What Did Jesus Cross Say

What does INRI stand for? What was written on the sign nailed to the cross above Jesus’ head?

QuestionAnswer “Pilate had a notice made and nailed on the cross,” according to John 19:19 (NIV). JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS” was written on the wall. “Many Jews read this sign,” John 19:20 says, “since the spot where Jesus was crucified was close to the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.” The sign was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. When the cross of Jesus is presented today, the initials INRI are frequently placed on the sign above the cross, as is the case in the past.

The text is referred to as a “title” in John’s gospel, but the gospels of Mark and Matthew also refer to it as a “accusation.” It was traditional to place a cross over the heads of those who had been crucified, along with the crime for which they had been punished and the name of the victim.

However, in an ironic twist, the “crime” for which Jesus was crucified was not a crime at all, but rather a statement that is entirely true.

He is the ruler of the entire universe and all of its people.

The handwriting of ordinances that were against us, that were contradictory to us, has been “blotted out” by Christ, who “nailed it to the cross” in order to remove it from the way of the people (Colossians 2:14).

Who knew what was on the sign that was affixed to the crucifixion over Jesus’s head, but we do.

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What did Jesus say on the cross?

It is not necessary to be a “card-carrying Christian” in order to understand what the cross signifies. After Jesus Christ was crucified, what was previously an instrument of Roman punishment has been transformed into a symbol of Christian belief and belief system. That pivotal point in history, which is widely chronicled both in the Bible and in other historical books, altered the direction of human history for all eternity. The deeds of Jesus demonstrated how much God cared for the entire world.

What did Jesus say as he was hanging on the cross?

The seven final words said by Jesus on the cross reveal a great deal about God and ourselves.

Sayings of Jesus on the cross1: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” Luke 23:34

In Luke 23:34, Jesus delivers a remark that should bring us all to our knees. He had been betrayed. He was assaulted and spit on by his attackers. While He was suffering, the Roman Guards gambled for His possessions. When it appeared as though the world was against Him (and it was), His heart’s desire was to ask for just one thing. During His crucifixion, what did Jesus say concerning those who would persecute Him? Please accept my apologies. How many of us keep grudges against others for minor transgressions?

  1. However, the example of Jesus is one that we should all take into consideration.
  2. “Forgive them,” one of Jesus’ seven last words said on the cross, is extremely powerful.
  3. We are frequently more punishing to ourselves than we are to the individuals against whom we are harboring a grudge when we refuse to forgive them.
  4. Forgiveness does not necessarily imply allowing another person to have an impact on your life.
  5. It is a hindrance to your progress.
  1. Jesus delivers a remark in Luke 23:34 that should bring us all to our knees. A betrayal had been committed against him. They thrashed him and spat on him. In the midst of His suffering, the Roman Guards gambled for His possessions. It was His heart’s desire to ask for this one item when it appeared as though the world was against Him (which it was). Who were people who would persecute Jesus, and what did He say about them on the cross? Please accept our apologies. For how many of us do little infractions cause us to harbor resentment? Because of past hurts, some of us have neglected to communicate with old friends and relatives. Nevertheless, we should all take inspiration from Jesus’ example. While being beaten, scourged, and humiliated, Jesus, the Son of God, chose forgiveness. This is one of Jesus’ seven last words on the cross, and it is incredibly profound. What if we made the decision to forgive ourselves as well? Unforgiveness is sometimes a larger punishment for ourselves than it is for the individuals against whom we are harboring a grudge. “Without forgiveness, it’s like swallowing poison yourself and waiting for the other person to pass away.” Maria Williamsen is a well-known author and activist. Not all instances of forgiveness imply allowing someone to have power over you. Unforgiveness, on the other hand, will work against you in your destiny. You are held back by it. You may divide forgiveness into two categories: forgiving and forgiving others.

It’s much simpler to say than to accomplish. However, after you’ve completed your task, you’ll be liberated. Will you have the courage to let go and even beg God to intervene on your behalf against those who have wronged you? Consider what Jesus said when he was hanging on the cross. In His most difficult moments, He not only chose forgiveness, but he also begged that they be reconciled with God via an act of prayer, which was answered.

Sayings of Jesus on the cross2: “Today, you will be with me in Paradise” Luke 23:43

This is a story that many of us are familiar with. On that terrible day, Jesus wasn’t the only man sentenced to death by the Romans. His left and right sides were occupied by thieves who were also scheduled to be killed. We come upon two very distinct experiences. One of the thieves makes fun of Jesus and dares Him to prove if He is the Messiah or not. Several of the prisoners who were hanging there threw obscenities at Jesus, including: “Aren’t you the Messiah?” “Save yourself as well as us!” Luke 23:39 (NIV) The other criminal, on the other hand, makes a sincere plea on Jesus’ behalf.

