Who Did Jesus Resurrect?

Who resurrected Jesus?

Question Answer In Acts 2:24, Peter says that “God raisedfrom the dead.” So that’s the basic answer.God resurrected Jesus.As we read more Scripture, that basic answer becomes more nuanced.The Bible indicates that all three Persons of the Trinity were involved in Jesus’ resurrection.Galatians 1:1 says that the Father raised Jesus from the dead.

  • First Peter 3:18 says that the Spirit raised Jesus from the dead (see also Romans 1:4, and note that Romans 8:11 clearly says that God will resurrect believers “through His Spirit”).
  • And in John 2:19 Jesus predicts that He will raise Himself from the dead (see also John 10:18).
  • (see also John 10:18).
  • So, when we answer the question of who resurrected Jesus, we can say God did.
  1. And by that we can mean it was the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  2. It may seem puzzling how Jesus could be said to raise Himself.
  3. How can a dead man have any say in his own resurrection?

The answer is that Jesus was more than a man who died; He was the eternal Son of God incarnate.Wicked men could kill His body, but they could not change His eternal nature or diminish His divine power.In John 10:17–18 Jesus says something that no mere mortal could ever say: “I lay down my life—only to take it up again.

  • No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.
  • I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.” No one else in the history of the world has ever had the authority both to lay down his life and to raise it up again.
  • Furthermore, Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25).
  • (John 11:25).

He claimed to be the resurrection Himself; He has absolute authority over life and death (Revelation 1:18).(Revelation 1:18).Jesus is God.He could say He would raise up His body on the third day because He, being God, has power over death.Who resurrected Jesus from the dead?

  1. God did, and by that we mean all three Persons of the Trinity were involved.
  2. All three Persons of the Trinity participated in creation (1 Corinthians 8:6; Genesis 1:1–2).
  3. All three are involved in salvation (John 3:6, 16).
  4. (John 3:6, 16).
  5. And all three are responsible for the resurrection of Christ Jesus.

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Did Jesus really resurrect people?

The Bible states unequivocally that Jesus brought the dead back to life.That information is not fictional; rather, it is based on actual events that occurred in particular places at specific dates.During the summer of 31 CE, for example, a big audience journeyed with Jesus from Capernaum to Nain, and this was recorded in the Bible.When they arrived, they were met by yet another throng.You may put your faith in the narrative of the resurrection that took place after that because it is recorded in God’s Word, the Bible, and because it occurred in front of all of those witnesses.

  • ​— Take a look at Luke 7:11-15.
  • Jesus also raised his companion Lazarus from the grave, after he had been dead for four days.
  • You may trust the account of what Jesus performed that day since it was also seen by a large number of others, as well.
  • ​— Take a look at John 11:39-45.

Why did Jesus resurrect people?

People were raised from the dead because Jesus was motivated by compassion.He also did it in order to demonstrate that his Father, the Creator of life, had granted him the ability to control death.​— Take a look at John 5:21, 28, and 29.Having witnessed the resurrections that Jesus conducted, we may have faith in his promises concerning the future.He will revive a large number of individuals, including unrighteous people who were unaware of the real God before his resurrection.

  • They will be given the chance to come to know and love Jehovah God in a personal way.
  • ​— Take a look at Acts 24:15.

Who was resurrected with Jesus?

There are a number of remarkable occurrences recorded in the Gospels that occurred not just during the time of Jesus’ death, but also around the time of his resurrection from the dead.Nothing less than stunning revelations are made by these occurrences regarding God’s plan for mankind’s redemption and how he is carrying it out.According to the gospels, the very last thing Jesus did on the crucifixion (about 3 p.m.) was scream out, indicating that he was surrendering his spirit to the Father (see Luke 23:46, Matthew 27:50).Something happened, however, just before Jesus was laid to rest in preparation for his resurrection, something that could only be accomplished by the hand of God.When the temple’s curtain was ripped in half from top to bottom, it was a terrifying sight..

  • (Matthew 27:51) During Jesus’ death, the curtain between the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place was torn, according to the gospels, and it hung between the two.
  • Approximately 30 by 60 feet (9.1 by 18.2 meters) in size, with a thickness ranging from 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) in thickness, was the veil itself!
  • The miraculous ripping of the curtain demonstrated that Jesus’ death on the cross for the sins of the world made it possible for people to have direct access to God the Father.
  • According to the book of Matthew, an enormous Earthquake happened that was powerful enough to shake Jerusalem and break rock was recorded as having occurred (Matthew 27:51).
  1. Later on, he claims that the following miracle occurred.
  2. After his resurrection, Jesus appears to the apostles.
  3. And the tombs were opened, and many corpses of the saints who had perished rose from their graves to greet the light.

And AFTER His resurrection, they emerged from the graves and entered the holy city, where they appeared to a large number of people (Matthew 27:52 – 53).The Bible tells unequivocally that the graves of many deceased saints were opened following Jesus’ death.Afterwards, upon his resurrection, they were not only restored to bodily life, but they also demonstrated to their family, friends, and others in Jerusalem that they were ALIVE!

  • The question is, why did God choose to do this?

Waved before God

Despite the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead about sunset on Saturday, he did not appear to God the Father until sometime after his apparition to Mary Magdalene early on Sunday morning (John 20:17).In fact, this is an exact replica of the ancient rite that God instructed the Israelites to execute, known as waving of the sheaf or waving of the sheaf (see Leviticus 23:10 – 11).As a sacrifice to God, the firstfruits of the spring harvest were brought before him on a regular basis.By ‘waving’ or presenting himself before God in heaven as the first spiritually resurrected person (1Corinthians 15:20, 23), Jesus fulfilled the symbolism of the wave sheaf.He was known as the ″first of the firstfruits″ (1Corinthians 15:20, 23).

  • People who will be in the first resurrection of the dead will be represented by Jesus at this event.
  • After him, those who were literally resurrected from the dead and ″waved″ in front of God and Jerusalem signify a second or subsequent resurrection from the dead.
  • This resurrection, also known as God’s great white throne judgment, is for individuals who did not have a complete opportunity to be saved during their lifetime (Revelation 20:4 – 5).

Did Jesus Really Resurrect from the Dead?

People do not resurrect once they have died.They just do not.None of these outrageous claims are ever made, mostly because it is far too easy to refute the existence of a dead corpse with living witnesses.Once Upon a Time is a fictional program, and resurrections do not occur in real life (good show, by the way).In one instance, though, the outcome of the case is still being debated today.

