How Many Wounds Did Jesus Suffer

The Exact Number of Wounds Suffered by Christ, As Revealed to a Medieval Saint –

Considering that you’ve most likely heard of the “five wounds of Christ,” you may assume that’s what the answer to the issue of how many wounds Christ sustained during his passion would be. That, however, is incorrect. According to Christian tradition, the “five wounds of Christ” relate to the injuries Jesus sustained during his crucifixion: one for each hand and foot, as well as the piercing of his side with a spear. This does not represent the actual amount of wounds he received over his whole passion.

For the sins of the world, that’s a great deal of pain.

Gertrude the Great, an outstanding Benedictine nun, mystic, and theologian who lived in the 13th century Germany, provides us with an estimate of how many wounds Christ has sustained in all.

During one of these mystical experiences, Christ revealed to Mary the complete number of wounds he had sustained throughout his passion: 5,466.

Later, another devotion arose in which a person would repeat the prayer 15 times each day for a year, or 5 times per day for three years, both of which would result in the individual reciting the prayer 5,475 times, which is near to the total number of wounds that Christ received.


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St. Bridget of Sweden’s Famous Devotion to the 5480 Wounds of Christ

St. Bridget of Sweden (also known as Birgitta) was born in Sweden in the 14th century and is considered to be the first female saint. Since her affluent parents were devoted Christians, Bridget had a superior religious education as a result of her parents’ devotion to their faith. Given this background, it should come as no surprise that St. Bridget would go on to have mystical experiences throughout her life. While still a child, St. Bridget was visited by a vision of Christ being scourged and hanging on the Cross.

  1. They are the ones who loathe me and reject my love for them, Christ said.
  2. Bridget developed a strong devotion to the Passion of Jesus.
  3. Catherine of Sweden, who is also known as the “Saint Catherine of Sweden.” In the aftermath of her husband’s death, St.
  4. In order to memorialize Christ’s Passion in a distinctive way, she formed her own religious organization, the Order of the Most Holy Savior, also known as the Brigittines, which is still in existence today.
  5. Bridget’s spiritual experiences grew more intense and frequent.
  6. Bridget of Sweden, which is still in print today.
  7. St.

She prayed about it over and over again so that she could honor each and every one of them.

In order to show your appreciation, say fifteen Our Fathers and fifteen Hail Marys together with the accompanying Prayers, which I will personally teach you, for a whole year.

Bridget finished, Jesus instructed her to pray 15 prayers every day for a full year, each of which she would say with an Our Father and a Hail Mary at the end of each.

(this could be understood as all the wounds other than the Five Wounds in his hands, feet, and side, which are more commonly honored separately).

It is also referred to as the Fifteen Prayers of St.

In her later years, St.

Catherine of Sweden.

When she was praying in front of a crucifix at the Basilica of St.

Following her death, her daughter Catherine returned her remains to Sweden for burial and took over as the leader of the newly established Order.

Paul Outside the Wall in Rome, which was built in the 15th century.

Bridget of Sweden prayed when she got the revelation of the 15 prayers honoring the wound of Jesus, which she prayed before when she received the revelation of the 15 prayers honoring the wound of Jesus.

Bridget’s vision, an inscription was placed at the site, which reads: “In memory of St.

The year 1350 is known as the Jubilee Year “) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Saint Bridget of Sweden’s 15 Prayers may be found here.

Bridget don’t deserve the same credence as religious truths, Pope Benedict XV allowed the faithful to believe them because they “conform to the rules of prudence according to which they are probable, and supported by sufficient motives to allow one to believe in them piously,” he said.

Bridget are also included in the very popularPieta Prayer Book, and they serve as a powerful tool for contemplating Christ’s Passion, especially on Fridays and during Lent.

This article, which was initially published in July 2015, has been revised and updated. The Catholic Company is a religious organization that provides services to the general public.

The Significance of Jesus’ Wounds: A Promise for You

It is the Friday before Easter. This is the day when we turn our gaze to the cross, where we see the Lamb of God bearing the burden and shame of our sins. But he was pierced for our trespasses, he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and it is through his wounds that we have been restored to wholeness. (Isaiah 53:5, New International Version) On that terrible day, by the time the sun had fallen, Jesus’ flesh had been pierced by the arrows of our retribution.

