What Did Jesus Say About The Old Testament

How did Jesus view the Old Testament?

While there are several reasons why the Old Testament is God’s Word, the best evidence comes directly from the Lord Jesus Christ himself (John 3:16). Jesus, as God manifested in human flesh, speaks with final authority. And his evidence in reference to the Old Testament is unequivocal and unequivocal. Jesus thought that the Old Testament was divinely inspired and that it was the infallible Word of God. He was right about that. According to him, “The Scripture cannot be violated” (John 10:35).

His words clearly implied that it would last forever: ‘Until Heaven and earth pass away, not the tiniest letter or stroke shall pass away from the law, until everything is done’ (Matthew 5:18).

“Have you not read what was spoken to you by God?” Jesus asked.

(Matthew 12:3, NIV) There are a plethora of examples that suggest that Jesus was familiar with the Old Testament and its substance.

We find Jesus confirming many of the Old Testament accounts throughout the Gospels, including the destruction of Sodom and the death of Lot’s wife (Luke 17:29–32), the murder of Abel by his brother Cain (Luke 11:51), the calling of Moses (Mark 12:26), and the provision of manna in the wilderness (John 6:31–51).

  1. Many people wish to accept Jesus, yet they reject a substantial amount of the Old Testament because it contradicts their beliefs.
  2. If someone believes in Jesus Christ, he or she should maintain consistency and think that the Old Testament and its narratives are accurate.
  3. Tyndale House is the printer.
  4. All intellectual property rights are retained.

No, Jesus Did Not Soften the Old Testament-In Fact He Did the Opposite, and Here’s What That Means

Those who identify as moderate Christians are fond of pointing out how Jesus “changed the Old Testament,” or in other words, how he rendered obsolete the truly awful passages that deal about slavery, putting women in their place, executing gays, and so on.

In reality, he accomplished nothing of the like. Specifically, I’ll be performing two things here:

  1. To demonstrate to you that Jesus completely endorsed everything in the Old Testament
  2. To demonstrate to you just how dreadful everything is

So, first and foremost, here is Jesus speaking directly about the teachings of the Old Testament:

The Law Stands

Because really, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota or a dot will pass the law until everything is done. As a result, anybody who breaks even one of the smallest of these commandments, and teaches others to do similarly, will be regarded as the least in the kingdom of heaven; nevertheless, anyone who follows and teaches them will be regarded as the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:18-19 (New International Version) “It is far simpler for Heaven and Earth to perish than it is for the tiniest portion of the wording of the law to be declared unconstitutional.

(See also Luke 16:17.) “Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.

In the name of God, I declare to you that until heaven and earth pass away, not the least part of a letter, not the smallest part of a letter, will be removed from the law until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17; Mark 1:17) “Did Moses not give you the law, and yet none of you obeys the law?” says the author.

Don’t just take my word for it; go ahead and look it up for yourself.

The Law That Stands

If someone curses the name of the LORD, they will be put to death; the entire crowd will stone the blasphemer as punishment. The death penalty will be applied to both foreigners and citizens who insult the name of God. Leviticus 24:16 (New Revised Standard Version)

Cheaters Must Die

It is mandatory to execute both the adulterer and the adulteress if a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—in this case, with the wife of his next-door neighbor. (NIV) Torah 20:10 (Leviticus 20:10)

Dishonoring Your Mother or Father is Punishable by Death

No one should be allowed to live if they have dishonored their father or mother. A person who does such an act is guilty of a capital crime. Leviticus 20:9 (New Living Translation)

People Who Work on Sunday Should be Killed

It is OK for you to labor six days each week on your regular duties, but the seventh day must be a Sabbath day of total rest, a holy day devoted to the LORD. Anyone who is at work on that day shall be put to death immediately. Exodus 35:2 (New Living Translation)

If a Woman is Not a Virgin When She Gets Married, She Has to Die

“If any man takes a wife and enters her home and despises her, accuses her of disgraceful behavior, and casts a bad reputation on her, and claims, ‘I took this lady, and when I arrived to her, I discovered she was not a virgin,’ he is guilty of adultery.” In the event that no evidence of virginity is discovered for the young woman, she will be brought out to the front door of her father’s house, where the men of her city will stone her to death with stones.

(New King James Version) — Deuteronomy 22:13-14, 20-21

There’s Nothing Wrong With Slavery

Your male and female slaves will come from the countries in your immediate vicinity; you will be able to purchase slaves from them. Leviticus 25:44 (New International Version)

Gays Should be Put to Death

If a man sleeps with another man as if he were with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, and they will both be put to death; their blood will be on their own shoulders. (NRSV) — Leviticus 20:13 (NASB).

