How To Tell People About Jesus

How Jesus Would Tell People About Jesus

“Father, please forgive them since they have no idea what they are doing.” The first time I read those words, I recall thinking to myself, “Wow!” I was completely taken aback. I was aware of Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness. And yet, there He was: nailed to the cross, bleeding profusely, with His own people taunting him, sneering at his plight, and gambling over His goods. However, He made the decision to forgive in that moment. He made the decision to continue doing what He had always done. He was dying, yet He was still in charge of people’s lives.

In addition to His teachings, Jesus demonstrated His leadership by living His life.

Between the words he uttered and the life he lived, there was no distinction.

We take the initiative by living our lives.

So, what does it look like to be a leader in your own life, exactly?

  1. Make yourself approachable. Jesus was a person who could be approached. From misfits to youngsters to Jewish leaders to Roman centurions, people from all walks of life came up to Jesus and bowed down to him. So what was it about Him that made Him so approachable? He was unassuming and always available. Despite the fact that He was the Son of God, Jesus did not portray himself as superior to others. Instead, He was frequently seen in areas that were despised by the community. In other words, he did not isolate himself among individuals who were similar to him, but rather placed himself in circumstances where he connected with people who were very different from himself. During his ministry, Jesus interacted with sinners, spoke to women, and touched lepers. He found himself in the company of both the most powerful and the most despised individuals because he realized that, in God’s economy, the only thing that matters is the heart
  2. Thus, he chose to be accepting. Jesus was a person who loved others no matter where they were. He did not anticipate that they would be able to put their lives back together before coming to know Him. If we examine His meetings with people like Zacchaeus, the woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well, and a host of others, we will discover that He extended relationship to them while they were still in their sinful state. He embraced them for who they were at the time. Then, as a result of His relationship with me, a shift took place
  3. Love became active. Jesus did not only exchange pleasantries with people in His immediate vicinity. He expressed his affection for them. Hetouchedthem. Hehealedthem. Heservedthem. He was enraged with them. He was kind towards them. Jesus was concerned about the individuals with whom He came into touch. He didn’t only see them for what they had done
  4. He saw them as people (or had not done). He saw them for who they were, not for what they were. And, by the way, He abandoned the perfection of heaven to come to our planet.

In your contemplation of how Jesus lived His life, I encourage you to take a close look at your own life as well.

  • Are you someone that others can talk to? Do you understand your own need for a savior, and do you reach out to others in a humble manner? Do you put yourself in circumstances where you can meet individuals who are different from you and learn about their lives? Are you familiar with your neighbors? Are you accepting of them? Do you accept people for who they are, or do you demand others to fulfill a certain level of conduct before you would engage with them
  • And Do you love in a proactive manner? Are you personally invested in the lives of others? What are you doing to show your love to those around you right now? Are you a go-to person for folks who require assistance?

As you strive to live more like Jesus, your compassion for others will distinguish you from the crowd. People followed Jesus because they observed the integrity with which He lived, and you, too, may lead others with your life if you live it with integrity.

Faith Steps: 8 Tips to Talking About Jesus

Hope Forrester is a successful entrepreneur. Mariska Nel has only recently begun learning how to share the gospel with others from Russell and Emilee Hill. In order for her to continue to take faith-based steps into spiritual discourse, she is learning to keep eight important factors in mind:

1. Start with prayer

Because of her readiness to communicate about God with people, Mariska has discovered that it is pointless to do so unless she first asks God’s blessing on her interactions. According to Mariska, “pray for each discussion you have to ensure that it is God-centered.” “It’s that which will give you the courage.”

2. Deepen your own faith

Similarly, Mariska has discovered that she is only able to explain her family members to others because she is personally acquainted with them, and she has discovered that she is only able to describe Jesus to others if she spends regular time in prayer and reading His Word.

3. Ask questions and let spiritual conversations flow from there

When Mariska and Russell were first getting to know one other, Russell and Emilee would regularly invite her over for coffee or supper. They interacted with Mariska, asked her questions, and actually listened to her answers when she gave them. According to Mariska, the chats were “God-centered.” “They probed me with probing questions, but they never told me how I should behave.” Russell and Emilee encouraged Mariska to start having similar dialogues with individuals in her life, such as coworkers, roommates, and friends, as a result of their chats.

Mariska accepted the challenge. Some nice questions to get her started are as follows:

  • Does God exist? Why do you believe (or not believe) in God? How do you feel about it all? Do you believe in God?

“Ask individuals what is most important to them, and attempt to figure out how God fits into that circumstance in their lives,” Mariska advises. “Can you tell me how they view God? “Do they even notice that He is there?” These inquiries compel individuals to consider what they believe and why they believe it, and they frequently result in intriguing spiritual dialogues, according to Mariska.

4. Focus on their feelings

During a talk with her roommate, Mariska learned about the importance of asking others about their views regarding their religious beliefs. Mariska began by asking her roommate what she believed and why she believed it. Because she would rather believe in nothing than something she was unsure was true, her roommate informed her that she was an atheist, according to the woman. When Mariska inquired as to how her roommate felt about this, her roommate responded by saying that she admired Mariska’s ability to place her trust in God.

If you want to connect with someone in a way that is meaningful to them, you must use emotion.”

