How Do I Find Jesus

How do I find Jesus?

What is the best way to locate Jesus? Alternatively, where can I locate Jesus? You could be asking yourself or someone else these questions and you’d like a ready-made response to give them to you. Everyone has a genuine need to find Jesus RIGHT NOW! This message is intended to point people in the direction of Jesus. As you can see, I’m standing at the door, knocking. Revelations 3:20 says that if anybody hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he will dine with Me (NKJV).

Romans 10:9-10 says that it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your tongue that you confess your faith and are saved (NIV).

– Matthew 9:13 (NASB) (NKJV).

Each and every person must come to know Jesus because He is the ONLY means to reach God and all that He has to offer.

  • As a result, attempting to discover how to locate Jesus is probably the ideal selection you can do.
  • He has already arrived at the door of your heart, knocking and pleading with you to let Him in.
  • Do you need to make any additional preparations in order to respond to His call?
  • You are welcome to dress whichever you choose.
  • Although your faults are numerous and painful, Isaiah 1:18 says that even though they are scarlet in color, they will be white as snow, or red in color, they will be as wool.
  • But God, out of His great love for mankind, sent Jesus to earth, to you and me included, in so that we would not perish – John 3:16, 17 What is the best way to locate Jesus?
  • Due to the fact that you believe and are justified with your heart, and you confess your faith and are saved with your tongue, Is that all there is to know about how to discover Jesus?


From this point forward, continue to build on this foundation via prayer and Bible study.

Additionally, choose a believing church where you can settle down and grow.

Make the following statement: I’m coming to you today, Lord Jesus.

I’ll be washed in your blood.

Thanks for saving me, I embrace you as my personal Lord and Saviour Father, and I thank you for it.


Jesus is the Messiah!

God’s grace and peace be with you at this time.

Please spread the word about this post. If you enjoyed this post, please enter your your address below to get free email updates in the future. P.S. Please leave a remark below; I would appreciate hearing from you. – PinkMoose created this image.

How To Find Jesus –

1. Recognize that you have a problem. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, according to what is written in the Bible (Rom. 3:23, NASB). Each and every one of us is a sinner, and we must recognize our need for a Savior. You will not be able to save yourself. 2. Confess your sins and repent of them. Because God is entirely holy, and we are sinners, our sins create a barrier between us and God, preventing us from being united with him. You will be pardoned if you confess your faults and repent of them, as instructed by the Bible.

  • If we confess our sins, the Bible promises that God is “faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to purify us from all unrighteousness” if we confess our sins (I John 1:9).
  • Put your faith in Jesus.
  • God performed a miracle when He sent His only Son to die on the cross in order to atone for all of our transgressions.
  • For God so loved the world that He gave His only born Son, that whomever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, according to what is written in the Bible (John 3:16).
  • Accept His salvation as a gift.
  • Thank God for sending Jesus to die on the cross for your sins on your behalf.
  • Then invite Him to take up residence in your heart.
  • 5.
  • “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God resurrected Him from the dead, you will be saved,” the Bible promises us (Rom.
  • You have been reborn and are now considered a member of God’s family.

If you have walked through these five steps, you can say this prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for sacrificing your life on the cross for me. I acknowledge that You are the genuine Son of God, who was sent to earth to pay the penalty for all of our sins. I thank you for your sacrifice on our behalf. The resurrection of Jesus Christ and your eternal life in heaven is what I believe to be true. You are God Almighty, and I submit to your authority as my ruler. I’m sorry that I’ve spent the most of my life aside from you. Please accept my apologies for believing that my life might have meaningful significance apart from you, my Creator and Savior.

Please enter into my heart and wash away all of my sins.

Thank You for allowing me to start anew with You in my life once more.

In the event that you have taken this decision today, please write us an email! We would be delighted to assist you as you begin your spiritual journey. We can also assist you in finding a healthy church where you can interact with other Christ-followers and grow in your faith.

How to Seek Jesus Christ and Find Him

Find out how to seek and find Jesus Christ. What is the best way to view and locate the Lord, Jesus Christ? Indeed, if you seek Him in the proper manner, you will find Him. Many individuals have come to me and asked me how they might seek and find Jesus Christ. They have migrated from church to church, tithed, paid money to scoffers, attended church every Sunday, and so on, but they have not been able to locate Jesus Christ as their Savior. God guarantees that those who seek Him with diligence will eventually discover Him.

