What Did Jesus Say About Family

What Did Jesus Teach about Family?

Part of the What Did Jesus Teach? series, this essay explores the teachings of Jesus.

A Call to Forsake

While Jesus upheld marriage and blessed children, he conceived of the community of believers in terms of familial relationships that went beyond those of people’s natural family relationships, according to the Bible. The fact that Jesus calls people to follow him is one of the most dramatic, unique, and vital characteristics of his call to discipleship. Secondly, according to Jesus’ own words, “If anybody comes to me and does not hate his or her own father or mother or wife or children or brothers or sisters, or even his or her own life, he or she will not be my disciple.” 3 In accordance with Old Testament prophecy, Jesus did not come to bring peace, but rather a sword, “to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law,” as the Bible states.

And those who are a person’s foes are those who are members of his own family” (Matt.

  1. When it came to his own personal experience with spiritual rejection, even within his own natural family (Mark 3:21; John 6:1–6; 7:1–9), Jesus was unwavering in his belief that the first and most important allegiance a person can have is to God the Father (Luke 2:49; Mark 3:31–35).
  2. 9:5).
  3. Matt.
  4. Luke 5:2–11), the fishermen forsake their natural vocations and familial situations in order to follow Jesus.

Three such memorable instances are recorded in Luke’s gospel, in which would-be disciples of Jesus are unwilling to follow him unconditionally and are turned back, with the following instructions: “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God”; “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God”; and “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:

Renouncing Family Ties

In addition, all three of the Synoptic Gospels recount a wealthy young man’s reluctance to give up his possessions in order to follow Jesus, contrasting his reluctance with the disciples’ unwavering dedication to their Master (Mark 10:17–31 pars. Matt. 19:16–30; Luke 18:18–30). Peter expresses his gratitude to Jesus for leaving everything behind in order to follow him, and Jesus responds by promising that “no one who has left house, brothers and sisters, mother and father, children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses, brothers and sisters, mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life” (Mark 10:29–31, and pars.).

  1. Jesus himself established the standard by frequently renunciating his own natural familial connections when they were in conflict with his higher spiritual commitments, as he did throughout his life.
  2. How could you have forgotten that I needed to be in my Father’s house?” (See Luke 2:49.) Later in his ministry, Jesus rebukes his mother and later his brothers for failing to see the divine timing that was at the heart of his mission (John 2:4; 7:6–8).
  3. When he was informed that his family was waiting for him outside, he responded with a theatrical gesture, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” he said.
  4. As Jesus said, “Whoever accomplishes the will of God is my brother, sister, and mother” (Mark 3:31–35 and pars.

According to the evidence, Jesus’ mother and (at least some of) his brothers did, in time, recognize their obligation to place their family claims on hold in order to serve and worship Jesus as their Saviour, and this appears to have occurred (e.g., Acts 1:14; but see earlier Luke 1:46–47). 5

The Larger Context of Kinship

Even though there are other examples (see Luke 11:27–28 and John 19:26–27), the implications of Jesus’ teaching on discipleship are quite evident. Rather than teaching a gospel that exhorted Christians to regard marriage and family 6as their highest priority—despite the fact that marriage and family 6have a clearly important position in God’s goals for humanity—Jesus placed natural familial relationships in the greater framework of God’s kingdom. 7 When it comes to normal human relationships, Jesus reinforced them in Mark 10:8–9, as well as the need of honoring one’s parents (Mark 10:8–9, 19 par.

It is possible that a person’s devotion to truth can cause conflict rather than peace in his or her natural family (Matt.

8 However, while Jesus put people’s commitments within the greater framework of God’s kingdom, this should not be interpreted as implying that Christians should ignore their familial responsibilities.


The spiritual principle that following Jesus should be every Christian’s first priority continues to hold true, and where this puts an individual in conflict with his or her natural family obligations, the individual must seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness before focusing on his or her natural family obligations (Matt.