Women Should Shut the Hell Up and Do as They’re Told

In order for a woman to learn, she must be quiet and fully submit. Female power or teaching authority over a guy are not allowed in my house; she must remain mute. Timothy 2:11-12 (New International Version) Please keep in mind that these are not recommendations. They’re not something you can do without. As Jesus stated, “Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches mankind in this manner will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven.” He also stated that they are not susceptible to any interpretation by the individual.

Atheists, on the other hand, should not be listened to; we are the last people you should trust.

All of the references are available to you.

But, fortunately, there is a simple solution: Consider which of the following is most likely:

  1. You may either believe that God and Jesus are bad (which the Bible’s own language reveals, if you open your copy and look) or. As it turns out, everything is a fabrication, and there is nothing to be concerned about

The solution is number two. God is not a bad person, and neither is his son, Jesus. They were created by man in order to exert control over other men. There are few things that provide more compelling evidence of this than the actual teachings of the Bible. Those of you who are nice and considerate Christian friends don’t require this. You have risen above it all.


  1. Please accept my thanks for the list of Old Testament instructions provided by Christianity Disproved.com.

So, What Did Jesus Think about the Old Testament?

Recently, the Old Testament has been experiencing some difficulties. Many people consider it to be a curmudgeonly, legalistic, violent, complicated, and, perhaps most importantly, dull type of novel. “The God of the Old Testament is possibly the most terrible character in all of literature,” as the atheist Richard Dawkins memorably observed. Along with these types of grievances, there are issues concerning the historical accuracy of the books of the Old Testament. What makes you think we’re expected to believe in a literal Adam and Eve?

  • What about Sodom and Gomorrah?
  • Unfortunately, non-Christians are not the only ones who have expressed their dissatisfaction.
  • And it doesn’t help matters when popular evangelical leaders argue that the Old Testament doesn’t really important all that much.
  • If Jesus is who he claims to be, then it stands to reason that his viewpoint should be highly important in forming our own (see prior post on this subjecthere).
  • Is it time to give up on the Old Testament?
  • Here are three facts that Jesus held to be true regarding the Hebrew Scriptures: 1.
  • In general, Jesus believed that the Old Testament was a true account of people who actually existed and events that actually took place in history.

As an example, Jesus makes mention of Adam and Eve, Abel, Noah (and the flood), Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, manna in the desert, serpent in the wilderness, David eating holy bread, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Zechariah, and many other people and events from the Bible.

The Old Testament possessed authoritative status.

Oddly enough, this was even acknowledged by Jesus’ adversaries as a fact of life.

For example, when the Sadducees inquired as to “who will be her husband?” (no doubt what they considered to be their most difficult theological question that would “stump” Jesus publically), Jesus answered with the simple inquiry, “Have you not read.?” followed by a passage from the book of Exodus (Matt 22:28-32).

  1. Even in the midst of his own temptation in the desert, he does not rely on his own understanding, but instead continuously invokes the knowledge and authority of the Scriptures (Matt 4:1-11).
  2. The Old Testament was given to us by God.
  3. When it talks, it is God who is speaking.
  4. In this verse, Jesus makes a direct reference to Genesis 2:24.
  5. It is just the “narrator” who is important.
  6. The reason Jesus can say statements like “Scripture cannot be broken,” (John 10:35), and “even though heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass away from the Law until everything is done” are because he understands the nature of the law (Matt 5:18).
  7. So, what are we supposed to do with Jesus’ witness?
  8. We must understand that Jesus saw it as the magnificent, life-giving Word of God, rather than reading it while clutching our noses and thinking, “Just take your medicine,” as we might do today in a hospital setting.

Remember that Jesus was referring to the Old Testament when he declared, “Man shall not live by food alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4; Deut 8:3). Simply simply, if he cherished God’s commandments, then we should as well!

What Does the Bible Say About the Old Testament Law?

  • Is there anything we should avoid eating? Is eating pork and shellfish against the law in the Bible? In what sense did Jesus say, “Nor the tiniest letter, not the slightest stroke of a pen, will by any way depart from the Law until everything is accomplished”? What has happened to all of the commandments and ordinances in the Old Testament
  • Do we have to follow the regulations in the Old Testament
  • And what has happened to all of the commandments and ordinances in the New Testament.
See also:  Where Was Jesus Buried


During the time of the Old Testament, the Law of Moses governed practically every element of human existence. God, on the other hand, forged a new covenant of trust and love with people via the coming of Christ. Criminal and punishment laws, warfare, slavery, food, circumcision, sacrifices, feast days and keeping of the Sabbath, as well as tithe and ceremonial cleanness laws, are not essential for Christians to obey the Old Testament regulations. Even more self-discipline is required by Jesus and His apostles than by the teachings of the Old Testament when it comes to moral and ethical principles and teachings.