Jesus endured five wounds over the course of his trial, crucifixion, and execution.

The wounds of Jesus provide us with promise and hope.

Stripes on His Back

Then Pilate dragged Jesus away and whipped him to death. (John 19:1, New International Version) Trying to pacify the populace, Pilate ordered thelictor (a trained specialist in the art of torture) to whip Jesus, which was customary punishment for offenders at the time. This was done in order to bring Scripture into fulfillment (see Isa. 53:5, Isa. 50:6). This was foreshadowed by Jesus himself in Matthew 20:19. This is a tangible depiction of the spiritual act of propitiation, which is to say, that Jesus took our place on the cross and died for us.

Crown of Thorns

A crimson robe was placed over his shoulders, and after twisting it together, they placed it on his head and placed a reed in the right hand of the man they had undressed him. They bowed their heads before him and cried out, “Hail, King of the Jews!” as they did so. After that, they spit on him and took the reed and hit him in the head with it. (Matthew 27:28-30, English Standard Version) Thorns were created when sin corrupted the Garden of Eden, and they are now dug into the forehead of Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews (Gen.

We now see that our sacrificed lamb has been harmed by the thorns, just as Isaac’s replacement, the ram, had been trapped in them before his death (Gen.

The King of kings was crowned in jest, yet he is in fact the King of kings (Rev.

Nails in His Hands and Feet

And when they arrived to the location known as The Skull, they nailed him to the cross beside two other convicts, one on his right and one on his left, and hung him from the cross. (Luke 23:33, English Standard Version) Citing Cicero, the crucifixion was defined as “the harshest extremity of the tortures perpetrated to slaves.” Its purpose was to humiliate the guilty and make their misery last as long as possible.

Nails were inserted into the hands and feet to expedite death while increasing the intensity of the suffering. Although He was in the midst of suffering, Jesus prayed for His executioners (and for us), saying, “Father, pardon them, because they know not what they are doing” (Luke 23:34, ESV).

Pierced Side

However, when they arrived at Jesus’ location and saw that he had already died, they did not break his legs. However, one of the soldiers wounded his side with a spear, and blood and water gushed out at once. (John 19:33-34, English Standard Version) This heinous deed was required in order to establish beyond any reasonable question that Jesus had died. Just as Adam’s side was opened to make his spouse, Jesus’ side was opened to create His bride, the church, which was born from His open side as well.

Broken Heart

Around the ninth hour, Jesus shouted out in a loud voice, “Eli! Eli! Lema Sabachthani? ” (Lord, save us from ourselves). “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” says the speaker. (Matthew 27:46, English Standard Version) However, even though He has undergone terrible anguish, Jesus is devoid of complaint until the time when the weight of our sin causes Him to be cut off from His Father. In his grief, he quotes a psalm from David (Psalm 22:1). However, while Jesus has been with the Father since before the creation of the world, man has experienced this separation from God since the fall of Adam and Eve.

Moreover, because Jesus bore the penalty for our sins, we are no longer need to live apart from the Father.

With His resurrection, He was able to miraculously cure every wound.

He still retains the wounds of sacrifice, but his body has been elevated to a position of honor.

This is the same promise we are given if we look to the cross—too difficult to see, too significant to ignore—and believe.

God promises to cure our wounds in the same way that Jesus experienced healing from the wounds he sustained while taking on the penalty for our crimes on the cross. He ties up the wounds of the brokenhearted and cures their broken hearts. (Psalm 147:3, English Standard Version) Our celebration today is centered on the power of resurrection and the healing of wounds. Use the comments section or the link-up button below to share a story about how God has healed or can heal wounds. As we celebrate the healing power of our God, I shall join you in your joy!

Be sure to come back next week for a lighter link up: laugh out loud moments.

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Jesus’ life is the most important life of all. Charles Swindoll is a well-known author and businessman. Randy Singer is known as “The Advocate.” Affiliate links are used to promote products. Aaron Burden’s photograph is used with permission. Image courtesy of Unsplash.

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The Mystery of the Five Wounds

Padre Pio (1887-1968), an Italian priest and stigmatic, was canonized as St. Pio of Pietrelcino in 2002 and is now known as the Patron Saint of Pietrelcino. It was in the 1940s that the future Pope John Paul II confessed and was informed by the future Pope that he would one day climb to “the greatest office in the Church, albeit additional confirmation is required.” This was documented by the future Pope himself. Pio’s hands bear the scars of the stigmata, which may be seen clearly. Brian Wolly is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom.