  1. Notably, Gordon P.
  2. To learn more about the ancient church as a family, read Joseph H.
  3. (2) Stephen C.
  4. However, read John Barclay’s insightful analysis and critique in Studies in Christian Ethics, vol.
  5. 1, 1996, pp.
  6. Luke 14:26; compare Matthew 10:37: “loves father or mother/son or daughter more than I.” 4.
  7. Richard S.

Daniel Carroll R.

Francis’s description of Acts 1:14 as “a reaffirmation of familial bonds” (in an otherwise great piece) strikes us as a little odd.


Barton’s “Biblical Hermeneutics and the Family,” Family in Theological Perspective, 10–16; as well as Nicholas Peter Harvey’s “Christianity against and for the Family,”Studies in Christian Ethics, vol.

1, (1996): 34–39; and the response by Linda Wood 7.

See, for example, Stephen C.

Green, Scot McKnight, and I.


Though Westfall, “Family in the Gospels and Acts,” 146, may create an unnecessarily stark dichotomy when she writes, “However, Jesus did not intend the family to be the most important institution on earth or the central unit of a Christian’s identity and purpose,” she may be correct in her assessment.

  • Andreas J.
  • Jones contributed to this work.
  • Jones is a professor of Christian ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as the director of the ThM program and the assistant dean for graduate program management at the seminary.
  • He presently resides in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area with his wife and five children, whom he adopted as youngsters.
  • Köstenberger (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the director of the Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as a research professor of New Testament and biblical theology at the same institution.

He is the creator of Biblical Foundations, a ministry committed to rebuilding the biblical foundations of the home and the church. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Köstenberger is married to his wife, and they have four children.

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3 Teachings about Jesus and Family You Need to Understand

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1. We may be called to leave our family.

“Then Peter stepped up and said, ‘We have abandoned everything to follow you!'” Mark 10:28-30 states. When asked if anyone had left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel, Jesus responded, “Truly I tell you, no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers and sisters, mothers and children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.” According to Matthew Henry’s commentary, “The greatest test of a decent man’s constancy is when love for Jesus urges him to give up love for friends and family.” Even if they are gainers via Christ, they should expect to suffer for him until they attain the kingdom of heaven.” According to John Wesley’s explanations, “He shall get a hundred fold, housesc.

– Not in the same kind: because it will frequently be with persecutions: but in value: a hundred fold greater happiness than any or all of them could or did provide.” However, it should be noted that no one is entitled to this happiness save for the one who is willing to embrace it in the face of persecution.” Despite the fact that there will be persecution, there will be blessing in the body of believers both now and in eternity to come.

In the words of Piper, “.

2. We may be called to see our family as our enemy.

“Do not imagine that I have come to bring peace to the earth,” Jesus says in Matthew 10:34-39. I did not come to bring peace, but rather a sword to the table. As a result of my arrival, ” ‘a man’s foes will be the members of his own household,’ says the prophet, “a man’s opponents will be a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is also not worthy of me,” says the author.

Everyone’s life will be forfeited if they discover it, and whomever forfeits their life for my cause will be reclaimed.” Obviously, this does not imply that Jesus came to create conflicts, but rather that there would be certain families in which not every member would believe; the sword signifies the interpersonal enmity that may exist within families, according to the NIV Study Bible.

  • Piper argues, “Jesus presents himself as a source of peace, but when absolute love for him is not shared in a family, he becomes a source of division.
  • According to Piper, accepting “the anguish of relationship brokenness for Christ’s sake” is an important part of taking up our cross.
  • Lewis’ work of fiction, The Great Divorce, a woman who loved her kid more than she loved God is described.
  • Her kid was not with her and she could not comprehend why God would keep him away from her; she even went so far as to remark that she would rather that her son be in hell with her since at the very least they would be in the same place together.

God will not be content with second best or even a tie for first place.

3. We may be called to “hate” and “renounce” our family.

In Luke 14:26-27 and 33, the Bible says If anybody comes to me and does not despise his or her own father or mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his or her own life, he or she cannot be my disciple, according to Jesus. Nobody can be my disciple until he or she takes up their own cross and follows me. No one of you can be my follower unless you surrender everything you have.” In the same way that we read in other texts that Jesus came to bring peace, but that the context of what He was teaching in Matthew 10was for family conflict, we are confronted with a similar notion and context in this passage.