5. For outreach events or evangelism with strangers, take advantage of Cru’s resources

When it comes to establishing spiritual dialogues with individuals you don’t know, Mariska has discovered that simple questionnaires or photo surveys are incredibly helpful. These surveys help to break down communication barriers, give simple conversational material, and are frequently used as a gateway into the gospel.

6. Don’t overpower

Mariska advises that you should listen more than you speak. Allow the other person the freedom to express their emotions, even if they are filled with rage against God. According to her, the instant you attempt to tell someone how they should feel is the moment the conversation will come to an end.

7. Be confident

According to Mariska, “Christianity is not anything to be embarrassed of, despite the fact that so many people are.” Mariska is able to proclaim the gospel with confidence because she is reminded of how Jesus has changed her life and how He desires to change the lives of others.

8. End the conversation well

Mariska advises you to be confident in the fact that the task you have begun will be completed by the Lord. God has reminded her that He will continue to work in the hearts of those she has left behind long after she has left them. If possible, she ends on a positive note so that the client feels comfortable revisiting the subject later on in their life. Mariska’s religion journey has assisted her in overcoming her worries and become more enthusiastic about beginning spiritual talks. In part 3, you will understand why you have been called to evangelize and what will happen as a result of your efforts.

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Has God been concerned with extending His love and forgiveness to all countries and peoples of the world since the beginning of time?

Both the Old and New Testaments demonstrate that God’s grace is extended to everyone, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. All Rights Reserved. 1994-2021 Cru. All Rights Reserved.

3 Ways to Talk to People About Jesus

Choosing to speak honestly about Jesus Christ and my journey of faith has been a big aid in keeping the flame of faith alive in the 19 years that have passed since Jesus Christ entered my life. Despite the fact that there is nothing easier than preaching to the choir and nothing more difficult than having a meaningful, mutually beneficial conversation with someone who does not consider themselves to be a Christian, the following are some things to consider that will assist you in drawing others into a sacred conversation:

1. Remember where you came from.

The majority of people already have a preconceived notion of what Christians believe in. To put it another way, you’re most likely not the first person to try their luck in this hole. Part of the fact of living in a post-Christian culture is that people have either heard the message before, or at the very least believe they have heard it previously. People who do not believe in God often have preconceived notions about Christians, such as that we are arrogant “experts,” rule followers, or over-intellectuals who are disconnected from everyday life (or at least theirs).

As a starting point, it’s important to recall where you’ve come from.

When you have accepted and digested these facts, you will find yourself on an equal playing field, more modest, and less motivated to pass judgment on others.

As opposed to one-sided preaching, this talk will focus on the fact that “we are more alike than we are different,” and it will have the potential to lead to further debate.

2. Ask QuestionsListen.

“The first responsibility of love is to listen,” according to a wise person. We frequently believe that in order to win others, we must use a large number of the appropriate words or a perfect formula; nevertheless, in fact, people are more likely to tell us exactly where they are spiritually if we are prepared to listen to them and understand their perspective. This is what I refer to as a “ministry of presence.” Inquiring about their beliefs and needs conveys that you aren’t presuming to know their thoughts and needs.

In fact, when getting to know someone, it is acceptable to refrain from discussing anything “spiritual” for several weeks or months.

or “Can you tell me about your idea of Jesus?” Every year, people spend thousands of dollars on specialists to listen to their issues and offer advice.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Christians had a reputation for being excellent listeners, people who seek to understand others before presenting them a three-point plan for salvation and happiness?

3. Lighten Up and Share Your Story.

Attempt not to take oneself too seriously, and don’t be overly concerned with being correct about everything (I believe only God fits this criteria, after all). If you have genuinely come to Christ, you will have experienced the joy and freedom that comes from being loved unconditionally, just as you are and not as you ought to be. You have just experienced the most personal and gratifying tranquility that anyone could ever imagine. As a child of God, you have the opportunity to tell your story and allow others to hear and experience a glimpse of this truth as well as you.

  1. When people perceive honesty, they can tell it is genuine.
  2. Teresa of vila, the Carmelite nun and reformer who lived in the 16th century, spoke out against a particularly dangerous strain of Catholicism.
  3. Francis of Assisi was yet another “fool for Christ,” who allowed the pleasure of the Lord to flow through him as he served the people of God.
  4. As you tell your tale, remember what happened when you first met Jesus and how He intervened, directed, healed, talked to, or otherwise changed your life during that meeting.
  5. If you’ve asked questions and listened intently, you’re almost certain to receive a listener in response.
  6. He will open doors to faith-based dialogue and position you in settings that you would never have envisioned yourself in before.
  7. Jeremy Rivera is a musician from the United States.
  8. In the years before his conversion to Catholicism in 2006, he served on the staffs of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Hawaii, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in California, and Pathways Church in Denver.
  9. With his wife, Leslie, and daughter Isabella, he currently resides in Denver.

Telling Others About Jesus – Basics of Christianity

True disciples of Christ, according to the Bible, will have a strong desire to tell others about Him and what He has done in their life. (See John 4:28-30, 39-42, and 1 John 1:1-4 for more information.) . Sharing with others—which is frequently referred to as testifying because we are all witnesses to Christ—is an essential component of living a Christian life. God mandates and equips us to be His witnesses, and we are obligated to do so (Matthew 4:19; Acts 1:8). Your testimony—or the account of how you came to trust in Christ—might not always be accepted, but you may get the power you need to live a triumphant Christian life and serve Christ effectively via the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the people on your prayer list on a daily basis, and ask God to give you wisdom when you share the gospel with them. (See James 1:5, 3:17, and other passages.) More detailed instructions on how to share your faith with others may be found in Sharing Your Faith 101.

