What Did Jesus Do

What Did Jesus Do?

In every way, the table serves as his altar. Jesus Seminar co-founder John Dominic Crossan makes a compelling argument that Jesus’ table manners were possibly the most radical feature of his life—that Jesus’ table manners opened the way to his heavenly morals—in the book, The Jesus Seminar. Crossan sees Jesus as a member of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant society, a culture defined by clan and cohort, in which who eats with whom determines who stands where and for what reasons. As a result, the manner Jesus continually breaks the standards of “commensality” when it comes to eating would have surprised his contemporaries.

In his most famous quote, which is still surprising to even the most religious Jew or Muslim, he says, “What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him dirty; it is what comes out of his mouth that causes him to be unclean.” Jesus isn’t a hedonist or an epicurean, but he’s also not an ascetic, as seen by the fact that he feeds the crowds rather than advising them on how to live without food.

The other element of Jesus’ message, a harsh and even vindictive prophesy of a final judgment and a large-scale damnation, might appear to be at odds with the laid-back egalitarianism of the wide road and the open table to a modern reader.

If the end is close, why are so many wise words being spoken?

The idea that a later, maybe “unpersonified,” corpus of Hellenized wisdom literature was placed onto an older story of a Jewish messianic prophet has been put up by certain scholars.

But among charismatic prophets, it is typical to see a single figure who “projects” two personae at the same time, or in close succession, each one gloomy and one dreamy, and this is a regular occurrence.

African-American community leaders prior to the civil-rights movement, for example, were called upon to serve as both prophets and political agitators to an oppressed and persecuted people in a manner not unlike from that of the historical Jesus (and all the other forgotten zealots and rabbis whom the first-century Jewish historian Josephus names and sighs over).

  • Malcolm X was the prototypical contemporary apocalyptic prophet-politician, plainly advocating murder and a religion of millennial vengeance, all fueled by a set of cult beliefs—a hovering U.F.O., a bizarre racial myth—that fueled his whole political career and career of his followers.
  • His martyrdom earned him the moniker “prophet of hatred,” and within three decades of his death—roughly the time span that separates the Gospels from Jesus—he could find himself on the cover of a liberal humanist magazine such as this one.
  • (As if to demonstrate this point, just this week came news of chapters from Haley’s “Autobiography” that had been withheld because they “showed too much of my father’s humanity,” according to Malcolm’s daughter.
  • Although there is a genuine and immutable difference between what may be termed narrative facts and statement-making truths—between what makes believable, if broad, sense in a story and what is necessary for a close-knit philosophical argument—the distinction is not insignificant.

While the concept that the ring of power should be delivered to two undersized amateurs to toss into a volcano in the very heart of the enemy’s camp makes solid and sober sense in Tolkien, it would be surprising if such a premise were used as the basis for the Middle Earth Military Academy’s curriculum.

  1. In Mark, Jesus’ divinity develops without ever needing to be explained intellectually, and it does so without ever needing to be explained.
  2. This is a narrative of self-discovery: he doesn’t know who he is at first, and then he begins to believe that he knows, and then he begins to question, and in anguish and glory, he dies and is recognized.
  3. However, as a statement under consideration, it imposes unbearable requirements on logic.
  4. As a result, we get the Jesus depicted in the Book of John, unlike others who don’t.
  5. A lamb whose throat has not been slit and which has not bled is not much of an offering, to put it mildly.
  6. However, this is ruled out by the entire force of the Jewish concept of deity, which is omnipresent and omniscient, capable of knowing and seeing everything.
  7. You’ll find that the more you think about it, the more amazing, or bizarre, it gets.
  8. To some extent, therefore, the lengthy history of early Church councils that attempted to transform fairy tales into theology is a history of people walking out of a movie puzzled and looking for someone else to explain what just happened.
  9. What was at stake in the seemingly absurd wars over the Arian heresy—the question of whether Jesus the Son shared an essence with God the Father or merely a substance—that consumed the Western world during the second and third centuries is explained by Jenkins.

