How Do We Know That Jesus Rose From The Dead

How do we know Jesus rose from the dead?

How can we know for certain that Jesus resurrected from the dead?


Last month, I stated that we will address people’s skepticism about the Church’s teachings being the same as Jesus’ teachings. However, due to the immediacy of the subject of the resurrection, we will address the question about the Church’s teachings next month instead of this month. Because we recently celebrated Easter last month and are still in the thick of the Easter season, it is an appropriate moment to inquire about the resurrection. Beyond that, though, it is an appropriate question for the times in which we live, since traditional Christian beliefs are being scrutinized more and more in our culture.

Certain scholarly circles have become increasingly popular in recent decades in which to question or even deny the historical reality of the Resurrection.

The notion, on the other hand, that He literally resurrected from the dead in a glorified body is a stretch.

The apostle St.

As St.

Saint Paul sets forth the heart of the Gospel, the first and most important truth: “that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures; that He was buried; that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures; that He appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve” (Philippians 2:14-16).

Peter presented on Pentecost, which is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles and in which the Prince of the Apostles announces that God resurrected Jesus from the dead after His crucifixion and resurrection (cf.

As we can see here and elsewhere, the disciples of Christ have insisted that He rose from the grave from the very beginning of their faith.

Some believe Jesus did not die on the cross as he claimed (the “swoon” theory); others believe the Apostles and other eyewitnesses were lying; still others believe they were experiencing a series of mass hallucinations; and finally, some believe the eyewitnesses did not mean Jesus rose from the dead in the traditional sense.

Many scholars have demonstrated (see the link below for additional resources) that each of the proposed alternate explanations for the empty tomb and the testimony of the eyewitnesses has serious and ultimately fatal flaws, leaving only one viable explanation: that Jesus Christ the Nazorean actually rose from the dead.

  1. It is clear from the New Testament and other early Christian literature that the Apostles said they had seen, conversed with, and ate with the resurrected Lord, and that they were to be tortured, and maybe even killed, rather than refute this claim.
  2. Their acts alone are unintelligible if the Resurrection did not take place; after all, who would deliberately subject themselves to mockery, suffering, and death for a nonsensical fabrication?
  3. They do not have the last say, even though we are still subjected to misery and death during this time period.
  4. As we wait for Jesus to return, we may find peace and joy even in the midst of our worldly troubles by remembering that he is, in fact, alive and well.
  5. as we commemorate the Resurrection of Christ on Easter and throughout the Easter season: He has truly resurrected from the dead!

If you have a question for which you require an answer, please send an email to [email protected]. Thank you. Having earned a PhD in theology from Creighton University, Chris Burgwald serves as director of discipleship formation for the Diocese of Sioux Falls.

Please explain: How do we know that Jesus rose from the dead?

For many centuries, culture addressed the discovery of truth through the application of logic. There was a belief that if we could simply sit down with each other and reason together, we would almost certainly come to understand the reality of the situation, or at the very least get closer to it.

Truth through reason?

That used to be the way things worked, but that is no longer true. The world has altered dramatically. The coldness of unemotional reason, with its arguments and syllogisms, feels out of touch with most people, as well as obsolete and at times incorrect. So, how do we know that Jesus resurrected from the dead? Apologetics? Perhaps this isn’t the case. Please you not misinterpret what I am saying. Apologetics has a role to play in answering the question that we are currently faced with. If you were of the opinion that the greatest place to begin our testimony to the gospel was with reasoned argument, you could even consider starting with apologetics.

  • If you’re interested in learning more about how well-known apologists responded to our inquiry, you might want to check out Evidence that Demands a Verdict.
  • According to the writers, they have examined the many ideas surrounding Jesus’ resurrection and have come to the conclusion that the evidence supports the conclusion that, yes, Jesus has genuinely risen from the grave.
  • At our church, we’ve taken the time to study these works in order to better prepare ourselves to offer a response for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:15).
  • We have much more to offer.
  • I suppose you, dear reader, may respond affirmatively to that question, in which case you might put down your magazine right now and dismiss the rest of this piece as being irrelevant to your response.
  • However, it is possible that we are living in an era in which individuals are increasingly guided by anything other than common sense.

Truth through faith

If any portion of what I’ve just said resonates with you, we’d be better off devoting our time to gaining a deeper understanding of the way Mary Magdalene came to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. In John 20, we encounter Mary for the first time. She had an Easter revelation, and I can tell you that logic had a role in it, but it definitely didn’t play the one that our apologists would have us believe it did. They didn’t have time for cold, hard logic when they were embroiled in that Easter drama.

