How Did The Apostles Of Jesus Die

Whatever Happened to the Twelve Apostles?

The apostles were not the type of people you would have anticipated Jesus to choose to accompany him on his journey to spread the gospel throughout the world. There was nothing particularly noteworthy or noteworthy about them. The twelve apostles were basically regular guys who went to work every day. However, Jesus transformed them into the foundation of the church and entrusted them with the most amazing mission imaginable: summoning the whole world, including the mightiest empire the world had ever known, to repentance and faith in the resurrected Christ.

Despite popular belief, only two apostles are mentioned in the New Testament: Judas, who betrayed Jesus before going outside and hanging himself, and James the son of Zebedee, who was murdered by Herod in 44 AD.

Take a look at how each of the apostles went out into the world to service and evangelize, and how many of them died as a result of their beliefs.

How Did the Apostles Die?

Even though there are numerous reports and tales, and even though they are not always credible, it is reasonable to conclude that the apostles traveled far and wide as messengers of the gospel of the resurrected Christ. According to an early version, they cast lots and divided the world in order to choose who would travel where so that everyone might learn of Jesus’s birth. They suffered immensely as a result of their religion, and in the majority of cases, they died violent deaths as a result of their courageous witness.

Peter and Paul

Both were martyred in Rome in the year 66 AD, during Emperor Nero’s persecution of Christians. Paul was executed by beheading. Peter requested that he be crucified upside down because he did not believe he was worthy of dying in the same manner as his Lord.


Went to the “country of the man-eaters,” which is now in the Soviet Union, to collect information. Christians in that country believe he was the first to introduce the gospel to their country. As well as Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey, and Greece, where he is claimed to have been crucified, he preached across the world.


Most of his activity was most likely concentrated in the region east of Syria. His preaching is said to have taken him as far east as India, where the ancient Marthoma Christians venerate him as their founder, according to tradition. They report that he died after being cut through by the spears of four warriors while on the battlefield.


He may have had a great ministry in Carthage, North Africa, before moving on to Asia Minor, where he converted the widow of a Roman proconsul, according to some accounts. Philip was arrested and ruthlessly executed as a result of the proconsul’s actions against him.


The tax collector and author of a Gospel traveled to Persia and Ethiopia to minister to the people.

Some of the earliest records claim that he was not martyred, while others claim that he was stabbed to death in Ethiopia, according to the sources.


He is credited with extensive missionary journeys, including trips to India with Thomas, back to Armenia, as well as Ethiopia and Southern Arabia, according to legend. As a martyr for the gospel, he met his end in a variety of ways, according to different versions.


The son of Alpheus is one of at least three Jameses who are mentioned in the New Testament, according to scholars. There is considerable disagreement as to which James is which, but this James is thought to have served as a pastor in Syria, according to tradition. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, he was stoned to death before being clubbed to death.

Simon the Zealot

According to legend, he served as a minister in Persia and was assassinated after refusing to offer sacrifice to the sun god.


The apostle who was picked to take Judas’ place. Tradition has it that he will accompany Andrew to Syria and be burned to death.


Generally considered to be the sole apostle to have died a natural death due to old age, Paul was the only one to do so. He was the spiritual head of the church in the Ephesus area, and it is stated that he took care of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in his own house when she was there. During Domitian’s persecution, which began in the middle of the twentieth century, he was exiled to the island of Patmos. He is attributed for authoring the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation, in that location.

Influence of the Apostles Today

The names of Jesus’ apostles have risen to the top of the list of the most popular male given names in the Western world. I’m curious how many people you know who have names such as John or Pete or Tom or Andy or Jim, or Bart or Phil. At least four of the apostles were fishermen, according to tradition. Is it possible that this was one of the reasons why the fish was one of the oldest and most renowned Christian symbols? The Greek word for fish, ichthus, was used to create an acrostic, which is Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter, which literally translates as “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior” in English.

Despite this, the faith grew like wildfire, despite the fact that Christianity had been branded an illegal religion by the government.

Does the Bible record the death of the apostles? How did each of the apostles die?

QuestionAnswer James is the only apostle whose death is mentioned in the Bible (Acts 12:2). King Herod ordered James to be “put to death with the sword,” which was almost certainly a reference to beheading. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of the other apostles have been passed down through church tradition, so we shouldn’t place too much emphasis on any of the other tales of their deaths. The most widely accepted church tradition about the death of an apostle is that the apostle Peter was crucified upside-down in Rome in fulfillment of Jesus’ promise, according to the most widely accepted church tradition (John 21:18).

  • Matthew was slain by a sword wound in Ethiopia, and he was considered a martyr.
  • He was, on the other hand, unexpectedly rescued from death.
  • On the island of Patmos, he penned the prophetic book of Revelation.
  • He died when he was an elderly man, and he was the only apostle to pass away quietly.
  • When he refused to renounce his faith in Christ, he was thrown from the southeast pinnacle of the temple (more than a hundred feet below ground level).
  • Several scholars believe that this is the same peak from where Satan had snatched Jesus during the temptation.
  • He observed events in modern-day Turkey and was executed for his preaching in Armenia, where he was flayed to death by a whip as a result of his actions.

They hung Andrew’s corpse to a cross with ropes after he had been severely beaten by seven soldiers in order to prolong his pain.