  1. Francis of Assisi was a known ascetic and holy man, and he would go on to become a saint.
  2. In the early light of morning, when he knelt to pray, he began to think on the Passion of Christ, according to the Fioretti — the ‘Little Flowers of St Francis of Assisi,’ a collection of legends and anecdotes about the saint.
  3. A seraph with six fiery wings descended from heaven at the time he was in this state of rage.
  4. It was after a lengthy time of covert conversation that this enigmatic vision faded, leaving.
  5. Because the marks of the nails began to show on the hands and feet of Saint Francis very immediately, in the same manner as he had observed them on the corpse of Jesus crucified, when he touched them.
  6. As a result, the first documented case of stigmata (the appearance of scars or actual wounds that are similar to those Christ got at the Crucifixion) was documented.
  7. The phenomenon of stigmata has evolved into one of the most well-documented and contentious of all mystical experiences over the years.

But, first and foremost, why did stigmata appear in 13th-century Italy in the first place?

The Catholic Church of St.

Religious painters responded by representing the crucifixion fully for the first time, portraying a Jesus who was clearly in anguish as a result of the blood-stained wounds on his hands and feet.

Francis’s vision may serve as the best illustration of the contemporary obsession with the marks of the crucifixion: a young man was brought before the Archbishop of Canterbury and charged with heresy for declaring himself to be the son of God, a charge that was later dropped.

Therese Neumann, the infamous German stigmatic, claimed to have survived for years on nothing but Communion wafers and wine, which she claimed to have done for years.

This odd instance is unlikely to have reached Francis at Assisi because of the distance between them.

Since 1224, at least 10 more have been documented; a recent estimate by former BBC religion correspondentTed Harrison puts the total number of reports since 1224 at somewhat more than 400.

(though never convincingly in the presence of scientific observers).

Padre Pio is also said to have witnessed a variety of other unusual occurrences and to have performed a number of miraculous healings.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, reports of stigmata have been restricted to Catholic Europe; nevertheless, the most recent tally of modern cases, conducted about a decade ago, contained around 25 cases from all over the world, including one from Korea and one from Japan.

Overall, women have always made up the great majority of the workforce: 353, compared to only 54 males, a ratio of nearly seven to one.

It is 2.4:1 among the 44 instances that have been documented since 1946, and it is just 1.5:1 among those who are still alive.

The stigmata is bestowed upon St Francis.

Image courtesy of Wikicommons.

Prior to Padre Pio, no priest had ever suffered the stigmata; since then, a significant number of priests have.

In addition, as medical understanding has progressed, the site of the wounds itself has begun to shift as well.

As a result of this discovery, it has been discovered that nails positioned in this manner are incapable of supporting the weight of a body, and that the Romans crucified their victims by driving a nail into the arm just above the wrist.

What all of this says, even to many Catholic writers on the issue, is that this phenomena is first and foremost a cultural phenomenon.

Furthermore, sufferers are almost always members of the Roman Catholic church, with the exception of a few Anglican or Baptist stigmatics from the twentieth century.

Francis himself.

Francis’ stigmata as miraculous, as it did in the past.

Fraud is undoubtedly a factor in some instances.

A similar story may be found in the confession of Johann Jetzer, who claimed to have experienced not only repeated poltergeist events but also a series of religious visions, who admitted in 1507 that his stigmata were fabricated.

The emergence of stigmata appears to be mostly a psychological disorder whose symptoms are governed by the cultural expectations of the stigmatics themselves, with the exception of cases of open deception, which may possibly constitute the vast majority of all cases.

Several studies have demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that many people have intentionally inflicted the five wounds on themselves, sometimes unconsciously, and possibly while in an altered state of consciousness brought on by prolonged fasting or intense prayer.

(1976: She died in 1976 at the age of 33, making her the same age as Jesus Christ).

Thurston talked about her case under the category “Hysteria and split personality disorder.” The stigmatic expression in contemporary English Jane Hunt began displaying the signs of the Passion in 1985, following a series of miscarriages, and she was no longer able to do so after having a hysterectomy the following year.