  • There is one assertion that has not yet been disproved (see what I did there?) Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
  • Recently, we have discovered that archaeological discoveries, claims of accurate future predictions, the credibility of Jesus’ disciples, and the reliability of the accounts written about Jesus all appear to provide evidence favoring the validity of the Bible as a collection of historical works, as we have previously discussed in detail.
  • The fact that Jesus’ disciples appeared to have sincere faith in who he was and that he had risen from the dead, many skeptics contend, doesn’t necessarily imply that the event took place.
  • This is the area in which we will be concentrating our efforts today.
  1. The resurrected Christ is a significant event.
  2. Paul claimed that if the resurrection did not take place, then all Christians’ faith is ″in vain,″ ″worthless,″ and ″we are of all mankind the most to be pitied,″ according to the apostle (1 Cor.
  3. 15:14-19).

Because if it didn’t happen, then the claims that Jesus made about himself and those his disciples made about him are incorrect.In any case, if it did happen, those assertions have been backed up by the most significant piece of evidence ever recorded in history: the resurrection of a man from the dead.But, of course, that’s a huge assertion to attempt to ″prove″ historically, and it’s a tall order.

  • What is the best way to tackle it?
  • The majority of folks do not.
  • Most people, even religious academics, simply determine in advance of any evidence that Jesus did not, in fact, rise from the grave because it is just difficult to do so.
  • Unfortunately, this is an incredibly biased method that assumes everything while really studying nothing.

Instead than arriving at a conclusion based on the evidence, it assumes the conclusion and attempts to evaluate the facts in light of the conclusion.Gary Habermas and Michael Licona are two scholars who have made an effort to keep their personal prejudices out of their analyses of the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection.Their method is based on ″minimal facts,″ which means that they consider just the facts regarding the resurrection on which virtually all historians from all viewpoints agree, and then make the most logical historical conclusion based solely on those facts.There are at least three facts that suit this description, as well as a handful of others that are very near.They are as follows:

  1. The crucifixion was the means through which Jesus died. Yes, this is about as historically certain a truth as we can get without going back in time. Yes, experts from all religious and ideological backgrounds and from all sides of the political spectrum agree on this. In order to avoid being labeled as an eccentric Internet conspiracy theorist, you cannot believe that Jesus never existed or that he died in this manner
  2. Jesus’ disciples sincerely believed that they had encountered the resurrected Jesus to the point that they were willing to die for this belief, as were many others. Besides the fact that Paul, an enemy of Christianity who had Christians arrested and killed, genuinely believed he had encountered the Resurrected Jesus to the point of changing his entire belief system and becoming a Christian missionary, and was even willing to die for this belief, as previously discussed in previous posts,

These facts are closely associated with one another:

  1. Although Jesus’ brother James did not believe in Jesus at the time of his death, he came to believe in the resurrected Jesus and rose to prominence as one of the primary leaders of the Christian church in Jerusalem. He was willing to die for his belief
  2. three days after Jesus’ death, the tomb where the crucified Jesus was buried was discovered to be empty. This is the most contentious of the five claims, yet it is also the most universally agreed upon. On this issue, there is no room for disagreement
  3. any disagreements are completely hypothetical.

Historical hypotheses about what really happened in the past are evaluated according to the following criteria: explanatory scope (it accounts for all or most of the facts), explanatory power (it accounts for the facts well), plausibility (it makes sense in light of the facts), less ad hoc (it assumes the least or very little), and illumination (it illuminates the past) (it explains other historical problems).Of course, there is the possibility that the resurrection of Jesus genuinely took place.This explanation clearly accounts for all of the facts and makes sense in the context of those facts, and it makes no assumptions in the process of doing so.It is, after all, what the witnesses claimed to have witnessed.There are alternative hypotheses…

  • All of Jesus’ followers had hallucinations that were triggered by anxiety and/or expectation.
  • This interpretation explains for the crucifixion as well as the beliefs of the disciples, but it does not explain anything else.
  • It does not provide a satisfactory explanation for the disciples’ ideas since the discipline of psychology at this point rejects the notion that people might have similar hallucinations at the same time.
  • According to conventional wisdom, it is exceedingly unlikely that all of Jesus’ followers had various hallucinations at the same time in the same location while experiencing the same occurrences involving their senses of sight, hearing, and touch all at the same time.
  1. Moreover, it is exceedingly unlikely that Paul, an adversary of Christianity, suffered any such pain or sadness while on his way to arrest and kill additional disciples of Jesus in Damascus, as has been suggested in some accounts (Acts 9).
  2. In addition, the disciples were not anticipating Jesus to be raised from the dead, making this seem unlikely.
  3. There are a lot of assumptions made in this section as well.

Jesus did not die in the traditional sense.He survived the crucifixion and was able to leave the tomb three days after it occurred.To put it bluntly, this is a ludicrous hypothesis.

  • It attempts to explain for the crucifixion, the disciples’ beliefs, and the empty tomb (as well as James’ encounter?
  • ), but it does so in a mediocre manner.
  • The chances of surviving crucifixion are extremely slim, and the Romans were extremely proficient at it.
  • According to reports, they shattered the victims’ legs in order to assure their deaths, however we are told that they did not break Jesus’ legs since he was already dead at the time.

To be sure, he was stabbed in the side with a spear.He survived.No matter what happened to him, he would have died in the tomb, and he was not going anywhere in fewer than three days unless something miraculous happened.Even with all of this, any ″resurrection appearances″ would fall flat on their faces and no one would believe them.This is exceedingly unlikely and relies on a number of unsubstantiated assumptions.

  1. The corpse of Jesus was stolen by his followers.
  2. Despite the crucifixion and empty tomb, this explanation does not explain any of the resurrection appearances or real believe in a risen Jesus, according to this theory.
  3. Consequently, it fails to account for the vast majority of tiny facts and performs dismally as a result of this.
  4. Considering that the disciples sincerely thought that Jesus had been risen, I’m very convinced that they would not have taken the corpse as well.
  5. Another reason for this incredulity is that a Roman guard (which most likely consisted of 4-16 well-trained and deadly soldiers) was stationed outside the tomb, with a big stone blocking the cave entrance.