  1. How do you go about seeking Jesus Christ with all your heart and ensuring that you find Him?
  2. Everything else is pointless if you don’t have this.
  3. That is something you must comprehend; 1.
  4. God is first and foremost a personal God; He is your God before He becomes ours (communal) and a God of the entire human race.
  5. Every man was expected to be the first to take a lamb for himself at Passover.
  6. Everyone must take his or her own lamb, which is Jesus Christ, before the lamb may become communal, a lamb for the home and for all of humanity.
  7. John 1:29 (NIV): The next day, as John looks up, he sees Jesus approaching him and proclaims, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who wipes away the sin of the world.” Before you may accept Jesus Christ as your personal God, you must first make Him your personal God (Say my God before you say our God).

If Jesus Christ is your God, you have the ability to communicate with Him.

No human being has the authority to speak to God on your behalf.

If God is your personal God, you will just need yourself and Him, and you will be able to talk and He will hear you, as well as ask and He will answer your questions and provide answers.

God is a covert observer and listener who listens and sees in secret.

God is in the shadows.

You must maintain complete secrecy in order to locate Him (just you and Him).

Only by seeking Jesus Christ in secrecy will you ever be able to discover Him.

God must talk to me in private if He is to speak to me, and not only to me, but to all of His servants.

Enter a place of seclusion where only you and God are present.

Since God is in secret, He is able to communicate with people by hearing, seeing, and speaking to them in secret.

If God does not respond, it is likely that your personal connection with Him is not correct.

As you can see in the preceding instruction, I have talked about how to develop a good personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In short, in order for the spirit of God to remain with you, you must do the following:

  1. Separate yourself completely from the rest of the world
  2. Maintain your repentance
  3. Maintain a spirit of prayer
  4. Allow the Bible not to depart from you and to serve as a constant reminder of His message throughout the day and night.

If you are still associating with the world, you will not be able to find Jesus Christ. If you have not made the decision to completely remove yourself from the world and from doing the things that others in the world do, you will not be able to discover Jesus Christ. All of the clamor and bustle in your churches, throughout the world, and among those who pretend to be Christians but are hypocrites is indicative of a generation that has lost its way. Avoid being a part of it. Be truthful with yourself, and keep yourself away from hypocrisy and hypocrites.

  • Jer 29:13: And you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all of your heart, as the Scripture says.
  • When you do, in fact, come to know Jesus Christ, He will take care of every other aspect of your life as well.
  • But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these things will be added to you as a result.
  • Seek for the individual Jesus Christ.

The Bible says in Isa 55:6-7, “Seek the LORD while He may be found, call on Him while He is close.” It is best that the wicked abandon his way and the unrighteous man his ideas, and that they return to the LORD, for He will have compassion on them; and that they return to our God, for He will abundantly forgive them.

Where to find Jesus, How to Find Jesus, Find Jesus,

Jesus is God, the Creator of heaven, earth, and all that exists inside them. He is everywhere at the same time (present everywhere). In the Bible scripture Isaiah 66:1-2, it says This is what theLORD has to say about it: “My throne is in the heavens, and my footstool is on the earth. What is the location of the house you are building for me? What will be the location of my last resting place? Isn’t it true that my hand created everything and that’s how they came to be? “‘It is the LORD who has spoken.’ Jesus Christ was born of a virgin Mary, lived a blameless life, bled his blood on the cross for the sins of all people, and died.

  • His gaze is fixed on us at all times.
  • Jesus is alive right now and forever.
  • Simply inviting Jesus into your life is all that is required if you want to enjoy the company of Jesus in your life.
  • You came to this planet as a sacrifice for our sins and died as a result of them.
  • Your role as my personal rescuer has been accepted, and I have invited you to take leadership of my life.” Simply said, if you have prayed this prayer sincerly, Jesus will take care of you from this point on, and you will experience his love and friendship, and you will never be alone again.

To find out more, simply ask Jesus (pray) and study the Bible; Jesus will speak to you and guide you through the process in ways you could never imagine. What a blessing it is to dwell in the love of the Living God.

Little in Stature: How to Find Jesus When You Struggle to See Him

One of the most interesting stories in the Gospel of Luke is that of Zacchus, a wealthy but small publican who chose to climb a tree in order to have a better view of Jesus. No other Gospel writer included this incident in their account of Christ’s life save Luke. As a youngster who used to like climbing trees, this story had a special meaning for me. I envisioned me bopping around in the rear of the throng for a while, trying to figure out what all the commotion was about, and then sprinting ahead as quickly as my small legs could carry me to clamber up a sycamore tree to get a better view of what was going on around me.