  • So, how should we interpret this declaration of hatred and renunciation?
  • ” For example, we may be required to die in order to follow Christ.
  • This will appear to the rest of the world as the ultimate act of self-hatred – sacrificing your life for a myth!
  • It seems likely that when Jesus says that we cannot be his disciples unless we “hate” our fathers, he means something along the lines of the above statement.
  • For example, for believing parents, it can be quite difficult to watch their kid go and go live in another nation for missions.especially when this means that they will be unable to care for their elderly parents in their own country.
  • To those who do not believe in and love Jesus, it may appear to be a manifestation of hatred.
  • It is an extreme stance intended to test them.
See also:  How To Follow Jesus

Though you may never be forced to make such difficult decisions, there are Christians all over the globe who do so on a daily basis.

They are unable to continue with the same customs and rituals; for many, returning home would be akin to meeting their mortality.

In our role as believers, we are asked to remain loyal even unto death (Rev.

“Whatever you do, don’t domesticate the radical teachings of Jesus,” Piper rightly concludes.

They are intended to produce genuine disciples who are willing to give up all in order to follow Christ.

They may refer to it as folly.

It is a feeling of affection.

To read the rest of John Piper’s post, please visit desiringGod.org.

It was then that they shouted out in a loud voice, ‘O Sovereign Lord, holy and truthful, when will you judge and revenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’ Then they were each given a white robe and instructed to relax for a little while longer” (Rev.

In the book of Revelation, white attire indicates a life of purity (see alsoRev.

Those who are persecuted are considered to be in the wrong, if not downright wicked, by those who are persecuting them.

The knowledge that God is happy with us, regardless of what people may say or believe, encourages us to persist.” What Jesus teaches us about the way the world works is sometimes diametrically opposed to how non-believers perceive the world.

Articles that are related to this one: 5 Promises to the PersecutedImage courtesy of Thinkstockphotos.com. The date of publication is March 6, 2017. Liz Kanoy works as an editor for the website Crosswalk.com.

13 Bible verses about Christ’s True Family

ToolsMatthew 12:48-50 verse page”>Matthew 12:48-50 verse page The one who was telling Jesus, however, received an unexpected response from Jesus: “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” “Look, here’s my mother and my brothers!” He exclaimed as He extended His hand toward His disciples. In fact, whomever follows the will of My heavenly Father is My brother and sister and mother,” Jesus says. Mark 3:33″>Verse page”>Mark 3:33 “Can you tell me who my mother and brothers are?” he said when they inquired.

  1. 8:29 (tools) Predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, He also predestined those whom He foreknew to be conformed to His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; Hebrews 2:17 is a verse that can be found on the verse page.
  2. ToolsMatthew 25:40 verse page”>Matthew 25:40 In response, the King will say to them, “Truly I say to you, to the degree that you did something to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Using the Verse Page”>Matthew 25:45.
  3. Mark 3:34″>Verse page”>Mark 3:34 Taking a look around at those who were seated about Him, He said, “Look, here’s my mother and my brothers!
  4. but that he will receive a hundred times as much now, in this age, in the form of houses, brothers and sisters, mothers and children, and fields, as well as persecutions; and in the age to come, he will receive eternal life.
  5. The New American Standard Bible is a translation of the New Testament into English.

1960-1962-1963-1968-1971-1972-1973-1975-1977-1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. 1960-1962-1963-1968-1971-1972-1995 by The Lockman Foundation Visit this site for information on obtaining permission to quote.

What Does the Bible Teach about Family?

In God’s design for the happiness and advancement of His children, the family is at the core of the story. The Holy Bible teaches that God established families from the beginning of time, and it provides several instances of strong families to illustrate this point. It also teaches us how to live in a loving and joyful family environment.”