As a result of the body of Christ hanging on it, the cross has been hallowed.

During one of his missionary travels to India to help establish the church, the apostle Thomas was wounded with a spear and died as a result.

In the year AD 67, the cruel Emperor Nero tortured and ultimately executed the apostle Paul in the city of Rome.

The manner in which the apostles died is not very significant.

The disciples would have known if Jesus had not been resurrected if he had not been.

Incredibly, the fact that all of the apostles were prepared to endure awful deaths while refusing to abandon their faith in Christ is powerful evidence that they had genuinely experienced the resurrection of Jesus Christ, according to scholars.

Questions regarding the Church’s History can be found here. Is it true that the apostles died and were buried in the Bible? What manner in which each of the apostles died is unknown.

How did the Twelve Apostles die? – Where did the Apostles die?

What was it like for the apostles to meet their deaths?

Bible Answer:

The Bible does not tell us how each apostle died; instead, it just states that they died. Only the deaths of two apostles are mentioned in the book. We must rely on historical facts about the other apostles in order to provide a response to the question, “How did the Twelve Apostles die?”. According to the accounts in three of the gospels and the book of Acts, the apostles are listed in the following chart. The apostles are arranged in groups of four.

Apostles — Peter, Andrew, James, and John

The inner circle of Jesus’ apostles consisted of the initial group of four men. Shortly after the commencement of His ministry, they decided to become His disciples. The account in John 1:35-42 describes the occasion on which they replied to Jesus by placing their trust in Him and believing that He was the prophesied Messiah. Jesus begged them to follow Him three times before they agreed. The first time was after they had accepted the truth. Mark 1:14-20 describes the second occasion, which occurred while they were fishing, and the third occasion, which occurred after they had returned from another period of fishing (Luke 5:1-11).

  • When Jesus resurrected Jairus’ daughter from the dead, at least three of them were invited to accompany Him to the tomb (Mark 5:37-43).
  • On the Mount of Olives, all four of them approached Jesus and quietly asked him questions (Mark 13:1-8).
  • Finally, Jesus was having a conversation with Peter and John just before He was taken up to heaven (John 21:12-23).
  • The fact that James and John shared the same father, Zebedee (Matthew 10:2), as well as the fact that Peter and Andrew were brothers, should be highlighted (Matthew 10:2).

Apostles — Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, and Matthew

The second set of four apostles was comprised of two guys who were meticulous in their attention to detail. That is to say, Thomas and Matthew appear to have been analytical individuals in their own right. Do you know who Thomas is? He is known as Didymus (John 21:2) and “Doubting Thomas” because he doubted that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead (John 20:26-29). He desired to insert his finger into Jesus’ wounds in order to verify that the wounds were genuine. Matthew worked as a tax collector for the Roman Empire in the first century AD.

These two gentlemen were most likely quite technical in their approach. Philip and Bartholomew appear to have accepted Jesus Christ as their Messiah on the same day that Peter, Andrew, James, and John, according to John 1:35-51. Bartholomew was also known by his given name, Nathanael.

Apostles — James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas

We know very little about the third set of four apostles, who are known as the Twelve. Apart from the fact that he was also referred to as James the Less (Mark 15:40) and that Matthew was his brother, we know little little about James the son of Alphaeus from the biblical record (Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:14). Thaddaeus was also known as Lebbaeus, and he was also known as Judas, the son of James, among other names. Simon the Canaaean was also known as Simon the Zealot in some circles. The Zealots were anti-Rome and had a political motivation for their actions.

The Bible doesn’t say anything noteworthy about this apostle or his life.

How Did the Twelve Apostles Die?

The information in the table below is the most up-to-date information we have on the deaths of the apostles.

Traditions – Regarding Their Deaths
Simon Peter Tradition says that Peter died in A.D. 64-68 during Nero’s persecution of the Christians. He was crucified upside down on a cross.
Andrew Andrew was crucified on a St. Andrews cross. The cross has the shape of an “X.” He was not nailed to the cross but was tied. It took several days before he died. It is said that he preached while hanging on the cross.
James James, son of Zebedee James died in A.D. 44 after he was beheaded by King Herod I who had launched a new persecution of Christians. He was the first martyr from among the twelve apostles.
John Disciple whom Jesus loved (John 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20) The beloved John was in exile on the Isle of Patmos before he was released and went to Ephesus where he died (A.D. 100-105).
Philip Philip died in Hieropolis, Turkey by hanging (A.D. 80).
Bartholomew Nathanael It is believed that Bartholomew had ministered in Armenia and was flayed to death with knives in India.
Matthew Matthew died a martyr’s death in Ethiopia
Thomas Didymus Ancient tradition says that Thomas died near Madras, India in A.D. 70. He was killed with a spear.
James, son of Alphaeus James the Less (Mark 15:33-41) Tradition says that James was crucified in Lower Egypt and then sawed in pieces (A.D. 62).
Thaddaeus Thaddaeus Thaddaeus was martyred in Persia. He died via arrows.
Simon the Cananaean Simon the Zealot Tradition says that Simon was crucified. It is believed that he ministered together with Thaddaeus.
Judas Iscariot Judas hanged himself (Matthew 27:5) before Jesus Christ died by crucifixion (A.D. 33). His death is the second one that is recorded in the Bible.