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The following story is about a man who want to learn more about Jesus and so tried all in his power to become closer to him.

Despite our greatest efforts, do we not encounter periods when we find it difficult to perceive Him or feel near to Him?

Fortunately, if we follow Zacchus’ example and do all in our ability to recognize Christ in our lives, we may have life-changing experiences that will last a lifetime and benefit us for forever.

Seek the Savior

The first thing Zacchæus did was to seek Jesus. He’d heard about this man named Jesus, who had turned water into wine and fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread, and when Jesus passed through Jericho, Zacchus “wanted to know who he was and what he was doing.” Likewise, the first step we must take in our efforts to see the Savior is to seek Him and learn about who He is. We must study His teachings, learn more about his life and mission, and consult the teachings of those who testify of Him both anciently and in modern times.

Nelsonsaid, “We begin by learning about Him.

Alma taught that “all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator.” But even on a more personal level, if we look for Christ in our lives, wewillfind Him.

Allgood things come from Christ, and as we learn to look for the good in our lives—as hard as that sometimes is—we will be blessed with a greater understanding of His love.

Move Away from the Crowd

The largest obstacle to Zacchus’ ability to perceive Jesus was not his height, but rather the fact that he was a dwarf. It was a result of the crowd. Similar to this, the loudness and turbulence of the world can sometimes be the biggest impediment to our capacity to recognize Jesus. Disillusionment may easily be produced by television news programs that feature war, natural disasters, terrorism, and other catastrophes. Inappropriate media infiltrates our homes and fills our thoughts with dirt and light-mindedness, which is detrimental to our health.

  • Overabundance of good things, such as overbooked calendars with extracurricular activities and work that spills over into personal time, can dull our senses to the whispers of the Holy Spirit and keep us too busy to speak with God.
  • Turn off the television.
  • Allow yourself to let go of the things that impede you from being able to learn and serve.
  • Don’t be scared to forge your own road if the way of the world prevents you from reaching the Savior—which it will do in all likelihood.
  • He spoke in hushed tones with a little voice.

Run to Him

After moving away from the crowd and approaching Jesus, Zacchus didn’t waste any time in getting to his destination. Heran. He was anxious to be as near to Jesus as possible, so he walked as swiftly as he possibly could. I recently attended a talk by a woman named Allie White on the topic of accepting change. One of the things she urged us to attempt was “quick and radical acceptance,” which she defined as “acceptance without reservation.” She stated that by accepting change, we would be able to learn to see it as a wonderful thing that would enrich our lives.

  • Consider how we may apply this to our spiritual activities.
  • So, what if we just went with it when Christ spoke to us, instead of fussing and hawing over whether or not we truly heard His voice?
  • In our hearts, we know He has our best interests at heart, and we’ve learned from prior experience that trusting and obeying Him will lead to wonderful things always, always, always.
  • Put on your jogging shoes and go for a run.

Move to Where Christ Is

When Zacchus was running, he calculated the location where Christ would pass by and proceeded to that location. We must follow Christ’s example and go where he would go. It is possible to see a pattern in Christ’s visits to the ill and afflicted if we examine His life and mission: He went to the sick and afflicted. He attended services at both the church and the Temple. It was with the misfits that he shared a meal. He spent his time in the company of people who had more faith in their hearts than they had in their heads.

It was at this time that Jesus was able to retire into nature and commune with His Father. Throughout our life as we serve others, worship, fellowship, spend time outside, pray, and surround ourselves with good relationships, we will come to see the Savior more clearly in our own.

Elevate Your View

With the goal of being totally certain that he would see Christ, Zacchus decided to take an unorthodox approach and climb a tree. No one, no matter how tall, would be able to obstruct his vision from his vantage point because of his lofty position. We, too, must raise the level of our thinking. In order to do this, we must “be honest, sincere, chaste, compassionate, virtuous, and in doing good to all men. We are on the lookout for anything that is moral, beautiful, or worthy of mention or acclaim.” That the Temple is frequently referred to as “the mountain of the Lord,” and that God frequently instructed His Prophets to climb mountains before revealing great things to them, do not seem to be coincidental, in my opinion.

In time, we will come to recognize Christ in our own selves, for as Mormon taught, “when he will appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is purified” (Mormon 1:21).