The Law of Moses

A law that governed practically every element of Jewish life throughout biblical times was known as theLaw of Moses (also known as the Old Testament Law, Mosaic Law, or simply The Law). Ten Commandments and a slew of additional regulations established the boundaries of morality, religious activity, and government. The army, criminal justice, trade, property rights, slavery, sexual relations, marriage, and social interactions were all governed by the constitution. For men, it demanded circumcision, animal sacrifices, and rigorous observance of the Sabbath (see below).

Animals were classified into two groups according to ceremonial rules: “clean” and “unclean.” Those that were clean could be eaten; animals that were not clean could not.

Many of the regulations were tailored specifically to the religious system and agricultural life of ancient Israel, and others were general in nature (Exodus 12:14-16, Leviticus 1:10-13,11:1-23, 15:19-20, 19:19, 19:27-28, 27:30-32, Deuteronomy 25:5-6).

However, there are several moral principles that serve as the foundation for Christian morality (Exodus 20:1-17,23:6-9, Leviticus 19:9-10, 19:18, Deuteronomy 6:5).

The Teachings of Jesus

After Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, hundreds of ceremonial laws were created in order to carry out the tremendous moral ideals God had imparted to him. People believed that if they just followed all of the laws, they were leading holy lives. Jesus, on the other hand, was of a different mind. He said that individuals discovered enough “loopholes” to follow all the regulations while continuing to live evil and selfish lifestyles (Matthew 23:23-28). “Do not imagine that Ihave come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them,” Jesus said in reference to the Law, which sometimes creates misunderstanding.

Matthew 5:17–18 (New International Version) Christians have struggled to comprehend exactly what Jesus was trying to convey.

However, many of those laws and ceremonies were not observed by Jesus and His disciples, thus this could not be the case at all. When it comes to the time of Jesus, it is commonly pointed out that the word “the Law” might imply a variety of distinct things. 1,2

  • The ceremonial regulations, which include “clean” and “unclean” lists, sacrifices, food restrictions, ritualwashings, and other practices. The civil law is a body of laws that governs social behavior and specifies crimes, penalties, and other requirements. For example, the Ten Commandments are examples of moral and ethical laws. The Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible)
  • The Torah (the first five books of the Bible)
  • The scribal law – the 613 regulations (mitzvot) created by the scribes that were supposed to be followed by everyone
  • The scribal law The whole of the Scriptures

There was no change in the moral and ethical laws that had been in existence since the time of Moses because of Jesus. Those concepts were maintained and expounded upon by him, but he added that obedience must come from the heart (in the form of attitudes and intents) rather than merely technical observation of the law’s language (Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28, 31-32, 33-34, 38-42, 43-44, etc.). Jesus and His disciples, on the other hand, did not adhere to the stringent scribal prohibition against doing any labor on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-14, Mark 2:23-28, 3:1-6, Luke 6:1-11, 13:10-17,14:1-6, John 5:1-18).

  1. According to Jesus, contrary to the dietary regulations of the Law, food cannot contaminate a person; rather, it is negative attitudes and acts that may render a person unclean (Matthew 15:1-20, Mark 7:1-23).
  2. (John8:3-5, 10-11).
  3. If that were the case, it would be consistent with His previous actions and teachings.
  4. Additionally, it is pointed out that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law (Matthew 26:28, Mark 10:45, Luke 16:16, John 1:16, Acts 10:28, 13:39, Romans 10:4).

The Council of Jerusalem

The early Christians came from among the Jews, and they maintained their observance of both the Law of Moses and their new Christian beliefs during this time. However, as the number of Gentiles (non-Jews) who converted to Christianity increased, there were disagreements about whether or not these Gentile Christians were required to keep the Law. The issues of circumcision and food were particularly contentious, and they posed a serious danger to the unity of Christianity. When Peter, Paul, Barnabas and James (along with other Christian leaders) convened in Jerusalem about the year 49 A.D., they were attempting to resolve the conflict (Acts 15:1-29).

The Gentile Christians, on the other hand, were instructed by the council to abstain from certain items that were particularly repulsive to their Jewish brothers and sisters – food dedicated to gods, blood, flesh from strangled animals, and sexual immorality, to name a few (Acts 15:29).

