How To Get Closer To Jesus

How to Get Closer to Jesus

Documentation Download Documentation Download Documentation The deeper we grow in our relationship with Jesus, the more resilient and content we become in the face of life’s trials. Sometimes in life, you may not have that special someone to encourage and push you on, but when you have a radical closeness with Jesus, everything in your life appears to just fall into place and fit together seamlessly and effortlessly. Acquiring a closer relationship with Jesus is a continuous journey. You will come to know Jesus as you begin your quest to understand the Word of God.

  1. 1 Recognize that you have been specifically summoned. You must understand that this “hunger” is fueled by the Holy Spirit, which you must acknowledge. “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to act in order to accomplish his good purpose,” Paul writes in Philippians 2:13. The Holy Spirit is not only pulling you to God’s Word, but He will also provide you with the comprehension of that Word, as He promises in John 14:26. Rather, the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will instruct and remind you of all that I have spoken to you.
  2. s2 Make a commitment to Jesus. Serve others in order to serve God. Join a reputable Christian church and make a commitment to it. Join a group where you can contribute and be of service.
  1. 1Spend quality quiet time with Jesus to become closer to Him. Reading various gospel-oriented literature, listening to devotionals, or even listening to Christian music may all be part of your quiet time. Simple things like taking some time out to sit and reflect on specific verses or sections from the Bible would qualify as quiet time. It’s really simply a matter of separating yourself from the rest of the world and communicating with God that you are waiting for him. As a result, spending quality solitary time with Jesus will undoubtedly bring you closer to Him
  2. 2 Attend church on a regular basis. Any church will do as long as it is Bible-based and preaches the truth as long as it is a church. Try to participate in the mass as much as possible while you are in attendance at the service. When hymns are being sung, join in from the heart, and when scripture is being read, pay attention and pay attention.
  • For example, Psalm 46 verse 1 declares that “God is our shelter and strength, a very present help in times of distress.” So the next time you sense problems forming at your place of employment, school, or college, you may look it straight in the eyes and say this verse loudly to calm the situation. Your relationship with Jesus will undoubtedly improve as a result of this, and you will sense His presence in you.
  1. 5Pray to Jesus and communicate with him. You are a beloved child of God in the eyes of Jesus. He cares about you no matter what difficulties you are through. Tell him what you’re up to, what you’re planning, why you’re depressed, what you require, and so on and so forth. He is your biological father. He just wants what is best for you, and he wants you beyond everything else! Make him your one-stop shop for everything, and you will feel closer to him within days. He desires for you to pray in the Spirit as well as in the mind, and He desires for you to pray for other people in order for them to repent and be cured. Advertisement

Create a new question

  • Question How do I get my thoughts away from the things of this world in order to create a stronger relationship with Jesus? Continue to read the Bible in more depth, attend church services regularly, form friendships with persons who are good Christian role models, and pray without ceasing. Question Why is it that when I draw closer to God, I find myself drifting back into my old life after a period of time? You revert to your old behaviors since we are all sinners who are prone to committing sin again and again. Look for a companion who will hold you accountable to help you sustain your new behaviors. Question Is it possible for me to spend some peaceful time at the beach? Yes, without a doubt! Going outside and being in nature is a wonderful way to become closer to Jesus
  • Question and Answer What is it about praying that makes me cry? Because the Holy Spirit has made an impression on your heart. It’s not unusual for people to

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  • Because the rapture will occur when you least expect it, it is important to be genuine in your prayers and to always obey God’s word. No one knows when or how long it will take, so be prepared. Increase your exposure to Christian individuals. Instead of listening to commercial music, try listening to Christian music. Rather of being in the city, spend time in nature.

Being glued to your phone at all times. Set a time limit and pray humbly for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for submitting a suggestion for consideration! Advertisement

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When it comes to Christianity, talking about everyday practices might come across as inflexible. It sounds more like we’re on the verge of becoming religious than we are in the relationship God has called us to. Despite this, these daily routines are not a checklist of things to do. They are either actions that Jesus demonstrated in his own life for us or steps that the Bible instructs us to follow in order to grow more like Christ. All of these phases go toward a more intimate connection with God as well as the capacity to relax in His presence.

As we grow in Christlikeness, we grow in intimacy with our heavenly Father.


