derived from the ancient Persian term ‘Magupati,’ which means “magupati is a place of worship.” According to ancient Persian faiths such as Zoroastrianism, this was the designation given to priests of a particular sect. The term “astrologers” was coined for them today. As far back as I can remember, astronomy and astrology were both considered to be a part of the same broad disciplines (and’science’) and went hand in hand. The patterns of the stars would have been closely observed by the magi. They would have also been extremely wealthy and well-regarded in their own community as well as by people from other countries and religions who did not share their views. When they looked up at the sky, they noticed a strange new star, and they realized that it promised the birth of a unique ruler in Israel. The origin of the new star in the sky is still a mystery, and there are several ideas, including comets, supernovae, planets colliding, and perhaps something supernatural, to explain it. In the Christmas Customs section, you may learn more about the star of Bethlehem and its significance. They would have heard about the predictions of an unique Jewish Savior (also known as the Messiah) from their time as captives in ancient Babylon, some hundred years before the birth of Jesus. They have been the subject of legends, and they have been given names in recognition of their importance. Their characteristics are frequently summarized as follows.

Herod requested that the Wise Men locate Jesus and inform him of his whereabouts, not so that he might go and honor him as he had stated, but so that he could murder him! He interpreted Jesus’ words as if he were a new King who could come and usurp his position of authority. Because Jesus would have been between the ages of one and two when the Wise Men discovered them, it is likely that they were living in a typical dwelling, most likely in Bethlehem or Jerusalem, when the Wise Men discovered them.

Although the presents appear to be weird to give to a baby, Christians believe that they had the following symbolic meanings:

  • Historically, gold has been connected with kings, and Christians believe that Jesus is the King of Kings. Frankincense is a fragrant oil that is occasionally used in church services to indicate that people are willing to worship Jesus. It is a perfume that is applied to dead bodies in order to make them smell pleasant. According to Christian belief, it demonstrated that Jesus would suffer and die.

All of the presents are also from the Arabian Peninsula, which is located east of Israel. A dream forewarned the wise men that they should not go to Herod and inform him where Jesus was, preventing Herod from carrying out his heinous plot to kidnap and kill Jesus.

Here’s What History Can Tell Us About the Magi

Additionally, all of the presents are sourced from the Arabian Peninsula, which is east of the country of Israel. A dream forewarned the wise men that they should not go to Herod and inform him where Jesus was, preventing Herod from carrying out his heinous plot to kidnap Jesus.

The wise man’s guide in finding Jesus

Men are not always uninformed when it comes to the Bible, and the problem is that so much of what they “know” to be true is not actually taught by the Bible, which is a problem when it comes to religious beliefs. The story of the “three wise men,” for example, is a good illustration of this principle, and it is frequently cited. Ask the typical person about the three wise men who came to see Jesus when he was a kid, and they would tell you that they arrived at the stable where the newborn was resting in a manger, together with the shepherds, and that they brought gifts for the child.

  1. Unfortunately, the majority of what you’ve read is inaccurate.
  2. The birth of Jesus and the arrival of the shepherds are recorded by Luke (Luke 2), but the wise men arrived some time after Jesus’ birth, according to Matthew 2, and discovered him in a home in Bethlehem, according to Matthew 2.
  3. Matthew 2:3 (Matthew 2:3) It is also unclear how old Jesus was when the wise men arrived, but we do know that Herod executed male children under the age of two after their visit, indicating that Jesus was older than a baby but less than two at the time of their visit.
  4. The wise men arrive first in Jerusalem, according to Matthew’s account (Matthew 2:1-11), with inquiries regarding the new-born King.
  5. Matthew 2:2).
  6. Instead, the star signified the impending birth of a child, prompting them to fly to Jerusalem.
  7. It is reasonable to anticipate that the heir of David will be born there.

Matthew 2:5-6; Micah 5:2).

We don’t know what type of star directed the three wise men, but it clearly did not behave in the manner that we would expect from a star in the context in which the word is usually employed.

The other was God’s inspired word, which was the Bible.

A single star may tell a man absolutely nothing about what is going on in the globe.

Although this is a topic of considerable conjecture, it is a valid one.

This prophesy served as a guide for the three kings as they traveled from Jerusalem to Bethlehem on their journey.

The wise men, on the other hand, took God’s word at its value and set off in the proper way.

God still wants us to locate Jesus today, and, like the wise men of old, God has provided us with a written record that will direct us in the right direction to find His Son, Jesus.