The New Covenant

God has made a new covenant with people as a result of the birth of Jesus Christ (Jeremiah31:31-34, Luke 22:20, 1 Corinthians 11:25, Hebrews 8:8-13, 9:11-15). Jesus and Hisapostles provided us with a fundamentally different view of the actual goal of the Old TestamentLaw; they heralded the beginning of a new period characterized by the rule of love for all people and spiritual truth, rather than the rule of law (Luke 10:25-28, John 13:34-35, Ephesians 2:14-18).

God, on the other hand, has not canceled His original bond with Israel and the Jewish people, as some believe (Luke 1:72, Acts 3:25, Romans 9:4-5, 11:26-29, Galatians 3:17). Although the New Covenant expresses no negative feelings toward Jews, it does not condone their persecution in any manner.


Jesus’ teachings, the Council of Jerusalem, and other New Testament teachings (John 1:16-17, Acts 13:39, Romans 2:25-29, 8:1-4, 1 Corinthians 9:19-21, Galatians 2:15-16, Ephesians 2:15) make it clear that Christians are not required to follow the Old Testament rules about crimes and punishments, warfare, slavery, diet, circumcision, animal sacrifices, feast days, Sabbath observance, ritual cleanness, and so on.

Christians are Old Testament scriptures continue to be relied upon by Christians for moral and spiritual direction (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Christians, on the other hand, should not consider their liberation from the Old Testament Law to be a license to lower their moral standards.

Christian Practice

For example, below are a few instances of Old Testament commandments that Christians do not often follow:

  • Pork (Leviticus 11:7)
  • Certain other animals (Leviticus 11:4-6)
  • Shellfish (Leviticus 11:10)
  • Certain birds (Leviticus 11:13-19)
  • Certain insects (Leviticus 11:20-23)
  • Meat that has not been cooked yet (Leviticus 17:12)
  • Meat that has not been cooked yet (Leviticus 17:13)
  • Meat that has not been cooked
  • Male circumcision is compulsory on the eighth day (Leviticus 12:1-3)
  • The death penalty is applied to anyone who:
  • Exodus 21:15,17
  • Disobedience to parents (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
  • Failure to confine a dangerous animal resulting in death (Exodus 21:28-29)
  • Witchcraft and sorcery (Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 20:27, Deuteronomy 13:5, 1 Samuel 28:9)
  • Having sexual relations with an animal (Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 20:16)
  • Working on the Sabbath (Ex
  • Observances of the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost(Shavuot)(Leviticus 23:15-21)
  • Observances of the Feast of Trumpets or New Year Festival(Rosh Hashanah)(Leviticus 23:23-25)
  • Observances of the Feast of Tabernacles(Sukkot)(Leviticus 23:39-43)
  • And Observances of the Feast of Tabernacles(S
  • The seventh-day Sabbath is observed on Saturday (Exodus 20:8-11
  • Exodus 35:1-3)
  • Animal sacrifices are performed.
  • For the forgiveness of sins (Leviticus 4:27-35)
  • For the commemoration of the Passover (Exodus 12:3-11)

Because of sin (Leviticus 4:27-35); because of the Passover (Exodus 12:3-11); and because of other reasons

What did Jesus think about the Old Testament?

Written by Ryan Leasure It is not commonplace for Christians to cast aspersions on the books of the Old Testament. These Christians profess to adore Jesus, but they could do without those archaic Jewish writings, according to them. Many Christians, in fact, believe that much of the Old Testament is not historically accurate. It is impossible that historical events like as the deluge, Jonah being swallowed by a great fish, or the burning judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah occurred in real life. Another well-known remark is that Christians simply need to “unhitch themselves from the Old Testament” since much of it is humiliating or difficult to comprehend.

We can understand and sympathize with the thoughts expressed here.

Wouldn’t it be simpler to simply ignore this old body of knowledge?

Not only does he support the inspiration of the Old Testament, but he also affirms the historicity and authority of the text.

The Old Testament is Inspired

Christians have always acknowledged the Bible’s verbal plenary inspiration as the source of all knowledge. To put it another way, they believe that every word of Scripture has been “God-breathed” (2 Tim 3:16-17). At the same time, God spoke through the activity of human beings. As a result, Scripture not only has a heavenly author, but it also contains human writers who contributed to it. The human writers of the Old Testament were confirmed by Jesus. He acknowledges that Moses is the one who gave the Law on a number of occasions (Matt 8:4; 19:8; Mark 1:44; 7:10; Luke 5:14; 20:37; John 5:46; 7:19).