… That’s pretty much all in terms of information.Seriously.There are no alternative explanations regarding what really happened that can be considered seriously, and certainly none that account for all of the data and do so in a convincing and logical manner, as has been demonstrated.

But, of course, this is precisely what you would anticipate if something like this did in fact take place.According to Dr.Michael Licona’s book The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach, the resurrection hypothesis is the only explanation that meets all of the requirements, and no other theory comes close to meeting them.To summarize, we have established that archaeological research has authenticated many of the people, events, and dates mentioned in Scripture, that the Bible appears to have made accurate predictions about the future, that the accounts of Jesus’ disciples can be trusted, that the Bible we have today is the original manuscript, and that the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelmingly the most historically supported explanation of those facts which are unanimously agreed upon by all academics.

  • Even if you continue to be doubtful about one or more of these assertions, it is plainly evident that the Bible cannot be readily rejected as a historical work of literature.
  • Why should we be concerned?
  • That will be the subject of our next discussion.
  • What is it about the resurrection of Jesus that you find so difficult to accept?
See also:  Where Did Jesus Spend The Last Few Months Of His Earthly Ministry?

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Who did Jesus appear to first after his resurrection?

Mary Magdalene was a woman who lived in the first century AD. 9 Upon rising early on the first day of the week, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had driven out seven devils the day before. She went to them and informed them she had been with him while they were mourning and crying.

What happens to Jesus after his resurrection?

When Jesus rose from the dead, he is depicted as announcing ″eternal salvation″ through the disciples, and as subsequently calling the apostles to the Great Commission, as described in Matthew 28:16–20, Mark 16:14–18, Luke 24:44–49, Acts 1:4–8, and John 20–23, in which they were given the command ″to let the world know…

How long was Jesus on earth after his resurrection?

40 days are allotted. The Bible clearly states that after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples on a number of occasions over the course of 40 days before miraculously ascending into the presence of God. DEAR N.G.: The Bible clearly states that after His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples on a number of occasions over the course of 40 days.

Did Peter see Jesus after the resurrection?

It is recorded in John 21 of the New Testament that Jesus came to his followers after his resurrection and talked to Peter in particular, an event known as the Restoration of Peter (also known as the Recommissioning of Peter).

Who saw Jesus at the tomb?

The first day of the week, early in the morning when it was still dark, Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb and discovered that the stone had been lifted from the entrance.

What did Jesus do for 40 days?

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Gospels mention a period of seclusion for Jesus in the desert following his baptism by John the Baptist. Jesus is dragged into the desert by the Holy Spirit and dwells there for forty days without eating. He lives among wild animals and is attended to by angels who minister to him.

Where did Jesus go when he rose from the dead?

Jesus left the tomb immediately after being raised from the dead by God’s hand and traveled to the Galilee area, where he demonstrated to his family and neighbors that he was alive by God’s hand by sight and touch the truth of the Gospel.

How many times did Jesus appear after his death?

A second appearance of Jesus after his resurrection is recorded in Matthew, the first to Mary Magdalene and ″the other Mary″ at the tomb, and the second, based on Mark 16:7, to all of the disciples on a mountain in Galilee, where he asserts his authority over all of creation and charges them with proclaiming his message throughout all of the world.

How many people did Jesus appear to after his resurrection?

Paul informs us that many individuals witnessed Jesus’ resurrection, including Peter, the 12 disciples, the more than 500 believers mentioned here, James, Jesus’ half-brother, all of the apostles, and Paul himself.

What did Peter do after Jesus ascended?

Peter was one of Jesus’ twelve apostles and was known as ″the Rock.″ According to Roman Catholic belief, Jesus appointed St. Peter as the first pope (Matthew 16:18). Immediately following Jesus’ crucifixion, he was appointed as head of the Apostles and was the first to perform a miracle following the Day of Pentecost (Acts 3:1–11).

What did Mary see in the tomb?

The first day of the week, early in the morning when it was still dark, Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb and discovered that the stone had been lifted from the entrance. in which I saw two angels in white sat where Jesus’ corpse had been, one seated at the head of the cross and the other at the foot of the cross

What are the 12 appearances of Jesus after his resurrection?

Beginning on Easter Sunday and continuing through the following Sunday are the following 12 appearances of Jesus: 1.On Sunday morning to Mary Magdalene; 2.On Monday morning to the disciples; 3.On Tuesday morning to the disciples; 4.On Wednesday morning to the disciples; 5.

  • On Thursday morning to the disciples; 6.
  • To the disciples; 7.
  • To the disciples; 8.
  • To the disciples; 9.
  1. To the disciples; 10.
  2. To the disciples; and 11.
  3. To the disciples.

20:11-18 (John 20:11-18) In any case, Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb, likely shortly after the sun had begun to shine through the tops of the trees and rocky outcrops, as the day began to brighten.

How many days did Jesus stay on Earth after resurrection?

After His resurrection, Jesus remained alive on our planet for a total of thirty-eight days. I’m confident that hundreds of people witnessed Him throughout that time. Here is a list of thirteen of His public appearances that are recorded for us in the Bible, listed in chronological sequence. As a gardener, he appeared to Mary Magdalene in the first instance (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-18).

Where did Jesus go on the fifth day after his resurrection?

The fifth occasion occurred on the eighth day following His resurrection.The Gospel of John records Jesus paying a visit to seven of His disciples in the Sea of Tiberias while they were out fishing one morning in the book of John.This is another well-known scene in which Jesus (in disguise once more) inquires of His disciples as to whether or not they had caught any fish.As you recall, they responded with a ″No.″

What was the timeline of jesus’ministry after his resurrection?

Following Jesus’ resurrection, a timeline of his ministry is provided! Jesus Christ, after three and a half years of teaching the word of his Father to the entire globe, is illegally captured, tried, and killed in the spring of the year 30 A.D. God, on the other hand, raises him from the dead after he has been dead for three whole days in the tomb.

Who Did Jesus Raise From The Dead?

  • Lazarus was brought back to life by Jesus. The Gospel of John records Jesus bringing a small girl back to life (John 11:1-44). As recorded in Mark 5:22-24, 35-42, Jesus used the power of Jehovah to revive the dead. (John 11:41, 42) Jesus revived the dead in front of a large crowd of people. Even his adversaries were aware of the miracle he had wrought for them. (See also John 12:9-11).

People Raised From The Dead In The Bible?