Receive Him Joyfully

The remarkable thing about all of this is that, at the same time that we are seeking Christ, He is pursuing us as well. He is aware of us, our difficulties, and the obstacles that separate us from Him, and He is gradually making his way through the throngs to our tree, where He will look up at us and welcome us to come down to Him. He will welcome himself into our houses, where he will live and work alongside us for a time. “To abide” is defined as “to come and remain” in Emily Belle Freeman’s book The Christ-Centered Home.

Jesus made the decision to remain in the house of Zacchaeus; He chose to dwell there.

What have you learned from the example of Zacchæus?

I’d be interested in hearing your comments on this subject. Please share them in the comments section below or on Facebook. And, if you found this piece to be useful, please spread the word! Thank you very much! Image in the header: ‘Zacchaeus in the Sycamore Awaiting the Passage of Jesus’ is a painting by James Tissot that depicts Zachée in the Sycamore awaiting the passage of Jesus. It is in the public domain. D C 131:6 (D C 131:6) Welcoming the Divine Presence of Jesus Christ into Our Lives Russell M.

Nelson is an American businessman and philanthropist. April of this year The General Conference is held every year. Alma 30:44 (Alma 30:44) 1 Kings 19:11-13; Moroni 7:24; 1 Kings 19:13 1st Article of Faith, verse 13 Isaiah 2:2–3 (KJV) Moroni 7:48 (Moroni 7:48)

Seeking Jesus – What does it mean and 5 Ways to do it

In the book of Jeremiah, one of the most famous Bible verses about pursuing God with all your heart is: “You will seek me and find me if you seek me with all your heart,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 29:13 (New International Version)

What Does Seeking Jesus Mean and Why Does it Matter?

Seeking Jesus entails making him your first priority in all aspects of your life. God extends an open invitation to us to enter into a life-changing relationship with him. Because of his fatherly affection, he provides us with the option to accept or reject the offer, which is referred to as free will. The decision to enter or not is with us. His door is wide open. As Christians, we could be tempted to brush over this call, assuming that we’ve already begun our search for him since we love him and normally obey the law.

Seek the Lord Bible Verses

The Bible has several references to pursuing the Lord and the delights that come as a result of doing so. In addition, BibleGateway is a fantastic free internet resource. One of the most famous Bible verses about pursuing God with all of your heart may be found in Jeremiah, but there are many more as well. All of the following are taken from the NIV version:

  1. Whenever you put your heart and soul into seeking me, you will eventually find yourself in my presence. Jeremiah 29:13
  2. But if you seek the Lord your God from there, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul, as the scripture says. Deuteronomy 4:29 says, “Glorify the Lord your God, and let the hearts of those who seek the Lord be glad.” 1 Chronicles 16:10
  3. Now commit your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God, as the scripture says. ‘If you seek him, he will be discovered by you,’ according to 1 Chronicles 22:19. He committed wrong because he had not fixed his heart on pursuing the Lord, according to 1 Chronicles 28:9. As recorded in 2 Chronicles 12:14, the Lord looks down from heaven on all of people to see whether there are any who comprehend, any who are seeking after God. Psalm 14:2 says that the lions may get weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord will never be without anything good. Psalm 34:10 is an example of this.

What does Seeking mean?

Seeking Jesus is attempting to have a personal contact with him. Christians might get complacent in their relationship with God, believing that everything is satisfactory. Seeking implies that you are actively chasing more. To exemplify the notion, we may use the context of human interactions as an example. Let’s look at the difference between your hypothetical connection with your mother and your sister’s hypothetical relationship with her first. Your mother is adored by both you and your sister.

  1. For her birthday, you treat her to a nice meal.
  2. You are correct.
  3. She attends the same church as your mother.
  4. She takes time away from work to accompany your mother to frightening doctor visits, even though your mother claims she does not require her assistance.
  5. Which of you is more likely to have a stronger bond with your mother?
  6. Which one of your daughters is most likely to feel connected and fulfilled in her connection with your mother?
  7. Your sister is actively involved in the development of her connection with your mother.
  8. Take a look at our FREE plans!

How to Nurture and Seek a Relationship with Jesus

In any relationship, we harvest what we sow, and this is no different when it comes to our connection with God. As Christians, we have a deep affection for God. Perhaps we spend the last few minutes of our waking hours in prayer or contemplation. Perhaps we’ll attend a religious service. We (for the most part) follow the commandments. God loves us, and we love him back in return. However, when we seek him out, we work hard to maintain the relationship. When we pray, we don’t just recite the words out of habit; we feel and mean every word, praying from our hearts and expressing the words to him.