  1. Another option is to follow Moses’ instruction to “Honor Your Father and Your Mother” (Mark 7:10).
  2. (Matthew 24:15.) It’s worth emphasizing that almost all critical academics reject the authorship of these persons, which is in direct opposition to Jesus’ teachings.
  3. Following up on what was just said, Jesus noted in Mark 12:36 that “David himself, through the Holy Spirit, declared.” To put it another way, David wrote, but his writings were the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work in his heart and mind (2 Pet 1:20-21).
  4. After all, prophecy is defined as “a word from God” by definition.
  5. “You forsake the commandment of God and adhere to the tradition of men,” Jesus says in response to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:34.
  6. Afterwards, he goes on to emphasize that the commandment of God was written down by Moses in Exodus 20:1.

John Wenhan writes, “To the extent that they were really inspired persons with a message from the Spirit of God, Moses, the prophets, David and the other Scripture-writers were true to their calling.” 1

The Old Testament is Historically Accurate

However, while many people accept that the Old Testament was inspired by God, many of the same people also believe that it is not historically accurate in every detail. They may acknowledge the historical nature of the narrative in general (God created the world, called Abraham and the Jewish people, the Jews were exiled, and so on), but they may be uncomfortable with some of the more problematic parts (the flood, Sodom, Jonah, etc.). Having said that, Jesus had no qualms about supporting the historical character of the Old Testament, especially when it comes to the most difficult scriptures to accept.

  1. (Matt 11:23-24).
  2. Jesus also believed that God poured manna down from heaven (John 6:31), that the Israelites were cured by gazing at the snake (John 3:14), and that Jonah was swallowed by a great fish only to be regurgitated three days later (Jonah 1:14).
  3. In particular, the last paragraph, which concerns Jonah, is crucial because it reveals that Jesus did not just interpret these events symbolically.
  4. Without a doubt, it’s difficult to see how Jesus could say that Ninevah would rise up in the last judgment against the people who had rejected him if the people who rejected him were just making stuff up.
  5. “It is apparent that he was conversant with most of our Old Testament and that he viewed it all equally as history,” Wenham says once again.
See also:  Where In The Bible Does It Say Jesus Is God

The Old Testament is Authoritative

Because Jesus thought that the Old Testament had been divinely inspired, he also asserted the Old Testament’s complete authority over him. He proved his authority by making thousands of references to the scriptures throughout his speech. When questioned about the most important commandments, he responds, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. ” It’s the same with the second commandment: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt 22:37-39).

  • When confronted with temptation, Jesus invoked the authority of Scripture in order to defeat Satan.
  • Even when he was on the verge of death, the last words he said were phrases from the Old Testament (Psalm 22:1; 31:5).
  • “Have you not read that the one who created them from the beginning formed them male and female, and that he stated, ‘Therefore, a man must leave his father and his mother and hold tight to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?'” he inquires.
  • Because of this, whatsoever God has joined together, let no man divide” (Matt 19:4-6).
  • In contrast, Jesus’ opponents based their arguments on the teachings of several Rabbis (Shammai and Hillel).
  • To put it another way, the Scriptures provide us with the final, authoritative word on the subject of the resurrection.

To the point of declaring that “Scripture cannot be broken,” Jesus goes farther (John 10:35). Scripture is so powerful in Jesus’ eyes that nothing can override it.

Jesus and the Old Testament

Considering all of the evidence, it appears that Jesus had a positive attitude about the Old Testament. Those who claim to hold Jesus in high esteem while also rejecting some of the teachings of the Old Testament are displaying inconsistency. In order to have a great esteem for Jesus, it is necessary to have a high regard for the Old Testament as well. As John Wenham points out: “To Christ, the Old Testament was accurate, authoritative, and divinely inspired.” As far as he was concerned, Israel’s God was the living God, and as far as he was concerned, Israel’s teachings were those of the live God as well.

3 * John Wenham’s book Christ and the Bible contains further information on this subject.

