What Crime Was Jesus Charged With

Why Did Pontius Pilate Have Jesus Executed?

“What is truth?” Pontius Pilate asks Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospel of John, and Jesus responds with a question. It’s a question that may be raised regarding Pilate’s own personal background as well. According to the New Testament of the Christian Bible, the Roman ruler of Judea was a shaky judge who originally exonerated Jesus before bowing to the will of the multitude and condemned him to death as a result of his actions. Non-Biblical sources, on the other hand, present him as a barbaric commander who wilfully rejected the traditions of the Jewish people under his command.

WATCH: JESUS: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE VaultJesus before Pilate, just before he was crucified.

Pilate’s early life is a mystery.

Before his time as Roman governor of Judea, from 26 and 36 A.D., nothing is known about Pilate’s early life and career. While most believe he was born into an equestrian family in Italy, certain tales indicate that he was actually born in the Scottish Highlands. From the Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria emerges one of the earliest—and most damning—accounts of Pilate’s reign as governor. Around the year 50 A.D., he denounced the prefect for “briberies, insults, robberies, outrages and wanton injuries, executions without trial, constantly repeated, endless and extremely severe brutality,” among other things.

  • Patterson describes Pilate’s rule as “corrupt and full of bribery.” Patterson is an early Christianity historian at Willamette University and the author of several books, including The Forgotten Creed: Christianity’s Original Struggle Against Bigotry, Slavery, and Sexism.
  • “Philo is a really dramatic writer,” she observes, “and one who has very apparent biases: persons who maintain Jewish rules are documented in highly favorable ways, whereas people who do not uphold Jewish laws are represented in quite bad ways.
  • MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT: The Bible asserts that Jesus was a real person.
  • Prior to his crucifixion, Jesus had been tortured, and this was the culmination of that suffering.

Pilate clashed with the Jewish population in Jerusalem.

A pair of golden shields emblazoned with the name of the Roman Emperor Tiberius were allowed into King Herod’s ancient residence in Jerusalem, according to Philo, despite Jewish tradition. Writing more than a half-century later, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus related a similar story, claiming that Pilate let troops bearing military standards with the likeness of the emperor into Jerusalem, despite Jewish law prohibiting the carrying of images in the holy city. A large number of people journeyed to the Judean city of Caesarea to express their displeasure, and they laid prostrate outside Pilate’s palace for five days until he finally yielded.

This account has the ring of a rookie governor experimenting with his powers and entirely underestimating the depth of local opposition to graven images.

Josephus related another event, this one with a bloodier conclusion, in which Pilate used cash from the Temple treasury to construct an aqueduct to provide water to Jerusalem.

They were successful. When he gave the signal, they withdrew clubs disguised in their clothing and beat many of the demonstrators to death with the clubs they had removed. More information may be found at: Where Is the Head of Saint John the Baptist?

The Gospels portray an indecisive Pilate.

Josephus also referred to Pilate’s well-known role in agreeing to Jesus’ death, which he had played previously. After being gravely concerned by his teachings, the Sanhedrin (an elite council of priestly and lay elders) arrested Jesus while he was celebrating the Jewish festival of Passover, according to the Gospels. They hauled Jesus before Pilate to be prosecuted for blasphemy, accusing him of claiming to be the King of the Jews, which they said was false. And they exerted pressure on Pilate, the only person who had the authority to sentence someone to death, to order his crucifixion.

According to the Gospel of Mark, Pilate intervened on Jesus’ behalf before caving in to the demands of the mob.

MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT: Discovering the Early Christian Church’s Conversion Tactics from Within “Mark’s goal isn’t truly historical in nature,” Patterson explains.

Mark blamed the Jewish rulers in Jerusalem for the city’s collapse since the high priests and officials had turned their backs on Jesus when he had arrived in the city.

courtesy of DeAgostini/Getty Images Following this, according to the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washed his hands in front of the assembled throng before declaring, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; take care of yourself.” When the Jewish people heard this, they yelled out, “His blood be on us and our children.” For millennia, it would be used to punish the Jewish people, and it is still being utilized now.

As Bond explains, “Matthew claims that, while Romans were accountable for carrying out the action, the Jews were liable—a line of thought that, of course, has had fatal ramifications ever since.” When Jesus was making problems during a gathering like Passover, when the city was packed to capacity, I don’t believe Pilate would have spent much time worrying about what to do with him.

According to the Gospels, the people preferred the criminal Barabbas than Jesus.

The so-called custom of freeing a prisoner on Passover has been investigated by scholars, but so far, according to Patterson, “they have not discovered anything in regard to this so-called ritual.” More information may be found at: Early Christians Didn’t Always Take the Bible Literally (Discovery).