The first family: Adam and Eve

The very first individuals to walk the face of the world established a family. God praised and encouraged families from the beginning, instructing Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the land” (Gen. 1:28). (Genesis 1:28).

Honor thy father and mother

When it comes to family relationships, one of the Ten Commandments given to Moses in the Old Testament says, “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” (Exodus 20:12).

Jesus taught about marriage

According to Jesus Christ, marriage is sacred and necessary to God’s plan: “From the beginning of creation, God created them male and female. For this reason, a man will abandon his father and mother and pledge his allegiance to his wife; and the two will become one flesh, and they will no longer be considered two but one flesh. Let no one then pull asunder what God has firmly bound together” (Mark 10:6–9).

Jesus cared for His family

Jesus was concerned about His family. It is clear throughout the New Testament that Jesus Christ cared deeply for his relatives, particularly His mother, Mary (Matthew 1:23). When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he expressed concern for her well-being: “Woman, behold thy son!” (Luke 23:34). Then he turns to face the disciple and says, “Behold thy mother!” That disciple then took her into his own house from that point on” (John 19:26–27).

Bible examples teach the importance of family

The Bible has a few well-known examples of families, which may be found early in the Old Testament.

  • Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all married and had offspring in accordance with God’s instructions. Because of their faith, Abraham and Sarah were able to finally enjoy the joys that came with the birth of their son Isaac (see Genesis 21). Under the direction of the Lord, Abraham’s servant traveled a long distance to find Rebekah, a righteous woman, to be Isaac’s wife (see Genesis 24)
  • Isaac’s son Jacob worked hard for many years in order to marry and establish his own family, which eventually became the house of Israel (see Genesis 29–30)
  • And Abraham’s servant traveled a long distance to find Rebekah, a righteous woman, to be Isaac’s wife (see Genesis 24).

The Apostle Paul lectured frequently on the importance of family relationships. It was his advice to the children: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord’s name: because this is right.” Respect thy father and mother (this is the first commandment with a promise;) so that all may be well with thee and thou mayest live a long time on the face of the world. And, you fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:1–4; emphasis added).

What the Bible Says About Family

If you look at Matthew 12:46-50 and Luke 14:26, for example, you will not find Jesus saying that “the church overrides the family structure.” We believe that such an interpretation of His teachings can be gravely misapplied, and we believe that this is so. A great deal of harm has been done to spouses and children as a result of over-commitment to church programs and activities. That is, our love for Him should be so enormous and overpowering that it completely eclipses all other affections, according to what Jesus said.

  1. Families are also one of the most significant and enjoyable aspects of one’s life.
  2. According to the Bible, this is demonstrated in the creation story, when God creates a woman and a man, merges them as “one flesh,” and blesses them by telling them to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:23, 24).
  3. It emphasizes the message contained in the Psalmist’s assertion that “children are a heritage from the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:1).
  4. “If someone does not provide for his own, especially for those of his home, he has abandoned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever,” says the apostle in a grave warning (1 Timothy 5:8).
  5. The Law of Moses contains a plethora of precepts and commands that are all aimed in the same direction.
  6. And if you want to obtain a sense of the importance, value, and preciousness of children, spend some time reading about Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah.
  7. Consider the delight they will feel when God eliminates their barrenness and provides them with sons and girls (e.g., the Prayer of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2:1-11).
  8. ” (Mark 10:22).
  9. If you’d like to have a more in-depth discussion about this issue, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  10. ResourcesIf a title is presently unavailable via Focus on the Family, we advise you to purchase it from a different store instead.
  11. Understanding What the Bible Teach: The Bible’s Truths Explained in Plain, Simple, and Understandable Terms Referrals Insight for Living is a publication of the Christian Research Institute.

To this end, Point Man serves as a referral service to connect wounded soldiers and veterans, as well as wives and other family members, to their Outpost and Homefront systems for continued support, fellowship, and service to individuals and families affected by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The agency references supplied by Focus for the Family are offered solely for informational reasons and do not imply an endorsement by the organization.

What does the Bible say about family?