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Here’s what you need to know: In order to tell others about Jesus, you must first share the simple good news of salvation, followed by an account of what God has done in your own life. When we are living for Jesus, our attitudes and behaviors will likely be different from those around us who don’t know Him. Our friends may ask us about this difference, so it’s important to be prepared and know what to say. The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 3:15, “But make sure in your hearts that Christ is Lord. Always be prepared to provide an answer to anyone who inquires about your faith or your level of optimism.

  • But do it gently and with respect.” So how do you tell someone about Jesus, the reason for your hope?
  • Then explain the simple good news of salvation.
  • First, people need to understand that they are sinners.
  • The problem is that every person on earth has sinned (done wrong things that God has said not to do), and sinners can never be allowed into heaven.
  • Next, tell them the good news!
  • Jesus is the only person who has never sinned; He is perfect.
  • Three days later, He came back to life, showing us His great power.
See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Government

You can also tell people about the difference Jesus has made in your life, and the hope and peace you have because of Him.

God has commanded us to tell others about Him, because He wants everyone to be with Him in heaven forever (2 Peter 3:9).

We can’t save anyone.

But our job is to make sure that as many people as possible find out about trusting Jesus for salvation!

Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.


He has trusted us with the good news.

We want to please God.

(1 Thessalonians 2:4).

No one comes to the Father except through me'” (John 14:6).

What Keeps Us from Telling Others about Christ?

Consider the last time you couldn’t wait to share some exciting news with a friend or family member. Perhaps you have just been offered the position you had hoped for. Alternatively, your daughter-in-law may be expecting. Alternatively, perhaps your favorite club has finally qualified for the postseason. You simply had to talk about it, didn’t you? Isn’t it true that we inform people about topics that are important to us? You may say anything you want, from the simplest to the most profound. This week, I discovered a fantastic new eatery!

  1. The firm is about to go public!
  2. My wife has been declared cancer-free!
  3. That is referred to as “testifying.” “To testify” refers to the act of providing evidence as a witness to facts.
  4. Some of us are apprehensive about sharing our faith in Christ with others.
  5. We accept the falsehood that if we tell others about how Christ has changed our life, they would become angry, reject us, or even harm us.
  6. However, the reality is that people are yearning to know God.
  7. We believe that if we make a mistake, we will be shamed, and at the worst, we will jeopardize someone’s chance of salvation.

It’s right there in the message.

Recall that Jesus stated, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” “There is no other way to the Father but through me” (John 14:6).

The Spirit of truth will lead you into all of the truth when he comes, says Jesus (John 16:13).

In His promise to them, He also promises that He will send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will testify about Jesus Christ to them – and to us.

This group of primarily ignorant men is not given any instructions by Jesus on how to form a religion.

What is the final outcome?

Now think about it this way: Aren’t you grateful that a daring person came to you and talked, or testified, about Jesus?

People may never learn about Christ’s love for them if they don’t hear about it from you or me first.

When we take a risk and put our faith in Him, He does amazing things.

You are not need to be well-organized. The disciples couldn’t keep their heads above water. It’s time to put your confidence in God, to be bold, and to witness! Check out the series Jesus Unfiltered: Testify if you want to learn more about how to share your religion.

Written By

Chip Ingram is the CEO and teaching pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship organization with over a million members worldwide. With over thirty years of pastoral experience, Chip has a unique capacity to communicate truth while also challenging individuals to live out their faith. Author of several works, including The Real God, Culture Shock, and The Real Heaven, he is well-known for his work. His wife, Theresa, and he have four adult children and twelve grandkids, and they currently reside in the state of California.

introverts and “telling people about Jesus” – alternative grace

We who have grown up in the church remember “telling others about Jesus” as the first thing that comes to mind whenever the terms “missions” or “missionary” are mentioned (and usually going to far away places to do it). For some reason, this has always felt a little disgusting to me, like if we couldn’t possibly be friends. The idea of beginning up talks about God with complete strangers was completely foreign to me, and to this day, I still avoid discussing my faith with a large number of others.

  • Even as a child, the idea of “telling people about Jesus” was unattractive to me, and this feeling has persisted.
  • My parents raised me to be a sensitive child, and I believe that I immediately sensed the folly in the notion of pressuring individuals to define their current ideas about spiritual reality (and the everlasting condition of their souls).
  • “Telling others about Jesus” was just a normal part of being a Christian, it wasn’t something special.
  • I’m not shy (introversion and shyness are commonly associated with one another, but you may be introverted without being shy), yet “talking people about Jesus” still felt dreadful to me, and it was something I was probably not going to do any time soon.

A different definition

A friend just loaned me a book that she really enjoyed. I recently finished reading a book calledSurprise the World: The Five Habits of Highly Missional People, and what I’d been feeling for a long time was confirmed in it. It is critical to note that the author, Michael Frost, distinguishes between being missional and being an evangelist. To convey the Gospel—to teach others about Jesus—evangelism requires captivating and forceful speech, according to him, and it is a special gifting that he possesses.

