How To Have A Personal Relationship With Jesus

What Is a Personal Relationship with Jesus? (And How to Know God Personally)

What does it mean to have a personal connection with Jesus? Perhaps you’ve heard that it’s possible to have a personal relationship with God, but you’re not sure what it means. Alternatively, your faith may feel more like a religion than a personal relationship with God, and you may ask if it is possible to learn how to become closer to God (in a meaningful way). The truth is as follows: The desire of your heart is to know God and to have a deep, personal connection with Him–a life-changing experience that will touch every part of your life and provide you more pleasure, hope, and purpose than anything else.

To top it all off, I’d like to give you a free 3-Day Bible Read that will teach you how to study the Bible so that you may have a simple, practical approach to get closer to God on a daily basis!

This study will help you create a strong connection with Jesus and get to know God intimately as you grow closer to God.

What Is a Relationship with Jesus?

Please take a moment to describe your connection with Jesus in detail (and with God). Do you have a relationship with God? I don’t mean do you have a “knowledge of” God. What I’m getting at is whether or not you have a real personal connection with the One who created you as well as with His Son, Jesus Christ. I’m not interested in whether or not you attend church on a regular basis or whether or not you grew up in a household where God was regularly spoken. To be honest, this does not imply that you have any kind of relationship with God.

  1. A partnership built on the foundation of grace (not a religion based on rules and regulations).
  2. I’m talking about a connection with God that is founded on a relationship with Jesus and is made possible by his sacrifice (rather than on the basis of the “good” or “bad” things you have done in your life).
  3. So, let me ask you once again.
  4. I mean, do you truly know who He is?
  5. Otherwise (and if you’re interested in learning more about how a connection with Christ may help you discover hope, importance, and purpose in your life), I encourage you to continue reading.

Is a Relationship with Jesus the Same as a Relationship with God?

Wait. Perhaps you’re wondering, “What exactly is the difference between a connection with Jesus and a relationship with God?” When it comes to Christianity, the terms “relationship with Jesus” and “relationship with God” (and even “knowing the Holy Spirit”) are often used interchangeably because the three spiritual beings who make up the Trinity are one spiritual being (John 10:30), and therefore refer to themselves as such.

  • Allow me to explain. The Trinity has existed from the beginning of time (Colossians 1:15-16), but God the Father was the first “person” of the Trinity to establish a connection with mankind, namely with the Israelite nation.
  • More than 2000 years ago, Jesus, the second member of the Trinity, established a formal connection with us (the human race) when He was born as a human (who was both completely man and fully God) in that famous stable in Bethlehem (which is why we celebrate Christmas).
  • He properly lived out the commandment that God the Father had given to the Israelite people all those years ago (Philippians 3:12), so satisfying all of the conditions that no human being could ever perfectly obey (Philippians 3:12-13).
  • He was “God manifested in flesh,” which means that He offered us a glimpse of what God the Father seemed to be (John 14:9).
  • Another passage of Scripture, John 3:17, reveals to us that God sent Jesus to the world with a definite goal in mind: to rescue the entire world via his sacrifice.
  • However, He demonstrated His divinity when His body was raised from the dead three days after His death (Acts 3:15).
  • He proved that He was God and that He was capable of conquering anything, including death (Romans 8:37-38).
  • This “comforter” would guide us back to God’s truth and serve as a reminder of what Jesus stated when He was on the earthly plane (John 14:26).

Again, the Bible declares that Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are all one; as a result, when we speak of having a connection with Jesus, we are really referring to having a relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Why Jesus’ Death Changed Everything About Our Relationship with God the Father

Another key point to remember is that, prior to Jesus’ death and resurrection, the Jewish people could only have a connection with God through the sacrifice system that God had instituted (known as “the Law”) (Galatians 3:19-23). Because the Jewish people weren’t flawless (and none of us are), they needed to offer God sacrifices on a regular basis in order to grow closer to God and become more like him. In order to atone for our sins, Jesus lived a spotless life (keeping the law in a way that humans could never do since we are flawed), and then died as a sacrifice in our place (Matthew 26:28).

Once Jesus had satisfied the criteria of the law, our ability to communicate with God was eternally altered.

As a consequence of a thankful heart that yearns to be obedient, we can choose to cease making erroneous choices (as God defines “right and wrong” in the Bible) and to follow Jesus, so discovering the complete and satisfying life that He has prepared for us in His presence (as described inJohn 10:10).

What Does the Bible Say About How to Know God Personally Through a Relationship with Jesus?

Is it necessary for us to carry out more good activities in order to be approved by God? Is it necessary to adhere to a rigid set of rules in order to experience His love and limitless grace? No. The Bible makes quite clear that we can only be saved through faith (not via good actions), and that God’s love and grace are a free gift that he lavishes on all people, regardless of how “bad” or “good” they are on the inside or outside (Ephesians 2:8-9). In light of Jesus’ faultless life and sacrificial death, we simply must believe that Jesus’ sacrifice is sufficient to satisfy our “sin debt” to God (Romans 3:25), and we will be granted this free gift of grace in return.