  1. “Don’t you have any fear of God,” he said, referring to the fact that they were both serving the same sentence.
  2. “However, this individual has done nothing wrong.” Luke 40:40-41 (KJV) Three critical actions are taken by the criminal in the life of any disciple of Jesus.
  3. Following that, he confesses his own shortcomings and flawed nature.
  4. According to Luke 40:42, the condemned man declared Jesus to be Lord and confessed that He was in reality, the King of the Jews.

When he asked him whether he was going to heaven, he said, “I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 40:43 (NIV) Despite the fact that the criminal could do nothing to save himself, he was saved by calling on the name of Jesus.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross3: “Woman, behold your son,” John 19:26 – 27

Jesus appears to be looking down at two persons that He had a special affection for throughout His time on earth in the Gospel of the Apostle John. The Savior’s gaze is fixed on John and His mother, whom He loves. He entrusts his learner with a very important and prestigious responsibility. After seeing his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing nearby, Jesus addressed her as “Woman, here is your son,” and the disciple as “Dear disciple, here is your mother.” She was welcomed into the home of this disciple from that point forward.

  • First and foremost, we witness that, despite His tremendous suffering, Jesus never wavered in his affection for His mother.
  • Throughout His life, Jesus was obedient to the law.
  • Keeping in mind that Jesus was quite explicit about His regard for the law.
  • “Do not believe that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.” “Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.” Matt.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross4: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”Matt 27:46

This is considered by many to be the most puzzling passage in the Bible. Jesus is subjected to a variety of trials. In addition to being beaten and tormented, he is insulted and spit on. A whipping is applied to the Savior, and He is next wounded in the heart with a crown of thorns, and finally with nails in His wrists and feet. What did Jesus say on the cross, at the height of His pain, was recorded. Towards the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice and said, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which translates as “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?” 27:46 (Matthew 27:46) Is it possible that God forsook Jesus?

  • This is the interpretation that many people have given to Jesus’ words.
  • Many think that Jesus was quoting directly from the holy songs of the psalms when He spoke this on the cross, and that this is the most correct interpretation.
  • In the midst of all of His difficulties, Jesus opted to give thanks.
  • Please read the following article to find out more about why Jesus cried out to his Father: “My God, My God, Why have You deserted Me?”

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross5: “I thirst” John 19:28

What did Jesus say on the cross that not only captured the essence of both His humanity and His agony, but also captured the essence of His humanity and suffering? “I’m thirsty,” Jesus declared. These two simple, yet powerful, phrases serve as a sharp reminder that what our Lord went through was a very genuine experience in his life. As His earthly flesh decayed, He experienced terrible anguish and discomfort as He carried the sins of the world, something that only God could accomplish. Later, knowing that all had now been completed and that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus expressed his need by saying, “I have come to drink.” John 19:28 (NIV) In His journey to redeem the world and bring in eternal life, Jesus endured no little amount of suffering.

This is simply another manifestation of the depths of God’s love for each and every person.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross6: “It is finished” John 19:30

On the crucifixion, what did Jesus have to say that encapsulated both the core of his humanity and the nature of His pain? “I hunger,” Jesus declared. Our Lord’s suffering was very real, and these two simple, yet powerful words serve as a sobering reminder of this. Furthermore, when His earthly body began to degrade, He experienced excruciating anguish and discomfort. This was something only God could do for mankind. Later, knowing that all had now been completed and that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus expressed his thirst by saying, “I have a thirst.” John 19:28 is a biblical passage.

Once again, God’s love for us all is demonstrated in this act of kindness.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross7: “Father, into Your Hands I commit my Spirit.” Luke 23:46

On the crucifixion, what did Jesus have to say in His dying moments? “Father, I surrender My Spirit into Your Hands,” he murmured. “I commit My Spirit into Your Hands.” With the exception of one phrase, this last outburst may be summarized as follows: The term in question is “willingness.” Despite the fact that He had the option to choose a different path, Jesus was prepared to die and give Himself up. Looking at Jesus’ comments, it is clear that there was no misunderstanding concerning His authority.

When Jesus was arrested, he said to Peter, “Do you think I won’t be able to call on my Father, and he would immediately place at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” “How, therefore, would the Scriptures be fulfilled, which state that it must take place in this manner?” Matthew 26:53 (KJV) Jesus understood that the events that were about to unfold had a greater significance than the suffering he was experiencing.

  • As a result, He decided to permit it.
  • It’s difficult to imagine standing in the Governor’s office and telling him, “You have no control over me.” This is in recognition of the fact that the Governor has the last word in the majority of legislative affairs affecting the state.
  • Although there is a bravery and a Jesus that comes from very important places, it is not universal.
  • Jesus was in command, and once He realized that He had fulfilled the Old Testament predictions and was unmistakably the Messiah that all of Israel had yearned for, He yelled out these crucial words in a resounding voice.

John 19:11 (KJV) When Jesus suffered and died on the cross, he did it voluntarily. The reason Jesus died on the cross was not only because it was God’s will at the time, but also because it had been God’s will from the beginning of time.