  1. We make time for God, and we pray without ceasing in order to please him.
  2. It is not our goal to fit him into our already overcrowded schedule; rather, we plan our lives around him.
  3. We come face to face with him in the quiet.
  4. We elevate God to the position of supreme importance that he deserves.
  5. So, does this imply that Jesus favors those who seek him more than those who do not seek him?
  6. Jesus is always at our side, regardless of whether or not we have our minds and hearts focused on him.

Trying to find something more beautiful opens the way to a more beautiful relationship, and it offers Jesus delight as well. He is waiting for everyone of us in a way that is incomprehensible to our understanding. Open your head and heart and you’ll discover him waiting for you.

How To Seek God With Your Whole Heart

Have you ever begged for a miracle because you were desperate for anything to happen? Perhaps in the case of a dying newborn or after a loved one has been involved in a horrible accident? That sense of urgency, force, and relentlessness characterizes Seeking Jesus. The desire to get to know Jesus on a deeper level comes from our very core. Seeking Jesus is a voyage into the depths of your being and spirit. It has absolutely nothing to do with the pomp and ceremony that comes with demonstrating to the world what a wonderful Christian you are.

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The five case studies that follow will help you get started on your journey.

How To Get Closer To Jesus – 5 Ways

There is no recipe for being more intimate with Jesus. Begin with these 5 Ways of Seeking Jesus to get you started, and then build on that foundation as you continue to grow.

Open your heart

Please, as a fair exchange—I am speaking as if I were speaking to my children—open wide your hearts, as well. 2 Corinthians 6:13 (New International Version) The act of seeking is a cardiovascular activity. When you’re looking for something, there are almost no exterior clues. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a tranquil area in your mind’s eye. Relax. You can almost feel him there. He’ll be there, I’m sure. Go deep within yourself and experience a magnificent relationship with God in your soul.

Pray unceasingly

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to pray without ceasing. When you are looking for God, he should be your top focus. You don’t have time to pray during the day. You schedule your activities around your prayers. He’s the first thing that enters to mind in the morning, remains in your thoughts throughout the day, and will be your company when you’re sleeping. Prayers are uttered directly to God from the depths of the heart. Visualize yourself saying the prayers to him personally. If you find yourself repeating words without understanding what they mean, keep going until you have the prayer memorized and not just reciting it by heart.

Be still

His words are in Psalm 46:10, “Be quiet, and know that I am God.” When we go in search of Jesus, he joins us in the calm of the moment. Ascertain that you have given God a reasonable opportunity to respond, to instruct you, and to guide you. In the calm, he makes his presence known. Make a conscious effort to remain motionless. Try to find a means to get more intimate with God in your intellect and heart. Speak to him, respect him, and ask him to join you and lead you through your journey. Then try to remain completely motionless in that moment.

If your thoughts begin to wander to your to-do list, take a deep breath and bring God back to the core of your being. If you don’t obtain answers or keep being diverted, don’t become frustrated or give up looking for them. Just know that he cares about you and that he is waiting for you.

Read the Word

Consult God’s instructions and the testimony of those who have been warned. The light of dawn will not shine on anybody who does not talk in accordance with this word.Isaiah 8:20God’s Word was provided to instruct us and help us get to know him better. Make use of it to locate him. When we are looking for Jesus, we spend time in the Word of God. In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we can have a personal encounter with Jesus. However, pursuing Jesus entails more than just memorizing verses.

  1. Take a walk with Jesus through the Gospels.
  2. Check out his observations and feel what he felt.
  3. “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20Community can refer to a church, but it can also refer to any group of Christians.
  4. With seeking, belonging to a community is important since it aids in accountability.

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So tell me what you think. What method do you use to seek Jesus? When do you feel the most deeply connected to someone? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Aside from where stated, all Bible verses are taken from the New International Version (NIV). Picture credit goes to Juhasz ImrefromPexels for the featured image.

How to Find Your Way Back to Christ

I recently had the pleasure of appearing on Janet Parshall’s radio show, which was a great honor. After listening to the broadcast, a lovely woman emailed me to ask how she could deepen her relationship with Jesus and become more intimate with Him. Maybe you can relate to what I’m saying? All of us, I believe, can recall times in our lives when our love for Jesus burst forth from our hearts, flooded our minds, and filled us with a sense of peace, joy, and inspiration to share the good news with others.