QuestionAnswer Throughout the Bible, the notion of family plays an enormously essential role, both physically as well as in a theological sense. As we can see in Genesis 1:28, the notion of family was presented from the very beginning: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply in number; fill the world and conquer it.'” You have authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living creature that moves on the surface of the earth.'” Having children was part of God’s original purpose for creation, which included marriage and childbearing.

  • A man and a woman would become “one flesh” via marriage (Genesis 2:24), and they, along with their children, would establish a family, which would become the fundamental building block of human civilization.
  • When God inquires of Cain, “Where has your brother Abel gone?” It’s the casual “Am I my brother’s keeper?” that Cain responds to.
  • Not only was Cain’s murder of his brother a crime against humanity in general, but it was particularly heinous since it was the first known instance of fratricide (murder of a sibling) in history.
  • The salvation that God provided for Noah from the flood was not an individual salvation, but a salvation for him, his wife, his sons, and the spouses of his sons’ sons.
  • The Abrahamic covenant (circumcision) required that the sign of the covenant be applied to all men in one’s household, regardless of whether they were born into the family or are members of the domestic servant staff (Genesis 17:12-13).
  • When we look at the requirements of the Mosaic covenant, we can see how important family is.
  • The fifth commandment, about respecting one’s parents, is intended to defend the authority of parents in family issues, while the seventh commandment, outlawing adultery, is intended to maintain the integrity of the marriage relationship.
See also:  What Did Jesus Eat At The Last Supper

God placed such a high value on the health of the family that it was included in the nation of Israel’s national covenant.

Many of the instructions and prohibitions found in the Old Testament are also included in the New Testament.

When the apostle Paul delivers the twin instructions “children, obey your parents” and “parents, don’t provoke your children” in Ephesians 6:1–4 and Colossians 3:20–21, he is speaking about what Christian households should look like.

Let us now shift our focus to the notion of family as it is found in theology.

Someone approached him and said, ‘Your mother and brothers are waiting outside, wanting to talk with you.’ ‘Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?’ he inquired of him in response.

In fact, anybody who carries out the will of My Father in heaven is my brother, sister, and mother.” (See Matthew 12:46-50.) With the help of this text, we may dispel several common misunderstandings.

Theologically, what He is doing is stating unequivocally that in the Kingdom of Heaven, the most significant familial link is spiritual, rather than bodily.

The connections between the two situations are pretty obvious.

To put it in Pauline terms, we have been adopted into God’s family (Romans 8:15).

Neither race, gender, nor social background are a barrier to membership in this spiritual family.

In the event that you belong to Christ, you are Abraham’s offspring, as well as the promised heirs of Abraham (Galatians 3:26-29).

It is the most crucial building component of human civilization, and as such, it should be nourished and maintained.

As Revelation 7:9 states, this is a spiritual family comprised of “people from every country, tribe, people, and language,” and the love that exists between members of this spiritual family distinguishes them from other families: “I’d like to offer you a new command: Love one another.

If you love one another, all mankind will know that you are my followers, and this will bring honor to my name” (John 13:34-35). Return to: Family and Parenting-Related Questions and Answers What does the Bible teach about the importance of family?

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Why Does Jesus Say Whoever Loves Their Family More Than Him Is Unworthy?

In the words of the prophet, “Anybody who loves their father or mother more than I is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than I is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37). Is it true that Jesus despises families? What prompted him to make such a sweeping and harsh statement? After all, Jesus was raised by his mother and father, as well as by his brothers. (Perhaps it is easier not to love his brothers at times.but what about his mother?) Clearly, there is more to this verse, and it is critical to comprehend what Jesus is trying to say in it.

Jesus is not anti-families in any way.

When he was traveling the earth, he was said to have come across large groups of people, and the Bible says he felt compassion for them.

In addition, in Matthew 15 and 19, Jesus reminds the Pharisees and a wealthy young ruler of the importance of honoring one’s parents.