Incredibly little is known about those who “turned the world upside down,” and this is a mystery. As a result of the preparations Jesus had made for them, God used them in a tremendous way to alert people across the globe to His good news that Jesus Christ had come into the world to redeem sinners. These men devoted their lives and died so that everyone may hear the good news that the forgiveness of sins is available to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as Lord and Savior, regardless of their religious affiliation.

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How Did Each of the Original Twelve Apostles Die?

I was just reading up on the apostles on a prominent Christian website when I came across a list of the many ways in which each apostle is said to have departed away. I was intrigued. I knew in my head that some of them had been slain very violently, but I was still taken aback by some of the specifics of their deaths. For the sake of curiosity, I conducted my own investigation into the same subject, which you can read about further down in this article. DISCLAIMER: The details of these deaths are somewhat graphic, so be prepared for that.

Many of them are derived from peripheral historical, apocryphal, or non-Latter-day Saint sources, such as mythology. Even though I’ve included links to the relevant authorities, I wouldn’t be shocked if one or two of the facts were inaccurate. This is a forewarning.

1. Simon Peter

Photograph by Theodoor Rombouts, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons If you’re familiar with any of the apostles’ deaths, it’s likely that you’re familiar with Peter’s. After many trials in Rome, he was sentenced to death by crucifixion. Peter, however, believing himself unworthy of being crucified in the same manner as his Savior, begged to be crucified upside down, on an inverted crucifixion, which he was granted.

2. Andrew (Peter’s brother)

Despite the fact that Andrew is referenced only a few times in the Bible, there is little information available concerning the circumstances of his death. However, the following is what National Geographic has to say about it: Andreas, the brother of Peter, traveled to Patras in western Greece in 69 AD, where he engaged in a religious argument with the Roman proconsul Aegeates, according to the religious historian Dorman Newman of the 15th century. Aegeates attempted to persuade Andrew to abandon his Christian faith so that he would not be forced to torture and execute him as a result of his actions.

Andrew was scourged and then chained to a cross, rather than being nailed to it, in order for him to suffer for a longer period of time before dying.

3. John the Revelator (also John the Beloved)

Despite the fact that Andrew is referenced only a few times in the Bible, there is little information available concerning the circumstances surrounding his death. According to National Geographic, however, the following is their take on the matter: Andrew, the brother of Peter, traveled to Patras in western Greece in 69 AD, where he argued religion with the Roman proconsul Aegeates, according to the religious historian Dorman Newman of the 15th century. Andrew was the brother of Peter. Attempting to persuade Andrew to abandon Christianity so that he would not be subjected to torture and execution, Aegeates failed miserably.

Rather of nailing him on a cross, Andrew was scourged and fastened to the stake instead, in order to prolong his agony before death.

4. James (John’s brother)

We really have some biblical literature to support this claim, which comes from Acts chapter 12 verses 1-2: Around that time, Herod the king extended his hands in an attempt to annoy particular members of the church. And with the sword, he assassinated Jamesthe brother of John. And that’s the end of it. Herod was a jerk and a jerk he was.

5. Bartholomew (also known as Nathaniel)

There is very little information available concerning Bartholomew’s death. Some stories merely state that he was martyred, while others claim that he was skinned alive and killed by a group of thugs. According to one story, he was “flayed with knives.” While the term “flayed” can refer to a simple peeling off of skin, it can also refer to skin being removed as a result of a violent beating or whipping.

Indeed, another idea says that Bartholomew’s skin was “ripped to bits” as a result of a harsh lashing. The common thread running across all of the different explanations is that, whatever the underlying reason, it was almost certainly unpleasant.

6. Philip

The facts of Philip’s death appear to be in dispute among those who know him. One version claims that he was hanged until he died, while another claims that he was crucified during his mission in Egypt. Back then, Christian missionaries were not particularly well-liked by the general public.

7. Thomas

courtesy of the Mormon Channel In every account of Thomas’s death that I have read, it appears that the priest was stabbed with a spear sometime during his ministry in India. Yikes.

8. Matthew (the tax collector)

It is claimed on one Christian website that Matthew “become a missionary and was jailed in Ethiopia.” It was at this location that he was staked or impaled to the ground with spears before being beheaded. Since Matthew lived in such a remote part of Africa, and travelled to an area where few historians or Christians had gone before, there isn’t much more information available.” A somewhat different story is provided by National Geographic, which states that, according to mythology, Matthew was “stabbed in the back by a swordsmansent by King Hertacus, after criticizing the king’s morality.”

9. James (not John’s brother)

James the Lesser, courtesy of a user on Wikimedia Commons: a disciple of Rembrandt Theory 1: James was martyred while serving as a missionary in Egypt (please note that Wikipedia is the source for this information). Take it with a grain of salt, as they say). James “killed as a martyr, and his corpse was sawed into pieces,” according to Theory 2. He was beaten and stoned until he died, and then he was killed with a club to the head, according to theory three. According to the fourth theory, as James was preaching on a wall, Jewish religious officials plotted to toss him off of it.

10. Jude (not to be confused with Judas Iscariot)

In accordance with the Orthodox Church in America, Jude was in Armenia when he was crucified and shot with arrows, which occurred around 45 years (give or take a few years) after the death of Jesus Christ.