How to Find Jesus: What You Need to Know

I can recall a time when my children were quite small. As I drove home following a great time of Bible study with ladies from my church, I was shouting praises to the Lord in the backseat of my car. When I was a child, I remember asking, “Lord, please keep me here-in this place of passion for You for the rest of my days.” Was I destined to be “right there” for the rest of my days? Well-no. I wish I could say that I had done so, but I cannot. My soul’s fire began to fade as the demands of daily life and responsibilities began to take precedence over my personal time.

I want to return to the location where I had previously been, but I needed assistance in figuring out how to do it.

I am certain that the insights I gained from these fervent Christ believers were what God used to guide me back to a personal relationship with Himself.

I’m delighted that you inquired. The temptation to “appear” we have it all together exists in the church, and I believe that a lack of vulnerability is one area in which we fail one another in the Christian community, therefore I commend your courage in seeking assistance.

How to Find Jesus: Steps to Take

A day when my children were little comes to me, and I recall that day. As I went home following a great time of Bible study with women from my church, I was in my car shouting praises to the Lord. “Lord, please keep me here-in this place of passion for You-for the rest of my days,” I prayed at one point. So, did I spend the rest of my life “right there”? Well-no. If I could, I’d be able to claim credit. My soul’s fire began to fade as the demands of daily life and pressures began to take precedence over my available time.

But I couldn’t figure out how to get back to the spot where I’d been before without aid.

God, I am convinced, utilized the insights I gained from these fervent Christ believers to assist me in re-establishing an intimate relationship with Himself.

I learned that The fact that you inquired is really appreciated.

How to Find Jesus Bible Verses

Acts 17:27 (NIV): “This is the message: that people should seek God in the hope of feeling their way toward him and ultimately finding him. Despite this, he is truly quite close to each and every one of us.” However, according to Deuteronomy 4:29, “you will seek the Lord your God from there, and you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your might.” For everyone who begs receives, and everyone who searches finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:8 “For everyone who asks receives, and to the one who seeks it will be opened.” “Seek the Lord and his strength, and seek his presence always!” says 1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV).

  1. Romans 10:17 (NIV): “Faith, then, is a result of hearing, and hearing is facilitated by the message of Christ.” * Contact Rhonda at if you want to learn more about receiving Christ.
  2. Rhonda Stoppe is a pastor’s wife, a motivational speaker, and a published author.
  3. She encourages women to live NO REGRETS LIVES by implementing good biblical teaching.
  4. Rhonda has been on radio shows and given speeches at women’s events, MOPs, and homeschool conferences all around the United States.

Her latest book, My Husband Would Change, I’d Be Happy: And Other Myths Wives Believe, is assisting many women in creating marriages that they will never regret. The date of publication is September 20, 2016. Photograph courtesy of Unsplash/Ben White

4 Ways to Come Closer to Jesus Christ

Verse 27 of Acts 17: “To seek God in the belief that they may be able to navigate their way toward him and ultimately discover Him. Although he appears to be far away, he is actually rather close by.” Nevertheless, according to Deuteronomy 4:29, “you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.” For everyone who begs receives, and everyone who searches finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:8 “For everyone who asks receives, and to the one who seeks, it will be opened.

  • “Seek the Lord and his strength, and seek his presence always!” says 1 Chronicles 16:11 (NASB).
  • Check out Rhonda’s short movie, God Selected You for This Moment, to learn more.
  • Rhonda is known as the NO REGRETS WOMAN because she has more than 20 years of expertise guiding women through life without looking back.
  • She does it with fun and open communication.
  • Women worldwide are being mentored by Rhonda Stoppe’s book, Moms Raising Sons to be Men, which is guiding sons toward a life of no regrets.
  • On September 20th, 2016, the publication will be available.

12 Practical Steps in Your Search for God

What actions may you do in your search for God? Unfortunately, there is no precise formula or method for locating God, but the good news is that God is actively looking for you – and he wants you to locate him as quickly as possible. However, in order to steer you in the correct path, here are ten practical actions that will assist you in your search for God:

1. Pray

In your quest for God, what actions may you take? God cannot be found in a certain method or by following a specific formula; but, the good news is that God is actively looking for you — and he wants you to discover him as well. However, in order to steer you in the correct path, here are ten practical actions that will assist you in your search for God.

2. Focus your search on Jesus

What is God’s personality like? What is his personality like? In the person of Jesus, we can see the most physical representation of God’s character.

According to a letter sent by one of Jesus’ disciples, “He is the image of the unseen God” (Colossians 1:15). When we gaze at Jesus, we see the invisible God, who is the source of all creation. Discovering the truth about Jesus – his persona and claims — will bring you to God.

