What Are The Characteristics Of Jesus

10 Character Traits of Jesus To Emulate

Both Christians and non-Christians are generally in agreement that Jesus is the finest role model one could hope to have. People perceive the finest attributes that humans can have in him, such as his faith, persistence, charity, and even intelligence, which they admire. Because the Bible encourages everyone to strive to become more like Jesus on a daily basis, it is beneficial to learn about some of the characteristics He possessed. There are 10 characteristics of Jesus that everyone should strive to mimic, and the following is a list of them.


Jesus never turned away from anyone; instead, He always looked upon them and felt compassion for them (Matthew 9:36). When individuals were in his immediate vicinity, Jesus was able to discern their true needs and made an effort to meet those requirements. Some needed physical treatment, while others needed spiritual healing because the source of the problem was spiritual. In all situations, however, Jesus took the time to genuinely observe that people were in distress—and His compassion compelled Him to intervene to alleviate their suffering.


When it came to humans, Jesus never turned away; He always gazed upon them with compassion (Matthew 9:36). In each situation when he was surrounded by people, Jesus was able to discern their true needs and made an effort to meet them. The core cause of the problem was spiritual for some, while it was bodily for others. But in each and every instance, Jesus took the time to genuinely observe that people were in distress—and His compassion moved Him to intervene to alleviate their suffering.


Clearly, Jesus cared about the well-being of others. In the absence of compassion and service, He would not be who He claims to be. Jesus said that there is no greater love than to die for a friend, and He demonstrated this claim by dying for one of His own. Those who question His love just have to gaze to the cross and witness the anguish that He endured for their sakes to be convinced. He had to go through that horrific death in order for everyone to be saved. That, without a doubt, is the epitome of real love at its finest.


Jesus clearly cared about the people around him. In the absence of compassion and service, He would cease to be God. The claim of Jesus was that there is no greater love than to die for a friend, and He demonstrated this claim by dying for one of His friends. It is enough to gaze at the cross and witness His pain as He suffered for their sakes to dispel any doubt about His love. So that everyone might be rescued, he had to go through that horrible end. There’s no doubt about it: this is pure love at its most sublime.


Jesus showed no signs of being uncommitted in any way. He was completely immersed in the present moment and completely devoted to his objectives, no matter where he was or who he was with. After spending hours in the Garden of Gethsemane pleading with the Father to save Him from bearing the cross and suffering all that physical anguish, He realized that it was the only way to atone for all human sin, and He remained entirely devoted to His mission.

There were obviously many difficulties He had to overcome during His mission, yet He remained focused and ended strong.


He always found time to be alone and pray, no matter how hectic his ministry became. Whether it was in the garden of Gethsemane, across a river, or on a hillside, Jesus disappeared for a period of time in order to pray to the Father. The search for Him was never in vain; He never refused to accept anyone’s invitation to come find him; yet, He made it a priority to spend time with His heavenly Father.


However hectic the demands of his ministry became, he consistently found time to be alone and pray. Whether it was in the Garden of Gethsemane, across a river, or on a hillside, Jesus retreated for a period of time in order to pray to the Father. Despite the fact that people were continuously trying to find Him, and He never refused them, He also made it a point to prioritize His time spent in the presence of His heavenly Father.


Throughout the gospels, Jesus is always shown as a guy who is extremely patient. Indeed, He was surrounded by followers who continuously questioned Him, Pharisees and Sadducees who constantly assailed Him, and vast crowds who wouldn’t leave Him alone in the face of opposition. Despite everything, He maintained His calm and answered correctly to each and every individual.


Through the course of the gospels, Jesus is consistently shown as a guy who is extremely patient with others. Indeed, He was surrounded by followers who continuously questioned Him, Pharisees and Sadducees who constantly assailed Him, and vast crowds who wouldn’t leave Him alone in his endeavors. And yet, despite everything, He maintained His cool and answered correctly to each one.


Despite the fact that He had every right to seek acclaim and recognition for His miracles and teachings, Jesus chose not to do so. Even as the multitude attempted to crown Him king, He sprinted away from them to escape their clutches. Aside-show performance that people could appreciate was not something he desired. Instead, He desired to seek and save the lost, as well as to grant forgiveness to those who were sinful. Yes, he could have traveled over the country in order to demonstrate His abilities in other cities, but he decided not to.

Final Thoughts

The world does not require more role models; rather, it requires more of Jesus, who is the ultimate role model for all people. People will not find a more positive role model than Jesus Christ, who embodies all of the characteristics that people should strive to follow.

Guest Post By Michael Krauszer

In addition to being the owner and creator of Christian Literature Review, Michael Krauszer is also the author of several books and is the editor-in-chief of Christian Literature Review. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English from The College of New Jersey, which he puts to use for the evaluations he writes for Christian Literature Review. In the event that you’re an author and would like him to review your work, you may reach out to him at More information on the character may be found at:10 Awesome Traits of a Godly Woman.

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10 Qualities of Jesus Men Should Strive to Have

In addition to being the owner and creator of Christian Literature Review, Michael Krauszer is also the author of many books and is the editor-in-chief of Christian Literature Magazine. In addition to his English degree from The College of New Jersey, he also writes reviews for Christian Literature Review, which he uses to supplement his income. Please get in touch with him if you are an author and would like him to review your book. More information on the character may be found at:10 Amazing Characteristics of a Godly Woman.

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Tagged with:Jesus,Jesus’ character traits,guest post

To Be Like Jesus: 50 Character Traits – Dr Carol Ministries

Perhaps you recall the words of an old gospel hymn that went something like this: “To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus, all I ask is to be like Him.” Being like Jesus is a wonderful thing to strive towards. Don’t you think you’d want to spend time with someone who is actually like Jesus if you knew someone like that? Wouldn’t you want to be more like them if you had the chance? Certainly, according to the apostle Paul, this is precisely what God desires for us: “For those God foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.” (See also Romans 8:29) Can you tell me how well you’re doing in that department?