The Hierarchy of Love

When you think of this verse of Scripture, there are three words that immediately come to mind. “More than I” are the words in question. When you get the meaning of those phrases, the rest of the passage becomes much clearer. The first of the ten commandments, which is found in the Old Testament, introduces this notion. “You shall have no other gods before me,” says the prophet (Exodus 20:3). God established a concept right from the beginning of his instruction to his people, the nation of Israel: He must come first.

  1. There is no one else I adore more than I do.
  2. I must always be your first and most important love.
  3. Jesus was only reiterating what God had previously spoken.
  4. “Love your neighbor as you love yourself,” says the second commandment.
  5. Take note of the hierarchy of love that appears in these passages.
  6. If I can’t be your first love, then you won’t be able to follow me, Jesus was saying.
  7. Jesus must be the focal point of your life, and everything else must flow from that.
  8. At the book of Revelation, Jesus addresses the church in Ephesus with a message.
  9. This church had turned their backs on their first love, Jesus.

When something or someone other than Jesus takes over the role of your first love, you have transitioned from a safe to a potentially harmful situation. If you find yourself in this situation, do whatever it takes to restore Jesus to his original place of first love in your heart.

Why First Love Matters

Here are four reasons why God demands and deserves to be your first love, and why you should give Him that honor. 1. He is the one who created you. God created you in your mother’s womb and knit you together. He is the one who created you and molded you into who you are today. He bestowed upon you your imagination, your abilities, your talents, your gifts, and all of your abilities. He is the source of everything. Making him feel loved first is one way of expressing gratitude for the role he played in shaping you into the person you are today.

  • He came to your rescue We were all born into a state of sin.
  • He showed us mercy instead.
  • This act alone is deserving of our determination to elevate him to the position of most important person in our lives.
  • He is madly in love with you John 15:13 makes the following declaration: “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,” said Shakespeare.
  • Featured image courtesy of Getty Images/Estradaanton4.

According to Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God had good works planned for your life before you were even born, and he wanted you to participate in them.

His good intentions are not only well-intentioned, but he also possesses the ability to see them through to completion for those who adore him.

God has nothing but the best in store for you, both now and for the rest of your life in eternity.

A Way to Remember

When it comes to arranging our time, we have a simple statement that works just as well for organizing our love as it does for organizing time. Here’s everything you need to know: God, family, career, and ministry are all important. God is the most important thing in your life. Love your family since they are the ones for whom you are ultimately responsible. You should like your job since it allows you to provide for your family. You are your ministry because it is through your service to God, his people, and the advancement of the gospel that you serve them.

  1. The central theme of Jesus’ narrative in Matthew is the way you organise your life and who will be given the all-important seat on the throne of your heart, among other things.
  2. It is necessary for Jesus to sit on that throne because of his enormous love for you and everything that he has done on your behalf.
  3. He is deserving of it.
  4. Make Jesus the Lord of your life and the object of your first love, and everything else will flow naturally from that position of power and authority.
  5. Haynes Jr.
  6. He is the author of The Pursuit of Purpose, a book that will assist you in understanding how God directs your steps into his plan.
  7. Is it possible for you to move deeper in your relationship with the Lord but you can’t seem to get beyond the obstacles that keep coming in your way?

More information about his ministry may be found at www.clarencehaynesfoundation.com.

Does Jesus Really Want Me to Hate My Family?

The number of times he told me, “I like you, Robinson, but I can absolutely do without your religion”—”religion” meaning my dedication to Christ—is impossible to keep track of. He had a special scorn for claims that the Bible is the inspired written word of God. When my buddy and colleague newspaper reporter arrived at my desk one day, he was wearing a sarcastic smirk on his face and holding an open Bible in his hands. This was going to be one of those arguments that I didn’t love as much as our disputes over who was the best college football player of all time (the winner is Herschel Walker).

Jesus is supposed to be all about love and peace, right?” says the author.

Anyone who does not take up his or her own cross and follow me cannot claim to be my disciple.

I don’t remember what I said in answer, but my colleague had a legitimate question.

Hate Speech?