Pilate disappears from history after his rule.

Following the use of disproportionate force to quell a suspected Samaritan rebellion, Pilate was dismissed from office and transported back to Rome, according to Josephus and the Roman historian Tacitus. Pilate vanished from the historical record as soon as he arrived in Rome. According to various legends, he was either executed by Emperor Caligula or committed suicide, with his remains being thrown into the Tiber River after his death. In fact, the early Christian author Tertullian said that Pilate had become a disciple of Jesus and had attempted to convert the emperor to Christian beliefs.

A portion of a carved stone with Pilate’s name and title etched in Latin on it was discovered face down in an antique theater, where it had been used as a stair.

According to a November 2018 article in Israel Exploration Journal, improved photography showed Pilate’s name engraved in Greek on a 2,000-year-old copper alloy ring recovered at Herodium, which was previously thought to be a Roman coin.

Jesus Of Nazareth, Enemy Of The State, Executed For Treason

On the command of the Roman government, Jesus of Nazareth was put to death on this day. Crucifixion was the method of execution. Under Roman law, the indictment was treason, and under Herodian law, the offense was blasphemy against the Temple. It was because of the overwhelming evidence against this anarchist that officials from both the Roman State and the Kingdom of Herod agreed to his arrest and death, and he was tried by both governments. And, in a rare instance of spontaneous communal justice, the large crowd of people gathering for Passover demanded that he be put to death as well.

  • The execution on Friday brought an end to a career as an anti-government activist with a lengthy history of lawlessness to an end.
  • The nasty notion, which has been widely disseminated among the public, is that the King is an Idumean, not a Jew, as is often believed.
  • Even as a kid, Jesus was identified as an enemy of the state, and he was sentenced to death by Herod the Great, the present King’s forefather and predecessor in office.
  • According to the evidence, they then returned to larger Israel, where they lived in Galilee, on the outskirts of the kingdom and far away from the rapid justice available in the city.
  • Jesus began his public career approximately three years ago, with the assistance of his cousin, John, who was himself executed by the state for showing disrespect for the office of the king.
  • He was also responsible for a series of activities that treasonously called into question the legitimacy of governmental institutions such as Herod’s Temple.
  • Also unlawfully entering government property and interfering with state-approved money-changing activities that were legitimately functioning with the approval of the king’s appointees and at state-approved exchange rates were among the charges leveled against him by the court.

Although initially controversial, his anti-government propaganda gradually gained widespread acceptance, including predictions of the collapse of Herod’s temple and even denial of its validity, pronouncing it to be “desolate.” His execution was fast and ruthless, and his followers have been dispersed around the world.

The temple, which was erected on the might of the Roman empire and the reign of Herod the Great, will exist forever.

In order to reassure the populace, authorities promise them that death by execution, the ultimate penalty on which all state power is predicated, will be the final word on this brief event in Roman history.

Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin (Matthew 26:57-68) – The death of Jesus – CCEA – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – CCEA

People who had arrested Jesus brought him to the residence of the high priest, Caiaphas, where the professors of the law and the elders had convened to discuss the situation. Following from a distance, Peter made it all the way to the courtyard of Caiaphas’ house. The Jewish officials were on the lookout for false evidence against Jesus in order to have him executed, but they were unable to locate any. Jesus was eventually confronted by Caiaphas who said, “Tell us whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” “So you say,” Jesus said.

But I assure you, from this point on, you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty and ascending into heaven on the clouds of glory!” Because Caiaphas judged this to be blasphemy, the guilty judgement was handed down.


There were a variety of reasons why the Jewish officials desired Jesus’ execution, including the following:

  • He called them hypocrites and questioned their authority, as well as breaking their regulations about Sabbath observance. He healed people on the Sabbath, but the Jewish leaders considered this to be ‘work,’ which was forbidden
  • He mixed with people who the Jewish leaders considered to be ‘unclean,’ such as sinners, prostitutes, and tax collectors
  • He made claims about himself that the Jewish leaders could not accept, such as that he was God’s son and the promised saviour
  • He ate with people who the Jewish leaders considered to be ‘unclean,’ such as sinners

According to the Jewish leaders, Jesus was guilty of blasphemy. Blasphemy is a religious offense that occurs when someone says or does something that is considered to be derogatory to God. In the perspective of the Jewish authorities, Jesus’ assertion that he was God’s son was an affront to the Creator himself. Blasphemy was treated quite severely in ancient times, and the punishment was death by stoning for the offender. Following Jesus’ arrest, he was brought before the Sanhedrin and placed on trial.

There were 70 people in all, the most of them were Sadducees, Pharisees, and priests, as well as the leader, who was also the high priest.