  1. With each passing day that you and I spend in the Christian life, the closer we should be to being like Jesus.
  2. How can you know whether you’re making any progress in your endeavors?
  3. Consider the Bible figures you are familiar with, as well as respected Christians who have lived since the time of Jesus.
  4. God may begin with you at whatever level of development you are currently at, but as you advance, these characteristics should become increasingly apparent.
  5. Some of these characteristics you and I are certainly displaying very well, while others we need to develop more.

What it looks like to Be Like Jesus

  1. The act of loving
  2. The act of loving properly. Joyful– this is a much deeper emotion than happiness. In a peaceful state of mind, even when faced with harsh circumstances
  3. You are a peacemaker, and your presence helps to bring about tranquility. Being courageous is continuing on with your purpose in the face of opposition. Wise– the ability to synthesize information in order to make sound conclusions. Being merciful is extending grace to others wherever feasible. Kindness is defined as the act of treating people with dignity and goodness. Slow to speak, more interested in listening than in speaking
  4. Resilient– returning to your objective whenever difficult circumstances threaten to derail you from it. Perceptiveness is the ability to look beyond the words and behaviors of people. Forgiveness is the ability to let go of past wrongs. Obedient– spending your life in front of a single audience – God – and obeying all of His instructions
  5. Being full of faith– placing one’s trust in God to be and accomplish what He has said He will do
  6. Dependable– someone who can be relied upon by others
  7. Humble– thinking of others more than yourself (not thinking less of yourself, but thinking less of yourself)
  8. Humble– thinking of others more than yourself
  9. Humble To be generous means to freely give what you have to others who are able to benefit from it. You must be self-controlled and not be governed by your cravings. Dedicated– putting your entire heart and soul into your task
  10. Never give up on your purpose, no matter how difficult the conditions or distractions seem to be. The ability to be godly is being continually aware of God’s perspective on your life and purpose. Integrity is defined as remaining the same regardless of who is (or isn’t) looking. Prayerful– constantly connecting with God on a personal level
  11. Truthful– sincere and forthright, with nothing to hide
  12. Sacrifice — being willing to give yourself up when God so commands, even if it means suffering
  13. Righteousness is defined as doing things in such a way that God would approve. Even when circumstances appear to be bleak, be hopeful because you are conscious of heavenly eternal. Living each moment to its fullest extent — physically, emotionally, and spiritually – is being fully alive. Growing– always improving in terms of maturity, wisdom, and abilities
  14. Thankful– expressing gratitude to God and others for the benefits you have received
  15. Diligent– putting your time and other resources into something that will yield a positive return
  16. Excellent– you are performing at the highest level possible in all you do
  17. Jealousy is defined as the act of battling against injustice when someone dear to you is in danger or hurt. Intimate– eager and able to disclose the most intimate portions of yourself with a chosen group of people
  18. Freundliness– the willingness and ability to enter into and engage in the worlds of others
  19. Having a servant mentality means focusing on what you can offer rather than what you can obtain. Self-awareness is the ability to be mindful of one’s own thoughts, knowledge, and feelings. Being confident is being totally clear of who you are and what your objective is. The patient is entirely committed to the present while trusting God to steer future outcomes. Flexible– able to make tactical adjustments without affecting the mission
  20. I am unafraid– I am not influenced by fear in any level. Important– making the lives of others better via your participation with them
  21. Self-protective– putting oneself in danger only when it is actually beneficial to others
  22. Inspirational– living in such a way that others are lifted up in their own lives. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you is what it means to be Spirit-filled. Maintaining one’s composure in the face of adversity or difficult circumstances
  23. Nursing is the act of lovingly caring for persons who are wounded or damaged. Healed– you are no longer dominated by the scars of your past
  24. In order to be healthy, you must avoid engaging in any activity that might compromise your overall well-being or fitness for mission. Ability to discern the source of an action or scenario – whether it originates from God, the enemy, or a specific individual
  25. And

That list appears and sounds really daunting, don’t you think? How are you ever going to get there? In many ways, only Jesus is capable of living up to that expectation. You and I, on the other hand, are to emulate Him! God will continue to change you as long as you give Him permission, until you are transformed into the image of His Son. And these fundamental character characteristics make a difference no matter what your worldly goals are – whether they are to overcome a major problem, become a successful company owner, maintain a good marriage, or just to be a contented individual.

(See Galatians 5:22-23 and 2 Peter 1:5-8 for examples of such spiritual development in the Bible.) Now it’s your turn: What aspect of your character is God developing in you right now, and why?

Is there anything more you’d add to the list of characteristics that define “being like Jesus”? Leave a remark in the section below. Tweetables:

  • Isn’t that list scary, both in appearance and in sound? How are you going to get there in the first place, anyway? It is only Jesus, in many ways, who can live up to that expectation. You and I, on the other hand, must emulate Him! God will continue to change you as long as you grant Him permission, until you are transformed into His Son. And these fundamental character characteristics make a difference no matter what your worldly objectives are – whether they are to conquer a major crisis, become financially successful, maintain a strong marriage, or simply to be a happy person. Possibly, as you go through this list, the Holy Spirit is laying His finger on some element of your character and saying, “Here, allow Me to transform you here!” Let me pray that you will allow Him to do so if that is the case! (See Galatians 5:22-23 and 2 Peter 1:5-8 for examples of such spiritual development in the Bible.) Turning Point: Right now, what aspect of your character is being shaped by God? Is there anything more you’d add to the list of characteristics that define “being like Christ”? Fill in the blanks with your thoughts and opinions. Tweetables:

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5 characteristics of Jesus that should shape your leadership

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Sean LordSean Lord is a pastor, husband, and father. He enjoys writing about leadership, theology, and ministry. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and currently pastors at one of the largest churches in the U.S. He spends much of his time mentoring and coaching pastors as well as leaders outside of the church.Learn More »
See also:  Where Did Jesus Die

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The big idea is that Jesus is wonderful, a solace, and a source of controversy. We sent a Christmas gift to our upstairs neighbor only a few days before the holiday season began. We caught her wrapping presents and watching Christmas movies, the majority of which were, I believe, Christmas romances, which we found amusing. She did had one criticism: she felt that all of the movies ended with a couple getting together. “That’s a good opening to the narrative, but what happens after that?” she said.