Here’s what other’s said at the cross

When Jesus took his last breath, a massive earthquake shook the world. The curtain in the temple has been torn in half entirely. They were astounded by what He had said and done, as well as by the indications that followed after He had spoken and done it. 3 The Gospels make specific mention of the Roman Guard, who stood there and made a forceful statement at the foot of the crucifixion. When Jesus was arrested, the soldier said that He “really was the son of God,” according to Matthew 27:54 and Mark 15:39, respectively.

See also:  In What Water Was Jesus Baptized

What we do know is that the death of Jesus had a profound impact on those who witnessed it.

That even those who are hostile to us will be amazed by the God who lives inside us is an incredible illustration of what may happen when we choose to follow God’s Will during difficult circumstances.

Never give up!

What did Jesus say on the cross? | A recap of the sayings of Jesus

Each and every one of our lives would be transformed if we just studied Jesus’ sayings and asked the question, “What did Jesus say on the cross?” Takeaways from Jesus’ words on the cross that, if applied to one’s own life, have the potential to transform one’s life forever are presented here:

  • “Father, pardon them since they are unaware of what they are doing.” (Matthew 23:34) When it comes to forgiving and praying for your adversaries, Jesus sets the standard. Are you able to forgive those who have wronged you? “Today you will be with me in paradise,” Jesus says. (Matthew 23:43) Every person who calls on His Name will be able to find their path. Will you be like that thief and make a decision today to say, “I want to be with you, Jesus”
  • “Woman, behold your son”
  • Or “Woman, behold your daughter”? (John 19:26-27) Jesus was extremely concerned for His family and placed God’s will first in all He did. What do you do when things are tough? Are you willing to put your attention on caring for others around you and obeying God’s will
  • “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me”? (Matthew 27:46
  • Mark 1:15) Jesus directed His gaze away from earth and toward the heavens at His most trying time. He did not scream out with complaints, but rather with a hymn of adoration. Can you give thanks to God and remember that He is loyal to His children, even in the midst of your most difficult circumstances
  • “I hunger” (See also John 19:28) Jesus was willing to suffer for the greater good. “It is completed,” says God, if you are ready to endure hardship in order to accomplish what God intends for you in life. John is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Assassin’s Creed (19:30) When it came time to finish His mission, Jesus didn’t slack off. So many people gave up before we could complete our victory. Are you willing to finish what you start for Jesus
  • “Father, into Your Hands I commit my Spirit”
  • “Father, into Your Hands I submit my Spirit”
  • “Father, into Your Hands I commit my Spirit” (Luke 23:46) When Jesus died for us, He did it voluntarily. If you believe that it is time to entirely surrender your life to God,

At the end of the day, what did Jesus say on the cross? “I adore you!” he said. You can make a decision to follow Him by saying “Jesus, You are Lord,” just like the thief on the cross, and He will accept your decision. “Please bring me along.” We, the members of Sound of Heaven, are here to pray with You. You can reach out to us at any time. We are a church that is dedicated to producing disciples and seeing lives transformed as a result of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. I’d want to accept Jesus and I’d like to inform you of my decision.

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REVEALED: True Story of INRI on the Cross of Jesus Christ

The initials INRI may be seen on crucifixes all around the world, including those in Italy. The significance of these letters naturally piques the interest of all who encounter them. So, what exactly does INRI stand for on the cross? The Latin inscription Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Iesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) is abbreviated as INRI, which means “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” However, there is a more in-depth and complicated approach to comprehend what INRI is all about. More on it in the near future.

  1. At the time of Jesus Christ, the Romans were the ones who had the ability to impose the death penalty on criminals.
  2. This inscription was written out in three languages, according to John’s Gospel (19:19-22), and it was written in three languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.
  3. As a result, even though Latin was the official language, Hebrew and Greek were also extremely significant and widely spoken throughout the country.
  4. The task would have been extremely tough due to the fact that these three separate foreign languages were not commonly spoken in Medieval Europe at the time when all of these paintings were created.
  5. And even if you were successful in putting your thoughts on paper, who would be able to read them?
  6. They chose to utilize the initials of the four Latin terms since it was simpler to instruct the audience on what INRI stands for when they saw the initials.
  7. That would be a really uninteresting conclusion to the narrative if that were the only thing there was to it.

Take a look at these amazing facts: Interestingly, this is not the first time that Jesus has been referred to as the “King of the Jews.” When the Magi (Wise Men from the East) came to visit the newborn Jesus in Matthew 2:2, they referred to him as “King of the Jews,” which is another title for him.