In the same way that Sean Connery and Daniel Craig are two different faces of the same role, or in the same way that James Bond and Ian Fleming are two different authors of the same creation, was Jesus one with God in the same way that Sean Connery and Daniel Craig are two different authors of the same creation?

  • Individuals debated in this manner because they were members of social organizations such as cities, schools, clans, and networks, in which words are displayed on flags and pennants: who promised to whom was inextricably bound up with who said what in what language.
  • There has long been an effort to separate inspiration from intolerance, nice Jesus from nasty Jesus, and this has been going on for centuries.
  • The intelligent Jesus is a brother of the shrewd Christ, and the two are related.
  • Pullman, a writer of tremendous skill and passion, as seen in his wonderful children’s fantasies, considers the betrayal of Jesus by his brother Christ to be a fundamental betrayal of mankind on the part of the Christ.
  • Pullman’s novel, on the other hand, is not solely argumentative; he also retells the parables and acts in a straightforward simplicity that removes the Pauline barnacles off his characters.
  • You’re interested in knowing who they are, right?
  • All of the research, however, seems to agree on one thing: Paul’s heavenly Christ appeared first, while Jesus the wise teacher appeared later.
  • Its intractability contributes to the intoxicating effect of believing.
  • The two continue to speak, and the fact that they are two is what differentiates the religion and provides it with its discursive dynamism.
  • W.
  • Auden, the best-known Christian poet of the twentieth century, and William Empson, the greatest anti-Christian polemicist of the same century, were precise contemporaries, close friends, and virtually completely interchangeable Englishmen in their roles as slovenly social types.

Empson emerged as the most outspoken critic of a morality reduced to “keeping the taboos imposed by an infinite malignity” during the same period, beginning in the fatal nineteen-forties, in which the reintroduction of human sacrifice as a sacred principle left the believer with “no sense either of personal honour or of the public good.” The difference here is that where Auden saw a good Christ, Empson saw a terrible Christ.) That wail may still be heard above and beyond the words.

The most important thing is still the passion.

Despite the fact that he is leading a rebellion against Rome that is not really a rebellion, it does not really leave any room for retreat, Jesus appears to have an inkling of the situation in which he finds himself, and some part of his soul does not want to be a part of it: “Abba, Father, everything is possible for you.

  1. When the victim was undressed, it was done so in order to rob him of dignity.
  2. (As an example of how horrific it was, Josephus writes that he asked the Roman authorities to remove three of his companions off the cross after they had spent hours on it; just one of them survived.) The victim’s legs were fractured, causing him to pass away in a blaze of agony.
  3. It was terrible, and it was always there.
  4. His imagination conjures a man being nailed to a cross, shouts of pain, two partner crosses in view, and suddenly we crane out to see two hundred crosses and two hundred victims: we are at the beginning of the tale, the execution of Jewish rebels in 4 B.C., and not the end of the story.

However, Jesus’ cry of desolation—”My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”—which was later evangelists either edited out or explained away as an apropos quotation from the Psalm—pierces us even now, thousands of years after it was written in the Gospel of Mark, across all the centuries and Church comforts.

  1. At the very least, the scream reminds us that the Jesus faith begins with a lack of trust on our own.
  2. Despite Jesus’ announcement that “some of those who are standing here will not experience death until they see the kingdom of God,” none of those there did.
  3. It wasn’t, and the entire rest of the story is based around apologizing for what went horribly wrong.
  4. It all starts with the first words of faith, when the majestic symbolic turn (or the retreat to metaphor, if you prefer) takes place.
  5. The reality is represented by the argument, and the absence of certainty represents the certainty.
  6. The word was there from the beginning, and it was there in the midst, and it was right there at the conclusion, Word without beginning or end, Amen.
  7. Rather than being a representation of liberal debate, as some more open-minded theologians would have us believe, it is a mystery in a story that is only opened in the same way that the tomb is opened, with a mystery left inside that will never be completely explained or explored.