Recommended resources related to the topic:

God of the Old Testament against God of the New Testament: Anger versus Love? Dr. Frank Turek’s (MP3 Set) (DVD Set) (mp4 Download Set) is available for purchase. Ryan Leasure is a pastor of Grace Bible Church in Moore, South Carolina, and the author of Jesus, You, and the Essentials of Christianity by Frank Turek (INSTRUCTOR Study Guide), (STUDENT Study Guide), and (DVD). For additional information about his history and hobbies, please see this page. Source of the original blog post:

Jesus’s View of the Old Testament

Angry or loving God: which is more prevalent in the Old or New Testaments? Frank Turek (MP3 Set), Dr. Frank Turek (DVD Set), Dr. Frank Turek (mp4 Download Set) Ryan Leasure is a pastor of Grace Bible Church in Moore, South Carolina, and the author of Jesus, You, and the Essentials of Christianity (INSTRUCTOR Study Guide), (STUDENT Study Guide), and (DVD). Please see this link for additional information about his history and hobbies. Source of the original blog:

Similarities between Jesus and His Contemporaries

When it comes to his people’s Scriptures, Jesus’ attitude toward them would have been almost identical to the sentiments of his fellow Jews in many aspects. He appears to have embraced the same set of authoritative sources as the Judaism of his time, which is a remarkable coincidence. As Christians would later understand them, he quotes from all three major portions of the Hebrew Bible (the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings), as well as from all three primary types of laws (the moral, civil, and ceremonial).

He believes that God is the ultimate author of the Bible and that the words of Scripture are God’s words.

Jesus and the Historicity of the Old Testament

It indicates that Jesus considered the Old Testament narratives to be historically accurate. He regularly makes reference to incidents that occurred in the lives of significant Old Testament figures in order to promote his teaching or to excuse his actions. To some extent, he can assume that his audience shares his view that these events took place and that they were recorded in order to serve as authoritative patterns of good and evil behavior for God’s people throughout history. Those who have persecuted God’s prophets in the past, for example, are brought to mind by him (Matt.

Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom are cited as examples of old bad towns by the author (11:21-24 par.).

He alludes to the days of Noah and later Lot, and the terrible destruction that happened in and around each of their respective eras (24:37-39 par.).

He believes that God provided manna for the Israelites over the same length of traveling as they did for the rest of their lives (6:32, 49, 58).

Jesus and the Prophecies of the Old Testament

There is evidence that Jesus regarded historical accounts of the Old Testament. When defending his teachings or justifying his actions, he usually draws on the lives of significant Old Testament figures to substantiate his claims. To some extent, he can assume that his audience shares his view that these events took place and that they were recorded in order to serve as authoritative models of good and evil behavior for God’s people in subsequent ages. Those who have persecuted God’s prophets in the past, for example, are brought to mind by He (Matt.

Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom are cited as archetypes of ancient wicked towns, according to the author (11:21-24 par.).

He alludes to the days of Noah and later Lot, and the terrible devastation that happened in and around each of their respective times periods (24:37-39 par.).

While the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness, he believes that God gave them with manna during the same period of wandering (6:32, 49, 58).

Differences between Jesus and His Contemporaries

However, Jesus’ view of the Old Testament differs from that of his Jewish contemporaries in certain important respects, as follows. In spite of the obvious parallels between his and their points of view, he frequently references Scripture in opposition to significant authorities or groupings of authorities. He contends that they have missed the original meaning or aim of a work because of a long tradition of twisting or misinterpreting it, which he believes has occurred. He may sometimes directly question individuals with whom he speaks, saying that they have overlooked or even defied the plain instruction of a certain passage of Scripture.

  • 9:13).
  • However, in this particular case, Jesus’ application is much more extreme.
  • 6:6; cf.
  • 15:22; Isa.
  • “X, not Y” denoted that “X was significantly more important than Y.” Mark 2:15b, on the other hand, has Jesus forgiving sinners and accepting them as disciples, with no suggestion that they are required to offer animal sacrifices at the temple.

Right now, his actions are clearly in violation of the usual understanding of biblically mandated procedures, and he should be punished accordingly.

Jesus and the Judgment of Ethnocentrism in the Old Testament

A lot of times, Jesus believes that the Scriptures are being fulfilled in him or via the events in which he is involved. On rare occasions, they turned out to be accurate foreshadowings of events that had already occurred. They symbolize typology, which is the observation of patterns in history as God exposes his distinctive, repeating methods of dealing with human people, particularly in rescuing or judging them, than they do anything else. As a result, in Matthew 10:35-36 (and the corresponding passages), Jesus uses a typological quotation from Micah to emphasize that his disciples would experience enmity and rejection in their own families, just as Micah did in his day.

Jesus’ use of Isaiah 6:9-10 to justify speaking in parables to his own generation (Mark 4:11-12 parables) and his reapplication of Isaiah 29:13 to the sham worship practiced by religious leaders in his day (Mark 4:11-12 parables) are both examples of this (Mark 7:6b-7).


However, it will assume much more significance during the messianic period, when people from all over the world will make pilgrimages to Jerusalem in unprecedented numbers to worship the God of Israel.