11. Simon the Zealot (not Simon Peter)

He died “peacefully at Edessa,” which is currently located somewhere in modern-day Turkey, according to theory 1. Second, according to this Catholic source, Simon the Zealot died at Edessa but was crucified instead of being beheaded. Our second hypothesis predicts a less tranquil dying than our first hypothesis. ‘Theory 3’ states that he was a missionary who served in Africa and later England before being crucified about the year 74 AD.

12. Judas Iscariot

courtesy of the Mormon Channel This is another narrative in which the Bible provides us with guidance. According to Matthew 27:3-5. When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that he had been sentenced, he repented and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, confessing his fault and saying, “I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood.” And they said, “What is it doing to us?” Take a look at it. After casting down the silver coins in the shrine, he exited, went, and took himself into his own arms.

Because he was a member of our group and had been granted a portion of this ministry.

As a result, it was well known among all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, inasmuch as that field is known in their own language as Aceldama, which translates as “the field of blood.” It’s possible that the hanging hypothesis is more common in the Latter-day Saint faith, but who knows.

Now you know

Even while it’s interesting to learn a little bit more about how these apostles died, it’s far more significant to look into what they accomplished and taught during their lives. It includes the Letters of Peter, the Gospels of Matthew and John, among other things. That’s where all of the excellent stuff is located. In case you haven’t had the opportunity to learn more about these individuals and the master they served, I would strongly advise you to do so now.

What Happened To The 12 Disciples? — Faith on Hill Church

Our church heard about Jesus selecting 12 young men from among his disciples to preach about the arrival of the Kingdom of God on a recent Sunday morning. They were Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter), James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to whom he gave the name Boanerges, which means “sons of thunder” in Greek), Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. (Mark 3:16-19, New International Version) Following Jesus’ ascension into paradise (Acts 1).

This is a contentious issue because the Scriptures provide no clue as to whether or not God desired them to do so, and many believe that the apostle Paul is God’s evident substitute for Judas, which is a subject of contention.

God has called each and every one of us to the task he has for us, and there is no one more important, more holy, or more loved in God’s kingdom than anyone else in God’s kingdom.

All of them suffered severely as a result of their proclamation of Jesus as Lord, and their story continues to have a significant impact on our faith today.

Due to the intrusion of politics into men’s traditions, we have traditions that James, the brother of John, went to Spain, when the Bible clearly states that he was the first of the 12 apostles to be martyred (killed) for his faith in Jesus, when he was put to the sword in the early days of the church in Jerusalem, as the Bible clearly states.

  • There are a variety of unsubstantiated stories surrounding his death, the most notable of which being that he was crucified upside down because he did not feel himself worthy of dying in the same manner as Jesus.
  • In Jerusalem, King Herod ordered him to be assassinated by the sword (Acts 12).
  • JOHN John is the author of the Gospel of John, the book of Revelation, and three epistles that bear his name.
  • Tradition has it that he spent the latter years of his life ministering in the area around Ephesus in modern-day Turkey, and that he is buried there.
  • Later, he journeyed to modern-day Turkey and Greece, where he was killed for his beliefs.
  • In accordance with tradition, a Roman Proconsul was so angry by the fact that his wife had converted to Christianity as a result of Philip’s preaching that he ordered Philip’s violent execution.
  • If this is the case, it is likely that Philip’s tomb has lately been located (read aboutHERE).

According to other tales, he traveled to India with Thomas, then to Armenia before making his way via the trade routes that connect Ethiopia with the southern Arabian states.

His given name is “Nathaniel” in some records, which might have been a family name or a nickname that he was known by in the congregation.

While some accounts do not mention how he died, others claim that he was stabbed to death in Africa, according to certain sources.

This other name is less difficult to identify and is most likely a family or tribe identity name.

While Thomas first questioned the resurrection, his confidence in the risen Jesus was powerful enough to propel him eastward through Syria and Iraq, where he finally ended himself in India, where the Marthoma Christian tradition believes him to be the founder of their religion.

JAMES THE SON OF ALPHAUESThought to be the brother of Matthew/Levi, James is thought to have preached in the northern parts of Israel.

He is also referred to as James the Younger (younger brother of Levi?) or James the Lesser (younger brother of Levi?) (which would have had different connotations then it does for us today).

I already stated that politics is intertwined with the traditions surrounding the apostles.

As a result, churches in locations like Turkey, Greece, Rome, and Jerusalem naturally possessed greater authority and influence than churches in places like Britain, France, Africa, and Spain, among other things.

Despite the fact that James was martyred in Acts 12, a Spanish bishop began to propagate the concept that James had traveled to Spain in the 12th century.

It appears that Simon was sawn in half in Persia, according to the prevailing opinion.

Some have attempted to link him to the Philip who appears later in the book of Acts, but the circumstantial evidence does not appear to support this other than the fact that they have the same name.

JUDAS THADEUS is a fictional character created by author Judas Thideus.

His gospel message is said to have been spread over the region now known as Northern Syria, Iraq, and Turkey according to tradition.

MATHISTRAdition holds that Matthias journeyed north, maybe all the way to and including the Caspian Sea.

PAUL Paul endured much hardship for the sake of the Lord throughout his life.

Once upon a time, I was stoned.

“Once I was stranded at sea for an entire night and a whole day.” Paul was killed at Rome in 66 AD, presumably at the same time as Peter, according to historical records.