Acts 4:12).

It is appropriate for everyone of us to learn from the wise men, and For direction in discovering the truth about the One who died for our sins, look to God’s word whenever you are in doubt.

Look into the Scriptures. Jonathan McAnulty is the preacher of the Chapel Hill Church of Christ in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

How Did the Wise Men (Magi) Know This Was the Messiah? How Did They Know to Follow His Star?

Men are not always uninformed when it comes to the Bible, and the problem is that so much of what they “know” to be true is not actually taught by the Bible, which is a problem when it comes to religion generally. As an example, consider the parable of the “three wise men,” which is frequently cited to make the point: Ask the ordinary person about the three wise men who came to see Jesus when he was a kid, and they would tell you that they arrived at the stable where the newborn was resting in a manger, together with the shepherds, and that they brought gifts for the baby.

  • Most of what was said was wrong, which is a shame.
  • However, according to Matthew 2, the wise men arrived some time after Jesus had been born and discovered him in a home in Bethlehem.
  • (See Matthew 2:11 for further information.) Furthermore, although Matthew does not specify how many wise men were there, their group (which most likely included guards and servants) was large enough to create a commotion when they arrived in Jerusalem and began asking questions.
  • It is also unclear how old Jesus was when the wise men arrived, but we do know that Herod executed male infants under the age of two after their visit, indicating that Jesus was older than a baby but younger than two at the time of their arrival.
  • The wise men arrive in Jerusalem first, as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 2:1-11), and they inquire about the newborn King.
  • Matthew 2:2).
  • As a result, they decided to go to Jerusalem since the star suggested a birth.
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In such location, one may reasonably expect the birth of the Davidic successor.

Matthew 2:5-6; Micah 5:2).

What type of star guided the wise men is unknown to us, and it definitely did not behave in the manner that we would expect from a star in the manner in which we would expect it to.

The other was God’s inspired word, which we’ll call the Bible.

It is impossible for a star to provide any insight into world events.

While there has been considerable conjecture about this, it is not without merit.

When the wise men traveled from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, they followed this prophesy as their guide.

The wise men, on the other hand, took God’s word at its value and set off in the correct route.

God still wants us to locate Jesus today, and, like the wise men of old, God has provided us with a written record that will direct us in the right direction to find His Son.

Acts 4:12).

A lesson from the wise men should be learned by all of us.

In order to discover more about Jesus Christ and what the Scriptures have to say about him, the church of Christ invites you to come and worship and study with us at 234 Chapel Drive in Gallipolis, Ohio.

Look through the Bible for guidance. Jonathan McAnulty is the minister of the Chapel Hill Church of Christ in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States.

The Timing of the Messiah’s Birth

A definite prophesy of the Messiah is recorded in Daniel 9:24-26, who will present Himself to His people, will be welcomed as the One who will come in the name of the Lord, and will subsequently be murdered. This text outlines a timeline that begins with the mandate to rebuild Jerusalem and ends with the Messiah’s arrival into the city and subsequent “cutting off” from the rest of the world (killed). The number of years is described as “seventy weeks” in verse 24 of the Bible. Daniel 9:24 (NIV) a Seventy weeks have been set aside for thy people and thine sacred city.

Just as we would say that three dozen equals 36 (dozen meaning 12), or that seven decades equals 70 years (decade meaning 10) is the same as saying that “seventy weeks” equals “seventy sevens,” or 70 x 7, which equals 490, the Jews understood “seventy weeks” to mean “seventy sevens,” or 70 x 7, which equals 490.

From the Going Forth of the Commandment

The prophesy that was delivered to Daniel by the angel Gabriel went on to specify when the beginning of the seventy-week period would take place. This established a clear timeline for upcoming occurrences. Daniel 9:25 (NIV) Know and understand, therefore, that from the time the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was given until the arrival of the Messiah the Prince, there will be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks: the street will be rebuilt again, and the wall will be rebuilt, even during troubled times.

And Messiah will be cut off after threescore and two weeks, but not for himself.

With it as a starting point, the “seven weeks and threescore and two weeks” equals 69 weeks, which corresponds to the time period predicted by the angel Gabriel and which brings us to the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on what is known as Palm Sunday.

The Coming PrinceTimeline

When the angel Gabriel revealed to Daniel the timing of the beginning of these seventy weeks, he went on to say that he would be the one to bring it about. A detailed timetable for upcoming events was established as a result of this. 9.25 Daniel is the verse in question. Know and understand, therefore, that from the time the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was given until the arrival of the Messiah the Prince, there will be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks: the street will be rebuilt again, and the wall will be rebuilt, even in troublous times, and the wall will be rebuilt.