  • Please believe me when I tell that it was difficult for her to see through the tears she was crying.
  • She seemed to be completely unaffected by the angels.
  • The angels were seated there, dazzling and otherworldly (John 20:12).
  • She hastily backed away from these brilliant, holy people, who were still sobbing and completely deaf to reality.
  • He stood in front of her, his features readily distinguishable.
  • She should have been able to identify him based on the markings on his body.
  • “Who else could it possibly be?” Mary, on the other hand, was not satisfied with simply seeing Jesus with holes in his hands.

As a result of Baptism and the crucifixion, Jesus’ Word breaks through the ambiguity and shows us how to be loved by the Father via the empty tomb.

“Why are you crying?” he inquired when he heard of Mary’s tears, an optimistic and glad query.

He was nudge Mary in the direction of discovering the truth that was there in front of her.

He want to wipe away her tears.

She was on the lookout for Jesus, who came across her after she had been overwhelmed by seven devils.

The same Jesus who provided food for five thousand people and walked on water.

Mary, on the other hand, could not be persuaded to stop crying despite the best efforts of everyone around her.

It was time for Jesus to make a personal connection with her.

“Mary,” he stated in a single, clear word (John 20:16).

This word shattered the glass ceiling of her shattered universe.

“How could this gardener get my name?” I wonder.

However, he is familiar with my name.

The veil was lifted from her eyes, and she was able to see Jesus.

“Rabboni,” she screamed out in response (John 20:16).

She grew to appreciate Jesus’ wonderful name as a result of the fact that he had given her a name.

“These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,” says the author of John 20 at the end of the chapter (John 20:31).

Dear reader, if you’ve made it this far with me, then we’ve progressed past all of the apologetic and rational reasons for Jesus’ resurrection, no matter how compelling they may be.

In order to comprehend his resurrection, we must first come to grasp his compassionate and undeserved love for us.

Jesus, in both Word and sacrament, has accomplished all of this and more.

In a way, this is fundamental to our Lutheran faith—sola Scriptura—we know Jesus rose from the dead and believe it simply because the Bible says he did and that he loves us.

As a result of Baptism and the crucifixion, Jesus’ Word breaks through the ambiguity and shows us how to be loved by the Father via the empty tomb.

You should be familiar with them. You can call them by their names. They’re fantastic. Spread his affection for them. Timothy Bourman is the author of this piece. Number 4 in Volume 108 of the Journal of the American Medical Association Date of publication: April 2021

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Brittany Yesudasan is a model and actress. Many people all across the world participate in some form in the Easter celebration. The majority of people in the United States celebrate Easter with colored-egg hunts and Easter bunnies. Christians mark the day with jubilant worship services and a reminder that “He has risen from the dead.” Have you ever heard someone say something like this? Christians gather on Easter Sunday to remind one another that Jesus resurrected from the grave for several reasons.

The idea that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the tomb three days later is a fundamental part of the Christian faith.

The miracle of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead has been examined and argued for hundreds of years and continues to this day.

Fortunately, if you are prepared to hunt for it, there is a wealth of material available to you that may assist you in learning more about the subject.

Why Is It Important That Jesus Rose From the Dead?

You can hold a lot of beliefs about Jesus while remaining skeptical about His resurrection. The fact that Jesus was crucified and died is acknowledged by many religions, but they do not believe that He rose from the dead. Jesus did indeed rise from the dead, and the fact that he did so is essential to the Christian belief. According to one group of Christians, Paul, an early Christian leader and author of much of the New Testament, wrote, “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless, and your faith is worthless” (1 Corinthians 15:14, New International Version).

On the contrary, he is asserting that the resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian faith — and that it is so important that there is no Christian faith at all if it is not observed.

To Fulfill the Old Testament Prophecy

Today, you have the advantage of being able to read the whole Bible, including both the portion written before the time of Jesus, known as the Old Testament, and the portion written after, known as the New Testament, in one sitting. The 66 books that make up the Old and New Testaments are all part of a single tale that is continuous throughout. It is impossible to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament. A Messiah (a Savior) was on the way, and God promised His people throughout the Old Testament that He would come to transform the way they lived.

  • God revealed to the Israelites the particular signs and characteristics that would distinguish the one who would be sent by Himself.
  • He desires for you to be able to identify what He is doing at all times.
  • There were many, yet He saw to it that they were all met.
  • Even though the Messiah would experience death, His body would not deteriorate because He would rise from the dead again.