God has miraculously revived the dead in order to declare that all Christians have risen from their graves as well.The Christian faith guarantees that all Christians will be resurrected from the grave at some point in the future.God, the parent, has proved his ability to bring the dying back to life, as evidenced by the following 10 Bible narratives.Obviously, the most renowned return is that of Jesus Christ, who is the most famous of all.He defeated sin for all time via his death and resurrection, allowing his followers to experience eternal life as a result of their faith.

  • Here are eleven Bible episodes featuring all of God’s elevated people throughout history.

1. Widow of Zarephath’s Son

While in the heathen city of Zerapth, the prophet Elijah was residing at a widow’s house, where he was receiving visitors.Suddenly, the woman’s son fell ill and died, and he blamed Elijah of bringing the wrath of God upon him as a result of his actions.Taking the youngster to his lodgings in the upstairs room, Elijah spread himself three times over the boy’s body before leaving him there.She prayed to God for the boy’s life, and Elijah’s pleas were heard by the Almighty.The child’s life was restored, and Elijah was able to bring him to justice.

  • The prophet was proclaimed to be a man of God by the lady, and his statements were declared to be true by the prophet.
  • (1 Kings 17:17–24) Is it possible to have a good relationship with God?
  • Also, be aware of the following: Was Jesus 33 years old at the time of His death?

2. Son of Shunammite Woman

Following Elijah, the prophet Elisha resided in the top room of a couple in the city of Shunum for a while.He prayed for the woman to get pregnant, and God granted his request.Later, the youngster complained of a headache and died as a result of the incident.The woman ran from Elisha on Mount Carmel, who ordered her servant forward, but the youngster did not respond.Elisha was furious and sent her servant back.

  • In the house, Elisha wept and threw himself over the lifeless body, pleading with God for help.
  • Before opening his eyes, the youngster coughed seven times in a row.
  • When Elisha handed the kid over to his mother, he collapsed on the ground in shock.
  • (2 Kings 4:18-37)

3. Israeli man

Elisha the prophet died and was buried in a tomb after he was killed.Every spring, Moabra raiders assault Israel, once causing funerals to be disrupted.Because they feared for their lives, the burial team dumped the body at the first view point of Elisa’s grave as swiftly as they could.The minute the body’s skeleton contacted the bones of Alisha, The dead guy sprung back to life and stood.This miracle was a prelude to how Christ’s death and resurrection changed the dead into a route of fresh life.

  • The Bible says in 2 Kings 13:20-21 that

4. Nain’s son’s widow

When Jesus and his followers arrive to the village of Nain’s town gate, they find themselves facing a funeral pyre.The only son of a widower was to be buried with his father.The bear came to a halt as the heart of Jesus reached out to him and he touched the beer that was holding the corpse.In response to Jesus’ command for the young man to get up, the son sat down and began to speak.It was returned to his mother by Jesus.

  • Everyone was taken by surprise.
  • ″A great prophet has arrived among us,″ he said as he thanked the Almighty.
  • God has come to his people’s assistance.″ (See Luke 7:11-17 for more information.)

5. Jayas’ daughter

Jesus and his followers stand in front of the funeral pyre at the village of Nain’s town gates.A funeral was to be held for the widower’s only son.As Jesus’ heart found its way to him, the bear came to a halt as he placed his hand on the beer that was holding the body.In response to Jesus’ command for the young man to get up, the son sat down and began conversing.It was returned to Jesus’ mother by the apostles and disciples.

  • Everyone was taken aback by the situation.
  • ″A great prophet has arrived among us,″ he exclaimed, praising the Lord.
  • It is God himself who has come to assist his people.
  • In the Bible, in Luke 7:11-17, Jesus says,

6. Lazarus

The Tomb of Lazarus is located in Bethany, in the Holy Land (circa 1900).Jesus had three close friends: Martha, Mary, and Bethany’s brother Lazarus.They were three of Jesus’ closest companions.Oddly enough, when Jesus was informed that Lazarus was unwell, he chose to remain in the same place for an additional two days.When Jesus returned, he stated unequivocally that Lazarus had dead.

  • When Martha paid them a visit outside of the hamlet, Jesus told her, ″Your buddy will rise from the dead.″ ″I am the resurrection and the life,″ says the Lord.
  • They made their way to the tomb, where Jesus was weeping.
  • Despite the fact that Lazarus had been dead for four days, Jesus rolled the stone away.
  • He spoke his prayers to his father openly as he raised his eyes to the heavens.
  1. When Lazarus did not appear, he commanded him to come out.
  2. The body of the guy who had died was covered in a funeral shroud.
  3. (Read John 11:1-44 for more information.)

7. Jesus Christ

Several individuals formed a conspiracy to assassinate Jesus Christ.His life was ended after a fake trial, and he was nailed to a cross on Golgotha Hill, just outside of Jerusalem, by Roman soldiers.However, it was a necessary component of God’s plan of salvation for all of humanity.Jesus’ lifeless body was deposited in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, and a seal was set on it, after he died on Friday morning.Soldiers were stationed in the area.

  • The stone was discovered rolling in the early hours of Sunday morning.
  • The tomb was devoid of any remains.
  • Jesus had risen from the dead, according to the angels.
  • He initially appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to her disciples, and finally to a large number of other people in and around the city.
  1. (Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24:1-49; John 20:1-21:25; Mark 16:1-20; Luke 24:1-49)

8. Saints In Jerusalem

The cross was the place where Jesus Christ died.As a result of the earthquake, many graves and tombstones in Jerusalem were shattered.Following Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, pious persons who had died were brought back to life and appeared to a large number of people across the city.In his Gospel, Matthew is ambiguous on how many roses were given and what happened to them subsequently.This, according to biblical scholars, was another evidence of the great resurrection that was still to take place.

  • (Matthew 27:50-54; Mark 10:50-54)

9. Tabitha or Dorcas

Tabitha was adored by everyone in the town of Joppa.She was continually performing nice deeds, such as assisting the destitute and sewing clothes for other people.Tabitha (known as Dorcas in Greek) was unwell and died one day after a long illness.The lady bathed his corpse and then hid it in an upstairs room until the police arrived.He dispatched the apostle Peter, who happened to be in the adjacent town of Lydia.