  1. Advent is the term used to refer to the four Sundays preceding up to Christmas.
  2. Some people adhere to a very rigid schedule during Advent.
  3. As well as the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” which you’ve certainly heard before.
  4. Christmas does not fall on December 25th.
  5. That describes my feelings toward the Christmas narrative.
  6. It’s tempting to put everything away and go on to something else.
  7. Although a great deal transpires following the birth of Jesus, these events are mostly unknown to the general public.
  8. It is revealed to us that Jesus has three distinguishing traits, and these three attributes necessitate three distinct reactions from all of us gathered here today.

Jesus Is Good

Message in a Nutshell: Jesus is good, comforting, and contentious at the same time. We sent a Christmas gift to our upstairs neighbor only a few days before the holiday season. We caught her wrapping presents and watching Christmas movies, the majority of which were, I believe, Christmas romances, which we were able to photograph. All of the movies ended with a couple getting together, which was her one objection. “That’s a good start to the narrative, but what happens after that?” she inquired of him.

  • Around the holidays, I had a same feeling.
  • It is the season preceding Christmas during which we look forward to both the first coming of Jesus and his second coming, which is known as the Advent Season.
  • In the case of Advent, they forbid the singing of Christmas carols.
  • However, you may not be aware that the twelve-day period begins on December 25, as opposed to January 1.
  • Things are just getting started.
  • These past several weeks, we’ve been studying the Christmas narrative found in the book of Luke.
  • Although Jesus’ birth is celebrated as the culmination of the Christmas tale, the story does not end there.
  • It is crucial to note that this verse contains many details about Jesus’ character.

It is revealed to us that Jesus has three distinguishing traits, and these three attributes necessitate three distinct reactions from each and every one of us gathered here today. See what we can learn by taking a look at the narrative.

  • He’s had his circumcision performed. Jesus is presented to God as the firstborn, in accordance with Exodus 13:2 and other passages: “Consecrate to me all the firstborn.” Mary is purified forty days after the birth of her child, in accordance with Leviticus 12
  • Jesus is presented to God as the firstborn, in accordance with Exodus 13:2 and other passages: In the people of Israel, I will take as my possession whoever is the first to open a womb among them, whether a man or a beast.”
  • Jesus is devoted to the Lord’s service, just as Samuel was hundreds of years previously (1 Samuel 1-2)

On the one hand, this wasn’t completely out of the ordinary. On the other hand, it is absolutely necessary. Luke is laying the groundwork for us to fully comprehend who Jesus is in his entirety. Luke establishes the fact that Jesus is good right from the start of the story. The actions of Jesus’ parents go above and beyond what is required by law. From the moment of his conception, Jesus has lived within the boundaries that God has established. As the narrative of Jesus’ life progresses, Luke develops this theme further.

  1. Are you here to annihilate our civilization?
  2. (See Luke 23:47.) For us, Luke has already laid the groundwork by saying, “Jesus is good.” He possesses a unique set of qualifications to uphold the law.
  3. What should our response be in this situation?
  4. Our issue is that our goodness has been tainted.
  5. We’ve just returned from a week spent with someone who is allergic to nuts.
  6. Even the smallest amount of contamination could result in serious consequences.
  7. God is blind to evil, and he will not tolerate even the smallest act of sin.

God can look at Jesus’ life because Jesus lived a life of integrity.

It was “for our sake that he made him to be sin who had no knowledge of sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

If you haven’t already, put your faith in Jesus’ goodness and stop placing your faith in your own abilities.

Place your complete and total faith in his righteousness, and place your complete and total faith in him alone.

Here’s the second:

Jesus Is a Consolation

Simeon, a guy, is introduced in verse 25. There was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, who was pure and devoted, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. This guy was waiting for the comfort of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him, according to what we read. (See also Luke 2:25) Within seconds after encountering Jesus, he begins to praise God for the opportunity of witnessing his redemption via the medium of poetry. However, I’d want to concentrate on the word “consolation of Israel” in verse 25. “The act of providing comfort and respite in affliction” is what consolation is defined as.

  • In this setting, Simeon is relying on Jesus to provide the solution to Israel’s most pressing problem.
  • Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises to his war-weary and sin-weary people, and he came to bring them to completion.
  • Simeon, on the other hand, had more in mind than merely Israel.
  • When we reflect back on all of our sin, hatred, and fury, as well as guilt, shame, and doubt, and when we fail, Jesus Christ is the source of God’s consolation.
  • “Rejoice in the Lord, O Heavens, and rejoice in the Lord, O Earth; burst forth in song, O Mountains!” Due to this, God has consoled his people and will have compassion on those who are suffering.” As a result, placing your trust in Christ makes logical.
  • You won’t find it anyplace else but in him.
  • To this we respond by looking to Jesus for comfort and relief.

Jesus is righteous, and Jesus is a source of comfort. One further attribute of Jesus is revealed to us through the Gospel of Luke:

Jesus Is Divisive

We learn one more thing about Jesus from Simeon in lines 34 and 35, which we will read together below: Watch out! For this kid has been chosen to bring many people in Israel to their knees and to their rising again, as well as to be an oppositional sign (a sword will cut into your own soul as well), in order that the thoughts of many hearts may come to light. (See Luke 2:34-35 for further information). Simeon decides to spoil the festivities. The first two attributes of Jesus that are mentioned in this verse are admirable.