Someone appears to have expressed an interest in this at some point. *Correction, August 13, 2010: Not all of the Gospels are named after disciples, as was previously claimed.

What Did Jesus Do?

A sliced apple and a spoonful of peanut butter are the same snack my wife and I enjoy every night shortly before going to bed. When Gina is putting away any paperwork she was working on, I am usually the one in charge of putting up a snack for her. And every night, I am forced to fight the same harrowing battle. It’s important to note that no two apples are precisely the same size. When the apples have been sliced and set on the dish, the question of which apple belongs to me must be resolved first.

  • Not one of those life-altering wars that determine the fate of entire nations is taking place.
  • I’d like to think that I’d be willing to take a bullet to save Gina’s life if the situation demanded it.
  • When it comes to apples, on the other hand, uncertainty and selfishness seem to spring from within my heart.
  • Although it occurs on the battlefield of significant issues, it is more frequently found on the battlefield of thousands of little concerns.
  • We may ask ourselves the question that appears on bumper stickers all throughout the country: “What would Jesus do?” Allow us to respond to what appears to be a question posed by the Bible: “What did Jesus do?” The bar has been raised.
  • When Paul writes in the book of Ephesians, he delivers this incredible and significant command: Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25) To all husbands, everywhere and at all times, the command is sent.
  • “How would Christ love the church?” is not the question.
  • We don’t have to speculate or speculate.
  • Christ’s active love for His church may be found throughout the pages of Scripture.
  • So let us proceed with answering this major question by posing three further questions, first to Christ and then to ourselves:
  • In what way does Hedobenefit the church? (For example, what should I do for my wife? What does He think of the church?) In this case, what should I think of my wife? What has He become in the eyes of the church? (What should I become in order to please my wife?)
See also:  What Year Did Jesus Get Crucified

As we respond to these questions, we will have a better understanding of not just what Jesuswoulddo, but also what Hedid. Then we have our live model for how we are to love our spouses, which is quite helpful. Never let the length of the path ahead of us deter you from pursuing your goals. Every journey starts with the first step. Please have the confidence to take that initial step forward with one another. In what way does Hedobenefit the church? It is commonly acknowledged that Christ’s activities on behalf of the church may be characterized in three functional titles: prophet, priest, and king, each of which serves a different purpose.

  • Christ as Prophet: A prophet is someone who proclaims the Word of God to the people of the world.
  • Christ fulfilled this prophetic duty in two ways that were flawless.
  • Second, He was the physical manifestation of God, as well as the Word come to life.
  • While this may entail some genuine Bible-teaching time, we must also consider the numerous alternative modalities in which this should be accomplished.
  • God’s Word is the common component in all of its manifestations.
  • In addition to bringing the Word to life by our acts, we must also personify the Word made flesh in our own personhood.
  • We must personify what we want our women and our marriages to become in order for them to be successful.

The Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 23:2-4) Christ in the Role of Priest: A priest is an intercessor, which means that he or she seeks God on someone else’s behalf.

We are become pure, righteous, and acceptable to God as a result of His sacrifice.

This Priest made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.

Our spouses and marriages are in desperate need of prayer.

We should pray for their purity, their safety, their joy, their faith, and the weight of their responsibilities on our shoulders.

Following in Christ’s footsteps, we must allow our priestly sacrifice to be a true reflection of our own personalities.

Consider the possibilities for what your wife may become in this light.

And, in exchange for the joy that has been placed before you, be willing to suffer when you are called upon to sacrifice yourself.

‘Christ the King’ is a phrase that refers to Jesus Christ as the ruler of the universe.

Christ, as our king, is deserving of our adoration, our praise, our obedience, and our submission.

he is unquestionably the spiritual head of the church.

Even while this King rules and reigns, He also serves and tends to the people under His authority.

It is those who serve, according to Him, who will be the greatest among His people.

It was common practice in many courts throughout history for subjects to be forbidden from being in the presence of their king.

The King as the Husband: Ephesians 5:23 makes it very clear that the husband is the head of the wife’s household.