3. Read the Bible

God’s personality has been described as follows: What do you think his personality is like. In the person of Jesus, we may see the most concrete representation of God’s character. As stated in a letter written by one of Jesus’ disciples, “He is the image of the incomprehensible God” (Colossians 1:15). In Jesus, we see the God who cannot be seen because he is invisible. Discovering the truth about Jesus – his persona and claims — will direct you to God.

See also:  Why Did Jesus Die For Me

4. Engage your brain

When you embark on a spiritual quest, it does not follow that you must switch your brain off. According to author Brian McLaren’s bookFinding Faith, “Though a healthy faith is greater than the intellect, the quest for faith cannot be conducted without consideration of the intellect. On this voyage, you will be required to think bigger than you have ever thought before, and then to dream much greater than that.” Inquire about things. Take a look at your findings and ask yourself if they make any sense.

On the other hand, don’t forget to keep your heart in your heart.

A partnership in which only intellect is involved and there is no heart is no connection at all.

5. Remain open

Your views about what is real have been shaped by your experiences in the past, and your reactions to truth claims you meet on your path will be influenced by those experiences. As a result, it’s critical to acknowledge your assumptions and to be open to ideas that may conflict with what you’ve previously thought to be true. If there is a God, he is far beyond the grasp of any human being; thus, in order to be really honest in your search, you must be willing to let go of your preconceived conceptions.

6. Ask questions

Your views about what is real have been established by your experiences in the past, and your reactions to truth claims you meet on your path will be influenced by these experiences. Because of this, it is critical to acknowledge your assumptions and to remain open to ideas that are at odds with what you have previously considered to be true in your life. Because, if there is a God, he is completely incomprehensible to everyone; thus, in order to be completely honest in your search, you must be willing to let go of your preconceived assumptions.

7. Investigate

See what other people have to say about it by reading articles, books, the Bible, and websites. Find out from those who follow Jesus what books and resources they have found to be useful in developing a more complete understanding of Jesus and God.

8. Talk to people who love and follow Jesus

Find those who are living their lives in accordance with the teachings of Jesus in a genuine way.

Inquire as to how they encountered Jesus — what search methods were used? What is it that makes them believe? What strategies do they use to continue to learn more and grow in their relationship with God?

. Journal

Think on what you want to say and write it down. Include questions, findings, and fresh ideas. Consider it a kind of scrapbook of your spiritual development.

10. Spend time in nature

Taking a long and attentive look at God’s creation, according to a letter from one of Jesus’ disciples, “people have always been able to perceive what their eyes as such cannot see: eternal power, for example, and the mystery of his divine essence” (Romans 1:20, The MSG version).

11. Make time for your search for God

The invisible and spiritual aspects of our life are readily overshadowed by the plethora of things that compete for our attention on a daily basis. Schedule some time to complete some practical tasks — such as reading a book or spending an hour online seeking for information — and communicate with a friend or family member. Assign yourself a general time range for your search and then form some preliminary conclusions that you may use to guide your actions.

12. Evaluate and respond

There may be occasions when you will need to react to what you have learned about Jesus – what do you believe he is and what do you think he says he is not? Is this a true statement? What are your plans for responding? Keep in mind that you don’t have to know everything about something in order to know it with a certain amount of certainty, especially if that “something” is as enormous as God. Even if you spent your whole life looking for proof of God, you would eventually come to rely on faith to assist you in your pursuit.

  1. In no way, shape, or form does discovering God imply that you will receive instant and comprehensive answers to all of your issues.
  2. The discovery of God is just the beginning of a thousand more discoveries.
  3. Jesus is looking for you and he wants you to help him find you.
  4. The door will be opened for everyone who asks; he who seeks will find; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7).
  5. The book Discover Life contains a concise explanation of the good news Jesus has to offer you.

Where do you look for Jesus?

As soon as Jesus Christ reached the age of twelve, his parents took him to Jerusalem to participate in the customary Passover celebration. After the family had finished their celebrations and worshiping, they began their trek back to their house. The Savior, on the other hand, remained in Jerusalem, completely unknown to Joseph and his wife Mary. They noticed that their son — the Son of God — was not with them somewhere along the way back to their house. I couldn’t even begin to grasp the emotions and thoughts they must have been going through.

  1. (I know, I know, how did we manage to survive?) What if they lost track of him and were never able to locate him again?
  2. Someone had kidnapped him, didn’t they?
  3. Despite the fact that none of them were documented, the anxieties must have been limitless.
  4. “Why hast thou treated with us in this manner?” Mary inquired of him.