  1. This one isn’t quite as pleasant.
  2. Jesus is a source of comfort for many, but he will also face opposition.
  3. “Do not imagine that I have come to bring peace to the earth,” Jesus himself warned later on.
  4. (Matthew 10:34; Mark 10:34).
  5. Never does a man hear the gospel without either rising or falling in response to what he hears.
  6. (Source: C.H.
  7. Jesus demands that a decision be reached.

There is no such thing as a middle ground.

Either he is the cause of your downfall or he is the cause of your rise.

You have no choice but to put your faith in him since there is no other alternative except to fight him.

It’s fantastic that you’re here today.

And I’m pleased we’re delving into one of my favorite subjects today: the life of Jesus.

The only way to conclude the year better than to think about Jesus and his attributes is to think about them:

  • Because he is good, we may put our faith in him rather than in ourselves. Our solace is in Jesus, and therefore we may turn to him for relief. Because he is polarizing, we must choose between following him or opposing him.

Will you now put your faith in him, seek to him for relief, and follow him as we come to the end of this year? Don’t put it off any longer. Let’s get started right now.

What was Jesus like as a person?

QuestionAnswer Despite the fact that He has “no attractiveness that we should want Him.” According to Isaiah 53:2, it was the personality of Jesus that attracted people to Him. In addition to being a guy of excellent character, The more we learn about Jesus and his character, the more we may strive to be like Him in our own lives. What was Jesus’ personality like? Jesus has a COMPASSIONATE disposition. Because the throngs were agitated and defenseless, “like sheep without a shepherd,” Jesus felt sympathy for them (Matthew 9:36).

  1. Jesus was SERIOUS and PERSONAL in his approach.
  2. His demeanor and demeanor were those of a SERVANT.
  3. He was known for his GENEROUSNESS and SELFLESSNESS in his demeanor.
  4. Because Christ understood that dying on the crucifixion was the only way His Father could accept payment for our salvation, he went to the cross.
  5. “However, not according to my will, but according to your will” (Matthew 26:39).
  6. Despite the fact that he grew up in a regular (and sinful) family, Jesus “was obedient” to His parents (Luke 2:51).
  7. “It was through his suffering that he learnt obedience” (Hebrews 5:8).

What was Jesus’ personality like?

“Father, forgive them, for they have no idea what they are doing,” He pleaded while hanging on the cross (Luke 23:34).

According to John 11:5, “Jesus loved Martha and her sister, as well as Lazarus” (Martha and Lazarus) (John 11:5).

Jesus had a well-deserved reputation as a GOOD and CARING man.

He truly demonstrated that He was the Son of the living God via all of the miracles He performed, while also displaying care for the sorrows of people in His immediate vicinity.

He never went back on His own promise.

He led a life that we might all learn from and emulate.

At the same time, he was a PEACEABLE person.

What was Jesus’ personality like?

He spent a significant amount of time with them, both in terms of quality and quantity.

He also had a close relationship with His heavenly Father.

When Jesus noticed the moneychangers who were taking advantage of the worshipers, He ordered them to leave.

Jesus was a STRONG yet HUMBLE LEADER in the Bible.

Astonished by the AUTHORITY with which Jesus spoke (Mark 1:27–28; Matthew 7:28–29), the crowds gathered about him.

In the Gospels, Jesus expresses His tolerance in the face of our faithless provocations on several different occasions (Matthew 8:26; Mark 9:19; John 14:9; cf.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, all believers should want to embody the characteristics of Jesus that he exhibited.

We must read and study God’s Word (the Bible) in order to know and grasp who God is and what He desires for us.

“Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if you have any comfort from his love, if you have any common sharing in the Spirit, if you have any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Philippians 2:1–11 is a helpful summary of what Jesus was like and how we should imitate Him.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit in your own self-importance.

When it comes to your interactions with one another, have the same perspective as Jesus Christ: In spite of the fact that he was God by nature, he did not consider his equality with God something to be exploited for his personal gain; rather, he made himself nothing by adopting the very character of a servant, having been created in the image of man.

Consequently, to the glory of his Father, God elevated him to the highest position and gave him the name that is above all names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee should bow throughout the universe—in heaven as well as on the earth and beneath the earth—and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) Is there anything you can tell me about Jesus as a person?

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QuestionAnswer The fact that He had “no beauty that we should want Him” did not stop people from loving him. Jesus’ personality was what drew people to Him, according to the Bible (Isaiah 53:2). Mr. Smith was an outstanding individual with strong moral principles. Our understanding of Jesus’ character will increase as we gain a better understanding of Him. Describe the character of Jesus. His heart was filled with compassion for all people. Because they were harried and defenseless, like sheep without a shepherd, he felt compassion for the throng, he said (Matthew 9:36).

  • In Jesus’ eyes, everything was SERIOUS and FIRM.
  • His demeanor and demeanor were those of a slave.
  • Aspects of His character that stood out were his kindness and selflessness.
  • Because Christ understood that dying on the crucifixion was the only way His Father could accept payment for our redemption, he went to the cross willingly.
  • “However, not according to my will, but according to yours” (Matthew 26:39).
  • While Jesus grew up in a typical (and sinful) family, he was “obedient” to His parents, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (Luke 2:51).
  • “The suffering he endured taught him obedience” (Hebrews 5:8).

Describe the character of Jesus.

“Father, forgive them, for they have no idea what they are doing,” He pleaded as He hung on the cross (Luke 23:34).

John 11:5 for example states that “Jesus had a special affection for Martha and her sister, as well as for Lazarus” (John 11:5).

In addition to being GOOD and CARING, Jesus had a strong reputation.

With His miracles and compassion for people in His immediate vicinity, He demonstrated that He was the Son of the living God in every sense of the word.

He never went back on His promise.

No matter where He went, He spoke the truth with authority.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus declared.

He was also PEACEABLE at the same period.

Describe the character of Jesus.

He spent a significant amount of time with them, both in terms of quality and quantity of time.