As we accept this, we as husbands must take the initiative.

We must be on the brink of the cliff, looking over our shoulders for the provision and security of our kingdom.

We have the advantage of being in charge of our own house.

We must reign in the same manner as Christ rules.with humility.

Christ, as our King, knelt and bathed the feet of His disciples in front of them.

Leaders must be fearless while still serving others.

Christ was able to keep them in perfect balance, and that is our goal as well.

Throughout the last 2000 years, the church has had a negative impact on the image of Jesus at various points in time.

A decade may be seen excessively docile and accepting, while another may be considered overly judgemental and legalistic.

In a previous era, its lack of concern for the lost resulted in the inability of the gospel to be spread.

He must be hesitant to confess his allegiance, don’t you think?

Take a look at what He has to say about the church in these selected scriptures.

I will construct My temple, and the gates of Hades will not be able to conquer it.

The purpose of this is so that He might present the church to Himself in all her splendor, without blemish or wrinkle or anything else of the like; but that she would be spotless and faultless.

Our Lord refers to us as His flock, even when he is rebuking us, and He freely refers to Himself as our Lord, the Shepherd of the sheep.

(See Romans 8:38-39 for more information.) Do you have any advice for me regarding my wife?

When her acts are not pleasing to us, we allow her to become less gorgeous in our eyes.

We allow our thoughts to be shaped by the changing circumstances in which we find ourselves in.

If we want to follow in His footsteps, we must adopt a new way of thinking from our own.

Gina is my wife, regardless of how well our relationship is going.

And, as a result of the union of two into one, she will always be my people.

However, you should aim higher and further than that.

Consider her, in terms of practical application, as having been precisely constructed by God for your benefit.

This holds true for both you and your wife.

Consider her to be beautiful, desirous, and pure in heart.

What has He become in the eyes of the church?

I am known by the names Rob and Daddy in my personal life.

You may make a list of your own names and duties to keep track of them.

The Lord Jesus Christ is also known by many additional titles and duties, each of which expresses a particular aspect of His personality. All of these things mirror what He represents to the church. Take a look at some of the most well-known names and roles associated with Christ.

  • A solid fortress (Proverbs 18:10), a wonderful counselor (Isaiah 9:6), and a constant source of assistance in times of need (Psalm 46:1). God is described as the God who sees (Genesis 16:13), the God who is faithful and true (Revelation 19:11), the God who is kind and merciful (Nehemiah 9:31), and the God who is just.

Christ has become all of these and much, much more for the church as a result of who He is and what He has done on our behalf via the cross. These are not only activities that Jesus does; rather, they are fundamental to his character and very being. I may rush to Christ not because He supplies a sturdy tower, but because He is a strong tower in and of himself. But I can put my faith in Him not because He provides good advice, but because being a Wonderful Counselor is intrinsic to His own character.

  • What should I become in order to please my wife?
  • When compared to merely keeping your lips shut, it is considerably preferable to be courteous.
  • Jesus does not only maintain his commitment to His church; He is the embodiment of fidelity.
  • If we want to be able to love our spouses well, we must allow God to work on our character at the most fundamental levels.
  • Then, in response to this revivifying activity, we must live lives that are compatible with what we believe.
  • Everything he stated and pretended to believe was perfectly in sync with how he lived his life.
  • (See Hebrews 13:8 for further information.) Knowing He will never change gives us the courage to put our faith in Him and follow His lead.

“Can you show me what this looks like?” many people wonder.

We are commanded to be imitators of God in Ephesians 5:1.

This is when God’s abounding provision comes to the rescue.

By living according to the Spirit rather than our own efforts and wants, we are able to genuinely become in our hearts and personalities what it is that we wish to live out in the world.

The Battle Lines Have Been Defined As husbands, we must keep in mind that triumph does not always imply victory in the most important problems of life and liberty, such as those concerning marriage and family.

It is not when the throng have gathered; it is when you are absolutely alone that you feel most at ease.