  1. Jonathan Cahn describes how the Old Testament foretells Nazareth as a city that would be indelibly identified with the Messiah hundreds of years before the events of the New Testament take place.
  2. When John the Baptist introduced Jesus, he used language from Old Testament Messianic prophesies, such as “Behold the lamb of God who wipes away the sin of the world.” The INRI inscription is not intended to be a declaration, but rather an indictment.
  3. It was normal practice back in the day to place the charge on the cross over the head of the defendant.
  4. As recorded in John 19:21, when the Rabbis saw the INRI inscription on the cross of Jesus, they protested to it.
  5. They did so because they were aware that the Messiah would wield the scepter (Genesis 49:10).
  6. It is clear from Psalm 2:1-2 that the Messiah will be referred to be God’s son – or the Son of the Father.
  7. Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace are some of the words used to describe him in Isaiah 53:3.

The New Testament contains the words of Jesus, who states that “just as Moses hoisted up the snake in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up.” (John 3:14 in the New International Version) When Jesus stated “lifted up,” he was referring to his own crucifixion, which had already occurred.

The serpent, on the other hand, had it coming.

And Man is deserving of punishment because he chose to follow the snake instead of following God.

And the snake deserved to be punished.

More information about this intriguing tale may be found in the following article: Moses and the Bronze Serpent in the Wilderness: A Strange Tale of Moses and the Bronze Serpent” Despite the fact that the Old Testament prophets predicted that the Messiah would be born at Bethlehem, Matthew informs us in Matthew 2:23 that Jesus would be known as a Nazarene because of what the prophets had predicted.

  • Strangely enough, Matthew makes no mention of any one prophet, and researchers have never been able to pinpoint a single prophet who stated it.
  • Is this what Matthew was referring to?
  • It has been suggested that if you translate INRI into Hebrew, it will spell out YHWH (the tetragrammaton), which is God’s ineffable name, among other things.
  • But keep in mind that the full charge is included in the Biblical inscription of John 19:21, which was more than enough to irritate the Rabbis.
  • It is true that INRI is never mentioned in the Bible.
  • Here are a few examples of Bible scriptures that are relevant to the story: According to Matthew 2:2, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
  • Pilate also inscribed an inscription on the crucifixion and placed it above the head of Jesus, according to John 19:19-22.
  • Because the site of Jesus’ crucifixion was close to the city, many Jews were able to see this inscription, which was inscribed in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.
  • “What I have written is what I have written,” Pilate said.
  • The kingdoms of the earth gather themselves together, and the rulers form a council against the Lord and against his Anointed, proclaiming.
  • There will be no end to the expansion of his rule and the establishment of peace on the throne of David and over his kingdom, as he establishes and upholds it with justice and righteousness from this time forward and forevermore.

ESV translation of John 8:28 “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own power but speak only in accordance with what the Father has taught me,” Jesus explained. Is your faith based on facts? Have you made a commitment to follow Christ?

What do the letters “INRI” on the crucifix mean?

INRI is an acronym for the Latin title that Pontius Pilate had put over the head of Jesus Christ on the crucifixion, and it is pronounced “INRI” (John 19:19). The language of the Roman Empire was Latin, which was the official language. “Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm” were the words that were said. Latin utilizes the letter “I” instead of the English letter “J,” and the letter “V” instead of the English letter “U.” (i.e., Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum). “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” is the English translation of the Hebrew phrase.

  1. INRI has featured in a number of crucifixion artwork over the course of history.
  2. Pilate also scribbled a title for the cross and nailed it on it.
  3. This title was read by many Jews at the time, because the location of Jesus’ crucifixion was close to the city; it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, among other languages.
  4. — Matthew 19:19-22 (KJV)
  • T he letters “INRI” are the initials of the Latin title that Pontius Pilate had inscribed above the head ofJesus Christ on the crucifixion (John 19:19). The language of the Roman Empire was Latin, which served as its official language. “Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm” were the words on the signboard. Latin substitutes the letter “I” for the letter “J,” and the letter “V” for the letter “U,” respectively (i.e., Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum). “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” is the English version. The first letters of each word of this inscription, “INRI,” were taken as a symbol by the Early Church as a reminder of their origins. INRI has featured in a number of crucifixion paintings throughout the course of the ages. The term “Christ” was really inscribed in three different languages by Pilate. A title was also written by Pilate, which was then placed on the cross: Furthermore, the lettering read: JESUS OFNAZARETTHE KING OF THE JUDAISM As a result, this title was read by many Jews because the location of Jesus’ crucifixion was close to the city
  • And it was written in both the Hebrew language and the Greek and Latin languages. “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but rather that he said, ‘I am King of the Jews,'” the leading priests of the Jews instructed Pilate. “What I have written, I have written,” Pilate said. The Bible says in John 19:19-22 (KJV)

Paul S. Taylor of Christian Answers is the author of this article.