He had a close relationship with His heavenly Father as well as with others.

Moneychangers were harassing worshipers when Jesus came across them and ordered their removal.

When it came to leadership, Jesus was both strong and humble.

See also:  Gospel Song Oh How I Love Jesus

In Mark 1:27–28 and Matthew 7:28–29, the crowds were taken aback by the AUTHORITY with which Jesus spoke.

On several occasions, Jesus expressed His patience in the face of our unbelieving provocations in the Gospels (Matthew 8:26; Mark 9:19; John 14:9; cf.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, all believers should strive to embody the characteristics of Jesus.

When we want to know and grasp who God is and what He wants for us, we need to study God’s Word (the Bible).

Philippians 2:1–11 provides a succinct summary of what Jesus was like and how we should imitate Him: “Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then complete my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind, and by being one in spirit and of one mind.” No action should be taken out of self-centeredness or conceit.

Put others ahead of yourself by acting with humility, not looking out for your own interests but instead putting others’ needs first.

As a result of being discovered in human form, he humbled himself by becoming submissive to death, even death on a cross!

to:Jesus Christ: Do You Have Any Questions? Is there anything you can tell me about Jesus as a man?

Four Character Traits of Jesus Our Kids Can Develop to Make a Difference in the World

We are asked to be more like Christ in our daily lives. Right? I mean, I understand that as Christians, we all understand that, but sometimes it is easier said than done! We have been filled with the Holy Spirit, and as a result, we have the same traits as Jesus, which we can see and experience. However, we might have difficulty recognizing those characteristics in ourselves on a daily basis, let alone in our children. As opposed to being disappointed in our children because they do not always exhibit all of Jesus’ character attributes, let us instead concentrate on four of Jesus’ character traits that our children may acquire and apply to make a difference in the world around them.

My hope is that you will devote one week of your time each week for the next month to a different characteristic, building on one another.

Four Character Traits of Jesus

It all starts with a little bit of love. If we don’t talk about and focus on love at the outset, the rest of the traits will be meaningless (see 1 Corinthians 13:1): love is the building block of everything. And, while we may take love for granted in our own homes, love is likely the most straightforward attribute for our children to demonstrate on a daily basis outside of our homes. Kid Challenge: Today, show some affection to a classmate with whom you would not normally interact. We are in love with each other because he initially loved us.


If there is one attribute that comes to me when I think of Jesus, it is his ability to forgive. When we take Jesus into our hearts, He forgives us of all our sins, and it is for this reason that we will spend eternally with Him in the hereafter. If Jesus is able to forgive us of anything, don’t we owe it to our children to demonstrate how to forgive someone else for whatever they have done to us? The Kid Challenge is as follows: Inquire with someone whose feelings you may have wounded if you want them to forgive you for what you’ve done.

— Matthew 6:14 (NASB)


Jesus never pretended to be someone or something He was not. He is the son of God. He was able to accomplish miracles. He was a healer to many. Despite this, he never called attention to himself. He, on the other hand, repeatedly guided them toward God the Father and reminded everyone who could hear Him that these things, too, could be done by faith in God. The Kid Challenge is as follows: Be willing to keep mute the next time you have the opportunity to claim credit for something or to prove someone incorrect.

He, on the other hand, lavishes us with grace. As a result, the Bible states, “God opposes the haughty, but shows favor to those who humble themselves.” — James 4:6 (NIV)


Jesus never grew tired of assisting those in need. In fact, it was the reason he came to earth in the first place: “to seek and save the lost” (see Luke 19:10). No matter where He was going on a specific mission, He never shied away from stopping to assist those in need. First and foremost, we must cultivate a heart for helping others in ourselves and in our children before we can be of service to others. The Kid Challenge is as follows: Next weekend, find something you enjoy doing and consider finding a new way to share your enthusiasm with other children in your neighborhood.

  1. In Ephesians 4:32, the Bible says Of course, it’s always helpful to have assistance in establishing and developing these character traits in our children (I don’t know about you, but my children don’t always listen to everything I have to say).
  2. Your family will adore this new book if you and your spouse are already big fans of theJesus Callingseries of devotionals, as we are.
  3. For families to read and discuss during their devotional time together, this book is an excellent choice.
  4. These characteristics of Jesus may not be new to you, but hopefully they can be viewed in a new light and applied in a new way in your home as a result of this article.
  5. one child at a time!

Your Turn

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5 Characteristics of Jesus You Should Apply To Your Life

Evi Idoghor has written a piece for us. As soon as the majority of people hear about Christianity, their defensive system goes into overdrive. In part, this is due to the fact that certain Christians exhibit personality traits such as being judgemental, spiteful, and malicious, which lead some people to believe Christians are such. If you read this post, I hope that you will come to understand that we are all flawed beings (including yourself), and that you will begin to see Christianity through the eyes of Jesus Christ, so that you will not lose faith in God when Christians fail to meet your expectations or hurt you in unimaginable ways.

  • The angel was sent to a virgin called Mary, who would later become the mother of Jesus.
  • As recorded in verse 28, an angel appeared to her and said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, because the Lord is with you; happy are you among women.” On top of that, he informed her that she was expecting a child and would give birth to a boy whom she would named Jesus.
  • I can only image how happy and afraid she must have been at the same moment.
  • The question then became: what would she do to inform everyone that she was pregnant outside of her marriage?
  • I’m interested to see how things would have ended out if this had happened in 2021.
  • Luke 2:40 adds that He developed and became strong in spirit, full with understanding, and that the favor of God was upon Him as he progressed through life.
  • Jesus demonstrates these attributes throughout the New Testament.

Wise counsel: Throughout Jesus’ earthly mission, He displayed an unfathomable level of understanding.

Those who were caught in the act of adultery were subjected to the death penalty under the law in effect at the time.

Even though Jesus first disregarded them, they persisted in pestering Him for His thoughts.