After all, he is the gentle Jesus, who is meek and mild in nature. It is this Jesus, who urges us to love our adversaries (Matt. 5:43–46); it is this Jesus, whom Isaiah refers to as the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6); and it is this Jesus, who promises that the world will recognize his disciples by their love (John 13:35). What’s more, this Jesus is telling me to hate my wife, my children, and my parents, all at the same time? A number of passages in Scripture instruct me to love my wife (Eph. 5:25), my children (Eph.

  • 6:5).
  • 20:12).
  • If we take a deeper look at the surrounding context, we can see that the basic meaning of his upsetting remarks is as obvious and straightforward as it is revolutionary and radical.
  • There will be rivals vying for control over the throne of our hearts, but our love for King Jesus must outweigh all of our other passions and desires.

And of course, it’s also true that I’ll treat my family and friends with respect and affection in direct proportion to the intensity of my affection for Jesus.

Sell All and Buy Christ

Jesus is not requiring you to actually despise your family members. He is exaggerating to demonstrate the high price that would be paid if you follow him. Those who want to follow Jesus must be willing to give up all, to love him unconditionally, and to sell everything in order to have him as their greatest value (Matt. 13:44–46). Our emotions for Christ must be of such depth and quality that, in comparison to them, all other loves must appear to be hateful feelings of rage. There are three frightening cautions in Luke 14:26-33 about making a hasty choice to follow Jesus.

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A real disciple must possess the following characteristics:

  1. Loving Jesus even more than your earthly family (v. 26)
  2. Taking up your cross and following him (v. 27)
  3. Being willing to give up everything, even one’s life, in order to follow him (v. 33)

The Lord, in his capacity as a competent expositor, explains his argument with two illustrations: A prudent builder will not begin construction on a skyscraper until he has determined that he will have enough resources to complete it. A prudent monarch will not go to war unless he is confident that his army possesses sufficient firepower to have a realistic chance of repelling the adversary. In Genesis 22, God provides us with a clear application or illustration of the possible cost of discipleship that is possibly even more alarming than Jesus’ words themselves.

Is Gift or Giver Supreme?

God blessed Abraham and Sarah with their first son while they were in their golden years. The long-awaited son was the one who would pave the way for God to send a greater son to save his people from the power of sin and death. God, on the other hand, did something that must have tested Abraham’s faith to its limits: he instructed the patriarch to take the kid to Mount Moriah and sacrifice him as an act of worship on the mountain. It’s a test that none of us would choose to go through. Would Abraham cherish the gift more than he cherished the Giver?

This is one of the most clear gospel pictures found in the Old Testament, because Abraham trusted God, who supplied a substitute–a ram to sacrifice in Isaac’s place, giving us one of the most clear gospel representations found in the Old Testament.

“Yes, your husband, children, and relatives are wonderful gifts from my hands, but to whom will you dedicate your heart: to them or to me?” says the author of the book.

But how, then, should we go about our lives in the wake of it?

What Does It Mean for Us?

At a minimum, it entails the following for us: 1. When you are preaching the gospel, urge them to keep the cost in mind. Jesus used the conditional “if. cannot” phrase three times, with the last instance being in verse 33: “Anyone of you who does not renounce everything he or she possesses cannot be my student,” says the Master. In other words, “If I don’t have all of you, you won’t have any of me,” as the saying goes. When we preach the gospel, we must be careful not to communicate a phony version of grace.

  1. Because Jesus was motivated by love, he was able to expose the young man’s hypocrisy: he had failed to keep God’s commandment because he had been guilty of preferring his money before his neighbor (Mark 10:21).
  2. It is possible that following Jesus will make your life more difficult.
  3. I’m hoping that such preaching is motivated by a desire to see as many individuals as possible come to faith in Jesus Christ.
  4. 16:10).
  5. For starters, it may not improve the quality of your family’s existence.
  6. The reason for this is because I have come to pit a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.” And those who are a person’s foes are those who are members of his own family” (Matt.
  7. According to J.

Ryle, a Christian must be prepared to insult his family rather than his King in order to be a true Christian.