See also:  What Did Jesus Do For Lazarus

This is significant since every single one of Jesus’ disciples died.

John passed away due to old age.

He was not the only one who betrayed Jesus; all of the other disciples deserted him, and Peter even went so far as to claim he had never heard of him.

But they all accepted God’s mercy and forgiveness, which was also extended to Judas.

If you’ve read this and have ever felt like Judas, believing that there is no hope, you should know that each and every apostle felt the same way at one time in their lives, but unlike Judas, they turned their gaze to Jesus and accepted his gracious offer of salvation.

You can take advantage of the same opportunity. Please keep in mind that this post has been changed from an earlier version to contain current information.

How did the twelve disciples die?

This post is also accessible in the following languages: (Arabic) हिन्दी(Hindi) The names of the twelve disciples are listed in Matthew 10:2–4, Mark 3:16–19, and Luke 6:13–16, according to the Bible. Only two apostles are mentioned by name in the New Testament – Judas Iscariot and James the son of Zebedee – and their deaths are not recorded in the Old Testament. The majority of what we know about the deaths of the other apostles comes from ancient Christian literature and church tradition, neither of which can be verified.

1- Simon (who is called Peter)

According to an apocryphal account from the second century called Acts of Peter, Peter requested that he be crucified upside down because he did not believe he was worthy to die as Jesus did. After the Great Fire of Rome, the apostle was assassinated in Rome by Emperor Nero in the year 64 AD. When Jesus remarked to Peter, “When you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will clothe you and bring you where you do not wish to go,” He was predicting Peter’s death (John 21:18).


According to an apocryphal account from the second century called Acts of Peter, Peter requested that he be crucified upside down because he did not believe he was worthy to die in the same manner as Jesus. Following the Great Fire of Rome, the apostle was assassinated in Rome by Emperor Nero in 64AD. When Jesus remarked to Peter, “When you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will clothe you and bring you where you do not wish to go,” He was foretelling Peter’s demise (John 21:18).

3-James son of Zebedee

According to an apocryphal account from the second century called Acts of Peter, Peter requested that he be crucified upside down because he did not feel worthy to die as Jesus did. After the Great Fire of Rome, the apostle was assassinated in Rome by Emperor Nero in the year 64AD. When Jesus remarked to Peter, “When you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will clothe you and bring you where you do not wish to go,” He was foretelling Peter’s death (John 21:18). And John explained, saying, “Jesus said this to describe the type of death by which Peter would honor God” (John 21:19).

4-John (brother of James son of Zebedee)

Tertullian, a Christian writer who lived in the second and third century, wrote that the Romans tortured John the Baptist by bringing him into a coliseum and immersing him in a barrel of boiling oil before exiling him.

Following his triumphant return to the coliseum, the whole coliseum was converted to Christianity. Later, in the middle of the 1990s, he was deported to the island of Patmos as a result of Domitian’s persecution. He died as an elderly man in that place, from natural causes.


The Acts of Philipdocument has a detailed description of his death as a martyr. It is recorded that he brought the wife of a proconsul to the Lord. As a result, the proconsul assassinated him in retaliation.

6- Bartholomew

A description of his martyrdom may be found in the Acts of Philipdocument. They say he converted a proconsul’s wife to Christianity. The proconsul assassinated him as a result of this act of vengeance.


According to the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, this apostle was killed at the Indian city of Mylapore, where he was wounded with spears. Syrian Christian tradition holds that he was killed at Mylapore on July 3, 72 AD, according to the book of Revelation.

8-Matthew the tax collector

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs records the following about Matthew: “The scene of his labors was Parthia, and Ethiopia, in which latter nation he experienced martyrdom, being slaughtered with a halberd in the city of Nadabah, A.D. 60,” according to Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.

9-James son of Alphaeus

He wrote about James’ death in his book Hippolytus, which dates from the second and third centuries: “And James the son of Alphaeus, while preaching in Jerusalem, was stoned to death by the Jews and buried there alongside thetemple,” according to Hippolytus.

10- Thaddaeus

The name Thaddeus is replaced with “Judasson of James” in the book of Luke (Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13). And John names Thaddeus, referring to him as “Judas(not Iscariot)” (not Iscariot) (John 14:22). In “The Golden Legend,” when Simon and Jude used their authority to force demons to come out of idols, the religious authorities slaughtered them: “And when the bishops saw this, they hurried upon the apostles and hewed them to death anon.” And at that same hour, when the weather was perfect, there was such a squall of thunder and lightning that the temple was split in three, and the two enchanters were converted into embers by the strike of thunder.

After that, the king brought the remains of the apostles into his city, where he built a cathedral of wondrous splendor in their honor.”

11-Simon the Zealot

There are a variety of different accounts of Simon the Zealot’s demise. Moses of Chorene stated in the fifth century that Simon the Zealot was martyred in the Kingdom of Iberia, according to tradition. According to “The Golden Legend,” he was martyred in Persia about the year 65 AD. Furthermore, Ethiopian Christians say that he was crucified in Samaria. Additionally, in the sixteenth century, Justus Lipsius wrote that he had his limbs sawed in half.