It is not about the amount of your financial account; rather, it is about your willingness to lay yourself down and be sacrificed for the greater good.

Keep in mind that God is the One who has called you to this task.

He is the One who has given His Spirit to you in order to help you succeed in your role as a spouse.

Your wife will notice a difference when you devote yourself to your vocation.

Rob Flood works as a writer and editor for the magazine FamilyLife.

Rob and his family are originally from New Jersey, but they currently reside in the Arkansas city of Little Rock. This was taken from Rob Flood. 2006 FamilyLife, Inc. Copyright protected. All intellectual property rights are retained. Permission has been granted to use.

What Did Jesus Do?

Editor’s note: The following is an extract from The Gospel Project for Adults Bible Study, published by LifeWay Christian Resources. Designed for individuals of all ages, The Gospel Project is a 13-week Bible study program that helps them perceive Scripture as one overarching tale that leads to what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. Find out more and get a free trial of one month to test drive at. “Can you imagine what Jesus would do?” In spite of the fact that these words may conjure up images of WWJD bracelets from the 1990s, the term was really made popular by Charles Sheldon’s classic novelIn His Steps, which was first published in 1897.

  1. The reason for this is that Christ likewise suffered for you, giving you an example, so that you may follow in his footsteps.
  2. The pastor, who is eager to go back to his studies, gives no assistance and simply bids him well.
  3. Then he says something like this: “While I was sitting there under the gallery, I was thinking if what you call following Jesus is the same thing as what he preached.” Is there any significance to him saying, “Follow me?” The preacher stated.
  4. However, I did not hear him explain exactly what he meant by it, particularly in regards to the last step.
  5. His treatment is taken care of by Maxwell and his wife, but he succumbs to his injuries a few days later.
  6. Our goal will be to act in the same manner as he would if he were in our shoes, regardless of the immediate consequences.
  7. And those who volunteer to do so will commit themselves to doing so for a whole year, beginning today, in order to make a difference.”
See also:  When Did Jesus Send The Holy Spirit

Unintended Result

Though the concept of asking what Jesus would do is a noble one, Christians are far too frequently limited in their application of this “imitation of Christ” to ethical dilemmas. As a result of this unforeseen consequence, Jesus is demoted to the status of a moral teacher. Of course, it is obvious that we are supposed to follow in the footsteps of Christ. The problem is that we don’t think about what this imitation looks like or how much it will cost us until after the fact. Meditation on Christ is required for the practice of imitation of Christ.

As a result, if we want to emulate Christ, we must ask a new question: “What has Jesus done?” rather than “What would Jesus do?” If we want to imitate Christ, we must ask a different question: “What has Jesus done?” Once we comprehend what Jesus has accomplished, we will be better able to grasp how to represent him and follow him with integrity.

Asking what Jesus has done prompts us to inquire as to “why?

For what reason did Jesus deify himself by being submissive, even to the point of dying a cruel and horrible death?

Despite the fact that we are the rebels in God’s tale, God has communicated to us through Jesus’ death about his love, mercy, and grace.

When we recognize that God has spoken to us via Jesus Christ, the obvious question that arises is, “What will we do with this information?” Naturally, repentance (turning away from our disobedience and our desire to be our own kings) and trust are the right responses (turning to Christ, bowing down, and acknowledging him as our King).

Those who reject Christ’s authority, on the other hand, will suffer the full measure of God’s wrath (Col.

As a result, the question that everyone must consider is not “What would Jesus do?” but rather “What will you do with Jesus?” Sánchez (MDiv, ThM, PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the senior pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas, and a member of the Gospel Coalition and Coalicion por el Evangelio’s Council of Directors.

He is the author of the book Seven Dangers Your Church Faces. His wife, Jeanine, and he are the parents of five children.

What Did Jesus Do While on Earth?

Many people imagine Jesus as a helpless infant, a wise prophet, or a dying man, depending on their perspective. But is it possible to understand more about him by looking at his earthly existence? In this session, we will look at some of the most significant things that Jesus accomplished and how they have an impact on your life.