Jesus and the Christological Nature of the Old Testament

Frequently, Jesus analyzes Scripture from a Christological perspective, recognizing both direct and typological prophecies that lead to himself as the recently arrived messianic King. Even when his use of Scripture does not directly advance Christology, his sovereign power over Scripture at the very least raises the question of who he is, or at the very least of who he believes himself to be. His death and resurrection bring this approach to a crescendo, as he says in Luke 24:44 that “everything must be fulfilled concerning me that has been written about me by Moses and the prophets and the Psalms.” The Psalms serve as a metaphor for the Writings in general, as Jesus alludes to all three major portions of the Hebrew canon at the same time, marking the only instance in the whole New Testament that all three are cited together at the same time.

See also:  Who Is Jesus To You

Note that Christ does not claim in this passage that everything in all of Scripture refers to him, as certain Christians have said at various moments throughout church history.

As an alternative, Jesus is asserting that everything was written in each section of Scripture that was supposed to point to him has in fact occurred.

Jesus and the Purity Laws of the Old Testament

At the same time, there are instances in which Jesus appears to completely reinterpret the fulfillment and application of the Levitical regulations. And perhaps most significantly of all, Jesus created an unprecedented precedent by establishing the precedent of declaring all meals pure, which is an express departure from the dietary regulations of Leviticus. The multitude who is listening to him is urged to comprehend that “nothing outside you can contaminate you by entering you,” as recorded in Mark 7:14-15 and comparable passages.

What is it that the disciples require greater clarification for?

Peter himself would have to see the vision of filthy flesh and the Lord instructing him three times that he should eat it before he would be persuaded, and that may take another ten years or more (Acts 10:9-16).

Jesus and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament

It is possible that Matthew 5:17-20 is the most significant chapter for comprehending Jesus’ entire perspective on the Old Testament. When comparing and contrasting Jesus’ similarities and differences with previous Jews on this issue, it is critical to accurately comprehend this passage. He begins by refuting any form of the claim that he is eradicating any section of the Hebrew Scriptures (“the Law or the Prophets”—v. 17a), including the charge that he is eliminating the whole Hebrew Scriptures.

  • 18), and that any of his followers who ignores or removes even the smallest of the Bible’s commandments will be referred to as the “least” in God’s reign (v.
  • All of this, however, falls far short of establishing that Jesus believed that the application of the Law had not altered as a result of his arrival.
  • ; notice the response aroused in verses 6-7 pars.) and he established the precedent for considering all meals to be now be considered kosher (Leviticus 23:15 pars.).
  • He attacked Sabbath prohibitions in a variety of ways that went beyond just accusing religious authorities of legalistic interpretations; he asserted that it was always proper to perform good on the Sabbath, regardless of the time of day (Mark 3:4 par.).
  • It is rather the word plro that is employed six times in Matthew (plro; 1:22, 2:15, 17, 23, 3:15, 4:14) to refer to the occurrence of an event that Scripture had foreshadowed, either literally or typologically, in the previous verses of the chapter.

“Christ’s death on the cross achieved everything that was required to atone entirely for the sins of humanity.” It follows from this that while the sacrificial regulations of Leviticus remain part of inspired Scripture for Christians, they are not to be actually fulfilled, even if an actual temple in Jerusalem were to be rebuilt, but instead to serve as a reminder of Jesus’ one-time sacrifice on the cross for our sins.

  • As a result, Jesus goes out of his way to welcome “sinners” of all kinds, including gentiles, into fellowship with him apart from Torah regulations (see, most dramatically, Matt.
  • 1).
  • The time for separating Israel from the nations in a variety of ritual or ceremonial contexts has also passed.
  • y.Who has the authority to speak so passionately on God’s holy, flawless, and unchangeable nature?
  • The assertions would have been considered extremely blasphemous if they had been made by anybody else.
  • s.
  • The last antithesis, for example, does not actually quote the Law but rather a misunderstanding of it (“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy’ ” — v.


Furthermore, Jesus’ prohibitions of wrath, desire, and divorce (vv.


33-42), whereas the Old Testament actually commands “an eye for an eye” (vv.

He is, in effect, amending the criteria of the written Law itsel (law).

In order to avoid making broad statements regarding all six antitheses, it is preferable to remark just that he can proclaim God’s authorized intent for all of the Law and every aspect of the Law in the age of fulfillment of his new covenan. t.