An Italian woman named Domenica Lo Bianco, for example, wore the stigmata on Good Friday in the 1990s and was recognized for it.

If such is the case, Harrison may be accurate in stating that certain occurrences of stigmata may be related to psychosomatic reasons—in other words, to the power of suggestion—rather than to physical causes.

Francis’s own, are pious–or less than pious–frauds of some sort or another.

Francis, who are adamantly opposed to “perpetuating deception for crass motives,” might agree to “a pious hoax—one that, in Francis’s opinion, would promote the example of Christ to others” if the hoax was “pious.” Even after nearly eight centuries have passed since that fateful day on Monte La Verna, the jury is still out; the final decision is ultimately dependent on a fine assessment of human nature.

  • Is it fraud or anything more than fraud?
  • Sources Ted Harrison is the subject of this article.
  • Joe Nickell is the author of New York: Penguin Books, 1999.
  • Herbert Thurston’s Prometheus Books was published in Amhurst in 1998.
  • Ian Wilson’s book, published by Burnes Oates in 1952, is a classic.

The Bleeding Mind: An Investigation into the Mysterious Phenomenon of Stigmata is a book on the bleeding mind phenomenon. Weidenfeld & Nicolson published the book in 1988. Religion History of Religious Beliefs Videos That Should Be Watched

Wounds of Christ

INJURIES SUFFERED BY CHRIST As public religiosity intensified during the Middle Ages, it became increasingly centered on the Passion of Christ, and the wounds inflicted upon him during his suffering were accorded great reverence and respect. In spite of the fact that many medieval mystics estimated that Christ had received 5,461 wounds in total, popular devotion was focused on the five wounds that were directly associated with his crucifixion, namely the nail wounds on his hands and feet, as well as the lance wound that pierced his heart, rather than the other 5,461 wounds that were received during Christ’s whipping and by his crown of thorns.

  • A “shorthand” picture consisting of two hands, two feet, and a disembodied wound acted as a memory help for those who practiced such devotion.
  • The preaching of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) and Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) was ultimately responsible for the widespread veneration of the wounds.
  • The speakers exhorted Christians to aspire to be like this great example of love in their daily lives.
  • “If you are unable to fly to the heights of Christ sitting on his throne, consider Christ hanging on the cross.
  • You will develop tremendous strength and comfort as a result of adversity.
  • If only we had done what Thomas did and pressed our fingers into the grooves of his nails and drove our hands into his side!
  • 302-306 (includes bibliographical references).

A new covenant, to be replaced by the ancient covenant of Moses, was sealed for Christians by this “precious blood.” While in the past, God was appeased by the sacrifice of a lamb, divine blood from the sole victim pure enough to atone for all of humanity’s trespasses was now presented to him in atonement for sins.

  • The lance wound, from which blood and water were seen to pour, is given special significance in this story.
  • As a result, the Church, just as Eve sprang from the side of Adam, is said to have been mystically birthed from Christ’s wounds via the administration of the sacraments.
  • The five wounds emblem, shown as Christ’s pierced heart flanked by his wounded hands and feet, was chosen as the coat of arms of the Henriquez dynasty (the Portuguese royal family) in the early 15th century.
  • The Arma Christi are a series of religious medals that represent the symbols of Christ’s Passion.
  • GMPC1Great Malvern Priory Church (Benedictine), south choir aisle, Great Malvern, Worcestershire (not original placement) Fourteenth-century depiction of Christ’s five wounds.

Aisle in the south choir aisle of the Great Malvern Priory Church (Benedictine) (not original placement) 15th-century painting of Veronica’s Veil, a relic housed at the Vatican and object of extreme devotion since it is said to have been imprinted with the face of Christ when Christ was wiping away sweat from his face on the way to Calvary, dating from the 1440s.

See Arma Christ Roll, an illustrated poem on Christ’s Passion written in English.

What are the seven wounds or scars of Christ?

This post is also accessible in the following languages: (Hindi) God’s compassion for sinners compelled Him to sacrifice all for their redemption (Romans 5:8). JesusChrist underwent the punishment that was required in order to bring sinful mankind into peace with God. “However, he was wounded for our trespasses, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace fell upon him, and it is by his stripes that we have been healed (Isaiah 53:5). Our Savior sacrificed His blood in order to redeem humanity from the last judgment of eternal death (Romans 6:23).