  • We are all, however, called to be missional: “The phrase mission derives from the Latin missio, which literally translates as ‘to send or to be ejected or pushed forth.’ An individual who travels overseas in an attempt to propagate Christianity was almost solely referred to by the term.
  • Everyone who believes should consider themselves missionaries if our objective is to expose others to the worldwide rule of God via Christ.
  • According to Frost, being missional is about leading a life that shocks others on a regular basis (hence his wonderful title).
  • What a breath of fresh air.
  • I genuinely believe that this is the best method for us to “teach” others about our faith: by living our lives in the manner that we justare in the world.

Few individuals are forced to make a change in their lives or views as a result of hearing someone say anything; instead, most people are compelled when they observe happy, joyous, honest people and wonder what the deal is.

Introverts = naturally missional?

I honestly believe that some of the most distinguishing characteristics of introverts also happen to be some of the most effective instruments for spreading God’s love when this is taken into consideration. (It’s possible that I’m biased, but bear with me.)

  • They have a proclivity to build long-term partnerships. Introverts tend to have fewer relationships, but the ones that they do have are often more meaningful. Their preferred mode of engagement is one-on-one, and they are frequently insightful, sensitive, and empathic. Additionally, because they tend to speak less, they typically have an exceptional ability for listening. If you’ve ever experienced being well-listened to, you understand what a gift it is
  • You feel loved and recognized, and it’s incredible. Influencing someone generally entails first establishing a genuine connection with them, and being a completely present listener is likely the most effective method to accomplish this. Deep connections have the ability to bring about significant change
  • They frequently favor a slower, simpler way of life. Because introverts have a lower capacity for stimulation, they frequently seek a less hectic lifestyle, one that is less cluttered, and one that is less overall. Despite the fact that it goes against the grain of how even Christians prefer to live these days, it is apparent that living in the world at a slower pace enables us to better represent our religion. The ability to live a simpler life allows you to be more conscious and present, sharing ordinary and everyday moments with people, connecting with God, and developing a stronger sense of personal integrity throughout your life. The slowest development is the most significant progress when it comes to influencing another person, and seclusion and stillness are highly valued by them. These are two things that might be difficult to come by in today’s environment. They are considered vital by introverts who are in touch with their inner selves, and introverts who are in touch with themselves make them a reality. In the words of Catholic writer Henri Nouwen, “it is nearly difficult to live a spiritual life without isolation.” We actually grow spiritually when we spend time in isolation and silence, when we may hear from God and fight with our own ideas. Introverts’ faith is frequently considerable as a result of their daily activities. Most of the time, they’ve spent a lot of time thinking about spiritual topics and aren’t hesitant to ask questions or express doubts, which is appealing to individuals who aren’t familiar with Jesus.

Perhaps we don’t need to exert ourselves as much. It is possible that I have impacted many individuals to actually open their minds or hearts to what could be true, despite my longstanding highly negative attitude about “reaching the Gospel.” This was not accomplished by making sure I spoke to them about Jesus, as I have done for the most of my life. I was just going about my business. Missional life, I believe, is simply the act of loving others. Period. There is no agenda. Although no one want conversion to your faith, everyone desires to be connected, listened to and recognized.

  1. Maybe even in Jesus himself, we may see a wonderful illustration of this type of missional life in action: He ate and conversed with the individuals around him.
  2. He could talk to large groups of people, yet he was just as comfortable conversing with one or two people at a time.
  3. As I progress through my religious journey, I find it increasingly perplexing that we don’t just do what Jesus did.
  4. “Show, don’t tell” is a popular piece of writing advice, and it’s a good one to follow.
  5. Perhaps we can relax a little bit on the “telling others about Jesus” part of our mission.
  6. (To which all introverts responded with an enthusiastic “Aaaaamen.”) In case you missed it, the book is pretty nice and brief.
  7. In addition, none of it was true, but that is a topic for another discussion.

How to Talk About Jesus Without Being Awkward

In the past year, I have had more talks about Jesus with individuals who are not Christians than I have had in any previous year since I graduated from college. Over late-night study sessions and late-night munchies during my undergraduate years, discussions were free to flow. My new life stage as a mother of two elementary school kids provides me with a natural community in which to spend my life. And, because I work for InterVarsity and my husband is a pastor, spiritual issues inevitably arise with other parents on the playground, at birthday parties, and at sports practices, among other places.

This is why I strive to live a genuine life of faith in the middle of my friendships, with all of the spiritual conversations and interactions that come with it. Here are a few things I’ve learnt recently that you might find useful.


If you only master one life talent, make it the ability to listen attentively. It’s not something I’m particularly gifted at, yet it appears to be the secret to any successful relationship. Make certain that you are paying attention at least 50% of the time. More would be preferable.

Seize the opportunity to ask good questions.

I just recently recognized that my buddy had no interest in Christianity at all, but I had never thought to approach her about it. I now wish I had. It occurred to me that all I needed was the proper icebreaker question and a natural chance to strike up a conversation. It occurred to me one day when she was discussing her husband’s spiritual history that it would be a good opportunity to inquire about her own spiritual past. After that chat, I had a lot better understanding of where she was coming from spiritually speaking.

Avoid clichés.

For those who are not Christians, hearing that you have been “washed in the blood of the Lamb” or “saved” or that you are “having Jesus time” might be quite perplexing. They have no idea what it means to say that you had “very nice fellowship” or that you “felt compelled to speak with another.” If you employ these terminology and expressions outside of Christian groups, you will be perceived as strange. Instead, learn to express yourself in straightforward terms, such as “My religion is vital to me,” “I believe Jesus’ teachings are real and worthy of following,” or “I give God the credit for the positive things that have happened in my life.”