  • Peter was on his knees, pleading with the Lord to expel everyone from the room, and he was successful.
  • ″Tabitha, please get up,″ he begged to her.
  • She sat down, and Peter was able to deliver her to his companions while still alive.
  • Immediately, the news spread like wildfire.
  1. As a result, many Christians took a position in support of Jesus.
  2. (Acts 9:36-42) (Acts 9:36-42) (Acts 9:36-42)
See also:  Why Did The Jews Reject Jesus?

10. Eutychus

Troas’ third-floor room was jam-packed with people.Despite the fact that it was late, numerous oil lamps kept the rooms warm, and the apostle Paul carried on.The young guy Eutychus, who was sitting on one of the windowsills, was terrified of falling out of the window and dying.Paul dashed outdoors and flung himself on the motionless corpse of the man who had died.Eutychus regained consciousness very immediately.

  • Paul was upstairs at the time he sliced the bread and ate the sandwich.
  • It was a huge relief for the inhabitants, and they worked hard to bring the Eutychus home back to life.


What did Jesus do when he saw Lazarus’ sisters and friends weeping?

Jesus went to Martha and Mary’s house to soothe them.When Martha received word that Jesus was on his way, she immediately left town to meet him.Despite the fact that she was relieved to see Jesus, she expressed her disappointment by saying, ″Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.″ Martha believed that Jesus had arrived far too late.When Jesus looked up, he saw Mary and the others crying.Jesus’ heart was filled with joy as he witnessed this, and he began to cry as well.

  • (See also John 11:21, 33, and 35) Jesus was able to comprehend the anguish we experience when someone close to us dies.

Why did Martha not want the stone to be removed from the cave? But what did Jesus do?

This grotto was sealed with a big stone, and the body of Lazarus was buried there for several days.In the cave when he arrived, Jesus commanded the people to remove the stone.Martha, on the other hand, did not want them to do so.Why?The reason was that it had been four days since Lazarus had died.

  • (See also John 11:39) Martha was completely unaware of what Jesus was going to undertake.
  • Jesus said, ″Lazarus, come out!″ once the stone had been removed.
  • Afterwards, ″the one who had been dead emerged.
  • It was wrapped over his wrists and feet with strips of a shroud.
  1. (Matthew 11:43, 44) Lazarus has risen from the dead once more!
  2. When Martha and Mary realized what was going on, their eyes widened.
  3. His family and friends were happy to have Lazarus back in their midst once again.

They were now able to touch her, embrace her, and converse with her.What a wonderful miracle it was!Lazarus was brought back to life by Jesus.

Who gave Jesus the power to raise the dead?

Is it possible that Jesus used his authority to raise Lazarus from the dead?Not!Jesus prayed to Jehovah before raising him from the dead.Furthermore, Jehovah provided him with the strength to bring Lazarus back from the dead.See John 11:41-42 for further information.

  • However, Jesus accomplished more than only revive Lazarus from the dead.
  • According to the Bible, he also took in and reared the daughter of a man called Jair, who was 12 years old at the time.
  • She was in critical condition.
  • Jair was determined to save her in whatever way he could because she was his only child.
  1. He pleaded with Jesus to restore health to his daughter.
  2. While he was still talking to Jesus, other men approached him and informed him that his daughter had died.
  3. ″What’s the use of bothering the Guru any longer?″ Nevertheless, Jesus assured Jairus, ″Do not be scared; only have faith, and she will be saved.″ After that, he took Jair to his residence.

When they arrived at the house, Jesus noticed that people were crying.″Don’t weep!″ he said to them.″The girl is not dead; rather, she is asleep.″ The girl’s parents were probably perplexed as to why Jesus said what he said.

  • All of the people were expelled, and Jesus escorted the girl’s parents to the chamber where she had been lain.
  • ″Laughter, I tell you, get up!″ Jesus exclaimed to the young lady as he grasped her hand in his.
  • She promptly rose to her feet and began walking.
  • When his parents found out, they were overjoyed.

Jesus resurrected their daughter from the dead.(Matthew 5:22-24, 35-42; Luke 8:49-56) (Mark 5:22-24, 35-42) The couple will recall the enormous favor Jehovah has shown them by sending Jesus to them every time they see their daughter from that day forward.

Why is it beneficial to read the accounts of the resurrection of the dead?

Those who were revived by Jesus died a second time later on. Nonetheless, reading about these occurrences is important for us since they instill genuine hope in our hearts. Jehovah want to bring the dead back to life, and he intends to accomplish so.

What evidence is there that Lazarus was indeed raised from the dead?

In front of a large crowd, Jesus brought Lazarus back to life.Even Jesus’s opponents were aware that Jesus had performed this miracle on their behalf.Moreover, Lazarus himself was a living example of this.(See also John 11:47) Not only that, but a large number of people came to see Lazarus and came away believing that God had sent Jesus.When Jesus’ adversaries realized what had happened, they were enraged.

  • They began hatching a plan to assassinate Jesus and Lazarus.
  • —John 11:53; 12:9-11; 13:24-26.

Why can we be sure that Jehovah will raise the dead?

It was Jesus who predicted that ″the monuments in the graves″ would be brought back to life.(See also John 5:28) This signifies that Jehovah will restore back to life all of those who have been forgotten by him.However, in order to do so, he must recall even the slightest information about them.Is he capable of doing this?Take a look at this monstrosity.

  • Each star in the sky has a unique name, according to the Bible, which means that Jehovah knows what each star is called by name.
  • (See Isaiah 40:26 for more information.) Given that he can recall the names of each star, it is reasonable to assume that he can recall even the slightest details of the individuals who will be raised from the dead.
  • More than that, since Jehovah created everything, we may be confident that he possesses the ability to revive the dead as well.

What life on earth will those who are resurrected have?

Those who had been resurrected in the past were reunited with their families and friends on this planet.This will occur in the future as well, but the situation will be better in the meanwhile.They will have the opportunity to dwell on the planet for an eternity and will never perish from the world.They will also be raised to live in the new world, rather than in the old world, which is full of conflict, crime, and sickness.

Who will be resurrected?

″All those who are in the memorial graves will hear his voice and come out,″ Jesus said.(See also John 5:28, 29.) ″The sea gave to the dead who were in it, and death and the grave gave to the dead who were in them,″ according to Revelation 20:13.Yes, millions of people will be brought back to life.Furthermore, ″both good and wicked people shall be revived from the dead,″ according to Paul.(See Acts 24:15 for further information.) What exactly does this imply?