See also:  What Does The Talmud Say About Jesus

Under Roman domination, the Sanhedrin was still permitted to operate, but its authority was severely curtailed.

Only the Romans had the power to put someone to death.

  • A trial could not be held at night or during a major festival
  • It also could not be held on a holiday. If a person was found guilty, the death penalty could not be imposed immediately
  • Instead, the Sanhedrin had to wait one whole night before passing judgment. All trials were required to take place in the Hall of Hewn Stones, which served as the official venue for trials and was located within the temple. It was necessary to have two or three witnesses, all of whom had to agree on every aspect. Anyone who provides false evidence will be subjected to the same penalties as the individual who is being tried.

Understanding the text

Jesus was taken into custody late on Thursday night, following the Passover dinner. Because Jewish officials wanted him tried as soon as possible, he came before the Sanhedrin on the same day he was summoned. The Sanhedrin appears to be unconcerned with the right to a fair trial because they are in a hurry. They are on the lookout for fabricated evidence. False witnesses come forward, misquoting the words of Jesus in their testimony. Jesus has been accused of threatening to demolish the temple in Jerusalem.

Jesus stayed silent, fulfilling another another Old Testament prophesy regarding the coming of the Messiah.

“So you say,” Jesus responded.

The high priest tore his own clothing in order ripped express his shock at hearing blasphemy; this was a common practice among extremely self-righteous Jews at the time. The death sentence was therefore promptly passed on Jesus, and he was beaten and spat on by his opponents.

List of Things That Jesus Was Accused Of

Images courtesy of.Visage/Stockbyte/Getty Images Jesus of Nazareth was a Galilean Jew who worked as a carpenter and spiritual leader before being killed in Roman-occupied Palestine around 2,000 years ago. There is substantial debate among historians and New Testament academics as to the truth of numerous aspects featured in the trial and crucifixion events described in the synoptic gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke, as well as the historical accuracy of the narrative themselves. The biblical stories come to the conclusion that Jesus was arrested by Jewish Sanhedrin authorities but killed under Roman law, not Jewish law, as the accounts conclude.

1Charged with Blasphemy

According to the Bible, Jesus was imprisoned for the first time by Jewish authorities after criticizing the excesses he seen on display in the Jewish temple during Jerusalem’s Passover celebrations. According to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, he was first brought before a Jewish Sanhedrin court in Judea. They all agree that he was accused of blasphemy, found guilty, and handed over to the local Roman governor Pontius Pilate for a following Roman trial. Despite the fact that the allegation was tied to Jesus’ behavior in the temple, experts have been unable to determine whether or not his acts constituted blasphemy under Jewish law – or even whether or not the Sanhedrin trial ever took place.

2Roman Trial

Following the Sanhedrin trial, Jesus was brought before governor Pontius Pilate for a second time. It is unknown what accusations, if any, might have been brought against him under Roman law. Despite this, because of the method in which Jesus was crucified on a cross, experts are certain that he was punished for sins against Rome rather than against God. Crimes against Judaism would have resulted in stoning as a punishment. Whatever the accusations, it is certain that they were significant because Rome reserved the crucifixion for the most serious offenders, according to Roman law.

3Possible Charge of Sedition

According to one theory, Jesus was a Jewish patriot who was involved in a violent political rebellion against Roman domination, which was led by the nationalist Zealot movement, during his lifetime. This view may be supported by the placard that was put on his crucifixion, which said “King of the Jews.” If Jesus had been implicated in a violent rebellion, he would have faced accusations of sedition and the death penalty, which would have culminated in his crucifixion. This point of view was presented by Jesus’ brother James after his death, according to the Bible.

4Messianic Teachings

An alternative viewpoint claims that Jesus’ peaceful teachings put him at odds with the Zealot movement. In this view, which was pushed by Jesus’ apostle Paul, the Messiah was seen as someone who primarily called for personal reform from inside the body of Christ. In this particular instance, Romans may have been concerned about demonstrations taking place around Passover. They may have been concerned that Jesus’ rising popularity might lead to unrest if he staged a temple demonstration. Christina Lee began writing in 2004 and has been publishing ever since.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Bachelor of Arts in English and politics, Master of Arts in global affairs from American University, and a Master of Arts in philosophy from Penn State University are among Lee’s qualifications.


As recorded in the New Testament, Barabbas was a prisoner, referenced in all four Gospels, who was selected by the multitude, rather than Jesus Christ, to be freed by Pontius Pilate in a customary pardon before the festival of Passover. Jesus in the presence of Pilate Jean Fouquet’s illuminated book of hours for Étienne Chevalier, c. 1455, depicts Jesus appearing before Pontius Pilate and Caiphas, with the prisoner Barabbas standing below. Photograph courtesy of the Hulton Archive/Getty Images Barabbas is referred to as a “notorious prisoner” in Matthew 27:16.