Be honest and authentic.

You should be honest in your discussion about Jesus about what you don’t know and what has been difficult for you as a follower of the Lord. You should never put your doubts, your pain, your disappointment, or your rage into a talk with a friend about Jesus. Friends should be aware that a connection with God is comparable to a friendship with anybody else in that it might be difficult to discern the differences. Your friends may find your humility and genuineness refreshing, and it may open the door for them to believe that they, too, may have an imperfect faith in the same way.

See also:  How Does The Bible Describe Jesus

The fact that I was hesitant to confess it was due to the fact that everyone else’s faith at church appeared to be so firm.”

Do not have an agenda for your friends.

Your friend’s life is in the hands of the Almighty, according to Scripture. When you impose an agenda on someone rather than accompanying them on a trip, they get uncomfortable with the situation. If you are attempting to bring someone to Jesus just for the satisfaction of your own self-satisfaction, you are making it far too much about you. This will be picked up on by your pal. Simply be yourself and share Jesus with others.

Don’t be overbearing. When I was in seminary, one of my professors reminded me that individuals must advance in the direction of God, but that this may not always seem like what we expect. We will never be able to fully comprehend everything that God is working in someone’s life in our expectations.

Let Jesus surprise you.

The pleasure of putting these suggestions into practice is that Jesus continues to surprise me. It turns out that I’m not the only one in my group of friends who is actively pursuing this goal. In the past year, we’ve had several chats about Jesus and saw a couple of our friends begin to attend church for the first time. There have also been some unexpected stories of people finding new religion. Are there any of us who have shared in an embarrassing manner along the way? I’m confident that we have.

As long as you can manage your internal tension and find that sweet spot where you can share the most important portion of your life, discussing Jesus will not be awkward at all.

For more help on having authentic spiritual conversations with friends, check out these resources:

In this article, we will show you “How NOT to Speak Christianese.” “Care, Questions, and Creativity: Evangelism from the Perspective of an Alumnus” Faith Is Like Skydiving: And Other Memorable Images for Dialogue with Seekers and Skeptics (and other images for dialogue with seekers and skeptics) Talking About God in Everyday Life: A Guide to Having a Holy Conversation

Tips for Telling Someone the Gospel — Christ’s Church FW

This summer is an excellent chance to take your gospel witness to a new level, since many more people are out and about enjoying the sunshine and enjoying themselves. Here are five practical summer strategies to keep you motivated and purposeful in your gospel testimony during the summer months. Please share your thoughts and experiences with us so that we can pray for you and rejoice in what the Lord is doing in and through you. We appreciate your cooperation. You may tell us about your own personal experience here.

  1. Pray on a regular basis for open doors, divine appointments, boldness, clarity, and conviction for unbelievers who are in your area of influence and whom you are acquainted with.
  2. Take the initiative in order to involve others.
  3. Be a good listener at all times.
  4. 4.
  5. Do not dispute and refrain from employing religious jargon (such as “saved,” “justified,” or “born again,” among other terms) without first establishing the meaning of the terminology.
  6. Inquire about things:

The famous 2 Evangelism Explosion questions:

  1. Have you reached a point in your life where you are certain that if you died today, you would go to heaven
  2. Suppose you died today and appeared before God, and He asked you, “Why should I let you into my paradise,” what would your response be

The 4 Killer Questions by Worldview Academy:

  1. What precisely do you mean by ? A smart technique to find out what people are truly saying and comprehending is to conduct focus groups. To ensure that you are not using the same term to indicate two very distinct things, ask yourself this question: What gives you the confidence that what you are saying is correct? This question compels people to provide proof for the validity of their beliefs
  2. What difference does it make in your life is the result of this question. What does it matter? When applied to everyday life, what are the logical ramifications of your belief? Every belief system has logical behaviors that follow it
  3. Yet, what if you are mistaken in your beliefs? As a result of this dilemma, individuals are forced to consider the potentially catastrophic ramifications of being forever incorrect.

The Columbo Tactical questions by Greg Koukl:

  1. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. This is an effective method of determining what individuals are truly saying and comprehending. Make use of this question to ensure that you are not using the same term to signify two very distinct things
  2. What gives you the confidence that what you’re saying is accurate. In order to answer this question, people must provide proof for the soundness of their beliefs
  3. What difference does it make in your life? I mean, what’s the big deal. For example, what are the practical ramifications of your viewpoint in everyday situations? It is true that any religious or philosophical belief system has rational consequences
  4. Nevertheless, what if you are incorrect? As a result of this inquiry, individuals are forced to consider the possibly fatal consequences of being forever incorrect.