As a reminder of His death, all he had were the markings on his hands and feet, as well as the wound in his side. Christians believe that Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is vital because He was required to rise from the grave in order to fulfill the predictions of the Old Testament.

To Confirm Jesus’ Own Words

According to the Gospels — the four books of the New Testament that chronicle the account of Jesus’ life — Jesus frequently referenced passages from the Old Testament to His closest friends, referring to what would take place during the week of His crucifixion and rising, according to the Gospels. He spoke with them using parables, which are tales or brief sayings that demonstrate a truth about God and His character. This enabled them to make connections between events after they had occurred, allowing them to comprehend what had occurred.

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However, many of them were unable to comprehend what He was saying.

Being crucified did not fit into this notion.

And that was even after Jesus stated the obvious:From that point on, Jesus began explaining to His disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the chief priests and teachers of the law, and that He must be crucified on the third day and raised to life on the fourth day, as well as many other things.

“Never, Lord!” he said emphatically.

(Matthew 16:21-22, New International Version) As Jesus explained what was going to take place to his followers, he also promised them that He would be resurrected to life again.

By His Life, We Live

In the Gospels, the four books of the New Testament that record the account of Jesus’ life, Jesus frequently referenced passages from the Old Testament to His closest disciples, referring to what would take place during the week of His crucifixion and resurrection. He spoke with them using parables, which are tales or brief sayings that demonstrate a truth about God. Following the events, they were able to make connections between the various events and comprehend what was happening. After His death, Jesus personally informed His followers that He would rise from the dead.

  1. For a long time, the prevalent conception of the Messiah was that He would come to rule over an earthly kingdom, similar to King David in the Bible.
  2. The fact that so much of what Jesus said did not make sense to them was because it did not accord with their preconceived notions of Jesus being the Messiah.
  3. Peter summoned Him to a private room and began to reprimand him.
  4. According to the New International Version of Matthew 16:21-22, In his final discourse with his followers, Jesus explained what was going to take place and promised them that He would be resurrected to life once again.

Until they saw Him alive and well, however, many people had difficulty comprehending this.

Is There Evidence That Jesus Rose From the Dead?

You may read the Gospels for yourself if you so desire. The Gospels are more than just a collection of stories. They are true, verifiable tales of real-life events that have impacted history and the Christian religion as we know it. The way they conduct themselves has a direct influence on your life. Many arguments exist to think that the events described in the Gospels regarding Jesus rising from the grave are accurate.

Jesus Really Died

The claims of Christians that Jesus died and resurrected from the grave have been explored by a number of people over the course of history. Various theories have been advanced regarding Jesus’ resurrection, but one thing that virtually everyone agrees on is that Jesus was a genuine person who lived and was executed by the Romans in the manner described in the New Testament. However, in order for Jesus to rise from the grave, he would have had to have died in the first place. There is significant suggestion that Jesus was never truly dead in the traditional sense.

  • But, without a doubt, Jesus died.
  • One of the Roman soldiers poked a spear into Jesus’ side as they prepared to lower him from the crucifixion, according to tradition.
  • When such a combination occurs, it implies cardiac failure, which should be sufficient evidence for anybody to conclude that Jesus was indeed dead – totally aside from the fact that He was impaled!
  • If they were found to have failed in their duty to execute someone, they would be held accountable – and they would very certainly lose their lives as a result.
  • Furthermore, all stories agree that Jesus was really buried in a tomb after his death.
  • He would not have been buried if his own disciples did not likewise accept without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was, in fact, no longer alive.

It’s Not a Later Legend

Some have hypothesized that the tale of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was a fiction that evolved later on — long after the real event of His death — and that it was fabricated to support a religious belief. If this were to be accurate, it would be a compelling cause to cast doubt on the narrative. No one would have been able to substantiate the events that took place decades ago. However, the tales of Jesus that were written down occurred within a few decades of his crucifixion, and the stories contained within those accounts had been passed about for years before they were recorded.

All of this occurred when those who were present at the time of the events were still alive and able to confirm or deny the narrative.

The Tomb Was Empty

The empty tomb is one of the most perplexing aspects of the tale for people who aren’t sure what to make of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It is also one of the most difficult to comprehend. There are a lot of questions raised by this. Is it possible that they didn’t truly bury Jesus’ body at all? The grave where He is claimed to have been buried belonged to a famous Jewish leader, according to legend. His burial site would not have been hidden or difficult to find. Perhaps a more inconspicuous place would have been more appropriate if the disciples were attempting to concoct a narrative about an empty tomb.