In John 18:40, he is described as a bandit.

Aramaic pseudonyms such as “son of the father” (bar abba) or “son of the teacher” (bar rabban) may have been used to refer to him, suggesting that his father was a prominent figure in Jewish society.

If this was the case, the audience was given the option of choosing between two people who shared the same name.

In recent years, many have blamed the Jews for Christ’s crucifixion, frequently referencing Matthew 27:25, in which the multitude cries out, “His blood be upon us and upon our children!” A large number of current Christian historians and leaders, including Pope Benedict XVI, have expressly rejected this stance, stating that the throng on that fateful day was made up of Jewish Temple officials and Barabbas sympathizers rather than the whole Jewish population.

They have also contended that, when viewed in the context of the entire New Testament, the multitude might be read as representing all of mankind, and Jesus’ blood as bringing about peace between humanity and God, rather than as a scream for vengeance.

Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Melissa Petruzzello was the author of the most recent revision and update to this article.

Questions and Answers Concerning the Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion of Jesus

QUESTION 7:Did Pilate want Jesus executed? ANSWER: What happened at the trial of Jesus before Pilate-if there even was anything that could be called a trial-is largely a mystery.No followers of Jesus were believed to have been present at any such trial, so the dialogues recorded in gospel accounts (which range from the few words in Mark to a more extensive dialogue between Pilate and Jesus in John’s version) are almost certainly fictitious. Nonetheless, the accounts reveal a determined effort to portray Pilate in at least an ambiguous-if not sympathetic-light.For example, in Mark, after Pilate asks Jesus about “the many charges [the chief priests] bring against you,” Jesus makes “no further answer” and “Pilate wondered.”Obviously, Mark had no way of getting into Pilate’s head and knowing whether he “wondered” or not-but the wording serves his purpose of suggesting that Pilate had serious doubts about the guilt of Jesus.Later, Mark reinforces that suggestion when he writes, “For he perceived that it was out of envy that the chief priests had delivered him up.”How would Mark know that?Finally, Mark makes Pilates doubts explicit by having him almost beg the crowd to release Jesus over the (almost certainly invented) prisoner Barabbas.Pilate asks the crowd to explain their thirst for the blood of Jesus: “Why, what evil has he done?”Pilate allows the crucifixion of Jesus, in the gospel accounts, not out of a conviction that Jesus did anything wrong, but only to “satisfy the crowd.”If there were still any doubt about Pilate’s doubt, the gospels report that after authorizing his execution, he “washes his hands.”The accounts so transparently attempt to present the chief priests-and not Pilate-as blameworthy that there is little doubt that Mark was attempting to present a story that would minimize the risk of condemnation by Roman authorities and maximize his prospects for winningconverts to Christianity from among the Romans in his audience.Pilate was a powerful figure.If he had reservations about killing Jesus, he certainly could have taken him back to Caesaria for trial or referred his case back to the Sanhedrin for possible punishment under Jewish, not Roman, law.The fact that he did not suggests that Pilate was pleased to accede to the urgings of Jewish leaders and crucify Jesus.The fact of crucifixion establishes that Jesus was executed as an offender of Roman law.Had his punishment been for violation of Jewish law-for example, blasphemy-Jesus would have been stoned, the punishment prescribed under Jewish law.The exact nature of the charge against Jesus is not known.Had he been charged with sedition and asked about his movement, his silence would be easy to understand: he would be reluctant to reveal details and expose others to prosecution.Some historians have argued that Jesus was a Jewish nationalist who might have supported an armed insurrection against Rome.Others-citing the pacifism of his teachings-find that suggestion implausible and argue that his messianic claims, coupled with the subversive act against the Temple that led to his arrest, would have been more than enough reason for Pilate to support his crucifixion-Pilate being anxious to preserve his relations with Caiaphas and other Jewish leaders.John Crossan, inWho Killed Jesus?, even questions whether any trial at all took place.Crossan argues that for “a peasant nobody like Jesus” there might have been “standing agreements and orders” concerning subversive action during the Passover that “would beget instant punishment with immediate crucifixion as public warning and deterrent.”

What Was the ‘Crime’ of Jesus That Got Him Crucified?