In Acts 1:12–26, he is the disciple who took the place of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus and subsequently hung himself (Matthew 27:5). According to one account, he was stoned to death by cannibals in Ethiopia (Georgia). According to another version, he was stoned to death by Jews in Jerusalem before being decapitated. BibleAskTeam is dedicated to His service. This post is also accessible in Arabic (Arabic version) (Hindi)

How Did the Apostles Die?

What Caused the Apostles’ Death? Let’s start with the brothers, shall we? Saint Peter and his older brother Andrew are two of the most revered saints in the world. Both were crucified in the form of ancient men. Peter, of course, was the first pope, Christ’s Vicar, and the leader of the visible Church. He was also the first pope. Andrew was the first person to be called by Christ to the position of apostle. He was a follower of Saint John the Baptist’s teachings. John pointed to Jesus on the banks of the Jordan River and exclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God!” Andrew was present when John exclaimed, “Behold the Lamb of God!” Andrew followed Christ after His holy baptism and innocently inquired as to where He resided in the kingdom of God.

  • Saint Andrew traveled to Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) and Scythia (modern-day eastern Turkey) to preach the Gospel (north of Iran).
  • In the year 61, he was crucified in the city of Patras, in the region of Achaia.
  • In the year 67, Peter was martyred as a result of the Nero persecution.
  • Because of his deep regard for Jesus and his tremendous humility, he was granted his prayer to be crucified upside down.
  • The “Sons of Thunder” are Saint James the Greater and his brother, John, both of whom are saints.
  • Our Lady appeared to James on a pillar to encourage him when he was preaching the Faith in Spain.
  • John, the Apostle who was the youngest, was the only one who was spared martyrdom.

He was condemned to death and was cooked in oil in front of the Latin gate.

When the miracle occurred, it affected the emperor enough to overturn his death sentence and banish him to the Greek island of Patmos.

The fact that there are no relics of the Beloved Apostle, according to Saint Robert Bellarmine, indicates that his corpse was taken up into heaven.

Simon the Zealot, together with his brother Jude, went to Persia and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Saint Jude, on the other hand, was martyred in Persia the next year.

In addition, he was given the nickname Thaddeus, which means “large heart,” to distinguish him from Judas the traitor.

The first bishop of Jerusalem, he was chosen by Jesus to serve as such and he remained in Jerusalem for the rest of his life in order to rescue a remnant of the Jews.

He was none of these things, and instead he preached Christ crucified as Savior, for which he was ejected from his pulpit.

Josephus, the Jewish historian and contemporary of Christ, stated that the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in the year 70 was a retribution, not for the Deicide murder of Christ, but for the murder of James the Just.

Saint John the Baptist’s disciple, Philip, was a member of the Church of the Nazarene.

And that’s exactly what he did.

Nathanael would have become an Apostle as well.

Philip was a Christian missionary in Greece, and he was killed in the year 62 in Hierapolis, in Persia, for his beliefs.

Philip was the one who presented Saint Bartholomew (or Nathanael) to Jesus Christ.

Nathanael responded by saying, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God, and you are the King of Israel” (John 1:47-49).

He returned to Asia Minor after that and was subsequently killed in Armenia in the year 72, when he was skinned alive by a mob of people.

Saint Matthew, another Apostle with a Greek name (Gift of God), was also one of them.

(Simon Bar Jona was Peter’s Jewish given name.) Jesus changed his given name to Cephasin Aramaic, which means “rock” in this language.

He composed it specifically for the Jews.

Matthew traveled to Africa to preach the Gospel, and he was killed in Ethiopia in the year 65 while celebrating Mass.

It wasn’t until Thomas saw the print of the nails on his hands that he believed it.

Thomas happened to be present when Jesus appeared to His Apostles for the second time.

Following that, Thomas addressed Him as “My Lord and My God” (John 20:27).

Three days after Our Lady’s death, he was miraculously carried back to Jerusalem by the angel Gabriel.

When they uncovered the grave for Thomas, they were all shocked to discover that Mary had vanished.

At the year 74, Saint Thomas was stabbed to death in Mylapore, India, where he lived.

Saint Matthias, the one who took Judas’ place.

In a random drawing, he was selected by the Holy Spirit to replace Judas and ensure that the sacred number of twelve was maintained for the first Apostolic college.

He began preaching the Gospel in Judaea, then moved on to Cappadocia, and lastly to the northernmost areas of Asia Minor, near the Caspian Sea, where he died.

Regarding his martyrdom in the year 65, we have two traditions that have passed down to us. According to some, he was crucified, but others believe he was hacked to death.

How did the apostles die?

We all know how Judas died: he hanged himself out of guilt for betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver in exchange for the silver. Was it different for the rest of the apostles, and how did they die for their beliefs? Bartholomew was skinned alive and beheaded at Derbent, where a local ruler, enraged by his people’s conversion to Christianity, ordered the apostle’s murder. Bartholomew had preached in various places, including India, before his execution. His ashes are interred at the Basilica of St.

  1. James the Less was killed by being stoned and clubbed.
  2. Andrew preached in a number of locations, including Georgia (Russia), Istanbul, Macedonia, and Greece, where he enraged the governor of Patros by converting his (the governor’s) family to the Christian religion.
  3. His remains can be found in parts in Constantinople and Scotland, and his skull can be found near the Greek island of Patros.
  4. He preached in Judea and Antioch before traveling to Rome, where he was instrumental in converting thousands of people to Christianity.
  5. Peter, who refused to abandon his religious beliefs, was crucified upside down at his own request.
  6. As a missionary in India, he was killed at the city of Mylapore, where the local ruler sentenced him to death because he believed Christianity was disrespectful to the Brahmins and their caste structure.
  7. He was John’s brother, and he traveled to Spain to preach.