The decision to repair and rebuild Jerusalem, issued by Artaxerxes Longimanus in 445 BC, marked the beginning of the 70-seven year period (Nehemiah 2:5).

As a result of that beginning date, the “seven weeks and threescore and two weeks”equals 69 weeks, which corresponds to the date of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday, as predicted by the angel Gabriel.

The Place and the Sign

Knowing the approximate timing of the Messiah’s birth, the Wise Men would have been aware of the need to keep an eye out for the Messiah’s arrival. Micah 5:2 (Micah 5:2 [Micah 5:2]) While thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, may be a small town amid the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall come forth him who is to be king in Israel, whose goings forth have been from the beginning, from the beginning of time. Chapter 24:17 (Numbers 24:17) The Star of Jacob will rise, and a Sceptre of Israel will rise, and they will smite the corners of Moab and slay all the offspring of Sheth.

How Did They Know?

It is now much easier for us to go back and understand the Scriptures that revealed Jesus’ birthdate and place of origin, because these prophecies have already been fulfilled. Given that retrospect is always clearer than foresight, we are left to question how the Wise Men/Magi could have comprehended the prophesies in their entirety. Although the Bible does not specifically state it, it is obvious that the wise men did comprehend them well enough to think that this Child was the prophesied King of the Jews (the Promised Messiah) and that they should follow “His star” (the star of Bethlehem).

  • We might speculate that these men gained a fear of the Lord through the Scriptures and Daniel’s testimony, since we know that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov 1:7) and “the beginning of wisdom” (Prov 1:8).
  • A reverence, respect, and faith in the Lord and His revealed will characterize this “fear” of the Lord.
  • Knowing wisdom and instruction, seeing the words of understanding, receiving the teaching of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity, imparting subtlety to the simple, imparting knowledge and discretion to the young man are all goals.
  • The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; nevertheless, idiots detest wisdom and teaching because they are untrustworthy.

They Were Wise

It’s no surprise that the Bible refers to them as wise men. Their wisdom was most likely derived from a deep understanding and fear of the Lord, and it was then passed down down the generations. Historically, we know that the magi were proficient in observing the constellations, and that when they spotted “His star,” they were meticulous in setting out and following it all the way to Jerusalem, and ultimately to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. It also says that their intention was motivated by the knowledge that this Child was born as the King of the Jews, and that they came to worship Him as a result of this knowledge.

As previously stated, the Bible is correct in referring to the magi as “wise men.” We can tell that the Wise Men trusted in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and that they believed His Word as given by the prophets by the evidence of their looking for “His star,” journeying to Jerusalem to seek the “King of the Jews,” and wishing to worship Him.

Our Lesson

The lesson we may take away from the Wise Men/Magi is that we, too, must place our faith in God’s Word, which he has revealed to us. He bestows wisdom onto us, just as He did upon the three Wise Men. The Magi were wise men who trusted in God and His Word and behaved in accordance with their beliefs. When you think of the greatest gift God provided to mankind by sending His son into the world, Christmas is a fantastic time to pause and ponder. It is an excellent moment to examine our souls and consider whether or not we are smart men.

  • Do we have sufficient faith in the Messiah to follow His star? The Messiah calls on us to die to ourselves on a daily basis, to take up our cross, and to follow Him wherever He leads. Mark 8:35
  • Luke 9:23
  • Do we desire spiritual progress in the Lord above and beyond worldly pleasures? (Mark 8:35
  • Luke 9:23). In Matthew 5:11 and Matthew 10:22, the Messiah predicts that we shall be persecuted for the sake of His name
  • Nevertheless, He also promises that His yoke is easy, His load is light, and that our souls will find rest in Him (Matthew 11:29-30)
  • Do we genuinely care enough about people to share the good news of Jesus with them? We are to tell others about God and His Word in the same way that Daniel told the Magi about his God and His Word. Because the Magi were well-versed in the ways of the Lord and feared Him, they kept an eye out for His star and followed it to the location where the Child was born and the Son was given. (See Isaiah 9:6) We have come to adore Him because we have seen His star. In addition, let us be concerned enough about others to tell them about the small Baby in the crib who came to seek and save them.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;but that the world through him might be saved.John 3:17

“WHO Were the Wise Men?” has already been discussed. as well as “HOW Did They Know?” Let us now explore the question, “WHEN DID THE WISDOM MEN ARRIVE?” “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” a classic Christmas carol, is about the twelve days of gift-giving that occur throughout the holiday season. Gifts are added to the list with each passing day, based on the day’s number. The most famous feature is the ringing chorus of “five golden rings,” which is sung on the fifth day of the festival. In addition to being a lovely tune to sing, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” also has a nice trivia question: How many gifts were given out during the song?