Also see

  • What is the meaning of crucifixion? Answer: What exactly is THE CROSS, and what does it mean to sincere followers of Jesus Christ, is the question. Answer

Films for Christ reserves all rights, with the exception of those mentioned on the attached “Usage and Copyright”page, which offers ChristianAnswers.Net readers generous rights to put this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches and schools. Version of the article published on July 18, 2021

See also:  When Did Jesus Say He Would Return

Inscriptions on the Cross – ChristianAnswers.Net

The fact that all four Gospels have various interpretations of the inscription on the Cross, does this imply that there is some sort of error? In no way, shape, or form. There are three languages inscribed on theCrossofJesus, according to bothLuke and John, and each of these languages is a dialect of the other two. It is plausible to assume that three of the Gospel authors selected to quote from a different language, and that one writer chose to cite the phrases that were shared by the other three writers.

  • Is it possible to justify this assumption? If so, can it be determined with any confidence who selected certain quotations
  • And why


Let us begin by examining the manner in which each writer introduces the inscription (s).

  • As it says in Matthew 27:37, “and raised up above his head his accusation written.” As it says in Mark 15:26, “and the superscription of his accusation was written over it.” And a superscription was written over him in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew letters,” according to Luke 23:38
  • John 19:19 states, “And Pilate wrote a title and set it on the cross,” according to John 19:19.

Take note of how each of these prefaces is different. Mark informs us that a superscription has been written; Matthew informs us that it has been raised up above his head; Luke informs us that it has been written in three languages; and John informs us that Pilate is the author. Despite the fact that each writer says something different, all of these things are right! The following are the four descriptions of the inscription, which have been organized such that the similarities and differences may be clearly distinguished:


What was the significance of using three languages?

Gypsum letters scrawled on a rough board and nailed to a cross were customary among the Romans for announcing the reason for a person’s execution, albeit the letters were not necessarily in three languages. Latin was the official language of the Roman Empire, and it symbolized the human administration, power, and conquest on a global scale. In ancient times, Greek was the universal language of civilization; it symbolized humanwisdom, artistic expression, and commercial exchange. In the Jewish religion, Hebrew was the religious language; it signified the CovenantRace, the Lawof God, and the method by which God made Himself known to man in the world.

I’m curious as to how this came about.

It is widely believed that Pilate’s use of the phrase “King of the Jews” was a public sneer directed at the Jews, which was exacerbated by his further insult that their ” king ” originated fromNazareth, which implied that Jesus was a despisedGalilean.


As John is the only Gospel writer to mention Pilate or Nazareth, or to refer to the inscription as a “title” (Latin:titulus), it is abundantly clear that John is quoting the Latin which read:IESUS NAZARENVS REX IVDAEORVM(Latin used the letters “I” and “V” where English uses the letters “J” and “U.”) John is quoting the Latin which read:IESUS NAZARENVS REX Furthermore, the Latin letters “INRI,” which appear just once in this inscription (and are the initial letters of it), were chosen as a sign by the EarlyChurch, and this symbol appears in many early paintings of the Crucifixion, further confirming that this is the Latin language.


According to Colossians 4:14, Luke was an extremely well-educated man who addressed his Gospel to a Greek aristocrat (the “most excellentTheophilus” ofLuke 1:3; Colossians 4:14). As a result, it is very plausible to assume that Luke provides us with the Greek inscription: BASILEUS TWN IOUDAIWN OUTOS ESTIN O BASILEUS


For the Jews, Matthew authored his book, in which he used several passages from the Old Testament to demonstrate that Jesus was the fulfillment of Old Testament predictions concerning theMessiah. As a result, it is quite likely that Matthew cites the Hebrew inscription (see drawing below).


With Mark, the only Gospel writer who is shorter than the other three, and who offers us a somewhat condensed narrative of Jesus’ life and ministry, since his objective is to teach us more about what Jesus did rather than what he said, we are left with Mark’s Gospel. Examples include the exclusion of the account of Jesus’ birth, along with the entirety of the sermon on the mount and numerous other discourses. In keeping with his manner, Mark shortens the inscription to the words “THE KING OF THE JEWS,” which are common to all three languages that are being utilized.


The most exciting portion is about to begin! The Latin title, which served as the formal accusation, would very certainly have been the first thing put on the board. This would have dictated the length of the board and/or the size of the letters necessary to fit the inscription onto one line while still being viewable by the audience when seen from a distance by the crowd (John 19:20). There were no spaces between words in any of the languages back then, as there are now, and as a result, John’s Latin “title” was just 26 letters long, with no spaces between the letters.

It is simple to see that the words “Jesus of Nazareth” (i.e., “Jesus theNazarene”) would not have been able to be written in Greek if there had been place for 16 additional letters.

It appears that whomever translated the title into Hebrew did not consider it necessary to include the words “of Nazareth.” Perhaps he mistakenly believed that having lived in Nazareth did not constitute a criminal crime!

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The number of letters in ancient Hebrew was the same as in the current typewritten Hebrew alphabet used here for convenience, despite the fact that the ancient Hebrew script was different. The author would like to express his gratitude to Dr. Charles Taylor, M.A., Ph.D., PGCE, LRAM, FIL, Cert Theol., a linguist, for his thoughtful guidance and support. Russell M. Grigg is the author of this work. Creation Ministries International provided the image. Apologia3(2):17-18 (June 1994) was the first publication of this article.