Then He instructed her to continue living her life and to refrain from sinning.

Instead than refuting what is established in the law, he does this via showing the public that only an upright judge could pronounce such an unjust sentence on someone.

Lesson It is human nature to feel that the faults of others are greater than our own—that they deserve the death sentence, that they should be punished for the horrific crimes that they have committed—than our own (you can tell I watch a lot of crime shows).

Even if we are, we should be quick to provide compassion rather than judgment, for it is not our responsibility to criticize others.

In the garden of Gethsemane, right before He was carried to be crucified, Jesus poured out His heart to the Father.

Occasionally, we forget that Jesus had days when He was tired, hungry, or slept, just like the rest of us.

As a result, dying on the cross was a difficult undertaking for Him.

The following day, following the prayer session, a group of people arrived to arrest Him, with Judas (one of his disciples) leading the pack of Pharisees.

Before He could accompany them out of the building, one of His friends (Simon Peter) took his sword and chopped off one of the opposing men’s ears with it.

I’m not sure what else to say to show tenderness if that doesn’t work.

After all, Jesus stated in Matthew 5:39, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” “However, I advise you not to stand up to a bad person.

God has stated that retribution is mine, and I want to return him for his words (Romans 12:19).

You are not easily fazed by adverse circumstances.

Follow in the footsteps of Jesus!

Feelings of compassion: Everywhere Jesus went, He was accompanied by a kind spirit.

He was never one to turn a blind eye to the misfortune of others.

Then, at a specified time during those days, God dispatched an angel to the earth in order to stir up the pool, which was known as Bethesda in Hebrew.

So this specific gentleman suffered from a physical condition that made it difficult for him to walk.

Fortunately, his time had come to shine.

As a result, He queried, “Do you wish to be healed?” “There is no one to throw me in the pool when the water is churned,” the man explained, and “while I’m on my way, someone steps down in front of me,” the man continued.

And he was suddenly restored to health.

We may not be able to feed the 5000 people as Jesus did or heal the sick, but our assistance, no matter how little, may make a significant difference in someone’s life.

He did not waste His time on unimportant pursuits.

He was 12 years old when he lingered behind with the academics after the Passover feast in order to benefit from their experiences.

Jesus drove away the individuals who were conducting business in the temple, according to John 2:13, according to the Bible.

Lesson Give your whole heart and soul to whatever God has called you to do in life.

When you’re actually living, you’re in the moment.

Compassionate:Jesus is compassionate because God is compassionate.

The following is stated in John 3:16, where Jesus says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whomever believes in Him will not perish, but shall have eternal life.”” Jesus was a live demonstration of God’s unending love for us.

This gets me to my final narrative, Lazarus’ story, which will be told next.

According to John 11, a message was given to Jesus, in which it was said that “the one you love is sick,” and it pleaded with Him to come immediately and heal the man.

As a result, Lazarus passed away before He could arrive.

Jesus cried, according to the Bible’s account in John 11:35.

It is clear from this story that Jesus cares not only for this family, but also for all of us.

That is, if we sincerely believe that He came, died, and rose from the grave, and that He is the Son of the Living God and our Savior.

People will recognize us as His disciples if we sincerely love one another, and this is how they will know we are His disciples.

For those who feel Christianity is unattractive because some people have been cruel or hostile to them, I hope this essay may allow you to have a peek of how Christ spent His life on earth and come to fully trust in Him as a result of your experience.

Because we have His Spirit inside us, we already possess the characteristics that will assist us in leading more fulfilling lives.

Which of the following statements best describes your opinion of this article?

Also, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the Let’s Talk Nation Blog by clicking on the subscription box at the top of the page.

That way, you’ll never miss an update. Keep going: click on this link to see everything our devotionals section has to offer. Every image has been provided courtesy of UnsplashAdvertisement