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That is a significant number of presents.

A Theological Significance to the 12 Days of Christmas

The church has historically held that the 12 days between the birth of Jesus and the arrival of the Magi indicate the period of time between the two events. The celebrations begin on Christmas Day (or, in some traditions, the day following Christmas) and conclude with the feast of the Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 6th this year.

The Feast of Epiphany

This feast day remembers the day the three wise men arrived at Jesus’ home and presented him with gifts. Some churches’ liturgical calendars refer to this day as “Three Kings’ Day,” which is a reference to the three kings of Saudi Arabia. Some traditions also say that the Feast of the Three Kings commemorates the day on which John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Is this, however, the case in reality?

What does the Bible say?

According to the gospel of Matthew, the Three Wise Men came from the Persian Empire (see Who were the Three Wise Men? for further information). While traveling to Jerusalem in search of the Christ child, they were guided by a bright light in the sky. When they came, they approached King Herod and enquired about the location of the one and only “born King of the Jews” (Mat 2:2). Then, guided once more by the light, they ultimately discovered the infant near the spot where the star had come to rest.

Arrival After The Dedication of Jesus?

Mary and Joseph carried their kid to the temple in order for him to be dedicated to the Lord, as prescribed by the Law of Moses. 2:22 (Luke 2:22) As soon as the days of her purification stipulated by the Law of Moses were over, they carried him to Jerusalem to offer him to the Lord; the period for this dedication was expressly defined by the Law of Moses (Lev 12:2-4). After the birth of Jesus, the days of Mary’s purification were to take place at least 40 days later. A lady was considered filthy for seven days after giving birth.

After then, it was necessary to wait 33 days before a woman’s purification was complete.

12:6 (Lev 12:6) If she is expecting a son or a daughter, when the days of her purification are completed, she is required to bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove, for a sin offering, to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, to the priest:This offering was to be made before the Lord, in order to make atonement for the woman and to cleanse her from the issue of blood.

What an appropriate offering it would be to make “a lamb of the first year” and a bird of prey (a young pigeon or a turtledove).

A provision was also created for individuals who could not afford to sacrifice a lamb. This type of situation allowed the woman to carry two turtledoves or two juvenile pigeons with her.

An Offering of Birds by Mary and Joseph

It is recorded in Luke 2:24 that Mary made an offering of birds (plural). That Mary and Joseph did not have the sufficient means to purchase a lamb for their burned offering is an evidence of their financial inability. It has long been speculated that if the Three Wise Men had visited 12 days after the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph would have been presented with the priceless gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. If this had been the case, Mary would have been able to present a blood sacrifice in the shape of a lamb to the Lord in order to cleanse herself.

Arrival When Jesus was Two Years Old?

Some believe that the Wise Men did not arrive until Jesus was two years old and was living in a house in Nazareth, rather than when he was born. This is based on Matthew 2:11-11, to be precise. When the Three Wise Men “went into the home and saw the little boy,” we are informed that they were “astonished.” When you combine that with Herod’s command that all children under the age of two should be put to death, it’s easy to see why some believe Jesus was close to two years old when the Three Wise Men came.

  • There isn’t any proof to back up this claim.
  • An baby, a half-grown boy or girl, or a childling (of either sexe), according to Strong’s Dictionary, is defined as a childling (of either sexe).
  • In this case, Herod might have been “covering his bases” and going much beyond the age of Jesus, who would have been about thirty years old at the time.
  • He could have decreed “two and under” to ensure that Jesus would be murdered if six months or a whole year had gone before Herod noticed they had not returned.

The Wise Men “Came Into the House”

We know that Jesus was born in a stable, which was a facility that housed animals. The location may have been a stable or a cave, but the most likely location was the bottom floor of a relative’s house, where animals were housed during the colder months. The word “inn” that we translate as “upper room” comes from the Greek word for “lower level,” and it is speculated that Mary and Joseph stayed in the lower level of a Bethlehem house, and that after all of the guests who had been there for the census had left, the relatives invited Mary and Joseph to the upper room.