Who are among the ‘good people who will be resurrected?

Among the ‘good people’ are individuals who lived before Jesus arrived to earth and were dedicated to serving Jehovah in their daily lives.People like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Ruth, and Esther are examples of this.Some of these folks are mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11, which you can read about here.But what about Jehovah’s devoted servants who pass away in our day and age?Because they are ″nice people,″ they will be revived as well.

Who is included in the ‘bad guys’? What opportunity will Jehovah give them?

It is estimated that there are hundreds of millions of individuals who have never had the opportunity to know Jehovah. The Lord has not forgotten them and will bring them back to life so that they might learn more about him and serve him in their stead.

Why won’t everyone be resurrected?

Does this imply that everyone who has died will be brought back to life?No.Some people, according to Jesus, would not be raised from the dead.(See also Luke 12:5) Who makes the decision on whether or not someone will be revived?Jehovah has assigned Jesus to be the ″Judge of the living and the dead,″ but it is Jehovah who will render the final decision in this matter, according to the Scriptures.

  • (See Acts 10:42 for further information).
  • It was agreed with before death that a guy who continued to commit wicked things and showed no regret would not be resurrected.

Who was the first human being raised to live in heaven?

Jesus was the first of humanity to be risen from the dead and given the opportunity to dwell in heaven.(See also John 3:13) Jehovah brought Jesus back to life three days after he had been slain by the Romans.(Psalm 16:10; Acts 13:34, 35; 1 Corinthians 13:10) However, he was not provided with a human body.As Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, said, when Jesus was ″died, he was given a human body, but when he was raised from the dead, he was given an unseen body.″ Peter (3:18) explains that Jesus was risen from the dead to live the life of a powerful angel.(1 Corinthians 15:3-6) The Bible says: However, the Bible informs us that, in addition to Jesus, other people will be granted eternal life in paradise.

Who will be resurrected in heaven?

″I am going to prepare a home for you,″ Jesus promised his devoted followers just before his execution on the cross.(See also John 14:2) This implied that some of his disciples will be resurrected to join him in the afterlife in a place called heaven.But how many are there?That was Jesus’ response to a ″small flock.″ This implies that the number of people who will enter heaven will be limited.(See also Luke 12:32) The accuracy of their predictions was highlighted by Jesus’ follower John.

  • Jesus appeared to him in heaven, ″standing on Mount Zion, with 144,000 men standing by him,″ according to a vision.
  • —Revelation 14:1 (New International Version).

When will these 144,000 be resurrected in heaven?

The Bible informs us that from the moment Jesus begins to rule in heaven, he will be resurrected to eternal life in the presence of the Father.The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:23 that Today, we are living in that time period, and many of the 144,000 have been exalted to the heavenly realm.Moreover, when one of those who remain on earth passes away, he is instantly brought back to life in heaven.However, the majority of the deceased will be brought back to life on this planet, which will be transformed into a magnificent garden.

How many people were raised from the dead in the Bible?

Answer The Bible contains a number of accounts of the resurrection.The resurrection of a person from the dead is a magnificent miracle that demonstrates that the God who is the Source of Life has the ability to give life to whom He chooses, even after death.According to the Bible, the following people were raised from the dead: In 1 Kings 17:17–24, the widow of Zarephath’s son is introduced.After the widow of Zarephath’s son died, Elijah the prophet raised him from the dead.During a severe drought in the land, Elijah was staying in an upper room of a widow’s house with her daughter.

  • In the meantime, the widow’s son fell ill and died in his mother’s arms.
  • In her grief, the woman brought the body of her son to Elijah, believing that his presence in her home had resulted in the death of her son as a punishment for a previous sin she had committed.
  • Elijah removed the dead boy from her arms and went to the upper room, where he prayed, ″Lord my God, please restore this boy’s life!″ (See verse 21.) With three stretches of his body, Elijah prayed for the boy’s life, and ″the Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life was restored to him, and he lived″ (verse 22).
  • The prophet returned the boy to his mother, who was filled with faith in the power of God as a result of Elijah’s words: ″Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is truth″ (verse 24).
  1. His mother’s son (2 Kings 4:18–37), the Shunammite woman’s son The prophet Elisha raised the Shunammite woman’s son from the dead.
  2. Elisha regularly stayed in Shunem in an upper room prepared for him by this woman and her husband.
  3. One day, while Elisha was at Mount Carmel, the couple’s young son died.

The woman carried the body of her son to Elisha’s room and laid it on the bed (verse 21).(verse 21).Then, without even telling her husband the news, she departed for Carmel to find Elisha (verses 22–25).

  • When she found Elisha, she pleaded with him to come to Shunem.
  • Elisha sent his servant, Gehazi, ahead of them with instructions to lay Elisha’s staff on the boy’s face (verse 31).
  • (verse 31).
  • As soon as Elisha and the Shunammite woman arrived back home, Elisha went to the upper room, shut the door, and prayed.

Then he stretched out on top of the boy’s body, and the body began to warm (verse 34).(verse 34).Elisha arose, walked about the room, and stretched himself out on the body again.The boy then sneezed seven times and awoke from death (verse 35).(verse 35).

  1. Elisha then delivered the boy, alive again, to his grateful mother (verses 36–37).
  2. The man raised out of Elisha’s grave (2 Kings 13:20–21).
  3. Elisha is connected with another resurrection that occurred after his death.
  4. Sometime after Elisha had died and was buried, some men were burying another body in the same area.
  5. The grave diggers saw a band of Moabite raiders approaching, and, rather than risk an encounter with the Moabites, they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s grave.

Scripture records that, “when the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet” (verse 21).The widow of Nain’s son (Luke 7:11–17).This is the first of the resurrections that Jesus performed.

As the Lord neared the town of Nain, He met a funeral procession leaving the city.In the casket lay a young guy, the lone son of a widow.When Jesus watched the procession, “his heart went out toand he whispered, ‘Don’t cry’” (verse 13).(verse 13).