What does it stand for? What was the inscription placed on Jesus’ cross?

There is a connection between the Latin abbreviation INRI and a sign that Pilate had attached on the cross of Jesus. According to John 19:19-20, “Pilate also inscribed an inscription on the cross, which he nailed to it. ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews,’ the inscription said. Because the site of Jesus’ crucifixion was close to the city, many Jews were able to see this inscription, which was inscribed in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.” The phrase “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” would have been rendered as “Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum” in Latin, which means “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” The acronym INRI is formed by combining the initial letter of each word.

  1. Throughout history, artwork depicting Jesus on the crucifixion has contained Pilate’s sign, which is represented by the shortened version of the INRI symbol.
  2. Is it possible that the acronym INRI was inscribed on the placard that was put over the head of Jesus on the cross?
  3. According to John’s Gospel, the words were written down so that others may read them.
  4. ‘What I have written is what I have written,’ Pilate said.” The fact that the Jews objected to the language indicates that the whole text of the phrase had been employed.
  5. “And they hung a charge against him over his head, which said, ‘This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.'” Matthew 27:37 explains how this happened.
  6. The indication in each of these instances is referred to as a “charge.” It appears that the sign was put in order to make it clear what the claimed act was that resulted in Jesus’ crucifixion.
  7. Jesus was a guy from Nazareth who claimed to be the King of the Jews and was crucified as a result of his claims.
  8. Lord of lords and King of kings, Jesus Christ is the supreme authority in the universe.
  9. Jesus appears as a king in the book of Revelation.
  10. His initial appearance on the planet featured His duty as a servant.
  11. Truths that are related: Is Isaiah 53’s ‘Suffering Servant’ a prophesy regarding Jesus’ death and resurrection?

What are the meanings of Christ’s last seven statements, and what are they about? What evidence do you have that Jesus is the Son of God? What does Jesus’ status as the Son of Man entail? What does it mean that Jesus is the son of David? Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

What did Jesus really say to the criminal at the cross?

An further scripture that has been cited to illustrate the belief of living immediately after death is what the Lord Jesus Christ said to the repentant criminal who was crucified alongside him on the cross. Luke 23:42-43 (KJV) His next words were, “Lord, please remember me when you come into your kingdom,” which Jesus acknowledged. And Jesus replied to him, “With certainty, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise,” which means “with me in paradise.” As a result, when people read verse 43, they remark, “You see, the dead criminal was with Jesus in Paradise on that day.” When attempting to comprehend a chapter, it is necessary to take all of the preceding passages into mind as well.

When it comes to life after death, the word of God emphasizes the importance of resurrection as the central theme.

This is not a supposition at all.

The verse appears to read the way it does because the translators opted to include a comma before the word “today,” which gives the impression that Jesus is guaranteeing the criminal that, despite the fact that he would not have been raised, he will be with Jesus in paradise that same day.

“And so we shall always be with the Lord”

The Bible states unequivocally that in order to be with the Lord, we must be raised from the dead! When you die, you do not “pass into the presence of the Lord.” When the Lord returns and you are raised from the dead, you will be with him. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 expresses this clearly: “1 Thessalonians 4:16-17” “Because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding cry, the voice of an archangel, and the sound of God’s trumpet, all at the same time. And the first to rise will be those who have died in Christ.

  • Through the power of resurrection!
  • Unless we are willing to believe that Jesus was doing favors and that the Word of God did not apply to that specific criminal and that he did not require resurrection in order to live with the Lord, it is clear that the conventional understanding is incorrect.
  • We will not all sleep, but we will all be transformed in a split second, in the blink of an eye, at the sound of the final symphony.
  • Because this perishable body must be transformed into the imperishable, and this mortal body must be transformed into immortality.
  • “ Death, where have you taken your victory?
  • Because if you were already eternal after death, why on earth would you need to reapply for immortality?!
  • I say this with all sincerity because I believe it to be true.
  • And since he is the Son of Man, God has delegated power to him to carry out the judgment.
  • No, not according to the Lord!
  • After all, “when everyone who are in the graves willhear his voice and come out, those who have done good to theresurrectionof life, and those who have done evil to theresurrectionof judgment,” they WILL live.

As Paul stated in Acts 13:34-37, paraphrasing David: “And as for the fact that he resurrected him from the grave, ensuring that he would never return to corruption, he has stated the following: “‘I will give you the blessings of David, which are holy and certain.’ As a result, he adds in another psalm, “As a result, “The Bible says, “You will not allow your Holy One to behold corruption.” David, when he had completed God’s plan in his own age, fell asleep and was buried with his ancestors, where he witnessed corruption, but the one whom God brought up did not see corruption.” If Jesus had not been risen from the grave, He would have witnessed corruption firsthand.