General questions help open up conversation:

  1. Do you come from a religious background? ‘Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs?’ Would you consider reading this small pamphlet (which is a gospel booklet), after which we can get together again and I’d love to hear your thoughts? Have you ever thought about the life and claims of Jesus Christ
  2. If not, you should. Have you ever given any consideration to what happens after death
  3. Tell me about your perspective on the meaning and purpose of life. As a result, what are your thoughts on Christianity? What happens after death? Jesus Christ, the Son of God
  4. When it comes to your religious beliefs, how would you characterize yourself? Is it possible that you would desire to believe something if you knew it wasn’t true? I’m curious as to what you believe about religion. Tell me about your feelings for the person of Jesus Christ. What is your personal life philosophy? What evidence do you have that it’s true
  5. What are your thoughts on all of the religious debates that are now taking place? Over the years, has your point of view on religion evolved? How

Questions to use when presenting the gospel:

  1. What, in your opinion, is the best way for someone to get to heaven
  2. What would you use to characterize sin? What exactly is a free gift? What do you think spiritual death is and how do you define it? Hell
  3. What exactly is faith in your eyes
  4. What is your definition of repentance? To you, who are followers of Jesus Christ
  5. What was the reason for Jesus’ death on the cross? Would you agree that there are only three viable possibilities when it comes to a person who makes life-changing promises that are unlike anything else on the planet? His character is one of deception, lunacy, or Lordship.

6) Involve people in discussions on current topics such as racism, immigration, natural catastrophes, environmentalism, reproduction ethics, sexuality, technology, social media, and music, among others. 7.Involve individuals in discussions on their lives’ circumstances, such as job, hobbies, entertainment, marriage, divorce, the loss of a close family member, retirement, family, children, new family members, taxes, and so on. 8.Involve people in the four major felt needs described by Billy Graham after 60 years of ministry: dread of death, loneliness, guilt/shame, meaninglessness or a lack of a feeling of purpose or belonging, and forgiveness.

9.Share your conversion story with them if you believe it is relevant to their situation or indicates how Jesus Christ may alter a person’s heart.

Great resources to use when sharing the gospel:

Presentation of the Gospel according to the numbers 3-2-1 (Glen Scrivener) — A 5-and-a-half-minute video presentation of the gospel that you may distribute to others. The Story– Either a 5:50 minute video presentation of the gospel message or a 10-page gospel tract are available. There are two ways to live (Matthias Media) An 8-page gospel tract or a 3-minute video presentation of the gospel are both acceptable options. What is Christianity, according to this 3-minute video? Through the lens of Christianity Explored How good is “good enough” in this case?

– A tiny 92-page pamphlet about the message of the gospel.

( – A 15-page tract on the gospel message that is extremely concise.

(Source: Ray Comfort) – A 22-page pamphlet about the message of the gospel Our Christ’s Church – Your Next Steps Playing Cards

What Does the Bible Say About Telling People About Jesus?

Once more, Jesus addressed them with the words, “I am the light of the world.” Nobody will walk in darkness if they follow me; instead, they will be illuminated by the light of life.”

1 Peter 2:9ESV / 15 helpful votes

You, on the other hand, are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for God’s own own, so that you may proclaim the excellences of him who called you out of darkness and into his wonderful light, as you have done.

2 Timothy 4:7ESV / 15 helpful votes

Ich habe the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have maintained my composure under pressure.

Matthew 6:1-34ESV / 13 helpful votes

The Bible warns, “Be careful not to practice your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, since you will receive no reward from your heavenly Father if you do so.” In order to avoid being applauded by others when you donate to the poor, do not blow a trumpet in front of you, as hypocrites do in synagogues and on the streets to draw attention to themselves. True to my word, I can assure you that they have earned their recompense. However, when you donate to the poor, make sure that your left hand is not aware of what your right hand is doing, so that your generosity can remain a secret.

And when you pray, you must avoid acting in a hypocritical manner.

They have, I assure you, received their just compensation.

John 5:24-25ESV / 10 helpful votes

“Be careful not to do your righteousness in front of other people in order to be seen by them, for if you do, you will receive no reward from your heavenly Father.” In order to avoid being applauded by others when you donate to the poor, do not blow a trumpet in front of you, as hypocrites do in synagogues and on the streets. Their recompense has been given to them, I can assure you of that. To ensure that your charitable contributions are kept a secret, do not reveal what you are doing to the poor to your left hand while doing so.

In order to be noticed by others, they like praying while standing on the steps of synagogues and on street corners. They have, I assure you, received their just compensation.

Psalm 40:2ESV / 10 helpful votes

He plucked me out of the bottomless pit of devastation and out of the mucky marsh, and he placed my feet on a rock, ensuring that my steps were stable.

Revelation 3:13ESV / 7 helpful votes

‘Let anyone who has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches,’ the Bible states.

Galatians 2:8ESV / 6 helpful votes

(For he who worked through Peter for his apostolic ministry to the circumcised also worked through me for my apostolic mission to the Gentiles.)

1 Corinthians 9:27ESV / 6 helpful votes

But I regulate my body and keep it under control, lest I be disqualified for preaching after I have already been disqualified for preaching.

Romans 10:9-10ESV / 6 helpful votes

Because if you believe in your heart that God resurrected Jesus from the dead and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. Because faith comes from the heart, and justification comes from the mouth, and salvation comes from the lips.

Revelation 20:6ESV / 5 helpful votes

The one who is a participant in the first resurrection is blessed and holy! The second death will have no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years after the resurrection of Christ.

Revelation 3:11ESV / 5 helpful votes

I’ll be there shortly. Hold on to what you have so that no one can take your throne away from you.

Revelation 3:7ESV / 5 helpful votes

In the letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write: ‘The words of the holy one, the real one, who holds the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who closes and no one will open, who opens but no one will shut.’

2 Peter 3:1-18ESV / 5 helpful votes

In the letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write: ‘The words of the holy one, the real one, who possesses the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who closes and no one will open, who opens and no one will shut.’