1. What was Jesus’ main work?

“Declare the good news of the Kingdom of God,” as Jesus’ primary task was to do. (See Luke 4:43 for further information.) Essentially, Jesus proclaimed the good news that God would build a kingdom, or governance, that would resolve all of humanity’s problems. For three and a half years, Jesus worked diligently to spread this encouraging message. The Bible says in Matthew 9:35.

2. What was the purpose of Jesus’ miracles?

Many “great acts and wonders and signs that God performed through” are described in the Bible. (See Acts 2:22.) Jesus was able to control the weather, feed thousands of people, cure the sick, and even bring the dead back to life because of the power of God. Matt. 8:23-27; 14:15-21; Mark 6:56; Luke 7:11-17; The miracles performed by Jesus demonstrated that God had sent him. They also demonstrated that Jehovah has the ability to resolve any and all of our difficulties.

3. What can we learn from the way Jesus lived?

In every situation, Jesus listened to and followed Jehovah. (See John 8:29 for more information.) Despite resistance, Jesus remained true to his Father’s will right up until the moment of his death on the cross. He demonstrated that it is possible for humanity to serve God even in the most terrible of circumstances. As a result, Jesus “provided a blueprint for those who choose to closely follow his ways.” — 1 Peter 2:21 (NIV).


In every situation, Jesus listened to and followed Jehovah. Please refer to John 8:29 for further information. From the time of his birth until his death, Jesus remained true to his Father’s will despite resistance. Even in the face of adversity, he demonstrated that humanity can fulfill their divine purpose. “A example for people to follow his actions carefully,” Jesus said as he left this legacy. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:21 that

4. Jesus shared good news

On dusty roads, Jesus went for hundreds of kilometers to reach as many people as possible with the good news of the kingdom. After reading Luke 8:1, consider the following questions:

  • Is it true that Jesus only preached to those who had gathered to hear him? What efforts did Jesus make to find people to listen to him?

God had predicted that the Messiah will bring good news to the world. After reading Isaiah 61:1-2, consider the following questions:

  • What role did Jesus play in fulfilling this prophecy? Do you believe that people today still need to hear this good news?

5. Jesus taught valuable truths

Jesus not only preached the good news of God’s Kingdom, but he also taught people how to live their lives better. Take a look at a few samples from his renowned Sermon on the Mount. Read Matthew 6:14, 34, and 7:12, and then talk about the following questions:

  • Is the practical counsel given by Jesus in these passages still relevant today? Do you believe that this guidance is still relevant today?

6. Jesus performed miracles

Jesus was given the authority by Jehovah to perform several miracles. Read Mark 5:25-34 to get an idea of what I’m talking about. Alternatively, you may watch the VIDEO. Then you can talk about the questions that follow.

  • What was it that the ill woman was convinced of in the video
  • What about this miracle strikes you as remarkable

After reading John 5:36, consider the following question:

  • Exactly what did Jesus’ miracles “give testimony to” or “prove” about himself

Did you know?

The four volumes of the Bible known as the Gospels — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — contain the vast majority of what we know about Jesus.

Each of the four Gospel writers offered a unique description of Jesus. Taking all of these data into consideration, we obtain a fascinating picture of his life.

  • MATTHEW was the first to write his Gospel. Specifically, it highlights Jesus’ teachings, particularly his teachings on the Kingdom of God
  • And MARK authored the Gospel that was the shortest. It is a fast-paced and action-packed film
  • LUKE devotes a significant amount of time to prayer and the treatment of women by Jesus. JOHN shows a great deal about Jesus’ personality by recounting a number of conversations that Jesus had with his close companions and other individuals.



Jesus talked about God’s Kingdom, performed miracles, and followed the commands of Jehovah in every scenario he encountered.


  • What was Jesus’ primary mission while on earth
  • And What do Jesus’ miracles show
  • What practical teachings did Jesus teach
  • What did Jesus’ miracles prove

What Did Jesus Do During His Earthly Ministry?