Would You Like to Have a Relationship with Jesus?

Perhaps it seems weird to ask you this question (given that we’ve probably never met in person), but I. Would you be interested in developing a connection with Jesus? Is it your desire to learn how to live your best life–one that is full of meaning and purpose–that only He can teach you (John 10:10) when you choose to give your heart to Him? Yes? Awesome. Allow me to demonstrate how you may begin your connection with God right now.

How to Have a Relationship with Jesus

With their Four Principles to Knowing God, Cru (a Christian ministry to college students) teaches how we might establish a real relationship with God and how we can know God better. Each of these ideas has been summarised below, along with a couple of Bible verse references that support each premise.

  1. Belief in the fact that God loves you and has a good purpose for your life (John 3:16, John 10:10). Recognize that we all sin and that our sin has caused us to be estranged from God (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23)
  2. It is important to recognize that Jesus Christ is God’s one and only provision for our sin (Romans 5:8,John 14:6)
  3. We must individually accept Jesus Christ as our savior in order to experience God’s love and learn about His purposes for us (John 1:12,Ephesians 2:8-9,Revelation 3:20)

In the event that you believe these truths about God and would like to live a life that is guided by Christ (rather than your own plans), you may begin your personal relationship with God right now! Simply say something like this in your prayers: “God, I acknowledge that I am not flawless. I’m quite aware that I’ve made mistakes, and I’d like to apologize for them and ask for your forgiveness. I’ve come to know that your death on the cross is the only way for me to be reconciled with God and to atone for the wrongs that I’ve done in my life.

I’m interested in learning more about you and discovering your positive intentions for my future.

Please come into my life and take command of the situation.

Thank you for helping me to become the person you want me to be.” If these are the words that your heart longs to hear and you have prayed anything along these lines, you may be confident that you have now entered into a personal relationship with Christ!

Want to Get Closer to God But Still Have Unanswered Spiritual Questions?

It’s quite acceptable if you aren’t quite ready to make the decision to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ! It’s a significant choice (and honestly, the most important one of your life). However, I would strongly advise you to seek solutions to any spiritual problems or challenges you may be experiencing that are preventing you from choosing to establish a connection with God. Here are numerous excellent resources that provide answers to some of the most often asked questions regarding God, including:

  • What impact would the knowledge that Jesus loves me have on my life
  • How do I maintain my trust in God under difficult circumstances (4 tales)
  • If I’m coping with a chronic disease, how may growing closer to God assist me in finding peace of mind? What about all of the “why” questions I’ve been asking myself
  • Was Jesus the Son of God or simply a decent man? What is the significance of the Resurrection today
  • What if I don’t believe that God loves me? In ordinary life (when things aren’t ideal), how can I find joy and happiness? Is it really possible to experience genuine happiness? Is it possible that I’ve committed grave blunders and am burdened with a great lot of remorse and shame? I’m not really sure how I manage to spend time with God on a daily basis. What does “silent time” look like in practice
  • When I am so busy, how can I make spending time with God a regular part of my life? How can I educate my children how to become more spiritually connected to God?

Other Resources for a Growing Personal Relationship with Jesus

  • Instructions on How to Study the Bible for Yourself
  • Learn how to have a daily quiet time with God in this article. Three Secrets to Developing a Quiet Time Habit
  • Do you want to become closer to God? Here’s a simple spiritual growth plan to get you started: Tips for a More Powerful Prayer Life
  • 23 Pointers for a More Powerful Prayer Life
  • Six Secrets to Real Spiritual Development
  • My favorite women’s Bible studies are as follows:

Next Steps: Free 3-Day Bible Study to Help You Get Closer to God

In order to better understand God, I encourage you to spend time reading and studying the Bible, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey with Jesus right now. Building a better relationship with God through daily Bible study is the glue that holds everything together, providing much-needed refreshment while transforming the hardships we face into opportunities for magnificent spiritual development. But I understand that studying the Bible might seem daunting and scary at times, and I sympathize.

What connections do you make between Bible scriptures and your life?

Allow me to make it simple for you to have a closer connection with God.

  • It’s simple to remember
  • It doesn’t rely on complicated “Bible” language
  • It can be used to any passage
  • And it truly helps to bring the Bible to life and make it relevant to your everyday life.

This Bible study approach is so straightforward that even children may learn how to use it! Thanks to this Bible study approach, I’ve been able to instruct thousands of individuals all around the world on how to come closer to God and create a personal connection with Jesus, and I’d love to share it with you as well. My team and I have put up a free 3-Day Bible Study called “How to Grow Closer to God” that teaches you a basic Bible study strategy (the 5Rs Bible StudyTM Method) as part of what we call the Spiritual Growth RhythmTM.