A prominent archivist of the D. James Kennedy Legacy Library, as well as a spokesperson and cohost of Kennedy Classics, Dr. Jerry Newcombe is a well-known figure. Another Holy Week has begun, with Palm Sunday marking the beginning and Easter Sunday marking the conclusion. It was “the week that changed the world,” as the saying goes. Beginning in a humble and victorious manner, the week unfolded. That would appear to be an oxymoron. In spite of being acclaimed as King, Jesus rode in on a donkey, an unusually modest manner to begin His public entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

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Maier is an emeritus professor of ancient history at Western Michigan University, where he previously taught.

“The donkey,” says Maier in his 1997 book, “In the Fullness of Period,” about Jesus’ arrival into the Holy City on the eve of Passover on that very first Palm Sunday: “was the common beast of burden of the time, in contrast to the superior horse of golden chariot employed in Roman triumphs.” The city was alive with activity and teeming with people.

  • D.
  • For the holiday of Passover, 256,000 lambs were slaughtered.” Of course, the highlight of Jesus’ arrival was His death (on the Day of Atonement) and resurrection the next day.
  • What crime is it that He is accused of committing?
  • It was so severe that no Roman citizen could be crucified because of the situation.
  • What an incredible thing it must have been for the Son of God to become man and allow Himself to be humiliated by humans whom He Himself had made.
  • It was not unusual for a crucified victim to suffer for several days after being nailed to the cross.
  • The offense that the victim had committed was displayed above his head on the cross.

In the instance of Jesus, we’ve all seen the crucifixes with the letters INRI above His head on them.

This is an abbreviation for Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

He mentioned that there were three periods of Roman history, the first of which was the Monarchy, which lasted from 753 to 509 B.C., in a television interview I once had with him (Dr.

The Republic, which lasted from 509 to 30 B.C., was the following stage.

until 476 A.D.

Tarquin the Proud was their ruler, and they were adamant about not having another king throughout their existence.” As a result, after 509 B.C., the Romans refused to use the word “king” any longer, despite the fact that they had emperors who were considerably more powerful than any earthly monarch.

Maier goes on to say: “was considered to be a derogatory phrase.

And such is the allegation that the prosecution leveled against the defendant, which effectively changed the case in the favor of Pontius Pilate.” There have been anti-Semitic professing Christians throughout the 2000 years of Christian history, and they have blamed the Jews for the execution of Jesus.

  1. It is true, however, that Jesus gave His life on the cross as completely God and fully man, the only one who was able to keep the Ten Commandments, on the behalf of sinners—in so that those who believe in Him would be saved.
  2. No one can take it away from me, but I choose to put it down of my own free will.
  3. If there was any “crime” for which Jesus was willing to die, it was the crime perpetrated by sinful humans against our holy Creator, for which he was willing to die.
  4. A kingdom will be established by the Roman rulers, with the guidance of the God of heaven, that will strike the Roman Empire.
  5. Christianity began as a modest movement, but has expanded to the point that around one-third of the world’s population professes to be Christian.
  6. This is known as Holy Week in the Christian tradition.
  7. James Kennedy Ministries, where he also serves as a senior producer.

(with D. James Kennedy), which was a best-seller, George Washington’s Sacred Fire (with Peter Lillback), among others. @newcombejerry www.jerrynewcombe.com djkm.org @newcombejerry

Jesus arrested, tried and convicted by Sanhedrin court

Doctor Jerry Newcombe is a major archiveist for the D. James Kennedy Legacy Library, as well as a spokesperson for the library and cohost of the Kennedy Classics television show. An whole new holy week has begun, which will culminate in the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. It was “the week that changed the world,” as they say in the United Kingdom. It was a triumphant start to the week, despite its humble beginnings. Although it may appear to be an oxymoron, this is true. In spite of being acclaimed as King, Jesus rode in on a donkey to begin His public entry into Jerusalem in a modest manner.

He is a professor emeritus of ancient history at Western Michigan University, and his research interests are in the field of ancient history.

“The donkey,” writes Maier in his 1997 book, “In the Fullness of Time,” about Jesus’ entry into the Holy City on the eve of Passover on that very first Palm Sunday: “The donkey” was “the common beast of burden of the time, in contrast to the superior horse of gilded chariot used in Roman triumphs,” he explains.

  1. The following is said by Dr.
  2. James Kennedy: “There were almost three million pilgrims who came to the city on this occasion, according to Josephus, who wrote his account.
  3. What was the reason for Jesus’ death on the cross?
  4. Death via crucifixion was an especially gruesome method of passing away.
  5. A slave or a bandit would be executed in this manner.
  6. In the Near East, the crucifixion was first used, and later refined by the Romans.
  7. When Jesus died in only a few hours, Pontius Pilate was astonished; nonetheless, He had been scourged so severely that he may have bled to death if He had been allowed to remain in prison after the lashing.

Because the crucifixion served as a live billboard, doing what this man did may result in your own death.