What exactly did Jesus do? I’m afraid I won’t be able to provide a comprehensive response to your issue due to the limited space available. We could go on and on, but after taking a cursory look at the Gospels, we can see that Jesus came to: (1) usher in the Kingdom of God; (2) give witness to the truth; (3) fulfill Old Testament prophesies and promises; (4) seek and save the lost; and (5) restore the broken.

What Did Jesus Do During His Earthly Ministry?

What Jesus set out to achieve, he was able to complete successfully. This is a result of his earthly mission, which has resulted in these things. I explore each topic in the light of the different passages from the Gospels that follow.

Jesus Ushered in the Kingdom of God

First and foremost, Jesus heralded the establishment of the Kingdom of God. However, the Kingdom of God is not smaller than heaven, nor is it limited to heaven alone. God’s dominion and reign over all of creation are represented by the Kingdom of God. In any place where God’s dominion and control are present, the Kingdom of God may be found. As several commentators have pointed out, this indicates that New Covenant believers live in a state of tension between the “already” and the “not yet.” The word “already” indicates that the Kingdom has already arrived.

He launched God’s Kingdom throughout his earthly mission, which comprises numerous aspects including as preaching and teaching, healings, disciple-making, and restoration (Mark 1: 36; Matt.

Although the Kingdom of God is “not yet,” it is also “not yet.” It is not yet as a result of sin.

Jesus Bore Witness to the Truth

Second, Jesus stood as a witness to the reality. “For this cause I was born, and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear testimony to the truth,” he says on more than one occasion, and he means it literally (John 18:37). When Jesus says, “Let us continue on to the next towns, so that I may preach there as well, because this is why I came out,” we know he is preaching because he adds, “For this is why I came out” (Luke 1:38). According to John 14:6, Jesus came to reveal the truth to God’s people, in which he testifies about his father, about himself, and about the Old Testament Scriptures.

See also:  In Jesus’ Time, What Power Controlled Israel

Through his deeds of studying the Old Testament, proclaiming the gospel, and instructing others in the truth, Jesus demonstrates his intention to give testimony and convey the truth to God’s people, who have been waiting for the Messiah for hundreds of years.

Jesus Fulfilled Old Testament Prophecies

Third, Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled Old Testament predictions. If Jesus did not plan to fulfill specific Old Testament prophesies, how can we have confidence in the veracity of the Bible? A plethora of prophesies are found throughout the Bible! According to definition, this indicates that things must become a reality. If they don’t, they’re mistaken, then we can’t put our faith in the Bible anymore. In contrast, by his sinless life, death, and resurrection, Jesus is able to fulfill all of the prophesies that have been recorded about him.

1:22-23), being born from the line of Abraham (Genesis 12:3; fulfilled in Matt.

1:1), being betrayed (Psalm 41:9; fulfilled in Luke 22:47-48, among other places), and so forth. Part of what Jesus accomplished in living up to his messianic position was to fulfill what had been promised – especially, all of the Old Testament predictions that had been proclaimed about him.

Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost

Fourth, Jesus came to seek and save those who had been lost to the world. When Jesus says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and rescue the lost,” he makes it very obvious that he means it (Luke 19:10). By employing the term “seek,” Jesus demonstrates his desire to reach out to those who have yet to know him. He frequently associated with the outcasts, the lonely, the ostracized, and those who were despised by the Pharisees and Sadducees, among other things. Jesus demonstrates his authority over creation by employing the word “save.” Ultimately, it is the Father who determines who will be saved, and Jesus claims that no one will come to him until his father compels them to do so (John 6:44).

  1. He possesses the capacity to save lives.
  2. In reality, the Bible is replete with tales of redemption and restoration.
  3. Among the Old Testament’s many examples of salvation, this is possibly the most significant.
  4. This redemption is something he wants others to experience as well, which is why he tells his followers to “Go then and make disciples of all countries.” (Matthew 28:19-20, emphasis added) (Matt.
  5. Jesus came into the world to redeem sinners.