In summary, we witness God’s word to the world in Jesus’ understanding of the Old Testament, as indicated by his citation of a wide variety of texts, even though they are not necessarily in ways that his Jewish contemporaries would have agreed with. One thing we don’t see in Jesus’ own teachings, which are based on the Bible of his own people, is anything that would indicate that the Bible should be divided into canons, with just certain sections of the Bible being authoritative. For fact, Jesus recognizes some books as more important than others and can discriminate between the lighter and the heavier portions of Scripture, just as previous rabbis have done throughout history (Matt.

  1. However, the Bible as a whole continues to be inspired, and all of God’s commands must be followed.
  2. In these two examples that go beyond the gospels and Jesus’ teaching, we discover that there is no tithing for Christians, but instead sacrificial giving that makes ten percent too little for many (2Cor.
  3. We don’t see any gleaning, but we do see enough concern for the poor to prompt us to explore for methods that are similar to gleaning that assist the impoverished in becoming self-sufficient.
  4. Neither the inerrant nor the errant, nor between things of faith and practice on the one hand and topics of history or science on the other, does he make a distinction.
  5. As followers of Jesus, however, we should accept his understanding of the Scriptures, which includes their entirely divine origin, veracity, and authority in our lives.

What Did Jesus Say About the Bible?

What did Jesus have to say about the books of the Old Testament? Finding a clear picture of how Jesus viewed the Old Testament law might be challenging. His statements included the following: “The law and the prophets were in effect until John.” Since then, the good news of God’s kingdom has been spread, and everyone has been attempting to enter it with bated breath. Although heaven and earth can both pass away, it is much more difficult for a single letter to be struck from the books of law.” 16-17; (Luke 16:16-17.) For further information, see Matthew 5:17-20 and Matthew 11:12-13.

  1. They can be taken as Jesus stating that the Old Testament law no longer applies as of the time of John the Baptist.
  2. So, how do we go about resolving this issue?
  3. “For the law was delivered through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ,” says the apostle John, pointing us in the correct road.
  4. Jesus, as well as the Jewish religious authorities with whom he was conversing, frequently referred to the Old Testament law as written by Moses rather than as authored by God.
  5. On one occasion, Jesus was asked a question about the legality of divorce, which he answered affirmatively.
  6. This is why a man must abandon his father and mother in order to be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh.

In order to protect what God has brought together, let no one tear it apart.” Those present questioned him as to “why Moses directed that a divorce certificate be issued and that she be placed in a mental institution?” He told them, “Because of your hardness of heart, Moses permitted you to divorce your wives, although this was not the case from the beginning.” See Matthew 19:5-9, as well as Mark 10:2-9, for further information.

As a result, there is no clear explanation of Jesus’ attitude toward the Old Testament.

(See, for example, Matthew 5:21-22; 27-28; 7:12; 12:1-8) And, fortunately for us, he made it very clear that the Old Testament law could be summed up in just two commands: “‘You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.'” (See, for example, Matthew 5:21-22; 27-28; 7:12; 12:1-8) This is the first and most important commandment of all.

(Matthew 22:37-40; Mark 12:37-40.) In addition, see Mark 12:28-34, and Luke 10:25-28).

Yes, he does, without a doubt.

We don’t have to be concerned about following the laws of the Old Testament.

The apostles were urged by Jesus to educate new disciples to “follow all that I have commanded you” before he left our planet (Matthew 28:20).

In the last section of this page, there is a link to a list of Jesus’ orders, which is titled “What does Jesus tell his followers to do?” What did Jesus have to say about the Bible’s first five books?

There were no New Testament books written during the time period in which Jesus was teaching.

His words, on the other hand, did not imply that the Holy Spirit would encourage his disciples to write books or letters to one another.

The only time Jesus mentioned studying the scriptures was at the Last Supper.

This is not what he intended by his statements.

While the religious leaders are being criticized for believing, imagining, supposing, or supposing that they would find eternal life in their scriptures, the fact is that those exact texts speak of Jesus, who is the only one who has the ability to provide them with eternal life.

Not that we shouldn’t study our Bibles, but Jesus lays a strong focus on instructing his followers to love one another, pray for one another, be humble, and serve others.

The importance of studying the scriptures is not stressed by Jesus.

The New Testament was not mentioned by Jesus at all.

Articles that are related “Does knowing the Bible make me a better person if I desire to know God?” In what manner does Jesus tell his disciples to act?

“I really like our Bible.” How do we know that our Bible was inspired by God?

“Can you tell me what Jesus had to say about prayer?” “Can you tell me what Jesus had to say about prayer?” (Part 2). “Can you tell me what Jesus thought of his own words?”

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