These easy recommendations will remind you that coming closer to God is only a tiny act away, whether you are searching for a larger purpose in life, are a new believer, or have been a believer for a long time. Spend some time with God today, and you will be blessed and rejuvenated. 1. Locate a peaceful place to simply rest in God’s presence. Turn off the radio and television, walk away from your computer, put your phone aside, and find a quiet space to simply rest in God’s presence. Reading your bible and underlining or highlighting portions, paragraphs, phrases, or words that call to you are good ways to start.

3.Spend some time writing down your prayers in a special journal; they can be for others or for yourself.Then spend some time in prayer.

3 Ways to Grow Closer to God When You Feel Far Away

A few years ago, I had a strong sense of being near to God. I was developing in my faith, conversing and walking with God, and, despite the fact that things weren’t perfect, life was going rather well for me at the time. After that, I felt like I was caught in a rut for about a year. I felt that I wasn’t progressing in my faith and that I was growing further away from God.

It wasn’t until I followed the steps outlined below that I began to see a favorable shift in my spiritual journey. If you want to develop your connection with God, there are three easy actions you may take, no matter how far away you feel from Him.

1. Reach Out

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by life, but rather than holding everything in, ask out for assistance instead. If you are experiencing a lack of God’s presence in your life, don’t be scared to seek Him out. God is aware of our innermost thoughts and wishes, and He knows what we want. No matter how long it has been since you have genuinely felt God’s presence, please remember that reaching out to Him is the solution to your problem. God does not turn his back on us. Our God is a God who loves and pursues us, and He desires for us to develop in our relationship with Him.

2. Limit Distractions

There are numerous distractions in life, and sadly, there are many things that may cause us to lose sight of our relationship with God. The heroes of the Bible weren’t very powerful in their own right, but the Bible claims that they lived closely with the Almighty. They had their own temptations and weaknesses, but their desire to obey God’s will had a stronger hold on them than anything else. When we want to walk with God, we need to be willing to walk away from the things that are keeping us from Him.

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When social media, entertainment, or future ambitions take precedence over God, it may be virtually hard to make place for him in one’s schedule.

3. Be Intentional

Make a time when you can be alone with God in an area where there are few distractions, and schedule it in advance. You could find that waking up a half-hour earlier in the morning to read the Bible and pray will be precisely what you need to build your connection with Christ. Alternatively, while making supper, you might listen to an audio Bible or the radio station. God will meet you right where you are, and because the Holy Spirit is inside us, we may spend time with God in a number of settings, including our homes and offices.

‘Wash your hands, you sinners, and cleanse your hearts, for your devotion is divided between God and the world,’ the prophet says.

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RaeAnn Jent

RaeAnn is a college student who is passionate about Jesus, Way-FM, bowling, public speaking, and writing. She is a history enthusiast who wishes to contribute to the reaffirmation of the significance of putting God first in the lives of Americans. comments on blogs powered by

How Can I Get Closer to God

In the course of your Christian journey, you’ve undoubtedly heard someone say, “Christianity isn’t a religion; it is an intimate connection with God.” The idea is that living with Jesus does not include adhering to a slew of religious rules and regulations. It’s all about leaning into the Lord and learning to listen to His promptings and directions. But, let’s be honest, there are moments when it doesn’t feel like much of a relationship. There have been times in your Christian life, whether you’re a new believer or someone who has been following Jesus for decades, when you’ve desired your connection with Jesus felt more true.

Perhaps you have the impression that your prayers never make it past your ceiling. Other possibilities include that you no longer sense the presence of God in the same way that you used to, and you’re not sure what has happened.

What does it mean to be close to God?

In order to answer this issue, we must first consider what is meant by “being in intimate relationship with God.” Without being specific about our expectations, we might end up feeling dissatisfied and exhausted. The majority of the time, when a husband tells a marital counselor that he wants to get closer to his wife, what he is really talking about is intimacy. He spends a lot of time with his wife. What he really wants is to feel more connected to her. He wishes to rekindle the same degree of excitement that he felt at the beginning of their relationship with her.

It is these types of wants that are akin to what the average Christian is talking about when they claim that they want a deeper relationship with God

Is closeness to God a realistic expectation?