If you’re looking for Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, this is the acronym for Iesus Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews), which is found in the Gospel of John as Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

The Republic lasted from 509 to 30 B.C., and it was the following stage.

The first phase, Maier told me, was “a really interesting phase.” “It was a true dictator who ruled over Rome’s first seven rulers.

As a result, Jesus’ assertion that He was the King of the Jews resulted in His execution via crucifixion.

A person who was attempting to manipulate the general populace was responsible for the attack.

This is a terrible reality of Christian history.

To paraphrase the words of Jesus Himself, “To be able to pick up my life again, I choose to lay it down.

I have the authority to put it down, and I also have the authority to pick it back up ” (John 10:17-18).

Christians believe that Jesus is the King, whose reign was prophesied by Daniel the prophet roughly 500 years before He arrived, who declared that in the “days of those kings”—which kings?—the kingdom will be established.

Beginning as a little stone, it grows to become a massive mountain that encompasses the entire planet.

During this Holy Week, Christians commemorate the arrival of the King 2000 years ago, who arrived for the first time in humility and who would one day ride a white horse into battle as the conquering King of kings and Lord of lords.

James Kennedy Ministries employs Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., as an on-air host and senior producer.

(with D. James Kennedy), which was a best-seller; George Washington’s Sacred Fire (with Peter Lillback), which was a second-best seller. www.jerrynewcombe.com @djkm.org djkm.org @newcombejerry

What trials did Jesus face before His crucifixion?

QuestionAnswer On the night of Jesus’ arrest, He was taken before Annas, Caiaphas, and a group of religious authorities known as the Sanhedrin, who questioned him about his actions (John 18:19-24; Matthew 26:57). Following this, He was brought before Pilate, the Roman Governor (John 18:28), sent away to Herod (Luke 23:7), and brought back before Pilate (Luke 23:11-12), who ultimately condemned Him to death. The trial of Jesus was divided into six phases: three stages in a religious court and three stages in front of a Roman tribunal.

  • Annas, the former high priest, was also present.
  • The trials before Jewish authorities, the religious trials, revealed the extent to which the Jewish officials despised Him because He disobeyed many of their own commandments with reckless abandon.
  • (2) Although each member of the court had to vote separately on whether to convict or acquit Jesus, he was found guilty by acclamation.
  • (4) The Jews did not have the authority to put anyone to death.
  • (6) Counsel or representation had to be provided to the accused, but Jesus did not have any.
  • After Jesus was beaten, the trials before the Roman authorities began with Pilate (John 18:23), who presided over the proceedings.
  • According to authorities, he incited people to riot and refused to pay taxes, as well as pretending to be the ruler of the country.
  • When Herod found out about Jesus’ mocking, he sent him back to Pilate in order to prevent any political repercussions (Luke 23:11–12).
  • This was the final trial.
  • Pilate made a final attempt to get Jesus released by offering the prisoner Barabbas in exchange for Jesus’ release, but it was ultimately unsuccessful.
  • Pilate acceded to their demand and forced Jesus to submit to their authority (Luke 23:25).

Despite being the most innocent guy in the world’s history, Jesus was found guilty of crimes and sentenced to die by crucifixion after being tried and proven guilty. Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) Prior to His crucifixion, what difficulties did Jesus have to endure?

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The Crimes of Jesus

Every day, a large number of crimes are perpetrated. According to the FBI, a property crime is recorded in the United States every three seconds, and a violent crime is reported every twenty-two seconds. The most often encountered are as follows:

  • Theft outnumbers all other types of crime, accounting for about sixty percent of all recorded crimes
  • Burglary (breaking and entering a residence)
  • And motor vehicle theft are the most common types of theft. Every year in the United States, more than a million automobiles are stolen
  • Aggravated assault (resulting in significant physical injury)
  • Robbery (theft committed directly on a person)

In the New Testament, there are several instances of crime documented. Some are linked with the person Jesus Christ. In today’s argument, people are debating whether Jesus is the Son of God or simply a decent guy. Although few people today consider Jesus to be a horrible guy, He died as a convicted criminal. His adversaries considered him to be a nasty person (John 7:12). Jesus’ “crimes” were not robbery or violence, but rather a violation of the law. They were not evil deeds, but rather beneficial things.

Religious leaders, not atheists, were responsible for Jesus’ death.

He died for a variety of causes.

Jesus is unholy—He socializes with sinners.

Matthew Levi’s house was once the location of a meal shared by Jesus and His disciples. The meal was hosted by a former tax collector (now a publican) who invited “a large number of tax collectors and sinners.” After seeing Him eat with those who were considered unclean by the scribes and Pharisees, they asked His disciples, “How is it that He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?” “Those who are well do not require the services of a physician, but those who are sick do.” Jesus responded.