  1. The narrative of Jesus’ resurrection is said to have spread quickly among his disciples when it occurred, according to historical records.
  2. In addition, Roman soldiers were stationed outside the tomb, and the entry was barred from the outside.
  3. The fact that Romans and high-ranking Jewish authorities accused Jesus’ followers of taking the body was the most compelling evidence in support of the empty tomb.
  4. They might have just stated that the corpse did not appear at the tomb, and if the body did not leave the tomb, they could have simply stated that the tomb they were guarding had been left undisturbed.
  5. “Take a look around for yourself.” However, rather than contesting the fact that the tomb was empty, they accused others of stealing the deceased’s body.

People Saw Him Alive

Women were among the first to see Jesus’ resurrection, according to the Bible, who was raised from the dead. Interestingly, the fact that followers of Jesus assert that the earliest witnesses to the live Jesus were women provides evidence that the tale is correct. The testimony of a woman was not highly regarded in Jewish society at the time in question. For example, if the disciples had concocted the entire story in order to put out a realistic and persuasive case, they would very certainly have stated that someone, most likely a notable individual, was the first to see Jesus.

If not for the fact that they were the first witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection, people who say he rose from the dead would resort to witnesses who were unlikely to be believed.

According to the Bible, there were once more than 500 witnesses there at the same moment.

Hallucinations, on the other hand, occur on an individual basis.

There has never been a documented instance of a collective hallucination in history. It is reasonable to think that if so many individuals at the time were in agreement about what they observed, it is reasonable to infer that they were speaking the truth.

His Followers Stuck to Their Story

Because of Jesus’ arrest and subsequent death, his followers were caught completely off guard. They spent the day following His death alone, dispersed, befuddled, and in mourning. They had been vanquished. These guys would go on to be outspoken supporters of the Christian message in their respective communities. Jesus had 12 close followers, who are referred to as His “disciples” in popular culture. One of these individuals, Judas, had betrayed Jesus and then committed himself as a result of his actions.

  1. In the end, ten of them were executed for their testimony that Jesus was alive, while the eleventh was deported and imprisoned.
  2. However, they continued even when they were presented with the decision of either abandoning their message and confessing it was a fraud or losing their lives.
  3. According to the only explanation for such a shift in attitude, the disciples were convinced that they had saw Jesus alive and well following His crucifixion and that the fact that He had survived was worth dying for.
  4. Why would so many men give their lives for something they were well aware was false?

Have Faith and Seek Truth

The importance of asking the question “Did Jesus actually resurrect from the dead?” cannot be overstated. God does not require His children to believe blindly in order to please Him. Despite the fact that there are some things that we as humans can never fully comprehend, God provides us with answers when we seek them from Him. When you question anything, it is not improper to do so since the Truth will never fail you when you question it. You may have trust in what the Bible teaches because it is true.

Because the more we study about what God’s Word has to say and the more we strive to grasp it, the clearer the answers will become.

Continue to investigate on your spiritual path.

Learn more about what distinguishes faith in Christ from other faiths.

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Cru is a Christian group that strives to ensure that all people are allowed to have open and honest discussions about their faith and about Jesus Christ. Cru believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that it is accurate and without mistake. In addition, Cru may be sure in the Bible’s historical accuracy because it contains information and events that have been historically proven. Despite the fact that it was authored by many different persons over a lengthy period of time, the Bible does not contain any contradictions.

He lived a flawless life and was sentenced to death on a cross as a punishment.

Not only does Cru believe this to be accurate because it is recorded in God’s Word, the Bible, but also because it is an event that has been corroborated by other historical records and has withstood the test of time.

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How do we know that Jesus Christ really rose from the dead?

It is his resurrection from the dead that serves as perhaps the most dramatic demonstration yet that Jesus is who he claims to be, namely the Son of God (Romans 1:4). This is a question that has enormous ramifications: Is it true that it happened? “Does the account of the Resurrection represent a significant exception to the “normal gloomy conclusion of human life?” Many people today believe that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was one of the most certain and certain events in all of history.