In order to answer this issue, we must first consider what is meant by “being in intimate proximity with God.” It’s easy to become dissatisfied and exhausted if our expectations are not clearly defined. While it’s true that some men say they desire to be “closer to their wives,” it’s likely that they’re not referring about physical closeness. Most of the time, he is in the company of his wife. To him, feeling closer to her is important. He wishes to rekindle the same degree of excitement that he felt at the beginning of their relationship.

It is these kind of aspirations that are akin to what the average Christian is talking about when they claim that they want a deeper relationship with God

Recognizing our differences

“What does it mean to be near to God?” is one of the first questions we must answer. We might get dissatisfied and exhausted if our expectations are not clearly defined. If a spouse tells a marital counselor that he wants to be closer to his wife, it’s likely that he’s not referring to physical proximity. He spends a great deal of time with his wife. What he really wants is to feel a stronger connection to her. He yearns to rekindle the same degree of excitement that he had when their relationship initially started.

These types of wants are comparable to what the average Christian is talking about when they say they want to feel closer to God.

Every season is unique

When individuals are asked what they mean by “growing closer to God,” they frequently refer to a period when they sensed the presence of God the most strongly in their lives. Perhaps it was during their undergraduate years, when they were on staff with their first church, or while on a mission trip in South America that they experienced this. We will almost certainly be dissatisfied if we attempt to duplicate previous experiences. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and we should expect the same thing from our relationship with the Lord.

A young couple starting a family is under a great deal of strain and responsibility. It does not make much sense to romanticize a point in their life when they may have had more time to follow Jesus or when they were surrounded by a lot of enthusiastic, young energy from their friends and family.

Tips for getting closer to Jesus

The following are some important points to discuss before moving on to practical suggestions for growing in our relationship with God. If we want to talk about developing our relationship with God, we should start with these two points:

  1. Don’t forget to do spiritual practices. Scripture reading, service to others, community, financial giving, prayer, and other spiritual practices are examples of spiritual disciplines. There are some activities in which every believer should be part. Despite the fact that you can experiment with alternative methods of practicing these disciplines, you should not forsake them just because they do not appear to be “functioning.” They contribute to our training, information, and maturation. Deal with the problem of unconfessed sin. Not feeling near to God does not necessarily imply that you have hidden sin in your life
  2. Nonetheless, hidden sin can create a barrier between you and your Creator (or at least make it more difficult to recognize His voice). You should check to see if you’re engaging in any conduct that needs to be confessed and dealt with if you don’t feel near to God.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s look at some basic things we can do to not only draw closer to God, but also to become more conscious of His presence in our lives.

1. Make room to be quiet

The fact that the world was so calm a century ago would be one of the first things we’d notice if we traveled back in time 100 years. Our forefathers and foremothers went about their business in complete quiet, something we would find impossible to imagine nowadays. From the minute we wake up until the moment we go to sleep, we are surrounded by noise and stimulation. No matter where we look, whether it’s on television, social media, podcasts, or streaming services, we never have to remain silent if we don’t want to.

So, to the extent that we are able, we should make a conscious effort to create quiet spaces in our lives.

2.Journal your prayers

When it comes to prayer, people frequently battle with distractions. While praying, their thoughts wander, leaving them feeling disappointed with themselves for not being spiritual enough to have a fruitful and satisfying spiritual practice. As a matter of fact, certain personality types thrive while they are kneeling alongside their bed in prayer, while others do not. And their dissatisfaction with prayer isn’t with the act itself, but with trying to find meaning in rituals that don’t fit with their own beliefs.

Many individuals find this to be a very effective method of communicating with the Lord because it helps them to remain focused and present.

3. Get active with prayer

It is possible that some have difficulty with prayer because of the formal and fixed nature of the practice. If you were reared in the church, you most likely learned to pray in a manner that was both conventional and ceremonial in tone—perhaps even including speaking to God in a manner that sounded like it came from the King James Bible. Despite the fact that you may have internalized the notion that this is what prayer is meant to sound like, it keeps God at a safe distance. If this is a problem for you, consider heading outdoors and taking a stroll while chatting to God as you would a close friend about your concerns and worries.