Jesus was clearly not in paradise (which is something that would occur in the future) on that particular day, but rather in the tomb. Consequently, he had no legal authority to make a promise to the criminal that he would be with him the very next day in Paradise.

What and where is “paradise”?

The second reason this interpretation is incorrect is because Jesus’ promise was in reference to the kingdom of heaven. When He mentioned it, He was responding to the criminal’s request, which was expressed as follows:Luke 23:42 “Jesus, please keep my name in mind when you come into your kingdom.” He had undoubtedly heard something about the approaching Kingdom of God. This was a recurring subject in Jesus’ teachings throughout his ministry. So he was aware of this teaching. As a result, when Jesus responded to him, it was in response to this plea.

See also:  How Often Did Jesus Eat

However, heaven is not like this at all!

And there is no room for uncertainty in the presence of this Word.

The second time the tree of life is mentioned is in Revelation 22:1-2, when we are told that: The Book of Revelation 22:1–2 And the angel showed me a river of living water, as clear as crystal, pouring from the thrones of God and the Lamb, and running directly downthe centerofthe city’s main street; likewise, on either sideofthe river, the tree of life with its twelve varieties of fruit, which bears fruit once a month.” “The leaves of the tree were used for the healing of the peoples of the world.” Each of the tree of life’s branches was on either side of a river that was running “through the middle of the city’s main thoroughfare.” Which city do you mean?

It is revealed in Revelation 21:1-2 that the answer is: “At that point, I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no longer there.” And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, descending down from God’s throne as if it were a bride being dressed for her husband.” In other words, the tree of life is a part of the new Jerusalem, which means it is a part of the future heavens and earth as well.

  • Following the trail of evidence, is there something like a paradise present, given that the tree of life grows in the paradise of God?
  • It will become a part of the new world order!
  • We are eagerly awaiting their arrival!
  • However, there will be!

Moreover, we shall see the repentant criminal there as well, just as the Lord told him on that day: “Assuredly, I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise” (Matthew 25:31). Using this method, you will correctly understand the passage. Anastasios Kioulachoglou is a Greek actor and director.


The symbol over Jesus’s head as he is on the cross is examined more closely. We tend to take history for granted on a regular basis. We read it or hear it and simply accept it as is. It is possible to “hear” with our minds as well as our ears, and there are lessons to be learnt as well as significant things to grasp and, at times, considerable discoveries to be made. If we comprehend what we can correctly, we can appropriately store it away in our thoughts and build upon it when we learn additional information in the future.

That inscription represented so much more than simply words on a piece of paper.

  • The Gospel of John 19:17-22 And He, wearing His cross, walked out to a spot known as the Place of the Skull, which is known in Hebrew as Golgotha, where He was crucified beside two men, one on either side of Him, with Jesus in the midst. Pilate then inscribed a title on the cross and nailed it to it. The writing on the wall read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE. The title was then read by a large number of Jews because the location where Jesus was crucified was close to the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. So the chief priests of the Jews told Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews’
  • Instead, write: “He said,” I am the King of the Jews,” as if he were the King of the Jews.” In response, Pilate stated, “I have written what I have written.”

To many, it may appear that the gospel of John contains little more than a snippet of history, and that the top priests were not pleased with it. Nevertheless, the chief priests, the Scribes, and the Pharisees were extremely stressed and anxious as a result of the inscription on the crucifixion, which had been written by Pilate and fastened to the hanging. Let’s try to grasp their predicament and, in the process, possibly gain a better understanding of the wider picture. Before we go any farther, let us consider why the Romans had a sign in the first place.

  • Mark 15:26 is a biblical passage. Furthermore, the inscription of His accusation was placed above it: THE KING OF THE JEWS

It was customary for the Romans to hang a “titulus” around the neck of a criminal or have it carried before him as he approached the executioner’s stand. A titulus was a wooden tablet that had been coated with gypsum and then had the charge against the prisoner inscribed on it in black characters, which served as his or her sentence. It would then be placed to the upper half of the cross, above the criminal’s head, where it would be visible to everyone and serve as a reminder to others to abide by Roman law rather than to do the same thing.

  1. According to the Hebrew calendar, the lambs were slaughtered on Nisan 14.
  2. In addition, according to Scripture, the lamb had to be laid aside four days before the sacrifice was to take place.
  3. The lamb’s quality and health were demonstrated by the fact that it was kept for four days.
  4. They were expected to put in their best effort, and it had to be of high quality.
  5. The fact that we are not flawless is the same reason why we require a savior).
  6. This name tag would have the family’s name printed on it, and in this way, their specific Passover lamb could be identified even when it was among a large number of other Passover lambs on the farm.
  7. Each parent wished for God to be aware that their family was honoring the Passover and that the lamb bearing their family’s name was being slaughtered in their honor.

The deeper meaning of the titulus and the name tag in relation to the larger scene is not immediately apparent.