Character of Christ

  • Evi Idoghor wrote the piece. As soon as the majority of people hear the word Christianity, their defense mechanism goes into overdrive. In part, this is due to the fact that some Christians exhibit personality traits such as being judgmental, spiteful, and hateful, leading some people to believe that Christians are such. If you read this post, I hope that you will come to understand that we are all flawed beings (including yourself), and that you will begin to see Christianity through the eyes of Jesus Christ, so that you do not lose faith in God when Christians fail to meet your expectations or hurt you in unimaginable ways. Jesus possessed five characteristics that you should emulate in your life. A Brief History of the Subject To deliver a message to Nazareth, a city in Galilee, according to Luke 1:26, God sent out an angel named Gabriel. The angel was sent to a virgin named Mary, who was in the process of becoming pregnant. She had made up her mind to marry a man who went by the name of Joe. When the angel appeared to her in verse 28, he told her, “Rejoice, highly favored one
  • The Lord is with you, and blessed are you among women.” On top of that, he informed her that she was expecting a child and would give birth to a son who she would name Jesus. The world’s savior, he would reconcile humanity with God, the creator of the universe. Can you imagine how excited and terrified she must have been at the same time? She was overjoyed because an angel of God appeared to her and brought her good news, but she was also concerned because this conception would occur without her having sexual relations with any man (including her then fiancé, Joseph). The question then became: what would she do to inform everyone that she was pregnant outside of the married relationship. She also had to figure out how she was going to tell her fiancé she was pregnant. How this would have played out in 2021 is something I’m interested in learning more about. Without getting ahead of myself, Jesus was born later. Luke 2:40 adds that He developed and became strong in spirit, full with understanding, and that the favor of God was upon Him as He progressed through life. The New Testament, where Jesus’ story is recounted, contains several wonderful traits that I’d want to share with you today. Jesus demonstrates these characteristics throughout the whole New Testament. Jesus has five characteristics that you should emulate in your life. First and foremost, wisdom When it came to wisdom, Jesus displayed it throughout His earthly mission. When we read the account of a woman caught in the act of adultery, we see this character characteristic in action (John 8:1-11). Those who were caught in the act of adultery were subjected to the death penalty under the law in effect at the time of their arrest. The moment this lady was discovered, a number of people escorted her to Jesus, explaining what she had done and declaring what the law demanded (as if He didn’t already know). The disciples were persistent in their attempts to obtain Jesus’ viewpoint, which He originally refused to give them. In response, He said, “Let the one among you who is without sin hurl the first stone at her.” According to the Bible, they all dropped their stones one by one, starting with the eldest and ending with the youngest, and by the time Jesus glanced up, only the lady was standing by Him. Then He advised her to carry on with her life and to refrain from sinning any more. While responding to the woman’s accusers, Jesus exhibits tremendous discernment and wisdom. Instead than refuting what is established in the law, he does this by showing the public that only a just judge could pronounce such an unjust verdict on an innocent individual. It was as a result of this that they were humiliated and expelled. Lesson It is our nature to feel that the faults of others are worse than our own—that they deserve the death sentence, that they should be punished for the horrific crimes that they have committed—but this is not always true (you can tell I watch a lot of crime shows). However, before we condemn others, we should evaluate our own lives to see whether or not we are genuinely living well. Even if we are, we should be quick to show mercy rather than judgment, for it is not our duty to judge. 2. Gentleness: In the garden of Gethsemane, right before He was brought to the cross, Jesus poured out His heart to the Father. It appears that He was in a great deal of discomfort at the time, based on what the Bible writes about Him. Occasionally, we forget that Jesus had days when He was exhausted, hungry, or slept, just like the rest of us do. The same feelings that we experience were experienced by him. As a result, dying on the cross was a difficult task for Him to do. It was at this point that He requested His friends (the disciples) to pray for Him, and then He withdrew a bit further away to pray himself. The following day, following the prayer session, a group of people arrived to arrest Him, with Judas (one of his followers) leading the charge of the Pharisees. Asked who they were looking for, they said that it was Jesus. Before He could depart with them, one of His friends (Simon Peter) pulled his sword and slashed one of the opposing soldiers in the ear with the blade. Jesus advised Peter in John 18:11 that he should lay down his sword and follow him. I’m not sure what else could be said to show tenderness if that. The emotional response of Peter contrasted with Jesus’ refusal to oppose the crowds who hounded Him, right up until His death. As Jesus himself pointed out (Matthew 5:39), “It is better to sin than to be righteous.” “However, I advise you not to stand up to a bad person in this situation. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek.” Lesson It’s important not to get too furious or retaliatory right away. ‘Vengeance is mine,’ God has spoken, and I will return him’ (Romans 12:19). You may develop and mature because tenderness has a certain quality to it. There is nothing that can get under your skin. Rather than retaliating, as Jesus had every right to do in this account, He chose to remain calm and non-reactive. Be a role model for others, like Jesus. 3. Feelings of sympathy and understanding: The kindness of Jesus was evident everywhere He went. As soon as He came across individuals who were in need of food or the word of God, or who were sick, he was driven by compassion to do something to assist them. The misery of others never passed him by without his attention. Consequently, the story of a man who had been sick for 38 years comes to my attention. God thus dispatched an angel to the earth at a certain time to stir up the pool, which was known as Bethesda in Hebrew at the time of creation. In the vicinity of the pool, there were a large number of sick individuals suffering from various ailments, and whenever the angel stirred the water, whomever jumped in first was healed of whatever sickness they were suffering with. The fact is that this specific gentleman was handicapped, making walking a challenge for him. What he must have been going through all those years was difficult to imagine
  • He was right in the middle of what could have been his miracle, but because no one came to help him into the pool because everyone seemed to be looking out for themselves or their loved ones, this man remained in the pool for 38 years, hoping that something would happen at some point in the future. Unfortunately for him, his time had arrived. When Jesus came across the guy resting by the pool, He happened to be in town for a feast. Therefore, He queried, “Do you desire to be made well?” He replied affirmatively. After the water is churned, the guy explained, “there is no one to throw me in the pool,” and “while I’m on my way, someone steps down in front of me.” Then Jesus replied to him, “Rise, pick up your bed, and go.” His condition improved immediately. (See also John 5:5–10 for further information.) It is important to be swift to assist individuals in need, as a lesson. We may not be able to feed the 5000 people as Jesus did or heal the sick, but our assistance, no matter how little, may make a significant difference in someone’s life and change their outlook. Fourth, Jesus was driven. He did not waste His time on unimportant things. His Father’s issues were and continue to be a major source of concern for him. In his twelfth year, he lingered behind to observe and learn from the scholars after the Passover celebrations had ended. He had them in awe with His understanding and replies. Jesus drove away the individuals who were conducting business in the temple, according to John 2:13, according to the gospels. Afterwards, the disciples remembered that He had been written about years before, with the words “Zeal for Your home has eaten Me up.”” All he could think about was the kingdom of God, and it was all he could concentrate on. Lesson Allow God to use you in any way He sees fit for you to do. It should absorb your thoughts
  • Work on it as though your life relies on your success. Then you’ve come to your senses. 5. Loving: Because God is love, Jesus is love as well. No matter what He did, I feel that the motivation for it was love. The following is stated in John 3:16, where Jesus says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whomever believes in Him will not perish but shall have eternal life.”” In Jesus, God’s love for us was demonstrated in a tangible way. He did everything out of love, from calling His followers to providing food for the 5000 and 4000, mending the sick, and reviving those who had died. Finally, I’d want to tell you about Lazarus’s narrative, which is my final story. This family, which consisted of three siblings, two females (Mary and Martha), and a man, became friends with Jesus (Lazarus). According to John 11, a message was given to Jesus, in which it was said that “the one you love is sick,” and it pleaded with Him to come swiftly and heal him. Somehow, Jesus decided to postpone His visit to them for another two days for whatever purpose He had. It is as a result that Lazarus passed away before He could arrive. Everybody had begun to weep and lament as a result of his death by the time Jesus arrived. The Bible says in John 11:35 that “Jesus wept.” His next action was to resurrect Lazarus from the dead by calling his name, to which Lazarus answered by emerging from the tomb! It is clear from this account that Jesus cares about this family, as well as about all of us. Similarly to how He gave Lazarus a second shot at life, He has also given us a second opportunity at life by sacrificing His life on the cross in order for us to all be reconciled with God. That is, if we sincerely believe that He came, died, and rose from the grave, and that He is the Son of the Living God. Lesson We should all be able to love one another unconditionally, regardless of our differences. The only way for others to recognize that we are His disciples is if we sincerely love one another. Furthermore, I believe that when love flourishes, the world will be a lot safer and nicer place to live. In this essay, I wish to provide a peek of Christ’s life on earth for those who feel Christianity is unattractive because some people have been unkind or terrible to them. I hope you will be able to trust Him entirely after reading this. It is possible to apply these attributes that Jesus displayed to our Christian life as well. This is because we already possess these characteristics as a result of our possession of His Spirit. Related Post:What is the significance of Jesus’ birthday during the Christmas season?” Comment on this story and tell us what you think. Let us know what you think in the comment box below. Also, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the Let’s Talk Nation Blog by clicking on the subscription box at the top of the page. This way, you’ll never miss an update. Keep going: click on this link to see everything our devotionals section has to offer! Every image has been provided courtesy of UnsplashAdvertisement.
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See also:  What Is The Difference Between Allah And Jesus Christ