  1. It takes less than 10 minutes each day to create a healthy personal connection with God, according to this fantastic free Bible study from the Bible.
  2. Your concern is how to grow closer to God, and regular Bible study (often known as “quiet time”) is the most effective method of developing the intimate relationship with God that you’ve been seeking.
  3. This Bible study approach is ideal for ladies who are on the go, like you and me.
  4. It’s a present from me to you.
  5. Allow me to assist you in growing spiritually in ways you have never experienced before with this free Bible study on How to Grow Closer to God!

Please complete the form below so that I can give you this free Bible study material directly to your mailbox. Allow me to assist you in getting started in your relationship with Christ!

How can I have a deeper relationship with Jesus? John 14:21-23

Take a listen to the “Living the Gospel” podcast episode that was inspired by this essay! It is possible for Christians to have quite different relationships with Jesus depending on who they are with. The mere fact that you have been converted, that is, that you have become a Christian, does not necessarily imply that you have a close and personal connection with Jesus.

See also:  What Does Jesus Actually Look Like

A living and intimate relationship with Jesus

Some Christians believe that having a connection with Jesus is as simple as praying to Him and attending church on Sundays. They agree to allow Jesus to be offered as a sacrifice for their sins, but their relationship with Him comes to an end at that point. Others see Jesus as a role model to emulate, and they strive to conduct their lives in the same manner that He did. However, because Jesus is in heaven and they are on earth, they do not anticipate to have much of a connection with Him, and as a result, they do not have one.

The Bible, on the other hand, talks of a personal and active connection with Jesus.

You are being tempted in every way, just as He was, but He conquered the temptations of sin and death.

This also implies that your connection with Him might be vibrant and lively – rather than being lifeless and stagnant – since He Himself is vibrant and alive!

Choosing Him

The reality is that you are the one who determines what kind of connection you want to have with Jesus. Before you can enter into an intimate connection with Jesus, you must first choose to believe that such a relationship is possible, for everything – spiritually speaking – is a result of one’s faith. A one-sided relationship with Jesus is not possible. When Jesus says, “If someone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and establish Our home with him,” He makes this point quite obvious.

Consider the possibility that Jesus and the Father may like to visit you and establish a home with you!

“He who possesses My commandments and observes them is he who loves Me,” He repeats again and again.

John 14:21 (KJV).

It is apparent that such a revelation of Jesus will take place throughout your Christian life, and not just at the outset of your Christian life, because that promise is given to those who love Him and fulfill His commandments.

Fellowship on a daily basis

If you choose to meet these requirements (i.e., live out Jesus’ Word in your life), Jesus will become a loving friend with whom you may engage in ongoing fellowship on a regular basis. Through the Holy Spirit, He will not be far away from you, but will instead reside in your heart and intellect and communicate to you through it. (Didn’t He say, “The kingdom of heaven is within you?” when He spoke of the kingdom of heaven? The constant discourse with the One whom you love and who you choose to follow will continue.

  1. If you are struggling with temptation, turn to him for guidance and support.
  2. You have a Savior who saves you not just from the punishment of sin, but also from the power of sin in your life on a day-to-day basis.
  3. That is how you will have your first encounter with Jesus!
  4. (See also Hebrews 4:15) Your connection with Jesus resides in your heart, mind, and spirit, as well as in your physical body.

Whenever a thought enters your mind, bring it before Him with the following attitude of heart: “Dear Lord Jesus, is this idea agreeable in Your sight?” You will begin to comprehend what the mentality of Jesus is, which is also known as the mind of the Spirit: life and peace, when you adopt such an attitude.

  1. Jesus takes on the role of tutor and guide as you pursue a fuller life in the Spirit.
  2. In this place, you will encounter the Spirit of Jesus, who is also known as the spirit of prophecy.
  3. As you get closer to Jesus, the words of the Bible that you have read, heard, and spoken so many times before will suddenly come to life in your heart and mind.
  4. In your inner man, you will know that a spirit of revelation is speaking to you, and you will come to understand the Word of God and your own life in a completely new way as a consequence.

With each revelation of the Word, faith will be re-established in your heart on a more profound level. The power of the Spirit in your life increases as your faith grows, allowing you to go even further in Jesus’ footsteps as your faith develops.

An increasingly deep relationship with Christ

If you choose to meet these requirements (i.e., live out Jesus’ Word in your life), Jesus will become a loving friend with whom you may engage in regular fellowship. Because of the Holy Spirit, he will not be far away from you, but rather will live and speak in your heart and mind. (Didn’t He say, “The kingdom of heaven is within you?” when he spoke of the kingdom of heaven being inside us? The discussion with Him, whom you love and follow after, will continue indefinitely. You can rely on him since he is not just a buddy, but also someone who understands what it’s like to be tempted and can assist you when you are in trouble.

He will give you the strength you need.

To put it another way, “.a very present support in distress.” 46:1, according to the Bible.