In John 19:19-20, it is described how Pilate inscribed the inscription on the crucifixion and had it erected above the head of Jesus.

The Bible claims that it was written in three different languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, according to the text.

During those days, scribes had a literary habit in which they would take the first letters of the words in a sentence and arrange them in a certain way to see if there was a hidden message in the arrangement of these letters.

This is referred to as acrostics in today’s society.

Move on to the Roman Catholic Church and the following letter combinations: INRI The Roman Catholic Church made advantage of this old habit by affixing the initials “INRI” to its crucifixes, which stand for “In the Name of Jesus.” In the original Latin, these are the initial letters of the four words of the inscription on the cross that appeared on the cross.

  • It is spelt with a “I” at the beginning.
  • In Latin, the second letter “N” is the initial letter of the word “Nazareth,” which means “Nazareth.” Then there’s “R” for Rex, which is the first letter of the word “King,” and lastly “I” for the “J” in the word “Jews,” which is the final letter.
  • I am the personification of Jesus (Iesvs) Nazareth is represented by the letter N.
  • In terms of Jewish religious rituals, they had the proper concept, but by use the Latin language, they failed to disclose the larger picture or make Jesus more vivid to the Jews in his role as the Passover Lamb.
  • When we look at the Hebrew text of the inscription, we can understand what it was that irritated the top priests and scribes so much.
  • Their blood pressure very certainly raised as they were shocked by what they saw when they finally opened the book.
  • After then, according to John, “a large number of Jews read this title since the location of Jesus’ crucifixion was close to the city.” John 19:20 is a biblical passage.

As written above (and read from right to left), the Hebrew words are: Yehoshua (Jesus), Hanatzri (of Nazareth), Vemelech (the King), and Hayhoodem (Jesus’ father) (of the Jews) In Hebrew, the initial four letters of the words are as follows: A tetragrammaton is the name of God in Hebrew, which is pronounced YHVHY- YODH- HEV- VAVH- HEYHVH (albeit the term “tetragrammaton” is derived from a Greek word meaning “4 letter word”).

  • The tetragrammaton is the four-letter name of God, which is rendered as “YHVH” in the English translation.
  • All of this stems from the Jewish custom of never pronouncing the name as it is written, but rather as Adonai, “the Lord,” instead.
  • Throughout written documents, the vowels of this word are put under the letters of the tetragrammaton to distinguish them from other words.
  • Although many people employ the pronunciationsJehovah, Yahovah, or Yahovahwehare, there is no certainty on which is the true pronunciation according to the Jews in this topic.
  • This name appears more than 6,800 times in the Hebrew Bible as it is now written.
  • It was unintentionally and magnificently placed on that titulus, the acrostic for the word “God” – “JHVH or YHWH” – so that all the Jews might see it when Pontius Pilate ordered it to be put there by his order.
  • All who came to the Passover celebration could see that Jesus Christ was the last sacrifice, hanging on that tree, since He was marked.
  • The very lambs who served as a figure and shadow of the Lamb of God Himself were sacrificed.
  • He claimed to be the King of the Jews, and they wanted it changed to reflect that.

It was during the process of crucifying Jesus that they claimed that Jesus had made Himself equal with God, which they called “blasphemy.” They attempted to persuade Pilate that to leave the inscription as it was would be announcing to the world that this man was God – which was the very reason for His crucifixion.” They were unsuccessful.

  1. Pilate had gone along with all their demands, despite the fact that Pilate had said Jesus was innocent – and that he had found no fault in Him.
  2. It was the one time during the whole trial and execution where Pilate stood his ground.
  3. ( John 19:22 ).
  4. While the Jews were bringing “their Passover lambs” to the Temple with “their name tags” and were saying, “God, see our name;this lamb is for our family,” the Lord had “His Name” put on “His Lamb”for the whole world to see.

As the Passover lambs were being taken to the Temple and their blood was flowing, on a hill called Golgotha, Jesus Christ, the Son of God’s sinless blood was flowing for our redemption; and above His head for all to see, was JHVH, His Father’s Name.

For God so loved us, each and all, that He sent and sacrificed His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

E. Cockrell has copyright protection for the year 2016. It is permissible to use the material for personal study or teaching, but it must not be reproduced or disseminated in whole or in part without permission or for commercial gain. PEOPLE: ARE THEY BASICALLY GOOD OR EVIL? AND OTHER “MISCELLANEOUS” ARTICLES Understanding how humans descended from being created in God’s image to having a carnal and selfish disposition is essential. TAKING THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER AND THE SEED AS AN EXAMPLE With the use of charts, this essay takes a detailed look at the revelation of the Lord that He delivered to His followers on this tale.


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Those who reject Him reject not just His presence, but also His voice and more.

Closing one’s ears to God and disobeying His commands results in stupidity and poor decisions.

The lesson we may take away from what occurred to Saul of Tarsus on the trip to Damascus is as follows: MENU FOR THE MAIN ARTICLE

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