Jesus Brought Restoration

Fourth, Jesus came to seek and save those who had been lost to sin. His words, “For the Son of Man came to seek and rescue the lost,” make this quite obvious (Luke 19:10). Christ expresses his desire to reach out to those who do not yet know him by using the term “seek.” As an outcast, he frequently associates with those who are lonely or ostracized, as well as those who are disliked by the Pharisees or Sadducees. Jesus demonstrates his dominion over creation by employing the word “save.” Everyone who comes to Jesus is chosen by the Father, and Jesus claims that no one will come to him unless his father compels them to do so (John 6:44).

Savings are within his grasp.

It is true that the Bible is full with stories of salvation.

Among the Old Testament’s many examples of salvation, this is possibly the most notable.

This is something Jesus wishes for others to experience as well, which is why he tells his followers to “Go then and make disciples of all countries.” (Matthew 28:19). (Matt. 28:19). Sinners were saved because of Jesus’ arrival on the scene.

  1. Jesus as a Leader: Six Characteristics of the World’s Greatest Leader
  2. My Tribute to R.C. Sproul
  3. Is the Old Testament Still Relevant Today?
  4. Is the Old Testament Still Relevant Today?

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Jesu, also known as Christ, Jesus of Galilee, or Jesus of Nazareth, (born c. 6–4bce in Bethlehem—died c. 30ce in Jerusalem), religious leader celebrated in Christianity, one of the world’s main religious traditions The majority of Christians believe that he is the Incarnation of God. In the essay Christology, the author examines the development of Christian meditation on the teachings and nature of Jesus throughout history.

Name and title

In ancient times, Jews often had only one name, and when further detail was required, it was traditional to include the father’s surname or the location of origin in the given name. Jesus was known by several names throughout his lifetime, including Jesus son of Joseph (Luke 4:22; John 1:45, 6:42), Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 10:38), and Jesus the Nazarene (Mark 1:24; Luke 24:19). Following his death, he was given the title “Jesus Christ.” In the beginning, Christ was not a given name, but was rather a title derived from theGreekwordchristos, which translates theHebrewtermmeshiah(Messiah), which means “the anointed one.” Jesus’ supporters considered him to be the anointed son of King David, and some Jews anticipated him to bring about the restoration of Israel’s fortunes as a result of this title.

Several passages in the New Testament, including those in the letters of Apostle Paul, demonstrate that some early Christian writers were aware that the Christ was properly a title; however, in many passages of the New Testament, including those in the letters of Apostle Paul, the name Jesus and the title Christ are combined and used as one name: Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus (Romans1:1; 3:24).

Summary of Jesus’ life

Although Jesus was born in Bethlehem, according to Matthew and Luke, he was a Galilean from Nazareth, a town near Sepphoris, one of the two major cities of Galilee. Although born in Bethlehem, Jesus was a Galilean from Nazareth, according to Matthew and Luke (Tiberiaswas the other). He was born toJosephandMarysometime between 6bce and shortly before the death of Herod the Great(Matthew 2; Luke 1:5) in 4bce. He was the son of Herod the Great and his wife Mary. However, according to Matthew and Luke, Joseph was solely his legal father in the eyes of the law.

When Joseph was a carpenter (Matthew 13:55), it was considered to be an honorable profession because it required the use of one’s hands.

Despite the fact that Luke (2:41–52) claims that Jesus was precociously intelligent as a youngster, there is no additional proof of his childhood or early life.

Shortly afterward, he began traveling about the country preaching and healing (Mark 1:24–28).

It is believed that Jesus travelled to Jerusalem to commemorate Passover somewhere between 29 and 33 CE -possibly as early as 30 CE — when his arrival was triumphal and filled with eschatological significance, according to the Gospels.

He was apprehended, tried, and killed while he was there. They became certain that Christ had risen from the grave and appeared to them in the flesh. They persuaded others to believe in him, which resulted in the establishment of a new religion, Christianity.

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