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4. Meditate on Scripture

Bible reading is really significant. Reading the Bible is quite beneficial. However, we cannot underestimate how important it is to take time to reflect on it. Immediately before Moses’ death, God provides Joshua with specific instructions, one of which is as follows: “You should keep this Book of the Law constantly on your lips and reflect on it at all times of the day and night so that you are cautious to follow everything contained in it. Then you will be affluent and successful” (Joshua 1:8).

Taking short passages of Scripture and spending the day pondering them is the goal of this exercise.

As we concentrate on various passages throughout the day, we will begin to recognize the ways in which they relate to our everyday lives. Meditating on Scripture instills God’s Word in our hearts and minds, allowing Him to communicate with us via it.

5. Practice fasting

However, the practice of self-denial used to be an important element of many Christians’ spiritual life, but it has recently become less popular. Fasting was a frequent component of the lives of many Christians throughout history, including John Wesley and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The majority of people think about fasting in terms of food, and there are certain benefits to doing so. Fasting for a meal or for a whole day (or longer) shows a desire to place God first in one’s life above everything else.

You can, however, fast from other things as well, such as sweets, social media, video games, and secular music.

According to Bill Bright, fasting has a number of advantages.

Drawing close to God

It might feel like we’re simply going through the motions at times. Don’t be concerned; this is entirely normal. Our lives are filled with relationships that we cannot put on autopilot and expect them to develop stronger over time. What makes you think our connection with God would be different? We might take comfort in the words of James, who says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you” (James 4:8a). When we don’t feel particularly close to the Lord, we must put our faith in His character and persevere in our efforts to become closer to Him.

It’s possible that it’s time to come up with some innovative strategies to press the issue.

In search of further information

How Can I Grow Closer to God?

“At that point, Jesus addressed them all, saying, “Whoever wishes to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross everyday and follow me.” 9:23 (Luke 9:23) (NIV) Is it possible that you’ve found yourself yearning for a deeper relationship with God, but you’re not sure where to begin? In case you’re scared that what I’m about to say will include a long and overwhelming list of activities I do every day in order to feel closer to God, don’t be. When I delve into His Word, I just beg Him to rejuvenate and mould me into the woman He wants me to be.

And I swear that no matter what happens, I will continue to follow Him with all my heart.


Matthew 9:24, “Because whomever seeks to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it,” says the prophet. (NIV)


Another issue that prevents us from drawing closer to God is our inability to place our whole faith in Him.

In Lysa TerKeurst’s new Bible study, Trustworthy, you’ll learn how to identify your own trust difficulties with God and how to overcome them by delving into important, contemporary life lessons from the kings of the Old Testament. Order your copy now by clicking here.


With our free First 5 app, you can start your day with words of encouragement from Lysa TerKeurst and the First 5 writing team.


When it comes to becoming closer to God, what are the distractions that you find the most difficult to overcome? What steps can you take to intentionally make Him a priority this week? Please share your ideas in the comments section. Lysa TerKeurst’s 2020 calendar. All intellectual property rights are retained.

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In order to become closer to God, what are the distractions you find most difficult to overcome? What steps can you take this week to intentionally make Him a priority? Comment below and share your ideas. Lysa TerKeurst’s 2020 calendar is now available. All intellectual property rights are protected by law.

Seeing Jesus in the Old Testamentby Lysa TerKeurst and Joel Muddamalle

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5 Ways to Grow Closer to Jesus

What makes it easier to get through the bad days in life when things get difficult? Do you have a friend or loved one who lives nearby? Do you want to call your mother or a close friend? In Mark 4:35-41, the disciples made an even better discovery than they had anticipated. They discovered how to get more intimate with Jesus and why this is so important in our life. One night when they were sailing across the Sea of Galilee, a violent storm swept in from the north. The boat they were on was tossing and spinning, and it seemed like it was about to capsize.

Even that, though, was insufficient.

They had the One who could actually save them from the storm and offer them with the deepest of comfort and security.

How to Get Closer to Jesus and Invite Him Into Your Boat

What makes it easier to go through challenging days in life when things get tough? You’re close to a buddy or a loved one. Making a phone call to your mother or best friend is an excellent idea. According to Mark 4:35-41, the disciples made a more significant discovery. They discovered how to get more intimate with Jesus and why this is so important in our lives today. During one of their nighttime voyages over the Sea of Galilee, a raging storm blew in. Suddenly, the boat they were in began to sway, and they were on the verge of sinking.