It’s unlikely that Abraham thought to himself, “My best life is now,” when he traveled to Moriah.

Clinging to Christ causes us to lose our grasp on even our most personal worldly relationships, according to the Bible.

My father passed away 27 years ago today.

I think about my father on a daily basis, and the scars from saying goodbye to my mother are still raw.


You can only image how Abraham felt as he made his way up that mountain.

It’s likely that the obedience was excruciating.

God gave a lamb for them, just as he has done for us.

However, I am well aware that Luke 14:26 is a purposefully uncomfortable passage in which my Savior calls me to love him supremely—even if it means losing my life. Whatever happens, it’s well worth it.

Heartwarming Bible Verses About Family To Remind You of Its Importance

For many people, nothing is more important than their family, whether they are related by blood or by choice. Ultimately, your family is made up of the people who love and support you without condition or reservation. Although it is crucial to show steadfast devotion to someone, doing so requires that you be equally open to giving as you are to receiving affection from that person. Some people, on the other hand, find it difficult to put their ideas and feelings into words. If you’re a very religious person, you might want to try sharingBible passages about family with your loved ones as a way of showing them how much you appreciate and support them.

  • It might also be beneficial to them mentally; seeing an encouraging Bible verse come up in a text can prompt them to take a moment to pause in the middle of their hectic day, say a brief prayer, and think about the people who are most important to them.
  • Just wait and see how this works for you.
  • — Ephesians 5:25 (New International Version) The Good News:Jesus loved us and his religion so much that he gave his life for us, allowing us to spend eternity with him.
  • 2.
  • In Exodus 20:12, the Bible says Embrace the days that God has given you and express your gratitude to him by recognizing the gift that he gave you: your mother and father.
  • In exchange, the Lord will console you in his heavenly kingdom.
  • They will get disheartened and resentful as a result of this.
  • 6″Friends are there for each other all the time, and kinsfolk are born to help in times of difficulty.” — Proverbs 17:17 (NASB) The Good News: Friends come and go, but family remains by your side even during the most difficult of times.

After all, individuals who do not love their brothers and sisters whom they have seen would have a difficult time loving God whom they have not seen!” 4:20; 1 John 4:20; The Good News:You cannot genuinely love the Lord until you demonstrate your love for him via your actions, which includes loving those whom you despise the most.

  • “The stupid will serve the wise,” says the proverb.
  • This is the Good News However, if you care about your family and bring love into your house, you will only receive the same in return.
  • They will learn from you, and when they become adults, they will pass on their knowledge to their own children in the same manner.
  • The Good News is that the Lord has forgiven and will continue to forgive us for all of our sins.
  • Parents, don’t provoke your children to rage; instead, raise them in the discipline of the Lord and teaching about his ways.
  • Allow them to be treated with grace and kindness.
  • The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:13 The Good News: We all need faith, hope, and love, but love is the most precious of all gifts to be given to us.

But if someone does not provide for their own family, especially if it is a member of their home, then they have rejected the religion.” 13 “They are worse than people who do not believe in God.” The Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:8 You are rejecting your trust in God if you do not show love and concern for your loved ones, especially those closest to you.

According to the Bible, this is far worse than not believing in God at all.

19:19 — 1 John 4:19 The Good News: It is only because God first loved us that we may have love for others.

Look at how beautiful and lovely it is when families live together as a unit.

Parents who live apart but continue to raise their children together still adhere to this scripture by speaking with one another and working together to raise their children with kindness.

In the hands of a warrior, the children born when one is young are like arrows in his quiver.

They will not feel embarrassed when they engage in a heated debate with their adversaries at the gate.” Psalm 127:3-5 (KJV) The Good News: Every kid, regardless of whether or not they are born to you, is a gift.

In the same way, although there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and we each have a unique relationship with one another.” — Romans 12:5 (NIV) The Good News: Despite the fact that it is made up of individuals, a family functions as a single entity.

— Proverbs 23:15 (NASB) The Good News: If your child is content, you will be content as well.

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Kelsey Hurwitz is a young woman who lives in New York City.

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