  1. In Mark 2:15–17, Jesus says, “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” As a result, Levi’s feast has been dubbed “the festival of a reborn soul.” It commemorated the most momentous occasion in his life and expressed joy, gratitude, and worship at the same time.
  2. 1 Kings 19:21).
  3. Tax collectors are called sinners because they were commonly found to be so — the tax office was a breeding ground for corrupt practices such as oppression, bribery, extortion, and false accusation (Luke 3:12–13), among other things.
  4. Their office served as a symbol of Israel’s oppression.
  5. “Behold, the Son of Man has come gorged on food and wine, and you call him a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!” (Luke 7:34).
  6. They were sick and in need of a doctor; they were sinners and in desperate need of a Savior.
  7. The Lord responded, “No, My commission requires that I interact with them.” If the world were truly righteous, there would be no reason for Me to come to the earth at all.
  8. Tax collectors were willing to admit their sin and were delighted to be invited to repent of their actions (Isaiah 1:18; 55:7).

Solomon once said that a fool has more hope than a man who considers himself to be wise in his own eyes (Proverbs 26:12). Jesus’ “crime” turned out to be a blessing.

Jesus does not keep tradition—He heals on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:10).

“As a result, some of the Pharisees concluded that this man was not from God since he did not observe the Sabbath.” Others questioned how a man who is a sinner could do such miracles. And there was a schism among them as well.” (See, for example, John 9:16; Luke 13:14; John 5:10) Religious authorities despised Jesus because He violated their “blue commandments” about the Sabbath. (Several years ago, most states in the United States had “blue laws” requiring businesses to close on Sundays. Saturday activities were prohibited by Jewish Sabbath practice.) When Jesus entered a synagogue, he noticed a guy who had a withered hand and healed him.

See also:  Which Mary Anointed Jesus With Oil

In this passage, according to Jerome, the Hebrew version of Matthew says, “Lord, I am a bricklayer, and I earn a livelihood through my labor; I entreat thee, O Jesus, return me the use of my hand, so I may no longer be forced to beg for bread.” The Pharisees were suspicious of Jesus’ intentions and inquired if it was permissible to heal on the Sabbath.

  1. Despite their disagreement, it is reasonable to assume that a prophet who represents God could utilize supernatural power to cure people on a Sabbath would be beyond question.
  2. They would accuse Him of breaking the fourth commandment if He stated it was permissible under the circumstances (Exodus 20:8).
  3. In response, Jesus asked, “Is there any man among you who has a single sheep, and if that sheep falls into a hole on the Sabbath, would he not take hold of it and pull it out?” What is the difference between a man and a sheep in terms of value?
  4. Does Christ have a soft spot for sheep?
  5. ‘A good man cares about the life of his animal,’ says the Bible (Proverbs 12:10).
  6. Rather than their horses and dogs, we should be more concerned with the education, maintenance, and supply of humans in general.
  7. “Stretch out your hand,” He instructed to the guy, and the man did so.
  8. ” He did not allow criticism to prevent him from assisting others who were in need of his assistance.

Jesus upsets the status quo—He twice cleansed the temple (John 2:13–17; Matthew 21:12).

When travelers arrived at the temple for Passover, the first thing they noticed were vendors selling a wide variety of goods and services. The enclosures for sheep and oxen were built around the perimeter of the court. There’s no question that Jesus had been angered by this for a long time. It was mandatory for all healthy Jewish males to attend the three main Jewish feasts (Passover, Tabernacles, and Pentecost); Jesus had attended at least eighteen Passovers by the time he was crucified (cf.

  1. A group of mercenaries and hucksters had broken into his Father’s home.
  2. He was preparing to do a thorough cleaning of the house.
  3. (There is no doubt that He did not employ the plague in a harsh manner on people, but solely on cattle.) He never used physical force to compel someone to enter the temple.
  4. Exodus 30:12–13 tells us that they exchanged foreign cash for Hebrew coins in order to pay the yearly half-shekel tax.
  5. By tossing the tables, Jesus expressed his disapproval with the practice of seeing religion as a means of gaining material wealth.
  6. “Do not turn My Father’s home into a storefront for products!” There cannot be no pigeon-house, barn, or bank built on the site of God’s temple!
  7. It was done for the convenience of individuals who had traveled a long distance and were unable to bring animals or pay with Jewish money.

then you shall exchange it for money, take the money in your hand, and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses” (Deuteronomy 14:24–26), which states, “If the journey is too long.

The fact that it took place “in the temple” is critical to comprehending what happened.