(See Hebrews 4:15 for more information.) Heart, intellect, and spirit are all important aspects of one’s connection with Jesus.

You should begin bringing thoughts that come into your mind before Him with the following attitude in your heart: “Oh my Savior, do you find this idea agreeable to You?” You will begin to comprehend what the mentality of Jesus is, which is also known as the mind of the Spirit: life and peace, when you adopt this attitude.

  1. In this manner, you learn to distinguish between good and evil in everyday situations, between what is and is not pleasant to God, and between what is and is not pleasing to yourself.
  2. When you have a connection with Jesus, it is also reflected in your human spirit, where you learn to come to Him in times of stress, conflict, and temptation, and to turn away from your own ideas and emotions.
  3. (See Revelation 19:10 for further information.) This edification, encouragement, and consolation comes directly from the prophetic spirit of Jesus, and you will experience a great sense of empowerment as a result.
  4. It will be possible to live the life of Jesus by reading dry verses that previously had no significance.

With each revelation of the Word, faith will be cultivated in your heart on a deeper level. The power of the Spirit in your life increases as your faith grows, allowing you to go even further in Jesus’ footsteps as you follow his example.

How Do We Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus?

Leon J. Suprenant is a writer at My Catholic Faith Delivered and the author of various books, notably theCatholic for a Reasonseries. He also contributes to several other publications. Photograph courtesy of Erica Viana In the context of Christian living, it should be self-evident that Christ is at the center of everything. There is no other way to be saved (Acts 4:12), and the Gospel is a clarion call to follow Jesus and become His followers, and this call is at the core of the Gospel (Luke 9:23).

  • Unfortunately, some Catholics may be turned off by the use of the phrase “personal connection” while discussing marriage.
  • In order to have a meaningful connection with our Lord, we must be a part of a network of ecclesial and familial ties.
  • Our connection with Jesus Christ is similar in that He empowers us to be God’s children—His brothers and sisters via adoption (Romans 8:14–15).
  • Moreover, we recognize that this partnership must take precedence in our lives.
  • The relationship between a best friend and herself will disintegrate if she never speaks with her.
  • That is why He punishes apathy or tepidity so strongly in Scripture: “I know your works: you are neither cool nor hot.” I wish you were either chilly or hot right now!
  • But, more importantly, how do we carry out our personal connection with Christ?

We can pray to Him at any moment of the day or night.

He is present whenever two or three people get together in His name to worship (Mt 18:20).

Mt 25:34–40 tells us that Jesus is present in the poor and forgotten in our midst.

But, above all, it is in the Eucharist that we experience Christ most fully and intimately—in his Body, his Blood, his Soul, and his Divinity.

When we physically receive our Lord, the “living bread,” in the Eucharist, we are genuinely partaking of and drawing from this miraculous source of life (John 6:51).

This assists in bringing this issue into closer focus.

Furthermore, the word “summit” implies an upward inclination.

While weekly Mass is the “minimum,” the Church encourages more regular participation, as well as Eucharistic devotion outside of Mass, as part of a healthy lifestyle.

“If you separate yourself from me, you can accomplish nothing,” says Jesus himself (John 15:5).


A live branch takes nutrients and life itself from the vine at the speed of light every second.

However, even as we acknowledge the importance of having a personal contact with our Lord and the need of developing that relationship, we must always remember that it is God himself who starts the relationship.

1 John 4:10).

This concept was brilliantly conveyed by Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter on Preparation for the Jubilee Year 2000, which read as follows: The Incarnation of the Word serves as the beginning point for Christian belief.

God not only talks to man via Jesus Christ, but he actively seeks him out as well.

It is a quest that begins in the depths of God’s heart and culminates in the Incarnation of Christ.

Seeing the Eucharist in a fresh light is made possible by this wonderful fact.

In light of the fact that the Holy Eucharist is the primary means through which God continues to be present in our society, the Eucharist must provide us with crucial clues as to why Christ took on human humanity in the first place (CCC 456–60).

Instead of pointing to God’s “inaccessible transcendence,” the Eucharist points to God’s “divine condescension,” which is a form of “divine condescension.”

What a Personal Relationship with Jesus Looks Like

It is also imperative that individuals who will be inviting others to Christ have a profound personal relationship with Christ themselves. “This is a pressing priority.” (United Technologies Group, Marker 4.1) Is it possible that you’ve been asked the question, “Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?” Sometimes it comes from a Christian who is not a practicing Catholic. The Popes Benedict and Francis have lately talked about this issue as well, as have other religious leaders.

Thinking about these aspects of a personal relationship can help us determine what we are being called to.


Consistency is essential in developing a personal connection with Jesus. This connection, like every other significant component of my life, necessitates a commitment of my time on my part. If I want to learn to play the violin, spin a basketball on my finger, speak French, or study the top 100 American books, I must dedicate a significant amount of time to the project. Being forced to start from the beginning is humiliating, but everyone needs to start somewhere at some time in their lives. If you haven’t done something you “should have done” in the past, there is no need to feel bad about doing it now.