  • Jesus came close and touched the coffin and spoke to the dead man: “Young man, I say to you, get up!” (verse 14).
  • ″The dead guy sat up and began to speak as if he had received a supernatural command″ (verse 15).
  • It was the people who converted the sadness into wonder and praise: ″God has come to assist his people,″ they said (verse 16).
  • The daughter of Jairus (Luke 8:40–56).
See also:  What Did Jesus Say About The Law

When Jesus raised the little daughter of Jairus, a synagogue leader, He demonstrated His ability to overcome death.When Jairus came to the Lord, He was besieged by throngs of people, and he begged Him to come to his house and heal his dying twelve-year-old daughter (verses 41–42), the Lord agreed.However, while they were on their way home, a member of Jarius’ family approached them and broke the tragic news that Jairus’ daughter had passed away.With words of encouragement, Jesus turned to Jarius, saying, ″Don’t be scared; just believe, and she will be well″ (verse 50).When Jesus arrived at Jarius’ house, he accompanied the girl’s parents, as well as Peter, James, and John, into the chamber where the body was lying.

″He held her by the hand and exclaimed, ‘My child, get up!’ Her soul returned, and she rose up at once″ (verses 54–55) after she had fallen.After that, Jesus and His followers left the resurrected girl with her startled parents to continue their journey.Lazarus of Bethany (Lazarus of Bethany) (John 11).Lazarus, a buddy of Jesus’, was the third person who was resurrected from the grave by Jesus.

Jesus had received word that Lazarus was sick, but he chose not to travel to Bethany in order to heal him.Instead, He assured His disciples that ″this disease will not result in death.″ No, everything is for God’s glory, in order that God’s Son may be exalted as a result of it’ (verse 4).A couple of days later, Jesus informed His followers that Lazarus had died, but He assured them that he would rise from the dead: ″I am going there to rouse him up″ (verse 11).

Lazarus’ sorrowful sisters both addressed Jesus with the identical words when he arrived in Bethany four days after Lazarus’ death: ″Lord, if you had been present, my brother would not have died″ (verses 21 and 32).″I will raise Lazarus from the dead,″ Jesus promises Martha in verse 23, and proclaims Himself to be ″the resurrection and the life″ (verse 24).(verse 25).Jesus inquired about the location of the burial.When He arrived to the location, He ordered the stone to be moved away from the tomb (verse 39), prayed (verses 41–42), and ″cried out in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out!’″ (verse 43).″The dead man sprang from the grave,″ just as Jesus had prophesied (verse 44).

When this miracle occurred, God was honored and ″many of the Jews who had come to see Mary and having witnessed what Jesus did, believed in him″ as a consequence of the miracle (verse 45).Others, on the other hand, refused to believe in Jesus and conspired to kill him as well as Lazarus as a result (John 11:53; 12:10).Matthew 27:50–53 mentions a number of saints who were there in Jerusalem.

The Bible references a number of resurrections that took place simultaneously with the resurrection of Christ.According to the Bible, after Jesus died, ″the ground shook, and the rocks split, and the tombs were thrown open.″ (Verses 51–52) The tombs that were left open stayed open until the third day.″A large number of saintly people’s bodies…were brought back to life″ at that time.

After Jesus’ resurrection, they emerged from the graves and entered the holy city, where they appeared to a large number of people″ (verses 52–53).On the same day that Jesus was resurrected from the dead, these saints were also raised from the dead and became witnesses in Jerusalem to the life that only Jesus can provide.Tabitha is mentioned in Acts 9:36–43.Known by her Greek name, Dorcas, Tabitha resided in the seaside city of Joppa and was a devout believer in God.The apostle Peter was the one who carried out her resurrection.

Dorcas was well-known for ″always doing good and assisting the underprivileged,″ according to legend (verse 36).As a result of her death, the believers in Joppa were overcome with sorrow.They buried the dead in an upstairs room and summoned Peter, who was in the adjacent town of Lydda (verses 37–38).Peter arrived and buried the body.

  1. Following his arrival, Peter went straight to Joppa to meet with the disciples, who showed him the garments that Dorcas had sewn for widows in the city (verse 39).
  2. All of them were escorted out of the room by Peter, who prayed for them.
  3. ‘Tabitha, get up.’″ He then turned to face the lifeless woman and repeated ″’Tabitha, get up.’″ She sat up as soon as she saw Peter when she opened her eyes.
  4. His hand reached out to hers, and he assisted her to her feet.″ (See verses 40–41.) The ecstatic believers were greeted by their resurrected comrade, and word of the miracle went fast across the city.
  5. As a result, ″a large number of individuals came to trust in the Lord″ (verse 42).
  6. Acts 20:7–12 tells the story of Eutychus.

During his short life in Troas, Eutychus was born, raised, and died several times.The apostle Paul performed the miracle of raising him from the grave.The apostle spoke to a group of Christians in Troas who had gathered in an upper room to hear him.Because Paul had to leave town the next day, he talked till the wee hours of the morning.Eutychus, a member of his audience who sat in a window and, regrettably, fell asleep, was among those present.

Eutychus managed to slide out of the window and plummet three storeys to his demise (verse 9).Paul sank to the ground and ″threw himself on the young man and wrapped his arms around him″ (verse 10).Eutychus regained consciousness and walked upstairs to share a lunch with the rest of the group.When the gathering was eventually called to a close at daybreak, ″the attendees were relieved to see the young guy alive and were deeply soothed″ (verse 12).Jesus (Mark 16:1–8) is the central figure.

It goes without saying that any list of resurrections in the Bible would be incomplete without include Jesus Christ’s resurrection.It is his death and resurrection that are the focal point of Scripture and the most significant events in human history, both in terms of time and space.The resurrection of Jesus differs significantly from the previous resurrections recorded in the Bible in the following ways: The resurrection of Jesus is the first ″permanent″ resurrection; all earlier resurrections in the Bible were ″temporary,″ in the sense that those who were returned to life died again after they were resurrected.Lazarus died twice; Jesus resurrected from the dead and will never die again.Thus, He is ″the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep,″ as the saying goes (1 Corinthians 15:20).

We are justified by Jesus’ resurrection (Romans 4:25), and our everlasting life is ensured by the words of Jesus: ″Because I live, you will also live″ (John 14:19).


Lazarus, sometimes known as Eleazar (Hebrew for ″God has aided″), is one of two characters named in the New Testament.According to the Gospel of John (11:1–45), the miraculous narrative of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus is well known.Lazarus of Bethany was the brother of Martha and Mary, and he resided in the town of Bethany, which is close to Jerusalem.Jesus was deeply attached to Lazarus and his sisters, according to the gospel story, and when Lazarus died as a result of sickness, Jesus cried and was ″greatly troubled.″ However, even though Lazarus had been dead for four days by the time Jesus arrived at Bethany, he was resurrected from the dead by Jesus and came from the tomb wearing his burial garments when Jesus arrived at Bethany.This miracle, which was observed by a large number of Jews who had gathered to grieve with the family, encouraged many people to accept Jesus as the Messiah.