Acts 5:38-39ESV / 5 helpful votes

So, in the present situation, I advise you to stay away from these guys and leave them alone, because if this plan or effort is the work of man, it will fail; nevertheless, if it is the work of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even be discovered to be in opposition to God!” As a result, they followed his instruction.

Acts 5:17-40ESV / 5 helpful votes

However, the high priest and all those who were with him (i.e., the Sadducees) rose up in revolt, and filled with envy, they seized the apostles and imprisoned them in the public jail. The next morning, an angel of the Lord appeared to them and unlocked the prison doors, bringing them out and telling them to “go and stand in the temple and preach to the people all the words of this Life.” When they realized what had happened, they entered the temple at the crack of dawn and began teaching. When the high priest and those who accompanied him arrived, they summoned the council and the whole senate of the people of Israel and dispatched them to the jail to have them taken out.

See also:  What Does The Resurrection Of Jesus Teach Us

Acts 4:12ESV / 5 helpful votes

The only other person who can provide us with salvation is Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we must be saved.”

Acts 2:1-47ESV / 5 helpful votes

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all gathered in one place to celebrate. And then there was a sound like a mighty rushing wind that came from heaven and filled the entire house where they were sitting. After that, divided tongues as if made of fire appeared to them and rested on each of them individually.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and as the Spirit gave them utterance, they began to speak in other tongues as a result. Now there were Jews living in Jerusalem, as well as devout men from every nation on the face of the earth.

Acts 1:8ESV / 5 helpful votes

“However, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will gain authority, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria, as well as to the ends of the earth.”

John 14:1-3ESV / 5 helpful votes

“Do not allow your hearts to be worried.” Believe in God, and believe in me as well. There are several rooms in my Father’s house. Would I have informed you that I was going to arrange a home for you if that had not been the case? Moreover, if I go and arrange a place for you, I will return and take you to myself, so that you may be with me wherever I am at the moment.

Isaiah 57:20-21ESV / 5 helpful votes

“Do not allow your hearts to get worried. ” Put your faith in God, and put your faith in me as well. I have a lot of space at my Father’s house! Was it possible that I would have informed you that I was going to create a place for you if this had not been the case? Moreover, if I go and prepare a place for you, I will return and take you to myself, so that you may be with me wherever I am at any time.

Psalm 40:10ESV / 5 helpful votes

Neither have I kept your rescue a secret in my heart; rather, I have spoken of your faithfulness and salvation, and I have not kept your constant love and faithfulness a secret from the large audience.

Revelation 5:9-10ESV / 4 helpful votes

“Worthy are you to take the scroll and break its seals, for you were murdered, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and country and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall rule on the earth,” they sung in a new hymn.

Revelation 3:12ESV / 4 helpful votes

I will erect a pillar for the victor in my God’s temple, and I will dedicate it to him. The name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God from on high, and my own new name will be inscribed on him forever, and he will never be able to leave it.

Revelation 3:9ESV / 4 helpful votes

I will cause those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are not, but who lie, to come and prostrate themselves at your feet, and they will come to understand that I have loved you and that you have loved me.

Revelation 3:7-13ESV / 4 helpful votes

As a final note, address this letter to the angel in charge of the church in Philadelphia with these lines: “The words of the holy one, who is the real one, who possesses the key of David, who opens and no one will close, who shuts and no one opens.” ‘ I’m familiar with your work. As you can see, I have placed an open door in front of you, which no one will be able to close. I am well aware that you have little authority, yet you have upheld your pledge and refused to deny my existence. I will cause those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are not, but who lie, to come and prostrate themselves at your feet, and they will come to understand that I have loved you and that you have loved me.

I’ll be there shortly.

Revelation 3:5ESV / 4 helpful votes

As a result, the victorious one will be clothed in white robes, and I will never remove his name from the book of life.

In front of my Father and his angels, I shall declare his name to be true.

Revelation 3:1-22ESV / 4 helpful votes

As a follow-up, write to an angel of the church in Sardis, “The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.” ‘ I’m familiar with your work. You have the appearance of being alive, yet you are actually deceased. Activate your energies and fortify what remains and is about to perish, since I have not found your deeds perfect in the eyes of my God. Keep in mind, then, what you have received and what you have heard. Keep it, and repent of your sins. As a result, if you do not wake up, I will come to you as a thief, and you will not be able to predict what time I will arrive against you.

As a result, the victorious one will be clothed in white robes, and I will never remove his name from the book of life.

2 Peter 3:15ESV / 4 helpful votes

Take comfort in the patience of our Lord, just as our loving brother Paul wrote to you in accordance with the knowledge entrusted to him, and count it as salvation.

1 Peter 5:1-3ESV / 4 helpful votes

In this regard, as a fellow elder and a witness to Christ’s sufferings, as well as a sharer in the glory that is to be revealed, I exhort the elders among you to shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but serving as examples to the flock.

James 4:14ESV / 4 helpful votes

You, on the other hand, have no idea what tomorrow will bring. What is the story of your life? Because you are a mist that emerges for a short period of time before dissipating.

Galatians 1:18-19ESV / 4 helpful votes

After three years, I traveled to Jerusalem to pay a visit to Cephas, where I stayed for a total of fifteen days. I did not, however, see any of the other apostles, with the exception of James the Lord’s brother.