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Every animal sacrifice referred to the final sacrifice of the “Lamb ofGod, who takes away the sin of the world,” which was made on the cross (John 1:29).

The followingsevenwounds or scars on Jesus are recorded in the Bible:

1-The wounds on His head

The Gospel of Matthew records, “And plaiting a crown of thorns, they placed it on His head. (ch. 27:9, also John 19:5). The Arabian Nebulae were the name given to the particular variety of thorns that were cultivated in Jerusalem. This shrub has thorns that were up to 4 inches long and were extremely sharp. Approximately 100 spicules or thorns were found on the terrible crown, according to some estimates. As a result of the crown being pressed into Jesus’ head, he suffered severe injuries. The prophesy delivered to Ezekiel appears to be applicable not only to him in his day, but also to Jesus in his day and in the age to come.

Apart from that, Jesus was struck in the face on two other times.

“Then they spit on His face and beat Him, while others hit Him with the palms of their hands,” Matthew said (Matthew 26:67; John 18:22).

The people who hit Me gave My back, and the people who ripped off my beard gave My cheeks; I did not conceal my face from humiliation and spitting” (Isaiah 50:6).

2-The wounds on His back

“As a result, Pilate seized Jesus and scourged Him,” the Bible says (Matthew 27:20; John 19:1). The vicious cat-of-nine-tails whip was employed by the Romans to scourge prisoners. The whip featured nine strands of leather at the points, each of which was adorned with sharp bones or metal balls that were fastened together with nails. As the whip was slashed over the backs of the inmates, it tore the flesh from their bodies, resulting in significant blood loss. According to the law, victims might be whipped as many as 40 times in one session.

A number of Old Testament prophesies pertaining to the wounds or scars of Jesus were fulfilled in this way.

In the words of the smiters, “I surrendered My back to them” (Isaiah 50:6). “They shall strike the Judge of Israel with a rod,” the Bible says (Micah 5:1). Jesus did, in fact, suffer and endure anguish for people whom He cares about.

3 and 4-The wounds on His two hands

The scars or wounds on Jesus’ hands from the crucifixion are perhaps the most well-known of his physical characteristics. In order to appease the mob, Pilate released Barabba to them; and after scourging Jesus, he handed Him over to be executed. ” (Mark 15:15 also Matthew 27:26, 35; John 19:1, 17). The nailing of Jesus’ hands was a fulfillment of a Messianic Psalm that had been written earlier. “Because hounds have surrounded me; the assembly of the wicked has encircled me; they have wounded my hands and my feet,” says the psalmist (Psalm 22:16).

  • “And someone will ask Him, ‘What are these wounds in Thy hands?'” says the Bible.
  • 13:6).
  • After the resurrection, Jesus asked Thomas, “the doubter,” to come and see and touch His nail-pierced hands for himself for the first time.
  • ” “Do not be unbelievers, but rather believers” (John 20:27).

5 and 6- The wounds on His two feet

According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified by having His feet nailed together. “And when they arrived. to Calvary, they crucified Jesus there” (Luke 23:33; John 19:16-18). A fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy that read, “For wolves have surrounded me; the assembly of evil people has encircled me; they have wounded my hands and feet” (Psalm 22:16). In addition, “They shall look upon Him Whom they have wounded” is mentioned (Zechariah 12:10). It was crucial to the crucifixion that Jesus’ feet be punctured.

  1. The person’s breathing was extremely difficult when they hung with their arms outstretched, and they would have to push up with their legs onto their nail-pierced feet in order to take a breath.
  2. This is why the guards would break the victim’s legs in order for him or her to die as quickly as possible.
  3. “He preserveth all of his bones; not one of them is fractured,” says the Bible (Psalm 34:20).
  4. However, when they arrived at Jesus’ location and saw that he had already died, they did not break his legs.

7- The wound on His side

Jesus’ death was confirmed when “one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear and straightaway there gushed forth blood and water” in order to prove it (John 19:34). As a result, the Old Testament prophesy that “They shall look upon Him Whom they have wounded” was fulfilled (Zechariah 12:10). When Jesus appeared after the resurrection, he urged Thomas, “the doubter,” to place his hand into His side as well, saying, “Reach your finger here.and place it into My side.” (See also John 20:27.) The ultimate piercing of Jesus’ heart revealed the status of His soul.