  1. Anthony Flew, a world-renowned atheistic philosopher, and Dr.
  2. I’m curious as to what happened afterwards.
  3. Flew didn’t have any.
  4. Flew was found to have withdrawn into philosophical sophistry while avoiding the widely-acknowledged historical facts mentioned by Dr.
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Twelve Widely-acknowledged Historical Facts

According to Habermas, the following facts are true:

  1. Jesus died as a result of the difficulties of crucifixion
  2. Jesus was buried
  3. Jesus’ death led the disciples to despair and lose hope
  4. Jesus’ death prompted the disciples to despair and lose hope Many experts believe that Jesus’ tomb was discovered to be empty only a few days after it was reported to be full. At this point, the disciples had real experiences that they believed to be literal encounters with the risen Jesus
  5. The disciples were transformed from doubters who were afraid to identify with Jesus to bold proclaimers of his death and resurrection, even if it meant dying for their beliefs
  6. The disciples were transformed from doubters who were afraid to identify with Jesus to bold proclaimers of his death and The resurrection played a crucial role in their message. The empty tomb in Jerusalem served as the site of the proclamation of the resurrection. Consequently.
  7. The church was established and flourished.
  8. .with Sunday as the principal day of worship
  9. James, Jesus’ unbelieving brother, was converted as a consequence of the resurrection. Despite being a prominent persecutor of Christianity, Paul was converted by the resurrection (Acts 9:3-9,17
  10. 1 Corinthians 15:8
  11. 9:1)

The significance of this one event in the First Century has been described as a “widening circle of ripples” emanating from a “boulder falling into the water of history,” with the consequences spreading over the centuries. In one of the strangest twists of history, a message centered on a deceased “criminal” (1 Corinthians 1:23) was declared as “good news” in response to the message. Another remarkable aspect of its statement was how far it spread over the Empire. It was truly extraordinary. The faith that the same Jesus who had been killed was now alive and well served as the drive for spreading this message.

Of all, there have always been those who have questioned the Resurrection tale, even from the beginning.

Each subsequent attempt, on the other hand, is more wicked than the one that came before it, while continuing to fail to account for a wide variety of incontrovertible facts.

Here are the SIX SKEPTICAL OBJECTIONS most frequently used by critics of Christ’s resurrection. Click on each to learn more.

  1. The resurrection of Christ was a fiction, not a historical event
  2. The accounts of the Resurrection are riddled with inconsistencies
  3. It is not feasible to do miracles
  4. The body had been taken away
  5. Jesus barely fainted for a moment before regaining consciousness and recovering from his wounds. In reality, the witnesses were simply “seeing things.”

Originally written by the Reverend Gary W.

Jensen, M.Div. and edited by Paul S. Taylor of Christian Answers Permission has been granted to use. See our unique Web site dedicated to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

References and Footnotes

  1. The entire transcript of Gary R. Habermas and Anthony G.N. Flew’s Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? (San Francisco: HarperRow, 1987), p. XIIIf
  2. Ibid., pp. 19-20
  3. Karl Barth, The Word of God and the Word of Man (Harper and Row, 1957), p. 63
  4. Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol. III (Simon and Schuster, 1972), p. 553f Dr. Cavin of the University of California, Irvine, contends that Jesus had an undiscovered identical twin brother who initiated a deception about the resurrection in order to get attention. Using the Dead Sea Scrolls as evidence, Barbara Thiering claims that the Gospels are written in a “coded” language that she has deciphered via her research. Her odd hypothesis claims that Jesus was drugged and crucified near the Dead Sea, but that he somehow survived the ordeal. He married MaryMagdalene, and then another lady, and died in his old age as a result of his many wives. Take note of the absurd improbability in this case: The entire early church is said to have been duped, yet Thiering, who lived 20 years later, gets it just right. C.S. Lewis exposes such pompous absurdities in his book Mere Christianity (New York: Macmillan, 1952), p. 191f
  5. And in his book Mere Christianity (New York: Macmillan, 1952), p. 191f.

ChristianAnswers.Net users have broad rights to put this page to work in their homes, personal witnessing, churches, and schools, as mentioned on the linked “Usage and Copyright”page.

How do we know Christ really rose from the dead?

After the crucifixion, a mosaic depicts Christ being carried to the tomb. Death is man’s greatest adversary, and every man, no matter how great, will die at some point in his life. Because of man’s rejection of God’s message and introduction of sin into the world, the entire world—physical, biological, and social—is under the rule of death, which was imposed by God’s Curse on his dominion (Genesis 3:17). The eternal Son of God and the promised Redeemer of the universe, Jesus Christ, has defeated death by carrying the curse of the Law Himself (Galatians 3:13), so opening the road to God and everlasting life for those who believe in him.

For as the apostle Paul put it, “If Christ be not resurrected, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (I Corinthians 15:17).

The fact of His resurrection is the most significant occurrence in all of history, and as a result, it is also the most definite fact in all of history.

As a result, it is necessary for every individual to confront the question of Christ’s claims on his or her own life and ministry.

The very fact of Christianity is proof in itself.