Herod had him executed, and his body was taken back to Spain, where it was buried in the vicinity of the church of Santiago de Compostela, where it is still visible today.

Matthew, the tax collector, traveled to Ethiopia, Judea, Macedonia, Syria, and Partha to preach to the people of God (in northeast Iran).

See also:  Who Plays Jesus In The Walking Dead

Jude Thaddeus, patron saint of those in terrible and hopeless situations, collaborated with Simon the Zealot and traveled to Judea, Persia, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Iran, and Libya to preach the Gospel.

His bones are interred in a vault in the city of Rome.

After James the Less, he is regarded as the second bishop of Jerusalem, according to tradition.

As well as going to Rome, John, the beloved apostle, is said to have done so and been put into boiling oil but survived, living to an advanced age and being the only one to die in a non-violent manner according to legend.

There are several different tales of how the apostles died, and each has its own merits. It is worth remembering that they lived during a time when communications and paperwork were not as sophisticated and simple to obtain as they are now.

How Did The 12 Apostles Die? A Bible Study

What caused the Apostles’ deaths? When it comes to the 12 Apostles’ deaths, what does history and/or the Bible say about how they died?

How the Apostles Died

The Bible does not explicitly state how the apostles died, nor does it provide any specifics regarding their deaths. We must rely on early church historians as well as secular historians, but fortunately, both appear to be in accord and both are reputable sources of information. Given a result, we have no reason to doubt these tales, as the great majority of them agree on the manner in which the apostles were killed. We must remember that they were initially referred to as disciples, which is what every believer is referred to as.

  1. The word apostle literally translates as “one who has been sent,” thus it is clear that disciples and apostles are not synonymous.
  2. Today, anybody who has placed their confidence in Christ is considered a disciple, although the days of apostleship are past, having come to an end with the conclusion of the New Testament.
  3. In order for there to be further apostles, we would have to demolish the edifice and construct on top of the foundation once more.
  4. We will now look at the historical information that demonstrates how these men perished.

How the Apostle Peter Died

A large number of secular and religious historians are familiar with the events surrounding Peter’s death. Despite the fact that he was crucified, he believed that he was undeserving of the same form of death that Jesus had endured and therefore requested that he be hung upside down, which was accomplished in Rome. When Jesus stated, “Truly, truly, I tell to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourselves and walk wherever you pleased, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will clothe you and take you where you do not want to go,” He was foreseeing this outcome.

How the Apostle Andrew Died

As previously said, the majority of historians agree that Andrew was crucified as well, although he was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Greece. The fact that he was in Greece might indicate that he was taking part in the Great Commission and bringing the gospel to the entire world.or at the very least the known universe. This must have meant that Jesus was crucified on one side or the other, rather than vertically or horizontally, which would have been more likely. It is said that as he was dying on the crucifixion, he shouted out to the multitudes and taught them about Jesus Christ and how they may be saved, and that he continued to share the gospel right up until the time of his death on the x-shaped cross.remaining faithful until the very end of his life.

How the Apostle Matthew Died

Matthew, like the most of the apostles, became a missionary later in life and was jailed in Ethiopia, like the rest of them. It was at this location that he was staked or impaled to the ground with spears before being beheaded. Since Matthew lived in such a remote part of Africa, and travelled to an area where few historians or Christians had gone before, there isn’t much further information available.

How the Apostle Bartholomew or Nathaniel Died

Bartholomew is also known as Nathaniel, and very little is known about how he died. However, because he was killed in Armenia, it indicates that he was also involved in the Great Commission and the spreading of the gospel in that region of the world as well. Apparently, he went on to serve as a missionary in Asia Minor. Unfortunately, most people believe that he was flayed to death with a whip, in which case he was physically torn to bits. What a painful experience it must have been.

How the Apostle Thomas Died

In this case as well, not much is known regarding the way of Thomas’ execution, but it might be owing to the fact that he was a missionary in India at the time of his death, and he was being stabbed with a spear, which caused him to die from the wound. Due to the limited amount of historical information that exists beyond this story, it is impossible for us to add much to it while maintaining total confidence.

How the Apostle Philip Died

According to the majority of historians, Philip’s execution was particularly heinous. He was pierced with iron hooks in his ankles and then hanged upside down to die as a result of his actions. There is very little information available concerning the process, yet it is sufficient to know how he died.

How the Apostle James (son of Zebedee) Died

We must show that the apostle James is not the same James as Jesus’ brother, and we must do so immediately. In the absence of credible historical sources or church historians, James is believed to have been killed by King Herod in a region close to Palestine, not far from where he was serving as a local missionary to the Jews in the region of Judea. Persia was the site of the crucifixion of the Apostle Jude.

How the Apostle Jude Died

The apostle Jude, who is the author of the same-named book in the New Testament, traveled all the way to Persia, where he was crucified by the Magi, who had come to worship the newborn King of the Jews. According to the New Testament, the Magi who were seeking for the young King, Jesus, and those who crucified Jude were most likely two different groups of people.