It wasn’t enough, even with that.

There was One who could actually save them from the storm and bring the most profound comfort.

2) Study the Bible

Join the hordes of followers and disciples who have gathered to learn at Jesus’ feet. Explore the Bible in greater depth, studying the chapters and gaining new information and insights. Participate in a Bible study group at your church or in your neighborhood. This is an excellent method to get started in your studies and to further your understanding, as well as to interact with a community of like-minded individuals.

Alternatively, you can study the Bible on your own. If you’re not sure where to begin or want to learn some new methods of studying the Bible, this study on seven different ways to study the Bible is a terrific resource!

3) Pray and Spend Time in the Presence of Jesus

Come and sit at the feet of Jesus with the masses of followers and disciples. Extensive study of biblical scriptures will provide you with further information and understanding. Involve yourself in a Bible study group at your church or in your local area. As well as engaging with a community of like-minded Christians, this is a fantastic opportunity to get started and to further your studies. The Bible can also be studied independently. When it comes to Bible study, if you’re not sure where to begin or want to learn some new methods, this study on seven different ways to study the Bible is excellent!

4) Serve and Love Others

Jesus committed his life to helping and loving others, particularly those who were most in need – the outcasts, the unloved, the ill, the destitute, the orphaned, and the widowed – and those who were most vulnerable. When you are connected to the people Jesus loved and served, you are more likely to be near to Jesus himself. Get out into your neighborhood and provide a hand to those in need.

5) Worship and Fellowship with Other Believers

The disciples lived, studied, and served in close proximity to one another. In this community of believers, they felt a strong sense of belonging to one another. It was in this community that they were able to establish deep roots of faith, encouraging and supporting one another, growing their faith, and replenishing their spirits after pouring out their hearts to others in need. Find a church and get active in the activities there. Worship, fellowship, and service in the community are all encouraged.

Will You Invite Jesus Into Your Boat?

What action plan do you have for this week to become closer to Jesus? Is it going to be your intention to open your Bible and begin reading? Do you want to dive into a Bible study? Do you want to spend some quality time in prayer? Are you interested in becoming more engaged in your church? Do you want to help others? This week, I encourage you to take one step closer to your goal. Begin with a single step, then another, then another, and so on. You will grow closer to Jesus step by step, and you will always have him by your side when life becomes difficult.

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Learn to Trust God and Find His PeaceStrength in the Storm

Describe a step you will do this week that will bring you closer to Jesus. Is it going to be your intention to open your Bible and start reading? Do you want to get involved in a Bible study. Do you want to spend some time in prayer with concentration and determination? Join a church or get more active in it. What can you do to help others? – Take one step closer this week, I encourage you to do so. To begin, take a single step. After that, take a second and another. You’ll grow closer to Jesus step by step, and you’ll always have him at your side when life becomes difficult.

How can I feel closer to Jesus and feel that I love Him?

What can I do to feel closer to Jesus and more confident in my love for Him?

Bible Answer:

Can you tell me how I can feel closer to Jesus and more confident in my love for Him?


Abraham, one of the Old Testament saints, is referred to as “the companion of God.” What, O our God, prevented Thy people Israel from driving away the occupants of this country and giving it to the descendants of Abraham, Thy friend forever? 2 Chronicles 20:7 (New American Standard Bible) Israel is My servant; Jacob is My chosen one; the descendant of Abraham is My companion. According to Isaiah 41:8. the Scripture was fulfilled, which states, “AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS,” and he was referred to as “the friend of God.” Isaiah 41:8.

James 2:23 (New American Standard Bible) Abraham had faith in God. He had a conversation with God, and he came to understand God (Genesis 18).


Moses is another another Old Testament saint who had a strong relationship with God, and he is worth mentioning. This is how God would communicate with Moses face to face, exactly as a man would communicate with a buddy. Exodus 33:11 (New American Standard Bible) Since then, no prophet has come in Israel who compares to Moses, who was personally acquainted with the LORD. Deuteronomy 34:10 (New American Standard Bible) That’s fantastic news! In God’s eyes, both Abraham and Moses had relationships that were similar to the kinds of ties we call friendships.

Both of them experienced times of difficulty and both poured out their hearts to Him in those periods.