Acts 2:22-36, 3:14-15, 4:10-12, 10:36-43, 13:26-39, 17 :31, 26:22, 23; and other passages show that the apostles’ preaching on the resurrection was always focused on the resurrection. As the Bible describes it, “the apostles bore testimony with great force to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,” and it was this message that brought multitudes of people to faith in Christ and, as their opponents said, “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). The earliest Christians were devoted Jews who had grown accustomed to worshiping the Lord on the seventh day of the week.

In a same vein, their most important yearly celebration was the Passover, which for them quickly became Easter when they learned that Christ had fulfilled the Passover by dying as the Lamb of God and then rising from the dead.

With certainty, the apostles and early Christians, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, believed in and taught the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

They obviously had every reason to take this possibility into consideration.

After careful analysis of all the evidence, they would have been unlikely to have persevered in their witness unless they were thoroughly convinced that their Savior had defeated death!

Many saw Jesus Christ alive after his death.

It went without saying that they had the apostles’ testimonies, as well as those of the “five hundred brethren at once” (I Corinthians 15:6), all of whom had witnessed the lord Jesus after His resurrection, and they were certain that their testimony was correct. There has been some speculation that these appearances of Christ after his resurrection were simply visions or hallucinations, or that they were a case of mistaken identity. Visions and hallucinations, on the other hand, do not occur in this manner on a regular basis, to individuals or groups, inside or outdoors.

Even when they first saw Him in the upper room after the resurrection, they themselves “thought they had seen a spirit,” according to the Bible (Luke 24:37).

After that, He joined them for supper, and they were no longer able to question that it was Jesus Himself, in the same body as they had always known Him to be.

Is it possible Christ did not really die?

Some have speculated that He never truly died, but rather just fainted on the cross, highlighting the ludicrous lengths to which humanity would go in order to avoid facing the truth about who He was and what He did. A combination of blood and water had gushed forth from His injured side when the Roman soldiers proclaimed Him dead. He was tied up in a heavy weight of burial garments and placed in a tomb for three days. A grievously injured and weakened Jesus, on the verge of death, could never have inspired His followers to the heights of courage and power that they soon demonstrated.

In addition to the ten or more post-resurrection appearances of the Lord, there is the physical evidence of an empty tomb to support the resurrection narrative.

The empty tomb has never been explained, except by the physical resurrection.

The tomb had been sealed with the Roman seal and was guarded by a detachment of Roman soldiers under penalty of death, and a large stone had been thrown in front of the entrance to prevent anybody from entering. Although the soldiers ran in horror as a great angel rolled aside the stone, they later discovered that Jesus’ corpse had gone from the tomb and that His burial cloths had remained exactly as they had been before He passed out of them. Except for the bodily resurrection, there has never been a satisfactory explanation for the empty tomb.

If the apostles or other companions of Jesus had somehow obtained possession of His corpse and therefore knew He had died, they would never have preached His resurrection in the manner in which they did, knowing that doing so would very certainly result in their persecution and probably death.

No man will gladly give up his life for something he knows to be a falsehood, and that includes himself!


The fact that Christ rose from the dead is confirmed by the empty tomb and the numerous appearances of Christ after His resurrection, which are further supported by the consistent teaching of Scripture, the numerous references to it in the non-Biblical literature of the early Christians, the institutions of the Church, the celebrations of the Lord’s Day and Easter, the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament, as well as the very necessity of bringing real meaning and confidence into human life, all of which serve as proof of the fact of the resurrection There is no other historical truth that can be substantiated by such a diverse collection of evidence!

The third piece of proof is the experiential reality of the certainty of salvation and eternal life that each and every individual who has ever placed his or her personal trust in the living Christ has come to know and experience.

Abridged version of an excerpt from The Bible Has the Answer, written by Henry Morris and Martin Clark and published by Master Books in 1987 With permission from Master Books, Films for Christ has provided this material.

What is the Proof and Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?

No doctrine in Christianity is more important than the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, which is the most fundamental of all the teachings. The resurrection’s veracity has been attacked from every possible direction. New books and television shows are constantly released that cast doubt on the resurrection, rehashing previous hypotheses about what happened to Jesus’ body after he was raised from the dead. Because the resurrection is so important to Christianity, Christians should be ready to provide proof and evidence in response to these inevitable objections.

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Historically Credible Accounts in the Gospels

First and first, in order to defend the resurrection against its critics, it is necessary to verify the historical accuracy of the events described in the Gospels. It is “the problem” whether the gospel tales are historically reliable reports or unhistorical fables, according to philosopher William Lane Craig in his book Reasonable Faith.