As a result, it’s plausible that the Wise Men were guided to Nazareth by the star, but it’s improbable that their journey would have taken more than two years.

The Timing

It seems undeniable that the story of the Three Wise Men arriving 12 days after Jesus’ birth is inaccurate. The time does not seem to be right. Because Mary and Joseph were devoted Jews, if they had received the beautiful gifts of great value from the Three Wise Men, they might have sold part of the gold, frankincense, or myrrh and used the proceeds to purchase a lamb to sacrifice to God. Instead, they offered birds, with the offering intended for the impoverished who did not have the financial resources to purchase a lamb on their behalf.


So, how long did it take the Wise Men to get to Bethlehem after Jesus’ birth? We simply do not know what to do. The available evidence, on the other hand, is adequate to conclude that it was not 12 days. It would have taken more than 40 days, but it would have taken less time than two years. When it comes to Jesus, we know from the Wise Men that the right reaction is to bow our heads and worship him. When the Wise Men discovered Him, they bowed down and worshipped Him, regardless of His age at the time.


Where was Jesus when the wise men found Him and gave Him gifts?

Where was Jesus when the three wise men came upon Him and presented Him with gifts? I do not believe this occurred at the time of His birth since they had to move after they had stopped to meet Herod.

Bible Answer:

The traditional nativity scenes seen on Christmas cards, paintings, and in-church displays portray Jesus, Mary, Joseph, shepherds, and three wise men, among other people and animals. However, this is incorrect since the wise men did not pay a visit to the Christ on the day of His birth. The three kings of the East arrived many years after Jesus’ birth. Presented here is a section of the Christmas narrative from the gospel of Matthew. In the days of Herod the king, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, a group of magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, proclaiming.

Wise Men Arrive In Jerusalem

When the three wise men arrived in Jerusalem, they inquired as to the location of Jesus’ birth. The following is the response they received. It is at Bethlehem of Judea that the prophet prophesied: “AND YOU, BETHLEHEM, LAND OF JUDAH, ARE BY NO MEANS LEAST AMONG THE LEADERS OF JUDAH; FOR OUT OF YOU SHALL COME FORTH A RULER, WHO WILL SHEPHERD MY PEOPLE ISRAEL.” (Isaiah 9:6) Matthew 2:5-6 (KJV) (NASB) This upset King Herod, who secretly convened a meeting with the three wise men. The wise men were asked how long ago the star had shone, and Herod then informed them that Jesus might be located in Bethlehem, according to tradition.

Then Herod secretly summoned the magi, who were able to establish the precise moment the star shone for him.

Matthew 2:9 (KJV) (NASB)

Where Was Jesus When the Wise Men Found Him?

The star was out of the ordinary since a typical star does not travel in front of a person and then come to a complete halt. A regular star does not appear to move since it is billions of miles away in the sky and so appears to be stationary. These three wise men were guided to Jesus’ home by a particular, divinely designed light that shone from the sky above them. And they entered into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they bowed down and worshiped Him; and opening their treasuries they gave to Him presents of gold and frankincense and myrrh.

The Greek term for house is isoikia, which means “household.” It simply refers to a house or a residence.

and not in a private residence In the meantime, she gave birth to her first-born son, whom she wrapped in cloths and placed at a manger since there was no room for them in the inn.

It indicates that the wise men arrived between one and two years after the king’s death.

The solution is found in Matthew 2:16, which is the Bible.

We learn in Matthew 2:16 (NASB) that King Herod slaughtered all of the infants who were two years old or younger in order to gain power.

Because the wise men had informed him that they had been monitoring the star for almost two years, he decided to investigate.


As a result, the wise men arrived approximately one to two years after the birth of Jesus. It is likely that one year is a more accurate estimate because the wise men required time to journey from the east to find Jesus. Nevertheless, Matthew makes it plain that Jesus was already in a dwelling when the three wise men arrived. God had arranged for these wise men to pay a visit to Jesus. Although the Bible never explains why this occurred, it does serve as a demonstration of God’s faithfulness and grace!

Suggested Links:

I’m on the lookout for God. Is it true that Jesus was born on December 25th? Is there any proof that Herod killed kids under the age of two in the modern era? What was Jesus’ age when the three wise men discovered Him? Where was Jesus when the three wise men came upon Him and presented Him with gifts? The Arrival of the Three Wise Men To Pay a Visit to Christ, the Magi Set Out on a SearchThe Magi of Christmas

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