2 Corinthians 12:10ESV / 4 helpful votes

As a result, for the sake of Christ, I am willing to put up with my flaws, insults, difficulties, persecutions, and disasters. Because while I am weak, I am also powerful.

2 Corinthians 11:24-27ESV / 4 helpful votes

I was flogged by the Jews five times, each time receiving forty lashes minus one lash. It happened three times that I was beaten with rods. Once upon a time, I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; once I was adrift at sea for a night and a day; on numerous journeys, in constant danger from rivers, robbers, my own people, Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure;

Acts 15:7-13ESV / 4 helpful votes

And after considerable deliberation, Peter rose to his feet and addressed them as follows: “Brothers, you are aware that God made a decision among you in the early days, that through my lips the Gentiles would hear the word of the gospel and believe. As a testimony to their repentance, God, who understands the heart, bestowed upon them the Holy Spirit in the same way that he did upon us, and he made no distinction between us and them, having cleaned their hearts by faith. What are you doing, therefore, that you are putting God’s character to the proof by putting a yoke on the necks of the disciples that neither our forebears nor we have been able to bear?

Nevertheless, we trust that we shall be rescued by the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ in the same way that they will.”

Acts 9:36-43ESV / 4 helpful votes

Now, in Joppa, there was a follower by the name of Tabitha, which literally translates as Dorcas. She was a whirlwind of charitable deeds and good deeds. Her illness and death occurred during those days, after which they bathed her and disposed of her in an upstairs chamber. Because Lydda was close to Joppa, when the disciples learned that Peter was in the area, they dispatched two men to bring him to them, pleading with him to “please come to us without delay.” As a result, Peter rose and accompanied them.

They all gathered around him, sobbing and holding out tunics and other clothing that Dorcas had sewn while she was staying with the group.

John 17:24ESV / 4 helpful votes

Father, I wish that they, as well as the others whom you have given me, be there with me where I am, in order to see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the world was created.

John 15:5ESV / 4 helpful votes

I’m the vine, and you’re the branches on which I grow. Because you can do nothing apart from me, whomever abides in me and I in him is the one who yields great fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

John 6:67ESV / 4 helpful votes

As a result, Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you also wish to walk away with me?”

John 5:26-29ESV / 4 helpful votes

Because the Father possesses life in himself, he has also granted the Son the ability to possess life in himself. And because he is the Son of Man, God has delegated authority to him to carry out the judgment. Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.

Luke 8:5-15ESV / 4 helpful votes

“A sower went out into the field to spread his seed. And when he planted, part of the seed dropped down the route and was trodden underfoot, while the birds of the air devoured the remainder. A few dropped on the rock, and as it grew, the plant shriveled away due to the lack of moisture. Then there were some who fell amid thorns, where the thorns sprang up with them and suffocated them. And some of them fell into fertile soil, where they flourished and produced a hundredfold.” At the same time he was saying these things, he yelled out, “Let anyone who has ears to hear hear.” And when his followers questioned him about the significance of this story, he said,

Matthew 28:1-20ESV / 4 helpful votes

After the Sabbath, at the crack of dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb to pay their respects to Jesus. A huge earthquake erupted as an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled aside the stone, settling on it with his throne.

His look was as flashy as lightning, and his attire was as white as the snow around him. And the guards shook and were as lifeless as corpses out of terror of him. Although they were terrified, the angel assured them, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are seeking Jesus, who was crucified.

Matthew 25:21ESV / 4 helpful votes

‘Well done, good and faithful servant,’ his lord complimented him on his performance. You have shown loyalty over a little amount of time; I will put you in charge of much more. ‘Come and share in the happiness of your lord.’

Matthew 19:16-22ESV / 4 helpful votes

And lo, a man approached him and inquired, “Teacher, what good act must I perform in order to obtain eternal life?” “Why are you asking me about what is good?” he inquired of the man. There is only one who is good in this world. If you want to succeed in life, follow the commandments.” “Which ones?” he inquired of the man. “You shall not kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false witness, you shall honor your father and mother, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus declared.

“Can you tell me what I’m missing?”

Matthew 16:18ESV / 4 helpful votes

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not be able to stop it from becoming a reality.

Psalm 71:1-24ESV / 4 helpful votes

I seek safety in you, OLord, and I pray that I may never be put to disgrace! Deliver me and rescue me in your righteousness; lend your ear to my cries and save me! I beg you! Please be for me a rock of refuge, to which I may return on a regular basis; you have given the order to save me, for you are both my rock and my fortress. Rescue me, O my God, from the clutches of the wicked, from the clutches of the unjust and cruel man, and I will be forever grateful. I have placed my faith and confidence in you, Lord, since I was a little boy.

Revelation 3:10ESV / 3 helpful votes

For keeping my promise about patient endurance, I will exempt you from the hour of tribulation that is coming upon the entire globe, to test those who live on the surface of the planet.

1 Peter 5:1ESV / 3 helpful votes

I therefore encourage the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness to Christ’s sufferings, as well as a participant in the glory that is about to be revealed, to do the following:

Romans 8:17ESV / 3 helpful votes

In addition, if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God as well as co heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order to be exalted with him as well.

Luke 1:3ESV / 3 helpful votes

It seemed appropriate to me as well, having attentively observed events for some time, to write an orderly report for you, most wonderful Theophilus, after having studied them closely for some time.

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