As a result of the severity of the attack, a condition known as pericardial effusion developed. This is a condition in which fluid accumulates around the heart and can be deadly. This occurrence is frequently cited as evidence that Jesus died as a result of a broken heart.

Jesus’ wounds of love

God’s unfathomable love for the lost race was proven via his willingness to make this sacrifice for us. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only born Son, that whomever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). He who gives his life for his friends exemplifies “more love” according to the proverb (John 15:13). Because of the boundless love of God for humanity, the scars or wounds on Christ’s glorified body will stay for all of eternity as a testament to that love.

” (Zechariah 13:6).

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The Sufferings and Wounds of Jesus Christ

This entry was published on April 14, 2014 at 12:01 am. When we gaze at a crucifix, Jesus’s body is frequently seen to be in good condition. a white or tan torso with five evident wounds: a crown of thorns, pierced side, pierced hands and feet; a crown of thorns on the head. Possibly some droplets of blood to emphasize the brutality of crucifixion will be seen on the wall. The scourging markings on His back, shoulders, and legs, which are most likely missing, are also missing. Although the scourging accounted for the majority of the wounds that Jesus got, these wounds are presumed since they are well-known from the Scriptures (John 19:1; Matthew 27:26) and aesthetically avoided.

  1. Bridget of Sweden).
  2. “It is said in the annals of Clairvaux that St.
  3. Bernard asked Our Lord which was His greatest unrecorded suffering, and He answered: “It is written in the annals of Clairvaux that St.
  4. When thou honorst this Wound with thine devotion, I will grant thee anything thou desirest via the virtue and worth of this Wound.
  5. Due to the fact that it is through the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus that mankind is given new life, each wound and drop of blood is meaningful and valued by the Christian community.
  6. She faithfully fulfills Christ’s mandate to remember the gift of His Body and Blood every day during the Sacrifice of the Mass.
  7. She also has a variety of chaplet devotions and personalized prayers that are offered in honor of each afflicted person, which she can use for personal meditation.

He also suffered in all of His bodily senses: in touch, by being scourged and nailed; in taste, by being given vinegar and gall to drink; in smell, by being nailed to a cross in a place that reeked of the stench of dead bodies, ‘which is called Calvary’; in hearing, by being tormented by the cries of blasphemers and scorners; and in sight, by beholding the tears of His” –St.

  1. Jesus also suffered from emotional and spiritual pain, to the point that His capillary glands ruptured (a medical ailment known as Hematohidrosis), leading Him to sweat drips of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  2. To put it another way, He bore every form of anguish that man could possibly bear; there is no misery that He did not Himself feel to some degree.
  3. What exactly is it about Christ that we adore – his crucified limbs, his pierced side, or his love?
  4. Love is unconditionally adored.
  5. – St.

Because whomever wishes to preserve his life will lose it, and whoever wishes to lose his life for my sake will gain it back.” – Matthew 9:23-24 We are healed as a result of his wounds. Prayer Books are available for purchase. Booklets of the Rosary Novenas

5480 Wounds of Jesus

St. Bridget of Sweden is a saint from Sweden. St. Brigid of Sweden, also known as Birgitta Birgersdotter, was born on July 23, 1303 in Stockholm as Birgitta Birgersdotter. Bridget had several visions of Christ’s suffering throughout her life, and she used these visions to inspire the founding of the Order of the Most Holy Savior. Birger Persson, the governor of Uppland and provincial judge, and his wife Ingeborg Bengtsdotter, who were both fervent Christians, meant that Bridget was raised with a strong religious foundation.