  • He was also there when his sister Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with costly perfume (John 12:1–3), which is recorded in John 12:1–3.
  • Also known as Lazarus in the Gospel of Luke (16:19–31), this is the name given to the beggar in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus by the wealthy man himself.
  • A figure in Jesus’ parables has just one proper name, and it is the only one that is given to him.
  • Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Melissa Petruzzello was the person who most recently improved and updated this article.

Saint Mary Magdalene

Top Questions

Who is St. Mary Magdalene?

How did St. Mary Magdalene die?

St.Mary Magdalene, also known as Mary of Magdala, (flourished 1st century ce, Palestine; feast day July 22), one of Jesus’ most celebrated disciples, is credited with being the first person to see the risen Christ, according to Mark 16:9–10 and John 20:14–17, and is one of the most venerated saints in the world.There is no disputing the fact that Jesus cleansed her of seven devils (Luke 8:2 and Mark 16:9), which suggests that he did so in order to treat her physical illness rather than the widespread belief that he did so in order to free her of bad spirits.Jesus’ companions and helpers in Galilee were all women, according to Luke 8:1–2, and all four canonical Gospels testify that she saw Jesus’ execution and burial; John 19:25–26 further states that she stood by the cross, between the Virgin Mary and an anonymous Apostle whom Jesus adored.She went to the tomb on Easter morning with two other ladies after seeing where Jesus had been laid to rest (Mark 15:47).

  • They anointed the body of Jesus.
  • When Mary saw that the tomb was empty, she immediately went to the disciples.
  • She returned with St.
  • Peter, who was taken aback and abandoned her.
  1. In the next vision, Christ came to Mary and, according to John 20:17, commanded her to inform the Apostles that he was on his way to the Father.
  2. The Gospels depict Mary to be a woman of action and practicality.
  3. For Origen and other early textual interpreters, she was distinguished from the mystical Mary of Bethany, who anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair (John 12:3–7), as well as from the penitent woman whose sins Jesus pardoned in exchange for anointing him in a similar manner (Luke 7:37–48).

Similarly, the Eastern Church makes a distinction between the three; nevertheless, once they were recognized as one and the same by St.Gregory the Great, Mary Magdalene’s cult grew in popularity in the Western world.Since then, this identification has been called into question, and current experts believe that the three ladies are separate from one another.

  • Pre-Christians and early Christians who thought that matter is evil and redemption can only be achieved by a select group of enlightened individuals by faith alone considered her as a channel of hidden revelation, as depicted in their Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Philip, and Pistis Sophia texts.
  • Tradition holds that Mary traveled with St.
  • John the Evangelist to Ephesus (located near modern-day Selçuk, Turkey), where she died and was buried.
  • It is said in French folklore that she evangelized Provence (now southeastern France) and spent her last 30 years in an Alpine grotto.

This is a fabrication.She is said to have been John’s wife, according to medieval mythology.Melissa Petruzzello was the person who most recently improved and updated this article.

Raising of the son of the widow of Nain – Wikipedia

It is written in Luke 7 that Jesus performed a miracle on behalf of a widow of Nain (or Naim), and that he raised her son from the dead.Jesus arrived in the town of Nain during the funeral rites of a widow’s son, and the young man was resurrected from the dead by the presence of God.(See also Luke 7:11–17.) Two kilometers south of Mount Tabor, in the town of Nain, lies the setting for this story.This is the first of three miracles performed by Jesus in the canonical gospels in which he raises the dead; the other two miracles are the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter and the rising of Lazarus, respectively.

Biblical account

The miracle is recounted as follows: 11 Shortly after, Jesus traveled to a town named Nain, where He was joined by His followers and a huge multitude of people.12 And as He arrived at the town’s main entrance, a funeral procession was about to leave.A young guy had died, his mother’s sole son, and she was now a widow as a result of his death.She was accompanied by a huge group of people from the community.Thirteenth, when the Lord saw her, His heart was moved with compassion for her, and He told her, ″Do not be sad.″ 14 Then He stepped up to the casket and placed His hand on it, while the pallbearers stood still.

  • ″Young man, I say to thee, arise!″ Jesus exclaimed to the dead man as he rose from the grave.
  • And he who had been dead rose to his feet and started to speak, and Jesus returned him to his mother.
  • 16 After that, they were all struck with awe and admiration for God’s might.
  • It was then that they declared, ″A great prophet has risen among us,″ and ″God has come to His people.″ 17 The word of Jesus’ death and resurrection spread over the entire country and neighboring territories.


The miracle took place at the Widow’s Son Church in Nain, which is located on the location of the miracle.Fred Craddock believes that the raising of the son of the widow of Zarephath by the Old Testament prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17) serves as a model for this miracle since there are various parallels in the details, particularly certain language parallelism, between the two miracles.The raising of the son of the lady of Shunem (2 Kings 4) by Elisha is likewise eerily similar, as is the reaction of the people to Elisha’s actions.In particular, the location of Nain is extremely close to Shunem, which has been associated with contemporary Sulam, according to historical records.As Sinclair Ferguson points out, this is an example of a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of redemption.

  • He gets to the conclusion that the pattern repeats ″Jesus Christ, the great prophet, brings this to its logical conclusion by healing not just by delegated authority from God, but also on his own authority, without the need of ceremonies or prayers, but rather with a single word of power.
  • Here is the almighty God and Saviour of Israel, shown in the flesh for all to see ″…..
  • After losing both her husband and her only kid, the woman in the story had no one left to rely on to provide for her.
  • Given that she was unable to pass on the property to her children, the death of her lone son would have forced her to rely on the generosity of more distant relatives and neighbours.
  1. It is important to note that both this episode, and the one preceding it, of Jesus curing the Centurion’s servant (Luke 7:1–10) serve as foreshadowing of Jesus’ assurance to the imprisoned John the Baptist (7:19) that He actually is, ‘the one who is to come,’ since, ″the dead have been risen.″ (7:22).

See also

  • The ministry of Jesus
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