  1. A daily commitment of time, saying “no” to other things and carving out solitary time in order to hear his voice is required.
  2. St.
  3. However, he would follow this advise with an exhortation to set out a certain time each day to pray and to be consistent in doing so.
  4. If that seems too daunting, try with 15 minutes instead.
  5. Find someone who will keep you accountable for following through on your promises (a friend, a spouse or someone from church).
See also:  The Story Of The Little Girl Who Painted Jesus


The capacity to be vulnerable in prayer is also critical to your connection with Jesus. However, I must spend time with Jesus, revealing the depths of my heart with him. There are several ways to pray. Having a personal relationship with him implies that he has free access to my innermost thoughts and emotions. It is I who brings whatever it is that is making me upset at the moment to him. I bring whatever it is that is making me feel self-conscious to him. Whatever it is that I am concerned about, I bring it to him.

  • Vulnerable prayer is a manner of communicating with Jesus in a way that is completely open.
  • Unless I disclose what is happening to him, such as how it hurts and what the symptoms are, his capacity to have influence on my life is severely limited.
  • Instead, it is because Jesus respects my freedom and will not push himself on me that I am free.
  • Despite the fact that he will not remove all of my life’s difficulties, he will provide me with the tools I need to be faithful and endure as his disciple in every scenario.

I share them with him, hoping that he would be able to bring wisdom, love, and the truth into my circumstance as a result. Deeper discipleship is achieved by vulnerable prayer and adherence to his commands.


Truth-rootedness is not a term, in my opinion, but it reflects an important component of this type of intimate relationship with the Lord. Remember that when I come to Jesus, he is not there to rubber stamp my ideas, plans, or ambitions; he is there to guide and empower me. He has the upper hand, and I have come to seek his direction. Of course, he does not restrict my freedom or scare me — he is “meek and modest in spirit,” as the expression goes. 11:28-30) (Mt. 11:28-30) However, I am unable to pick and choose which “Jesus” I want to seek advice from.

  • My ears cannot merely hear his soft remarks without also hearing his firm demands: “Anyone who values their parents’ or mother’s affection more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:38) Jesus is not a genie in a lamp that I can summon and expel whenever I choose.
  • This indicates that Jesus is the one who directs my life’s course.
  • I don’t consider him a co-pilot in my life; rather, he is the one in control.
  • For guidance on how to live, I must consult the teaching of the Catholic Church — particularly in my moral life — since the Catholic Church is the source from which all grace enters the world.
  • Attempting to refashion Jesus in my image rather than allowing him to refashion myself in his image is a major temptation for me.
  • If I am constant in dedicating time to prayer, eager to give all to Jesus, and ready to allow him to be Lord of my life, then yes, I do believe that I am able.
  • John Henry Cardinal Newman’s coat of arms was “cor ad cor loquitur,” which translates as “here and now speaks.” When translated into English, this means “heart talks to heart.” These words of St.
  • Newman was not simply giving facts or knowledge in his preaching and teaching; he was transforming people’s lives.
  • His heart was communicating with the heart of another.

Teach the Real ‘Personal Relationship with Jesus’

During my high school years, one of the most valuable lessons I learned from my youth pastor and Young Life leaders was the important realization that Christianity is a relationship rather than a religious belief. Because I grew up in the 1980s and 1990s in the American South, where church attendance was frequently considered a cultural obligation, it was important to me that this distinction be made apparent. It is crucial to use the phrase of “personal contact with Jesus” while expressing the central message of Christianity to youngsters.

  • Communicating the relationship component of following Jesus on a consistent basis helps to reaffirm the genuine character of Christianity and the centrality of the gospel.
  • First and foremost, children have a large number of personal relationships, many of which are not especially healthy.
  • Betrayal, competition, and comparison are all possible characteristics of their interactions with their peers.
  • Because of the volatile nature of teenage social life, many children have confused or conflicted associations when they hear about romantic partnerships or other types of connections.
  • The majority of their interactions now place electronically, through texting, SnapChat, and GroupMe, for example.

In this case, when people hear the phrase “personal relationship,” what they experience is actually rather impersonal. It’s possible that what they hear does not correspond to our intentions.

Neglected Doctrine

The word “union with Christ” has become a popular way for me to describe our connection with Jesus during the past three years. Despite the fact that oneness with Christ is the most essential and prominent theological notion, many believers are unaware of its existence. The book One With Christ: An Evangelical Theology of Salvation (Crossway) by Marcus Peter Johnson awakened my eyes to the depth, beauty, and relevance of this forgotten reality. While you may be unfamiliar with the concept of oneness with Christ, it is considered by some to be the most thorough part of Christian salvation.