  • Almost since she was a child, she has been deeply committed to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • “Those who detest me and deny my love for them,” Jesus said.
  • Bridget married Ulf, who was 18 at the time, when she was fourteen years old.
  • They had eight children, the second of whom was St.
  • Bridgitta and Ulf both worked for the Swedish court, with Bridgitta serving as the Queen of Sweden’s personal maid for a period of time.
  • Bridget saw wonderful visions and got special messages from God throughout her life.
  • She conveyed what God expects of them in a humble manner.
  • Later, in 1346, she founded the Order of the Most Holy Savior, which is also known as the Bridgettine Order.
  • And throughout all of this activity, Jesus continued to reveal countless secrets to her, all of which she accepted without a shred of self-consciousness.
  • She saw visions of what Jesus had said and done in each location when she visited the shrines there.
  • Bridget died on July 23, 1373, in the city of Rome.
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Five wounds of Christ: Pope urges recovery of traditional devotion

Sweden’s patron saint, St. Bridget. On July 23, 1303 the Swedish saint, Birgitta Birgersdotter, was born as Birgitta Birgersdotter in Stockholm. Many times throughout her life, Bridget was visited by visions of Christ’s suffering, and she was inspired to form the Order of the Most Holy Savior in response to her experiences. The fact that she was the daughter of Birger Persson, the governor and provincial judge of Uppland, and Ingeborg Bengtsdotter, who were both fervent Christians, contributed to Bridget receiving a superior religious education as she grew older.

  • A vision of Jesus being scourged and hanging on the cross occurred to her at the age of eleven, and she heard him say, “Look at me, my daughter.” Angry, she inquired as to the identity of the person who had treated him so badly.
  • The rest of Bridget’s life was devoted to preventing other people from insulting Christ.
  • As with Bridget, Ulf’s heart was bent on serving God and his family and friends.
  • Catherine of Sweden, who was the second daughter of her first husband.
  • Despite Bridget’s efforts to assist King Magnus and Queen Blanche in living healthier lives, they were mostly uninterested in her advice.
  • According to their orders, she paid many visits to Church leaders and other key figures.
  • She gave up the luxury of dressing in her husband’s finery in order to live as a poor nun when he perished in an accident.
  • Meanwhile, she continued to lead a full and active life, touring the world and doing good everywhere she travelled.
  • Bridget embarked on a journey to the Holy Land just a few months before her death.

The revelations of Bridget regarding Jesus’ sufferings were all published after her death, and they are still available online today. It was on July 23, 1373, when Bridget passed away in Rome. In 1391, Pope Boniface IX canonized her and declared her a Saint.

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The Most Gruesome Details of the Crucifixion of Jesus

In today’s world, a first-century Roman would be surprised to find the presence of a crucifix on the wall of any Catholic church. Adding to the strangeness would be the aesthetic embellishments on the cross, which he would only recognize as a tool of execution for his crimes. As we approach Good Friday and the Passion of Jesus, it would be beneficial to consider the crucifixion through the eyes of that first-century Roman rather than through the eyes of a 21st-century person who is accustomed to seeing crucifixes.

  1. Reflecting on Our Lord’s Passion is not simply one of many potential devotions; it is the most important.
  2. Faustina that she concentrate on His sufferings on a regular basis.
  3. On Holy Thursday, the beginning of His Passion is marked.
  4. It was in this location that Judas made the arrangement to have Him arrested (Luke 22:47-48).
  5. Luke’s account is unique among the four gospels in that it begins with the trial before the Sanhedrin first thing the next morning, rather than the evening before (22:66).

Regardless of the itinerary, Jesus began Good Friday after spending the previous night in jail and being abused by guards: all of this following a period of intensive prayer during which He was “extremely sad, even to death.” (Matthew 14:34) It was difficult for Jesus to witness as His closest friends turned their backs on Him that night.

  • After having a difficult day, we’ve all had to keep going.
  • And let us not forget that for many people incarcerated, their families are also affected by their absence.
  • Do you ever find it difficult to relate to Our Lord’s Passion?
  • Keep in mind the difficulties He experienced at this initial, preliminary stage of His Passion.
  • Pontius Pilate and Herod exchanged letters with Jesus back and forth; Pilate was ultimately in charge of deciding whether or not Jesus would be executed.

Because the Jews lacked the legal right to sentence someone to death, they relied on Pilate to carry out their wishes. Ultimately, Pilate caved in to the clamor of the mob and sentenced Jesus to death, ordering scourging as a preliminary punishment (Mark 15:15).

Our Lord is Scourged at the Pillar

Prisoners were bound to pillars and subjected to severe flogging with rods and a special whip. Iron balls were fastened to the end of each leather thong on the Roman scourging whip, a few inches from the end of each leather thong on the whip. Sharp sheep bones would occasionally be attached near the ends of the horns.” The metal weights were designed to induce severe bruising or contusions, while the leather of the thongs was designed to cut into the flesh. The sheep bones were also used to further penetrate the skin with the lacerations.