The Existence of the Empty Tomb

The fact that the tomb is empty is one of the most straightforward aspects of the resurrection evidence to demonstrate. Because the site of Jesus’ burial was known to people who lived in Jerusalem, it is doubtful that they would have accepted the apostles’ claims about the resurrection of Christ if the tomb had not been found to be empty at the time of Jesus’ resurrection claim. The burial of Jesus is testified to by a large number of early, independent witnesses, both biblical and extra-biblical.

This is due to the fact that, as is well known, women were not regarded trustworthy witnesses in first-century Jewish society, and it would have been unwise for the writers to fictionalize a story involving women in order to achieve credibility.

According to reports, the Jews claimed that the disciples had stolen the body of Christ.

The tomb’s empty is a historical truth that has been well documented.

However, just because the tomb of Jesus Christ was found to be empty does not always imply that the resurrection took place in that location. There have been four distinct ideas for the resurrection that have been offered over the course of history:

1. The Conspiracy Hypothesis

In accordance with the conspiracy concept, the disciples took the corpse of Jesus and then proceeded to tell people lies about his appearances. A prank was perpetrated on the people of Jerusalem, according to this narrative. For a variety of reasons, this idea is not widely accepted in contemporary scholarship:

  • In this view, it is not taken into consideration that the disciples were convinced of the resurrection. In addition, it is highly unlikely that a large number of disciples would have been willing to lay down their lives in defense of a fabrication
  • It is also unlikely that the idea of resurrection would have occurred to the disciples, given that such an event was not associated with the Jewish concept of a Messiah. According to the academic William Lane Craig, “If your chosen Messiah crucified himself, you either returned home or found yourself a new Messiah to worship.” Although it is unlikely that the disciples would have entertained the notion of snatching Jesus’ corpse and claiming that God had resurrected him from the dead, they did.”
  • This explanation is unable to account for Christ’s post-resurrection appearances
  • Hence, it is rejected.

2. The Apparent Death Hypothesis

The seeming death theory is the second explanation that has been proposed to explain away the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to this perspective, Jesus was not entirely dead when he was taken down from the crucifixion. Once inside the tomb, Jesus was resurrected and managed to flee, therefore persuading the disciples that he had been raised. For a variety of reasons, it is difficult to maintain this point of view:

  • An unconscious guy would be improbable to have been capable of even getting up and walking, let alone lifting the massive stone that sealed the tomb, overpowering Roman soldiers, and fleeing from the scene of the crime
  • Nonetheless, this is exactly what happened. This explanation cannot explain for the disciples’ belief in Christ’s resurrection, since if they had seen him after he had been raised, they would have assumed he had never died
  • But, this theory does account for the disciples’ belief in Christ’s resurrection. It is also naive to believe that the Romans, who had mastered the art of execution, would have let one to slip through their fingers without ensuring he was dead. Finally, given the physical torment depicted in the Gospel texts, it is exceedingly implausible that Jesus would have survived the crucifixion and subsequent death.

3. The Wrong Tomb Hypothesis

Thewrong tomb hypothesisposits that the ladies were disoriented while on their journey to Jesus’ tomb and unintentionally came upon the caretaker of an empty tomb while looking for Jesus. It is reported that the ladies were so puzzled that they left when the caretaker said, “Jesus is not here.” Their narrative was then transformed into a resurrection myth. The same may be said for the other ideas, which have almost little support among credible academics. There are at least three justifications for this:

  • First and foremost, this theory does not account for the post-resurrection appearances, and it is implausible to believe that such a simple mistake could have led a first-century Jew to believe that a resurrection had occurred
  • Second, this theory does not account for the post-resurrection appearances
  • And third, this theory does not account for the post-resurrection appearances
  • And fourth, this theory does not account for the post-resurrection appearances. Due to the early evidence that has been uncovered regarding the site of Jesus’ tomb, it is extremely inconceivable that the women would have made a mistake in their identification of the tomb. However, while this hypothesis stresses that the tomb’s attendant stated that Christ was not present, the idea ignores the next phrase: “He has risen indeed!”

4. The Displaced Body Hypothesis

According to the misplaced body theory The corpse of Jesus was initially interred in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb, but it was eventually transported to the criminal’s cemetery. It was because the disciples were unaware that Jesus’ body had been relocated that they incorrectly concluded that he had been raised from the dead. In part because of the erroneous character of this idea, it is held by nearly no contemporary scholars:

  • Neither the appearances of Christ after his resurrection, nor the foundation of the Christian religion, can be explained by this viewpoint. One may only speculate as to why Joseph would not have rectified the disciples’ error by simply showing them where he had relocated the corpse of Jesus
  • Because the criminal graveyard was most likely relatively close to the location of the crucifixion, it would have made little sense for Joseph not to have just buried Jesus there from the beginning. A body was not permitted to be relocated after it had been buried under Jewish law
  • In fact, it was considered a sin.

The Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus

After Jesus’ death, the Apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians, a genuine letter written by a man who was familiar with the early disciples, that a large number of individuals saw him alive again after his death (1 Corinthians 1:1). It seems virtually unassailable that Jesus appeared to the individuals who Paul describes in the book of Acts. In fact, even the well-known New Testament critic Bart Ehrman acknowledges that “we may assert with reasonable certainty that some of Jesus’ disciples claimed to have seen him alive.” The gospels all talk of Christ appearing to people after his resurrection.

  • Therefore, a small number of researchers contend that distinct groups of individuals had interactions with Jesus on different occasions.
  • Paul, on the other hand, does not allow for a purely psychological experience.
  • For the appearances of Christ after death, the resurrection is the most logical explanation to be offered.
  • It also does not provide an explanation for the disciples’ conviction in the resurrection.
  • In the ancient world, postmortem appearances would have been more proof that the individual was dead than that he was alive, according to New Testament scholar N.T.

Wright. 1 Corinthians 1:1 reveals that the bodily resurrection of Jesus is the best explanation for the postmortem appearances recounted in the book of 1 Corinthians.

The Existence of Christianity

The fact that Christianity began and flourished is another evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When it came to Jews, the Messiah was seen as a person who would be victorious and rule on David’s throne, rather than a figure who would be crucified and killed. The crucifixion and death of Jesus were averted only by the resurrection of Jesus. The Messiah, who had died, has risen from the dead! The resurrection confirmed and justified Jesus’ statements about his own identity, which he had made during his ministry.

As a result, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus Christ did, in fact, triumphantly rise from the dead on the third day following his death.

What 3 Facts Prove the Resurrection of Jesus?

Read the following transcript of a video by Gary Habermas discussing the evidence for Christ’s death and resurrection: Well, I’m the one that looks through the primary materials to determine where scholars are at the present time. It that I can tell you where academics are located throughout the board, I need to know where they’re congregating in order to do so effectively. And this is something that is difficult to imagine in fiction. I discovered more than 20 grounds to believe in an empty tomb by reading critical literature, yes, more than 20.

  1. I mean, where does one go to buy that type of stuff?
  2. Here’s how it works in practice.
  3. This is not to say that I’m a liar; it would be far too simplistic.
  4. And here I am, a few decades later, writing about it.
  5. Because it is not accurate that women were unable to testify in a court of law; in fact, they were able to.
  6. Perhaps that is all that you have.
  7. So what is it about four gospel authors that aren’t only a few blocks apart from each other that makes them so close?

Why do they all make this type of blunder when they’re narrating the narrative, and why do they say things like “The ladies did it?” Why wouldn’t you add something like, “So, I’m pretty much free to narrate the narrative as I choose.

But let’s force them to go there right from the start.

I was under the impression that Peter and John were with the women and that they had left early in the morning.

During the first journey to the grave, there isn’t a single individual to be found.

Because there wasn’t a single man in the entire bunch of women.

When it comes to telling the truth, you don’t put your worst foot forward unless you really want to.

What is the point at which the preaching begins?

What happened to the empty tomb?

How did the tomb fare this time?

Well, as a cynic could argue from time to time, “Come on, according to your book Acts, they don’t begin preaching for another 50 days.

That is not what is written in the text.

You must give due consideration to what is said in the text.” And here’s what the text has to say about it.

There’s a body in the tomb, but don’t be concerned about him.

There is no one in the tomb.

The New Testament is an empty tomb, or rather, it is not a tomb.

Thus, despite the fact that it was taught in Jerusalem, where anybody could easily travel there on an afternoon stroll and verify or refute it, it will only operate if the tomb is empty, as opposed to having a body in it as in the case of the resurrection.

However, they feel that we have three to four distinct sources for the gospels, out of the five sources that I mentioned for the gospels.

That’s three out of four out of a possible maximum of five.

There are three of them.

They’re the ones I believe to be the finest. The ladies, the fact that it was proclaimed geographically at a location where it could be most easily contradicted, and the fact that we have numerous accounts, all of which are independent, regarding the empty tomb are all significant factors.

Further Reading

What Is the Importance of the Resurrection? Easton’s Bible Dictionary defines resurrection as “the raising of Christ from the dead.” We Can Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Because of These Six Factors

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