Apostle John

Moses is another another Old Testament saint who had a personal relationship with God, as was Abraham. This is how God communicated with Moses in person, exactly like a man communicates with a buddy. Exodus 33:11 New American Standard Bible (NASB). . Since then, no prophet has appeared in Israel who compares to Moses, who was personally acquainted with the LORD. Exodus 34:10 (New American Standard Bible) That’s fantastic, now. In their interactions with God, Abraham and Moses developed relationships that were similar to the kinds of ties we call friendships today.

Their hearts were broken for one other, and they both turned to God in their trials.

Friendship With Jesus

Jesus had strong ties with Abraham, Moses, and John the Baptist. They were faithful men, guys who spent time with Jesus, men who talked to Him and listened to what He had to say about everything. These guys want a connection with God and a relationship with his Son. That is a very crucial first step. That’s exactly what you’re looking for! “There is no greater love than this,” Jesus says, referring to the person who would lay down his life for his companions as an example of the next stage. If you follow my instructions, you will be considered My buddies.

This was certainly true of these gentlemen.

Abraham had faith in God.



When we have worldly friends, we want to do everything we can to satisfy them. We want to speak with them and listen to what they have to say. This is what we refer to as a dialogue. As we spend more time with them, our bond becomes stronger and more intimate. However, it all began with a wish to be a friend. After that, we had to spend some quality time with them. If we wish to be God’s friend, we must act in the same manner that he does.

Today, we communicate with Jesus through prayer. We pay attention to Him by reading the Bible, and we demonstrate our commitment by following His commands. As we carry out these actions, our affections for Him will become stronger.

How can I have a deeper relationship with Jesus? John 14:21-23

Take a listen to the “Living the Gospel” podcast episode that was inspired by this essay! It is possible for Christians to have quite different relationships with Jesus depending on who they are with. The mere fact that you have been converted, that is, that you have become a Christian, does not necessarily imply that you have a close and personal connection with Jesus.

A living and intimate relationship with Jesus

Some Christians believe that having a connection with Jesus is as simple as praying to Him and attending church on Sundays. They agree to allow Jesus to be offered as a sacrifice for their sins, but their relationship with Him comes to an end at that point. Others see Jesus as a role model to emulate, and they strive to conduct their lives in the same manner that He did. However, because Jesus is in heaven and they are on earth, they do not anticipate to have much of a connection with Him, and as a result, they do not have one.

The Bible, on the other hand, talks of a personal and active connection with Jesus.

Choosing Him

The reality is that you are the one who determines what kind of connection you want to have with Jesus. Before you can enter into an intimate connection with Jesus, you must first choose to believe that such a relationship is possible, for everything – spiritually speaking – is a result of one’s faith. A one-sided relationship with Jesus is not possible. When Jesus says, “If someone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and establish Our home with him,” He makes this point quite obvious.

Consider the possibility that Jesus and the Father may like to visit you and establish a home with you!

And again, He adds, “He who has My commandments and keeps them” is the one who is right.

Fellowship on a daily basis

If you choose to meet these requirements (i.e., live out Jesus’ Word in your life), Jesus will become a loving friend with whom you may engage in ongoing fellowship on a regular basis. Through the Holy Spirit, He will not be far away from you, but will instead reside in your heart and intellect and communicate to you through it. (Didn’t He say, “The kingdom of heaven is within you?” when He spoke of the kingdom of heaven? The constant discourse with the One whom you love and who you choose to follow will continue.

If you are struggling with temptation, turn to him for guidance and support.

He is your Savior, not just from sin, but also from death.

An increasingly deep relationship with Christ

Relationships with other people are dynamic in the sense that they frequently alter through time and have the potential to develop deeper. Likewise, your connection with Jesus is no exception to this rule. Just as God’s mercies are fresh and new every morning, so too may your relationship with Jesus be fresh and vibrant each and every day! As your love for Him grows, and as your love for your own life (i.e., your own will) diminishes, the depth of your connection with Him grows deeper as well.

“If anybody hears my call and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he will dine with me.” Revelation 3:20 is a verse that describes a situation in which a person must flee from his or her home.

“Anyone,” he declares. Isn’t it true that you are a part of this group? Some people become Christians many years ago, yet they never really experienced a close connection with Jesus until recently. Do you hear Him pounding on your door?

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