“Did ye not realize that I was required to attend to my Father’s business?” (See Luke 2:49.) In other words, he was inquiring as to “where did you look to find me?” Were you aware that you may find me at the temple, carrying out my Father’s responsibilities?” It took Joseph and Mary three days to track down Jesus’ whereabouts.

Approximately how many different locations did they search for Jesus before conceiving the notion of going to the temple?

Is there a place where we may search for salvation, something that only God can provide?

According to one common misperception about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Savior provides us with a long list of laws and regulations, which we must follow in order to be saved.

In his book, “The Reason for God,” Timothy Keller writes that “freedom is not so much the lack of limits as it is the discovery of the most appropriate ones.” Keller goes on to say that “a fish is only free when it is in water.” The Lord gave us the first of these liberating commandments after putting the necessary constraints in place to ensure our freedom.

According to that concept, sin is defined as putting our happiness in the hands of anybody or anything other than God in order to achieve happiness.

“Sin is defined as the transformation of good things into ultimate things.” In essence, the place where we search for God serves as our final litmus test.

Should we look for him in sports teams or other worldly pursuits?

The desire that we, as human beings, have to be valuable is fundamental to our existence on this planet.

Because my father knew a lot of people in high places, whenever I achieved any amount of success, there were always some who were skeptical, or “haters,” as they are now referred as.

When it came to discussing my own achievement, the expression “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” was often thrown about.

The fact that every good Mormon young man should serve a mission was well-known to me; but, I also understood that it was a personal decision between the Lord and myself.

But I was also aware that it would provide me with a tremendous sense of self-worth.

Because it was mine — mine and the Lord’s — the personal growth I experienced on my mission would provide me with a sense of value that nothing I had achieved up to that point could ever provide, because it was mine.

No one could give credit to my parents, or to chance, or to outside influences, or to anything other than my own hard work and obedience, as well as the Lord’s grace.

I was in for a surprise.

When we invest our faith and our identity in anything other than God and His relationship with us, we run the risk of full personal and spiritual devastation.

I’d be lying if I claimed that I didn’t have periods in my life when I predicated my sense of self on the rise or success of my favorite sports teams, but there were moments when I did.

Our self-worth rises and falls in tandem with the success and failure of these teams.

However, it is far more usual for us to lay our value in the hands of our employers or to rely on pure chance to achieve our goals and objectives.

This, however, is frequently beyond our control, and when things don’t go as planned or hoped for, it can cause us to get emotionally drained to the point of being unable to function.

Celebrities, mentors, and, on occasion, even church leaders are held in high regard.

When we put our faith in someone other than God, we face the danger of that person not living up to the high standards we have set for them in the first place.

Without a doubt, this is not the case.

In his book, Keller references the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, who stated that “no human connection can bear (this) load of godhood.

If your spouse is ‘everything,’ then any flaws in him (or her) constitute a serious threat to your well-being.

Without a doubt, this is a part of the weight that has been placed on Christ as part of the Atonement.

That is the strength of the human need for worth and the knowledge that our life is not for naught, as expressed in the poem.

Ultimately, Keller writes, “Jesus is the one Lord who will entirely fulfill you if you accept him; if you reject him, he will forgive you forever.” If you reject Jesus, he will forgive you forever.

Is it your responsibility?

What is the composition of your social circle?

Which movie star is your favorite?

In other words, where do you go in search of the Savior and the salvation that only he can provide you with?

That’s where he’s at right now.

“How can a man know the Master whom he has not served?” says the Master.

They will find him in the temple, on the mission field, in the living rooms of the people they home and visit teach, and in the hearts and minds of the people they serve.

They’ll discover him in those apparently seldom but still significant times when their children are smiling and laughing instead of bickering and shouting.

Mary was able to obtain it in the end.

If someone has looked for the Savior in a location where he is not to be found, it is never too late to start looking in the correct areas again.

The Savior’s heart was broken for everyone under the load that only he could carry, and his heart can be repaired by the Savior.

If you need to speak with the bishop in order to be worthy of finding him in the temple, start the conversation right now.

All you have to do now is start thinking about others.

you have done it unto (him)” (Matthew 25:40).

“Come unto me,” the Savior’s invitation is clear.

Start from wherever you are currently located.

You’re aware of where to look.

In 2007 and 2008, he was assigned to the Boston area to carry out his mission. He also contributes to the sports section of You may follow and communicate with him on Twitter, where he goes by the handle @TrevorAmicone.

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