  1. The notion of connection with Christ is mentioned almost 200 times in Paul’s writings, with phrases such as “in Christ,” “with Christ,” and “through Christ” being employed.
  2. ” (John 14:20).
  3. As a result, they are one.
  4. I now use words such as the following when talking to pupils about our connection with Christ:
  • Christ has taken up residence in your heart
  • The fact is that you are not just close to Jesus, but that you are one with Jesus. The closeness you desire can never be found until and until you discover the purpose for which God created you: for Christ to reside in your heart and for you to dwell in his. If you are a Christian, you have already entered into a marriage with Jesus. Just as a husband and a wife are designed to become one, you are now one with Christ, as he resides inside you and you within him
  • You are no longer separate from Christ.

Such phrase, without a doubt, is shrouded in mystery and intricacy. Junior high pupils, in particular, sometimes have difficulty comprehending this level of abstraction. “You have a personal relationship with Jesus,” I’m finding that this phrasing has significantly more emotional weight and biblical authority than just saying, “You have a personal relationship with Jesus.”

Talk About It

There are numerous compelling reasons to use the term “union with Christ” to describe Jesus’ connection with youth as your primary mode of communication: The profound degree of connection that youngsters need is tapped into by this method. Young people engage in sexual activity, place a high value on friendship, and spend most of their time on their phones because they have profound, God-given desires for closeness. Unfortunately, kids, like everyone else, are prone to seeking closeness in inappropriate areas.

  1. 2.
  2. The use of such language keeps students from conflating their relationship with Jesus with ordinary human relationships.
  3. By teaching about unity with Christ, we may introduce kids to a completely new and distinct category of relationships that far outweighs any other connection they will ever experience.
  4. In addition, it provides as a theological framework for several other important notions.
  5. When I educate youth about moral issues linked to sex and marriage, I begin with the theological foundation of unity with Christ as the doctrinal foundation for God’s design and bounds in those two areas of life.

The importance of this idea is something I encourage youth and family leaders to understand more about. It will assist us all in better comprehending the great relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ. Read on for more information:

  • A new book by Greg Gilbert, Favor: Discovering Life at the Center of God’s Affection (Baker Publishing, 2017), is a must-read. Evangelical theologian Marcus Peter Johnson’s One with Christ: An Evangelical Theology of Salvation (Crossway, 2013) is a must-read. Todd Billings, Union with Christ: Reframing Theology and Ministry for the Church (Baker, 2011)
  • Todd Billings, Reframing Theology and Ministry for the Church (Baker, 2011). Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God (David C. Cook, 2016)
  • Rankin Wilbourne, Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God (David C. Cook, 2016)
  • Zondervan Publishing House, 2012)
  • Constantine Campbell, Paul and Union with Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study (Zondervan Publishing House, 2012)

What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God?

QuestionAnswer It is the moment we recognize our need for God, acknowledge that we are sinners, and believe in Jesus Christ that we begin to have a personal connection with Him. God, our heavenly Father, has always wished to be near to us and to have a connection with us, and he continues to do so now. Before Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden (Genesis chapter 3), they had a close, personal relationship with God. It seemed as if they were walking with Him in the garden, talking directly to Him.

  • It is a fact that many people are unaware of, or do not care about, that Jesus offered us the most incredible gift: the possibility to spend eternity with God if we place our confidence in Him.
  • (Romans 6:23).
  • Because of this, those who are in Christ Jesus are no longer under condemnation (Romans 8:1).
  • A personal connection with God is one in which the individual incorporates God into their everyday existence.
  • James 1:5 says those who have a personal relationship with God should pray for knowledge, which is the most precious thing we could ever possess in our lives.
  • Jesus is the one who loves us so much that He gave His life for us (Romans 5:8), and He is the one who has crossed the gap that separates us from the Creator of the universe.
  • Then, if you truly love me, you will do what I demand.

The world is unable to embrace him because it neither sees nor knows who he truly is.

Jesus declared this before He died, and when He died, the Holy Spirit became available to anyone who genuinely seeks to be filled with His presence and power.

He counsels us, teaches us facts, and transforms our hearts as a result of his work.

As a result of having Him, we are able to begin to bear the fruit that results from allowing the Spirit to dominate our lives: love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

As soon as we are adopted as God’s children, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit, who immediately begins to operate in our hearts.

God’s provision for each day and faith in Him as our source of sustenance are the prerequisites for developing a personal connection with Him.

Although we may not notice any changes right away, we will begin to notice them over time, and all of the realities will become evident at that point. Go back to the page with all of the Bible questions. The term “personal relationship with God” refers to a personal relationship with God.

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Get our Question of the Week emailed to your inbox every weekday morning! Got Questions Ministries is a trademark of Got Questions Ministries, Inc., registered in the state of California in the year 2002. All intellectual property rights are retained. Policy Regarding Personal Information The information on this page was last updated on January 4, 2022.

How can I have a relationship with Jesus?