  • God’s obedient servant Cora Evans, an American mystic whose case for canonization is currently being investigated, wrote of her mystical experiences of Christ’s life in The Refugee from Heaven, a book that has been translated into several languages.
  • 331).
  • Anne Catherine Emmerich, a mystic author, had visions in which the Roman soldiers initially beat Jesus’ back before turning Him around.
  • The physical consequences of the beating extended far beyond the significant anguish it caused—with His skin cut into on either side, He must have lost a significant amount of blood before ever coming close to the cross.
  • Open wounds (if they can even be considered wounds in the first place) are a nuisance that can be felt with every movement.
  • His body had several open sores as a result of the scourging that had taken place.
  • With his vitality depleted as a result of the agony and blood loss, it had to have taken tremendous effort for him to place one foot in front of the other.

Jesus was also given the crown of thorns at this place.

The throng that called out for Jesus’ crucifixion seemed unthinkable at times; how could they have done it?

“His death-warrant has been signed, and who else could have signed it except me,” said Bl.

Those sins of mine were the voices that called out, ‘Let Him be crucified,’ as if they were the only voices in the world.

This awareness of our own misdeeds must be complemented with feelings of love and thankfulness for the Almighty.

On the other hand, we must avoid making the error of downplaying our own sins or the crimes of others.

Sin, by its very nature, is destructive; the devil’s goals with sin are to drive us into wickedness, despair, and, ultimately, damnation, as a result of our sin. It took a spectacular rescue effort on the side of Our Lord to deliver us from the grips of sin!

Our Lord Carries the Cross

The way in which Jesus is shown bearing the cross has changed over the years. Although He appears to be carrying the entire cross, which is two pieces of wood joined together, it’s likely that the vertical section of the cross was in a permanent position in the ground at the time of the painting. Golgotha, often known as Calvary, was the designated crucifixion site in Jerusalem (Matt 27:33). When the condemned were sentenced, they were required to transport a crossbeam from the jail within the city to a spot outside the city; the crossbeam weighed around 100 pounds.

  1. After a harrowing night in jail, with little to no sleep, hearing His own people condemn Him, and being severely scourged, Jesus picked up His cross and walked away from the hang.
  2. He couldn’t do anything to stop himself from falling because his arms were tied to the cross beam.
  3. Having a 100-pound log slam into Him every time He fell was a cruel joke.
  4. (See Luke 23:26 for further information.)

Our Lord is Crucified

When Jesus arrived at His final destination, Calvary, He was stripped of His clothing. Though Jesus is generally draped in a loin cloth on crucifixes, in truth, the Roman crucifixion was intended to be the most painful and humiliating death imaginable for Jesus. To ensure that they died with the least amount of dignity possible, the condemned were stripped of their clothing. Then there came the nails. Iron spikes averaging 5-7 in. in length were used to nail the arms of the condemned to the crossbeam at the wrists, where they remained for the rest of their lives (note on Mark 15:24Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament).

Affixed to the crossbeam after it had been nailed to it, the victim was hoisted and connected to the vertical beam.

Inevitably, death would strike, most commonly as a result of a combination of blood loss (resulting from the scourging) and asphyxiation (note on Mark 15:24Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament).

At that moment, in order to breathe, he would have to lift his body up with his feet and push himself up.

Seven final words were said by Jesus from the crucifixion, all of which were likely strained and difficult for him to utter.

Our Lord Dies

There were two techniques available to the executioners to assure death: breaking the victim’s legs with a large mallet and driving a spear through the victim’s body, respectively. Jesus was saved from the first but not the second, despite the fact that He was already dead at the time. (See John 19:31-37 for further information.) By considering the physical pain and suffering that Jesus underwent, we might obtain a better understanding of the crucifixion of Jesus. The specifics are unpleasant at the very least, and terrible at the very worst.

Cicero sawed nails, massive wooden beams, and drew blood from the ground.

Allow the Passion to inspire you to recite a prayer of heartfelt thankfulness on Good Friday.

His own flesh was nailed to the cross to bear our sins, so that we may die to sin and live to righteousness.

Do you spend time in your prayer life reflecting on the Passion of Our Lord?

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