The stones of Mount Moriah were ordinary stones until they were sanctified for the construction of God’s home.

Cattle, sheep, oxen, and doves were all popular commodities that could be purchased and exchanged in the area around the temple.

In the market, merchandise is plenty, but in the temple, it is not.

It had previously been located near the Pool of Bethesda (see John 5:2), but the senior priests agreed to the relocation so that they might enhance their earnings (see John 5:3).

The priests demanded a high rent for opening up shop in the area, as well as fees for certifying that the animals were free of blemishes (cf.

The majority of the birds were sold by the priests themselves.

As a result, He said, “Take these things away!” In the words of Matthew Henry, “Discretion must constantly control our zeal, to ensure that we do nothing unbecoming ourselves, or harmful to others.” With no help from his followers, Jesus was able to thoroughly clean the temple.

Neither the market-goers nor the major priests who granted them their permits dared to stand in His way of doing things.

How could one guy, especially an obscure Galilean with no official authority, priesthood status, or a big following, have any influence on such a clearing effort?

Psalm 114:5, 7; John 18:6), but the suddenness of the event may have taken them by surprise, and their guilty consciences may have sapped their bravery.

As His mission neared its conclusion, Jesus cleansed the temple for a second time (Matthew 21:12–13, Mark 11:15, and Luke 19:45–46).

“They despised me for no apparent reason” (John 15:25; cf.

“The Pharisee is the only character who does worse than a Nazi in the calculus of evil,” observed R.C.

These were the very first black hats ever made.

In addition to hating Jesus because He made them appear terrible in the eyes of the people, they despised Jesus because He made them look bad in the eyes of Rome.

He had a reputation for getting people killed.

When Caiaphas expressed concern that the entire nation might die, he demonstrated what was on their minds (cf.

The popularity of Jesus, the discussion of the kingdom, and His claim to be the Messiah all posed a threat to the peace.

Rome would grant some autonomy to any nation willing to submit to its power in exchange for submitting to Rome’s authority.

Zealots have frequently risen up in opposition to Rome’s rule, seeking to free the world from its tyranny.

The Pharisees were attempting to prevent this from occurring—and they were making a lot of money in the process.

John the Baptist never spoke at the temple, but Jesus went there to begin His ministry.

According to the Gospel of John, “The Jews’ Passover was approaching, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.” And He discovered individuals who sold oxen, lambs, and doves in the sanctuary, as well as moneychangers who were conducting business.

In response, He instructed those who sold doves to “take these things away!

Given that the temple served as the focal point of religious activity, change must begin there (cf.

Romans 13:3–4; 2 Corinthians 10:8 indicate that he was exclusively concerned with reformation.

It was predicted in the final book of the Old Testament: “Behold, I send My messenger, and he will pave the way before Me,” says the Lord.

“Behold, He is on his way,” declares the Lord of hosts.

Because He is like a refiner’s fire and a launderer’s soap in the eyes of the Lord.

His purification of the temple was a preemptive shot across the bow of the enemy.

The Pharisees were concerned by this. The Sanhedrin was taken aback. His acts demonstrated how much Christ despised disrespectful behavior in God’s home by demonstrating his disapproval. We might be guilty of turning God’s home into a storefront for our goods:

  • If our thoughts are preoccupied with concerns about worldly affairs when we are attending religious services, we will be unable to concentrate on the service (Amos 8:5
  • Ezekiel 33:31). When Sir William Cecil, the Lord Treasurer of England, went to bed, he would take off his judge’s gown and say, “Lie there, Lord Treasurer.” It was his way of putting the troublesome situations he was dealing with behind him and allowing him to relax peacefully. When we go to church, we should do the same thing. “Stay outside, world
  • Remain away from work and games and shopping and worries and family and finances and plans,” we could say
  • “stay outside, world.” If we conduct holy ceremonies for the sake of filthy lucre (cf. Acts 8:18
  • Cf. Acts 19:24–27), we are breaking the law.

“My zeal for Your home has completely consumed me.” The disciples were taken aback at first when they saw Jesus do such a daring feat. As the Lamb of God (John 1:29), they had been pointed in the direction of Him, and He, whom they thought to be the King of Israel, had made enemies among many strong people (Psalm 69:9). Paul uses the later portion of Psalm 69:9 in relation to Christ in Romans 15:3, while the first part is used in relation to Christ here. David was a figure of Christ in that he, too, was ardent about God’s home (Psalm 132:2–5), which is a characteristic shared by Christ.

Christ’s enthusiasm for God’s home was evident in all he did.

He adored it and was always envious of its honor and well-being, which he wished for him.

I will be his Father” (2 Samuel 7:13–14).

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