Due to the abundance of Magi in Persia, it is exceedingly unlikely that they would be the same ones who went in search of Jesus and were also the ones who crucified Jude. According to reports, Jude was in Persia on a missionary assignment.

How the Apostle Matthias Died

Matthias was the apostle who was chosen to take the place of Judas, who had committed suicide. How this was accomplished is revealed in Acts 1:20-26, and some scholars believe it may have fulfilled a prophesy found in Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8. Regardless of whether or not Matthias was the subject of the prophesy, he was presumably stoned and then executed in the late first century.

How the Apostle John Died

This is the disciple whom Jesus adored, and he was the only one to die a natural death.that is, through natural causes such as old age rather than being martyred. He was, however, imprisoned on the island of Patmos, where he spent the next three years writing the Book of Revelation. He was eventually released and traveled to Turkey, where he may have been on a mission to construct churches. This is the apostle who is referenced in John 21:20-23 as well as other places. As Peter turned around to see the disciple whom Jesus had liked following him and who had also rested on His breast at the dinner, he said, ‘Lord, who is it that betrays You?’ As soon as he saw him, Peter exclaimed to Jesus, ‘But Lord, what about this man?’ ‘What does it matter to you if I wish that he remain until I come?’ Jesus said directly to him.

However, Jesus did not tell him that he would not die, but rather, “If I will that he stay until I return, what is that to you?” Jesus said.

How the Apostle James the Less Died

This apostle is the least well-known of the twelve, and he is referred to as James the Less in order to separate him from the other James, who was also an apostle, and the James who was Jesus’ half-brother. He was killed in a manner identical to that of James, Jesus’ half-brother, who was thrown from the temple’s pinnacle and subsequently beaten to death.

How the Apostle Simon Died

Simon the Zealot, not Simon Peter (Andrew’s brother), is the apostle Simon, not Simon Peter. For the second time, little is known about him, either inside the Bible or outside of it. All that is known about his death is that he was crucified beside his brother.

Judas the Betrayer

Given the fact that Judas Iscariot was never fully transformed or commissioned by Jesus, it is unfair to refer to him as an apostle. In fact, it is possible that calling him a disciple is inaccurate due to the fact that he did not fully follow Christ, who stated that “anyone will be my disciple must follow after me” (Matthew 16:24). In any case, I believed he should be mentioned somewhere. According to the Bible, he betrayed Jesus and then went out to hang himself because he was overwhelmed by worldly guilt afterward (Matthew 27:3-8).

How James, the Brother of Jesus Died

Yes, I recognize the apostleship of Jesus’ brother James was not established until the early church was established, yet his death is described as “horrific” in the Gospel of John. He died during the early years of the church’s history, while the New Testament was still in the process of being written. He was reported to have been hurled around 100 feet from a wall in the process.

This was done to him after he refused to repudiate his belief in Jesus on a number of occasions. After the fall, he was discovered to be alive, and when his opponents learned this, they surrounded him and beat him to death with clubs till he died.

The Apostle Paul

I included Paul among the apostles because he was possibly the greatest apostle and evangelist the world has ever seen, and he most certainly deserves to be counted among the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Second Timothy was the final letter written by Paul, and in it he expresses his awareness that the moment of his death was drawing close as he writes to Timothy, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is drawing near.” Ich habe the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have maintained my composure under pressure.

  • He wrote from prison, knowing that his execution was on the verge of taking place.
  • Pay attention to Paul’s tragic final words, which were said as he awaited his death in 2 Timothy 4:16-18: “At my first defense, no one came to my defense; instead, everyone turned their backs on me.
  • But the Lord remained by my side and provided me the power I needed so that the word might be completely broadcast and heard by all of the Gentiles through my hands and feet.
  • The Lord will protect me from any wicked assault and will lead me safely to his heavenly kingdom, I can be certain in that.
  • Amen.” What a horrible situation.
  • While Paul’s death drew closer, he was not ashamed of the way he spent his life.
  • One of his final thoughts must have been of His loving Lord, knowing that, because He saved him from everlasting death, He would also save him after his bodily death and would be with the Lord for all eternity.


Inclusion of Paul among the apostles was necessary since he was arguably the greatest apostle and evangelist the world has ever seen, and he most surely deserved to be included among the apostles. Second Timothy was Paul’s final letter, and in it, he expressed his awareness that the moment of his death was drawing close, writing to Timothy, “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is drawing near.” Ich habe the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have maintained my composure under fire.

Knowing that his execution was imminent, he wrote from prison.

As you read 2 Timothy 4:16-18, consider Paul’s sad final words as he awaited execution: I had no one supporting me during my first defense, and everyone had forsaken me.

Although I was alone, the Lord remained by my side and provided me the power I needed so that the message might be completely broadcast and heard by all of the Gentiles.

The Lord will protect me from any wicked assault and will lead me safely to his heavenly kingdom, I can be certain in this.

Everybody, with the exception of his beloved Lord, had abandoned him as his execution approached.

According to secular and religious historians alike, he was beheaded.

His final thoughts must have been of His loving Lord, knowing that, just as He had rescued him from everlasting death by rescuing him, He would also save him after his physical death and would be with the Lord for the rest of his life.

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