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  • The virtues of humble service (John 13:1-5), holiness (I Peter 1:15-16), righteousness (I John 3:7), purity (I John 3:3), love (Ephesians 5:1-2), forgiveness (Colossians 3:13), compassion (Ephesians 4:32), endurance (Hebrews 12:2-4), submission (I Peter 2:211-4)
  • Kindness (Luke 6:35)
  • Generosity (II Corinthians 8:1-9)
  • And patience (Ep

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Eight Characteristics of Jesus

Revelation 1:9-20 is a book of prophecy. The following is an eight-fold description of Jesus: 1.His physical appearance. 2.His hairstyle. 3.His irises. 4.His Feet are very important. 5.His tone of voice. His right hand, to be precise. 7. His Tongue. 8.His expression on his face. Jesus is known by the title “Son of Man,” which is one of the 34 titles given to him in the book of Revelation. Is there a specific image that each description of the body depicts? For example, the body, hair, and so on.

It is the sword that comes out of Jesus’ lips that signifies the word of God.

Background Reading:

John, your brother and companion in the persecution, kingdom, and patience that come as a result of Jesus’ death and resurrection. I was on the island of Patmos as a result of the word of God and the witness of Jesus Christ that I had heard. “Write on a scroll everything you see,” I was told by a loud voice behind me, like a trumpet,11on the Day of the Lord. “Send it to the seven churches,” the voice said. “Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,” Thyatira,” Sardis,” Philadelphia,” and Laodicea” were the seven churches.

13Among the lampposts, there was a figure who looked like the Son of Man.

He had a white head and hair that was white as wool; in fact, he looked as white as snow.

16He grasped seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp, two-edged sword sprang from the corner of his lips.

17When I first saw him, I collapsed at his feet, as if I were a dead man.

I am the first and the last, the only one who is still alive.

I am still alive and well forever and ever!

19As a result, jot down what you have witnessed, what is now happening, and what is expected to happen next.

Other modules in this unit:

  • Acts 18:23 is the beginning of the next 43 years in the Book of Acts
  • Acts 18:23 is the beginning of the next 4 years in the Book of Acts
  • Books are burning, Paul is at Ephesus, according to Acts 19:18-20
  • Read 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13, which is Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, then look yourself in the mirror. Second Corinthians 2:5-11 and 11:14 describe Satan as an Angel of Light, according to Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. Paul is the author of the book of Romans. The Golden Calf or the Idol
  • Tree of the week: the olive tree Paul has been apprehended and placed in chains. Paul’s first of many challenges is about to begin. Before the High Priest, Ananias, and the Sanhedrin, Paul testified
  • Paul will face a second trial, this time in front of Felix. In front of Felix, Paul is put on his third trial. During Paul’s fourth trial, he was brought before Festus. King Herod Agrippa 2 confers with Festus, and Paul is brought before King Agrippa for his fifth trial. Paul, a prisoner, embarks on a journey to Rome in chains
  • Paul is on his way to Rome and prison, according to a map. Paul and the Snakebite arrive on the island of Malta
  • On the island of Malta, Paul heals the people who are sick. Paul, who is under house arrest, continues to preach. In the Gospel of Luke, the Roman soldier is armed with the Armour of God. In the second chapter, Paul makes a plea for Onesimus
  • Epaphras transports a letter to the city of Colossae. Carry on with the race
  • Map of Paul’s 5th journey, which took place after the writing of the book of Acts
  • Rome is on fire on July 19, AD64
  • The Kiss of Love
  • Paul’s Letter to Titus, written by a scribe
  • For the second time, Paul writes to Timothy. The Crown of Victory
  • Hebrews, the book of the Bible Moses is the leader of God’s people. Crossing the Red Sea
  • Paul being imprisoned or imprisoned in Rome once more
  • The Book of Jude (Jude) Jerusalem is destroyed on the 2nd of September in the year AD70. a visit to the island of Patmos by Saint John
  • The Characteristics of Jesus are as follows: The Holy City, also known as the New Jerusalem. Jesus is Lord and Savior
  • Revelation’s final chapter and the continuation of the Christian church were marked by the year 1996. The following are the questions and answers: questions and answers 1-14
  • Questions and answers 15-28
  • Questions and answers 29-43
  • Planned release date for Acts part two
  • Acts one and two
  • Acts three and four
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A Pictorial explanation of the Bible

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