QuestionAnswer A person’s relationship with Jesus is the most significant relationship he or she will ever have. As a consequence of a connection with Jesus, we get new life (Ephesians 2:4–5), forgiveness (Colossians 1:14), the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16–17), and, in the future, physical resurrection and the establishment of a permanent abode in heaven (John 14:19; Philippians 3:20–21). It is not difficult to build a connection with Jesus Christ. “Come to me, all you who are tired and burdened, and I will give you peace” (Matthew 11:28); He has asked for our confidence (John 14:1); and He has addressed us as “friends” (John 15:14–15).

  • A connection with Jesus is built on God’s grace, which is received via faith.
  • We have sinned against the Almighty.
  • “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” according to the Bible’s teaching (Romans 3:23).
  • The first step is for each of us to humble ourselves before God and confess our sin.
  • Wages are compensation for the work we do.
  • Another fact that we must comprehend in order to establish a connection with Jesus is this one, which is very wonderful: The fact that God loves us despite our transgressions is evidenced by the fact that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place as our substitute.
  • We were still separated from Him, therefore He didn’t wait for us to clean up our act or somehow conquer our sin (which was impossible); instead, He gave Himself for us while we were still separated from Him.
See also:  What Day Did Jesus Die

He stepped in to fill our shoes!

God forgives our sins via grace, which means that we get an undeserved blessing, as a result of Christ’s sacrifice.

It is not about what we can achieve, but rather about what Christ has done on our behalf.

Turn away from your sin and put your faith in Jesus and His completed work on the cross to atone for your transgressions.

Accept Him as your Lord and Master, and your life will be transformed.

This very moment, exactly where you are, as you read these words, you have the opportunity to receive Jesus by faith and therefore establish a relationship with Him.

Please forgive me.” I am well aware that I am deserving of the consequences of my wrongdoing.

I believe that His death and resurrection made it possible for me to be reconciled with God.

Please accept my thanks for rescuing me from myself and forgiving me!

He is aware of your faith.

If you have embraced Christ today, please click on the “I have accepted Christ today” button to the right.

Alternatively, you may utilize the inquiry form on ourBible Queries Answeredpage if you have any questions. Questions regarding Salvation (return to top of page) What steps do I need to do in order to build a connection with Jesus?

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Get our Question of the Week emailed to your inbox every weekday morning! Got Questions Ministries is a trademark of Got Questions Ministries, Inc., registered in the state of California in the year 2002. All intellectual property rights are retained. Policy Regarding Personal Information The information on this page was last updated on January 4, 2022.

What Does it Mean to Have A Relationship With Jesus? — POLISHED

“Having a personal connection with Jesus” may appear to be a weird notion at first. But it is not. After all, we are unable to perceive Him. On a daily basis, he does not report to work or physically assemble with friends and family around the dinner table. I’m unable to text Him, follow His Twitter account, or add Him as a Facebook friend to my contacts list. Hedid, on the other hand, walked the world a little more than 2,000 years ago. As ancient and irrelevant as His journey to this place may appear to us, it is precisely this that allows you and me to come to know Him personally and intimately.

  1. His life, death, and resurrection serve as a replacement for us, allowing us to have a free and open relationship with our Creator.
  2. A connection with Him is a relationship of intimacy and security, a relationship in which one feels completely understood and welcomed.
  3. Jesus is both entirely God and totally man, and as a result, He continues to reign as Lord of both heaven and earth.
  4. As a result, in contrast to most conceptions of power, Jesus exercised His authority with complete humility, thereby inviting us into close fellowship with Him.

How to Develop a Personal Relationship with God – Daily She Pursues

After going through several struggles and problems that I knew only God could help me through, I began to cultivate a personal relationship with him. While I had a general understanding of God for much of my life, it took some time for me to come to know him personally. It is never enough to simply know about God because when difficult circumstances arise, you will be unable to draw strength from your knowledge of him. You’re going to have to rely on him. To be really honest, you don’t have to go through a difficult scenario in order to begin forming a personal relationship with God; you may begin right now!

It is also important for you to understand that having a personal relationship with God is not something that can be obtained just via your pastor or spiritual leader. God desires to get to know everyone of his children on a personal level, and that includes you.

What is a Personal Relationship with God?

When it comes to your personal connection with God, it’s no different than any other relationship in your life. It is a relationship based on friendship, love, and trust between you and him. It entails getting to know him as well as being known by him. It encompasses far more than simply attending church or even reading our Bibles. It was God’s intention for us to have a connection with him. In fact, it is our major reason for being here.

What does it mean to know God?

So, since knowing God is not the same as knowing about God, what exactly does it mean to “know” God? Here’s an illustration of what I mean. There’s a guy in your life who you’re starting to have feelings for. His name is familiar to you, you know where he lives, you have his phone number, you know some of his hobbies, and you may even be acquainted with some of the same individuals. You communicate every now and again, but there is still something lacking. In his absence, you have never had a meaningful discussion with him, you have never heard him share stories about his life, you have never seen him cry or feel happy during a time of celebration.

It works the same way when it comes to understanding God.

So, how should you begin to develop a deeper relationship with God?

A.B. Simpson says that prayer is the connection that links us with God. To begin developing a personal connection with God, make a commitment to prayer and reading his word on a consistent basis. Because, in practice, no relationship would exist without purposeful communication, this is the most vital strategy to develop your relationship with him. We should never feel compelled to spend time with God, even if he is sovereign. As a result, we must desire it and actively pursue it on our own. The truth is that spending time with God will not always result in a spiritual high, and it is unlikely to be as exhilarating as the worship that takes place during your Sunday morning church session, for example.

Quiet time spent praying and studying the Bible may not be enjoyable at times, but it is absolutely necessary.

2. Talk to God everywhere

I understand that this one could appear a little strange. How can you communicate with God everywhere you go, or, as the Bible says, “pray continuously?” It basically implies that you should maintain a prayerful attitude at all times and that God should always be foremost in your heart, even over the course of your day. As a result, when you have a difficult assignment to perform at work, your first instinct is to pray to God to assist you. Alternatively, when something wonderful happens to you, the first thing you do is express gratitude to God.

Interestingly enough, last week I was on the lookout for my misplaced digital pen, which I couldn’t locate anywhere.

Following my prayer, I discovered the item in a random basket of papers that I would have never thought to look in! In all things, God is with us at all times, and he wants to hear from us about everything – whether it’s good or terrible, ugly or beautiful, huge or little.

3. Develop a relationship with others

In order to grow in our connection with God, I think that we must first grow in our relationship with others. It is this line that I find most moving: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (17:17) (Proverbs 27:17) We rely on one another. The process of learning and growing alongside other like-minded Christians assists us in becoming closer to God. I was a member of a collegiate group that met once a week for Bible study and to worship the Lord together. As each individual related their encounters with God, the rest of the group was encouraged to grow in their faith and closer to God as a result of their participation.

You never know how much a friendship with Christians in your immediate environment might help you to strengthen your own personal relationship with Christ.

4. Listen to God’s voice and practice obedience to his word

Isn’t it true that relationships are two-way streets? As a result, while communicating with God is crucial, it is as important to listen to him. The fact is that God is always speaking, but we are not always able to hear him. We can become sidetracked by a variety of factors, including social media, television, our friends, and even our jobs. Make certain that you aren’t allowing any distractions to come in the way of hearing God’s voice in your heart. I could go into further detail on how to hear God’s voice, but I’ll keep that for another piece.

I understand that obedience appears to be a harsh word.

Obeying God has a great deal to do with placing our confidence in him.

This is often because we have not yet built a meaningful relationship with him, which is another reason we do not trust him.

5. Be Willing to Trust Him with your heart

Allow me to state the obvious: God is dependable. If you don’t trust someone, it’s difficult to develop a personal relationship with that individual. Moreover, I understand your point of view because I am a cynic who has difficulties placing my confidence in others. But, I’ll tell you something: God is a trustworthy being. You may put your faith in him with all of your heart and soul, knowing that he will never leave you or let you down. As well as your more inappropriate ideas and emotions, you may put your confidence in him with your less than appropriate feelings and thoughts.

You may trust him when you have sinned or fallen short, and you can be certain that he will not reject you.

After all, he is the only one who has the ability to cure you from those problems in the first place.

You should not sugarcoat your feelings with Christian platitudes and cliches when you are hurting and confused of what to do.

Tell God anything you’re thinking or feeling on the inside. He is God, and he is not offended by the things that go through your mind. Allow him to assist you in processing them.

6. Don’t compare your relationship with God to that of others

In today’s environment, there is a major difficulty with the concept of comparison. I suppose it has something to do with social media and our continual access to each other’s most memorable moments in life. However, if you want to have a deep personal relationship with God, you must learn to avoid comparing yourself to others. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence, and the next girl’s relationship with God will be quite different from yours in every aspect. I recall going to prayer with a bunch of my schoolmates when I was in elementary school.

I watched as others prayed in lyrical tones, and I pondered why I couldn’t put my thoughts together as well as they did.

Not my finest copy of someone else’s voice, but my own voice was what he wanted to hear.

It’s not anything to be compared to anything else.

7. Learn how to depend on God

Finally, if you want to have a personal connection with God, you must learn how to rely on him in all circumstances. I’m a very self-sufficient individual that prefers to do tasks on my own. When I was pursuing a connection with God, I had to learn how to rely on God for everything, which took time and effort. As an example, I might pray and ask him for advice before making a choice, or I might ask him to be with me throughout the day before going for work, or I might ask him to give me wisdom in my everyday discussions.

It takes time and effort to build a relationship with God.

However, it is a necessary part of the trip.

Each season will bring you closer to him and allow you to experience him in new and exciting ways.

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